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Mountain troll

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Mountain troll
Mountain troll.jpg
Level 17
Family Troll family creatures
Body Type Biped
Classification(s) Living
Area(s) Found Hidden Vale
Shores of Lough Ne'Halin
Troll Lair
HP 200
Attack Attributes
Physical Attacks
Flail 190 AS
Military pick 190 AS
Special Offensive Abilities
Attack strength boost (howl) +10
Attack strength boost (snarl) 2x level
Defense Attributes
? ASG various
Defensive Strength (DS)
Melee 73 - 175
Bolt 90
Unarmed Defense Factor
UDF 113
Target Defense (TD)
Bard Base 58
Cleric Base 66
Empath Base
Paladin Base
Ranger Base 36
Sorcerer Base
Wizard Base
Minor Elemental 58
Major Elemental 58
Minor Spiritual 66
Major Spiritual
Minor Mental
Defensive Spells
Spirit Warding II (107)
Other Unique Abilities
Health regeneration
Treasure Attributes
Coins Yes
Gems Yes
Magic Items Yes
Boxes Yes
Skin troll toe
Other None
Huge and dangerous, the mountain troll towers above even a tall giantman.  Grey skin so thick that it serves quite well as armor covers most of the troll, with tufts of thick hair sprouting here and there like weeds between cracked stones.  A hideous grin splits its face displaying fangs crusted with dried blood and less guessable matter.  No light of intellect glows in its narrow piggish eyes.  The lust for slaughter and thirst for blood are what drive this hulkish beast's existence.

Hunting strategies

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Other information

Mountain trolls like many other members of the troll family creatures are able to regenerate missing or injured body parts and lost health.

A mountain troll's flesh wounds regenerate some.
A mountain troll's back begins to regenerate.

Mountain trolls have two attack strength boosters preceded by either a howl (+10 AS) and/or a snarl (2x level AS). The snarl messaging does not always result in an AS increase. It is possible for both these AS boosts to stack.

A mountain troll snarls menacingly as he advances!

A mountain troll throws his head back and howls!
A mountain troll swings a flail at you!
  AS: +234 vs DS: +334 with AvD: +44 + d100 roll: +49 = -7

Mountain trolls spawn in different equipment configurations.

Behind the Scenes

The mountain troll presence in Noralgar Forest, which is related to Castle Anwyn and the Vvrael quest, might be based on their Rolemaster bestiary description. In this I.C.E. Age context there was a "Great Corruption" and a "Black Deceiver" who had hidden a gemstone deep in his vaults, where Terate had the first Stone of Virtue in a chest under Castle Anwyn. The Black Deceiver had a false prophet who told the mountain trolls they would be redeemed by "seeking out the highest mountain peak in the world", where there would be this "large gemstone" which if crushed would make the trolls forgiven. In the Vvrael quest context this would correspond to Mount Aenatumgana, the Eye of the Drake (dragonsbreath sapphire), and the weeping Lorminstra at the door of the Drake's Shrine saying "I forgive you, my child..." Trolls more generally come from Scandinavian folklore, such as with changeling myths which are analogous to the fey, and Noralgar might be a pseudo-anagram of Ragnorak fitting the quest's apocalypse subtexts.


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