Symbol of Restoration

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Order of Voln - edit
Voln, the Great Spirit
The History of the Order of Voln
Favor Undead
Voln armor
1. Recognition 2. Blessing
3. Thought 4. Diminishment
5. Courage 6. Protection
7. Submission 8. Kai's Strike
9. Holiness 10. Recall
11. Sleep 12. Transcendence
13. Mana 14. Sight
15. Retribution 16. Supremacy
17. Restoration 18. Need
19. Renewal 20. Disruption
21. Kai's Smite 22. Turning
23. Preservation 24. Dreams
25. Return 26. Seeking

Step 17

The Symbol of Restoration, governed by Lord Cholen is obtained at the seventeenth step of the Order of Voln. This symbol restores half a members lost health points up to a maximum of 50 HPs per use. There is minimum restoration of 10 HPs. It does not heal injuries or stop bleeding.


>sym of restoration
You feel the power of the symbol course through your body.

Favor Cost


Favor cost is based on the member's level. See Table for specific examples. Symbol of Restoration has a relative cost of 4x Symbol of Protection. In other words, 1 use of Restoration has the same favor cost as 4 activations of Symbol of Protection.

Favor Required to Obtain Symbol of Restoration

Formula: 1600 + (( level2 × 30 ) ÷ 3 )
Ex. level 15 member: 1600 + ((15 × 15 × 30) ÷ 3) = 3850 favor
Ex. level 20 member: 1600 + ((20 × 20 × 30) ÷ 3) = 5600 favor

Monk's Teaching and Instruction Highlights

  • Cholen is a prankster but also has a serious side.
  • He can be a deadly foe. You would rue the day you were at the receiving end of his pale wood longbow.
  • He taught us how to restore some health, though the symbol will not cure bleeding or mend visible wounds.

Wehnimer's Landing Task

To complete this task you must ACT (verb) funny/silly before an least one other Voln member on the museum rooftop. It will be necessary to perform several acts, eliciting laughter, before Cholen will appear.

  • Directions to rooftop: Go Museum, Climb Stair, Go Mahogany Arch, Go Onyx Arch, Go Ebonwood Arch, Go Modwir Door, Search, Climb Stairs, Climb Rope (Lich ID 15567).
  • ACT several times before an audience of Voln members.
  • To exit rooftop: Climb Drainpipe.
  • Return to monk to receive symbol. (Lich ID: 18196)

Ta'Vaalor Task

To complete this task you must ACT (verb) funny/silly before an audience of other Voln members upstairs in the theater. It will be necessary to perform several acts, eliciting laughter, before Cholen will appear.

  • Go Theater, Go Stairs (Lich ID: 10437)
  • ACT several times before an audience of Voln members.
  • Return to monk to receive symbol. (Lich ID: 25955)
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