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Ghoul master

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Ghoul master
Level 16
Family Ghoul family creatures
Body Type Biped
Classification(s) Corporeal undead
Area(s) Found The Graveyard
Plains of Bone
HP 145
Attack Attributes
Physical Attacks
Bite 137 AS
Claw 147 AS
Pound (attack) 137 AS
Defense Attributes
Double Chain ASG 14
Defensive Strength (DS)
Melee 81
Bolt 38
Unarmed Defense Factor
UDF 211
Target Defense (TD)
Bard Base 48
Cleric Base 48
Empath Base
Paladin Base 48
Ranger Base 48
Sorcerer Base 48
Wizard Base
Minor Elemental 48
Major Elemental 48
Minor Spiritual 48
Major Spiritual
Minor Mental 48
Treasure Attributes
Coins Yes
Gems Yes
Magic Items Yes
Boxes Yes
Skin a ghoul finger
Broader and taller then the more common ghouls, this one stands with some cold bearing of command and power.  Tattered rags of velvet and silk still drape the corrupt form and a keen light of evil will and force dominates the ruined face now rotting and festered.  The aura of its power tingles along your nerves and brings a cold sweat to your brow as you gaze into eyes, now vacant, which seem to stare back at you with cruel disdain.

The ghoul master is large in size and about seven feet high in its current state.

Hunting strategies

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Other information

A chill, clammy wind whips by, and in a flash of sulfurous vapor, a ghoul master appears!

The master growls vilely!
A ghoul master mutters a chant!

A ghoul master gestures at you!
  CS: +88 - TD: +258 + CvA: +6 + d100: +50 - -5 == -109
  Warded off!

Behind the Scenes

In the I.C.E. Age these were called "ghoul kings", and were also found in Castle Claedesbrim. Those in The Graveyard use gorcrows as familiars to scout for trespassers to be converted into more ghouls. Ghoul kings were likely a specially made form of undead rather than the natural progression of Ghoul Rot as the lesser ghoul ages, which gradually become greater ghouls over the years. They did not exist in Rolemaster. The later extension of the burial mound introduced a "saucer-shaped depression" which may refer to the "slight bowl-like depression" from The Mound, which appears to be the basis of Shadow Valley, providing a second underworld passage which was not part of the design of The Graveyard. The skull would be an allusion to the headless woman sentry, and the unknown warrior marker to the reanimated headless conquistador whose story was once unknown.

This part of the necropolis was designed slightly before the gods documentation was changed so that the scythe wielding Gosaena had her familiar death theology. The carved image of the robed figure with scythe is more curiously related to The Temple of Darkness Poem, where the I.C.E. Age form of Amasalen (originally a servant only of the serpent god Luukos) is represented bizarrely as a grim reaper. This is interesting because Kestrel Etrevion or his sons were implicitly his servants, and Amasalen was later changed to include ascension. The ruined carvings of the dark gods, the descent of an ancient passageway, and sacrifices to the altar of a forgotten deity are better interpreted through Lovecraft and The Broken Lands. In the story the depression gives way to a winding stairway down, opening up into chambers with arches and depicting graven "eidola" of dark gods. It was a very old opening that the denizens of the underworld had forgotten existed, so symbolically it is a forbidden other way into the under crypt. It is interesting to note the burial mound was built on quarried rock and then filled with humanoid bones from the purging of the surrounding region.


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