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Art of the Bow (guide)
Title: The Art of the Bow
Author: Nuadjha kis'Anthri
Date Published: 2010-02-08
Updated: 2020-05-19 by Nuadjha
“The Art of the Bow” By Nuadjha kis'Anthri, the Briar Fox
Written February 2010 | Updated May 2020Introduction
This guide aims to introduce a new archer to the range of options included in archery in GemStone IV and to provide him or her some of the basic info that goes in to making a decision in terms of weapon choice and character build, all with an eye toward long-term character viability. Ideally, the information contained within it will also be of use to more experienced archers who would like to double check damage-factor and crit-rank tables or simply expand their own knowledge. As of the May 2020 ranged updates led by GM Naijin, archery has become more player-friendly and ammunition is now unlimited. This guide has been updated to take those changes into account.
Basic Mechanics
Bows and crossbows are ranged weapons that require ammunition, arrows and bolts, respectively, which can either be purchased at fletching shops or from other players. They can also be made by individuals skilled in Fletching. As of May 2020, ammunition bundles are infinite, though special charges (flares and blessings primarily) can be added temporarily.
You may hold your bow in either hand, though the game will automatically place it in your left hand (if it's free) if you use the READY and UNSHEATHE verbs. It is important to note that holding bows or crossbows in the right hand changes the DS profile from ranged weapon to the melee weapon counterpart (bows --> quarterstaff, crossbows --> cudgel). Generally, an archer will have a higher DS with the weapon held in the left hand.
You can set an ammo bundle with the READY AMMO command. Once a bundle is set, you can simply type FIRE to get an arrow and fire it at your target, or to get a crossbow bolt, cock the crossbow, and fire it. The commands are all integrated into the single verb FIRE. There is no need to retrieve your ammunition. It will either shatter on impact or disappear when the dead creature is searched.
Commands For Bows
1. To get an arrow from a bundle, if desired:
Get 1 my arrow from my <container>
Get 1 my <adjective> arrow from my <container>
Get arrow example:
Get 1 my faewood arrow from my quiver
2. To aim at a body location:
aim (body part)
Aiming example:
aim right eye
3. To fire (at target):
fire <creature>
Firing example:
Fire third orc
Commands For Crossbows
Crossbows can be preloaded with the COCK verb to front-load some of the RT. In this case, the COCK command will take 2 seconds and the remaining RT will be distributed to the FIRE command.
Bows vs. Crossbows
Bows and crossbows, classified as ranged weapons, come in two categories and six types:
Each has its advantages. Many experienced archers prefer the long bow for the ability to reduce its RT to 3 seconds while maintaining the highest possible damage, but the crossbow is particularly valuable to younger characters, characters with lower STR scores, and snipers. The basic rule is that the lighter the bow, the faster it fires and the weaker its damage factor (see DF table) which means that it doesn't do as much damage when it hits. This rule can get complicated, though, because the GS combat system takes into account a number of factors, including the type of bow, the target's armor, the target's natural critical or damage padding (if any), and your natural critical weighting (Wisdom+Intuition Bonus)/6 – see Ranged Weapons).
Crossbows add +30 AS when fired from a kneeling or prone position in offensive stance. Additionally, a crossbow provides a bonus to aiming and an even greater bonus to aiming while kneeling or prone. Unlike bows, whose RT is modified based on the user's strength bonus, AIMing status, and hiding status, crossbows have a flat RT of 4 seconds for light crossbows and 5 seconds for heavy crossbows. See the tables below for detailed information on calculating damage based on bow type, armor and wound location.
Hand crossbows can be used in one hand along with a shield, or dual-wielded with Two-Weapon Combat. They do not receive the +30 AS bonus.
Note that ranged attacks do 66% puncture damage and 33% slash damage (unless the tip is modified -- see below).
Base weapon weights
- Bows (short, composite, long): 3 pounds
- Light crossbow: 8 pounds
- Heavy crossbow: 12 pounds
Firing Times
The Base Roundtime for firing a bow is modified by the character's Strength bonus, strength spells and enhancives. For each 10 STR bonus, one second is deducted from the firing RT. One second is added to fire times when aiming or firing from hiding. Aimed attacks from hiding thus add two seconds to RT. Crossbows have a flat RT unmodified by STR, AIMing or Hiding.
Name | Base RT |
Short Bow | 5 seconds |
Composite Bow | 6 seconds |
Long Bow | 7 seconds |
Heavy Crossbow | 5 seconds |
Light Crossbow | 4 seconds |
Hand Crossbow | 4 seconds |
Long Bow Firing Time Example
Nuadjha has a STR bonus of 25 and as a ranger uses Phoen's Strength (+10 Strength Bonus). This combination produces a STR Bonus of 35. With a Wizard's strength spell (509), he can add another +15 STR Bonus and have a total Bonus of +50, which reduces his firing time by 5 seconds.
A STR Bonus of 50 produces these times for a longbow (base 7 seconds). Minimum RT is 3 seconds:
Tactic | Actual RT | RT Calculation |
Open (unaimed) | 3 seconds | 7 - 5 = 2 Note: Min RT is 3 |
Open (aimed) | 3 seconds | 8 - 5 = 3 |
Hiding (unaimed) | 3 seconds | 8 - 5 = 3 |
Hiding (aimed) | 4 seconds | 9 - 5 = 4 |
Aiming & Sighting
The basic rule here is that the smaller target, the harder it is to hit. A young archer will have great difficulty hitting anything, much less the smallest targets, like the eyes. Experienced archers will almost always aim for the eyes because of the low fatal puncture crit rank threshold (rank 4 – see below), but younger archers will have better luck aiming for a leg, knocking the creature down, and then aiming for the neck or head. Once a target is destroyed, the AIM location will default to the chest.
Aiming from the open relies solely on the Perception skill, while aiming from hiding relies on the Perception and Ambush skills.
ENCUMBRANCE does not affect ranged RT, nor AIMing.
Crossbows receive an aiming skill bonus of +5 when standing and +20 when kneeling.
Sighting is the ranged version of critical weighting. It follows the same scale as crit and damage weighting (i.e. 10 points is “heavy” sighting). Unlike critical weighting, however, sighting helps you hit your targets rather than increasing the crit rank of a wound. The total percent chance to hit a target is capped (at 75% for the eyes, for instance), but any sighting in excess of that cap will be converted to critical weighting at 50% (i.e., 2 points of sighting over the cap equal 1 point of weighting). Thus, there is always an advantage to sighting regardless of character skill.
Naturally sighted woods:
- yew – somewhat (5 CER)
- ipantor - somewhat (very old ipantor might be decently sighted) (5 CER)
- sephwir – heavy (10 CER)
Open Aiming vs. Sniping
The basic choice of an archer's existence is whether to be an open archer or a sniper. Open archers aim and fire without hiding, which has the advantage of speed but exposes the archer to injury. Snipers fire from hiding, which can add RT but also protect the archer. The open archery path requires significantly fewer Training Points, and most archers toward cap prefer it for its speed. However, some characters, whether because of their individual hunting style, level, or roleplay, do prefer to snipe. If you are planning to snipe, consider the advantages of the flat RT of crossbows.
Sniping is one of the most effective CvC styles in the game, if that's your style. If sniping, train in as much hiding as possible, because some creatures are very perceptive, especially animals and the undead. If one is fighting an undead animal, then hiding may be very difficult. The more you train in hiding, the better your chances of staying hidden while you fire, as well.
Bow/Crossbow AS and Parry DS
Bow/Crossbow AS and DS are the meat and potatoes of archery. For the nitty-gritty details, see below, but if that information is too arcane, the basics are these: For AS, train ranged, ambush and perception skills. Note that while the AS bonus from perception is capped at 2x skill/level, the AS bonus for ambush is not. For DS, train ranged, perception, ambush and dodge skills. Ranks in dodge skill do not increase parry DS but are important for a character's overall DS. Armor and bow enchant add directly to DS, just as bow enchant adds to AS (Note: As of May 2020, arrows no longer have an enchant and do not stack with the bow enchant).
The Nitty-Gritty:
The information below is borrowed from Asrial's research posted on the Player's Corner Forum in June 2009, with some edits and minor corrections. For the original post, see: It is a tentative equation.
Bow/Crossbow AS Formula
[Ranged Skill + DEX Bonus + (Ambush ranks - 40)/4)) + (Perception ranks - 40)/4)) + Bow Enchant Bonuses [max +50] + 30 Kneeling Bonus (crossbows only)] × Stance Modifier
Several spell effects will also increase/decrease attack strength. These include but are not limited to Spirit Barrier (102), Bravery (211), Heroism (215), Dauntless (1606), Elemental Targeting (425), and Warcry.
AS Stance Modifiers
Stance | Modifier | Stance | Modifier | |
Offensive | 1.00 | Neutral | 0.70 | |
Advanced | 0.90 | Guarded | 0.60 | |
Forward | 0.80 | Defensive | 0.50 |
AS Kneeling Bonus (Crossbows Only)
Stance | Bonus | Stance | Bonus | |
Offensive | +30 | Neutral | +21 | |
Advanced | +27 | Guarded | +18 | |
Forward | +24 | Defensive | +15 |
Bow/Crossbow Parry DS Formula (vs Melee Attacks)
[(Ranged Skill + trunc(Perception Ranks/2) + trunc(Ambush Ranks/2)) × Stance Modifier] + Bow/Crossbow Enchant Bonus + Stance Bonus
DS Stance Modifiers (Bow)
Stance | Modifier | Stance | Modifier | |
Offensive | 0.15 | Neutral | 0.33 | |
Advanced | 0.21 | Guarded | 0.39 | |
Forward | 0.27 | Defensive | 0.45 |
DS Stance Modifiers (Crossbow)
Stance | Modifier | Stance | Modifier | |
Offensive | 0.12 | Neutral | 0.27 | |
Advanced | 0.17 | Guarded | 0.32 | |
Forward | 0.22 | Defensive | 0.37 |
DS Stance Bonus
Stance | Bonus | Stance | Bonus | |
Offensive | 0 | Neutral | 30 | |
Advanced | 10 | Guarded | 40 | |
Forward | 20 | Defensive | 50 |
Bow/Crossbow Parry DS Formula (vs Ranged Attacks)
Ranged weapon users receive a small amount of DS vs ranged attacks but the exact formula is currently unknown. There is no stance bonus and only a small fraction of the weapon's enchant bonus is included.
DS Notes
1. Notice the SKILL/RANKS emphasis. You also need 1 rank of ranged to activate the formula (including receiving the DS of the bow/crossbow enchant).
2. BOW ENCHANT DS: Bow/crossbow enchant is added on a 1:1 ratio regardless of stance (except against a ranged attack).
3. CROSSBOW PENALTY: Crossbows have a DS penalty of ~20% even while standing when compared to bows. This loss is reflected in the separate crossbow stance modifier table above.
4. ARMOR ENCHANT NOTES: Armor enchant bonus is added to overall DS on a 1:1 ratio. This also applies to any items that add DS and aren't a weapon or a shield (since you can nullify parry/shield DS, but you can't nullify evade DS even with 0 ranks in dodge). Be aware that you can't nullify shield enchant (or the natural +20 DS it has).
5. Spells that improve attempts to Dodge include Mobility, Mass Blur, Temporal Reversion, and Song of Mirrors.
Bows/Crossbows Used As Melee Weapons (Right Hand Only)
When a bow (short/long/composite) or crossbow (light/heavy) is held in the right hand, it defaults to its melee weapon counterpart. Bows use the Quarterstaff (two-handed) weapon profile and Crossbows the Cudgel (blunt) weapon profile. Both AS and DS are based on the appropriate melee combat formulas, including the applicable skills and stats for those weapon bases.
Name | Weapon Profile | RT |
Short Bow | Quarterstaff | 4 sec. |
Long Bow | Quarterstaff | 5 sec. |
Composite Bow | Quarterstaff | 5 sec. |
Light Crossbow | Cudgel | 4 sec. |
Heavy Crossbow | Cudgel | 4 sec. |
Hand Crossbow | Cudgel | 4 sec. |
A long bow (quarterstaff profile) held in the right hand and used in melee combat with the ATTACK command.
You swing a long bow at a giant rat!
AS: +97 vs DS: +14 with AvD: +25 + d100 roll: +51 = +159
... and hit for 42 points of damage!
Blow to chest causes the giant rat's heart to skip a beat.
The giant rat collapses to the ground, emits a final squeal, and dies.
Modifying Skills and Spells
A large variety of skills and spells can affect archery. Some of the basic ones are:
- Mstrike: Allows an archer to fire two or more unaimed arrows simultaneously, at one or multiple targets, using the Multi-Opponent Combat skill. Rogues and rangers are granted 0.5x phantom ranks per rank of MOC (e.g., at 90 ranks of MOC, a ranger archer can fire focused shots at a single target, which normally requires 135 ranks of MOC). As with normal MOC, AGIDEX bonus reduces the Mstrike RT, starting with -1 second at 8 bonus and progressing each +15 afterward (e.g., 8, 23, 38).
- Surge of Strength (combat maneuver): Helps reduce firing time by temporarily increasing STR Bonus
- Shadow Mastery (combat maneuver): Reduces stalking and hiding time and adds bonuses to hiding. SM will also allow a ranger using *Camouflage (608) to retain some of the AS bonus when sneaking.
- Dislodge (combat maneuver): Violently rips out an arrow lodged in the target.
- Weapon Specialization (combat maneuver): Up to an additional +10 AS can be gained by specializing in arrows.
- Phoen's Strength (606): Reduces firing time by increasing STR Bonus by +10
- Strength (509): Reduces firing time by increasing STR Bonus by +15
- Camouflage (608): Instant hide and +30 AS for one attack. With sufficient hiding skill, an archer can stay hidden with a constant +30 AS bonus.
- Self Control (613): Adds bonuses to aiming
- Sneaking (617): Adds bonuses to hiding (increased with Blessings Lore)
- Disarm Enhancement (404): Adds a bonus to aiming
- Sigil of Minor Bane: Adds +5 AS and heavy damage weighting (10 CER) to arrows/bolts against hated foes of the Guardians of Sunfist.
- Sigil of Major Bane: Adds +10 AS and heavy critical weighting (10 CER) to arrows/bolts against hated foes of the Guardians of Sunfist.
Animal Companion (630): Animal companions (available to advanced rangers) have a Guard command that generally lets them guard the ranger for up to -25 AS/+25 DS. With ranged (and thrown) weapons, there is no AS penalty.
Enhancive Items:
With the release of enhancive items and Adventurer Guild Badges, it's become relatively easy to boost skills and stats. One is limited to a total +50 bonus to a skill and +40 bonus to a stat (+20 stat bonus). Though there are a number of ways enhancives can be useful, an archer with a low Strength bonus or, in particular, a Strength bonus only a point or three off from the next RT reduction (every +10 STR bonus) might find wearable Strength enhancives particularly useful.
Upgrading Bows and Crossbows
As of May 2020, bows and crossbows can be upgraded similarly to melee weapons. They can be enchanted (a wise move, since bow enchant adds to both AS and DS) and take sighting as well as have flares, blesses (or permablessing), greater undead bane, rotflares, or various other abilities.
Blessed & Flaring Ammunition
You can elementally blade, BLESS, or FLETCH your arrows to add temporary abilities, from flares to the ability to hit undead to temporary AvD boosts. These various options add charges to your arrows, which are consumed at a rate of 1 per shot. The max number of charges is 998. See below for more info on FLETCHing.
Fletching & Tips
Through the fletching artisan skill, an archer can create a bundle of customized arrows (by fletching one full arrow from scratch) or work on an existing arrow bundle. For an existing bundle, a fletcher can make the arrows magical by swapping out the shafts for a magical wood (and thus make them able to magical creatures), add flaring fletchings, and change out tips for different damage types (broadhead, bodkin, crescent, or blunt). For detailed tip information, see Ranged Weapons. Each ability is unlocked at a new tier of FLETCHing ability.
Changing Shafts
The primary reason to change out shafts would be if you are modifying an existing non-magical set of arrows made from a plain wood to change them to a magical wood. Doing so will enable the arrows to hit magical creature (e.g., cyclops). Have a bundle of magical wood shafts in your left hand and the arrow bundle in your right, then FLETCH SHAFT. This skill requires 50 fletching ranks.
Adding Flaring Fletchings
To add flares through fletchings, you first need the flaring fletching material. These are available primarily from the three creatures below, the rare permanent flaring fletching razors, and special-event merchant shops. Each piece of fletching material (i.e., one storm blue griffin fletching) adds 15 charges, up to the max of 998. The command is FLETCH FLETCH, with fletchings in your left hand and the arrow bundle in your right. This skill requires 200 fletching ranks.
The following creatures may be skinned to create flaring fletchings:
Name | Level | Area | Flare |
Storm Griffin | 73 | Griffin's Keen | Lightning |
Dreadnought Raptor | 43 | Gyldemar Green | Air |
Snowy Cockatrice | 6 | Snowflake Vale | Cold |
Firebird | 85 | F'Eyrie | Fire |
Changing Tips
Swapping out tips is especially useful if hunting puncture-resistant creatures (switch to crescent tips for slash) or creatures in chain or plate armor (switch to bodkin tips for better DF against heavier armors). Blunt tips do Unbalance damage and a +10 AvD bonus and are useful for disabling creatures, though they have a lower DF than regular arrrows. Broadhead tips mimic plain carved tips and are useful only for aesthetics or to switch a bundle back to a regular damage distribution. To swap arrow tips, have 10 of the new tip bundled in your left hand and the bundle of arrows you want to work on in your right, then FLETCH TIP. This skill require 400 fletching ranks.
Fletch Mastery
Additionally, a master fletcher can use FLETCH MASTER to add 100 charges of +5 AvD to a bundle of arrows once per hour. The charges on a particular bundle of arrows may only be refreshed to 100, but a master fletcher can work on multiple bundles of arrows and easily stack several hundred charges among separate bundles if not hunting for awhile. It's also possible to improve arrows for other characters. This skill requires full mastery at 500 fletching ranks.
You can change out the fletchings or tips at any time, which grants versatility at the loss of any current charges. An archer can easily keep a couple different types of arrows in his or her quiver and switch between them during a hunt for best effect.
NOTE: Arrow abilities trump bow abilities, so although it's possible to add flares or a bless to your bow, an arrow bundle with alternate abilities will take precedence (a fire-flaring bow and cold-flaring arrows will have cold flares, for instance).
Making Custom Arrow Bundles
This process generally follows the old fletching system, though you only need to make one arrow. It will auto-convert to a bundle at the end of the process. For more info, see Fletching on GSWiki or Nephrenia's Guide to Fletching:
Special & Legendary Items
A large variety of special items exist that supplement the ranged weapons system. These include everything from the ancient elemental bows of fire, ice, acid, and lightning to endless quivers. Prior to May 2020, these items were the only way to achieve unlimited ammunition. After the ranged update, each item was modified to grant it new abilities. These new abilities often exceed the normal constraints of the ranged system. Bows with enchanted ammunition that exceeds the 10x cap, for instance, still receive 50% of the AS boost (e.g., a 10x bow with 4x enchanted arrows is 12x). One of the more available special items is the compartmentalized quiver available at Duskruin, which at its fullest unlock will automatically choose the best ammunition for your target and grant you special damage bonuses if you empower it with a gem.
Sample Builds
Sniping Rogue
- 2x ranged
- 2x to 3x Perception
- 2x Ambush
- 1x to 2x CM (incl. Surge of Strength)
- 2x to 3x Dodging
- 3x Stalking and Hiding
Hasted Wizard
- 1x ranged
- 2x Perception
- DS is provided by spells and Celerity (506) allows deep RT reductions
Open-Archer Ranger
- 2x ranged
- 2x Perception
- 2x Ambush
- 1x Dodging
Thanks go to Droit, Asrial, Mark/Riltus, and WaywardGS for suggestions and corrections, and to AMUSED1 (PC) for the laborious task of posting the guide on Krakiipedia.
Bow/Crossbow Damage Factor Table
Weapon | AG | Cloth | Leather | Scale | Chain | Plate | RT | Min RT | Damage Type | STR/DU | ||||||||||||
AsG | 1 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | |||||
Short bow | DF | .325 | .225 | .275 | .250 | .100 | 5 | 3 | Puncture/Slash | 35/180 | ||||||||||||
AvD | 20 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 20 | 18 | 16 | 14 | 31 | 27 | 23 | 19 | 27 | 21 | 15 | 9 | |||||
Composite bow | DF | .350 | .300 | .325 | .275 | .150 | 6 | 3 | Puncture/Slash | 50/225 | ||||||||||||
AvD | 25 | 35 | 34 | 33 | 32 | 30 | 28 | 26 | 24 | 42 | 38 | 34 | 30 | 36 | 30 | 24 | 18 | |||||
Long bow | DF | .400 | .325 | .350 | .300 | .175 | 7 | 3 | Puncture/Slash | 60/315 | ||||||||||||
AvD | 25 | 33 | 32 | 31 | 30 | 29 | 27 | 25 | 23 | 42 | 38 | 34 | 30 | 38 | 32 | 26 | 20 | |||||
Light crossbow | DF | .350 | .300 | .325 | .275 | .150 | 6 | 4 | Puncture/Slash | 50/285 | ||||||||||||
AvD | 25 | 31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 25 | 23 | 21 | 19 | 39 | 35 | 31 | 27 | 32 | 26 | 20 | 14 | |||||
Heavy crossbow | DF | .425 | .325 | .375 | .285 | .175 | 7 | 5 | Puncture/Slash | 60/315 | ||||||||||||
AvD | 30 | 36 | 35 | 34 | 33 | 31 | 29 | 27 | 25 | 46 | 42 | 38 | 34 | 40 | 34 | 28 | 22 |
Fatal Thresholds for Puncture Criticals
The following table lists the minimum fatal critical ranks from puncture damage for the various body locations.
Body Location |
Critical Rank |
R/L Eye | Rank 4 |
Head | Rank 6 |
Neck | Rank 6 |
Chest | Rank 8 |
Back | Rank 8 |
Abdomen | Rank 8 |
Limbs | N/A |
See Puncture critical table for the complete list of criticals.
Armor Critical Divisors
ASG - Armor Sub Group
AG - Armor Group
Coverage - Torso, Arms, Legs, Head
Crit Divisor - Damage needed to achieve each critical rank
ASG | AG | AG Name | Armor Name | Coverage | Crit Divisor |
1 | 1 | Cloth | Normal Clothing/Robes | TALH | 5 |
5 | 2 | Leather | Light Leather | T | 6 |
6 | 2 | Leather | Full Leather | TA | 6 |
7 | 2 | Leather | Reinforced Leather | TAL | 6 |
8 | 2 | Leather | Double Leather | TALH | 6 |
9 | 3 | Scale | Leather Breastplate | T | 7 |
10 | 3 | Scale | Cuirbouilli Leather | TA | 7 |
11 | 3 | Scale | Studded Leather | TAL | 7 |
12 | 3 | Scale | Brigandine | TALH | 7 |
13 | 4 | Chain | Chainmail | T | 9 |
14 | 4 | Chain | Double Chain Mail | TA | 9 |
15 | 4 | Chain | Augmented Chain Mail | TAL | 9 |
16 | 4 | Chain | Chain Hauberk | TALH | 9 |
17 | 5 | Plate | Metal Breastplate | T | 11 |
18 | 5 | PLate | Augmented Breastplate | TA | 11 |
19 | 5 | Plate | Half-Plate Armor | TAL | 11 |
20 | 5 | Plate | Plate Mail Armor | TALH | 11 |
Puncture Critical Table
This table lists the critical messaging caused by the puncture damage type. Injuries of this type are most often caused by (AS) based melee and ranged weapon attacks. The damage values (hit points) in this table represent attacks in this category. In addition to weapon attacks, puncture criticals may also be caused by certain spells, i.e., Spike Thorn (616), natural creature attacks, and environmental hazards.
Note: Damage from non-weapon attacks, especially CS attacks, will often be different than those listed in this table.
- A - Amputation (limb loss)
- Fatal - (instant death critical)
- K - Knockdown
- R - Injury level (rank 1, 2 or 3)
- S - Stun w/number of rounds
- x - Unknown stun round
Rank | Damage | Message | Status Effects | Wounds |
0 | 0 | Thrust catches chin. Leaves an impression but no cut. | none | none |
1 | 5 | Glancing strike to the head! | none | R1 |
2 | 8 | Nice shot to the head gouges the [target]'s cheek! | S2 | R2 |
3 | 10 | Beautiful head shot! That ear will be missed! | S5 | R2 |
4 | 15 | Strike to temple! Saved by thick skull! | S7 | R3 |
5 | 20 | Beautiful shot pierces skull! Amazing the [target] wasn't killed outright! | S10 | R3 |
6 | 25 | Amazing shot through the [target]'s nose enters the brain! | Fatal | R3 |
7 | 30 | Strike through both ears, foe is quite dead! | Fatal | R3 |
8 | 35 | Strike pierces temple and kills foe instantly! | Fatal | R3 |
9 | 40 | Awesome shot skewers skull! The [target] blinks once and falls quite dead! | Fatal | R3 |
Rank | Damage | Message | Status Effects | Wounds |
0 | 0 | Talk about a close shave! Let's try closer next time. | none | none |
1 | 3 | Minor strike to neck. | none | R1 |
2 | 5 | Well placed shot to the neck. | S2 | R2 |
3 | 7 | Strike just below the jaw, nice shot to the neck! | S3 | R2 |
4 | 10 | Pierced through the neck, a fine shot! | S5 | R3 |
5 | 15 | Neck skewered, sliding past the throat and spine! That looks painful. | S8 | R3 |
6 | 15 | Fine shot pierces jugular vein! The brain wonders where all its oxygen went, briefly. | Fatal | R3 |
7 | 20 | Strike clean through neck, what a shot! Good form! | Fatal | R3 |
8 | 25 | Strike punctures throat and ruins vocal cords! | Fatal | R3 |
9 | 30 | Incredible shot clean through the throat severs the spine! | Fatal | R3 |
Right Eye
Rank | Damage | Message | Status Effects | Wounds |
0 | 0 | Attack bumps an eyebrow. Oh! So close! | none | none |
1 | 1 | Minor strike under the right eye, that was close! | none | R1 |
2 | 5 | Well aimed shot almost removes an eye! | S3 | R2 |
3 | 10 | Surgical strike removes the [target]'s right eye! | S5 | R3 |
4 | 17 | Attack punctures the eye and connects with something really vital! | Fatal | R3 eye/head |
5 | 20 | Shot knocks the [target]'s head back by pushing on the inside of the skull! | Fatal | R3 eye/head |
6 | 25 | Incredible shot to the eye penetrates deep into skull! | Fatal | R3 eye/head |
7 | 30 | Shot destroys eye and the brain behind it! | Fatal | R3 eye/head |
8 | 35 | Strike through eye, the [target] is lobotomized! | Fatal | R3 eye/head |
9 | 40 | Strike to the eye penetrates skull, ocular fluid sprays widely! | Fatal | R3 eye/head |
Left Eye
Rank | Damage | Message | Status Effects | Wounds |
0 | 0 | Attack bumps an eyebrow. Oh! So close! | none | none |
1 | 1 | Minor strike under the left eye, that was close! | none | R1 |
2 | 5 | Well aimed shot almost removes an eye! | S3 | R2 |
3 | 10 | Surgical strike removes the [target]'s left eye! | S5 | R3 |
4 | 17 | Attack punctures the eye and connects with something really vital! | Fatal | R3 eye/head |
5 | 20 | Shot knocks the [target]'s head back by pushing on the inside of the skull! | Fatal | R3 eye/head |
6 | 25 | Incredible shot to the eye penetrates deep into skull! | Fatal | R3 eye/head |
7 | 30 | Shot destroys eye and the brain behind it! | Fatal | R3 eye/head |
8 | 35 | Strike through eye, the [target] is lobotomized! | Fatal | R3 eye/head |
9 | 40 | Strike to the eye penetrates skull, ocular fluid sprays widely! | Fatal | R3 eye/head |
Rank | Damage | Message | Status Effects | Wounds |
0 | 0 | Blow slides along ribs. Probably tickles. | none | none |
1 | 5 | Minor puncture to the chest. | none | R1 |
2 | 10 | Strike to the chest breaks a rib! | none | R1 |
3 | 15 | Loud *crack* as the [target]'s sternum breaks! | S2 | R1 |
4 | 20 | Well placed strike shatters a rib! | S3 | R2 |
5 | 25 | Damaging strike to chest, several ribs shattered! | S5 | R2 |
6 | 30 | Strong strike, punctures lung! | S6 | R3 |
7 | 35 | Awesome shot shatters ribs and punctures lung! | Sx | R3 |
8 | 40 | Beautiful shot pierces both lungs, the [target] makes a wheezing noise, and drops dead! | Fatal | R3 |
9 | 50 | Incredible strike pierces heart and runs the [target] clean through! | Fatal | R3 |
Rank | Damage | Message | Status Effects | Wounds |
0 | 0 | Poked in the tummy. Hehehe. | none | none |
1 | 5 | Minor puncture to abdomen. | none | R1 |
2 | 10 | Nice puncture to the abdomen, just missed vital organs! | none | R1 |
3 | 15 | Strike pierces gall bladder! That's gotta hurt! | S3 | R2 |
4 | 20 | Strike to abdomen punctures stomach! | S3 | R2 |
5 | 25 | Vicious strike punctures intestines! | Sx | R2 |
6 | 25 | Bladder impaled, what a mess! | S8 | R3 |
7 | 30 | Deft strike to abdomen penetrates several useful organs! | S6 | R3 |
8 | 40 | Strike to abdomen skewers the critter quite nicely! | Fatal | R3 |
9 | 50 | Perfect strike to the abdomen. The [target] howls in pain and drops quite dead! | Fatal | R3 |
Rank | Damage | Message | Status Effects | Wounds |
0 | 0 | Thrust slides along the back. Cuts a nagging itch. | none | none |
1 | 5 | Minor puncture to the back. | none | R1 |
2 | 10 | Nice puncture to the back, just grazed the spine! | none | R1 |
3 | 15 | Strike connects with shoulder blade! | S2 | R1 |
4 | 20 | Nailed in the lower back! | S3 | R2 |
5 | 25 | Well placed strike to back shatters vertebrae! | S5 K | R2 |
6 | 30 | Deft strike to the back cracks vertebrae! | S6 | R3 |
7 | 35 | Awesome shot shatters spine and punctures lung! | Sx | R3 |
8 | 40 | Shot to back shatters bone and vertebrae! | Fatal | R3 N3 |
9 | 50 | Incredible shot impales a kidney. Too painful to even scream. | Fatal | R3 |
Right Hand
Rank | Damage | Message | Status Effects | Wounds |
0 | 0 | Strikes a fingernail. Bet it'll lose it now. | none | none |
1 | 1 | Strike to right hand breaks a fingernail! | none | R1 |
2 | 3 | Strike through the palm! | none | R1 |
3 | 5 | Shot to the hand slices a finger to the bone! | none | R1 |
4 | 7 | Shot pierces a wrist! | S1 | R2 |
5 | 9 | Slash across back of hand, tendons sliced! | S2 | R2 |
6 | 12 | Impressive shot shatters wrist! | S3 | R2 |
7 | 15 | Strike to wrist severs right hand! | S4 A | R3 |
8 | 18 | Strike to wrist severs right hand! | S5 A | R3 |
9 | 20 | Strike to wrist severs right hand quite neatly! | Sx A | R3 |
Left Hand
Rank | Damage | Message | Status Effects | Wounds |
0 | 0 | Strikes a fingernail. Bet it'll lose it now. | none | none |
1 | 1 | Strike to left hand breaks a fingernail! | none | R1 |
2 | 3 | Strike through the palm! | none | R1 |
3 | 5 | Shot to the hand slices a finger to the bone! | none | R1 |
4 | 7 | Shot pierces a wrist! | S1 | R2 |
5 | 9 | Slash across back of hand, tendons sliced! | S2 | R2 |
6 | 12 | Impressive shot shatters wrist! | S3 | R2 |
7 | 15 | Strike to wrist severs left hand! | S4 A | R3 |
8 | 18 | Strike to wrist severs left hand! | S5 A | R3 |
9 | 20 | Strike to wrist severs left hand quite neatly! | Sx A | R3 |
Right Arm
Rank | Damage | Message | Status Effects | Wounds |
0 | 0 | Tap to the arm pricks some interest but not much else. | none | none |
1 | 3 | Minor puncture to the right arm. | none | R1 |
2 | 5 | Strike pierces upper arm! | none | R1 |
3 | 7 | Well aimed shot, punctures upper arm! | S1 | R1 |
4 | 10 | Strike pierces forearm! | S2 | R2 |
5 | 14 | Elbow punctured, oh what pain! | S3 | R2 |
6 | 17 | Well aimed strike shatters bone in right arm! | S5 | R2 |
7 | 22 | Strike to right arm cleanly severs it at the shoulder! | S6 A | R3 |
8 | 25 | Strike to right arm shatters elbow and severs forearm! | Sx A | R3 |
9 | 25 | Shot shatters shoulder and severs right arm! | S10 A | R3 |
Left Arm
Rank | Damage | Message | Status Effects | Wounds |
0 | 0 | Tap to the arm pricks some interest but not much else. | none | none |
1 | 3 | Minor puncture to the left arm. | none | R1 |
2 | 5 | Strike pierces upper arm! | none | R1 |
3 | 7 | Well aimed shot, punctures upper arm! | S1 | R1 |
4 | 10 | Strike pierces forearm! | S2 | R2 |
5 | 14 | Elbow punctured, oh what pain! | S3 | R2 |
6 | 17 | Well aimed strike shatters bone in left arm! | S5 | R2 |
7 | 22 | Strike to left arm cleanly severs it at the shoulder! | S6 A | R3 |
8 | 25 | Strike to left arm shatters elbow and severs forearm! | Sx A | R3 |
9 | 25 | Shot shatters shoulder and severs left arm! | S10 A | R3 |
Right Leg
Rank | Damage | Message | Status Effects | Wounds |
0 | 0 | Thrust glances off the [target]'s knee without a lot of effect. | none | none |
1 | 5 | Minor puncture to the right leg. | none | R1 |
2 | 9 | Strike pierces thigh! | K | R1 |
3 | 13 | Well aimed shot, punctures calf! | S1 | R1 |
4 | 17 | Strike pierces calf! | S3 K | R2 |
5 | 20 | Well placed shot pierces knee, that hurt! | S5 K | R2 |
6 | 23 | Great shot penetrates thigh and shatters bone! | S6 K | R2 |
7 | 27 | Blow shatters knee and severs lower leg! | S8 K A | R3 |
8 | 30 | Strike punctures thigh and shatters femur! | S10 K A | R3 |
9 | 35 | Shot shatters hip and severs right leg! | S10 K A | R3 |
Left Leg
Rank | Damage | Message | Status Effects | Wounds |
0 | 0 | Thrust glances off the [target]'s knee without a lot of effect. | none | none |
1 | 5 | Minor puncture to the left leg. | none | R1 |
2 | 9 | Strike pierces thigh! | K | R1 |
3 | 13 | Well aimed shot, punctures calf! | S1 | R1 |
4 | 17 | Strike pierces calf! | S3 K | R2 |
5 | 20 | Well placed shot pierces knee, that hurt! | S5 K | R2 |
6 | 23 | Great shot penetrates thigh and shatters bone! | S6 K | R2 |
7 | 27 | Blow shatters knee and severs lower leg! | S8 K A | R3 |
8 | 30 | Strike punctures thigh and shatters femur! | S10 K A | R3 |
9 | 35 | Shot shatters hip and severs left leg! | S10 K A | R3 |
See Also
- Elemental bow
- Noncorporeal critical table for messaging with puncture based attacks against Noncorporeal creatures.
External Links
- Missile Weapons, on
- The Art of the Bow on the Player's Corner