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Dark shambler

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Dark shambler
Dark shambler Colored.jpg
Level 17
Family Humanoid family creatures
Body Type Biped
Classification(s) Living
Area(s) Found Plains of Bone
Temple of Hope
Vornavian Coast
HP 200
Attack Attributes
Physical Attacks
Two-handed sword 175 AS
Defense Attributes
Cuirbouilli Leather ASG 10
Defensive Strength (DS)
Melee 104 - 112
Ranged 97 - 114
Bolt 94
Unarmed Defense Factor
UDF 121
Target Defense (TD)
Bard Base 51
Cleric Base 51
Empath Base 51
Paladin Base 51
Ranger Base 51
Sorcerer Base 51
Wizard Base 51
Minor Elemental 51
Major Elemental 51
Minor Spiritual 51
Major Spiritual 51
Minor Mental 51
Treasure Attributes
Coins Yes
Gems Yes
Magic Items Yes
Boxes Yes
Skin a glistening black eye
Very little of the dark shambler is not thickly muscled.  This squat humanoid lumbers through the countryside, surveying the world through glistening black eyes.  Were it not for the eyes, the dark shambler could almost be taken for a shadow from a distance, for its skin is also entirely black.  The eyes glisten eerily, though, while the rest of the dark shambler is a flat shade of charcoal that appears to absorb the light more than reflect it.

Hunting strategies

Dark shamblers in the Plains of Bone area wear brigandine armor (ASG 12).

Other information

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Behind the Scenes

In the I.C.E. Age these were known as "black stalkers." In the Rolemaster bestiaries they are assassins possessed by demons, who will relentlessly hunt down their victims forever, much like a shadow assassin or the dark assassin. Still more similar would be a black reaver, though much less dangerous. When they were first implemented back in 1990 the black stalkers were one of the most powerful creatures in GemStone III.

Near-level creatures - edit
Level 15 Level 16 Level 17 Level 18 Level 19
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