Enchant (925)
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- "Enchant" redirects here. For other uses, see Enchant (disambiguation).
- This article is for the new Enchant (925) released during the Spring Spectacular 2019 updates. For the prior version of the spell, please see Enchant Item (925).
The Enchant spell is the final step of Enchanting: the process of magically enhancing a properly prepared weapon, armor, or shield. Each successful enchantment provides a permanent +1 bonus to the item's attack strength (AS) or defensive strength (DS), as applicable.
Enchanting now requires the gathering of Essence by a wizard and expending it to increase the enchantment of an item. You can SENSE how much essence you have accumulated and how strong of an enchantment you can complete.
You can now also see your Resource list which shows how much essence you've fully absorbed toward your 16000 weekly cap and how close you are to the 64000 Maximum Cap.
[Wizard] >resource Health: 100/100 Mana: 200/200 Stamina: 50/50 Spirit: 10/10 Essence: 16000/16000 (Weekly) 16000/64000 (Total)
A wizard character may earn static essence from killing creatures and will passively convert a portion of that static essence into usable enchanting essence on each mana pulse they receive.
Gathering static essence requires a player to: be a wizard, be level 25 or higher, have 25 ranks in the Wizard Base spell circle, and kill a creature of an appropriate level for the player's level. However, without 26 ranks in Elemental Mana Control, you will not be able to convert static essence into usable enchanting essence.
The maximum amount of static essence a player can have gathered is equal to 500 + their maximum mana.
The amount of static essence earned when killing a creature will vary depending on the difference in level between the wizard and creature and how much mana was spent. The base amount of static essence earned per kill is 33 with a bonus of up to +12 from mana spent in the process of the kill (at a rate of 1 mana to 1 static essence); this total is then adjusted for wizard/creature level difference. For each creature level below the wizard's level the kill will yield 10% less static essence down to a minimum of 0%. For each level above the wizard's the kill will yield an additional +1 static essence up to a maximum of +10. The maximum amount of static essence that may be earned from a single kill is 55 (33 + 12 + 10) while the minimum is, of course, 0.
As a wizard's static essence pool fills it become more difficult to add more to it. For every 20 points of static essence already in the wizard’s pool, 1% of the static essence that would be earned for that kill is instead lost. For example, you have been out hunting and have gathered 200 static essence in your pool. If your next kill would normally award you 55 static essence, it will be reduced by ((200 / 20) = 10)%, earning (90% of 55 = 49) static essence.
The messaging from SENSE indicates what percentage of their maximum amount of static essence a wizard has accumulated.
You feel a (AMOUNT) accumulation of static essence around you.
Amount Description | % of Pool Accumulated |
faint | 1-9% |
weak | 10-24% |
growing | 25-49% |
moderate | 50-74% |
significant | 75-89% |
strong | 90-94% |
saturated | 95-100% |
For every point of EXP a wizard earns, he will obtain and equal point of essence.
The amount of essence a Wizard can gather and store is capped weekly at 50,000 and overall at 200,000.
Cost to Enchant
The essence costs for each cast follow a simple pattern. If the current bonus of the item is less than 25, the cost is TRUNC(100 * 3.125) essence per point of bonus. If the current bonus of the item is 25 or higher, the cost is 7500 essence plus 7500 per point above 24. This is the cost to increase the bonus of the item by 1 point. e.g. from +24 to +25 costs 7500 essence; from +49 to +50 costs 195,000 essence; from +0 to +1 costs zero essence.
Essence Cost to Enchant per Bonus | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Total Essence & Weekly Cost for Full Enchant Tier | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Using Essence to Enchant
Once you begin any project with the new style enchanting system, you will NOT be able to use the old style enchant system again!
Using the new style enchant system via essence, you will first need to unlock the maximum enchant potential on your item. This is done via the various color ayan'eth potions now available at the various wizard guild shops. The color of each potion corresponds to the ROYGBIV colors associated with the AI crystal, where green equates up to +20 and so on.
Unlock potions must be used in order, starting with green. Green ayan'eth potions come with four pours by default, with each pour unlocking the item potential by +5 until it is unlocked to +20. So, if enchanting a steel weapon, the green ayan'eth potion must be poured on it four times to unlock its maximum enchant first to +5, then +10, +15, and finally +20 on the last pour. After that, a single pour of the blue ayan'eth potion will unlock its maximum enchant further to +25.
The current maximum enchant unlock can be checked by a wizard via 405:
You focus your energy on the phrases and form of Elemental Detection as glowing orbs of power rise up and swirl about your body... > The steel dagger seems to have been prepared for enchanting, and may be enchanted up to a bonus of 20. Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
A wizard can cast also use 405 to determine the precise current enchant.
Color intensity | Enchant value |
faint | color value -4 |
muted | color value -3 |
hazy | color value -2 |
soft | color value -1 |
vibrant | full color value |
Thus, an item that registers as yellow with the AI crystal (+11 to +15) would have a faint yellow aura if +11, a hazy yellow aura if +13, and a vibrant yellow aura if a full +15. Once it reaches +16, the item then has a faint green aura.
There is no tempering time associated with maximum enchant potential unlocks. As soon as the unlock potion has been poured, the item can immediately be enchanted up to that maximum amount, provided the wizard(s) contributing have sufficient essence to enchant it. The maximum unlock is permanent and never fades. The item can be used in combat at any point during new style enchanting process. The item cannot be "locked" as with old style enchants, and it cannot be destroyed in a catastrophic failure. The item is not associated with any individual wizard's project and can be enchanted in whole or in part by any other wizard up to that maximum unlock amount.
Once the item has had its maximum enchant potential unlocked, it can be enchanted simply by preparing 925 and using CHANNEL on the item. Each enchant channel increases the item's enchant by +1. Each channel enchant also reduces the wizard's available essence by that individual step amount, referenced in the above essence charts. If a wizard fails an enchant step, a small amount of essence will be lost, but otherwise nothing adverse happens to the wizard or to the item.
Difficulty Detection
A wizard's chance for success in enchanting an item can be determined by CASTing Enchant Item at an item. This can be done without first unlocking the item for enchantment.
Roll Needed Description % Chance you can only fail if you are horribly unlucky 97% (will only fail on a fumble) you should be able to enchant it easily enough, barring bad luck 90+% the odds are on your side to successfully complete the enchantment 75+% you are more likely than not to succeed on your cast, but you will need some luck 55+% this enchantment will be difficult, but possible 35+% this enchantment will be very difficult 15+% that this enchantment will be nearly impossible 1+% you will likely need a miracle to complete this enchantment -100+% this enchantment is completely beyond your abilities less than -100% Roll Result Description Result You make an astoundingly good attempt! 100+ (Open roll) You make an outstanding attempt! 90+ You make an excellent attempt! 80+ You make a good attempt! 70+ You make a decent attempt. 60+ You make an okay attempt. 50+ You make a passable attempt. 40+ You make a questionable attempt. 30+ You make a poor attempt! 20+ You make a very poor attempt! 10+ You make a horribly poor attempt! 2+ You make an astoundingly inept attempt! 1 Something doesn't seem right... Fumble Success Factors
The precise formula to achieve a successful enchantment is not released. What is known is that the level and Wizard Base ranks of the enchanter are primary factors. The following table lists all known factors (positive or negative), in no particular order. At the very least, a wizard should be uninjured, and in a magical workshop with a familiar present.
Positive Factors Negative Factors Wizard Base ranks Existing enchant bonus Level of enchanter Ensorcell tier Magic Item Use ranks Material of the item Arcane Symbols ranks Resistances (Penalty = sum of all resist/2) Logic, Intuition Creature bane Elemental Mana Control ranks Holy Public workshop Weighting, Padding, and/or Sighting (Penalty = CER*CER) Having a familiar in the room Health or Spirit Loss, Injuries Flares, TD bonus, AS/DS bonus (Flare Penalty = Nearly all -100) , (TD Penalty = TD*TD) Enhancive item, Fusion, Scripted item Material Difficulty Chart
Script Difficulty Chart
Script Penalty (based on unlock tier/slots) Owner Blink Flares -200 Estild Briar Flares -70/-100/-200 Estild Energy Staff -350 Retser Fusion -25/-75/-140/-225/-325/-450 Unknown Greater Elemental Flares -150 Unknown Sigil Staff -270 Estild Sprite Weapon -350 Retser Stalwart Resilience -200 Estild Twin weapons -65/-135/-200 Retser Voln Armor -70/-140/-200/-200 Unknown Weighting/Padding Difficulty
Difficulty is the square of CER, truncated, i.e. trunc(CER²). Whatever the percent to reach the next CER level is also used. Example, CER plus 10 % chance to get 6 CER would be trunc(5.1²), which is -26 difficulty. Mixed types are the sum of each type's square - i.e. [crit trunc(CER²)] + [dmg trunc(CER²)]
Permanent Resist Penalty Difficulty
[Total Resist % / 2]
It is not possible to destroy an item during the enchanting process. Upon a failure to succeed, the wizard will lose 10% of the required essence to complete the +1 bonus cast.
Pre-Temper Potions
Pre-temper potions currently have a limited duration once successfully applied to an item. These potions are poured prior to Channeling the Enchant spell.
Flaring Items
- Main article: Pre-tempering potions
Elemental flared items can have their difficulty negated by using the appropriate pre-temper potion. No Elemental Lore skills are required to apply an appropriate pre-temper potion.
Enhancive and Holy Items
- Main article: Pre-tempering potions
No lore training is required to enchant either enhancive or holy items, but these items will be more difficult to enchant than plain items. The potion required is the urven'eth potion.
Permablessed items can similarly be further enchanted, with a difficulty modifier, through the use of the urven'eth potion.
Special Note: Unlike ayveneh and eoveneh potions, urven'eth potions are not restricted to 35 and lower enchants.
Enchanting and ensorcelling fusion items is substantially more difficult than typical gear (difficulty is dependent on the number of orb slots, not the bonuses of the orbs within those slots; prying orbs before enchanting or ensorcelling will not decrease difficulty).
Enchant Unlocking
To actually proceed with enchanting an item, you must first unlock its ability to be enchanted by pouring the appropriate enchant potion on the item. Once done, the item is permanently unlocked to be enchanted up to the bonus given by the potion used and can be verified by casting Elemental Detection (405) on the item.
Rewards for Enchanting
Successful enchantments earn experience, and potentially large amounts of silver.
While the enchantment process does not directly reward the wizard in silver, many items are enchanted with the intent of sale. By increasing the enchantment on an item, the wizard has increased its value, sometimes by immense amounts.
Negative Bonus Items
Items with a negative “bonus” (perhaps more accurately a negative modifier, as the negative is no boon!) may be enchanted to a bonus of +1 with no essence. Any restrictions (such as needing pretemper potions) are still in place, however.
For example, most wooden weapons begin with a modifier of -20. A wizard may enchant a wooden weapon (with use of an ayan'eth potion to unlock enchanting) to +1 with no essence. This would take 21 channels of enchant.
Functional Item Scripts
- Please see above for a full description of what can and cannot be enchanted. Please keep these lists to Category D item scripts that are not listed in the Official Information section of the item properties page.
- These are player-created lists and are not complete. See here for more functional scripts.
Scripts that CAN be wizard enchanted - Bane weapons (this is the only Category C property that cannot be enchanted)
- Blink Weapons
- Briar Flaring Weapons
- Ethereal Armor (REIM Script)
- Ethereal weapon
- Forest armor
- Fusion
- Greater elemental flares (appropriate pre-temper potion required)
- Ironwright Weapons
- Ithziri Armor
- Shock Weapons
- Sprite Weapons
- Stalwart Resilience (bubble flares)
- Vial flares
- Voln armor
- Realm flares
- Temporary Poison flares (Weapons from Dhu Gillywack that you pour poison vials on, weapon must be depleted of all charges and empty of poison)
Need to re-verify these since Spring Spectacular 2019 release
Scripts that CANNOT be wizard enchanted Other Items Marked for No Enchanting
This list includes items that ARE NOT SCRIPTED (see above section for those), and that consist of properties that would otherwise be enchantable, but still cannot be enchanted because the creator has marked them as such (or has marked them to "not take any magic"[1]).
Specific Items Marked for No Enchanting Origin Black alloy items[2] Sold near Pinefar decades ago Versions of the fel-hafted waraxes Versions of the rolaren longsword (ruby, sapphire, and one other) Versions of the pryothag hide brigandine Versions of the white ora warmaces †ASSIST and ask for a referral to fix the item to be made enchantable.
Potion Tables
- Main article: Enchanting potions
New Style Enchanting Unlock Potions Starting
Bonus (+)Starting
Unlock (X)Aura
Bonus (+)Destination
Unlock (X)Unlock Potion Potion
Cost0 to +4 0x Red +5 1x an undiluted green ayan'eth potion 10,000 +5 to +9 1x Orange +10 2x an undiluted green ayan'eth potion 10,000 +10 to +14 2x Yellow +15 3x an undiluted green ayan'eth potion 10,000 +15 to +19 3x Green +20 4x an undiluted green ayan'eth potion 10,000 +20 to +24 4x Blue +25 5x an undiluted blue ayan'eth potion 25,000 +25 to +29 5x Indigo +30 6x an undiluted indigo ayan'eth potion 50,000 +30 to +34 6x Violet +35 7x an undiluted violet ayan'eth potion 75,000 +35 to +39 7x Copper +36 to +40 8x a dilute copper ayan'eth potion** 20k Bloodscrip*** +40 to +44 8x Silver +41 to +45 9x a dilute silver ayan'eth potion** 25k Bloodscrip*** +45 to +49 9x Golden +46 to 50 10x a dilute golden ayan'eth potion** 30k Bloodscrip*** Pre-tempering Potions Item Property Potion Project
OffsetEnhancive Glowing Urven'eth Required Holy armament Flaring Earth Earthy Ilvan'eth -100
(Optional)Fire Fiery Ilvan'eth Ice Icy Ilvan'eth Vacuum Cloudy Ilvan'eth Acid Earthy Ilvan'eth
Icy Ilvan'ethLightning Cloudy Ilvan'eth
Icy Ilvan'ethSteam Fiery Ilvan'eth
Icy Ilvan'ethResources
- Old Enchant Item (925)
- Saved posts
- Spell history
- Magical workshop saved posts
- Officials folder
- Zhephen's Enchant (925) Research Notes
Wizard Profession - edit Spell Circles: Wizard Base Spells | Major Elemental Spells | Minor Elemental Spells Professional Highlights: Bolt spells | Call Familiar | Enchanting | Charge Item Popular Archetypes: Pure Mage | War Mage | Enchanter