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Giantkin Clans
Giantkin Clans is an Official GemStone IV Document, and it is protected from editing.
Giantkin Clans and Tribes
T'Kirem Bear Clan
Armband: "a solid vultite armband"
- You see a solid vultite armband with a small picture in the center and some words below it. The engraved image is of a giantman warrior wrestling bare-handed with a bear. The stamped words below it read, "T'Kirem Bear Clan".
- Strong, enduring, and proud, the Bear Clan produces only the finest warriors. It is rumored their rites of initiation are almost inhumane. They typically offer only warrior as a life pursuit, but a few others have been known to slip through the ranks for training to become rangers. Only warriors, with the occasional rogue or ranger, will be acknowledged as Bear Clan members.
Brief History/Notes:
- T'Kirem is the oldest giantman clan, with verbal histories and legends dating back to the middle of the Second Age. While the verbal histories leave dates fuzzy at best, most scholars place giantfolk clans around 20,000 years old.
- The name "T'Kirem Bear Clan" was self-proclaimed after their first chieftain's death. The chieftain, Kiremgrea, possessed the characteristics of a bear (whether this was gained because he was a were-bear, or he was blessed by that totem of strength and took its attributes, no one knows for sure. There are tales of both.). For the rite of passage from boyhood into manhood, the would-be warriors would have to go and wrestle Kiremgrea in his bearskin cloak. Should he deem them worthy, they were allowed to pass into manhood and become warriors. If not, he bade them practice another year or two and try again. After his death, the Warmaster and Kiremgrea's widow spoke with the clan and decided how they were to commit his passing to memory. First, they added T' to a shortened version of his name and adopted it for their clan. Second, the rite of passage was adjusted - instead of fighting the chief in bearskin, they would fight bears. Fortunes have often offered Kiremgrea's reincarnation as a bear, and the clan wanted to make him proud of the young warriors.
- T'Kirem is the "primary" clan as far as giantman clans go. If there is something to be decided on for all the giantfolk, the Bear Clan Chieftain and the Warmaster come to an agreement, then lay the law for all the clans.
- Known Location: Southeast Dragonspine, west of ShadowGuard.
- Special Event: Founding of the Clans
- Famous People: Kiremgrea (binder)
- This small tribe is vast in its migration, moving generally throughout the south-central Dragonspine. In essence, all giantmen tribes originated from the Lanik'tal. More than any other tribe, the Lanik'tal are a tight-knit and extended family of descendants of the clan binder, Kiremgrea. The Lanik'tal stand in a position of high power and authority among all tribes and clans. They are not seen as royals, nor do the Lanik'tal ascribe to such, but as children of the bear, the Lanik'tal are the most revered and powerful of any tribes.
- There is no evidence that the Lanik'tal have directly gone to war with another race in the last millennium, instead leaving the brunt of the territorial battles to their brethren. The Lanik'tal have acted as mediators between the tribes, preferring instead to tend to their herds. They are typically not aggressors but will freely and happily step up to the plate of any confrontation. The Lanik'tal are proud, staunch, and just, but they believe above all that war is a necessary function of the giantman life and accept this as such. The High Chieftain, or Tallon Sareglon, is chosen not by a council but by successes in the pit -- He who reigns the most victories over the bear is made Head of the Clans.
- The current Tallon Sareglon is named Kalimor Wenger, whose father was the late Samnas Wenger, a famed warrior in his day. Kalimor's ties to the Obanmenas clan have been strengthened by the marriage of his sister, Soraga, to the Warmaster of the Giantmen, named Gervai. In recent years, his daughter Lyudmila Nikeshtal, married to Agnarson Nikeshtal, has risen to Lorekeeper of the Clan.
- Lyudmila Nikeshtal is the daughter of Kalimor Wenger and has risen in recent years from the ranks of the weavers to the official Lorekeeper of the T'Kirem Bear Clan. She began gathering from the ancients of her people old words, tales, and bits of spoken history at an early age, utilizing these pieces of knowledge in her Tartan Initiative to honor all the clans. Later, she studied every bit of written history she could find. At a moot of all the T'Kirem tribes, Lyudmila made a bold move and challenged those present by calling out the misnomer of the moniker "Highman" stating in her impassioned speech: "These are terms we have allowed ourselves to be labeled with, Highmen or Giantmen, but it is not who we of the T'Kirem are. We are men and women of the high places, but we are also those who were borne anew by the flame. We have traveled far and wide, never losing our connected spirits. We know the truth of who we are as a people. Are we not all kith and kin? Is there one among us that does not have relatives with another clan or tribe? Allowing ourselves to continue to be referred to in this fashion is less than half of what we are. We are descendants of the Skyfinders, the Dundan Kindrat, and it is time we return our gaze to the skies and guide the way." Shortly thereafter, many of the T'Kirem began calling themselves Kindred, which is a blended Saramar and Pre-Saramar word that means "the flame that lives."
- Known Location: Rockspear Mountains, Central Dragonspine.
- Special Event: Sunfist Treaty
- Famous People: Warmasters
- The Obanmenas are the largest of the tribes and occupy a central position above the Dragonspine. Like their brothers, the Lanik'tal, the Black Fang tribe also runs an east-west migration route, typically spending the winters in the west and summers, central to east. The Obanmenas are known to wear highly decorative costumes during their ceremonial battles, including massive headdresses of feathers, hide, and bone. Warmasters, or Kireshan, of the T'Kirem Clans typically come from the Obanmenas, which helps to balance the power between the often feisty tribes.
- Elk is the primary herd animal of the Obanmenas's focus, but they also track and follow rakka, cougars, and other native animals. The temperate valleys between the numerous crags of the DragonSpine provide ample warmth and protection from what would otherwise be a harsh climate. Herding, however, is not the primary focus for the Obanmenas. They are above all, warriors. Their activities and rites of adulthood are almost inhumane, but it is firmly believed only the best of warriors can endure such trials.
- Known Location: Mountains east of Yuriqen.
- Special Event: Highman Games at Jirkirl's Hilltop
- Spending their winters in the west-central Dragonspine, these giants are primarily cold-weather roamers who prefer to remain mostly isolated. Their yearly social time comes during the Highman Games where for centuries the Shantira and the Highmen have gathered for the winter battle. Their efforts are facilitated by the Issimir for the Games, and as a result, a number of alliances with the Ogre Clan have swelled in recent centuries. The winter home for the Shantira remains somewhere east of Pinefar, and they are the closest giantmen to the Wsalamir's rumored territory.
- Known Location: West-Central Dragonspine. Includes the mountains east of Yuriqen, the Dragach Barony of the Turamzzyrian Empire, and the Rockspear Mountain range.
- Special Events: Sunfist Treaty, Highman Games at Jirkirl's Hilltop
- Famous People: Telimnar Tafali, Fasthr K'Tafali, founder of the first Voln Monastery.
- The Highmen were once willing deserters of the Grot'Karesh Clan who left shortly before the rise of the Kannalan Empire to the north. They wandered for many years before settling near Tor Aganrahk Mountain located between today's Wehnimer's Landing and Solhaven. The kingdom that rose, called Mirshan, was excluded from much of the rest of the Empire until its abandonment in the 39th century. At its height, the kingdom featured a vast and beautiful palace called the Sarahk. Its leaders included the famous Telimnar, whose bust once stood as a memorial to his people deep within the caverns of Tor Aganrahk. The founder of the Voln Monastery, Fasthr k'Tafali, was a descendant of the great Telimnar and founded his movement near Kedshold, many years after his family's kingdom had collapsed. With the fall of the Kannalan Empire, Chaston's Edict was more strictly enforced. Due to this, most Highmen moved northeast from Kedshold toward the modern-day Barony of Dragach on the eastern outskirts of the Turamzzyrian Empire.
- Like their T'Kirem brethren, the Highmen are primarily semi-nomadic and move with the seasons. They spend their summers in the Dragach region, while in the winter most move northward toward the Rockspear Mountains in the Dragonspine (located near the Sylvan Forests) to participate in the Games at Jirkirl's Hilltop. Relations with the other tribes and clans are quite good, and it is common for the Highmen to house traveling Ishan from their former clan, the Grot'Karesh. For this reason, much information is passed back to the Grot'Karesh.
- There is little to speak of in terms of racial relations, save for that of the Dragach Barony in the human empire. As a minor province, Dragach has been mostly ignored by the Empire, and its people have come to rely on the trade alliances their relationship with the Highmen have allowed. The meshing of cultures has resulted in a largely unique way of life for both the citizens of Dragach and the Highmen, as each has developed unique clothing quite suitable to the terrain. Kilts, dyed in various patterns and styles, are worn in place of breeches or pants. This is usually accompanied by knee-high hard-sole boots of some kind, as well as a hard-leather pouch worn in front called a sporran. A sturdy shirt and a full-length woolen cloak of some kind round out the outfit. Many of them prefer two-handed weapon styles, but by far the favored weapon by Highmen is the claidhmore. They are not especially magical, though some of the "grot" has crept up now and again. Due to the Highmen's exclusivity among the T'Kirem, these minor magical infractions are typically overlooked.
- This tribe was removed from the T'Kirem Clan following the defeat at Kragsfell and was absorbed into the Grishknel Clan.
Wsalamir Arctic Clan
- Rumored Location: A month's walk north of Icemule Trace, with their nearest neighbors consisting of the Shantira T'Kirem and the Vaikalimara.
- Special Events: Battle of Maelshyve
- Famous People: Chieftain Aemarlantea (binder), Mishka, Kantoran, Eahnimaki
Armband: "a thick rhimar armband"
- You see a thick rhimar armband with an image carved into the metal. The carving is of a huge, cloaked giantman with a wounded wendigo reaching up with a hand to the moon behind him. The words "Wsalamir Arctic Clan" are etched below the scene.
- The Wsalamir are likely the most secluded of the known Clans. They reside up in the center of the Dragonspine Mountains, northeast of Icemule Trace by roughly a month's travel. Not much is known about this clan, save that the members are very in tune with nature, some to the point of being able to alter it. Many of the members choose not to speak, but if they do it is in quiet, deep tones.
Brief History/Notes:
- The first appearance of the Wsalamir was the Battle of Maelshyve. They sent a small group of highly skilled fighters at the request of the Warmaster to reinforce the front lines. As they do not speak much, it was difficult to find out anything about how long they had traveled, from where, and what their orders were. About the only useful information that was gained was that they were absolutely deadly with the huge weapons they brought with them and that they had told their loved ones goodbye before coming to the battle. They fought with the kind of reckless abandon that was held by no personal ties.
- The Wsalamir are close-mouthed about their origins. Thus their location, their ties with nature, and their skills are mostly unknown, except through rumor and second- to third-hand recitation.
- It is widely believed the Wsalamir hold deep resentment against the people of the north, including the elves of Ta'Ardenai. It is also believed that the Wsalamir may hold the Grishknel in ill regard, but that is speculation at best and is presently unfounded.
- An Ishan named Gildenaus brought back a story of the Wsalamir, who took him in for a time to refine their knowledge of fire elementalism. Per the tomes at the Great Library of Kilanirij, the diary stated this:
- "He brought his hands up to the air. He muttered something I could not understand. When the ice made a keening cry after his noises, he summarily clapped his hands above his head. Fire was borne, just like that."
- Among the Wsalmir there are some that they enjoy passing in what they call a Spiral. These "spirals" are when their migration patterns overlap with those of another group. One particularly well-spoken of spiral is that of the passing down from the mountains to several alpine glades in the northern sections of the Eastern Dragonspine Mountains. The Wsalmir spiral overlaps with that of sylvankind. It is said their spirals cross paths twice a year, once descending and once ascending.
Grishknel Wolf Clan
Armband: "a dark glaes armband"
- You see a slim glaes armband, stained to a dark color. Etched into the center of the band is a small picture of an amber-eyed wolf shrouded in a shadowy forest. Lightly engraved lettering below the picture says "Grishknel Wolf Clan".
- This somewhat broody clan is most well known for its scouts and rogues. The mental image of a giantman sneaking anywhere may be difficult, but you probably wouldn't be able to see a hiding member of this clan in an open field until they tapped you on the shoulder. This clan is most often employed in the quiet garnering of information and setting ambushes.
Brief History/Notes:
- This clan formed early on in the Second Age from members of the T'Kirem clan. Their first chieftain, Baklarin, took those who favored stealth instead of toe-to-toe fighting and moved them to the southern tip of the Dragonspine mountains. This location gave them ample space to practice the art of stealth and to begin to gain power through the trade of information with Ta'Nalfein.
- The Wolf Clan also specializes in stealth and mechanical aptitude, thus giving rogues precedence in its ranks. Others displaying the proper skills of hiding and stalking are allowed, but it is no secret that rogues are the favored class here.
Stealth and Diplomacy
- Sliding through the woods unannounced, the Grishknel giants are not herders, but hunters. Prey is handled with merciless dedication. Targets may be stalked for days. Yet, a particular humanity, respect, or reverence for life is present; the hunt is ruthless, but death is served quickly. If the Grishknel hunter cannot make his mark without cleanliness, he would sooner pass the target by than sully the creature's remaining moments with agony. In this, the Grishknel are tenacious, yet patient and compassionate, but only for some.
- In the events surrounding the Wsalamir and the Wendigo, the Grishknel plied their own ideas on diplomacy. The human few accounts that remained indicated the Grishknel were probably paid a decent sum to avenge the capture of the Wendigo. When the beast was not freed and the night fell, the Wsalamir knew they had been bested; the morning came, the Wendigo was free; the people mostly dead and a lingering conflict there was not! The scouts of the Grishknel finally arranged a truce between the Wsalamir and the humans of that small village. Rumors of the disappearance of the self-proclaimed human leader's daughter suggest the Grishknel are apt in their stealth. Abductions and assassinations by the Grishknel are not against the usual mindset, as their compassion is mostly reserved for animals-- and themselves.
- As traders of information, the Grishknel giants and Nalfein elves have made some uncommon bonds. The Duredine tribe of the Grishknel often provides information to the Nalfein about human activity over the DragonSpine. In return, the Grishknel of the Night Sun tribe may provide similar information to the humans, though their overall relations are very, very tenuous due to the conflicts at Kragsfell which led the Baloran tribe of the T'Kirem to join with the Wolf Clan. The Baloran tribe is mostly removed from the external information trade business, instead passing information between the other two tribes. As traders of goods, the Baloran Tribe has come to forge and trade metals for the creation of picks, traps, and above all, weaponry.
- The mechanical aptitude of the Grishknel led to the specialization of a variety of locksmithing implements, including the crafting of locks-- and picks as well. They are well known for their fine picks and even more intricate locks.
- It is common for a skilled locksmith to become quite wealthy by way of making locks for the cargo moved by the Issimir. As a result, the Issimir and the Grishknel (especially the Baloran) have good relations.
- Known Location: Southern Dragonspine, eastward toward Ta'Nalfein.
- Founder: Baklarin
- Special Event: Kragsfell
- Known as the head tribe of the Clan, the Duredine giantmen typically inhabit a wide swath of land west of Ta'Nalfien, across the Dragonspine, and into the mountains. They have been known to occupy the western and central Dragonspine as well, occasionally grouping with their brethren of the Night Sun tribe to barter and trade. The Duredine tribe is best known for its role in the battle at Kragsfell, where a distinct displeasure for the bloodthirstiness of the T'Kirem caused significant strife between the clans and tribes. In the battle, the Duredine were employed to scout out the imperial human troops. When the focus and tactics of the campaign changed, the Grishknel withdrew their support. The Warmaster of the T'Kirem momentarily charged the scouts with the abandonment of brethren, but when the whole of the Baloran tribe was excommunicated as a result of the failing battle, the Duredine's transgressions were readily overlooked.
Night Sun
- Known Locations: North and West Dragonspine, between Talador and Pinefar.
- Special Event: Negotiations between the Wsalamir and Templeton.
- Highly nomadic, the Night Sun Tribe of the Grishknel's nearest neighbors include the Shantira Tribe of the T'Kirem, a bevy of Issimir Ogre kegritshas, and a steadily decreasing number of Araime Sun tribes. It may seem a trifle, based on the diametrics of their names, but it is said the Night Sun tribe is at significant odds with a number of the Araime Sun tribes. The Araime, in this case, a burgeoning off-shoot of the Leikas Creek tribe, were stalked by the Night Sun for weeks due to encroachment on seasonal hunting grounds. The young Araime refused to back down, and as a result a small band of scouts killed the small family. In a peculiar twist, however, the Night Sun renamed the vale in which the murders took place. Known today as the Tumul Keg, this "Bloody Vale" has become a most favored staging ground for fall roosts and hunts.
- Rumors persist among other clans and tribes that the Night Sun specializes in assassination and kidnapping, but the stories are mostly unfounded. Above all, most giantmen presume the Night Sun members to be lacking in scruples or deranged, yet oddly meticulous and compassionate. To this extent, they are viewed as emotionally unstable or irrational-- Quite unlike the Duredine.
- Known Locations: North of Shartenal Range (Western Dragonspine)
- Special Event: Kragsfell
- Famous People: Chieftain T'Syranak, Chieftain Yunnag-sihr, Yunnag-sihr Bol
- Formerly of the T'Kirem Clan, this tribe was essentially dismissed from its parent clan after the willing employment of stealthy and subversive tactics in the battle over the Shartenal Mountains, also known as Kragsfell. After Kragsfell, it is believed the Baloran Tribe moved somewhat northward, although the exact migration routes are unclear. Their assemblage under the clan of the Grishknel is loose at best, and they continue to serve as tacticians of war. Three years ago, members of the Baloran Tribe arrived at the peak of Sunfist for the yearly memorial; instead of fighting on the side of their patriate brothers, the Baloran assisted the dwarves. The mock battle's formation was received with great confusion.
Issimir Ogre Clan
Armband: "a solid silver armband"
- You see a solid silver armband with an uncut ruby pressed into the outer part of the band. The words "Issimir Ogre Clan" are lightly etched into the metal to either side of the gem.
- For the most part, this clan has become sedentary, passing over their need to roam for a pouch full of silver and a warm hearth at night. They are the merchants of the clans and are well known for their shrewd practices (and strong-arm tactics, in the case of loan repayment). When the taking of a city or the building of one involves giantmen, the run of the place is often assisted by an Issimir upon completion. Issimir who still feel the need to roam often become mercenaries of one kind or another.
- Like the Araime, the Issimir Clan possesses a multitude of groups within it. They are arranged in sedent to semi-nomadic families, and within each of those is the kegritsha, or highest blood-bond pack of companions. The kegritsha is often formed in the giant's youth and will typically involve a brother or sister and those of his nearby cousins.
Brief History/Notes:
- Special Event: The Issimir formed shortly after the battle at the fortress ShadowGuard. Some of their founders were the giantkin sent to rebuild the areas surrounding Ta'Vaalor struck by the advancing Undead hordes, while many of the others were sent to help bury the dead from the battle. Those of the Issimir Ogre Clan have appeared in many different major events to some degree: the burial of Kalaza, assisting the founding of Wehnimer's Landing, the maintenance of Icemule Trace. Usually they prefer to be in some sort of financial advisory, although clan members have also worked as merchant guild administrators, open market security, bank guards, or locker transportation.
- In the past, Issimir giantmen have assisted in the formation of a variety of trade and building projects including the Icemule Bank, the Northern Caravansary near the Landing, the outer walls of Ta'Vaalor, and even Pinefar's post. As trade assistants near Yuriqen, the Issimir have eked out an important and integral position that secures the viability of many: They act as facilitators for the giants during winter migration, often providing staging grounds for hunts and camping. The Issimir assist the dwarves in mineral sales to the humans residing near Krinklehorn as well. They have even also been known to act as couriers for the separated parents of a vast number of half-elves who hide in the depths of the Wyrdeep. Their ability to keep a secret is above none and makes their financial advisory role very helpful to those who wish their funds to remain undisclosed. Incidentally, as shrewd businessmen, the Issimir are not above carefully orchestrated heists, either. Some Issimir kegritsha have boasted of their ability to traverse the Sea of Fire without incident to barter safe passage for Imperial troops.
Kaprea Family
- Known Location: East of the Dragonspine
- Special Event: The burials at ShadowGuard and rebuilding of Ta'Vaalor's defenses.
- Famous People: Tormala Issimir Kaprea (binder)
- The Kaprea family are located primarily east of the Dragonspine and are descendants of the clan's binder, Tormala Issimir Kaprea. The Kapreas are hardworking and opportunistic with a staunch belief that might makes right.
- Many ages ago, there was a tale of a man on a bridge in the middle of the Wylie River's bed. He would not let hide nor hair pass until he had gotten his coins. When push came to shove, the man shoved. And none passed. It went on this way for days and weeks, until finally, the backup of adventurers waiting to pass broke and each paid him a handful of coins. When his pockets were full, the giant trudged back eastward toward the Elven Nations. He got his way, and that was that.
Rakan Family
- Known Locations: Inlands near Darkstone Bay and the Sea of Fire.
- Special Event: Maintenance of Icemule Trace, the building of Wehnimer's Landing.
- Famous People: n/a
- The Rakan family is situated primarily around the populated inland near Darkstone Bay. The Rakans are responsible for assisting with the maintenance of Icemule and are often found employing the caravansary routes between Wehnimer's Landing and Solhaven. They once maintained residence near Wehnimer's Landing directly, but after years of unrest and competition from burgeoning, would-be merchants, the Rakan family chose to relocate to more viable territory, straddled in two parts between Icemule and the eastern Sea of Fire. Above all, the Rakans prefer handling money and goods. They are shrewd merchants who will always find the best deal and quickest route; the Rakans always walk away with the greatest coin. The Rakans are often in cahoots with their cousins, the Aselmoras. Marriage between the two families is quite common.
Aselmora Family
- Known Locations: Western Dragonspine
- Special Event: Highman Games at Jirkirl's Hilltop
- Famous People: Jirkirl Aselmora
- The Aselmora Issimir has settled in a variety of locations along the western rim of the Dragonspine and are presently the main force for external trade between the humans and dwarves. Neither party will readily admit a dependence on the produce of the other, but the Aselmoras handle the situation with necessary quietude. Additionally, a kegritsha of the Aselmora family are responsible for hosting the Highman Games, a popular seasonal gathering among two tribes of the T'Kirem Giantmen Clans. In outward manner, the Aselmoras are very laid-back and accommodating, but ulterior motives should always be considered.
Grot'karesh Hammer Clan
- Known Locations: Kilanirij, located on Asharikan Mountain in the west-central Southron Wastes. Also found studying in Ta'Illistim and travelling through the northwest and west-central Dragonspine.
- Famous People: Samarak the Grim (founder), among many others
- Special Event: Festival of the Dead
Armband: "a crimson glaes armband"
- You see a crimson glaes armband completely covered in Saramar runes. In the center of a small parting of the runes is a pair of crossed battle hammers, and below them the words "Grot'karesh Hammer Clan" stand out.
- It is widely believed that this band was formed shortly after the Battle of Maelshyve, in reaction to the dark events wrought there. Grot'karesh is a small clan made up primarily of giantmen who manipulate the energies, as well as a few magic-using rogues and warriors. Their outlook on life is mostly grim, believing Despana and her horrors will once again plunge Elanthia into a second Age of Chaos. Several of the clan's members are plagued by horrific visions, while others believe they are cursed in one manner or another.
Brief History/Notes:
- The origins of the Grot'karesh are sketchy, with different tales coming from different clans and geographic regions. However, there are a few common threads for the clan's founders. First, the founders were outcasts from other clans. It seems that after the Battle of Maelshyve some of the participants from Clans T'Kirem and Grishknel - the two clans who were responsible for breaking the front lines of Despana's troops - began to act in rather uncharacteristic manners. They experienced unusually high amounts of violence, hideous nightmares, brutality to kin, and in one or two cases a desire to consume blood. When it was discovered that this was happening, and after multiple attempts to reform their brethren, they were outcasts from their clan of origin. Second, after a period of wandering, they all seemed to go through some sort of physical trial. During this time they took their bodies to the limits of exertion and exhaustion. After a moon cycle going through this, if they were not dead, it is said that they underwent an unusual transformation. They were free of the urges that had overcome them, often overnight. They were also able to feel and make good use of the natural energies around them, with much more proficiency than other giantkin they came across.
- Scholars aren't sure what to make of the origins of the Hammer Clan, or their founders. The current topic of debate is whether the mannerisms the giants possessed that started the chain of events was created by the battles (hearing banshee screams over and over, particularly), the demons that the Faendryl summoned, the magics the Faendryl used to destroy the keep, or a combination of the three.
The Time of Trial
- Many years ago, the giantmen of the Grot'Karesh quite easily suffered the insanity which is now called the Time of Trial. Whether due to a fading link from the Curse they supposedly held or another factor, far fewer people suffer this affliction in today's time. For some, they may simulate the effects of this insanity through a drugged ritual, which some have said is thoroughly encouraged by the parents of Kilanirij's youth. During this arduous procedure, the giant may be drugged with roots from deep within the Waste. His hair will often turn white and the eyes, a blazing red. He will see many unreal things, be haunted by lies, and wish for nothing more than blood -- and death. None who fail this transformation are allowed to leave the city of their own volition. It is believed such allowances could shift the balance of sanity, endanger the city, or bring ill will to the world as a whole. Should an Ishan return with white hair quite unnatural to his age, he will be held skeptically; it is possible he suffered the karesh naturally in his absence and was unable to recover.
- It is believed a small amount of chaos remained in the world after Despana's defeat. This unnatural affliction tends to strike those whose blood comes from the survivors of the war; typically, the Grot'Karesh. The affliction also strikes giants totally unrelated who live in close proximity to the battlegrounds or have spent significant time in the Valley of Rhoska-Tor.
- From where did the curse originate? The Faendryl? Not necessarily. Although the Faendryl do practice the art of demon summoning, the Palestra, to this day, wholly refutes the claim that their controlled experiments lead to such results.
- Distrust of the Faendryl is not universal, but skepticism is quite common. Relations with the Dhe'nar aren't much better, but the mutual distaste of the Faendryl has staved off most potential conflicts. Whether or not the act of slavery by the Dhe'nar plays a role in their displeasure is a widely varying point of contention and debate. Of special relation to the Grot'karesh are the Highmen of the T'Kirem tribe. The Highmen are descendants of Ishan from Kilanirij who left because of a deficiency with magic. It is said that since then, Ishan and Highmen often congregate, swap lore, and information.
- The Ikkalon, or Arbiter, is the city's leader. While not restricted to males, no female has ever been chosen. The role is filled by nomination and vote of the Council of Twelve, or the Inanirij. He is typically one of the twelve and does not have the option to refuse the office. The Ikkalon takes residence in the Atsha or High End of the tower at Kilanirij. The tower's apex is open to the sky and filled with magical orbs that show visions of all reaches of the Southron Wastes. The Ikkalon's tower is where the Inanirij meet to discuss matters of governance for the city. Save for the Festival of the Dead, the Ikkalon is held in confinement within the Atsha. His sole responsibility is to be aware of all that occurs, and he will serve until death or dementia takes him.
- Acting as the mentors of many, these are the learned wisemen or Inanirij, and they help educate and guide the common men of Kilanirij. A single preceptor is called an Inamor, or Inama, if female. The position is only awarded after a significant sacrifice, including years of service to the Great Library, a decade or longer of Ishanism, and the contribution of a specialized thesis to the Great Library. As a result of these worldly men and women, those who surround the Arbitor are wise. The typical Preceptor is responsible for up to twenty apprentices and a host of families. Their duties include teaching the apprentices about magic and lore. The Preceptor is also obligated to act as the religious and social leader of a ward of families, typically located within a radius of his/her manor. As a result of these dual roles, it is not uncommon for a single Preceptor to both educate a young giantman, marry him off, and subsequently perform rites for his dead grandparents during the Festival of the Dead.
This is a personal journey. Typically running anywhere from a decade to a lifetime, familial or mentorial influence may lead to the decision to leave Kilanirij. The seekers are not just those who will return but include those who merely left. Most giants of the Grot'karesh are Ishan now, regardless of the duration of their flight. Nearly all have contributed to the Great Library, and even more studied there in their youth. The Ishan is likely to spend a decent amount of time with his former brethren, the Highmen.
Araime Sun Clan
Armband: "a shining golden armband"
- You see a shining golden armband with an image lightly etched into the metal. The scene depicts a giantman whose arms are reaching up toward the sun at mid-morning. The words, "Araime Sun Clan" are engraved directly below.
- The Araime clan is one mostly of elemental worship. They do not particularly have one class more than another...they all simply come together to revere the elements and celestial bodies. Many prefer sun worship and hold sunrise rituals to this effect. Others in the clan, though, often follow the elements of fire, water, or earth. A few even call to the moons and stars for guidance and support. The members of this clan realize it takes all kinds of people to make the world go around and are therefore extremely tolerant.
Brief History/Notes:
- Covering the entire continent, the Araime Sun Clan likes to live wherever the sun warms the ground below them. Their favorite places, however, seem to be Solhaven and River's Rest. They banded under the guidance and wisdom of Araime, who was discontent with living under the stipulations of the Bear Clan. Taking those who would accept change with grace and love all living things, they parted peacefully and began to wander the plains. The name Araime was taken from the first chieftain's surname, Fahnamor Araime, as an honor to him and his line for taking the first steps in a new direction.
The Sun Tribes are far too numerous to mention each in detail, but a small selection of the tribes is outlined here for clarity and historical context. The average tribe consists of about fifty members, typically all related by blood. It is unusual to find a tribe larger than one hundred, as the Araime more or less lack a concerted political structure by which to support larger populations. Some historians believe the Araime Clan is the largest of the giantmen Clans, but the truth lies in a clever naming system used by these people: The Araime take the name of their location for their tribe, but many travel with the seasons. Thus, any given tribe may have two names; one for the winter, and one for the summer.
The Sun Tribes
- Darkstone Bay Tribe: When Fahamor Araime left the T'Kirem Clan, he first settled on the western coast of the continent, significantly northwest of Solhaven on a stretch of coastline called Sandrun. Sandrun Coast Tribe became the first name for his tribe. In later years, Fahnamor's direct descendants chose to relocate toward the eastern coast of the Darkstone Bay, after a confrontation with a massive horde of orcs. The new location brought about the Darkstone Bay tribe, though the group still travels to Sandrun in the height of summer. It is rumored a single family from this tribe, called the Fhors, left the Darkstone Bay Tribe for a westward Isle many years ago and never returned.
- The Solhaven Bay Tribe consists of a small family of Araime Sun giantmen who help manage a small caravansary outside Solhaven. They are fairly content with the merchanting composition of their situation and as a result, do not travel much.
- Tempest Falls Tribe: Rumor holds, the Tempest Falls Tribe is not just a tribe, but the basis for a spiritual cult devoted to the green earth. Superstition claims that some fifteen generations ago, a charismatic young woman named Dinyurra Toramak was given a vision complete with the visage of a young giantman with hazel eyes and tanned skin. She was so taken by his imaginary kindness-- and beauty-- that she strove to cultivate the earth in his wake. Her aims turned awkward when she tried to claim that the man in her mind, Kuon, was the original founder of the Araime mindset. There is no evidence that this claim affected relations between the Sun Tribes, but it is worth mentioning that the name Dinyurra means "green hand," and a curious number of females in the Tempest Falls Tribe have taken it as a moniker. In the spring, the Dinyurra are known for their mystical rituals involving the amaranth and dandelion, and they consider the pairing among Kuon's favorites.
- The Eigensfier Vale Tribe tends to habitat in the forested region between the reaches of the Dragonspine Mountains and the Sylvan Forests. They are close kinsmen of the Burkeit Crag Tribe, which is located fairly nearby. The two sister tribes are known as magnificent story weavers and staunch pacifists. It is common for the youth of one tribe to spend a few seasons with the other tribe in order to help hone craft skills and develop viable and compatible moral values. Sadly, more than half of this tribe was lost when Talador fell and was twisted into the Bleaklands, for the tribe was prolific in that area.
Maeramil Wind Runners
Armband: "a thick modwir armband"
- You see a thick, modwir armband with a small scene carved into the smooth wood. The foreground of the scene shows a handaxe sticking into a fallen trunk, while the background has a field of wheat rolling on the winds of an impending storm. Below the scene the words, "Maeramil Wind Runner Clan" are engraved in the dark wood.
- The Maeramil clan really only worship one thing - the freedom a person has to do something. This clan, mostly rangers, places that gift above all else. Obviously, this leads to certain problems with people like the Krolvin and the Dhe'nar. They have always been at the forefront of any slaving activity, mercilessly punishing any that attempt to follow those ways.
Brief History/Notes:
- The Maeramil are the newest clan, their banding only dating back about 200 years. Their most significant actions to date have to do with two rather public strikes on the Krolvin: the first by a giantkin named Seirpanan, who single-handedly sunk one of the Krolvin ships after their aborted invasion of Wehnimer's Landing. The second was by the binder of the clan, Rajin Maeramil, who sank one of the two Krolvin raider ships moving inland to strike River's Rest. He unfortunately died in this action. Aside from these, the Maeramil are really too young to have had much of an impact on Elanthian history, although their attitude will certainly not exempt them from the books in the future.
- Known Location: All along the western coast of Elanith.
- Founder: Rajin Maeramil
- Focus: Abolishment of the Krolvin slave trade. May participate in freeing Tehir slaves.
- In constant pursuit of the Krolvin, the Eclipse tribe is known for their seafaring capabilities. While nowhere near as capable as the naval forces of the Turamzzyrian Empire, the small boats of the Eclipse tribe are suited for near-shore and river sieges against the Krolvin. In recent years, the emergence of half-krol has muddied the political water for the Maeramil-- Should they work to abolish the half-krol, given their ancestry, or work to free those who are still under the command and influence of the terrible Krol? Clearly, the fact this conundrum is also prevalent among the half-krol gives credence to the tumultuousness of the Maeramil mindset in recent years. The recent fall of Glaoveln has given them further cause for pause, as the pacts with Icemule Trace are being studied as of this writing.
- Known Location: Southron Wastes
- Special Event: unknown
- Focus: Strives to quell slavery and imprisonment in the Southron Wastes.
- This tribe of Maeramil is mostly unknown to the rest of the Clans, being nearly as far removed, geographically, as the Wsalamir. Rumor holds these highly nomadic activists have occasionally taken refuge at the Grot'karesh city of Kilanirij, though they typically prefer to camp in the barren wastelands, away from the scrutinizing eyes of their brethren. It is believed they spend the brunt of their time working to abolish the burdensome trade of flesh among the Dhe'nar inhabitants in the Southron Wastes. Due to the extreme sun and heat, the Firewalkers tend to be quite tanned and often have dark hair to follow.
- In recent years, an Ishan found the charred remains of a female Firewalker not far from the Yrthylain Plateau. Bringing what he could back to his city for review, it was assumed the woman was taken down by a Dhe'nar hunter and summarily cooked under the heat of Rhoska-Tor. Her identity remains unknown, but with her skeleton, the man found a smooth white stone etched with a crude butterfly. The Ishan later reported the mineral is commonly found on the western shores of the Southron Wastes and is considered by some to be a totem symbolizing eternity.
Vaikalimara Clan
Armband: "a braided mithril armband"
- You see a mithril armband, the material looped about itself and braided several times. A small sigil is pressed lightly into the widest of the braids, the marking difficult to decipher into something legible.
- Vaikalimara Clan, an all-female clan, doesn't associate much with other people, including other giantkin. It is believed that they are the handmaidens to one of the Arkati, to one of the remaining drakes, and to other various unseen powers. It's also believed that they are very likely all insane.
Brief History/Notes:
- The Vaikalimara Clan lives up in the Northern Steppes, between the eastern edge of the Dragonspine Mountains and Ta'Ardenai. Their origin is unknown, although the first members were undoubtedly from T'Kirem.
- As they are an all-female clan, they cannot reproduce within themselves. To gain new clan members, they take fallen giantwomen from the field when they have died or would have died if not given healing and return them to their holds. Then the giantkin is healed or resurrected and introduced to their surroundings and their new clan members. Once healed, the initiate is trained in axe work (double-bit and throwing axes usually), stealth, and various other skills. Strangely, for whatever reason, the initiate never chooses to return to her former life, instead staying to eventually become a full member of the ranks.
- This clan is removed from all other Clan interaction, standings, and orders.
- Recently unearthed journals have led to a windfall of new information about this relatively unknown clan.
OOC Information/Notes
- The original creation date of this document is unknown.
- Original Clan and Tribe Names, as well as Clan explanations, were written by GM Ursus.
- Contributors to the Tribes portion of this document appear to be GM Vaschka, GM Talisker, GM Scribes.
- Modernized, updated, and modified to reflect changes in the past 15 years by GM Thandiwe.