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Rumor Woods Teasers Archive by The TownCrier
New items, shops, services, and features are released often at Rumor Woods, sometimes only for Rumor Woods. The TownCrier Team will be keeping track of these teasers and their release dates here for posterity.
Because ... sometimes you just want to know!
The 2024 Rumor Woods Event (April 19th- May 5th) includes:
- Pixie/Fox hunt
- Jousting
- Shopping
- Mounts
- Summit Academy Customizations at Elenesse Atelier - signature verbs, custom swears, features, spell preps, spell customizations, log-in and log-out messaging
- Weight Reduction provided by the Seamstress at Couturier's Retreat: This once-a-year service will apply a percentage of weight reducing to your favorite container/s. The higher the percentage, the higher the cost to have this done.
- Flare Add-ons
- Rolton races?
Quick Links
- Shop Listings at Rumor Woods 2024
- Main Rumor Woods Article
- 2024 Saved Posts
- Areas of Interest at Rumor Woods
- Review Shop Listings from previous years (for the curious)
- Rumor Woods Adjustments & Bug Fixes (Discord)
Shop Listing
Closed from 2023
New for 2024 Rumor Woods
A Tale of Two Gnomes
New lore for Rumor Woods!
Discussion Link: Discord
New Customizations
All previous offerings will have a new home that will be announced at a future date, 660 customizations at Rumor Woods this year are brand new across a range of spells and other items including urchin guides.
Elenesse Atelier
A small handful of Ornathian vendors from the Agora Promenade will be offering automated item alteration services, the Papermaker at Enlightened Pages and I Dream of Geology Series at Merited Metalworks, and finally: something new at Little Ticker.
Eternal Wedding Verbs debut
Starting this Rumor Woods, the Eternal Wedding Verbs will be available for purchase. You can purchase the wedding verbs alone (a gold-edged certificate) or you can purchase the various wedding packages (Deluxe – a gold-edged ebon marriage license, Choice – a silver-edged ebon marriage license, or Classic – a copper-edged ebon marriage license).
New Mounts revealed
- Common: Dragonspine beetle, giraffe stag beetle
- Uncommon: longhorn beetle, elephant beetle, goliath beetle
- Rare: rhinoceros beetle - will create a mechanical flower
- Common: wolf spider, velvet spider
- Uncommon: birdeater, huntsman, tarantula
- Rare: orbweaver - will spin metallic-hued yarn
In addition, Donkeys, Mules, and Zebras have been added to the equestrian options! These animals bray and plod.
Teaser: Discord
2024 Tourney Titles
Beetle Titles
- 100 Wins for Beetle: Coppery Scion of the Clattering Wings
- 500 Wins for Beetle: Clockwork Knight of the Bloodied Scarab
- Victor Title for Beetle: Gear-worked Engineer of the Ineffable Swarm
- Loser Title for Beetle (Spider wins): Crushed Gadgeteer of the Sable-stomped Throng
Spider Titles
- 100 Wins for Spider: Shadowed Leg of the Skittering Spider
- 500 Wins for Spider: Clockwork Knight of the Sable Arachnid
- Victor Title for Spider: Sable-shadowed Inventor of the Clockwork Brood
- Loser Title for Spider (Beetle wins): Conquered Manipulator of the Clicking Web
Teaser: Discord
Tourney Vault and Claim boxes
Coming April 23rd, expect to see CLAIM GIFT and CLAIM EVENT active. This event's Tourney Vault will be similar to February's Battle Vault at 6,500 simucoins, with some quality of life improvements and a new ANALYZE added, and will contain the following:
- Two 25-entry markers (SimuCoin Store Event Entries)
- 90-use death's sting salve (SimuCoin Store Utility Items)
- a hollow metal exoskeleton (Special Item - used to build a mechanical beetle/spider spinner)
- a patent of nobility (+50% experience boost for 30 days)
Teaser: Discord MechSpinner details: Discord
Creative Couture
Following in the vein of Veolas and Deck the Halls, this new script from GM Elysani will allow you to create worn items with up to nine customizable sides depending on what is attached. Even fishing lures!
Teaser: Discord
Artistic Expressions - Face painting kit, Custom face paint, and Replica face paint
New paintstick systems and storage, as well as Clockwerke and Beetle vs. Spider inspired designs!
Teaser: Discord
Look At Me Jewelry pliers
Similar to the Jeweler's Pliers, these new pliers will allow you to add the Look At Me Jewelry script to existing items at tier 1.
Teaser: Discord
Two new Moody Garments moods
A refreshed Tempered Threads brings this year's new additions: joyfully cheerful and confident determination.
Teaser: Discord
Two new Papermaker tiers
Tier six will unlock the abilities to create butcher paper for wrapping food items and bags for hiding bottles, while tier seven allows the papermaker to create a small variety of specialized organic writing materials.
Teaser: Discord
Least Moods Flourish
If you think lesser is better than greater, get ready for least! Available at The Starry Lotus for 2,500 raikhen, this new weapon and armor mood is applied via flourish certificate with no GM intervention, while leaving the script and subscript slots available, with some compatibility provisos as always.
- Least moods provide identical messaging and similar functionality to Lesser Armor and Weapon Mood, and should work with (nearly) anything eligible for lesser moods
- The item's script and subscript can have custom messaging for GET, WEAR, or REMOVE, but cannot trap those verbs for complex functionality
- Confirmed to work with: Sigil Staff, Mana-Infused Armor, Briar flare items, Voln armor, Forest Armor, Spore Staff, Spore Bow, Parasite weapon, Parasite Armor, Sprite Weapon, Sprite Armor, Rotflares and Flare affinity
- Confirmed incompatible with: Realm Weapon
Teaser: Discord
Little Ticker
Available at the shop of the same name, these new devices will allow you to run raffles for up to 99 individuals at will, customizable in appearance and content with the addition of a Life Aquatic Sea Critter, a Bugs on Parade Insect, or a Flower Press Flower in combination with a writable ticket from a papermaker.
- Winners are not required to be in game
- One winner per raffle, ticker must be CLEANED and new tickets issued in order to draw another raffle
- Tickets produced are unscripted
News and Updates
- Thandiwe announces the Battle of the Beetle and the Spider! The event colors are: a copper beetle on a field of turquoise and a sable spider upon a field of crimson. The mounts will be Clockwerke beetles and spiders. Discord
- Elenesse Atelier, a new Manor House has opened at Summit Academy. Located in the center of the southeastern path of the Ellipse, Elenesse Atelier has some unique offerings. More details will be shared in the coming days. Discord
- The enhancive hiders at What Remains and tourney containers of Container Yourself have been updated with this year's theme with beetles and spiders! Discord
- The Knight Way has been updated for tournament themed items: Discord
- Papermaker updated with a new articles and nouns, including splodgy as well as improved reservoirs and some quality of life improvements. Wiki / Discord
- In preparation for all the new customizations at this year's Rumor Woods, the limit of available customizations under the Player Customization System has been raised to 150. Discord
- One new unlockable tier for the Mini Smelter adds options for a chatelaine, back pendant, and ring/band. Wiki / Discord
- Urchin Guide options have been updated on the wiki. Discord
This page was last updated on Tuesday, April 16, 2024 at 5:20:03 AM GMT.