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Elder ghoul master

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Elder ghoul master
Level 18
Family Ghoul family creatures
Body Type Biped
Classification(s) Corporeal undead
Area(s) Found The Graveyard
HP 160
Attack Attributes
Physical Attacks
Claidhmore 128 AS
Defense Attributes
Brigandine Armor ASG 12
Defensive Strength (DS)
Melee 58 - 148
Unarmed Defense Factor
Target Defense (TD)
Bard Base
Cleric Base
Empath Base
Paladin Base
Ranger Base
Sorcerer Base
Wizard Base
Minor Elemental 54
Major Elemental 54
Minor Spiritual
Major Spiritual
Minor Mental
Treasure Attributes
Coins Yes
Gems Yes
Magic Items Yes
Boxes Yes
Skin a ghoul master claw
The elder ghoul master is a mass of blackened muscle in humanoid form.  Striding boldly upright and with a determined gaze, the elder ghoul master marches through the world of the dead, seeking the bodies of the recently deceased.  Though, in fact, dead itself, its putrid breath reveals its consumption of a steady diet of decayed flesh.  If none can be found, the elder ghoul master is more than happy to cause the living to become the recently deceased.

Hunting strategies

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Other information

They are an uncommon spawn in the burial mound, along with ancient ghoul masters. They wield blackened claidhmores and wear blackened brigandine. The claidhmores and brigandine are cursed. The ancient ghoul masters carry blackened battle axes and wear blackened plate which are also cursed.


Near-level creatures - edit
Level 16 Level 17 Level 18 Level 19 Level 20
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