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Rumor Woods 2023 Quick Reference Shop Index

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Revision as of 10:51, 19 June 2023 by HOST-GSKEBECHET (talk | contribs) (Updating category)
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Here's the complete quick reference list so you can find the perfect item you are looking for in the 91 shops of Rumor Woods

Map room numbers/id and Lich room numbers should be in the information for each shop on their page when you follow the link.

PRO TIP: If you use Lich, and your mapdb is updated, ;go2 will know the name of all these shops, no room numbers are needed: ;go2 Courturier's Retreat

All shops linked to their complete info and inventory page here at the wiki.

Legend of Symbols for column 2:

r = Shop was refreshed, or revised/updated, with inventory/features
** = Shop is brand new for 2023!
!! = 2023 is the LAST RUN for that shop
(Note, a few LAST RUN shops also contain an 'r' because they had revisions)
Baaarnyard Bounty ** Mount food
Bad Wolf Clothing ** Wolf mount accessories - ::NOTE:: Shop is open, but still not showing on the main list of all shops. Trust the shop link.
Barn with It mount food treats, equine, nightmare, unicorn
Been Shanked Lately? r Shank Knife daggers, +20, +15, +12, +10, +8, +0
Born to Adorn mount adornments
Braid and Mane Mane Care item - braids and ribbons for mount manes
The Brass Ring ** Flare, flare tokens
Bugs on Parade Bugs on Parade items, bug collecting, bug gem making, storage, bug paper decorating unlock certificate
Can't Stop That Weaving Weaving: weavable flowers, weavable items, weaving tools, unlock certificate, weaving tools for mounts
Cervidae Corral deer type mounts for sale, Uncommon, Common
Channeled Affection r Slide Ring for significant others, children, parents, siblings, best friends, and kindred spirits
Charmed, I'm Sure r Charm Contraption charms, charm maker, charm bracelets, Charm Jewelry, unlock certificates, Smelly charms, Sound charms, Banner charms
Clodhoppers ** Cobbling Upper Maker contraptions will work with cloth or leather, rolls of cloth and leather, Cobbling dye
Cog and Zephyr tortoise saddles, unlock certificates
The Colorful Carapace tortoise shell paint
Common Weaves r Tehir Cultural Clothing, Duaidz, Aseges, unlock certificates, Artim, Hudor, Erasay, free food, veil, burnoose, turban, jewelry, Tesarit, Tisrin
Container Yourself r Tourney container, scripted containers with theme animals for this year
Couturier's Retreat Weight reduction merchant, seamstress, experience modifier, orb, double experience boost, spell duration boost
Crafter's Hearth r crafting fabric, ore
Curio Minds ** Dreamfire panels, rumor woods themed illusion panels
The Daily Dip ** Foods to eat, or dip!
Deerner Time Deer type mount upgrade, unlock certificate, common to uncommon, food and snacks for deer
Devout Alloy White alloy weapons, +20
Earthtones r instrument displayer, wear instrument, instruments for sale
Ewe Vixen ** Lamb Pet and Fox pet
Fanfare !! + r Stick Horse, hobby horse, unlock certificate, fireworks, sparklers, confetti, Face painting, face cleaning cloth, stuffed theme toys, theme mask, keepsake card, postcard
Ferocious Eyes Ferocious Eyes maks, unlock certificate
The Flanked Bag ** containers for your mounts, unlock certificates
The Folded Lotus r Origami, paper to fold, unlock certificate, kits, skill upgrade
Flypaper Designers Flypaper tattoo, designer tattoos
The Gallant Groom r Horse grooming tools, grooming kit
The Galloping Gait r riding boots
GemStoned r Gem Piercer punch, unlock certificate, tools, for you, for your mount
The Gift Horse r horse wearables, accessories
Gifts of Atan Irith r Surita: Gift of Atan Irith Runestaff, unlock certificate, agita crystals, gems, racial forehead jewelry
The Girlybird r girlybird earrings, feathers, trinkets, unlock certificate,
Gnomish Gnails ** Nail polish, gems, Gnomish Nail Press
Goin' Stag for deer mounts: halter, saddle blankets, wearables
Grand Stables Mounts. common, uncommon, rare
The Greater of Two Weevils r x'aganjira robe armor, unlock certificate
Holy Sheaths r Holy Sheath items, unlock certificate
Horn and Mane decorations and wearables for your mount
Horsing Around r Siegery miniatures, castles, repair saddlebags
ImPressions Flower Power flower press, Elanthian Binder, Trapper Keeper, Binder Ink, unlock certificate ::NOTE:: Elanthian Binder room is live at the festival, but has not yet appeared in the shop for this year for some reason.
Irons in the Fire Branding Irons for horse-type mounts
The Kindred Plaid !! + r Giantkin Kindred Garb Clothing Line, clothing, clasps, unlock certificate, tartan
The Knight Way KnightWear, armor accessories, clothing, gloves, armor, gauntlets, customizing npc, unlock certificate
Lamb Among Wolves ** Perfume-holding jewelry, Perfumes
Leaping Leezards Lizard Mount wearables
Legendairy ** Ice cream churn, ingredients, food
The Lesser of Two Weevils r shadarl armor
The Lizard Nest food and treats for mounts - Lizard types
Lizard Vivarium Lizard Mounts, Rare, Uncommon, Common
A Lofty Affair ** Lofts and Loft Extras for Stalls
Milkin' It ** Milk Pail, unlock certificate, Butter churn, Cheese Wheel,
Mount'N'Cloak Mount'N'Cloak cloaks, unlock certificates
Moving on Up ** Increase your Mount from Common to Uncommon
Notcher Style Ear Notching for cervide mounts, unlock certificate
Obsidian Raiment Dhe'nar Clothing Line, unlock certificate
Of Sand and Rain Tehir and Dhe'nar perfume, Perfume-holding jewelry
Off the Chain r Fancy. Waist Chains, unlock certificate
On the Wing r Aelotoi Wing Jewel, unlock certificate
Ostler's Den Ostler provides Mount Feature Customizations
Peaked Interest r Pup Tents - ::NOTE:: Shop is open, but still not showing on the main list of all shops. Trust the Shop Link.
Pigments of Memory Pigments of Memory Tattoos - child memory, comrade in arms, lover memory, siblings, parent, customize
Poiret & Company r general merchandise of Ta'Illistim, scentable handkerchief, ScentedGloves, unlock certificate, Old Ta'Faendryl perfume / cologne, more perfumes of Toullaire,New Myssar, Wyrdeep, Sea of Fire, Sun Throne
Purls of Wisdom Knitting needles for cobblng uppers, cobling trim, patterns, unlock certificate, dyes, yarn, Darning awl, Pincushion, Yarn bowl, knitting bowl, unlock certificate
Quit Stallin' r Stall acoutrements, read signs in each room to see if it applies to YOUR mount.
Robes of Resistance r cloak worn items (containers) with resistance, Choices: plasma, vacuum, acid, disruption, puncture, crush, slash
Rollin' In The Greens food, snacks, change common testudinidae mount and make it uncommon
Rolton Pens ** Rolton Mounts
Roundabout Racers r Racing toys
Saddle Me Up Saddle unlock certificates
The Silken Lotus !! + r Erithi Layered Clothing System, clothes, unlock certificates
The Spirits Within r Imbued Shrouds
The Starry Lotus ** Vethinye, or Starsong Weapons, unlock certificates, and starveil jewelry
The Steaming Mugs ** (Delayed)
Sweetie Pies !! + r free popcorn, some prices in silvers, some in raikhen, food, Crystal holders, perfume, Frosting Tips, Frosting, edible spell imbeds
The Tartan Cloth !! + r Giantkin wear, clothing, accessories, Kindred Garb, unlock certificate, clan tartans
Tempered Threads r Moody Garment, clothing, pocketed, Moodstone, unlock certificate
Tinkers Toys r Zeitzing's Toy Jousters, toys
Tiu & Qaiteke Tehir-style saddles, unlock certificate
Tortoise Holdings Tortoise Mounts, Common, Uncommon
Trim and Polish r Grooming Tools for tortoise mounts, only
Unfurling Battle r Battle standard, Banner of Light
Vaunt It and Flaunt It r Look at Me Jewelry, unlock certificate
View from a Stag Cervid Saddle Accessories, unlock certificate, Saddles
Vintage Visions ** ((Delayed)) The Private property Shop
What Remains r Griffin pin, Enhancive hider, tokens for: Spell Customiztions, Feature Options, Signature Verb options, Swear Options, Logon/Logoff Phrase Options, Spell Prep Options, Summit Academy options for character customizing
Whirl and Twirl ** Let's Dance! items - dancing stuff, instruments, clothing, accessories, male and female, unlock certificates
Woodn't Yew r WoodChopper Box, unlock certificate, wood branches