The official GemStone IV encyclopedia.
The mountain lion is a muscular and athletic animal. Covered with a uniform coat of reddish-brown fur, her long, lithe body is equipped with powerful legs, displaying a proportionately greater difference in the length of the forelegs compared to the extenuated hind limbs. The feline's head is topped with rounded ears, and a very long, balancing tail completes the lion's physique.
Hunting strategies
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Other information
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[SMR result: 134 (Open d100: 89, Bonus: 1)]
A mountain lion pounces on you, knocking you painfully to the ground!
Roundtime: 5 sec.
[SMR result: 164 (Open d100: 92, Bonus: 28)]
A mountain lion pounces on you!
Roundtime: 5 sec.
[SMR result: 57 (Open d100: 11, Bonus: 2)]
A mountain lion leaps towards you, but misses and sprawls to the ground!
Near-level creatures - edit