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Welcome to GemStone IV Wiki's News page, the place to be for all the latest and greatest information about GS.
Latest News
Sunday, November 25th, 2018
- Wiki moderator applications are still open until Thursday, November 29th. Details on what moderating entails and what we're looking for can be found here.
- Weighting, padding, and sighting services will be offered to anyone lucky enough to be spun by the merchant Culd in Wehnimer's Landing on Tuesday, November 27th at 9:30pm Eastern. Ta'Illistim citizens will also be visited by Yriwyn on Friday, November 30th at 9:00pm Eastern.
- The Icemule Historical Society collects the histories of Elanthian adventurers. Stop by and fill out their questionnaire and leave your mark on the record books!
Sunday, November 18th, 2018
- We're in search of wiki moderators! Read GM Kaikala's forum posting for more details on applying.
- Clerics have a new spell! You can read all about Ethereal Censer here.
- Xerria will be visiting the Merchant Lounge in Mist Harbor on Wednesday, November 21st at 9pm Eastern to unlock items for premium subscribers.
Archived News
Sunday, November 18th, 2018
- We're in search of wiki moderators! Read GM Kaikala's forum posting for more details on applying.
- Clerics have a new spell! You can read all about Ethereal Censer here.
- Xerria will be visiting the Merchant Lounge in Mist Harbor on Wednesday, November 21st at 9pm Eastern to unlock items for premium subscribers.
Sunday, November 11th, 2018
- DARTS! House Aspis will be hosting a Harvestide Darts Night on Saturday. November 17th.
- Thinking about proposing to that special someone? Schedule your Cathedral Wedding for an extra memorable day!
- Twilight Hall is celebrating their 22nd anniversary with a weeklong celebration in Wehnimer's Landing, beginning Monday, November 12th.
Sunday, November 4th, 2018
- Thanks to the tireless research of Lady Rhappellie and the participants in the Bardic College Symposium, a new feature of loresinging has been uncovered! Bards can now temporarily or permanently unlock the ability to RECALL the loresong of an item. Read more of the details in GM Estild's saved forum post.
- Platinum players can attend the Platinum OOC meeting on Saturday, November 10th at 2pm Eastern to discuss the state of Platinum and what you'd like to see in 2019.
- Adventurers under level 30 can attend the Argent Aspis Bounty Help event on Monday, November 5th. Meet outside the gates of House Aspis in Wehnimer's Landing at 8pm Eastern for aid completing your Adventurer's Guild bounties.
Sunday, October 28th, 2018
- Lady Rhappellie has put out a call for bard performers for her Bardic Showcase happening on Saturday, November 3.
- Cobblers were excited at Ebon Gate to see the release of a new cobbling punch for sandals! Grab yours before the event ends on Wednesday, October 31st.
- Signet rings and sealing waxes have gotten a minor quality of life update! You can now use ANALYZE to see how much wax you have left and what verbs you can use on your rings.
Sunday, October 21st, 2018
- As the Ebon Gate festivities continue, don't forget to use the MARK and REGISTER verbs to protect your prize wins, new alterations, and other valuables!
- The October Premium Contest for premium subscribers is under way. Check out GM Zoelle's forum posting for this month's contest details or type PREMIUM 6 in game.
- Bone Shaman Clothing was first unveiled this month in Ulda's Flesh and Bones shop at Ebon Gate. Have you seen anyone in this osseous attire rattling around yet?
Sunday, October 14th, 2018
- GHOUL returns to Caligos Isle beginning October 14th in Platinum and October 17th in Prime. Type FESTIVAL 7 in game to see the complete schedule.
- A long-awaited Nalfein divination tool, the Black Rose Deck, made its debut as one of the game prizes at Ebon Gate!
- Have you met Ambie and her sweet fishies yet? If you find her on Caligos Isle this month, she'll trade you some seashells for your very own feisty, finny friend.
Sunday, October 7th, 2018
- Ebon Gate continues! The schedule is posted, shops are opened, cliff divers are competing in the Diving Competition and players are earning seashells at the games! Live games continue until October 8th in Platinum and begin in Prime on October 13th.
- The Gift of Eonak Login Reward has been updated to now help rogues when creating locks and lockpicks via Lock Mastery.
- If you bought some new jewelry this week at A Piercing Scream on Caligos Isle, a new wiki article was created to explain the ins and outs of piercing. This article is a work in progress, so please feel free to contribute!
Sunday, September 30th, 2018
- Are you ready for Ebon Gate? Visit Caligos Isle beginning on October 1st when shopping opens and the storyline commences. Starting October 5th and continuing through the end of the month, you can play automated games, spend some time fishing, or go Deep Sea Diving for sunken treasure.
- The PERM-ifier will be returning this year to Caligos Isle. What precious things do you want to keep forever?
- This year's Ebon Gate festival will also see the premiere of custom flare messaging.
- Collectible treasures have been found in boxes since July, have you completed any achievements yet?
Sunday, September 23rd, 2018
- The POLICY verb in game has been updated to add the POLICY REVIEW command and policies 3 and 20 have been updated.
- On Monday, September 24th, Merchant Culd of the Talent will be offering weighting, padding, and sighting services at 9pm in Icemule Trace.
- Also on September 24th, the Mentors will be hosting a discussion at Silverwood Manor at 10pm on the ins and outs of Ranger animal companions.
Sunday, September 16th, 2018
- Monks now have a new spell in their arsenal, Telekinesis!
- Beginning Friday, September 21st, the Carnival of Freaks will be visiting the outskirts of Wehnimer's Landing, bringing their own unique brand of entertainment.
- Paladins have had a few recent spell changes. Rejuvenation now has an evoke option, Aid the Fallen now allows dead paladins with enough Summoning Lore to choose their teleportation targets, and the spell infusion aspects of Sanctify have been improved.
Sunday, September 9th, 2018
- Every Wednesday night is Guild Night! Double the guild points for tasks turned in.
- Beginning September 21st, the Carnival of Freaks will be parked somewhere near Wehnimer's Landing for a weekend visit.
- Frontier Days continues in Wehnimer's Landing until September 15th.
- Grab a baton and steal those pennants! All are welcome to join in on this month's rounds of Pennant Chase, happening at 4pm Eastern on September 9th in Prime and September 23rd in Platinum.
Monday, September 3rd, 2018
- The Carnival of Freaks is set to arrive in Elanthia the weekend of September 21st.
- Join the Argent Mirror for a fundraiser planning session in Ta'Illistim on Thursday, September 6th at 9pm Eastern.
- The 13th annual Frontier Days celebration is coming to Wehnimer's Landing from September 7th to the 15th.
Sunday, June 3rd, 2018
- A Midsummer Night's Festival will be back in July on on the Isle of Four Winds.
Saturday, June 2nd, 2018
- Festival of Lumnea returns June 7th in Prime and June 14th in Platinum.
Friday, June 1st, 2018
- Duskruin is coming June 15th.
Thursday, May 31st, 2018
- Delayed services have wrapped up for the Commencement of Coraesine Forest.
Friday, October 13, 2017
- Forging has been revamped to display the official Forging Guide and includes new information from GM Mikos. If you're a forger, we need your help with messaging.
Saturday, September 9, 2017
- Festival of the Fallen information is here! Shop listing.
Sunday, August 27, 2017
- GSWiki introduces player research pages that anyone can make to show their number crunching. All page titles should start with "Research:". For more information, see the Style Guide.
Wednesday, August 23, 2017
- GSWiki reminds everyone that their 20th Anniversary on the Web Giftbox item opportunity expires on August 31.
Thursday, August 10, 2017
- The shop listing for Frontier Days 2017 could use some help with details. The festival is open until August 12 for everyone.
Tuesday, July 18, 2017
- The shop listing for A Midsummer Night's Festival 2017 is substantially complete. The festival is open until the evening of June 21 for Premium subscribers only.
Saturday, June 17, 2017
- Follow the Playershop updates on GSWiki. The quarterly Lumnis contest is also happening through July 1 @1am ET.
Friday, June 2, 2017
- GSWiki has all the latest on the Kharam Dzu 120th Anniversary Celebration.
Wednesday, May 10, 2017
- Chaddeaux created an LM SENSE map of the Landing and uploaded it to GSWiki.
Wednesday, April 26, 2017
- The character profile template has been updated with easy to use instructions. Character profiles are a great way to start learning how to Wiki.
Friday, February 10th, 2017
- Welcome new player referrals from The Professor! Please check out our new player information and visit the Order of Lorekeepers (the Mentors) in game.
Wednesday, April 5th, 2017
- The problems affecting the Vector skin (default display format), server 500 error, and other GSWiki issues have been fixed and the fixes appear to be stable. If you changed your skin, it is safe to change it back.
Sunday, March 12th, 2017
- Technical issues have been noted and sent on to GMs and Simu HQ for fixing. Please be patient while this is being investigated.
Thursday, January 5th, 2017
- Creating Adventure is back with a Year in Review listing and a new Spotlight on Staff.
Saturday, December 31st, 2016
- Experience pages have been updated for the major changes and organized in the new Experience category.
Saturday, December 16th, 2016
- The inventory for Feast of the Immortals festival 2016 has been posted.
Tuesday, October 11th, 2016
- The remaining mechanics pages have been re-categorized into Area Mechanics, Character Mechanics, and Item Mechanics. All can be found in the Mechanics category. A request to change the left sidebar has been made.
Thursday, October 6th, 2016
- Where are all the combat mechanics? They're in the new Combat Mechanics category. Editors are working on other, more comprehensive, key categories so that information will be easier to find. At the same time, we are trying to condense and merge pages to eliminate conflicting and redundant information.
Monday, September 12th, 2016
- Starting today, we will be posting recent additions to GSWiki. Recent project completions include new creature templates and corresponding instructions for using them, and a template and instructions for storyline NPC pages.
Thursday, February 11th, 2016
- Briarmoon Cove opens in Platinum on the 11th! Get your orb and join the revelry!
Thursday, February 4th, 2016
- Briarmoon Cove is now open! Get your orb and join the revelry!
Thursday, December 31st, 2015
- Check out the latest edition of Creating Adventure GS4-WYROM (talk) 16:15, 31 December 2015 (CST)
Monday, June 1st, 2015
- Check out the newest edition of Creating Adventure! GS4-Scribes (Talk) 16:21, 1 June 2015 (CST)
Wednesday, February 18th, 2015
- Our search function should now be indexing the content of our wiki properly! GS4-WYROM (talk) 20:33, 18 February 2015 (CST)
Friday, January 23rd, 2015
- Be sure to check out our new Creating Adventure piece! GS4-WYROM (talk) 08:55, 23 January 2015 (CST)
Saturday, January 3rd, 2015
- Welcome to the new GemStone IV Wiki, home of the Krakiipedia. GS4-WYROM (talk) 12:41, 3 January 2015 (CST)