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Welcome to GemStone IV Wiki's News page, the place to be for all the latest and greatest information about GemStone.
Latest News
Monday, September 26, 2022
- Ebon Gate's new grounds at Naidem will be opening to visitors on Friday, September 30th at 9PM Eastern, and passes will go on sale in the SimuCoin store on October 1st. See the FESTIVAL verb in game for scheduling and more information beginning Friday.
- Fishing received some significant updates this week, including fixes to cooked fish flavors, removal of some disadvantages for using a heavier fishing pole, and some adjustments to make catching fish easier.
- Premium Unlocks make their debut! This is a new perk for premium subscribers to unlock some of their fluff items. Check out the charms in the Mist Harbor lighthouse or check out the Premium Unlocks page for a list of what's available.
Monday, September 12, 2022
- Big news in Ta'Vaalor as access to its port is now available for Open Sea Adventurers.
- 2023 will see some format changes for the Premium Contest, moving to quarterly from monthly. See GM Quilic's forum posting for full details on the changes.
Archived News
Monday, September 5, 2022
- Read the latest in erithi scholarship on the topic of chopsticks in this new lore document from GM Xynwen.
Monday, August 15, 2022
- A new set of 40 bonded Chapel wedding verbs have been released! Marriage licenses purchased during Duskruin will result in the married couple having access to these Chapel verbs.
- A second version of the Bard Design proposal has been posted for you review.
Monday, August 8, 2022
- A big announcement from Tamzyrr this week, Chaston's Edict has finally been repealed. Read the full announcement here.
- Folding chairs, meditation mats, prayer rugs, bedrolls and oil lamps have all received updates to now work when placed alongside you using the PLACE FEET command.
Monday, August 1, 2022
- Duskruin is just around the corner, beginning on Friday, August 12th at 9PM Eastern. Are you prepared?
- The item property updates that were previously announced for RECALL and player shops are now also available in a variety of shops. This includes locations such as festival shops and pawnshops. To view the updated item properties in these shop locations, you'll make use of the INSPECT verb.
Monday, July 25, 2022
- BOOST INFO will once again show you how many Fast Experience Boosts you have available.
- The Weakened Armament status condition has been updated to fully reduce the defensive capabilities of any armor that is affected by one armor group. These capabilities include AvD, CvA, and DF.
- Many self-ammo ranged weapon scripts have been updated to support the Dislodge combat maneuver. Ammo fired from such weapons will now be able to stick in their targets and be dislodged like their mundane counterparts.
Monday, July 11, 2022
- You can now type INVENTORY ENHANCIVE LIST to show all of the enhancives you're currently wearing, even hidden ones and tattoos!
- Guardians of Sunfist task timers now show under SPELL ACTIVE and the cooldowns window just like Adventurer's Guild timers do.
Monday, July 4, 2022
- This year's Premium festival will be premiering a brand new venue. The grounds will open on the 8th of July at 9pm EST, and all GM interaction (services, storyline, raffles, etc.) will cease at midnight EST on the 10th. The grounds will remain open for shopping until 9pm EST on the 15th.
- Erithi storytelling is the focus of a new lore document. Read all about The Three Fires that kindle the flame of traditional Erithi storytelling, as told by scholar Isienaka here.
Monday, June 27, 2022
- Ta'Illistim, the Shining City, once again hosts the Festival of Lumnea from now until July 2nd. Tour elven artisan shops, enjoy the provided food and drink, and bask in the beauty of the summer meadows. The entrance is on Sylvarraend Road.
- TARGET has been updated. Targeting various types of clouds, webs, maelstroms, implosions, weeds, swarms, and other assorted hazards will now target the creature that cast it. This mechanic will not target players.
- Sorcerers can now control the amount of ambient messaging their animate pets create. Telling your animate to act [silent/lazy/calm/normal] will switch between no ambient messaging, 80% less ambients, 50% less ambients, or the normal rate.
- The SPELL MESSAGING option has been added to let you view any special spell messaging you may have on that character.
Monday, June 13, 2022
- A new lore document has been released detailing some of the creatures of Eh'lah and Sharath. Read all about the Kish'enda, Nhil'mon, Dhosa'nhil and more here.
- The Cobbling Warehouse in Mist Harbor has added some new rooms. These rooms contain all the cobbling items from the seasonal, wandering cobbling carts which are now retired.
Monday, June 6, 2022
- Weavables have been updated and identical weavable items can now be bundled into groups of 25. Additionally, most flower noun base weavables are now wearable as well.
- Mounts are going to be updated soon to have their home timer has increased to 30 minutes. They will also now follow their owners, provided the location that they are traveling on foot to allows for mounts. Solhaven and Kraken's Fall have been added to Fast Travel locations. Additionally, all mounts are gaining the BEG, CLENCH, PET, and PROD verbs.
Monday, May 23, 2022
- The new Forgotten Vineyard hunting ground has opened in Solhaven, with a variety of Shan in the roughly late 50s to mid 60s level range.
- Wehnimer's Landing citizens will be visited by a merchant for citizen-only WPS services on Sunday, May 29. Up to 25 citizens of the Landing will be able to receive up to 10 services. Eligible citizens must not have received citizen-based WPS services anywhere else between January - June 2022.
Monday, May 16, 2022
- The RECALL and Player Shop item information have received a robust update recently, adding 18 entirely new properties and 4 updated properties when used. 9 new and updated properties were added to loresongs. Additionally, other updates to item property reveals have also been added. See GM Meraki's Discord announcement for full details.
- The Development team has been working on another round of Divergence revisions and are looking for your feedback. You can review the proposed revisions and provide feedback at this link.
Monday, May 9, 2022
- Not one but TWO new hunting grounds premiere this week! The Atoll can be found outside Kraken's Fall and Hinterwilds is accessible from near both Icemule and Ta'Illistim.
- A new lore document was released that delves into types of glassworking all across Elanthia. Read it for details on new materials aragless, vergless, sky glass, arathiel and more.
Monday, May 2, 2022
- QUICKSTRIKE has been updated to work with the ASCENSION, FEAT, and WEAPON verbs.
- There will be a silvers-only auction for Premium subscribers on Saturday, July 30th, featuring mechanical items, fluff items, and customizations/services. You must have a paid premium subscription for at least 80 days prior to the auction to be able to enter.
Monday, April 25, 2022
- Attack verbs have been updated to support {VERB} [target] [location] options, similar to how UCS works, e.g., JAB THIRD KOBOLD HEAD or JAB HEAD to attack your existing target. Verbs follow the TARGET and AIM settings accordingly. Additional changes have been made to AMBUSH and WAYLAY. See GM Naijin's Discord announcement for full details.
- An update was made to the weddings schedule, and wedding packages will now also be released during Rumor Woods in June. The Wavedancer wedding verbs will be available during the event.
Saturday, April 30, 2022
- Rings of Lumnis entries will be available to purchase in the SimuCoin store until 11:55 PM EDT today, April 30.
- Rings of Lumnis will officially close at 11:59 PM EDT tomorrow, May 1.
Monday, April 18, 2022
- Rings of Lumnis is in full swing and the Brooch of Lumnis prize has received some updates. You can now PROD your brooch to toggle whether their messaging is visible to other people in the room and WHISPER to it to tell your brooch which ring to be set to.
- There is an active Event Box available until Saturday, April 30 at 1am Eastern. Type EVENT BOX in game to see full details.
- Verbs that have options that can be SET (racial, cultural, citizenship, wedding, etc.) can now be used as styles. For example, PANIC TERAS would allow Teras Citizens to call the Teras panic verb option without needing to PANIC SET TERAS. Players can see what verbs they have available to use with SET using VERB SETTINGS, and see who they are bonded with by using VERB SPOUSE.
Monday, April 11, 2022
- The April Premium Contest, "Significant Symbols," has been announced. See GM Zoelle's post for full details here.
- GM Xynwen recently updated the Official MHO Guide and moved all of it to the wiki. Check it all out on the Meeting Hall Organization page.
- There have been a slew of teasers and wiki updates for the upcoming Rings of Lumnis, including the I Dream of Geology Series, Glitzy Giftboxes, Servants of Lumnis, the Papermaker, the Dye-n-ator and more!
Monday, April 4, 2022
- Rings of Lumnis begins Friday, April 15th at 9PM Eastern, bringing with it the return of weddings, and the debut of the silvers shops at the Agora Promenade.
- GM Kenstrom adds to the history of the Ithzir with the new official document, Ithzir Genesis.
- Guild Nights occur every week. Join the Mentors as they visit the Sorcerer Guild, Warrior Guild and Wizard Guild in Wehnimer's Landing every Wednesday night to help with training tasks and questions.
Tuesday, March 15, 2022
- Rings of Lumnis Announcement - Agora Promenade. For more information on this exciting announcement, visit Rings of Lumnis Announcement 1
Monday, March 14, 2022
- Hunting is now even easier! Attack verbs have been updated to support {VERB} [target] [location] options, similar to how UCS works, e.g., JAB THIRD KOBOLD HEAD. They now also follow the TARGET and AIM settings accordingly. AMBUSH can only be performed from hiding or invisibility, and unaimed AMBUSH and WAYLAY will no longer add to roundtime or reduce the Damage Severity Weighting of the attack.
- Locksmith toolkits have been improved to now hold 100 vials. Additionally, roundtimes for wedge creation and caliper calibration were reduced.
Monday, January 31, 2022
- PM Wyrom drops the latest edition of his Creating Adventure newsletter. Catch up on all things new and exciting in Elanthia from the past year, and get a sneak preview of what's ahead.
- One of our front ends is getting a new name! Wrayth will be rolling out soon, get all the details on the update here.
Monday, January 24, 2022
- Empaths will find that they now receive experience when healing their deceased fellow empaths.
- Residents and visitors of Wehnimer's Landing celebrated the grand opening of the Rusty Cutlass. Stop in and try their special brews, take a swing on the dance floor, or munch peanuts at one of the new tables.
Monday, January 3, 2022
- Happy New Year! We hope you enjoyed the annual GM open house event at the Crossroads.
- GM Xynwen provides a roundup of news for Meeting Hall Organizations on the forums. Click here to see her update.
- Members of the Guardians of Sunfist, the Order of Voln, and that OTHER society whose name we dare not speak now have access to a variety of Postname Society titles. If you qualify for them, you'll see them listed in game if you type TITLE LIST SKILL.
Monday, December 27, 2021
- Miracle (350) has been updated to no longer require 50 mana in order to activate (but still drains that amount). In addition, the TELEPORT option no longer requires the room to be a sanctuary.
- Force on Force has been updated to apply to all combat systems. Animal Companions and Sorcerer Animates should now count properly against creatures for Force on Force.
- Adventurer's Guilds across Elanthia are offering their annual enhancive recharging services for silvers from now until January 7th.
Monday, December 6, 2021
- Your inventory now has a new spot, alongside your feet. By using PLACE FEET, you can place an item you’re holding alongside you (at your feet). This frees your hand while the item remains in your inventory. It does not put the item on the ground in the room, so it cannot be swiped by the janitor. Read more details here.
- It is now possible to skip over Zul Logoth when heading further east. BUY PASS at the departure gates of Khazar's Hold or Zhindel's Post to travel the express route. You can still BUY TICKET at any departure gate to travel to and from via the old mine cart route.
Monday, November 8, 2021
- GM Valyrka announces Nightlife in the Elven Nations, a weekly roleplaying event on Monday evenings at 9PM Eastern. The location will alternate between Ta'Vaalor and Ta'Illistim. See the forum posting here for all the details.
- Citizens of River's Rest may join Celythia at 2PM Eastern on December 5 for citizen's WPS services, through the portal that will be placed in the Town Commons.
- Visitors to Wehnimer's Landing may now visit the newly released Shanty Town Garden. Look for the carved wooden archway inside Shanty Town, which will lead to the garden and a second area with a firepit and some food booths.
Monday, November 1, 2021
- Alchemists will be pleased to discover that the roundtime for most of the actions associated with their craft has been significantly reduced.
- A new COMBAT verb is available which will calculate various combat statistics for players.
Monday, October 11, 2021
- Ebon Gate continues, with our final visit to Caligos Isle this year! Come shop, play games, and visit with your favorite merchants!
- Local Adventurer's Guild Headmasters now have the ability to return some items you have lost that have been swept up by the Janitor. Be sure to REGISTER your valuables! More details in GM Zissu's forum posting.
Monday, September 13, 2021
- Explore Erithi funeral customs including tea and incense in the new lore document, When Your Soul Blossoms to the Sky.
- Warriors can now add weighting, padding, and sighting services to your armaments! Read all the details on the new feat grit here.
- Cockatrice, snowy cockatrice, and plumed cockatrice have been converted to BCS. They have a bit more flavor now, and will flap their wings to throw dirt at you.
- Next week, September 17-24, the Cooperative Houses of Elanthia celebrate 30 years in Gemstone IV with an anniversary celebration featuring merchants, raffles, a round of HOUSE, and events hosted by the member houses.
Thursday, August 12, 2021
- Duskruin returns, with the arrival of the Kraet and an all new Endless mode in the Arena for ultimate bragging rights!
- The Open Seas just got bigger! There are now 200 new rooms to sail through spreading up toward the waters near Icemule and South toward the Southron Wastes.
Monday, July 26, 2021
- The Player System Manager update, a.k.a. PSM3 is now live on all servers and you can get all of the details of the updates and changes here.
- Want to know more about the Krolvin and Half-Krolvin? Read the new lore document, Blood of the Sea: The Krolvin and Their Descendants.
Monday, July 19, 2021
- GM Ivry releases details of the Entry, Exit, and Teleportation review, with rescues and travel to and from many hunting areas being simplified. Check out her forum posting for details.
- Player System Manager Phase 3 is live now on the Platinum server for continued testing, and will be rolling out everywhere when the Development team feels it's ready. GM Naijin has all the details for you in his forum posting.
Monday, June 28, 2021
- The Development team has posted the proposal for an update to Bless and is soliciting your feedback. Read the details and get a link to the proposal document in GameMaster Estild's forum posting.
- In addition to shadarl, another pair of new materials has debuted at Rumor Woods. Get all the details on the exciting abilities of these new cloth fabrics, aganjira and x'aganjira here.
- Citizens of Wehnimer's Landing have until July 4th to vote in the elections for town council. Votes can be cast in Moot Hall's assembly room. Read up on the candidates at the Wehnimer's Landing Town Council Election 5121 page.
Tuesday, June 22, 2021
- The KNEEL verb has been updated and you can now KNEEL BEFORE objects and other players.
- PAT has also been tweaked, see all the new options for it by typing PAT HELP in game.
- Shadarl, a brand new material that makes you sneakier, was released at Rumor Woods in the shop The Lesser of Two Weevils.
Monday, June 7, 2021
- Sorcerers can now use ANALYZE for usage information on sorcerer rune books that are used for Planar Shift.
- Premium homeowners can now use HOME HELP 15 to display the room and town their home is in, as well as a description of the facade.
Monday, May 25, 2021
- Baystone information has been released in a new official document! Read all about the history of this new Wehnimer's Landing gem.
- GM Yusri requests input on proposed changes to Enhancives. Click here to read his forum post and provide your feedback..
Monday, May 17, 2021
- Erithian cultural theater is explored in the new lore document, Shi'hadara
- Alchemists rejoice as Kraken's Fall opens a new branch of the wizard guild.
- Roleplaying Month continues! Don't forget to nominate your fellow adventurers when you witness outstanding roleplay via the ROLEPLAY NOMINATE verb in game.
Monday, May 10, 2021
- Gemstone IV will be unavailable for a short time beginning at 9:30 AM Eastern time on Tuesday, May 11th as we migrate to a new server. This may take up to four hours, so please plan accordingly.
- The worldwide storyline event, Flight of the Manticore, is underway. See GM Auchand's forum posting for details and a schedule for this epic event!
Monday, May 3, 2021
- The lockers in Cysaegir are temporarily closed for renovations. At reopening, they will have lockers unique to Cysaegir, no longer providing access to Ta'Illistim's.
- The grifflets are hatching again, so adventurers in the areas surrounding Ta'Illistim would be wise to keep their eyes on the skies or risk being snatched up and dropped unceremoniously in a griffin's nest.
Monday, April 26, 2021
- The information in WEALTH has had a few items added. You can now see the contents of coin hands, gambling kits, and bankpacks when you type WEALTH in game, as long as they are worn or held. Additionally, coin hands have been updated to now be wearable on the belt.
- The holy glove bow items have been updated to allow the weapons to be upgraded via player and GM services. They will now dissipate 10 minutes after being summoned if handed off to another player for servicing.
Monday, April 12, 2021
- This weekend, the Rings of Lumnis return! The Isle of Ornath will be accessible to adventurers beginning Friday, April 16th at 9PM Eastern and will run through the end of April.
- The Rigid Leather and Soft Leather armor groups have been renamed to Scale and Leather, respectively.
- Locksmiths utilizing the locksmithing pool can now choose to work only for a minimum tip of their specification. ASK <NPC> FOR JOB MINIMUM 1000 would require a minimum tip of 1,000 silvers.
Monday, April 5, 2021
- Zul Logoth residents and visitors are invited to not one, but two, OOC meetings this week to discuss the town's present and future! Head to the stairs in the Crystalline Cavern on Thursday April 8th at 930pm EST and Saturday, April 10th at 3pm EST to participate.
- Swimming roundtimes have been updated in a few hunting areas with multiple rooms to swim through to give a bonus for dedicated training in the swimming skill. See GM Oscuro's forum post for full details!
Monday, March 22, 2021
- Have you visited us yet on the Official Gemstone IV Discord server? Type DISCORD while in game to get access to more channels!
- We are looking for GameHosts! GameHosts are players who help other players via the ASSIST verb in game. Read full details in GM Tivvy's forum posting. Applications must be in by midnight on April 1st!
Monday, March 8, 2021
- Additional spells have been added to the scrolls you may find amongst your treasure. The following spells may now be found on scrolls: Barkskin (605), Spike Thorn (616), Torment (718), Glamour (1205), and Shroud of Deception (1212). Zealot (1617) has been removed.
- The March Premium Contest has been posted. Type PREMIUM 5 in game for full details on this month's contest, or check GM Zoelle's forum posting.
Tuesday, March 2, 2021
- Visit the town of Kraken's Fall this month, and in addition to the salty sea air and nautical ambience, you'll find the WPS smithy wagon.
- Monks can now disguise their true nature with Shroud of Deception. Disguise your race, age, and features and fool even the most perceptive of adventurers.
Monday, February 22, 2021
- Sonic gear for bards was updated, adding the ability to choose what to summon via incant. Bards can now also summon up to 290 different sonic weapons like sonic doloires, sarissas, and katzbalgers.
- Members of the Council of Light will notice some updates to their ability to communicate with one another, including speech window support.
Monday, February 8, 2021
- Mana flares were changed to return 20% of the spell's mana cost or 1 mana per tier, whichever is greater.
- Two new lore documents were released this week by GM Xynwen, an Erithi sea shanty and a discussion of bookworms in various Elanthian cultures.
Monday, February 1, 2021
- The newest edition of Creating Adventure is out from PM Wyrom. Read it for a look at the year past and a peek at what's ahead for Gemstone IV.
- The Argent Mirror has put out a call for new handmaidens. Find all the details on how to apply in GM Valyrka's forum posting.
Monday, January 25, 2021
- Duskruin Arena teasers are rolling out! Check the Duskruin forum for the details on some of the new offerings, including Elven Armor, Elemental gloves, and more!
- Quarterstaves have been changed from a base speed of 5 (with a minimum roundtime of 5 seconds) to a base speed of 3 (with a minimum Roundtime of 4 seconds).
Monday, January 18, 2021
- As part of Wondrous Wintertides, from now until the end of January adventurers will earn a bonus of 10% more base experience.
- REAL GEMS are on the way! Hidden throughout the lands, you might be lucky enough to find one of the rarest treasures GemStone IV has to offer! Be sure to LOOK around for them. Discover new areas and explore old favorites. These gems will be out there for you to find starting this month.
Monday, January 11, 2021
- Ensorcell (735) has been updated so EVOKE uses the temporary version of the spell, while CAST tests the difficulty of an item for the permanent version, and CHANNEL is a committed attempt of a permanent ensorcell.
- The Frozen Bramble near Icemule has received some updates to make it a little less lethal, including reduced spawn rates, and creatures will no longer attempt maneuver attacks every action.
- Rangers were reviewed and their spell circle received a major overhaul, including the introduction of new spells Moonbeam (611), Wild Entropy (603), Nature's Bounty (604) and Barkskin (605) and numerous updates to others. Read all about it in GM Mestys' forum posting.
Monday, January 4, 2021
- As a part of a new winter campaign, Wondrous Wintertides, we will be running numerous small events and offering small gifts over the next month or two. To get us started, between now and Feburary 1st, we're running Feeder Frenzy with triple the release rate from every feeder, including the Legendary Feeder! That means 3-6 legendary items will go out this month! Hunt well and good luck!
- Multi-target spells have been updated to all have a player-friendly version available, as well as an EVOKE version that will still target other players. Read the rundown on all of the changes in GM Zissu's forum posting.
- Paladins have had numerous spells updated as well as the addition of the aura system. Read all the details here.
Monday, December 28, 2020
- With 2020 coming to a close, the staff of Gemstone IV would like to thank each and every one of you for adventuring with us this year. We have some surprises in store for next year, including new perks and GIFTBOXes. Read PM Wyrom's post about it on the official forums.
- The Portmasters offering chartered voyages between port cities have had their costs lowered. The longer voyages are now 25,000 silvers each way, and the shorter are 12,500 silvers each way.
- From now until January 8th, the Adventurer's Guild is offering their enhancive recharging services for silvers instead of bounty points!
Monday, December 14, 2020
- Fletchers and Forgers will now all use LOGIC BONUS/3 as their boost to gaining ranks. In addition, forging roundtimes have been adjusted down across the board. See the full details here.
- With the start of the new year, the Legendary Treasure Feeder will activate, dropping auction quality treasure in high level hunting grounds. Among the offerings are a T3 briar flaring weapon, a set of T5 Mana-Infused Armor, a fully unlocked Animalistic Spirit weapon and much more. See the full list of teased items on the forum posting.
- Tired of being weighed down? The Physical Fitness skill now reduces encumbrance by 1 pound for every 10 skill bonus. Also, the Porter Ascension skill has been introduced to help lower encumbrance.
Monday, December 7, 2020
- All players received a Fixskill today due to training point cost changes for many skills. You can change your skills using the GOALS verb in game.
- Bards, Sorcerers, and Wizards have all been changed to use experience-based models to earn their crafting skill resources for the week. Read the full details in GM Viduus' post here.
Monday, November 30, 2020
- The WPS smithy will be present at Briarmoon Cove and the weekend services schedule has been posted here.
- PM Wyrom announces the December Simucoin Store sale on the forums. A selection of the most popular items will be on sale the entire month of December.
- Phase 2 of the Player System Manager updates is now on the test server. Read all about it and provide your feedback on the official forums.
Monday, November 23, 2020
- The Town healer in all towns has been updated to reduce roundtimes for their services. Get patched up even faster!
- Wednesday nights are Guild Nights! Points are doubled on guild skills and the Mentors have scheduled times to assist. See the Gemstone IV event calendar for details.
Monday, November 16, 2020
- MHO officers should note an upcoming NEWS purge of old items and copy down the verbiage of any they want to save. Read the full posting for details here.
- Open Sea Adventures received some updates, adding ports and ship birds, as well as an ocean remapping.
Monday, November 9, 2020
- Briarmoon Cove is coming! The secluded haven of Briarmoon Cove will be open to guests from the 4th through the 11th of December, for a worldly trade-laden winter holiday festival.
- Guild tasks have been updated to no longer penalize the player for trade-ins and will instead work on a 15 minute timer identical to the Adventurer's Guild. Using a voucher to trade in a task has had no changes.
Monday, November 2, 2020
- Die in obscurity! The new flag SilenceDeath has been added, allowing you to silently expire without notifying the rest of Elanthia of your demise. Type FLAG SILENCEDEATH ON in game to turn this option on.
- Kroderine Soul is released, a new combat maneuver for squares that grants them benefits for forsaking magic.
Monday, October 26, 2020
- The end of the month sees Ebon Gate 2020 winding down, but the Live Games week is just beginning in Prime. Click here for the games schedule and come join us for Pick Yer Poison, Caligos Comestibles, the costume contest, and more!
- Stormfront users can now open an Announcements window. The new window will mirror applicable in-game (and typically OOC) communications, such as system/game alerts, messages from GameMasters and GameHosts, and QUEST notifications. All announcements will also continue to appear in the Story window.
Monday, October 12, 2020
- Ebon Gate 2020 is in full swing, and a Giftbox is available with some Caligos goodies inside. Claim yours by typing GIFTBOX in game before it expires on October 19th!
- Monks have a new spell, Mindwipe, that lowers the level of their opponents.
- Many Combat Maneuvers have seen their roundtimes reduced as part of a Combat Maneuver overhaul. Read all the specifics here. In addition, fast migration for ARMOR, SHIELD, and CMAN have been enabled.
Monday, October 5, 2020
- The festival of Ebon Gate is open and the residents of Caligos Isle welcome you to their not so sunny shores for shopping, games, and merchants galore!
- Mindwipe has been released!
- You can now STOW and LOOT your Collectibles!
- There is now a separate Stormfront window for announcements! The new Announcements window will mirror applicable in-game (and typically OOC) communications, such as system/game alerts, messages from GameMasters and GameHosts, and QUEST notifications. All announcements will continue to appear in the Story window regardless.
Monday, September 21, 2020
- The Ascension Skill System has been released! Allot some of your experience earnings to Ascension skills and statistics beginning at level 20, and check what milestones you may have already achieved by typing ASCENSION in game.
- You may have noticed one of the Ascension milestones is awarded for achieving 10 full Roleplaying Awards. You can now check how many you've received using the ROLEPLAY verb in game.
Monday, September 14, 2020
- Set sail on the high seas from the coastal town of Kraken's Fall! Test your swashbuckling prowess in the new Open Sea Adventures and fight pirates, sink ships, and claim the spoils of the sea!
- Shields will now reactively flare while blocking in any stance which is more offensive than defensive.
- The dates for this year's festival of Ebon Gate have posted to the calendar. Enjoy an entire month of activities including a spooky storyline, merchanting, games, and shopping on Caligos Isle when it opens in October.
Thursday, August 27, 2020
- Wyrom announces end times for this Duskruin run. The Simucoin Store will cease selling booklets August 30th at 11:55pm ET. HESS will close up shop on August 31 and your certificates MUST be redeemed within a week or will be forfeit. The final Treasure Trove item will draw on August 30th. The grounds of Bloodriven Village will be open for shopping until September 2nd at 11:59pm ET.
Monday, August 24, 2020
- Duskruin concludes on August 31, so be sure to check out all the new and old treasures in the Bloodriven Village shops!
- GM Ixix announced a release that grants a chance for bonus treasure when you loot pack creatures, minibosses, and Boss creatures.
- SPELL ACTIVE <player name> and SPELL PRIVACY were added to make it easier for your fellow adventurers to determine how they can help boost your magical defenses.
Monday, August 10, 2020
- Duskruin looms on the horizon, beginning Friday, August 14th at 9PM Eastern and running through August 31st. Something is afoot with the rats in the sewers, and there are new treasures to discover in the shops of Bloodriven Village. There are teasers galore for the new and updated things for sale on the forums.
- The SING and RECITE verbs have been updated to add support for the Speech Window and for targeting using the @ symbol.
Monday, August 3, 2020
- Frontier Days will be celebrated for the 15th (and final!) time on September 4th through the 12th. MHOs and CHEs that would like to participate should email GM Kenstrom.
- The SimuCoin store is having a sale, half off on many of the most-requested items in the store until the end of August.
Monday, July 27, 2020
- The Armor Use page has received some updates and corrections. See GM Naijin's forum posting for full details.
- Windfellow's Retreat merchanting has been extended! Shopping will continue and your favorite merchants will be popping in to do work from now until Friday at midnight when the grounds close.
Monday, July 20, 2020
- Officers of the Cooperative Houses of Elanthia now receive two Chronomage spheres per month to use to travel to house activities across Elanthia. These expire every month, so use them or lose them!
- The EMPTY verb has received an update and now only takes a flat 3 second roundtime per use. Previously it ranged from 3-20 seconds. As part of the change haste and slow effects no longer impact using EMPTY.
- A new flag has been added to help with group hunting! FLAG GROUPMOVEMENT when toggled ON will prevent a group leader from leaving party members behind who are stunned, seated, or otherwise unable to move with the group.
Monday, July 6, 2020
- Want someone to know you appreciate their roleplaying skills? ROLEPLAY COMMEND has been added so you can recognize their roleplaying without alerting GameMasters. Remember to use ROLEPLAY NOMINATE if you'd like to spotlight them for GMs.
- The ESP system has received a massive overhaul. Type ESP in game to see all the new features and use ESP TOGGLE to turn them on and off.
Monday, June 29, 2020
- You can now type TATTOO INVENTORY in game to see where your tattoos are and what is covering them.
- The LUMNIS INFO verb now tells you how much experience remains on an active Gift of Lumnis and your most recent use of LUMNIS SCHEDULE.
Monday, June 22, 2020
- Rumor Woods continues all this week, with plenty of jousting, fox hunting, and shopping for everyone. Don't forget to pick up your favorite character customizations at Summit Academy, as well. Both areas are accessible in game by typing QUEST TRANSPORT RUMOR.
- Members of the Order of Voln can now see their accumulated favor using the RESOURCE verb in game.
- The ESP system is getting an overhaul, and we'd like your feedback on the proposal! See GM Naijin's forum posting for the full details.
Monday, June 15, 2020
- Rumor Woods begins this Friday, June 19th at 9PM Eastern. Choose your side in the Battle of the Coney and the Tortoise!
- The POLICY verb has received an update so that when players use POLICY REVIEW (or INFO, CHECK, SELF) it will show whether the area they are in is being monitored for vulgarity.
Monday, June 8, 2020
- The brand new verb RESOURCE has been released and allows you to quickly check your stamina, spirit, health, and mana and weekly profession points for sorcerers, bards, wizards and monks.
- Rangers can now TRACK creatures within their hunting grounds, even leading their group to the target!
- Intercession costs in silvers have now been adjusted to no longer apply a penalty for multiple deity conversions if they happened more than one year ago.
Monday, June 1, 2020
- Mist Harbor visitors may notice the Monsoon Jungle area has some new residents. Proceed with caution!
- Armor Specializations for puncture/slash/crush protection have been updated to now be applicable to cloth armors.
- Icemule citizens and visitors alike are welcomed to GM Auchand's OOC meeting to discuss the future of Icemule, to be held Thursday, 6/4/20 at 10 pm Eastern.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
- PM Wyrom announces the final #PlayApartTogether perks, with a silvers auction in Prime and a hefty experience boost. See full details in his forum posting.
- The formula used to calculate Mana has been updated, to scale faster at lower Harness Power ranks and then taper off to current values at 100 ranks. The new formula is Starting Mana + Harness Power Ranks (capped at level) + Harness Power Skill Bonus.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
- The fourth and final GIFTBOX has arrived. Be sure to claim yours before they're gone!
Monday, May 18, 2020
- If you currently have a weapon, shield, or armor that is resistant to magic, you may ASSIST to ask to speak to a GameMaster to have the item reviewed to have the magic resistance removed. This does not apply to items made of materials like veil iron that are naturally resistant to magic.
- The experience penalty for holding a weapon or shield while outside of town has been removed.
- Beginning today, May 18th, and ending May 24th, a troll flower girl will begin exploring Elanthia, with new daily quests for adventurers to complete. See PM Wyrom's forum posting for more details.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
- The much anticipated changes to Archery have been released for beta testing in Platinum and will be headed to Prime and Shattered at the conclusion of the beta phase. See GM Naijin's forum posting for details on the changes.
- Completing a Bounty for the Adventurer's Guild will now earn you citizenship points for that town.
Monday, April 27, 2020
- Fans of Spirit Beasts are invited to join the Gemstone IV test server to help test out the revamped Spirit Beast system. See GM Auchand's forum posting for full details.
- The second April GIFTBOX has arrived. Be sure to claim yours before they're gone!
Monday, April 20, 2020
- Ethereal Weapons get some updates! See GM Retser's forum posting to read up on all the changes.
- Rings of Lumnis has returned and will be there for your puzzling enjoyment from now until April 30th.
Monday, April 13, 2020
- Role-playing month sees the addition of a new verb to add to your repertoire. LOWER lets you lower your eyes, palms, gaze, wave, and hand. Try them all!
- The first of four GIFTBOXES is now live and includes a paddle ball toy. Make sure to claim yours before Wednesday, April 22nd when the next GIFTBOX is released.
Monday, April 6, 2020
- #PlayApartTogether continues, with the mobile WPS smithy still making weekend visits around Elanthia, Feeder Frenzy Fridays, upcoming weekly giftboxes, and a 15% boost to experience.
- We are spotlighting Roleplaying in Elanthia all month, with a contest and an update to the ROLEPLAY NOMINATE command so you are notified when your fellow adventurers recognize your roleplaying excellence.
Monday, March 30, 2020
- Trouble staying warm on the freezing slopes of Mount Aenatumgana? A new Campfire system has rolled out to help you battle the harsh elements in Elanthia's coldest spots.
- Wehnimer's Landing has concluded its annual Mayoral race, with Candidate Leafiara being chosen to as this year's Mayor. Congratulations!
Friday, March 20, 2020
- Briarmoon Cove 2020 has been postponed. Read PM Wyrom's full announcement post on our official forums and get details on the upcoming appearances of the WPS smithy, Delirium Manor, and the Albatross as well as Feeder Frenzy Fridays, and a temporary boost to experience for all players.
Monday, March 16, 2020
- Night At The Academy has received a minor tweak. Creatures inside will no longer cast Implosion, instead opting for Grasp of the Grave.
- Locksmith pools are opening all over Elanthia, with locations now in Mist Harbor, River's Rest, Cysaegir, Ta'Vaalor, and Ta'Illistim where you can drop off your treasure boxes and return later to collect the opened ones.
- SimuCon 2020 dates and location have been announced. The Westport Chalet in St. Louis, MO will be host to the event from August 6th to August 9th.
Monday, March 9, 2020
- The Wehnimer's Landing Mayoral Race is in full swing. Visit the pages of Candidate Xorus, Candidate Faerinn, and Candidate Leafiara to find out their platforms and decide your vote!
- The Locksmith pool has been rolled out to Wehnimer's Landing with other major cities soon to follow. Visit the East Tower with your boxes to try out this innovative new way to connect locksmiths with their customers.
Monday, March 2, 2020
- There is still another week to get your application in for a Wiki Moderator position. Read what is required of moderators and find a link to the application at the official forums.
- PM Wyrom has posted the latest edition of Creating Adventure. Catch up on what's new and what's in the future of Gemstone IV!
Monday, February 24, 2020
- We are looking for Wiki Moderators! If you have an interest in helping out with the Gemstone IV Wiki by serving as a moderator, click here for a link to the announcement and application.
- Bloodriven Village remains open for smithy access (if you have an invitation) and shopping until Tuesday, February 25th at noon Eastern. Don't forget to get your last minute purchasing done!
- Self-knowledge scrolls have been updated and no longer have the duration of the buff spells cast from them limited beyond the usual 15,000 second spell buff cap.
Monday, February 10, 2020
- Wizards' Mage Armor fire aspect has been changed. It now gives the mage a standard fire flare against a target when they attack or cast, and with fifty ranks of fire lore adds a chance for a second flare if the first was triggered.
- Quests have had their experience rewards reviewed and updated. This includes Night at the Academy, Troubled Waters, Black Swan Castle, and Reim.
- Citizens of Wehnimer's Landing should brace themselves for the start of this year's mayoral race. See GM Kenstrom's forum posting for the full schedule and details for throwing your hat in the ring.
Monday, February 3, 2020
- With Duskruin starting soon, details are starting to surface for new changes to the Arena, including bonus bloodscrip for team matches, the removal of hazards, and some other adjustments. See the forums for the specifics on all of the new tweaks.
- On Wednesday, February 5th, there will be a raffle drawing for Premium subscribers in Mist Harbor for 250 Duskruin vouchers. It will draw on Wednesday at 11pm Eastern and winners will need to be in game and available at the time of drawing to collect their prize.
Monday, January 27, 2020
- Duskruin teasers are being released on the forums so you can check out some of the new things you'll soon be able to purchase there!
- Vilana's raffle for Bards will draw on Wednesday, January 29th and the lucky winner will be able to customize either their Sonic Armor, Sonic weapon, Singing Sword or Sonic Shield.
Monday, January 20, 2020
- Unlocking! PM Wyrom announces that unlocks for Whisper cloaks, Nalfein Black Rose Decks, and Stuffimals will be available in the SimuCoin store for a pilot two week test run.
- Troubled Waters has been released for the Quest nexus. Slaughter Krolvin and earn yourself some blackscrip to spend on prizes!
- GM Estild announces updates to Stun Maneuvers. Read the full details in his forum posting.
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
- Xerria has posted her unlocking lists for 2020. Premium subscribers should check out her forum posting for details on exactly which items she can unlock for you at her monthly sessions.
- GM Konacon has added more creatures and abilities to the SMRv2 conversions. Dogs, constructs, hierophants, abyran'ra, animate dead explosion, vines/plants, vathor, necleriine, kiramon, huge mein golems, worms, roa'ters, rift crawlers, chimeras, decaying citadel guardsmen, Force Projection (1207), and patchwork flesh monstrosities have all been moved to SMRv2.
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
- Pennant Chase returns to Gemstone Prime on Sunday, January 12, at 4 p.m. Eastern. Bring a friend and join in on the fun and prizes!
- Enjoy ambushing from the shadows? Hidden ambushers should try out the new verb released recently, WAYLAY. It's similar to ambush, but adds bonus damage weighting to your attacks instead of critical weighting. For more details, read GM Estild's forum posting announcement.
Monday, December 30, 2019
- The Adventurer's Guild recharging for silvers event has begun! From now until January 5th, you can use silvers at your local guild to recharge your enhancives instead of bounty points.
- Join your favorite GMs for New Year's Eve's annual GM open house. Look for shimmering golden ladders to the crossroads in each town, appearing around 6 p.m. EST on December 31st.
Sunday, December 22, 2019
- The Argent Mirror of Ta'Illistim is seeking new handmaidens. See GM Valyrka's forum posting for details if you'd like to apply. This year there is a spot open for a fostered handmaiden from a non-Illistim house.
- The December Premium contest has been announced. Read the post for details on this month's contest here or type PREMIUM 5 in game for details.
Monday, December 16, 2019
- Couldn't make it to the Wehnimer's Landing OOC meeting to see the what's coming up for our favorite frontier town? Read the event log here on the wiki to catch up.
- Join House Illistim and the Argent Mirror for the metallic-themed second Silver and Gold Wintertide Celebration on Friday, December 20, at 9pm Eastern. Wear your sparkliest formal wear!
Monday, December 9, 2019
- GM Kenstrom is looking for feedback after the conclusion of his latest storyline, Witchful Thinking. Add yours to his forum posting.
- Join many of the Cooperative Houses of Elanthia this weekend to celebrate the solstice at Winterfest, beginning with the crowning of the Frost King and Queen on Thursday, December 12th.
Monday, December 2, 2019
- Citizens of Ta'Illistim and Cysaegir are both being visited by merchant Yriwyn for weighting, padding, and sighting addiing services next week on December 8th and 9th. See the Gemstone IV Calendar for location and times for both.
- PM Wyrom announces the Cyber Monday (and beyond) sale, with deep discounts on many items in the Simucoin store. Read his forum posting for more details.
Monday, November 25, 2019
- Enchanting wizards can now use the Sense verb to check on the status of their static essence. See GM Naos' forum postingfor full messaging details.
- Instrument cases recently sold at Ebon Gate have been updated to hold the newest types of instruments!
- Platinum players can join Leiana in a lively game of Siegery on Saturday, November 30, beginning at 9:00 pm Eastern in Begetting Besiegers in Wehnimer's Landing.
Monday, November 18, 2019
- GM Naos announces more changes to Enchanting and how wizards generate essence. You can read all of the specifics in his forum post.
- Cobblers can meet with Lady Airisu on Wednesday, November 20th at 7pm Eastern in Mist Harbor where she will be altering cobbling materials, customizing plate box settings, and adding custom hallmarks to cobbling punches.
- Ta'Illistim citizens who own a player run shop will want to find Architect Istave at the Ta'Illistim Green on Saturday, November 23rd at 9:00 pm Eastern where he will spin for 5 lucky shop owners to customize one thing about their shop.
Monday, November 4, 2019
- Join the Order of the Azure Sun on Thursday, November 7th at 9pm Eastern, for their weekly muster to train in the drilling yard at their fortress of Sunholm Keep, located in the Cairnfang Forest outside of Solhaven.
- Bards can now use HUM NORMAL and WHISTLE SET NORMAL to use them like non-bards always have. Type HUM HELP or WHISTLE HELP in game for usage.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
- Ebon Gate 2019 wraps up on Thursday, October 31 at 11:59 pm Eastern. But before that, PM Wyrom will be hosting a jackpot treasure pull on Wednesday, October 30 around 9pm Eastern for 100,000 or 300,000 seashells. And a reminder, the last day to get something from the SimuCoin Store is October 30, by 11:55pm Eastern. Be sure to use what you wish before the event closes because if you are still digging, gaming, or diving at the end of the event, you will get pulled away before you can finish. Please plan accordingly!
- Were you one of the few to get your hands on Sister Ruminata's Forbidden Books or did you win a Necrotic ring in the Arena of the Abyss? What last minute EG shopping purchases do you still need to make?
- GM Vanah has made some QOL updates to some items recently! You can now bundle your matchbooks, and alchemy jars will now properly pluralize some ingredients that were a little off before.
Monday, October 21, 2019
- Everyone's favourite potentially-lethal Ebon Gate game, GHOUL, is scheduled for a few more sessions this week! Type FESTIVAL 7 in both Prime and Platinum for the schedule.
- What new things have you bought in the shops on Caligos Isle this year? Were you lucky enough to get one of the new WerePuppies? Have you tried out one of the folding chairs from On the Throne or are you stocking up on oldies but goodies like signet rings or the amazing perfumes from B. Witching??
- Don't forget you can spend your hard-earned seashells on items in the Jangling Junker!
Monday, October 14, 2019
- The festivities continue on Caligos Isle with the newly opened Arena of the Abyss, Live Games in Prime, and merchant week happening in Platinum. Type FESTIVAL in game for the schedule. Merchant week will begin in Prime on Friday, October 14 at 9pm Eastern.
- Frontier Days is just around the corner and GM Kenstrom has posted looking for CHEs or MHOs who would like to participate.
Monday, October 7, 2019
- Ebon Gate continues this week on Caligos Isle with Live Games in Platinum and shops opening today at 9pm Eastern in all games.
- Mini-games at Caligos Isle begin on Thursday, October 10, at 9pm Eastern. There will be fishing, Deep Sea Diving, the Diving Competition, and more. Type FESTIVAL 3 or FESTIVAL 4 while in game for more information.
Monday, September 30, 2019
- Caligos Isle returns! The festival of Ebon Gate 2019 begins on October 1.
- Many critters were updated recently to SMRv2. Read GM Konacon's forum posting for the list of which were converted.
- We bid farewell to the Lumnis contest after 10 runs. The new, permanent Gift of Lumnis experience boost will multiply your first 7300 experience points by 3, and your next 7300 experience points by 2, for a total bonus of 21900.
Sunday, September 22, 2019
- We are looking for GameHosts! Read GM Skhorne's forum posting for all the specifics on applying and what being a GameHost entails.
- Interested in learning more about the wood of Elanthia? Join the Mentors at Silverwood Manor on Saturday, September 28th at 4 pm Eastern for a chat about the various properties and lore of several of our magical woods.
- This week on Teras Isle, join the merchant Grawlix as he offers WPS services beginning at 8 pm Eastern. If he finishes early other services may be offered, so bring your alteration wish list and items to be deepened and lightened, too.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
- The potion trader arrives! Wizards can visit the workshop of their local Wizard Guild and find the nervous apprentice who will trade your old enchanting potions for new potions. If your potion had been infused with mana, you will also receive a swirling essence potion that you can drink to instantly absorb some essence.
- Shield Maneuvers have been updated and will now hit kneeling and prone targets at a penalty, instead of being prevented entirely.
Sunday, September 8, 2019
- GM Quilic is rolling out the finale to the Nazhor Chronicles this month, with the next two sessions happening on Sunday, September 15 and Sunday, September 22. Check out his forum post for all the details.
- The Mentors welcome you to Silverwood Manor for an open house on Monday, September 9 at 9pm Eastern. Bring all your questions and enjoy the food, drink, door prizes, and great company!
Sunday, September 1, 2019
- Join the merchant Ravias Crotar on Monday, September 2nd, at 10pm EST in Gardenia Commons on Four Winds Isle. Ravias will be raffling off a symbol of Sheru.
- The mobile smithy returns! It will be parked on Four Winds Isle until late Monday, September 2nd, and the entry fee will be 100,000 silvers.
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
- Windfellow's Retreat continues for Premium subscribers until Friday at 9 p.m. EST. Join the gargoyles of the keep as they attempt to find their beloved Dread Lord a match worthy of his magnificence!
- Xerria will be making two visits this week for her monthly unlocks for premium players. Join her Tuesday at 5:30 p.m. EST for her regular unlocking session and on Thursday at 5:30 p.m. EST for her Really Rare Raffle unlocks.
- Join Tracker Zendrian for a raffle for ranger animal companion grooming on Wednesday. Raffle tickets are being sold just outside the West Gate of Wehnimer's Landing.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
- This year's Premium festival begins, Friday, August 23rd at 9 PM Eastern. Join the gargoyles of Windfellow's Retreat for a week of raffles, merchants, and services!
- A new Combat Maneuver debuts as short ambushers of Elanthia cheer. Read all the details of Acrobat's Leap.
- In case you missed it: Catch up on this year's semifinal performances at Bardfest 5119 before you attend the finals on Thursday, August 22nd beginning at 10 PM Eastern.
Sunday, August 11, 2019
- Sale! For the duration of Duskruin, Fixstat potions, Fixskill potions, Encumbrance potions, and Spellup Pills are all on sale in the Simucoin Store.
- Bloodrune holders make their debut at Duskruin. Read PM Wyrom's forum posting for all the details on how you can get one and what they do.
Sunday, August 4, 2019
- The return of Duskruin heralds the return of the Treasure Trove (version 2.0). Read all the details on how the new Trove will work in GM Haliste's forum posting.
- The DEPOSIT verb got a small update. You can now type DEPOSIT SILVER to only deposit the silvers on you and keep any bank notes from being deposited.
- The item loss system saw some sweeping changes this week, with the addition of the ability to RECOVER your disarmed or stolen items.
Sunday, July 28, 2019
- Duskruin returns soon! The opening date has been announced as Friday, August 9th and it will run for at least 14 days. Are you ready to take on the Arena?
- More updates from GM Naijin for unarmed combat system users! Stance of the Mongoose, Shield Strike, Shield Pin, and Silent Strike have all been updated to work with unarmed combat.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
- Unarmed combat warriors got a new toy as Berserk has been updated and is now usable with UCS attacks.
- MSTRIKE has also received an update and you can now set a default attack type. Use MSTRIKE SET DEFAULT <type> where type is ATTACK, JAB, PUNCH, GRAPPLE, or KICK.
- Purchasers of scrip pouches, ticket pouches, and seashell buckets can now take their empty ones and TURN or TEAR them to destroy the item and receive a refund of the purchase price or, if it was a game prize, a refund of 100 general tickets.
Sunday, July 14, 2019
- The Faendryl Enclave is hosting Faendryl Symposium 2019. Join them for a weekend celebration of the history, culture, and art of the Faendryl. Check the Gemstone IV Calendar for more information and a link to the full schedule.
- The July premium contest has been announced, Fireplace Fanatics. Type PREMIUM 5 in game to see full details on this month's contest.
Sunday, July 7, 2019
- GM Ixix makes some changes to the boss and pack creatures you've been fighting, adding the ability to assess them for hints to their boons, a long-term experience reward for defeating pack, miniboss, and boss creatures, and some other minor updates.
- Metalsmith Smiffy will be making an appearance on Tuesday, July 9th at 8:30pm Eastern to add or remove spikes from your armor and armor accessories.
Sunday, June 30, 2019
- Tonight, June 30th, at 11pm Eastern, full and partial citizens of Ta'Vaalor can join Zelarik in the Wyvern Keep Meeting Hall as he spins for customers to add Weighting. Padding, and Sighting services to their armor and weapons.
- The 24th annual Bardfest is looming and members of Argent Aspis invite you to join them on Friday, July 5th, at 9pm Eastern for Roar Into Bardfest, an event featuring creative games and challenges to help get you in the Bardfest mood.
- Premium subscribers can enter merchant Ravias' raffle on Monday, July 1st, for a fireworks press. The raffle draws at 10pm Eastern so be sure to purchase your ticket soon!
Monday, June 24, 2019
- Valley of Gold has ended but you can read all of the official lore documents that were released here at the wiki. There are new articles on wyverns, Human Ales: A Tasting Guide to Turamzzyrian Ales, the History of Elementals and Elven Wine Pairings.
- Also released at Valley of Gold were two rare new materials. Read all the details about the new gem, Bleakstone and the new wood, Lasimor.
- Don't forget, Wednesday nights are Guild nights! Double your training points on guild tasks completed between 5pm and Midnight Eastern.
Sunday, June 16, 2019
- The Argent Mirror and Emperor Aurmont Anodheles will be meeting to discuss further cooperation between their nations in the Valley of Gold and all are welcome to observe as they sign a historic treaty. The festival runs from June 20th through the 23rd to celebrate the occasion with a cultural exchange between the two nations including shopping, history, discussions, and more.
- Elves planning on attending Valley of Gold are invited to visit with Lord Clessar as he sews, on Monday, June 17th, beginning at 9pm Eastern in Galieca's Teas and Coffees in Ta'Illistim.
Sunday, June 9, 2019
- This year's Premium festival has been announced! Join the Dread Lord at Windfellow's Retreat from August 23rd to August 30th.
- Rumor Woods continues for another week until Sunday, June 16th. Have you gotten all of your horse and KnightWear shopping done and tested your mettle in the joust or the fox hunt?
Sunday, June 2, 2019
- Rumor Woods is open, with jousting, fox hunting, and of course shopping with all new items for you and your horse! Type QUEST TRANSPORT RUMOR in game to be instantly transported to the grounds.
- Summit Academy is also available at the Rumor Woods event. You can customize your character with signature verbs, feature alterations, spell prep customizations, and more. Find the tokens to purchase your customizations at the What Remains shop on the Rumor Woods grounds.
Sunday, May 24, 2019
- Simucon 2019 will be Wednesday, July 10 through Sunday, July 14, 2019. Come see old friends or make new ones!
- Platinum players are invited to join Anto and Eyre on another "See Elanthia!" world tour event. Meet up at Veythorne Manor on Monday, May 27 at 8:30pm Eastern.
- The Mentors will be hosting a Paladin Meet and Greet event on Thursday, May 30th, at 7:00 pm Eastern, to answer all of your questions about paladins and how to train them.
- Order of the Shadow is hosting "Wehnimer's Landing, A Retrospective" on the Hearthstone porch steps with a panel of Wehnimer's Landing veterans offering their insights on the past. present, and future of the Landing. The event begins at 11:00 pm Eastern, on Friday, May 31st.
Sunday, May 17, 2019
- Speech tones and verbiage both saw some recent new additions to make your roleplaying even more nuanced.
- Join White Haven on Monday, May 20th and Tuesday, May 21st for a two day celebration in honor of Oleani, with raffles, a rose exchange, and the Love Blooms Dance. More details and schedule on the [Gemstone IV calendar].
- Ever wanted to try out cobbling your own fancy shoes? Join the Mentors at Silverwood Manor on Thursday, May 23rd at 11 pm for a seminar and live demonstration.
Sunday, May 12, 2019
- April Premium contest winners have been announced, and the May contest rules have been posted! Type PREMIUM 5 in game to see this month's contest details.
- GM Lydil reminds applicants for the Chantry College research grants that they need to have their entries submitted by May 20. See his forum post for full submission information.
- The Spring Spectacular releases have concluded, bringing lots of updates to clerics, wizards, empaths and more. See a full list of the releases in the Spring Spectacular article here on the Wiki.
Sunday, May 5, 2019
- Clerics saw more updates this week, with changes to Miracle (350) and Divine Wrath (335) and the addition of Condemn (309).
- Two new flags were added for players to help protect valuables from accidental drops. See GM Naos' forum posting for full details.
- The TICKET verb has some QOL additions, you can now type TICKET in game to check your current balances of all alternative currencies, withdraw an amount of currency, or deposit some of your hard earned scrip.
Sunday, April 28, 2019
- The Spring Spectacular started on the 23rd, with an update to disarming and detecting traps and lock measuring, lowering roundtime on all as long as you're in a civilized place. The effect of Water lore on Disarm Enhancement has also been changed, see GM Ixix's forum posting for full details.
- Cleric Base spell 302 (Smite/Bane) now does full damage when cast against a creature of opposite alignment. The doubled mana cost still applies.
- Empaths now automatically attempt to IMPRINT on the player they were healing when the transfer effect wears off, at no spirit cost.
- An additional Spiritual Lore, Religion benefit has been added to Holy Bolt (306). At 30 ranks, clerics can now unlock a version of Holy Bolt that is more effective against the living by using EVOKE to cast the spell.
Sunday, April 21, 2019
- The Rings of Lumnis Trials have begun! Type QUEST TRANSPORT RINGS in game to join other adventurers and scholars traveling to the Isle of Ornath to test their knowledge of all things Elanthia.
- The Spring Spectacular begins Monday, April 23rd, with 14 days of new releases!
- Fishing Titles have been added for avid fishers. Type TITLE LIST ANCILLARY-PRENAME or TITLE LIST ANCILLARY-POSTNAME to see the access them. Some of them are rarer titles and will require a lot of fishing to attain.
Sunday, April 14, 2019
- A new quality of life update for player run shops was released this week. You can now ANALYZE the scripted items for sale in player shops!
- The return of the travelling Mobile Smithy providing Weighting, Padding, and Sighting services for silvers begins Monday, April 15th, sometime in the afternoon or evening. Its first appearance will be in The Ravelin near Ta'Vaalor, and the next planned stop after that will be in Ta'Illistim. Read PM Wyrom's forum post for more details.
- The 5th annual celebration of the Magic of Spring with Twilight Hall begins on Thursday, April 20th, with their Magic Mixer at 10 pm Eastern and continues through Saturday with raffles and other events.
Sunday, April 7, 2019
- April 7th, at 9 pm Eastern, a delegation from the Human Empire will be meeting with the Argent Mirror in the Shining City. All are welcomed to join the reception in the Ta'Illistim Keep to welcome the special envoy.
- PM Wyrom updates the Creating Adventure newsletter and Gemstone Staff List. Take a look at what's been accomplished this past year in Elanthia and what future plans will be unfolding.
- March premium contest winners have been announced and the April contest is underway. Type PREMIUM 5 in game to see the contest rules and requirements.
Sunday, March 31, 2019
- Earthen Fury (917) has been adjusted to reduce the critical damage of the first cycle when cast against players. Read GM Konacon's forum posting for more details.
- Premium subscribers are invited to a quarterly OOC meeting on Friday, April 5th, at 9pm Eastern. Join the team of Premium GameMasters for a discussion of the ongoing storyline and the status of Premium. Look for a portal dropped in Gardenia Commons shortly before the meeting begins.
- Testing has begun on a new feature for Player run shops. Read GM Naos forum posting for full details on the testing.
Sunday, March 24, 2019
- Sorcerers will now receive notification when they've reached their weekly necrotic energy cap for the week.
- Duplicity will be working on Peretta-style cloaks, gowns, and and skirts on Tuesday, March 26th, beginning at 9pm Eastern. New garments will NOT be sold, so bring your Peretta gear for her to work on.
- GM Galene is seeking experts in elven and human fashion to submit designs for evening formalwear. Read the details on how to participate in her forum posting.
Sunday, March 17, 2019
- Teras Isle residents and visitors (or just those curious about the future goings-on in the town) are invited to the Kharam Dzu OOC meeting on Monday, March 18th, beginning at 9pm Eastern. Just look for the portal west of the statue and bring your questions and suggestions!
- Premium teleportation jewelry messaging will be customized by Jebariah on Tuesday, March 19, at 5:30pm Eastern. Mist Harbor citizens will also have the option to ground their teleportation jewelry so that they always arrive in the same outdoor spot in Mist Harbor when they activate it.
- Curious about what to do after finally hitting level 100? Join the Mentors at Silverwood Manor for an out-of-character conversation about life after capping on Thursday, March 21, at 9pm Eastern.
Sunday, March 10, 2019
- The Mentors of Silverwood Manor will be hosting an open house on Monday, March 11 beginning at 9:00pm Eastern. This is a great opportunity for both newly returned and veteran adventurers to ask questions about Elanthia, find out about the Mentor program, and meet new friends. There will be food, drinks, and door prizes.
- Platinum subscribers are invited to attend a Siegery tournament at Begetting Besiegers on Tuesday, March 12 from 8:30pm – 10:30pm Eastern.
- You may have noticed a new treasure drop in your hunting loot! Small totem heads were introduced recently and aid with swimming.
Sunday, March 3, 2019
- With the advent of faster travel and varying Death Sting's penalties (for decaying vs. departing) the decay timer in The Rift has been updated to remove the doubled duration it previously had.
- Divine Fury has had an update to its lore benefit. Read the complete details in GM Estild's forum posting.
- The next chapter of the Isle of the Four Winds' storyline, The Nazhor Chronicles, starts today, March 3rd, at 4 p.m. EST. This is an ongoing storyline that will run weekly on Sundays beginning at 4 p.m. and on Thursdays beginning at 8:30 p.m. EST.
- The Faire of the North is coming to Icemule, beginning Thursday, March 7th at 9 p.m. Eastern. This event is open to all players and will feature shops, merchants, games, and raffles.
Sunday, February 24, 2019
- A treasure trove of information about Isle of the Four Winds has been discovered! Weekly updates will be made to the Isle of the Four Winds Lore page until all has been revealed.
- The deadline for submissions to the Storyline Art Contest is fast approaching. See GM Lydil's forum posting for complete details on entering and how to be sure if your submission was received.
- We're looking for elven and human inspired weapon designs. Check out GM Wraex's post on the official forums for the full details.
- Geltrude will return to Mist Harbor on Tuesday, February 26th at 5:30pm Eastern to practice her ink magic and artistry. Premium subscribers, come get your first (or fifth!) tattoo.
Sunday, February 17, 2019
- The mayoral race in Wehnimer's Landing has begun! See GM Kenstrom's forum announcement for all the details on throwing your hat in the ring.
- Apprentice Villicent will be unlocking portrait lockets in The Ivory Mask wagon in Mist Harbor on Sunday, February 24th at 7pm Eastern.
- The AI Crystal has seen a minor addition! It has been updated to now recognize and message when sighting is present on a bow.
Monday, February 11, 2019
- Duskruin returns this Friday, February 15th at 9 pm Eastern, and adventurers can explore the secrets of the Unearthed Temple. Type QUEST TRANSPORT DUSKRUIN to get there.
- We have a new Discord channel dedicated to all things GS wiki! Join us on the GemstoneIV Discord server and look for the wiki-talk channel.
- Premium subscribers! Did you know you can use a Sadie scroll to add a long+show alteration to an item? If your item has an existing long description or a show, and you want to add the other, it will cost 300 premium points. If you request both be added using a single Sadie scroll, it will be 600 premium points.
Sunday, February 3, 2019
- The rescheduled Cysaegir OOC meeting will be held on Monday, February 4th, at 9pm Eastern. Look for the portal in Linsandrych Common to enter the meeting.
- Solhaven hosts the Winternight's Festival beginning Wednesday, February 6th and culminating in the Snow Ball held by Cairnfang Manor on February 9th at 9pm Eastern. Check the calendar for all the details on each day's events.
- Mistresses Hepit and Tanki will be offering custom tattoo services in Mist Harbor on Saturday, February 9th, from 7:00 - 9:30pm Eastern.
Sunday, January 27th, 2019
- Locksmiths will no longer receive an experience penalty for using Disarm Enhancement or Lockpick Enhancement when picking or popping open boxes.
- Alchemy jars have received a quality of life update. MEASURE now reports the maximum quantity the jar can hold, while LOOK IN gives information on how many items it currently has in it.
- GM Lydil announces the Storyline Art Contest of 2019. Players can submit real world artwork related to storylines in Gemstone IV. Submissions will be accepted until Thursday, February 28th.
Sunday, January 20th, 2019
- More OOC meetings! Premium subscribers are invited to attend the Mist Harbor/Premium OOC meeting with the Premium Team on Friday, January 25th at 8:30pm Eastern. Icemule citizens and visitors are welcome to attend the Icemule OOC meeting with GM Necios on Saturday, January 26th beginning at 9:30 pm Eastern.
- GM Retser gives an update on the status of the Player Shops update. Read his announcement [here] for all the details.
- The Seneschal of Ta'Illistim Keep announces an audience with the Queen will be held on Saturday, January 26th at 9pm Eastern. Be sure to read up on court protocol if you plan on attending.
Sunday, January 13th, 2019
- Dark Elves will be the topic of their own OOC meeting with GM Valyrka, beginning at 9pm Eastern on Thursday, January 17th. Portals will be placed outside Moot Hall in Wehnimer's Landing and outside the Dark Elf Embassy in Ta'Illistim. All things Faendryl will be discussed, and questions are welcomed.
- The Cysaegir OOC meeting is scheduled for Saturday, January 19th, starting at 9pm Eastern. Everyone is welcome to attend and learn what future plans are in store for the town or to ask your Cysaegir-related questions.
- GM Ixix expands the arrival of mini-bosses and packs to include new creatures and areas. Read the details in his forum posting. Sounds like it might be time to stock up on deeds!
- The GLANCE verb has had some bugs squashed with it and you can now preview the various glance styles usable using VERB INFO GLANCE.
Sunday, January 6th, 2019
- On Monday, January 7th, Tracker Zendrian will be holding a raffle for Premium subscribers at 12pm Eastern. This raffle is only open to rangers able to summon an Animal Companion and the winner will have their animal companion groomed.
- GM Valyrka has announced an OOC meeting to chat about all things Ta'Illistim. Bring your questions and feedback to the Ta'Illistim Green on Saturday, January 12th, at 9pm Eastern.
- Vaalorian citizens and visitors alike are welcome to attend the Ta'Vaalor OOC meeting to discuss the current affairs and future of Ta'Vaalor. Look for a portal in King's Court just before 7pm Eastern on Sunday, January 13th.
Sunday, December 30th, 2018
- The end of the year is here and with it comes the annual New Year's Eve GameMaster Open House. Shimmering ladders will be located in each town (in both Prime and Platinum) beginning around 6 pm Eastern on Monday, December 31st.
- From now until January 2nd, you can recharge your enhancives at your local Adventurer's Guild and pay silvers instead of bounty points. Don't forget to recharge those badges!
Sunday, December 23rd, 2018
- All of Duskruin will remain open until Wednesday, December 25th, at 11:59pm Eastern, but sales of booklets in the SimuStore will end tonight, December 23rd, at 11:55pm Eastern!
- The Thrakmas season is upon us and it seems GM Ixix has a shiny new gift for the creatures of Elanthia. Read the details in his forum posting.
- Paladins also have a reason to celebrate, as Higher Vision gets its cap raised from a maximum +20 DS to a new cap of +55.
- The Mayor and the Advisory Council of Icemule Trace are inviting everyone to the grand opening of the Clovertooth Hall expansion on Saturday, December 29th at 10pm Eastern. The recently renovated and expanded second floor will feature new amenities for the town, and a couple of raffles will be drawn to mark the occasion.
Sunday, December 16th, 2018
- Winter wagons are open in Mist Harbor! Stop by The Ivory Mask and The Twisted Vine and check out this year's new inventory. Keep an eye on the calendar for merchants dropping by to customize the wares inside.
- Duskruin is open, with some new shops and old favorites to explore in Bloodriven Village, including The Sable Quietus, where you can buy one of the brand new plague masks.
- Lord Clessar will be in Ta'Illistim's Hanging Gardens on Monday, December 17th at 9pm to customize your favorite masks! It's the perfect time to get yours made to fit the metallic theme of the upcoming Silver and Gold Wintertide Celebration hosted by The Argent Mirror to mark the solstice on December 21st at 9pm Eastern.
Sunday, December 9th, 2018
- Duskruin begins on December 14th at 9pm Eastern and the Town Crier team has put together an article compiling all the teasers and news so far.
- The recent events in Mist Harbor for the "Those Aren't Tears" storyline get recapped by GM Quilic. This is an ongoing storyline so catch up and join in!
- Next Sunday, December 16th, at 6:30 pm Eastern, Helden Hall will be hosting their monthly tour. The tour of the Hall will be followed by a Tourney Brawl for those that wish to participate or just cheer from the sidelines.
- GM Vanah has made a small fix to the zesty petticoats that were sold at this year's Ebon Gate and other events.
Sunday, December 2nd, 2018
- Join the Cooperative Houses of Elanthia for the annual Solstice CHE tree decorating ceremony on Tuesday, December 4th at 10:30pm Eastern at Ebonstone Manor.
- The Winterfest celebrations begin on Thursday, December 6th at 10:00pm Eastern in Icemule Trace with the crowning of this year's Frost King and Queen.
- The Legends Bar at Hearthstone Manor recently saw the addition of goblets for the first Legendary monks in Elanthia, Vultieri in Prime, and Shiun in Platinum!
Sunday, November 25th, 2018
- Wiki moderator applications are still open until Thursday, November 29th. Details on what moderating entails and what we're looking for can be found here.
- Weighting, padding, and sighting services will be offered to anyone lucky enough to be spun by the merchant Culd in Wehnimer's Landing on Tuesday, November 27th at 9:30pm Eastern. Ta'Illistim citizens will also be visited by Yriwyn on Friday, November 30th at 9:00pm Eastern.
- The Icemule Historical Society collects the histories of Elanthian adventurers. Stop by and fill out their questionnaire and leave your mark on the record books!
Sunday, November 18th, 2018
- We're in search of wiki moderators! Read GM Kaikala's forum posting for more details on applying.
- Clerics have a new spell! You can read all about Ethereal Censer here.
- Xerria will be visiting the Merchant Lounge in Mist Harbor on Wednesday, November 21st at 9pm Eastern to unlock items for premium subscribers.
Sunday, November 11th, 2018
- DARTS! House Aspis will be hosting a Harvestide Darts Night on Saturday. November 17th.
- Thinking about proposing to that special someone? Schedule your Cathedral Wedding for an extra memorable day!
- Twilight Hall is celebrating their 22nd anniversary with a weeklong celebration in Wehnimer's Landing, beginning Monday, November 12th.
Sunday, November 4th, 2018
- Thanks to the tireless research of Lady Rhappellie and the participants in the Bardic College Symposium, a new feature of loresinging has been uncovered! Bards can now temporarily or permanently unlock the ability to RECALL the loresong of an item. Read more of the details in GM Estild's saved forum post.
- Platinum players can attend the Platinum OOC meeting on Saturday, November 10th at 2pm Eastern to discuss the state of Platinum and what you'd like to see in 2019.
- Adventurers under level 30 can attend the Argent Aspis Bounty Help event on Monday, November 5th. Meet outside the gates of House Aspis in Wehnimer's Landing at 8pm Eastern for aid completing your Adventurer's Guild bounties.
Sunday, October 28th, 2018
- Lady Rhappellie has put out a call for bard performers for her Bardic Showcase happening on Saturday, November 3.
- Cobblers were excited at Ebon Gate to see the release of a new cobbling punch for sandals! Grab yours before the event ends on Wednesday, October 31st.
- Signet rings and sealing waxes have gotten a minor quality of life update! You can now use ANALYZE to see how much wax you have left and what verbs you can use on your rings.
Sunday, October 21st, 2018
- As the Ebon Gate festivities continue, don't forget to use the MARK and REGISTER verbs to protect your prize wins, new alterations, and other valuables!
- The October Premium Contest for premium subscribers is under way. Check out GM Zoelle's forum posting for this month's contest details or type PREMIUM 6 in game.
- Bone Shaman Clothing was first unveiled this month in Ulda's Flesh and Bones shop at Ebon Gate. Have you seen anyone in this osseous attire rattling around yet?
Sunday, October 14th, 2018
- GHOUL returns to Caligos Isle beginning October 14th in Platinum and October 17th in Prime. Type FESTIVAL 7 in game to see the complete schedule.
- A long-awaited Nalfein divination tool, the Black Rose Deck, made its debut as one of the game prizes at Ebon Gate!
- Have you met Ambie and her sweet fishies yet? If you find her on Caligos Isle this month, she'll trade you some seashells for your very own feisty, finny friend.
Sunday, October 7th, 2018
- Ebon Gate continues! The schedule is posted, shops are opened, cliff divers are competing in the Diving Competition and players are earning seashells at the games! Live games continue until October 8th in Platinum and begin in Prime on October 13th.
- The Gift of Eonak Login Reward has been updated to now help rogues when creating locks and lockpicks via Lock Mastery.
- If you bought some new jewelry this week at A Piercing Scream on Caligos Isle, a new wiki article was created to explain the ins and outs of piercing. This article is a work in progress, so please feel free to contribute!
Sunday, September 30th, 2018
- Are you ready for Ebon Gate? Visit Caligos Isle beginning on October 1st when shopping opens and the storyline commences. Starting October 5th and continuing through the end of the month, you can play automated games, spend some time fishing, or go Deep Sea Diving for sunken treasure.
- The PERM-ifier will be returning this year to Caligos Isle. What precious things do you want to keep forever?
- This year's Ebon Gate festival will also see the premiere of custom flare messaging.
- Collectible treasures have been found in boxes since July, have you completed any achievements yet?
Sunday, September 23rd, 2018
- The POLICY verb in game has been updated to add the POLICY REVIEW command and policies 3 and 20 have been updated.
- On Monday, September 24th, Merchant Culd of the Talent will be offering weighting, padding, and sighting services at 9pm in Icemule Trace.
- Also on September 24th, the Mentors will be hosting a discussion at Silverwood Manor at 10pm on the ins and outs of Ranger animal companions.
Sunday, September 16th, 2018
- Monks now have a new spell in their arsenal, Telekinesis!
- Beginning Friday, September 21st, the Carnival of Freaks will be visiting the outskirts of Wehnimer's Landing, bringing their own unique brand of entertainment.
- Paladins have had a few recent spell changes. Rejuvenation now has an evoke option, Aid the Fallen now allows dead paladins with enough Summoning Lore to choose their teleportation targets, and the spell infusion aspects of Sanctify have been improved.
Sunday, September 9th, 2018
- Every Wednesday night is Guild Night! Double the guild points for tasks turned in.
- Beginning September 21st, the Carnival of Freaks will be parked somewhere near Wehnimer's Landing for a weekend visit.
- Frontier Days continues in Wehnimer's Landing until September 15th.
- Grab a baton and steal those pennants! All are welcome to join in on this month's rounds of Pennant Chase, happening at 4pm Eastern on September 9th in Prime and September 23rd in Platinum.
Monday, September 3rd, 2018
- The Carnival of Freaks is set to arrive in Elanthia the weekend of September 21st.
- Join the Argent Mirror for a fundraiser planning session in Ta'Illistim on Thursday, September 6th at 9pm Eastern.
- The 13th annual Frontier Days celebration is coming to Wehnimer's Landing from September 7th to the 15th.
Sunday, June 3rd, 2018
- A Midsummer Night's Festival will be back in July on on the Isle of Four Winds.
Saturday, June 2nd, 2018
- Festival of Lumnea returns June 7th in Prime and June 14th in Platinum.
Friday, June 1st, 2018
- Duskruin is coming June 15th.
Thursday, May 31st, 2018
- Delayed services have wrapped up for the Commencement of Coraesine Forest.
Friday, October 13, 2017
- Forging has been revamped to display the official Forging Guide and includes new information from GM Mikos. If you're a forger, we need your help with messaging.
Saturday, September 9, 2017
- Festival of the Fallen information is here! Shop listing.
Sunday, August 27, 2017
- GSWiki introduces player research pages that anyone can make to show their number crunching. All page titles should start with "Research:". For more information, see the Style Guide.
Wednesday, August 23, 2017
- GSWiki reminds everyone that their 20th Anniversary on the Web Giftbox item opportunity expires on August 31.
Thursday, August 10, 2017
- The shop listing for Frontier Days 2017 could use some help with details. The festival is open until August 12 for everyone.
Tuesday, July 18, 2017
- The shop listing for A Midsummer Night's Festival 2017 is substantially complete. The festival is open until the evening of June 21 for Premium subscribers only.
Saturday, June 17, 2017
- Follow the Playershop updates on GSWiki. The quarterly Lumnis contest is also happening through July 1 @1am ET.
Friday, June 2, 2017
- GSWiki has all the latest on the Kharam Dzu 120th Anniversary Celebration.
Wednesday, May 10, 2017
- Chaddeaux created an LM SENSE map of the Landing and uploaded it to GSWiki.
Wednesday, April 26, 2017
- The character profile template has been updated with easy to use instructions. Character profiles are a great way to start learning how to Wiki.
Friday, February 10th, 2017
- Welcome new player referrals from The Professor! Please check out our new player information and visit the Order of Lorekeepers (the Mentors) in game.
Wednesday, April 5th, 2017
- The problems affecting the Vector skin (default display format), server 500 error, and other GSWiki issues have been fixed and the fixes appear to be stable. If you changed your skin, it is safe to change it back.
Sunday, March 12th, 2017
- Technical issues have been noted and sent on to GMs and Simu HQ for fixing. Please be patient while this is being investigated.
Thursday, January 5th, 2017
- Creating Adventure is back with a Year in Review listing and a new Spotlight on Staff.
Saturday, December 31st, 2016
- Experience pages have been updated for the major changes and organized in the new Experience category.
Saturday, December 16th, 2016
- The inventory for Feast of the Immortals festival 2016 has been posted.
Tuesday, October 11th, 2016
- The remaining mechanics pages have been re-categorized into Area Mechanics, Character Mechanics, and Item Mechanics. All can be found in the Mechanics category. A request to change the left sidebar has been made.
Thursday, October 6th, 2016
- Where are all the combat mechanics? They're in the new Combat Mechanics category. Editors are working on other, more comprehensive, key categories so that information will be easier to find. At the same time, we are trying to condense and merge pages to eliminate conflicting and redundant information.
Monday, September 12th, 2016
- Starting today, we will be posting recent additions to GSWiki. Recent project completions include new creature templates and corresponding instructions for using them, and a template and instructions for storyline NPC pages.
Thursday, February 11th, 2016
- Briarmoon Cove opens in Platinum on the 11th! Get your orb and join the revelry!
Thursday, February 4th, 2016
- Briarmoon Cove is now open! Get your orb and join the revelry!
Thursday, December 31st, 2015
- Check out the latest edition of Creating Adventure GS4-WYROM (talk) 16:15, 31 December 2015 (CST)
Monday, June 1st, 2015
- Check out the newest edition of Creating Adventure! GS4-Scribes (Talk) 16:21, 1 June 2015 (CST)
Wednesday, February 18th, 2015
- Our search function should now be indexing the content of our wiki properly! GS4-WYROM (talk) 20:33, 18 February 2015 (CST)
Friday, January 23rd, 2015
- Be sure to check out our new Creating Adventure piece! GS4-WYROM (talk) 08:55, 23 January 2015 (CST)
Saturday, January 3rd, 2015
- Welcome to the new GemStone IV Wiki, home of the Krakiipedia. GS4-WYROM (talk) 12:41, 3 January 2015 (CST)