DragonSpine Fane
The DragonSpine Fane is where holy symbols are created by clerics and paladins. The Fane was disclosed to clerics of Elanthia on the 24th day of Olaesta 5110 by the Theologian Inoak the Archdruid, a cleric of Kuon.
Go all the way to the top
There are quite a few stairs here, go all the way to the top. Once there, there is a main chamber with 3 small chambers (Light, Gray, and Dark). Go to the one your Deity is aligned to.
How to Create a Holy Symbol
In each small chamber there are obelisks; find the one for your Deity.
The mechanism for creating a holy symbol is straightforward: Cast Bless Item (304) or Consecrate (1604) at the appropriate obelisk (Do not use the wrong one!). A Holy Symbol will be created for you, and dropped into your hand. There is a cooldown period between creating symbols, as it drains spirit which must be replenished before the next cast.
Use Spirit Guide (130) to avoid climbing down the stairs.
Creation of a holy symbol is restricted to clerics and paladins.
Example of a symbol created from the Lorminstra Obelisk: a gold-traced banded onyx key symbol.
Climbing the Stairs
There are eighteen stairs in the Ancient Passage. Five of those stairs are niches dedicated to a single Arkati. Niches have bowls for offerings and statues showing the Arkati they are dedicated to. The entry at the base of the Ancient Passage is dedicated to a Drake. At the top is the DragonSpine Fane. In order from the bottom the stairs, the Arkati shown are as follows:
- First Stair
Charl and Niima and one un-named.
- Second Stair First Niche
Eonak and a forge.
- Third Stair
- Fourth Stair
Cholen and Jastev and two broken murals.
- Fifth Stair
- Sixth Stair Second Niche
Imaera and a tree.
- Seventh Stair
Jaston and Tilamaire and two other murals.
- Eighth Stair
Arachne and The Huntress and Andelas.
- Ninth Stair
- Tenth Stair Third Niche
Gosaena and her sickles.
- Eleventh Stair
Voln and Lorminstra.
- Twelfth Stair
Zelia and the two moons Lornon and Liabo.
- Thirteenth Stair
Ivas, Mularos, Sheru, and V'tull
- Fourteenth Stair Fourth Niche
Eorgina and her flames.
- Fifteenth Stair
Fash'lo'nae, Onar, and Marlu.
- Sixteenth Stair
Oleani, Tonis, Laethe, and Voaris.
- Seventeenth Stair and Fifth Niche
Koar and his throne.
- Eighteenth Stair
- DragonsSpine Fane, Landing
There is a washbasin here where you can clean up after all that hard work climbing those stairs.