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North by Northwest (storyline)/2023-05-31 - Thad's All, Folks (log)

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Ivastaen 31-Lumnea 1, 5123

by Leafiara Autumnwind of the TownCrier


This log is purely intended as an archival record of spoken words and actions of characters within the game as could be witnessed by the character or characters who were present to record them. Leafiara's player and the TownCrier hold no position on the veracity, falsity, legitimacy, nor illegitimacy of any character dialogue, opinions, perspectives, interpretations, and stances presented herein.


Mayor Thadston meets everyone in the Moot Hall Council Chamber for his final night in office. He says it's not he wished to end it, but isn't sure how he did want to, and is glad someone else is a sucker enough to take it on. Kelfyr says he's free to be a force for good unbound by office; Thadston says he does better work beyond a desk.

Chamorr asks about his next plans; Thadston says he wants to see his son (Disean), but can't yet, because Casiphia needs to be better, Amos needs to be rooted out, the Ember Vale reivers and Remnants need to be crushed, and Elidal needs some legs. Chandrellia says that isn't his problem and he can go see Disean and let Mayor Alendrial worry about it, but he says it's always his problem, same as hers--and he didn't need an office before or after to fight for Wehnimer's Landing.

Irval says Casi can rot after she had assassins target citizens; Thadston tells him to get over it or go a form a club with Wolfloner to gripe about Cosima and arrows, barking like krolvin puppies--and if Irval tells him Casiphia can rot one more time, Thadston will put a chair through his neck instead of an arrow. He says we can do better by being better, though some of us it's too late for.

Thadston sent his final recommendations to Judge Manard, saying the Rooks on trial were guilty and he won't pretend otherwise or pardon any of them, but Casi offered to take all that on herself. It's up to Manard whether to accept that, but he suspects he will and he's eager to show he's not always Amos' puppet.

Thadston says he's sorry for one thing, throwing everyone out to hang, and Casi was right; he's not Walkar, never liked his final months, and doesn't have a demon strapped to his chest. He says justice is fickle here anyway, and the town has a long memory most of the time, but we'll see how history sees it all.

Perigourd asks about getting the kroderine out of Thadston's arms; Thadston says he wants all efforts on Casiphia first; Councilor Vaemyr says they'll do everything they can to figure it out; Thadston says he hopes so and just don't make a deal with Amos because the lion is really a serpent and his fangs never let go. Councilor Kayse rolls her eyes at him; Thadston tells her to try to quit and see what happens, as she might be the first aelotoi without wings; she says she has no intention to.

Thadston finished approving the Regional Envoy candidates and announces them: Faerinn, Kelfyr, Tennalnen, Thrassus, and Tikba! He'll see everyone around, probably on the battlefield, and he's got axes to sharpen. Before he goes, Bear asks Thadston if he's for the new barony; Thadston says it's a complicated a question. He thinks it's poorly executed and poorly timed, but will support them as allies and trust in Earl Jovery's vision. Councilor Kiyna follows up, asking Thadston if Jovery's declaration was sincere in word and spirit since Thadston knows him; Thadston says he'd die for Jovery and one day might, so yes; he says Jovery's what the Empire should have been a thousand years ago.

Thadston wishes everyone good night and grabs the back of a chair, then tucks it up against a table, winks, and leaves.

Afterward, Magister Enisius is at the docks trying to figure out how to fish and says his father Ferwin is coming soon and wants to fish. He gets help from Perigourd attaching a worm as a lure after finding it too gross, then asks Magister Raelee if she informs those afflicted with scarabs of the dome. Neither of them have, so Raelee says they may enter the observation chamber tonight, where they should remain still and listen to instructions as they come.

Chandy and Thrassus ask if they can keep friends company or observe the procedures, respectively, and Enisius says not now, though perhaps in the future after initial examinations and control groups are established. He says they have far too many things to do like assessing "some poisoned crime lord" when the research team should be focusing very soon on Darkstone Castle and the work at Melgorehn's Reach continues.

Enisius manages to cast his line into the water. Chandy asks about the reivers and Enisius says Sablo's been forming plans. Vaemyr asks about the manafires and the Reach; Enisius says if we can't subdue the infliction on the Reach, we need to discuss extraction for Rodnay; Leafiara suggests contacting Mayor Alendrial and Ayred since the latter has been able to create portals to bring a fleet from the Landing to Glaoveln. Perigourd catches a white seabass and then Ferwin arrives!

Enisius visibly stiffens at Ferwin's arrival; Ferwin asks Enisius if he has some friends finally and Enisius hesitates, then agrees. Missoni and Tikba vouch for him while Ferwin casts his own line into the water. Pukk tells Ferwin how Enisius was showing everyone how good he is at baiting his hook and finds it very comforting; Enisius says he doesn't and begins to call the entire ordeal something, then concludes intriguing. Perigourd catches a brown-spotted kelp bass and Ferwin says he's glad Eni made relationships since books don't keep him warm unless he burns them, then tells him to get his brother Elidal to make more friends so he stops chasing that old weaver; Eni reminds him the old weaver is dead; Ferwin says he means Aronia.

Ferwin asks if everyone else fishes there often; most say no, though Tikba says she's never fished and explains that in her youth she didn't have opportunities to do so. Ferwin says there's no time like the present and gets Enisius to give her his fishing rod. As she fishes, people explain the many things Enisius has done to help them, but Ferwin asks if they're sure he isn't making as problems as he's trying to fix. People continue vouching for him and Ferwin says he's just giving Enisius a hard time.

He's not getting a bite, however. Enisius lowers a hand to his side and gestures slightly, then Ferwin feels a tug while Enisius continues drawing in thin air. The excited Ferwin starts to reel it in and the form of a quite large fish comes into view. Ferwin fights and finally pulls a very large brown-spotted kelp bass out of the water. He hands it over to Enisius and howls with delight that he's still got it and will go tell Enisius' mother, then rushes off.

Enisius dispels the fish illusion and Perigourd hands him the kelp bass he had caught previously that Enisius based it on. He accepts that, but when Tikba tries to give back his fishing rod, he declines that and says he doesn't know what he was thinking. Kiyna, Vaemyr, and Chandy share supportive words and he thanks them. He says the dome is ready and encourages those with scarabs to spend time in there, where Raelee can escort them.

Once there, Raelee explains that the interior moves through several elemental cycles and will only allow in those afflicted (and herself). Those afflicted may stay as long or as little as they like, though as long as possible would be helpful. Missoni, Kelfyr, and Kiyna head inside. Earthdiver asks what kind of data it's collecting and how; Raelee explains it's about elemental balances within the body, movements of the scarab, movements of blood and mana, and humors that gets saved within impressions in the crystals.

Vaemyr and Leafi ask about Casi and Raelee says bringing her into the dome is not the current plan, though it is possible they could modify it for that purpose; Leafi says she was going to suggest against since Thadston had previously alluded to her mind being fractured by Chaston Griffin and she might not be able to follow instructions; Raelee says the constructions are not complex and, even if she cannot comply, data can still be gathered. Vaemyr suggests that we might need something spiritually attuned in addition to elemental since he suspects a curse caused by the poison; Raelee says they will try what they can, should it come to that.


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Grihmore says, "Can a kind empath heal me."
Pukk says, "Well we have Chandy....not exactly kind..."
Speaking worriedly to Pukk, Leafiara frets, "I even heard she's a Rook of all things."
Chandrellia gasps.
Speaking to Leafiara, Chandrellia asks, "Who?"
Leafiara glances suspiciously at Chandrellia.
Chandrellia gazes in wonder at her surroundings.
Speaking incredulously to Leafiara, Pukk exclaims, "No!"
Chamorr heartily says, "Buncha con vics."
Speaking dramatically to Pukk, Leafiara marvels, "Right?"
Speaking to Leafiara, Chandrellia says, "Wait, me? a Rook? damn straight."
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "I never would have thought."
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "Wait...I think I remember a lot of chattering during our meetings."
Speaking to Pukk, Chandrellia says, "Careful Irval might tell Thadston we are conspiring in the shadows."
A black horse stomps the floor with his left hoof, sending a splatter of dust sideways.
Thadston asks, "....we just let horses inside now?"
Chamorr heartily says, "Heck they let you inside."
Thadston says, "Says the bear."
Chamorr heartily says, "Yer lucky this aint da woods."
Thadston asks, "I guess this is it tonight, eh?"
Thadston says, "My mayoral reign."
Thadston says, "Not how I had wished to end it. But not really sure how I wanted to."
Kelfyr says, "Freed to be a force for good unbound and unburdened by office."
Thadston says, "Glad someone else is a sucker enough to take it on."
Thadston says, "It's true. I do better work beyond a desk."
Kelfyr says, "Helps not to have to go through it first."
Speaking heartily to Thadston, Chamorr says, "What are yer plans now."
Thadston says, "I want to see my son."
Thadston says, "But I can't yet."
Thadston says, "Casi needs to be better. Amos needs to be rooted out. The reivers need to be crushed. The remnants need to be gone. Elidal needs some damn legs."
Tikba amusedly asks, "Legs?"
Thadston nods at Tikba.
Kiyna says, "As in, he has nothing beneath him right now. We're entirely propping them up."
Thadston says, "He's got a lot to learn."
Irval says, "Casi can rot. She had assassins target citizens, for that I care not whether or not she recovers."
Irval says, "Sorry if you love her."
Thadston says, "Irval..."
Thadston says, "Move on."
Thadston says, "Or form a club with Wolfloner. Call it the Cosima Arrow club. Where you can both just whine and gripe in a circle."
Thadston says, "Barking like a bunch of krol puppies."
Thadston says, "Because if you tell me Casiphia can rot one more time, I'll put a chair through your neck, not an arrow."
Thadston says, "Show some decency, be better than what you rail against."
Thadston says, "We can do better by being better."
Thadston says, "I told him the Rooks on trial were guilty. I won't pardon a single one, or pretend they weren't guilty. But Casiphia has offered to take all that on her, and it's up to Manard now to accept that. Something tells me he will. He's eager to also show he ain't Amos's puppet all the time."
Thadston says, "...but I am sorry, for one thing."
Thadston says, "...I shouldn't have thrown everyone out to hang."
Thadston says, "Casi was right. I'm not Walkar, never liked his final months and days."
Thadston says, "...and I don't have a demon strappped to my chest."
Thadston says, "So for whatever it's worth, there you go."
Leafiara says, "Also for what it's worth, it was fine with me. As I wrote to Jeshiah, things happen in haste. Been where you are. Still, appreciate it."
Speaking to Thadston, Kiyna says, "It's worth a great deal, to me, at any rate."
Chandrellia skips over to Thadston merrily.
Chandrellia hugs Thadston.
Speaking to Thadston, Chandrellia says, "I forgive ya."
Irval says, "You people flip flop more than a fish on a river bank."
Leafiara murmurs, "And people wondered how I could say during our campaign that Chandy loves the community even more than I do."
Speaking to Thadston, Pukk says, "Now that we have that all sorted out, we have a spot open up in the Rooks..."
Pukk appears to be trying hard not to grin.
Thadston smirks at Pukk.
Pukk whistles tunelessly to himself.
Thadston says, "Let's be honest, I probably drive more folks to the Rooks than you do."
Speaking offhandedly to Pukk, Leafiara says, "I was only going to suggest it if Amos won."
Thadston begins chuckling at Pukk!
Speaking to Thadston, Leafiara affirms, "Oh, you definitely do."
Leafiara agrees, "Our best recruiter."
Pukk nods in agreement to Leafiara.
Speaking heartily to Thadston, Chamorr says, "Are you for this new barony."
Thadston says, "That's a complicated question."
Thadston nods at Chamorr.
Thadston says, "I think it's poorly executed and poorly timed. But I'll support them as allies, and trust in Jovery's vision."
Speaking to Thadston, Kiyna asks, "I've one for you too. You know Jovery. I don't. He's just words on a page, to me. Do you think his declaration was sincere in word and spirit?"
Chamorr heartily says, "Thanks, that answers that."
Thadston says, "I would die for Jovery. Hell one day I might. Yes."
Thadston says, "The man is what the Empire should have been a thousand years ago."
Thadston asks, "Or more?"
Thadston peers quizzically at Xorus.
Enisius asks, "Did you inform the afflicted of the dome?"
Kiyna asks, "Dome?"
Pukk asks, "Dome or doom?"
Speaking to Enisius, Raelee asks, "No, I did not.  Did you not?"
Enisius says, "Dome."
Speaking to Pukk, Chandrellia asks, "Dome of doom?"
Enisius says, "I did not."
Enisius says, "Inform them please."
Enisius says, "Some are present."
Raelee tiredly adds, "And... cast a whirlpool into the water.  You can trap fish in the current."
Speaking to Enisius, Raelee says, "... fine."
Leafiara amusedly says, "Ah, what Magister meetings must be like... a competition over who gets to talk less."
Speaking to Enisius, Chandrellia asks, "Are we allowed to sit outside and keep our friends company?"
Enisius says, "No."
Thrassus asks, "Are we able to observe the procedures at least?"
Enisius says, "Not at this time. Perhaps in the future after some initial examinations and control groups are established."
Chandrellia exclaims, "What is it with the word no and friends!
Enisius says, "It isn't a gala."
Missoni disappointedly asks, "It is not?"
Speaking to herself, Chandrellia says, "Can I give Casi water, *no*, can I sit outside while my friend is observed for this scarab in her, *no*, I am seriously beginning to hate that word."
Enisius asks, "Why is this a thing to do?"
Speaking to Enisius, Raelee says, "It began as 'a thing to do' out of the need for sustenance."
Speaking to Enisius, Raelee says, "As to why it turned 'fun', I could not say."
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "You know. Raelee must be the life of the parties."
Speaking offhandedly to Pukk, Leafiara says, "You should have seen the time Stormy and Cay invited her to their new year get-together..."
Speaking to Enisius, Chandrellia says, "It helps some get rid of the stress of the day, to sit on a dock, enjoy the fresh air of the sea and the sounds of the birds away from, accusors, and people that simply enjoy belittling others."
Enisius says, "It is dirty, and wet, and loud, and it stinks."
Speaking to Enisius, Kelfyr says, "That's life, for ya."
Xorus says, "Ah, yes. Wehnimer's Landing."
Perigourd jests, "Yes, watching my wife living in a jar has long been a goal."
Speaking to Perigourd, Chandrellia exclaims, "You have a genie!"
Speaking to Chandrellia, Perigourd says, "She does fulfill my wishes."

Editing Protocol of this Log

  • NPC dialogue, NPC actions, and PC dialogue or actions which NPCs react to are bolded.
  • Actions are edited out unless they come from NPCs, are necessary to understand the context of surrounding dialogue that meets all other criteria, or are within the first three of a PC's responses to an NPC who was directing actions or dialogue toward them.
  • Greetings, farewells, dialogue on OOC ESP channels, and dialogue related to various services including but not limited to healing, resurrection, locksmithing, armor adjustments, and spellups are edited out unless they come from NPCs, are directed toward NPCs, or are necessary to understand the context of surrounding dialogue that meets all other criteria.
  • Dialogue in languages other than Common is presented from the perspective of a character who only knows Common so as not to give preferential treatment to languages which the logging character knows.
  • IC group whispers are excluded so as not to give preferential treatment to the group which the logging character is in.
  • OOC whispers that don't come from NPCs are excluded due to being OOC.
  • Visible whispers are presented from the perspective of a third-party observer.
  • Other dialogue not mentioned above is included.
  • Travel between a starting room and destination room is excluded unless it shows off unique and newly created rooms.
  • Combat is excluded.
  • Rights are reserved to include anything that seems especially amusing, all of the above notwithstanding.


Idle Chatter

[Frith's Inn, Main Saloon]

Drawn by the aroma of good food and strong drink, you enter the main saloon. The innkeeper presides merrily, ensuring everyone gets a share of attention from the pretty serving wenches and the handsome lad behind the bar. Long benches and rectangular tables seat high-spirited patrons. You also see a cozy booth and some swinging doors.

A cool breeze stirs through the area.

[Town Square Central]

This is the heart of the main square of Wehnimer's Landing. The impromptu shops of the bazaar are clustered around this central gathering place, where townsfolk, travellers, and adventurers meet to talk, conspire or raise expeditions to the far-flung reaches of Elanith. At the north end, an old well, with moss-covered stones and a craggy roof, is shaded from the moonlight by a strong, robust tree. The oak is tall and straight, and it is apparent that the roots run deep. You also see a tkaro root, a pretty flower girl, the flaming Nairena disk, the crab-shaped Markx disk, the Grihmore disk, an arctic wolf that is sitting, the Linguist disk, a gargantuan cloudy grey tiger, a pale-faced coppery barn owl, a sinuous bone white serpent, the Arahnim disk, a loosely woven garland of spear-shaped pale ash and bright green sycamore leaves, a large acorn, the Ussey disk, an old well, some wide stone benches with some stuff on it, an herbal remedy donation bin and a round silver-banded barrel.

Also here: Whimweaver Leafiara, Chamorr, Eli, Lady Nairena, Grihmore, Andromalius who is sitting, Great Lord Linguist, Jaffrey, Markx, Grand Lord Arahnim, Ussey who is kneeling

Markx says, "The cool breeze."

[General] Saiteari thinks, "Dragonflies so much prettier than rats."

Chamorr heartily says, "Anyone bring a fresh rope."

Markx says, "Utoh. The gangs startin show up."

Leafiara indicates a coil of thick rope as a possible option.

Speaking to Chamorr, Chandrellia says, "Sorry I only have my silk one and that only gets used when, well, never mind."

Leafiara muses, "Hmm, I don't even remember where I left my silk rope."

Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "Ooh silk."

Speaking to Leafiara, Chandrellia says, "Probably to the person you have tied up with it."

Speaking to Pukk, Leafiara says, "Chandy brought it up."

Pukk says, "Of course she would."

Grihmore says, "Can a kind empath heal me."

Pukk says, "Well we have Chandy....not exactly kind..."

Speaking worriedly to Pukk, Leafiara frets, "I even heard she's a Rook of all things."

Chandrellia gasps.

Speaking to Leafiara, Chandrellia asks, "Who?"

Leafiara glances suspiciously at Chandrellia.

Chandrellia gazes in wonder at her surroundings.

Speaking incredulously to Leafiara, Pukk exclaims, "No!"

Chamorr heartily says, "Buncha con vics."

Speaking dramatically to Pukk, Leafiara marvels, "Right?"

Speaking to Leafiara, Chandrellia says, "Wait, me? a Rook? damn straight."

Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "I never would have thought."

Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "Wait...I think I remember a lot of chattering during our meetings."

Speaking to Pukk, Chandrellia says, "Careful Irval might tell Thadston we are conspiring in the shadows."

Speaking to Chandrellia, Kiyna asks, "Did you get the chance to meet my new friend?"

Kiyna pets a flame-eyed burnished ember fox, which nuzzles her hand softly. [OOC note: this is a custom familiar that came with SK 920 at the recent auction. Vaemyr won it for her.]

Speaking to her raven black kitten, Chandrellia says, "Ok Mystie, lets show em how Rooks do it."

Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "You know. I've been meaning to tell you something."

Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "You look taller now."

Speaking to Kiyna, Chandrellia exclaims, "Aw he is adorable!"

Speaking curiously to Pukk, Leafiara asks, "Yes?"

Speaking amusedly to Pukk, Leafiara says, "Oh."

The coppery barn owl hoots at a flame-eyed burnished ember fox.

Chandrellia pets a flame-eyed burnished ember fox, which nuzzles her hand softly.

Leafiara slips her hand under the burnished ember fox's head and lightly scratches at his chin and neck.

Speaking to a flame-eyed burnished ember fox, Chandrellia exclaims, "I'll bet my baby fox kit would love to play with you!"

Speaking to Tikba, Kiyna says, "Yeah, this is my familiar. Or so it would appear."

Pukk says, "Ooh I need to pick a Cryheart for the night."

Speaking to Vaemyr, Pukk exclaims, "You're it!"

Leafiara cheerfully informs, "For those who don't know, fox fur is thicker than most dogs', so be sure to give him a tiny bit more rubbing than usual."

Pukk recites:

"Everybody join Vaemyr!"

The coppery barn owl hoots at Leafiara.

The coppery barn owl hoots at Leafiara.

Speaking to Kiyna, Tikba says, "I see the magic lessons have been effective."

Speaking to Tikba, Vaemyr says, "If only."

Speaking to Tikba, Kiyna admits, "This was something of an accident..."

Speaking heartily to a pale-faced coppery barn owl, Chamorr says, "Owly, eh."

The coppery barn owl hoots at Chamorr.

Speaking amusedly to Kiyna, Leafiara says, "As Casiphia once told me, sometimes greatness happens by accident." [OOC note: the log comes from April 2019, but the section linked here wasn't added to until May 2023 for reasons of OOC discretion.]

[General] Rasson thinks, "Headed that way."

Speaking to Pukk, Chandrellia says, "You know I'm waiting for the day you yell, everyone join Owly, and see just how many actually try."

Speaking to Tikba, Kiyna adds, "But a happy one! Once I had the old man make sure he wasn't a demon."

Speaking to a pale-faced coppery barn owl, Pukk asks, "Hey Owly. Raelee once said that she might use me for an experiment. You wouldn't let her do that to me right?" S peaking to Tikba, Kiyna says, "The flaming eyes threw me off for a bit."

The coppery barn owl hoots at Pukk.

Speaking to a pale-faced coppery barn owl, Pukk exclaims, "What do you mean I'm on my own!"

Speaking to Kiyna, Vaemyr says, "I still can't find some of my books by the way..."

The coppery barn owl hoots at Pukk.

Speaking to Kiyna, Tikba says, "I suppose a demon would be too much to ask."

Taravangian says, "I was a meat sandwich for a Jarl."

Speaking to a pale-faced coppery barn owl, Pukk says, "Okay. I can understand that."

Pukk says, "But still."

Taravangian says, "I barely got out alive."

Speaking to Vaemyr, Kiyna says, "Well isn't that too bad. You'll have to use my organizational system. Ooh, perhaps I'll label everything next."

Speaking lightly to Kiyna, Leafiara says, "The real identifier of most demons isn't what they look like, but how quickly they attack you."

Speaking to Leafiara, Chandrellia says, "Even if you are unarmed in TSC."

Pukk recites:

"Everybody join Vaemyr for a good time!"

The coppery barn owl moves closer to Vaemyr.

Pukk says, "Even Owly joined."

Vaemyr says, "Or to all die to a sympath... depending on the "good time"."

Speaking to a grey-muzzled bluish-brown kit with a long bushy tail, Chandrellia says, "Now you be nice to teh older Fox and learn something."

Jaffrey says, "Bubba's slow."

Markx says, "Mmhmm."

Speaking to Vaemyr, Leafiara muses, "I could live with that. Or die with it, I guess."

Kiyna says, "We all agree sympaths are the enemy, yes? If we all agree on that, -really- really hard, maybe we'll believe it when they screw with our heads."

Markx says, "Never heard of a slow tiger."

Jaffrey says, "It;s a comparative thing."

Chamorr heartily says, "A mind is a terrible thing."

Pukk smiles at you! Of all the nerve!

Speaking to Pukk, Chandrellia exclaims, "How dare you smile at me!"

Speaking to Tikba, Chandrellia says, "Its what I do."

Leafiara considers, "Sympaths are when you split into groups where you'd all struggle to hit one another, though that level of strategy is sometimes a bit much to ask for on a chaotic battlefield."

Speaking to Leafiara, Vaemyr says, "Unfortunatelly for some of us... uhhh we don't "struggle" to hit anyone. Although that is usually why I try to stay mostly solo when sympaths are around."

Mayor Thadston's Final Night

[General] Thadston thinks, "Evening."

[General] Lylia thinks, "Good evening to you."

Pukk says, "'s Thaddy."

Leafiara agrees, "Small or very small groups are indeed the other option."

[General] Kiyna thinks, "Evening, Thadston."

[General] Chandrellia thinks, "Evening Mr Andrews."

[General] Goldstr exclaims, "Evenin Sir Andrews!"

[General] Chamorr thinks, "Howdy Thaddy."

[General] Tikba mildly greets, "Good evening, Thadston."

Vaemyr asks, "Oh boy... guess Thadston is gonna tell us his answer?"

[General] Leafiara greets, "Good eve!"

[General] Thadston thinks, "I am in the council chambers, unless you prefer the rain."

Vaemyr says, "Leaving in 3."


Speaking unhelpfully to Vaemyr, Leafiara says, "Glad Pukk appointed and anointed you tonight's Cryheart."

[Moot Hall, Council Chamber]

A rich merlot carpet stretches from end to end of this large, spacious chamber, which is aglow from the moonlight shining in through several arched windows along an entire wall. Large, verdant green plants rest in terra cotta vases in each corner of the room, and the walls are decorated with detailed paintings of nearby historical landmarks. A circular table sits in the center of the room, surrounded by several wooden chairs. You also see an animated withered shadow-cloaked draugr, the Kelfyr disk, a grizzled porcupine, a wide burnished oak archway, an ivory-washed birch door, a reinforced oak door, a polished red cedar door and a pink oak door.

Bernadette softly says, "Good eve Sir Andrews."

Town Councilor Kayse just came through an ivory-washed birch door.

Kayse rolls her eyes.

Kayse drops a thin off-white statement.

>read state

The page, written in Common, reads as follows:

Id rather be here, a free man among brothers and sisters...than to be the richest citizen of Tamzzyr...

...this campaign is not alone to kill one towns freedom. It is to kill the very idea of freedom. We will resist the empire!

~ The Fishermen

Speaking to Kiyna, Kayse says, "Apparently my office is a trashcan."

Thadston abruptly kicks at a thin off-white statement!

Speaking to Kayse, Vaemyr asks, "You too?"

Speaking in Sylvankind, Kelfyr says something you don't understand. [OOC note: ...but in this case you can easily enough infer from Leafi's response what it was if you've been around since 2018, so I'll spell it out: he was suggesting a board to write on outside.]

Speaking to Kayse, Kiyna says, "The Thorns have thought the same of mine for a long while now, yes."

Kayse dismissively says, "Words, nothing more."

Speaking to Kayse, Chandrellia says, "You shoud see the one I found in TSC threatening the life of Sam."

Speaking offhandedly to Kelfyr, Leafiara says, "Tried it once and it went very poorly."

A black horse stomps the floor with his left hoof, sending a splatter of dust sideways.

Thrassus says, "Ah, yet another group seeking to make things worse."

Speaking ruefully to Kelfyr, Leafiara says, "Shame, too. Could have been a great lasting achievement for Crux."

Thadston says, "Black Muck. Not really thorns. Just bottomless, black muck."

Thadston glances at a black horse.

Moving to a black horse's side, Earthdiver pats him affectionately on his neck. He nickers in response, the sound eerily similar to a humanoid chuckle.

Speaking to Leafiara, Kelfyr asks, "One of those tragedies of the commons, eh?"

Thadston asks, "....we just let horses inside now?"

Earthdiver says, "It's a skinny horse."

Earthdiver nods at Thadston.

Chamorr heartily says, "Heck they let you inside."

Irval says, "Good thing we not on the cleaaning staff."

Speaking to Thadston, Vaemyr says, "We kinda cleared out a lot of area, with all the missing chairs and desks."

Thadston says, "Says the bear."

Thadston nods at Chamorr.

Chamorr nods.

Leafiara amusedly says, "Point."

Thadston smirks.

Thadston asks, "I guess this is it tonight, eh?"

Chamorr heartily says, "Yer lucky this aint da woods."

Thadston says, "My mayoral reign."

Speaking to Thadston, Chandrellia says, "We could turn this into what it was a few days ago."

Thadston smirks.

Goldstr says, "Aye."

Speaking to Thadston, Chandrellia says, "A Zoo."

Thadston says, "Not how I had wished to end it. But not really sure how I wanted to."

Leafiara curiously asks, "Putting aside the ending, was the rest what you hoped for?"

Kelfyr says, "Freed to be a force for good unbound and unburdened by office."

Thadston says, "Glad someone else is a sucker enough to take it on."

Thadston says, "It's true. I do better work beyond a desk."

Thadston nods at Kelfyr.

Kelfyr says, "Helps not to have to go through it first."

Kelfyr nods at Thadston.

Thadston says, "I did finish approving all of the Envoy applications."

Speaking to Thadston, Chandrellia says, "At least now you have the freedom to prusue anything you may have wanted to since obtaining the seat."

Speaking heartily to Thadston, Chamorr says, "What are yer plans now."

Leafiara interestedly says, "Ooh."

Thadston says, "I suppose I could announce those now, instead of waiting two days."

Speaking to Thadston, Pukk asks, "Have you thought about knitting?"

Speaking to Thadston, Kiyna asks, "Were there many?"

Speaking to Thadston, Vaemyr says, "Could use you more fighting the Ember Vale and Remnants to be honest."

Thadston says, "I want to see my son."

Thadston says, "But I can't yet."

Chandrellia peers quizzically at Thadston.

Rasson says, "The town chairmakes will go broke now."

Speaking to Chandrellia, Leafiara explains, "He was sent off to the erithians years ago to see if they could fix... whatever Raznel did to him."

Thadston says, "Casi needs to be better. Amos needs to be rooted out. The reivers need to be crushed. The remnants need to be gone. Elidal needs some damn legs."

Tikba amusedly asks, "Legs?"

Thadston nods at Tikba.

Kiyna says, "As in, he has nothing beneath him right now. We're entirely propping them up."

Thadston says, "He's got a lot to learn."

Speaking to Thadston, Chandrellia says, "Thats isnt your problem any longer, go, at least see him let Alendrial worry about all that now."

Tikba nods in agreement at Thadston.

Irval says, "Casi can rot. She had assassins target citizens, for that I care not whether or not she recovers."

Speaking frankly to Thadston, Tikba agrees, "Yes."

Thadston says, "It's always my problem."

Irval says, "Sorry if you love her."

Thadston says, "Same as yours."

Chandrellia sighs at Thadston.

Thadston says, "I didn't need an office before, or after, to still fight for this town."

Thadston glances at Irval.

Tikba says, "Perhaps we may find more time for your arms, as well."

Thadston says, "Irval..."

Goldstr says, "I be sworn to protect dis town, also my problems."

Speaking heartily to Thadston, Chamorr says, "Glad ya feel that way."

Thadston says, "Move on."

Pukk exclaims, "Everybody clear the way from the window!"

Thadston says, "Or form a club with Wolfloner. Call it the Cosima Arrow club. Where you can both just whine and gripe in a circle."

Thadston says, "Barking like a bunch of krol puppies."

Thadston says, "Because if you tell me Casiphia can rot one more time, I'll put a chair through your neck, not an arrow."

Thadston says, "Show some decency, be better than what you rail against."

Kayse gazes hopefully at Thadston.

Kiyna nods sagely at Thadston.

Thadston says, "We can do better by being better."

Thadston says, "Some of us it's too late for."

Thadston says, "I sent my final recommendations to Judge Manard."

Thadston says, "He may issue his final ruling in a day or two. But.."

Thadston says, "I told him the Rooks on trial were guilty. I won't pardon a single one, or pretend they weren't guilty. But Casiphia has offered to take all that on her, and it's up to Manard now to accept that. Something tells me he will. He's eager to also show he ain't Amos's puppet all the time."

Thadston says, "...but I am sorry, for one thing."

Thadston says, "...I shouldn't have thrown everyone out to hang."

Kiyna gazes with interest at Thadston.

Thadston says, "Casi was right. I'm not Walkar, never liked his final months and days."

Thadston says, "...and I don't have a demon strappped to my chest."

Irval shakes his head.

Kiyna nods slowly at Thadston.

Thadston says, "So for whatever it's worth, there you go."

Chandrellia nods at Thadston.

Leafiara says, "Also for what it's worth, it was fine with me. As I wrote to Jeshiah, things happen in haste. Been where you are. Still, appreciate it."

Speaking to Thadston, Kiyna says, "It's worth a great deal, to me, at any rate."

Kayse narrows her eyes.

Leafiara grins.

Irval erratically laughs out loud before covering his mouth with his hand, eyes wide with disbelief.

Kayse folds her wings across her back.

Kayse takes a drink from her copper-hued whiskey.

Chandrellia skips over to Thadston merrily.

Chandrellia hugs Thadston.

Leafiara gazes in wonder at her surroundings.

Kayse gives a sidelong glance at Chandrellia.

Speaking to Thadston, Chandrellia says, "I forgive ya."

Kiyna glances at Chandrellia.

Kayse slowly empties her lungs.

Irval says, "You people flip flop more than a fish on a river bank."

Thadston says, "Besides, justice is fickle here....we know."

Leafiara murmurs, "And people wondered how I could say during our campaign that Chandy loves the community even more than I do."

Speaking to Chandrellia, Goldstr asks, "Er fer wha?"

Thadston says, "The town has a long memory. Well, most of the time. We'll see how history sees it all."

Speaking to Thadston, Pukk says, "Now that we have that all sorted out, we have a spot open up in the Rooks..."

Speaking to Goldstr, Chandrellia says, "Fer hangin me withot a trial first ofcourse."

Pukk appears to be trying hard not to grin.

Speaking to Thadston, Perigourd asks, "Are you going to let someone tend the issue with your arms, now that you have more time?"

Speaking to Irval, Kiyna asks, "Does that make you the fish that already died?"

Thadston smirks at Pukk.

Pukk whistles tunelessly to himself.

Speaking to Perigourd, Raelee says, "He will."

Thadston says, "Let's be honest, I probably drive more folks to the Rooks than you do."

Speaking offhandedly to Pukk, Leafiara says, "I was only going to suggest it if Amos won."

Thadston begins chuckling at Pukk!

Speaking to Kiyna, Chandrellia says, "It does smell a lil fishy in here."

Speaking to Thadston, Leafiara affirms, "Oh, you definitely do."

Thadston nods at Perigourd.

Leafiara agrees, "Our best recruiter." [OOC note: The other contender would be Amos, but since he wasn't the Mayor, I assume it was mostly Thadston driving citizens into the Rooks with his various stances on the barony.]

Pukk nods in agreement to Leafiara.

Goldstr says, "Ah."

Thadston says, "My arms can come after Casiphia. I want all efforts on her first."

Thadston sighs.

Speaking to Thadston, Chandrellia asks, "Have you spoken to her since the trial by chance?"

Thadston says, "I might miss some things."

Thadston says, "No."

Speaking to Kiyna, Irval says, "Why would I be the fish? If anything im the fisherman...And no, not that fishermen."

Speaking to Thadston, Pukk says, "I know big guy. But I will still be here."

Speaking to Thadston, Vaemyr says, "We'll do everything we can, whatever curse and or poison is affecting her, we'll figure it out."

[General] Grihmore thinks, "Anyone know where the real estate office is in town."

Thadston nods.

Speaking to Thadston, Irval says, "You want those shards outta yer arms? Go to the reach, and they will be forcibly pulled out from your arms."

Thadston says, "I hope so."

Tikba neutrally says, "I am sure we will all do our best."

Thadston says, "Just don't make a deal with Amos."

Thadston says, "The lion is really a serpent, and his fangs never let go."

Kayse rolls her eyes at Thadston.

Thadston says, "Try to quit tomorrow."

Thadston nods at Kayse.

Thadston says, "See what happens."

Speaking heartily to Thadston, Chamorr says, "On that we agree."

Speaking evenly to Thadston, Kayse says, "I have no intention to."

Thadston says, "You might be the first aelotoi without wings."

Thadston nods at Kayse.

Speaking to Thadston, Kayse says, "They are useless anyways."

Kayse glances at Thadston and folds her wings across her back.

Speaking to Kayse, Chandrellia exclaims, "They are pretty!"

Thadston says, "Well then."

Thadston shrugs.

Tikba amusedly says, "They are good for expressing oneself."

Regional Envoy Candidates

Speaking to Thadston, Pukk asks, "So, I guess you aren't going to take over the town and become king?"

Thadston says, "Well, no use in lingering too long. I'm not going away, so this isn't goodbye."

Speaking affably to Tikba, Leafiara says, "In many contexts."

Kayse mockingly says, "Yes, please rip off the physical reminder of centuries of my people being enslaved."

Thadston asks, "Should I announce the Envoys now?"

Kayse stares upward.

Speaking to Thadston, Kiyna says, "Let's hear it."

Leafiara asks, "You mean the candidates?"

Thadston says, "A king is worse than a mayor."

Thadston begins chuckling at Pukk!

Chandrellia mutters, "And arent Fireflies supposed to have wings anyways."

Goldstr exclaims, "Ahhh aye!"

Speaking to Leafiara, Vaemyr says, "Unless there were only two candidates."

Speaking to Vaemyr, Leafiara ponders, "True."

Thadston says, "Uh, yeah sorry. The candidates."

Sir Geijon just came through a wide burnished oak archway.

Leafiara interestedly exclaims, "Let's hear!"

Thadston says, "Have fun with the election. Glad to be done with that."

Thadston nods to Geijon in greeting.

Geijon nods at Thadston.

Geijon says, "Eyo."

Geijon says, "Apologies for my late arrival interrupting."

Thadston recites:

"The Regional Envoy candidates are: Tennalnen, Thrassus, Kelfyr, Tikba, and Faerinn." [OOC note: One candidate was missed during the actual live announcement, but it was clarified the next morning on Discord due to email issues, so I've just inserted the full list.]

Chandrellia says, "Oohhh tough choices."

Leafiara says, "Nice list."

Pukk exclaims, "Ooh Tennalnen and Kelfyr!"

Vaemyr says, "Interesting choices."

Leafiara says, "Faerinn, Kelfyr, and the triple T's."

Chamorr heartily says, "Good list."

Chandrellia exclaims, "Tikb and Kelfur!"

Thadston says, "Only half of them are Rooks."

Thadston asks, "Too soon?"

Speaking to Tikba, Kayse whispers aloud, "Liwan/Thaellian 5123."

Kelfyr looks over at Chandrellia and shakes his head.

Kelfyr says, "The shorter one."

Speaking amiably to Thadston, Leafiara says, "Give us time..."

Speaking to Kelfyr, Chandrellia asks, "What ya dont want it?"

Speaking to Chandrellia, Kelfyr says, "Kelfur's a giantman. I'm not."

Speaking to Kelfyr, Chandrellia says, "Yes, yes my tongue got stuck in my cheek."

Thadston says, "I'll see you all around. On the battlefield most likely. We've got some work ahead of us."

Irval says, "Sending a poisoned chalice to the imperials , that'll be great for the peace process."

Thadston says, " to sharpen some axes."

Speaking to Thadston, Kelfyr says, "Thank you."

Speaking to Thadston, Raelee says, "The laboratory."

Speaking heartily to Thadston, Chamorr says, "Question for ya."

Speaking to Thadston, Kelfyr says, "If only because someone should."

Thadston peers quizzically at Chamorr.

Thadston nods at Kelfyr.

Speaking to Thadston, Goldstr says, "I will be at yer side."

Speaking heartily to Thadston, Chamorr says, "Are you for this new barony."

Thadston nods at Goldstr.

Thadston says, "That's a complicated question."

Thadston nods at Chamorr.

Thadston says, "I think it's poorly executed and poorly timed. But I'll support them as allies, and trust in Jovery's vision."

Speaking to Thadston, Kiyna asks, "I've one for you too. You know Jovery. I don't. He's just words on a page, to me. Do you think his declaration was sincere in word and spirit?"

Thrassus says, "Remeber what the seer said... our actions will determine if the barony becomes a sword, a shield, or shackles."

Chamorr heartily says, "Thanks, that answers that."

Thadston says, "I would die for Jovery. Hell one day I might. Yes."

Thadston nods at Kiyna.

Kiyna nods at Thadston.

Speaking heartily to Thadston, Chamorr says, "Some day ya may be asked to."

Thadston says, "The man is what the Empire should have been a thousand years ago."

Speaking to Kiyna, Goldstr says, "I also knows dat be true."

Thadston asks, "Or more?"

Thadston peers quizzically at Xorus.

Thadston shrugs.

Irval says, "Will must be met with sincerity and conviction, and not the roll of the dice."

Perigourd says, "He's a good leader."

Thadston says, "Goodnight everyone. May our warcries sing loudly next we meet."

Tikba politely says, "I hope one day to meet him."

Thadston grabs the back of a chair.

Speaking to Thadston, Kelfyr says, "Sleep well. For once."

Irval asks, "One last time?"

Vaemyr asks, "One more for the road?"

Pukk asks, "One for the road?"

Pukk says, "Literally."

Speaking to Thadston, Tikba says, "Be well, Thadston."

Thadston pushes the chair in, tucking it up against a table.

Thadston winks.

Thadston waves.

Mayor Thadston just went through a wide burnished oak archway.

Discussion Afterward

Leafiara says, "That's some remarkable restraint considering Alendrial even offered a preemptive pardon."

Pukk says, "You know he's going to miss throwing those chairs."

Thrassus says, "He'll throw them out in the woods or something."

Tikba says, "Perhaps we may all chip in and buy him a chair of his own to throw."

Vaemyr says, "Well he seemed to be in a much better mood, probably knowing that Casi is at least currently safe and receiving help."

Rasson asks, "Anyone else want to see him running across a battlefield hurling chairs at the enemy now?"

Leafiara says, "I think part of him is relieved to be done with the paperwork."

Speaking to Tikba, Kiyna asks, "Something even he'll have difficulty breaking? Rolaren, perhaps?"

Leafiara adds, "...a big part of him."

Perigourd says, "I imagine much of his burden is relieved not having to deal with the typical politics here."

Pukk says, "A magical chair that will reassemble itself after it's been broken."

Xorus says, "... the whole situation in what is now called Hendor was different a thousand years ago."

Speaking to Leafiara, Asben says, "It was your favorite part."

Speaking wryly to Asben, Leafiara says, "Oh yes."

Speaking to Tikba, Vaemyr says, "We need to get him a throwing axe and returning axe, and have a little chair carved on the end of the handle."

Speaking to Xorus, Kelfyr asks, "Where wasn't it?"

Asben says, "I rememeber how fondly you talked of paperwork."

Speaking amusedly to Asben, Leafiara says, "Or just how often."

Leafiara says, "I burned a whole stack of it on my way out."

Asben says, "Constantly."

Kiyna says, "Two axes... Thadston would soundly defeat Sablo, yes? He has vastly more experience, I would think."

Kiyna admits, "If a bit rusty."

Geijon says, "Leadership isn't easy, but failure isn't forever either."

Speaking slowly to Kiyna, Leafiara says, "Having seen Sablo fight, yes, easily."

Leafiara says, "Sablo's all energy and passion but lacks Thadston's prowess. Skill. Technique."

Leafiara says, "He's sloppy."

Speaking to Leafiara, Chandrellia says, "Sablo is over confident."

Tikba wryly says, "Thadston would also benefit from his metal arms in such a fight."

Speaking to Kiyna, Vaemyr says, "Sablo has the strength to perhaps overpower Thadston without the use of his arms, but yeah I would take Thadston's experience and skill in a battle there."

Thrassus says, "Give him a decade or so, experience will temper him hopefully."

Enisius at the Docks

[General] Enisius thinks, " this...."

Speaking to Tikba, Leafiara says, "Well... yeah, there's that too."

[General] Perigourd thinks, "Much like that."

[General] Ouidanna thinks, "Just like that."

Kelfyr says, "Given that it is now an official thing, I'd like to apologize in advance to the assembled. I'm like to get...incessant, for the next month or so."

[General] Vaemyr thinks, "Evening Enisius."

Vaemyr says, "Enisius on thoughts."

Kiyna says, "...I'm not sure I could fight Sablo. I've seen minotaurs less intimidating."

[General] Chandrellia thinks, "Well hello Enisius."

Speaking lightly to Kelfyr, Leafiara says, "Noted, I'll head off and spend more time at the Rumor Woods."

Speaking to Kiyna, Tikba says, "An apt comparison. It is best to stand to the side of a bull."

[General] Leafiara greets, "Evening there!"

Kelfyr says, "Like you'd be able to escape me there."

[General] Leafiara curiously asks, "Whatcha tryin to do?"

[General] Pukk thinks, "It's called thinking. I try to avoid it but it comes in handy sometimes."

Geijon says, "Eve for tonight. Hope anything Enisius has in mind is productive."

[General] Chamorr thinks, "Remember thinking is hard."

[General] Enisius thinks, "...theres's some...people that smell like fish...and the water is as dark as coffee."

Leafiara dubiously says, "Hmm... what in the world is Enisius talking about."

Kiyna says, "The docks, I assume."

Kiyna says, "Dark waters."

Chandrellia says, "The docks."


Pukk says, "Fish."

[General] Enisius thinks, "I'm trying to fish. This is...pure madness."

Leafiara says, "I guess that follows, but why he'd be at the docks is beyond me. But sure."

[Wehnimer's, North Dock]

The dock's planks are dull and weathered from the salt spray of many seasons. Northward beyond the massive sea gates, a flock of ice geese passes, silhouetted against the sky over the waters of Darkstone Bay. The hulk of a derelict coastal sailer is tethered to the end of the pier. You also see an animated withered shadow-cloaked draugr, the crab-shaped Rasson disk, a silver-tipped smoke grey wolf, a portly portmaster, a stack of empty crates, a wide ramp, a rope-lined wooden plank bridge that leads to the archway of a large moored white-masted ship and a huge grey imperial warship.

[he's not here]

[General] Pukk thinks, "Ah. You must be at Helgas."

Leafiara says, "Unless he's looking into the Ithzir pyramid."

[General] Tikba politely suggests, "Fishers?"

Kiyna says, "He's trying to fish..."

Vaemyr says, "Not here..."

[General] Leafiara curiously asks, "You on the Rusty Cutlass deck?"

Vaemyr asks, "Black sands the docks there?"

Tikba asks, "Where is best to fish?"

[Wehnimer's, Middle Dock]

Laboring dockworkers and strolling seamen mingle here on the weathered planks of the dock, between the hulls of large seafaring merchantmen. The groan of ships pulling at hawsers, the clatter of feet upon gangplanks, and the swearing of the dockworkers mix with the cries of seabirds and the cadence of waves against the pilings. You also see an animated withered shadow-cloaked draugr, the Kelfyr disk, a grizzled porcupine, the repousse copper Perigourd disk raised in leafy designs, the web-draped Missoni disk and a lazy wild dark red dog.

[he is here]

Leafiara says, "Aha."

Vaemyr says, "Ahh this one."

[General] Enisius thinks, "No, that place is putrid. I am at one of your docks."

Leafiara proclaims, "We've won your game of hide and seek!"

Leafiara slowly asks, "Seriously, though, why are you suddenly learning to fish?"

Thrassus says, "That's what I was wondering."

Perigourd says, "It's a good way to consider ones thoughts."

Speaking to Leafiara, Kelfyr says, "If anyone needs a hobby."

Speaking to Enisius, Raelee says, "Leafiara asks a valid question."

Raelee asks, "While all knowledge is of import, do we not have work to do?"

Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "Being a magister doesn't pay as well as you think it does."

Speaking to Enisius, Vaemyr says, "So typically there are some better places to fish than the docks of an active port."

Vaemyr says, "Fish too."

Leafiara helpfully explains, "You're not going to pull up an Ithzir pyramid with a fishing rod, if that's what you're aiming for."

Kelfyr says, "Not with that short a line."

Enisius says, " I wouldn't use a fishing lure to extract the obsidian pyramid."

Tikba asks, "Is this the next step of the research?"

Enisius says, " father is coming here soon."

Enisius points down.

Enisius says, "He wants to fish."

Missoni says, "Oh, to fish with you? How... lovely."

Thrassus says, "Ah."

Speaking to Enisius, Vaemyr says, "We met your father a couple weeks back."

Enisius says, "With me? Probably not."

Enisius says, "I met him many years back."

Vaemyr smirks at Enisius.

Enisius removes a wriggling dirt-covered worm from in his silk robes.

Enisius's face turns slightly pale.

Xorus says, "I suggest throwing exploding orbs in the water. It is more efficient."

A pained expression crosses Enisius's face.

Enisius drops a wriggling dirt-covered worm.

Enisius says, "Gross. Disgusting."

Tikba politely asks, "Have you fished together often?"

Enisius says, "No."

Speaking to Enisius, Vaemyr says, "You ummm... you need to use that, for the bait."

Speaking heartily to Pukk, Chamorr says, "Hes a imp? can we whack him."

Thrassus says, "There's still Remnants about, it might be dangerous for him to do that at the moment."

Speaking to Enisius, Kiyna says, "I've something to tell you, Magister. I was going to send a letter, but since you're here, I'll tell you in person."

Enisius says, "He used to fish with Elidal. Once Aronia, until he chased her away."

Enisius says, "He has a thousand teeth."

Enisius drops a slender redwood fishing rod.

Speaking to Enisius, Kiyna says, "I'll do it. Your observation booth... thing. I'll sit down and let you study the scarab."

Enisius asks, "Can someone...?"

Enisius points at a slender redwood fishing rod.

Enisius points at a wriggling dirt-covered worm.

Perigourd picks up a wriggling dirt-covered worm.

Perigourd picks up a slender redwood fishing rod.

Enisius looks down his palm.

Enisius says, "Please."

Leafiara relievedly says, "Oh, good, someone else can touch the worm."

Perigourd gazes thoughtfully at his redwood fishing rod.

Perigourd carefully places his dirt-covered worm on the ground alongside him.

Perigourd removes a golden turnip-shaped lure from in his redwood fishing rod.

Perigourd put a golden turnip-shaped lure in his suede cloak.

Perigourd picks up a wriggling dirt-covered worm from alongside him.

Perigourd strings his dirt-covered worm on his rod.

Perigourd offers Enisius a slender redwood fishing rod.

Enisius says, "Oh."

Perigourd removes a golden turnip-shaped lure from in his suede cloak.

Enisius accepts Perigourd's redwood fishing rod.

Perigourd offers Enisius a golden turnip-shaped lure.

Enisius accepts Perigourd's turnip-shaped lure.

Enisius shrugs.

Enisius drops a golden turnip-shaped lure.

Enisius asks, " this all?"

Enisius points at his redwood fishing rod.

Perigourd looks thoughtfully at Enisius.

Enisius asks, "The worm and stick?"

Speaking to Enisius, Chandrellia says, "The lure is so you dont need a worm all the time."

Irval says, "Rod."

Speaking to Enisius, Perigourd says, "It can be."

Speaking to Enisius, Raelee says, "Surely there was a book covering this."

Irval says, "Its called a rod..."

Speaking to Enisius, Perigourd says, "Depends on how deep you wish to fish."

Tikba helpfully suggests, "It is also wise to put the hook into the water."

The corners of a burnished ember fox's mouth lift on one side, his flame-wreathed eyes shimmering and sparkling as he gives a very vulpine chuckle.

Leafiara tiredly says, "Just... throw the line out into the water."

Thrassus says, "That is the base needed, you might want a weight if you are after certain types of fish."

Enisius says, "I don't care what fish."

Speaking to Enisius, Perigourd says, "A good bit of wrist work and casting practice helps as well."

Enisius says, "I hope I catch nothing."

Thrassus says, "Then the stick and the worm is sufficient."

Speaking to Enisius, Missoni says, "Then you must merely wait forever."

Enisius says, "A Magister's first lessons are patience."

Speaking to Missoni, Perigourd says, "Some more than others."

Enisius nods at Missoni.

Enisius winks at Raelee.

Observation Dome

Enisius exclaims, "OH!"

Tikba carefully asks, "Was the meeting your idea, or his?"

Raelee narrows her eyes and gives Enisius a dirty look.

Enisius says, "Magister Raelee."

Kelfyr says, "Much of fishing is really about talking and drinking."

Enisius asks, "Did you inform the afflicted of the dome?"

Kiyna asks, "Dome?"

Pukk asks, "Dome or doom?"

Speaking to Enisius, Raelee asks, "No, I did not. Did you not?"

Enisius says, "Dome."

Speaking to Pukk, Chandrellia asks, "Dome of doom?"

Enisius says, "I did not."

Enisius says, "Inform them please."

Enisius says, "Some are present."

Thrassus says, "Ah, the scarabs."

Raelee tiredly adds, "And... cast a whirlpool into the water. You can trap fish in the current."

Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "Okay, we know who's the boss now."

Speaking to Enisius, Raelee says, "... fine."

Leafiara amusedly says, "Ah, what Magister meetings must be like... a competition over who gets to talk less."

Missoni repeats, "The dome."

Raelee states, "The observation chamber is ready. You may enter tonight."

Perigourd nods knowingly at Enisius.

Speaking to Kiyna, Chandrellia asks, "Are you sure you want to do this?"

Enisius shrugs at Perigourd.

Perigourd chuckles.

Raelee says, "Once inside, remain still and listen to the instructions as they come."

Kiyna says, "I'll submit to the observation."

Speaking to Raelee, Missoni asks, "And that is... at the Outpost?"

Speaking to Missoni, Raelee says, "It is in the settlement camp, beside our working tent."

Enisius moves to the edge of the dock. But then moves back twice. He spreads his legs awkwardly, pulling up his robes slightly, and raises his fishing rod to the sky as if the redwood is on fire.

Speaking to Kiyna, Pukk says, "They will poke and prod you. Then they will ask you to drink all kinds of potions and then they will cut inside of you. And that is just them warming up."

Speaking to Enisius, Chandrellia asks, "Are we allowed to sit outside and keep our friends company?"

Speaking to Raelee, Missoni says, "I shall make use of it, then."

Enisius says, "No."

Thrassus asks, "Are we able to observe the procedures at least?"

Enisius says, "Not at this time. Perhaps in the future after some initial examinations and control groups are established."

Speaking to Pukk, Kiyna says, "That happens to me on a daily basis anyway, by my enemies."

Chandrellia exclaims, "What is it with the word no and friends!"

Enisius says, "It isn't a gala."

Missoni disappointedly asks, "It is not?"

Speaking to Enisius, Chandrellia says, "I get that, I'm not asking for a dance."

Speaking to Enisius, Vaemyr asks, "I assume researchers are permitted to observe?"

Enisius says, "We have far too many things to focus on."

Enisius says, "We have to now assess some poisoned crime lord, when the research team should be focusing very soon on solutions regarding Darkstone Castle..."

Enisius says, "There's just a lot of work to be done."

Thrassus asks, "What about the Reach?"

Enisius says, "That work continues."

Enisius nods at Thrassus.

Speaking to herself, Chandrellia says, "Can I give Casi water, *no*, can I sit outside while my friend is observed for this scarab in her, *no*, I am seriously beginning to hate that word."

Thrassus says, "That's potentially the biggest threat of all."

Speaking to Enisius, Raelee says, "And the Reach, and while Thadston will continue to attempt to delay, there is the matter of his arms as well."

Vaemyr says, "Darkstone I think can wait at least a little, while we figure out things about Casi and the Reach."

Speaking to Chandrellia, Kiyna says, "It'll be fine."

Tikba says, "It is fortunate that you have a team to rely on."

Thrassus says, "Cross-timeline incursions are no small matter."

Enisius leans back and lets the line of his redwood fishing rod go with a sharp *WHOOSH!*, the dirt-covered worm flying through the air before landing with a soft *plink* quite a large distance away from the dock.

A pained expression crosses Enisius's face.

Tikba says, "Yes, we must act to save Rodnay's life, if we can."

Speaking to Enisius, Vaemyr says, "Not... bad."

Speaking to Enisius, Kiyna says, "Not a bad cast."

Enisius says, "I have practice, dismissing nosy people."

Enisius asks, "Now I just stand here?"

Leafiara frankly says, "Yes."

Missoni confirms, "Forever."

Vaemyr says, "Wait till ya get a bite."

Speaking to Enisius, Chandrellia says, "Yes, untill you feel a tug on your line."

Speaking dryly to Enisius, Raelee says, "Patience."

Enisius asks, "Then what?"

Thrassus says, "Reel the line in every few minutes."

Enisius says, "Oh, I pull back. yes."

Enisius sighs.

Speaking to Enisius, Perigourd says, "When the fish bites, give it a bit of a pull to set the hook."

Enisius asks, "Why is this a thing to do?"

Leafiara helpfully says, "Yes, energy and force still work in the water as well as out of it."

Missoni says, "Some people find it relaxing."

Xorus says, "It is an excuse to drink beer."

Speaking to Missoni, Perigourd says, "Some people just like to eat."

Speaking to Enisius, Kelfyr says, "To drink while doing, mostly."

Thrassus says, "I have found it's more efficient to simply introduce a bolt of lightning to the water."

Speaking to Enisius, Raelee says, "It began as 'a thing to do' out of the need for sustenance."

Speaking to Perigourd, Missoni agrees, "I do like that part."

Kiyna whispers something to Enisius.

Speaking to Enisius, Raelee says, "As to why it turned 'fun', I could not say."

Bernadette softly says, "An innits own way, a challenge."

Thrassus says, "Or some other method to cause underwater explosions."

Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "You know. Raelee must be the life of the parties."

Enisius glances at a slender redwood fishing rod in his hand.

Speaking to Enisius, Chandrellia says, "It helps some get rid of the stress of the day, to sit on a dock, enjoythe fresh air of teh sea and the sounds of teh birds away from, accusors, and people that simply enjoy belitteling others."

Speaking offhandedly to Pukk, Leafiara says, "You should have seen the time Stormy and Cay invited her to their new year get-together..."

Raelee glances skeptically between Pukk and Leafiara.

Enisius says, "It is dirty, and wet, and loud, and it stinks."

Speaking to Enisius, Kelfyr says, "That's life, for ya."

Xorus says, "Ah, yes. Wehnimer's Landing."

Chandrellia says, "Yes, but thats everyday in Landing, so teh sea is a good get away."

Speaking to Enisius, Perigourd says, "It can also be a bit of a challenge."

Speaking to Enisius, Earthdiver says, "It's good to experience the roughness of life now and then."

Speaking to Enisius, Chandrellia asks, "So, have you had further threats from teh Reivers as of late?"

Speaking to Enisius, Vaemyr says, "So, any additional thoughts on perhaps preventing the fires that keep Raznel's curse at bay from affecting the Reach further? obviously some harm has already been done... but if we can keep it from esculating any further I think that'd be prudent."

Speaking to Chandrellia, Pukk says, "He is only interested in experiments and magic and stuff."

Speaking to Chandrellia, Pukk says, "And eating children."

Enisius sighs.

Tikba says, "Iliyaas seemed doubtful that the fires were to blame."

Enisius says, "The Reivers? No."

Chandrellia nods.

Enisius says, "Sablo has been forming some plans, I hear."

Enisius says, "He grunts enough that is."

Enisius says, "They should be easy, once their location is discovered."

Speaking to Enisius, Chandrellia says, "Those arent plans he playing around with."

Speaking to Enisius, Vaemyr says, "Things that look easy rarely are."

Enisius says, "If we cannot subdue the infliction on the Reach, then we need to discuss extraction for the boy."

Vaemyr shrugs.

Vaemyr sighs.

Vaemyr nods at Enisius.

Enisius takes in some of the slack from his redwood fishing rod.

Leafiara says, "I'd been thinking about that extraction matter and you might want to seek aid from Mayor Alendrial and, more specifically, her contact Ayred if it comes to that."

Leafiara says, "The man's so skilled with portals that he transported a fleet from here to Glaoveln in moments."

Enisius says, "Interesting."

Rasson says, "Thats a big portal."

Speaking to Enisius, Vaemyr says, "It seems like we'd need a... very large supply of mana for him, if we were to remove him. An alternative source of food than the reach."

Raelee whispers something to Enisius.

Enisius snorts!

Enisius nods at Raelee.

Perigourd says, "One wonders if he can so easily be removed without being harmed."

Raelee nods slowly at Enisius.

Speaking to Perigourd, Vaemyr says, "He needs to be willing."

Speaking to Perigourd, Leafiara agrees, "I doubt it, but... trying to prepare for every possibility."

Tikba says, "He does not seem to be."

Enisius says, "We must weigh the...potential outcomes."

Leafiara adds, "And what we're willing to do today isn't always the same as what we're willing to do weeks later."

Perigourd says, "I'm speaking more towards any potential attatchment he may have formed with the reach."

The tip of Perigourd's bamboo fishing pole suddenly dips slightly and he swiftly gives it a tug to set the hook!

Enisius says, "Of each action and also inaction."

Perigourd tugs sharply on his bamboo fishing pole and it whips back and forth wildly!

Perigourd's bamboo fishing pole bends sharply several times in twitching succession!

Perigourd concentrates deeply for a moment.

Enisius points at Perigourd.

Speaking to Tikba, Vaemyr says, "I think that it mainly because he thinks he would be too harmful to us if he left now. If we can find a safe method to keep both him and us safe, I think he could be convinced."

Perigourd tugs sharply on his bamboo fishing pole and it whips back and forth wildly!

Perigourd gives his bamboo fishing pole one final tug and a long-finned white seabass comes wriggling to the surface! Moving swiftly, he takes in the rest of his line and unhooks the seabass, then takes hold of it tightly.

Enisius asks, "You have the bite?"

Speaking to Enisius, Perigourd says, "The fish."

Perigourd carefully examines his white seabass.

Speaking interestedly to Perigourd, Leafiara asks, "How big?"

Vaemyr says, "It's not like he couldn't return to the Reach once we have corrected the affliction."

Enisius just tried to pull a length of rope.

'Enisius takes in some of the slack from his redwood fishing rod.

Speaking to Leafiara, Perigourd says, "Not too much, about four pounds."

Speaking to Vaemyr, Tikba says, "We must hope."

Fishing Ferwin

Ferwin just arrived.

Ferwin blinks.

Enisius stiffens.

Enisius says, "Father."

Speaking to Ferwin, Vaemyr says, "Evening Sir, your son here was thinking about trying to fish with you tonight I believe."

Missoni greets, "Mister Dhenin."

Ferwin says, "Eni! My boy."

Ferwin asks, "You have some friends finally?"

Ferwin holds his sides and lets out a rumbling belly laugh.

Enisius says, "They are..."

Thrassus says, "It is possible his presence in the Reach was what gave whoever is using him as an anchor an opportunity to make the incursion."

Enisius gazes in wonder at his surroundings.

Leafiara mouths, "Just say yes."

Leafiara nods at Enisius.

Speaking to Thrassus, Raelee says, "Agreed."

Enisius says, "Yes, father."

Speaking to Ferwin, Missoni says, "Yes, your son is excellent company."

Leafiara gives an approval gesture with her hand.

Ferwin says, "He's a smart one, that's for sure. sometimes a bit too much."

Tikba says, "We are grateful for his leadership, as well, in the research tasks before us."

Ferwin nods at Missoni.

Missoni smiles at Ferwin.

Ferwin asks, "Don't go a sinking any of their boats, alright lad?"

Speaking to Ferwin, Missoni says, "I suspect many parents might say that of their children."

Ferwin says, "I heard they get quite cankerous here."

Enisius says, "Yes, father. A splendid jest and reminder."

Enisius says, "Timely as always."

Speaking to Ferwin, Perigourd says, "I'd dare say some of us have done enough sinking of ships in our time."

Enisius takes in some of the slack from his redwood fishing rod.

Leafiara helpfully says, "Hasn't sunk even one of 'em yet. In fact, these days we see things doing the opposite of sinking, and flying up instead."

Tikba smoothly interjects, "It is pleaant to see you again, Ferwin."

Ferwin says, "It ain't going to bite you boy."

Ferwin nods at Enisius.

Ferwin says, "Reel with some feel. I've always told you."

Enisius says, "You've never told me."

Ferwin says, "Well, your brother."

Raelee quietly mutters, "It could bite."

Enisius clenches his jaw.

Tikba politely asks, "Will your lovely wife be here as well?"

Speaking to Ferwin, Pukk says, "Enisius was just telling us that he wishes that you and him could go fishing more often."

Ferwin says, "Good to see you all too."

Ferwin says, "No no, not tonight. It's my time to get some fresh air."

Enisius says, "This is not the place for that father."

Enisius says, "Not even close."

Ferwin strings his riverstone lure on his rod.

The tip of Perigourd's bamboo fishing pole suddenly dips slightly and he swiftly gives it a tug to set the hook!

Perigourd tugs sharply on his bamboo fishing pole and it dips down a bit and proceeds to twitch visibly!

Ferwin says, "Let's see if I've still got it."

Perigourd tugs sharply on his bamboo fishing pole and it weaves wildly and bends a bit!

Perigourd concentrates deeply for a moment.

Speaking to Ferwin, Pukk says, "Enisius was just showing us how good he is at baiting his hook."

Speaking to Ferwin, Perigourd says, "Biting in the depths right now."

Perigourd tugs sharply on his bamboo fishing pole and it shakes and twitches as its tip bends down quite far!

Perigourd gives his bamboo fishing pole one final tug and a brown-spotted kelp bass comes wriggling to the surface! Moving swiftly, he takes in the rest of his line and unhooks the bass, then takes hold of it tightly.

Perigourd carefully examines his kelp bass.

Missoni remarks, "There ought to be a nice cooking fire on this dock."

Ferwin raises his rod high and casts it out to the water, the riverstone lure plinking as it lands.

Ferwin asks, "Oh he did did he?"

Ferwin peers quizzically at Pukk.

Pukk nods.

Pukk says, "He finds it very comforting."

Pukk nods.

Enisius says, "No, I do not."

Speaking to Ferwin, Pukk says, "He's just shy."

Enisius says, "This entire ordeal is..."

Ferwin peers quizzically at Enisius.

Ferwin asks, "Yeah?"

Leafiara diplomatically says, "He's a, um, fast learner."

Perigourd offers Missoni a fillet of raw kelp bass.

Enisius says, "....intriguing."

Pukk says, "He doesn't want to show you this side."

Ferwin smirks.

[General] Izden thinks, "Anyone forage in Moonsedge? I can't seem to find anything. Excepting vampires. Which suck."

Missoni accepts Perigourd's raw kelp bass.

Speaking to a flame-eyed burnished ember fox, Missoni says, "I think I ought to cook it first."

Missoni frets.

Speaking to Missoni, Kiyna says, "He's already on fire. Might cook on the way in."

Ferwin watches the water, patiently watching and waiting.

Speaking to Missoni, Kelfyr says, "They don't cook them when they pull them from the river."

Speaking to Kelfyr, Missoni says, "I suppose not..."

Enisius glances at a slender redwood fishing rod in his hand.

Enisius sighs.

Speaking politely to Ferwin, Tikba says, "I suppose in Riverwood you have spent much time fishing."

Thrassus says, "A rhimar-lined container of some sort is useful for fishing."

(Missoni extends the fillet to the fox, letting him take a nibble.)

Ferwin says, "Aye, it's one of the best ways to learn to still your mind, and steal the attention of others. Build many a good relationship you can."

Ferwin nods at Tikba.

Ferwin says, "Speaking of relationships, I'm glad you made some little Eni. Books don't keep you warm much unless you burn them."

Enisius sighs.

Enisius says, "..which would be absurd Father."

Tikba says, "You must ask Magister Raelee whether books can keep one warm."

Leafiara helpfully says, "Books can teach someone to control fire magic and keep themselves warm that way."

Leafiara petitions the spirits as flickers of pale flame surround her hands...

Vaemyr says, "Enough books could make reasonable insulation."

Speaking to Tikba, Raelee says, "They can teach one numerous methods for keeping warm."

Leafiara hurriedly adds, "Though I learned magic through different means than reading. Don't get me wrong."

Ferwin says, "Now get your brother to make some more friends, so he stops chasing that old weaver."

Speaking to Tikba, Raelee says, "Eventually one will learn enough about the control of the elements to simply be warm when one wants to be."

Speaking to Ferwin, Kiyna says, "You could also try this."

As Kiyna rubs her silver band, a ball of rubicund red fire builds in her right hand.

Kiyna offers Ferwin a ball of red fire.

Enisius says, "The old weaver is dead, father."

Ferwin declines Kiyna's offer.

Speaking to Raelee, Perigourd says, "Flint works well enough."

Ferwin says, "Oh I meant that ivy lass."

Enisius says, "Yes, Aronia."

Ferwin asks, "Your mother showed me her garden. Aronia's. Guess it's in the camp now?"

Ferwin says, "It was okay."

Ferwin shrugs.

Enisius asks, "Did you see the dome?"

Enisius peers quizzically at Ferwin.

Ferwin asks, "Huh?"

Enisius says, "Nevermind."

Enisius clenches his jaw.

Enisius takes in some of the slack from his redwood fishing rod.

Ferwin asks, "You all fish here often?"

Speaking to Ferwin, Perigourd says, "I did not too long ago."

Tikba frankly says, "I have never fished."

Perigourd says, "Found quite a few fish."

Ferwin asks, "Never!?"

Ferwin peers quizzically at Tikba.

Thrassus says, "No. I generally do not fish at all unless there is a particular goal in mind."

Chandrellia says, "I tried a few times, I'm just not good at it."

Leafiara recalls, "I don't think I've ever fished here. I usually stick to the Companion Park for that, and even then only maybe once or twice a year at best."

Ferwin exclaims, "Bet you never soared with them wings either huh!"

Missoni admits, "I am not fond of fishing. But I like to partake in the bounty."

Tikba politely explains, "In my youth I did not have any opportunities to fish."

Ferwin says, "Fishing is living."

Ferwin nods at Tikba.

Tikba looks thoughtfully at Ferwin.

Tikba nods politely at Ferwin.

Kiyna says, "I've tried fishing. Too impatient. I gotta be doing something. Active. That's what I like about forging."

Ferwin says, "There is no time like the present."

Ferwin nods at Tikba.

Tikba politely says, "I can see it is a passion."

Ferwin says, "Give your fishing rod boy."

Ferwin nods at Enisius.

Ferwin says, "You're holding it like it's going to bite you anyway."

Enisius sighs.

Enisius takes in some of the slack from his redwood fishing rod.

Enisius takes in some of the slack from his redwood fishing rod.

Enisius offers Tikba a slender redwood fishing rod.

Speaking to Ferwin, Vaemyr says, "Your son here is being awfully helpful to us, in trying to help us figure out some problems aflicting several of our people. He's even helped to build a whole structure to that cause."

Enisius takes in some of the slack from his redwood fishing rod.

Speaking to Enisius, Pukk says, "Oh don't be shy. Enjoy the freedom now that your father knows how much you enjoy fishing."

Tikba accepts Enisius's redwood fishing rod.

Enisius nods.

Tikba gazes thoughtfully at her redwood fishing rod.

Ferwin says, "Raise it high, swing like your breaking a pinata."

Tikba takes in some of the slack from her redwood fishing rod.

Ferwin nods at Tikba.

Tikba nods slowly at Ferwin.

Tikba takes in some of the slack from her redwood fishing rod.

Ferwin asks, "Oh?"

Ferwin peers quizzically at Vaemyr.

Chandrellia mutters, "This is why I Prefer darts."

Tikba uneasily says, "It is heavier than I thought."

Ferwin asks, "Sure he isn't making as many problems as he's trying to fix?"

Ferwin says, "Kind of his thing."

Tikba takes in some of the slack from her redwood fishing rod.

Tikba reels her redwood fishing rod in completely, the dirt-covered worm strung on the line becoming visible as it breaks the surface and dangles briefly over the water.

Speaking to Ferwin, Vaemyr says, "Not at all, he's being very helpful."

Tikba gazes thoughtfully at her redwood fishing rod.

Speaking to Ferwin, Perigourd says, "He was instrumental in properly scouting a foes encampment to help gain critical information some months back."

Enisius clenches his jaw.

Speaking to Ferwin, Chandrellia says, "Perhaps you should sit with him, and let him explain to you what he has been doing."

Tikba leans back and lets the line of her redwood fishing rod go with a sharp *WHOOSH!*, the dirt-covered worm flying through the air before landing with a soft *plink* quite a large distance away from the dock.

Leafiara says, "I'm relatively sure he's not causing problems, and coming from me, that means a lot."

Kelfyr says, "And now let the worm do its dance."

Ferwin says, "I'm just giving the lad a hard time. His brother vouched for him, he must have been here for a reason."

Ferwin nods at Enisius.

Enisius says, "...thank you."

Ferwin glances at a carved fireleaf fishing rod in his hand.

Ferwin says, "There just ain't nothing biting tonight."

Ferwin asks, "You pick this spot?"

Ferwin peers quizzically at Enisius.

Enisius says, "It is, the spot, father."

Speaking to Missoni, Kiyna asks, "Hands full of fish?"

Enisius says, "It picked us."

Ferwin chuckles.

Speaking to Kiyna, Missoni says, "A bit..."

Thrassus says, "Quite a few folk fish from here."

Ferwin says, "Just wanted a big catch to bring back, like old times."

Ferwin says, "This place isn't home."

Ferwin shrugs.

Tikba says, "Yes, the fishing is difficult here in the Landing, I fear."

Enisius says, "No. It is not home."

Speaking to Ferwin, Pukk says, "Enisius was just telling us it isn't about catching the fish as it is about enjoying the casting and thinking."

Missoni curiously asks, "What did you catch at home?"

Ferwin says, "The list of what I didn't catch would be shorter lass."

Ferwin nods at Missoni.

Ferwin holds his sides and lets out a rumbling belly laugh.

Missoni gazes in amusement at Ferwin.

Speaking to Ferwin, Perigourd says, "As I was telling your son, there's decent halibut in the Bay, when they're awake."

Missoni encouragingly says, "Well, I am sure you will find a reliable spot here in time."

Leafiara says, "Ponds or a lake might be better suited than the bay, but I'm no expert. I can only speculate based on the number of fishing events I hear about that are held anywhere other than the bay."

Speaking to Tikba, Kiyna says, "Possibly the fish are possessed of a malicious intelligence due to the Ithzir pyramid thing. That might be why."

Tikba distractedly says, "It sounds a pleasant hobby for a merchant. Many opportunities to deal."

Tikba takes in some of the slack from her redwood fishing rod.

Enisius lowers a hand to his side, and gestures ever so slightly with two of his fingers. Red curls of light twist around his hand and then disappear quickly.

Ferwin blinks as he feels a tug on his fishing rod!

Ferwin exclaims, "Hey!"

Ferwin exclaims, "I've got something!"

Enisius smiles.

Speaking to Ferwin, Perigourd says, "Make sure to wear it down."

Leafiara confidently says, "Surely you've got this."

Perigourd says, "You wouldn't want to break your line."

Speaking to Ferwin, Pukk says, "See. Enisius knows how to pick the good spots."

Enisius keeps his hand down to his side, turning his finger as if drawing in thin air.

Ferwin lurches forward, trying to reel his line in.

Ferwin exclaims, "It's a big one! OH this is a grand spot!"

Speaking to Ferwin, Kiyna says, "Careful. If it's too strong, it could pull you off the dock."

Pukk whispers something to Enisius.

Ferwin says, "Hardly. I'd ride it out to sea and swim back with it in my damn teeth."

You carefully examine Ferwin's physique and figure he weighs about 241 pounds.

Speaking to herself, Leafiara muses, "Guess it depends how big, exactly..."

Speaking to Leafiara, Chandrellia says, "May want to ready teh ship incase we have to chase him."

Ferwin reels his line in faster, the rod bending. The water splashes beyond the dock as the form of a large, a quite large fish comes into view as a sizable shadow beneath the waves.

Pukk says, "Wow."

Ferwin exclaims, "Oh would you look at that! Only a few weeks in town and I might be the best fisherman around!"

Thrassus says, "That one is uncommonly large."

Vaemyr says, "Almost got it."

Missoni says, "Why, it is enormous."

Kiyna says, "Bigger than me, I reckon."

Speaking to Ferwin, Chandrellia exclaims, "Dont let teh line snap!"

You carefully examine Kiyna's physique and figure she weighs about 139 pounds.

Speaking to Kiyna, Pukk says, "That cat is bigger than you."

Ferwin continues to reel in his line, and a very, very large brown-spotted kelp bass comes into view. Water sloshes about as the fish fights for its life, twisting on the hook, tail slapping the sea. Ferwin howls and strains as he fights to gain full control.

Enisius turns his fingers at his side.

Ferwin howls again and the huge fish erupts from the water, falling to his feet and flapping about, side to side as it gasps for air. Ferwin shouts and almost does a little jig, scooping up the huge fish in his bony hands and holding it up, but grimacing as he does.

Enisius says, "Impressive, father."

Speaking to Ferwin, Kiyna asks, "Are you alright?"

Ferwin says, "You watch and learn lad."

Missoni cheerfully says, "Well done."

Ferwin nods at Enisius.

Tikba says, "An effective demonstration."

Speaking to a flame-eyed burnished ember fox, Kiyna says, "You can have some fish later."

Ferwin hands the huge fish over to Enisius, who accepts it, not once blinking or flinching.

Ferwin exclaims, "I am not sure if we cook that, or hang it. But I'll go tell your mother, let her decide! Bring it to along soon!"

Ferwin nods at Enisius.

Ferwin throws his head back and howls!

Ferwin exclaims, "I've still got it!"

Ferwin just went west.

Lylia suggests, "You can both mount it and cook it."

Leafiara asks, "So... is that thing an illusion somehow given weight?"

Pukk says, "I'm going to call it a night."

Lylia says, "That is, make a cast of it to mount, and cook the fish itself. If you are quick."

Speaking to Enisius, Vaemyr says, "Kind of you."

Enisius turns his fingers, and the fish in his other hand dissolves into red mist and disappears.

Pukk says, "Everybody have a good night."

Perigourd removes a brown-spotted kelp bass from in his faewood tackle box.

Perigourd offers Enisius a brown-spotted kelp bass.

Kelfyr says, "Huh, spotted wagonfish."

Enisius accepts Perigourd's kelp bass.

Tikba offers Enisius a slender redwood fishing rod.

Enisius says, " cook or hang."

Enisius declines Tikba's offer.

Lylia says, "Or both. Sometimes you can have two equally good options."

Enisius says, "Keep it. I don't know what I was thinking."

Tikba nods sympathetically at Enisius.

Lylia says, "Such as, for instance, two Envoys who are capable. Such as Thrassus and Tikba."

Speaking to Enisius, Kiyna says, "That was a kind thing you did."

Speaking to Enisius, Vaemyr says, "Ya know, you're a good kid."

Thrassus says, "You might want to find a sufficiently large filet to take back with you."

Speaking to Enisius, Chandrellia says, "I understand how hard it is, its why I left home myself. I wish you luck with the future endeavors."

Enisius says, "...thank you."

Enisius says, "Kind words are..."

Enisius nods.

Enisius clenches his jaw.

Enisius says, "Thank you."

Speaking to Enisius, Chandrellia asks, "Hard to accept?"

Enisius says, "The dome is ready."

Speaking to Enisius, Lylia says, "It was a generous act."

Speaking to Enisius, Kiyna asks, "Shall we, then?"

Leafiara pleasedly says, "Excellent news."

Enisius says, "For those with the scarab, I would encourage you to...spend sometime in there."

Speaking to Kiyna, Chandrellia says, "We'll wait for word on your progress."

Enisius says, "Magister Raelee can escort you."

Raelee says, "I will bring those who need to see it to the chamber when we are fin--"

Raelee says, "... yes."

Speaking to Kiyna, Vaemyr says, "I'll go with you to see."

Enisius nods.

Speaking to Enisius, Missoni asks, "Ought we go in alone?"

Enisius says, "I must go...bring this fish."

Speaking to Enisius, Perigourd says, "They taste well enough."

Enisius glances at a brown-spotted kelp bass in his hand.

Lylia notes, "A shop on the south side of town sells mounted fish plaques, I do believe."

Enisius says, "It stinks."

Perigourd chuckles.

Perigourd says, "Less so when cooked."

Speaking to Enisius, Tikba says, "Do not fear. We will accomplish great things here, together."

Perigourd nods knowingly.

Enisius nods.

Vaemyr says, "Well it smells like a fish certainly."

Magister Enisius just went west.

Magister Enisius just arrived.'

Enisius says, "...goodnight."

Magister Enisius just went west.

To the Dome

Lylia says, "Good--"

Tikba glances with dismay at a slender redwood fishing rod in her hand.

Lylia concludes, "...night."

Thrassus says, "He's trying."

Raelee states, "I am going to the observation chamber. Come with me if you wish."

Speaking to Raelee, Lylia says, "I would like to see that."

Leafiara recites:

"Everyone join Raelee!"

Chandrellia says, "He is trying so hard to get acknlowedgement from his father, some sort of approval."

Leafiara adds, "...if you're interested in the observation dome, anyway."

Lylia says, "I cannot imagine anyone not being interested in an observation dome."

Rasson says, "Saw it earlier, try not to touch it."

Speaking to Vaemyr, Kiyna says, "Make sure to bring me a book."

Tikba frankly says, "If I wished to still myself, clear my mind, and wait for a sign, I would pray."

Raelee says, "All should be interested. We worked quite hard on it."

Speaking to Vaemyr, Kiyna says, "And it better have pictures."

Rasson says, "The sign says so."

Raelee says, "Let us go."

Speaking to Lylia, Chandrellia says, "Its what is going to happen inside that has me a bit, tense."


Speaking to Tikba, Missoni says, "I would create some sort of craft, or paint."

[Imperial Campsite]

A line of silk pavilions casts a colorful array of numerous Imperial flags representing the different territories of the Empire. Craftsmen work diligently outside their shops, the aroma of hops, meat, and freshly cut lumber consuming this division. You also see a small crystal structure, a length of sturdy wooden walls and a large black leather tent.

Lylia assures, "It is an observation dome, not a theater of pain."

>l struc

The crystalline structure is stout but wide, its walls heavily opaque but several viridian, lavender and deep blue lights periodically flash within. Several blue-robed mages stand watch nearby. There is a small sign outside that reads, "This is for those infected with the temporal scarabs. Stay away otherwise, do not touch my stuff."

Leafiara muses, "Decently clarifying sign."

Raelee says, "This structure is our observation chamber."

Kelfyr asks, "What are the lights?"

Raelee says, "Any who are afflicted with a scarab may enter."

Missoni glances at a small crystal structure.

Missoni looks thoughtful for a moment, then shrugs.

Missoni went through the crystal structure.

Speaking to Kelfyr, Raelee says, "The lights are a side effect of the magics within."

Tikba amusedly says, "We have already touched his things, I fear."

Speaking to Kiyna, Vaemyr says, "If anything happens, just send the fox to find me."

Speaking to Raelee, Lylia asks, "Do you intend to have those never infected with scarabs and perhaps those who had once been infected and no longer are as controls?"

Kelfyr squints.

Kiyna clears her throat.

Kiyna went through the crystal structure.

Vaemyr says, "I'll be there sign or no sign."

Kelfyr shakes his head.

Kelfyr went through the crystal structure.

Raelee says, "The interior moves through several elemental cycles."

Raelee says, "The illumination can signify where we are in those cycles."

Some blue-robed mages step forward, blocking Perigourd from passing through the small crystal structure.

Speaking to Raelee, Thrassus asks, "No vivisection?"

Speaking to Lylia, Raelee says, "At this time, it is only set for those currently afflicted."

Lylia says, "External observation only, it would seem."

Speaking to Lylia, Raelee says, "We could perhaps open it to others in another phase of study."

>peer structure

As you press in close to the structure, you see several lights of viridian, lavender and deep blue swirling about. At times red runes glow and float in the air then disappear.

Markx asks, "So where's this crystal thing and how we goin to steal it?"

Lylia nods at Raelee.

Some blue-robed mages step forward, blocking Tikba from passing through the small crystal structure.

Markx says, "Maybe this'll work."

Markx abruptly kicks at a small crystal structure!

Speaking curiously to Raelee, Leafiara asks, "How... long are they expected to need to be in there?"

Thrassus gestures crisply and utters a practiced phrase as raw elemental energies issue forth from his dimly glowing eyes.

Thrassus gestures at a small crystal structure.

Nothing happens.

Thrassus snaps his fingers.

Speaking to Leafiara, Raelee says, "Since we promised it would be voluntary, they may stay as long or as little as they like."

Speaking to Leafiara, Vaemyr says, "I believe they can come and go."

Leafiara nods understandingly at Raelee.

Speaking to Leafiara, Raelee says, "Though as long as possible would be helpful."

Speaking to Raelee, Perigourd asks, "Is it harmful in any way?"

Vaemyr says, "So far seems to not be anything harmful to Kiyna."

Raelee designates Vaemyr as the new leader of the group.

Leafiara understandingly says, "I see. So we're not standing here bracing for major explosions."

Speaking to Perigourd, Raelee says, "No."

Raelee went through the crystal structure.

Tikba amusedly says, "Ah, I see some are allowed within."

Speaking to Leafiara, Perigourd says, "Not unlike fishing."

Some blue-robed mages step forward, blocking Vaemyr from passing through the small crystal structure.

Speaking to Perigourd, Leafiara agrees, "I'd just been thinking maybe Enisius should have had them come here while he was still fishing."

Thrassus says, "Since the Magister would be one of the ones doing the research I would hope she would be allowed in."

Tikba wryly says, "I will aid in the research from out here."

Speaking to Thrassus, Vaemyr says, "I'm on the research team too, although I admit, this is not my expertise, so I'm a bit more focused on the Reach and the anomolies there for now."

Leafiara dutifully reports, "So far my observations have been that nothing has happened."

Leafiara snaps sharply to attention!

Leafiara adds, "At least visibly."

Leafiara adds, "And externally."

Thrassus says, "He did say we would be allowed to watch once things are established."

Tikba says, "I suppose we must wait til then."

Speaking to Thrassus, Vaemyr says, "Once they have some more data I suspect."

Perigourd jests, "Yes, watching my wife living in a jar has long been a goal."

Speaking to Perigourd, Chandrellia exclaims, "You have a genie!"

Perigourd gazes with interest at a small crystal structure.

Speaking to Chandrellia, Perigourd says, "She does fulfill my wishes."

Vaemyr says, "I'm sure if anyone on the research team has some more specific experience with these scarabs they might be allowed to work more closely though."

Chandrellia says, "I dont see why a smith wouldnt be useful, I mean these ay differ from teh common ones, but still, Smiths have a lot of experience with them."

Thrassus says, "These scarabs are vastly different than the ones found in traps."

Leafiara glances to her right.

Leafiara glances to her left.

Some blue-robed mages step forward, blocking Leafiara from passing through the small crystal structure.

Leafiara snaps her fingers.

Magister Raelee just arrived.

Speaking to Thrassus, Chandrellia says, "Perhaps, but its the experiance Smiths have with them to begin with."

Earthdiver asks, "What kind of data is the structure collecting?"

Thrassus says, "I guess it wasn't that bad."

Speaking to Earthdiver, Raelee says, "Elemental balances within the body, movements of the scarab, movements of blood and mana, humors..."

Speaking to Raelee, Earthdiver asks, "How does it collect the data?"

Speaking to Earthdiver, Raelee says, "Saved within impressions in the crystals. We can extract it later."

Vaemyr says, "I'll just be here, waiting, till Kiyna is done, so don't mind me."

Leafiara says, "I suppose there's not much to see from an outside perspective."

Speaking to Vaemyr, Chandrellia says, "I will come back periodically to check on her and teh others as well."

Raelee asks, "Are there any lingering queries?"

[General] Candor thinks, "Doo da doo doo da dooooooooooooo (miss me?)"

Leafiara admits, "Don't think I've got any."

[General] Korpacz thinks, "Be careful, someone pickpocketing around festival games."

Vaemyr says, "Not about this I don't think. I am curious about Casi's condition and ready to help analyze whatever curse or affliction might be affecting her at the moment when able."

Leafiara says, "Oh, wait."

[General] Candor thinks, "Shhhhh."

Leafiara asks, "Do we know if Casi will be in this dome?"

Raelee says, "That is not the current plan. The dome was designed for the observation of the scarabs."

Leafiara says, "Ah, good."

From nearby, you hear Kelfyr yell, "Why?"

[General] Chayesor thinks, "If you notice him sneaking around you can WATCH out for him."

Leafiara yells, "Why what?"

Raelee says, "It is possible we could modify it for that purpose."

[General] Alanamarie thinks, "Candor! come get your kisses."

Leafiara says, "I was actually going to make a possible case against modifying it for that."

(Raelee raises both eyebrows.)

[General] Korpacz thinks, "Thanks for ruining my evening Candor..."

Leafiara tentatively asks, "My understanding was that the people inside see illusions tailored to them, or something along those lines?"

[General] Candor thinks, "Hey I try."

Raelee glances at a small crystal structure.

[General] Chandrellia asks, "Candor wanna come try with me?"

Raelee says, "There are no illusions cast in there."

Leafiara surprisedly says, "Oh."

Leafiara ponders.

Speaking to Leafiara, Vaemyr says, "Illusions? from what Kiyna is saying it's just people asking them to preform things like breathing exercises."

[General] Chandrellia thinks, "Yeah I didnt think so."

Vaemyr says, "And the runes and elememental reactions to those exercises."

Leafiara curiously says, "Oh."

Leafiara says, "Okay, but even in that case..."

Leafiara says, "Thadston's only alluded to it before, but he implied Casiphia's mind was fractured by Chaston Griffin even though she was eventually released from that control."

Vaemyr says, "Regardless I think for Casi's condition we may need something a bit more... spiritually attuned in addition to elemental. I highly suspect some type of curse caused by the poison."

Leafiara says, "So it's possible she might not even be able to fully follow necessary instructions."

[General] Chandrellia thinks, "Awe a love tap how sweet."

Raelee offers, "They are not complex."

Leafiara looks thoughtfully at Raelee.

[General] Candor thinks, "Pbbbbtttt."

Leafiara acknowledges, "I guess that's fair..."

Leafiara chuckles.

Raelee echoes, "Breathe in, breathe out, turn around..."

Vaemyr says, "Well gotta turn around a bunch apparently."

Raelee says, "And if she is barely lucid..."

Leafiara concludes, "I suppose I'll just say be ready to have a mentalist on hand."

Leafiara chuckles.

Raelee says, "Even if she cannot comply, data can still be gathered."

[General] Candor thinks, "That was love tap number two."

Leafiara nods in agreement at Raelee.

Raelee says, "It will simply be... less thorough."

[General] Chandrellia thinks, "Awe alil more aggresive love tap, keep it up and I may ask you out for dinner."

Speaking to Raelee, Earthdiver asks, "What kind of results are you expecting?"

Speaking to Earthdiver, Raelee says, "I have no expectations."

Earthdiver nods.

Leafiara approvingly says, "The best approach."

Speaking to Raelee, Vaemyr says, "I think rather lucid, she's more less physically able to follow some of the commands. Again something more tailored, and if you do tailor it for Casi I would suggest adding some spiritual alignment as well to observe."

[General] Candor thinks, "Woo hoo...the first piece of jewelry for tonight. I do hope it's enhancive..."

Vaemyr watches a small crystal structure closely for a moment.

[General] Chandrellia thinks, "Well, it wasnt at the park so you must be at...."

Vaemyr pores over a small crystal structure, engrossed in the study of it.

Speaking to Vaemyr, Raelee says, "We will try what we can, should it come to that. Some... additional assistance might be required in the modifications."

Vaemyr nods at Raelee.

Vaemyr says, "Again, I'd be happy to help in whatever way I can."

Vaemyr gazes with interest at a small crystal structure.

Raelee nods.

Raelee reaches out and touches a small crystal structure.

Raelee says, "If there is nothing else, I will bid you all a good evening."

Leafiara cheerfully wishes, "Have a good eve!"

Earthdiver says, "Have a good night."

Magister Raelee just went south.