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{{Arkati Messaging
|318Caster= Wrapped in an aura of chill, you close your eyes and softly begin to chant. As the cold air that surrounds you condenses you feel it slowly ripple outward in waves that turn the breath of those nearby into a fine mist. This mist swiftly moves to encompass you and you feel a pair of wings arc over your back. With the last words of your chant, you open your eyes and watch as foggy wings rise above you and gently brush against Deader. As they dissipate in a cold rush against Deader, you feel a surge of power spill forth from you and into him.
|318Others=Wrapped in an aura of chill, Paladin closes her eyes and softly begins to chant. As the cold air that surrounds her condenses it beings to ripple outward in waves that turns the breath of those nearby into a fine mist. This mist swiftly moves to encompass Paladin and slowly coalesces into a pair of ethereal wings that settle into a protective arc over Deader. With the last words of her chant, the wings surge forward and gently caress Deader, only to dissipate moments later taking the chill of the air with it.
|220=The world around you is swallowed in silence and a cascade of feathers obscures your vision...
:[Sanctuary of Final Embrace]
:Moss green marble walls rise from black-veined white floor tiles only to disappear in the shrouded darkness of the ceiling. Solace fills you in the deep silence of the sanctuary, while a slight breeze carries the odd feather past you. A faint luminescent light glows from somewhere nearby, its source unseen.
:Obvious exits: out
:Pale light floods your vision as all around you turns to black and the world dissolves...
|350Caster=Stealing all sound as it travels to you, a soft zephyr gently caresses your skin and you sense the frigid brush of final death near at hand. A tug on your spirit heralds the arrival of impossibly long feathers in shades of white, grey, and black, as they appear before you and coalesce into a beautiful insubstantial being. It lifts you up into its arms and you feel as if you have found home in its embrace.
:Wings that you did not notice before unfurl to cocoon you for several moments before you feel the chill air depart and all at once the feathery figure is gone. A rain of feathers falls around you, each dissipating seconds before it touches the ground.
|350Others=Stealing all sound as it travels, a soft zephyr gently sweeps through the area turning the air frigid. Impossibly large ethereal feathers in shades of white, grey, and black, drift in and are carried to the prone form of Cleric. At once they converge into a beautiful insubstantial being. Kneeling beside Cleric, it gently lifts him into its arms and cradles him there for several moments.
:Lowering its feathery forehead to Cleric, the being unfurls a pair of pale wings and creates a cocoon around him. Suddenly, sound returns, dispelling the ethereal being and creating a rain of feathers, each dissipating seconds before it touches the ground.
|319=As you pour your soul into an appeal to Gosaena, you know that you are heard. Everything around you seems to slow down as a deep, biting chill sinks through your skin and into your very heart.
:From the corner of your eye, you glimpse slight motion. Although you still can perceive sound, no sounds seem important when compared to the silence at the center of your being. The power of Gosaena has answered your prayer.
:An ethereal pair of feathered white wings materializes from midair and closes around <target>.
:You realize that you had ceased to hear the sound of your own heartbeat only when you become aware of it again, and other sounds filter back into your awareness as well. Warmth returns to your body as your connection to Gosaena lessens.
|308=As you sense your souls have linked together, a sensation like feathers brushes over your face.
== References ==
== References ==
* http://www.play.net/gs4/info/tomes/deities/gosaena.asp
* http://www.play.net/gs4/info/tomes/deities/gosaena.asp

Revision as of 22:22, 12 May 2010

Gosaena, known as the Mistress of Eternity, is the Arkati of death.

Her servants take the form of angels.

Shrines, Statuary, and Holy Places

Cleric Guilds

Displayed in the Prayer Rooms of each Cleric Guild is a state of Gosaena. These prayer rooms are considered a holy shrine to multiple deities.

Beautiful and ethereal, Gosaena looks at you with serene impartiality. Peeking out beneath her full cloak are a pair of sturdy wings. Held carelessly in her hand is a lethal-looking sickle. The curve of her sickle mirrors the curve of her lip.

>touch Gosaena
You reach out and touch the statue of Gosaena.

Silence fills your mind, as quiet as Gosaena's embrace.

Wehnimer's Landing Cleric Guild

Located in the Antechamber of Others is a statue of Gosaena. This area is not considered a holy shrine.

This sculpture portrays a beautiful woman with pale skin, long silver hair, and ice blue eyes. She is clad in grey robes and a grey cloak that fails to completely cover her brilliant white-feathered wings. Upon the sculpture's base is her symbol, a silver sickle on a field of green.

Kharam Dzu Cleric Guild

Just inside the entrance to the Kharam Dzu Cleric Guild is a pair of statues depicting Gosaena and Luukos. This room is not considered a holy shrine.

Two statues, one carved from shimmering glaes and the other from soapstone in a sickly shade of green, glare at each other in the center of the room. The figures stand on a pedestal of black stone, words painstakingly chipped into the surface.

>look statues
A thin woman in layered robes stands rigid, hatred written into every carved line. Across from her stands a man of faintly reptilian cast, forked tongue flickering out as if to mock his opposer. Each glares at the other, obviously distrustful of what one another will do.

>read pedestal
In the Common language, it reads:
"Only in death can we truly understand the Gods."

In the room with Guild Master Kordrum is a statue dedicated to Gosaena. It is considered a holy shrine.

[Cleric Guild, Lava Room]
The room is filled with bubbling magma. A small island sits in the center of the pool, connected to the outside by a thin stone bridge. On the island stands a tall statue of a woman, her wings stretching high into the cavern. Pieces of skeletons ring both shores of the lava lake, some trying to crawl away, others towards the beautiful statue. A pedestal of stone rests at her feet. You also see a small tunnel and Guild Master Kordrum.

>read pedestal
In the Common language, it reads:
"Death is the ultimate journey."

Template:Arkati Messaging


Arkati and Lesser Spirits - edit