Bloodriven Village/shop listing June 2018

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< Bloodriven Village
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High End Scrip Shop Listings

Bloodriven Village is where Duskruin Arena is located. All purchases are made with bloodscrip.

Bloodriven Bowery

Front archive

The quivers on the mannequins have been modified slightly and should fit snugly around your thigh.  Some of the fletchings have also been modified and will provide flares to your arrows.
Grey Dove ~ Steam
Smoke Black ~ Heat
Matte Burgundy ~ Impact
Blue-Grey Heron ~ Vacuum
White Ostrich ~ Cold
Blue Griffin ~ Electricity

In the barrels you see:

a bundle of colorful parrot fletchings 1
a bundle of greyish kestrel fletchings
a bundle of night-dark crow fletchings
a bundle of blood-streaked fletchings
a bundle of white ostrich fletchings cold flares 25
a bundle of pale grey dove fletchings steam flares
a bundle of smoke black fletchings fire flares
a bundle of matte burgundy fletchings earth flares
a bundle of blue-grey heron fletchings vacuum flares
a bundle of blue griffin fletchings electricity flares

In the crates you see:

a vial of red-stained paint 1
a vial of smoky black paint
a vial of silver-tinged paint
a vial of copper-dyed paint
a vial of grey-hazed paint
a vial of blood-colored paint
a vial of ghostly pale paint
a vial of whiskey brown paint
a vial of metallic jade paint
a vial of stark obsidian paint

On the dusty pine mannequin you see:

a hunter green silk cloak shoulder-caught with coils of steel Pocketed: Very large (80-99)
any number of items
a heavily cowled oil-black leather tunic chest-worn 5
a pair of rope-belted dark tan suede trousers leg-worn 5
a scale-carved ebonwood thigh-quiver Pocketed: Medium (20-39)
a couple of items
some fang-buckled shadow grey leather boots foot-worn 5

On the patched canvas mannequin you see:

an ivory and onyx-striped suede corset front-worn 5
a muted mauve silk blouse with an off-the-shoulder neckline chest-worn 5
a pair of rivet-set charcoal leather leggings leg-worn 5
a charm-hung black doeskin thigh-quiver Pocketed: Medium (20-39)
a couple of items
some leather-heeled dark bronze suede boots foot-worn 5

Back archive

Retired August 2019

The sand-colored bow and dark ruic longbow on the rack are both five times enchanted.
The ivory ipantor composite bow is 5x (+22) and is made from standard ipantor.
The henna-stained longbow is 6x (+27) and is made from standard ipantor.

On the warped pine rack you see:

an ivory ipantor composite bow traced in thin veins of onyx +22 composite bow 1750
a scorched dark ruic longbow with a long claw-ensnared grip +25 long bow 2000
a sand-colored ruic bow wrapped in smoky quartz tentacles +25 composite bow 2000
a henna-stained ipantor longbow overlapped by carved leaves +27 long bow 2750

On the knotty pine shelf you see:

a bundle of drakar arrowheads fire flares 30
a bundle of gornar arrowheads earth flares
a bundle of rhimar arrowheads ice flares
a bundle of zorchar arrowheads lightning flares

On the gnarled oak shelf you see a sign.

The merchandise on this shelf is undergoing some renovations.  Thank you for your patience.
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Cacographic Critters

Retired August 2019

On the small velvet-topped table you see:

a two-armed zoetic quill with an amber rachis and azure vane Zoetic Quill 500
a four-legged zoetic quill with an ivory rachis and gossamer vane
a six-limbed zoetic quill with a jet rachis and crimson vane
a six-tentacled zoetic quill with a green rachis and webbed vane
a six-legged zoetic quill with a golden rachis and lavender vane
a red-eyed zoetic quill with a prehensile rachis and dermal vane
an arboreal zoetic quill with a twig-like rachis and green vane
a skeletal quill with an ivory rachis and fish spine vane

In the glass-fronted case you see:

a jade-veined wax stick Wax 10
a gold-veined wax stick
a bone white wax stick
a red-veined wax stick
an ebon wax stick
a red gold signet finger-worn Signet 50
a carved bloodstone signet
a carved red coral signet
a polished silver signet
a charred bone signet
a black enameled signet
a bronze signet

On the free-standing shelves you see:

a piece of pale gold paper 3
a piece of shadow grey parchment
a piece of bloodstained vellum
a piece of scorched paper
a piece of burnt-edged parchment
a piece of creamy white vellum

On the hoarbeam stand you see:

a small broiled rolton steak 2
a tin cup of fresh water
a bottle of red wine
a blueberry muffin
a small ebony cricket box Pocketed: Small (5-7)
one item
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The Cover Up

Men’s Room

Opened: Unknown; Inventory Updates: February 2018; Verified: 2/24/18, 6/16/18 On the short male mannequin you see:

a distressed grey burlap cassock Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
any number of items
Whisper Cloaks 75
a stained ink black leather cassock Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
any number of items
a formal ebony longcoat Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
any number of items
a velvet-lined russet robe Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
any number of items
a voluminous ebon silk longcloak Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
any number of items
an elaborate obsidian cape with detailed viridian stitching Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
any number of items
a thick midnight blue fur cloak Pocketed: Huge (140-159)
any number of items

On the tall male mannequin you see:

an elegant grey cloak with delicate lacework along the hems Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
any number of items
a stately black cape with a stiff collar Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
any number of items
a multi-pocketed dark kidskin overcoat Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
any number of items
a rune-covered blood red wool cloak Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
any number of items
a split-tailed longcoat adorned with crow feathers Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
any number of items
a deeply cowled black linen greatcloak Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
any number of items
a caramel-hued longcoat with understated auburn accents Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
any number of items

Women's Room

On the petite female mannequin you see:

Whisper cloaks

a deeply cowled obsidian cloak lined with umber silk Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
any number of items
a flowing sealskin coat adorned with glossy black beads Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
any number of items
some embroidered flyrsilk robes Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
any number of items
a formal grey floor-length flyrsilk cloak Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
any number of items
a delicate emerald silk longcloak embroidered with crimson sigils Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
any number of items
a deep grey and green silk cloak Pocketed: Huge (140-159)
any number of items
a two-toned emerald and ebony velvet cape lined with ruby silk Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
any number of items

On the tall female mannequin you see:

a regal pitch black cloak interwoven with teardrop sapphires Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
any number of items
a lavish black puma fur overcoat Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
any number of items
a sleek black leather longcoat with a stiff high collar Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
any number of items
a blood red robe with midnight black trim Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
any number of items
a dark-toned sapphire flyrsilk cloak Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
any number of items
a frilly grey overcoat with lacy emerald trim Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
any number of items
a rich ebony velvet cape with bright white embroidered trim Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
any number of items
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Covert Couriers

Last updated: February 2018

Verified: 2/20/18, 6/15/18, 12/20/18

The stuffs on the worktable are not fer eatin' or drinkin'.
It's for putting in the food and drink of folks y'don't like.
Thur's two diff'rent kinds of poisons.  You figger 'em out.
If someone uses this stuff on you, take a quick swig from either of the phials.
Hopefully ya picked the right one t'swig 'cause they onlies cure one kind each.
The bags'n'such in th'cask are fer yer smugglin' goods.
Be sure t'analyze 'em 'fore ya use 'em.

In the heavy cloth-draped worktable you see:

a narrow pouch of fine violet powder Poison to put into food or drink 25
a gathered cotton bag of rust red granules
a small willow box of thin yellow roots
a tiny envelope of dark orange poppy petals
a bronze rearing serpent-shaped bottle
a slender bottle of nightshade-hued marble
a poison ivy green glass flask
a pearl-capped hematite vial
a helical sandruby phial
a bulbous rusted iron phial

In the old open ale cask you see:

a black leather toolkit edged with golden fittings Pocketed: Medium (20-39)
any number of items
Smuggling sack
a rugged oilcloth loot sack 175
a dark spidersilk sack 100
a black crow feathered-decked plunder sack 175
a rune-engraved blackened silver scroll tube 125
a scarlet-lined green sisken medicine bag 175
a curved willow case marred with scorch marks 125
a storm grey water camlet tote with thick silver cording 125
a vermilion velnalin hide gem pouch 100
a bloodstained ivory components satchel 100
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Crosswinds and Crosshairs

Opened: Unknown; Inventory Updates: February 2018; Verified: 2/24/18, 6/21/18, 12/20/18, 8/14/2019, 2/13/2020

a weathered wood-planked wagon, Lich #23816, Room 20, go wood-planked wagon

[Crosswinds and Crosshairs]
Crude wooden planks make up much of the interior of this wagon, with large battered cogs and sheets of metal secured to the walls with uneven rivets serving as the only decoration. One wall is covered with brass hooks in a haphazard fashion to display wares behind a worn counter.
Obvious exits: out
read sign on counter
In the Common language, it reads:

The oak box has light crossbow bolts, while the haon box has heavy crossbow bolts.

Green = Acid
Yellow = Lightning
Red = Fire
Blue = Cold
Brown = Impact

All flares will wear out over time.

In the oak box you see:

a bundle of mahogany bolts impact flares light crossbow bolts 25
a bundle of umber crossbow bolts fire flares light crossbow bolts
a bundle of hunter green bolts acid flares light crossbow bolts
a bundle of azure crossbow bolts cold flares light crossbow bolts
a bundle of flax-painted bolts lightning flares light crossbow bolts

In the haon box you see:

a bundle of mahogany bolts impact flares heavy crossbow bolts 25
a bundle of umber crossbow bolts fire flares heavy crossbow bolts
a bundle of hunter green bolts acid flares heavy crossbow bolts
a bundle of azure crossbow bolts cold flares heavy crossbow bolts
a bundle of flax crossbow bolts lightning flares heavy crossbow bolts

Mechanical crossbows

On the brass hooks you see:

a dark-grained burnished ruic kut'ziko heavy crossbow 100
a ruic-stock light repeating crossbow light crossbow 100
a bronze-scaled heavy siege crossbow heavy crossbow 100
a luminous carved glowbark kut'zikokra 5x, T1 light crossbow 2500
a lacquered dusky mossbark kut'ziko 5x, T1 heavy crossbow 2500
a multi-geared light ruic crossbow 5x, T1 light crossbow 2500
a blackened heavy ruic arbalest 5x, T1 heavy crossbow 2500
a matte-finished light mossbark crossbow 5x, T2 light crossbow 5000
a heavy repeating mechanical crossbow fitted with brass gears 5x, T2 heavy crossbow 5000
a broad-limbed ruic heavy arbalest 6x, T2 heavy crossbow 10000
a svelte glowbark light arbalest 6x, T2 light crossbow 10000
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BVShop:Cut and Dried/February 2018

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Dark and Dangerous

Opened: Unknown; Inventory Updates: February 2018; Verified: 2/24/18, 6/18/18, 12/20/18, 8/14/19, 2/13/2020

a dilapidated structure with a pair of crossed sabres above the door, Lich #26856, Room 2, go dilapidated structure


[Dark and Dangerous, Weapons]
Weathered planks of dark mahogany line the walls of this tiny, windowless space. An immense iron rack displays weapons against the far wall, though discerning one from another is difficult in the dimly lit space. A low oak table holding additional weapons threatens to deliver a blow to the shins of distracted shoppers.
Obvious exits: north, out
Dese here weapons aint fancy to look at, but dats wat yas got paint for!
All dese bin enchanted 5 times and all packs an extry 5 points of wallop. 
Blades and polearms be on de rack; brawlin stuff, blunts, and leetle darts ye throw be on de table.

On the low oak table you see:

some dark leather moccasins 5x, 5 CER crit weighting UAC boots 2500
some dark leather handwraps UAC gloves 2500
a dark vultite kunai katar 2500
a dark vultite quadrelle mace 2500
a dark vultite battle-quoit quoit 2500
a dark vultite fist-scythe fist-scythe 2500

On the immense iron rack you see:

a dark vultite roa'ter axe 5x, 5 CER crit weighting battle axe 2500
a dark vultite sabar war mattock 2500
a dark vultite greatsword twohanded sword 2500
a dark vultite whip-blade whip-blade 2500
a dark vultite atlatl spear 2500
a dark vultite wakizashi short sword 2500
a dark vultite sledgehammer maul 2500
a dark vultite toporok handaxe 2500
a dark vultite croc halberd 2500
a dark vultite cinquedea dagger 2500
a dark vultite schiavona broadsword 2500
a dark vultite warblade falchion 2500


[Dark and Dangerous, Armor]
Weathered planks of dark mahogany line the walls of this tiny, windowless space. Multiple iron hooks, each mounted within a grinning skull bracket, display armor against the far well. Conducting a thorough examination of each piece could prove difficult in the dimly lit space. A fungi-covered oak plank is propped up, right in the middle of the floor, waiting to trip the unwary shopper.
Obvious exits: south
Dese be very fine armors wat you see here, but if you want em fancified, well... get yerself a bucket of paint.
All de armor on de hooks bin enchanted 5 times and we put 5 points wurth of paddin' into each fine set.
Now dat stuff on de plank dere, we made up with leftover materials, and only had 'nuff padding left fer a light amount on each of dem accessories.  Better than nothing if yer too poor to afford de good stuff.

On the iron hooks you see:

some dark vultite full plate 5x, 5 CER critical padding AsG: 20 2500
a dark vultite chain hauberk AsG: 16 2500
some dark vultite chain mail AsG: 13 2500
some dark leather scalemail AsG: 12 2500
some dark leather cuirbouilli AsG: 10 2500
a dark leather aketon AsG: 8 2500
a dark leather buffcoat AsG: 6 2500
a loosely woven kaftan AsG: 1 2500

On the fungi-covered oak plank you see:

a darkened steel aventail 5x, 5 CER critical padding armor accessory; protects neck
a darkened steel greathelm armor accessory; protects head and neck
a darkened steel helm armor accessory; protects head
some darkened steel leg greaves armor accessory; protects legs
some darkened steel arm greaves armor accessory; protects arms
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Drawing the Line

Drawing Entry

Verified: June 2018

On the little stove:

a battered brass lantern
a loaf of sourdough bread a chunk of sourdough bread
a tarnished coffee pot a battered cup of coffee
a dented metal saucepan a small bowl of soup

On the thick beams you see:

a spindle of copper wire embedded with tiny glaes shards belt-worn
a coil of ultra-thin rolaren lyre wire belt-worn
a spool of tightly wound hemp belt-worn
a bundle of tiny invar chain links belt-worn
a coil of extremely thin rusted iron wire belt-worn
a slim polished silver tool Cuts/Repairs Garrote wire 50
a stained oak-handled mithril tool Cuts/Repairs Garrote wire 50
a fireleaf-traced steel tool Cuts/Repairs Garrote wire 50
an opal-inset elongated vultite tool Cuts/Repairs Garrote wire 50
a pincer-shaped rhimar tool Cuts/Repairs Garrote wire 50
read gilded sign
In the Common language, it reads:
The weapons on the shelf and pegs are 5 times enchanted and locked, with the exception of the ancient kuzoka, the parazonium, the bodice dagger, and the cinquedea, which are unlocked.  


Rolaren basilard: grapple
Silver-edge scramasax: grapple
Hunting knife: acid
Steel pugio: acid
Boot dagger: plasma
Ancient kuzoka: plasma

The ancient kuzoka and fel-halfted trailknife are enhancive as follows:
Ancient kuzoka: +10 stalking and hiding bonus
Fel-halfted trailknife: +10 ambush bonus

On the wooden shelf you see:

A slim mithglin hook-knife with a silvered serrated edge 5x, locked 1000
A thick vultite hook-knife with a blunt chisel-cut edge 5x, locked 1000
An ancient vultite kuzoka with a bone grip 5x, plasma flare, unlocked, +10 stalking and hiding bonus 3000
A glinting steel pugio with a linen-wrapped bronze pommel 5x, acid flare, locked 3000
A wavy silver-edged scramasax with an onyx-inlaid hilt 5x, grapple flare, locked 3000
A sharply pointed black parazonium traced with electrum 5x, unlocked 4000
A thick fel-hafted trailknife with burnished gold accents 5x, plasma flares, locked, +10 ambush bonus 4000

On the series of pegs:

A sturdy vultite stiletto with a blunt chisel-cut tip 5x, locked 1000
A slim mithglin misericord with a silvered serrated blade 5x, locked 1000
A short-hilted bejeweled bodice dagger 5x, unlocked 2500
A charred fel-hafted serrated cinquedea 5x, unlocked 2500
A thick wickedly curved hunting knife 5x, acid flare, locked 3000
A flat-bladed boot dagger 5x, plasma flare, locked 3000
A balanced rolaren basilard with a tooled ebonwood hilt 5x, grapple flare, locked 3000
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Duhn's Lab

Opened: Unknown; Inventory Updates: June 2018; Verified: 6/15/18, 12/21/18, 8/12/2019, 2/13/2020

a solid door, Lich #26849, Room 1, go solid door

[Dunh's Lab, Front Room]
Freshly painted white walls surround this stark room. A strangely designed lantern at the center of the ceiling washes the room in a bright and remarkably steady light. No dirt or other debris can be spotted anywhere. A workbench, a sales table and a display stand have been crammed into one corner of the room, somewhat haphazardly.
Obvious exits: out
These oils impart temporary bane properties to the item they are applied.
The blue oils are a new formula for use against undead.
It will not impart a permanent bless to the weapon.
These oils impart temporary bane properties to the item they are applied.
Black oils are useful against Grimswarm creatures.
Red oils are of assistance with trolls.
Blue oils are a new formula for defeating undead.

Shiny oils provide plasma attacks.
Thick oils provide some critical weighting.
Bubbling oils provide greater critical weighting.
Clear oils provide lesser damage weighting.
Sticky oils provide greater damage weighting.
Sparkling oils provide unbalance flares.

On the sales table you see:

Trollbane oils

a vial of shiny red oil plasma 100
a vial of sparkling red oil Unbalance flares 100
a vial of sticky red oil greater damage weighting 300
a vial of bubbling red oil greater crit weighting 300
a vial of thick red oil some crit weighting 200
a vial of clear red oil lesser damage weighting 100

On the display stand you see:

Grimbane oils

a vial of clear black oil lesser damage weighting 100
a vial of thick black oil some crit weighting 200
a vial of bubbling black oil greater crit weighting 300
a vial of sticky black oil greater damage weighting 300
a vial of sparkling black oil Unbalance flares 100
a vial of shiny black oil plasma 100

On the workbench you see:

Undead bane oils

a vial of shiny blue oil plasma 100
a vial of sparkling blue oil Unbalance flares 100
a vial of sticky blue oil greater damage weighting 300
a vial of bubbling blue oil greater crit weighting 300
a vial of thick blue oil some crit weighting 200
a vial of clear blue oil lesser damage weighting 100
Oils will not grant ability to hit undead.
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Gamac's Goods

GG Entry

In the Common language, it reads:
The more expensive the cards, the trickier they are!

Leaf-shaped = Not Improved
Arkati painted = Improved Once
Tattered = Improved Twice
Wine-stained = Fully Improved

On the table you see:

a deck of leaf-shaped cards Plain 50
a deck of Arkati-painted cards Tier 1 550
a deck of tattered cards Tier 2 1050
a deck of wine-stained cards Tier 3 1550

Under the table you see:

a blood red warpaint jar 10
a moss green warpaint jar 10
an urglaes black warpaint jar 10
a fireleaf red warpaint jar 10
read sign on disp
In the Common language, it reads:
The wheel is a game of chance.  The headpieces can be customized with up to 4 unique hairstyles.  The headdress comes with 4, the caul 2, the headscarf 0, and the tricorne 2.  The dust is magic and can be tossed:

Parchment = Grasp of the Grave
Ruby = Elemental Wave
Gold = Tremors

In the display you see:

a small brass-hubbed teak ship's wheel Gambling Wheel 25
You analyze the teak ship's wheel and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.

The creator has also provided the following information:
This item may be altered by a talented merchant, but it must retain a description that is in-line with its abilities and a noun that is similar to "wheel".  Note that you cannot change the description of the slots that the wheel can land on.

Try to TURN the wheel!  If you SPIN it, then the slots you can land on are: Diamond, Ruby, Opal, Onyx, Pearl, Gold, Silver, Agate, Quartz, Emerald, Skull, or Jester.

You get no sense of whether or not the wheel may be further lightened.

In the display you see:

some pale parchment dust Grasp of the Grave (709) 10
some glittery ruby gem dust Elemental Wave (410) 10
some metallic gold dust Tremors (909) 10

In the display you see:

some ivory skull-topped darts arrow 15
some iridescent mermaid tail darts arrow 15

In the display you see:

a lacquered parchment matchbox inked with an arena 5
a polished dial-set teak humidor Pocketed: Small (5-7)
any number of items of very small size
a white-striped brown clove cigar 2
a slender dark brown cigar 2
a fat silver-banded cigar 2

On the display you see:

a palm leaf-patterned headscarf head-worn 50
a pearl-beaded rose satin caul head-worn Pirate bandana Custom feature 1: caught in the net of a pearl-beaded rose satin caul
Custom feature 2: worn half up in a pearl-beaded rose satin caul, a few strands escaping its sheer net
a distressed brown leather tricorne head-worn Pirate bandana Custom feature 1: worn in windblown tousled waves beneath a distressed brown leather tricorne
Custom feature 2: parted down the center under a distressed brown leather tricorne edged with gold braid
a ram horn headdress head-worn Pirate bandana Custom feature 1: woven with dried flowers and topped by a ram horn headdress
Custom feature 2: wound around a ram horn headdress draped with feathers
Custom feature 3: arranged beneath a ram horn headdress painted metallic gold
Custom feature 4: covered by a coiling ram horn headdress
The cases on the crate have the following details:

Bone-tiled case: Plain
Bark-patterned kit: Improved Once
Monir case: Improved Twice
Golvern case: Improved Twice with added gaming features
Lor case: Improved Twice and includes up to 5,000 weightless silver storage
Fireleaf case: Improved Twice and includes up to 10,000 weightless coin storage and a custom table
Oak case: Improved Twice and includes up to 25,000 weightless coin storage

On the crates you see:

an amber-stained oak case Gambling kit
Pocketed: Medium (20-39), any number of items of small size
shoulder/back-worn, functional
25k weightless coin storage, plus games 25000
a textured fireleaf case inset with copper leaves Tier 2, plus 10k weightless coin storage and custom table, plus games 15500
an ebon-swept silvery lor case inlaid with dark glass moons Tier 2, plus 5k weightless coin storage, plus games 8000
a leather-strapped burnished golvern case Tier 2, plus games 5000
a rose gold-glossed monir case inlaid with tortoiseshell Tier 2 1500
a slim bark-patterned suede kit Tier 1 250
a bone-tiled hard leather case plain 30

GG Backroom

read notice
In the Common language, it reads:
New shipments of quality goods have arrived!
For the ladies, six times enchanted boots with disruption flares, an improved Frog and Lili pendant, and a velvet coin purse that holds up to 10,000 coins weightlessly!  For the gents, sealskin boots that are six times enchanted with steam flares, a coat that holds an unusual amount, and a coin pouch that will hold up to 25,000 silvers weightlessly!  The overturned bin is filled with zesty supplies for any good pirate or ship captain!

On the male mannequin you see:

a storm grey wool frock coat with a tall argent mesh collar Pocketed: Exceptional (120-139)
any number of items
a loosely laced white linen shirt with gathered cuffs chest-worn 5
a veniom mesh coin pouch Holds up to 25k silvers weightless 25000
some side-laced navy cotton trousers leg-worn 5
a pair of sleek black sealskin boots 6x, steam flares UAC boots 10000

On the female mannequin you see:

a gold-strung lapis moon pendant Frog and Lilli pendant, once unlocked 100
a corseted burgundy satin gown with a frothy bustle of petal pink tulle AsG: 1 3000
a silk-lined black velvet coin purse Holds up to 10k silvers weightless 10000
a pair of ribbon-tied sheer silk stockings pin-worn 5
a pair of thigh-high dark leather boots on razored steel heels 6x, disruption flares UAC boots 10000
read note in crate
In the Common language, it reads:
The jewelry in the crate holds magic crystals.

Ivory = Unpresence
Black = Strength
Gold = Mass Colors
Orange = Mystic Focus
Grey = Adrenal Surge
Pink = Bravery

In the opened crate you see:

a translucent ivory crystal Unpresence (204) 14
a sharp obsidian black crystal Strength (509) 30
a pale gold almond-shaped crystal Mass Colors (611) 20
a crimson-swept orange crystal Mystic Focus (1711) 20
a shadowy grey crystal Adrenal Surge (1107) 5
an iridescent blush pink crystal Bravery (211) 20
a bloom-laden faenor vine wristlet wrist-worn
a fiery titian enameled koi pendant neck-worn
an ivory-fanged eahnor wyvern ring finger-worn
a tiny golvern piranha earcuff ear-worn

In the overturned bin you see:

a large parchment Elanthian star chart Zesty Supplies 25
an electrum-framed sextant Zesty Supplies 25
a skull-labeled glass rum jug Zesty Supplies 25
a gold arena-embossed coin Zesty Supplies 25
a tattered skull-and-bones flag Zesty Supplies 25
a gold-framed eyepatch featuring a ruby lens Pirate props pin-worn 25
a gnawed fake ironwood tooth Pirate props pin-worn 25
a fake snowy white feather beard Pirate props pin-worn 25
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High Spirits

The jewelry in the trunk will hold runestones used for summoning spirit servants.  Make your own runestones with the supplies on top of the case.
The runestones in the case are drawn with spirit servant runes:

ethereal blue = astral
muddy brown = bog
obsidian = boulder
black marble = cavern
bark-patterned = forest
grey iolite = glacier
sandstone = island
blue lapis = lake
pale gold = luck
snow quartz = snow
orange sunstone = sunburst
jelly opal = will-o-wisp
luminous green = taiga
pale blue = oxbow

In the cracked glass display case you see:

a whorl-painted pale blue runestone oxbow 8
a luminous green runestone taiga
a large jelly opal runestone will-o-wisp
a fiery orange sunstone runestone sunburst
a rounded snow quartz runestone snow
a coin-etched pale gold runestone luck
a bubbled blue lapis runestone lake
a pale pink sandstone runestone island
a cracked grey iolite runestone glacier
a bark-patterned runestone forest
a rough black marble runestone cavern
a sharp obsidian runestone boulder
a flat muddy brown runestone bog
an ethereal blue quartz runestone astral

On the cracked glass display case you see:

a tarnished silver cup 2
a gnarled sephwir brush 5
a gold-bottomed obsidian inkpot 3
an aish'vrak potion 7
a striated river stone 1
a brass-handled leather supply case Pocketed: Medium (20-39)
any number of items

In the metal trunk you see:

an onyx and malachite rose cameo
The runestone setting on the {noun} is empty.
a jade and lapis peacock pendant
a charm-laden wrapped leather bracelet
a set of jet-clawed eahnor finger-armor
an ivory-fanged gold snake ring
a diamond pave veniom ball stud
a pair of rose gold bar earrings
a pair of iridescent blue scalemail handflowers
a garnet rose-set black vaalin geldaralad
Return to the top of this page.

Mar and Scar


On the opaque glass mannequin:

Item Bloodscrip Info
a hip-length fringed doeskin vest 12500 50 lbs, fully unlocked pirate harness
a wickedly curved faenor waraxe 12500 +8 VHCW, fully unlocked gory
some forest green brigandine 30000 +17, HCP, 3 slot fusion, fluff scripts

On the translucent glass mannequin:

Item Bloodscrip Info
a gold-trimmed silk elven tunic 12500 Over-the-front fully unlocked pirate harness
a deep-blue spidersilk cloak 17500 140 lbs, fully unlocked feature concealing climate wear
a shirt of vruul leather 30000 +17, HCP 3-slot fusion full leathers
a glaes-hafted shimmering ora warmace 7500 +22 HCW, sanctified, GoryWeapon

On the cloudy glass mannequin:

Item Bloodscrip Info
a pouch-lined tanned leather bandolier 12500 Over-the-front fully unlocked pirate harness
a gold-trimmed blue spidersilk greatcloak 25000 Unlocked ClimateWare (not feature hiding), 25% weight reducing
a four-in-one imflass chain jazerant 30000 +17, HCP 3-slot fusion augmented chain
a lacquered sephwir longbow patterned in ebon spirals 37500 +25, Heavy Sighting, 3 slot fusion

On the hazy glass mannequin:

Item Bloodscrip Info
a quartered gold and silver tabard 12500 Over-the-front fully unlocked pirate harness
a matte black waxed canvas cloak lined with deep ahmdir blue linen 5000 Original consolation cloaks (17+ verbs), weighs under 1lb, holds 100lbs
a suit of imflass platemail 30000 +17, HCP 3-slot fusion full plate
a segmented golden golvern lance 7500 5x, SCW morphs into a cudgel

In the glass flatware case:

Item Bloodscrip Info
a mangled steel spoon 500 5 rubs of Heroism
a rusted steel butcher knife 5000 GoryWeapon, +22, 1 point shy of HCW, +3 STR and +2 DEX bonuses

In the treasure chest:

Item Bloodscrip Info
a hooded shadowy leather cloak 50000 Casts 608 once every 2 hours. Automatically hides 1x/2 hours
a brushed doeskin sack 5000 Pelt bag
a small shadowy black velvet pouch 250
a pouch-lined tanned leather bandolier 10000 fully unlocked Vahmyr bandolier
a heroic mithril breastplate 3000 5x, DCP ASG 17
an eight-in-one mithril haubergeon 3000 5x, DCP ASG 15
a reinforced leather coat-of-plates 3000 5x, DCP ASG 12
a sculpted leather cuirass 3000 5x, DCP ASG 9
a quilted leather arming coat 3000 5x, DCP ASG 8
a quilted leather arming doublet 3000 5x, DCP ASG 6
a jagged-edged crimson drakar warblade streaked with gold flecks 20000 +30, greater fire flares
a jagged-edged blue rhimar warblade flecked with silver inclusions 20000 +30, greater ice flares
a pair of vruul hide gloves charred with fiery runes 20000 +30, greater fire flares
a blued zorchar flamberge banded down the blade in solid white 20000 +30, greater lightning flares
a square-headed imflass hammerbeak fluted with veniom 20000 +32, greater steam flares
a circular imflass moon axe fluted with veniom 20000 +27, greater steam flares
a gornar-tipped ranseur adorned with uncut gemstones 20000 +30, greater vibe flares
a gnarled ironwood runestaff capped with a sphere of ur-barath 20000 +30, greater void flares
an ur-barath-runed pike with a faenor spearhead 20000 +28, greater void flares
a tri-headed vaalorn spikestar with a heavy rhimar chain 20000 +33, greater ice flares
a twisted-wire vaalin bracelet 25000 Self-repairing lockpick
An enruned dark veil iron amulet 50000 3-setting permanent "gold ring"
an enruned dark veil iron bracer 75000 5-setting permanent gold ring
An enruned dark veil iron ring 125000 10-setting permanent gold ring
A hunk of red ur-barath 25 Alteration material
Return to the top of this page.

The Messy Alchemist

~Welcome, welcome, WELCOME!~

SoMEwHere IN herE, there ARE sOmE itEMs filled with a wONDERfUl eLIXirs.  My OWN speCial recipe.
                (Of course it's mine.  I didn't steal it, if that's what you're implying!)

If YOu can fiND them, tHese eLIXirs will TEMPOraryiLY make YoU lOOk like (only LOOK LIKE an illusion.  Not BEcome!):

caRApace-linked Anklet - aelotoi
rotted WooD armbAnd - erithian
ROA'TER-shaped earring - half-KrOlViN
topAz PROmiSE baN - BUrGhAl GNome
OPAL TeardROp NEckLAcE - halfLINg
thReE-sTranDeD chOKEr - FOResT gnOME
ebON ANd jADE peaRLs - DWarF
mud-Encrusted WristleT - eLf
JET bead anklet - DARK eLF
grEEn skelEton bracElet - sylvankIND
WORM-shaped RiNg - Half-ELf
black diamond eaRRing - giantMAn
goLD aRMbanD - huMaN

pendant of twisted ZIRCOn - femaLe
pendant of curved ZIRCOn - maLe

Disguise Elixir Items

On the bright pink bench you see:

a bronze carapace-linked anklet Aelotoi 100
a center-split rotted wood armband Erithian
a beveled roa'ter-shaped earring Half-Krolvin
a chipped topaz promise band Burghal Gnome
a scratched opal teardrop necklace Halfling
a dull steel three-stranded choker Forest Gnome
a speckled toad-shaped pendant Dwarf
a warped mud-encrusted wristlet Elf
a rough-edged jet bead anklet Dark Elf
a bright green skeletal bracelet Sylvankind
a segmented worm-shaped ring Half-Elf
an ovular black diamond earring Giantman
a rusted gold armband Human

On the pale yellow chair you see:

a subtly curved zircon pendant male 150
a tightly twisted zircon pendant female 150
~Welcome, welcome, WELCOME!~

SoMEwHere IN herE, there ARE sOmE itEMs filled with a wONDERfUl eLIXirs.  My OWN speCial recipe.
                (Of course it's mine.  I didn't steal it, if that's what you're implying!)

If YOu can fiND them, tHese eLIXirs will TEMPOraryiLY make YoU lOOk like (only LOOK LIKE an illusion.  Not BEcome!):
JEt-scAlED tALisman - femaLE halFlING of BrUGHAN
IVoRY fIsH talisMaN - feMale ErItHIaN of SUrATH daI
bEar-SHAped talismAn - REalLy?  feMalE gianTMan of T'kiREm clAN
BRANCh-ShaPED talisMAM - maLe sYlVaNKiND of laSSAraN
GlASs gADgET taLIsman - MalE BURgHAl gnOme of nYlEM
coOpER pYRaMID TaLIsman - maLE DarK eLf of FaeNDryL

Disguise Elixir Items

On the carved wooden desk you see:

a ruby-limned copper pyramid talisman pin-worn 250
a warped glass gadget talisman pin-worn 250
a flowering branch-shaped talisman pin-worn 250
a slate rearing bear-shaped talisman pin-worn 250
an emerald-eyed ivory ram talisman pin-worn 250
an opalescent jet-scaled fish talisman pin-worn 250
Return to the top of this page.

BVShop:Ode to Resistance/June 2018

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Old Farmhouse

a narrow winding path (from wagons, go up, go path)

Side Yard

Lich #23722

On the wooden rack:

Nerve Staves

Item Bloodscrip Info
a smooth ironwood crook with a glossy bone grip 500 4x, T1 Nerve Staff
a rowan staff of Lumnis carved with five conjoined circles 1000 5x, T1 Nerve Staff
a dark blonde faewood asaya capped with a shark tooth fetish 3000 5x, T2 Nerve Staff
an aged witchwood walking stick woven with pale amber vines 4000 +22, T3 Nerve Staff
a silvery-green fireleaf scepter topped with an emerald eye 8000 +22, T4 Nerve Staff
a barbed glowbark crosier cradling a sunstone in the crook 10000 +22, +2 Mana Flares, T4 Nerve Staff
a tall staff of braided lor branches with a steel cap 10000 5x, 4x Acuity, T4 Nerve Staff
a gnarled illthorn staff sprouting a few star-shaped leaves 20000 6x, 6x Acuity, T4 Nerve Staff


On the swinging tray:

a scuffed merlot suede bag with thick canvas straps Pocketed: Medium (20-39)
any number of items
a copper-caged honey brown draught with a simple wax stopper System Repair II (808) 20 charges 5
a copper-caged milky white draught with a simple wax stopper Limb Repair II (807) 20 charges 5
a copper-caged golden brown draught with a simple wax stopper Head Repair II (809) 20 charges 5
a copper-caged dark ochre draught with a simple wax stopper Organ Repair II (810) 20 charges 5
a copper-caged dark brown tonic with a simple wax stopper Adrenal Surge (1107) 20 charges 10
a copper-caged pale honey draught with a simple wax stopper Heal II (806) 20 charges 15
a copper-caged dark amber elixir with a simple wax stopper Eye Regeneration (819) 10 charges 15
a copper-caged pale amber elixir with a simple wax stopper Limb Regeneration (820) 10 charges 15
a squat golden bottle Limb Repair III (811) 10 charges 10
a chipped clay bottle System Repair III (812) 10 charges 10
a cloudy crimson bottle Head Repair III (813) 10 charges 10
a mottled green bottle Organ Repair III (814) 10 charges 10
an opaque grey bottle Undisease (113) 20 charges 15
a clouded white bottle Unpoison (114) 20 charges 15
Return to the top of this page.

Penitent Petitioner

Retired August 2019

Solar Nook
On the low altar you see:

Item Script Weapon Profile Bloodscrip
a golden vultite bastard sword hilt-wrapped in azure suede Solar Weapon bastard sword 5000
a faewood-hafted voulge fitted with a golden vultite axehead jeddart-axe 5000
an ora-chained vultite spikestar with a suede-wrapped haft morning star 5000
a modwir-hafted vultite battle axe etched with radiant waves battle axe 5000
an azure and golden vultite handaxe etched in geometric designs handaxe 5000
an oak-hafted vultite lance painted with golden sunbursts lance 5000
a sun-patterned vultite falchion falchion 5000
a radiant golden eahnor backsword inlaid with sunstones backsword 10000
a damascened vultite dagger hilt-wrapped in golden suede dagger 5000
a pair of gold-buttoned gloves fashioned of azure suede UAC gloves 5000

Nebular Nook

On the low altar you see:

Item Script Weapon Profile Bloodscrip
a silvery vultite bastard sword hilt-wrapped in ebon suede Nebular Weapon bastard sword 5000
an ora-chained silvery vultite spikestar with a suede-wrapped haft morning star 5000
a faewood-hafted voulge fitted with a silvery vultite axehead jeddart-axe 5000
a modwir-hafted vultite battle axe spiral-etched upon the bladehead battle axe 5000
an ebon and silver vultite handaxe patterned with stars handaxe 5000
an oak-hafted vultite lance painted with silver starbursts lance 5000
a damascened vultite dagger hilt-wrapped in star-spangled suede dagger 5000
a star-etched eahnor backsword with an ebon suede-wrapped hilt backsword 10000
a jet-inset vultite falchion falchion 5000
a pair of silver-stitched ebon handwraps fashioned of suede UAC gloves 5000
Return to the top of this page.

Rock Solid

Opened: Unknown; Inventory Updates: August 2017; Verified: 2/24/18 6/21/18, 12/21/18, 8/12/2019, 2/13/2020

an angular granite-covered wagon, Map Room 23, Lich #23822, go wagon

[Rock Solid]
The utilitarian interior of the wagon could generously be described as spartan. Not a single sign of inhabitation graces the area. An engraved bow rack, a carved runestaff display, and a large weapon stand are the only furniture within the bare confines. An oil lamp rests in the middle of the floor, illuminating its sparse surroundings. You also see a large red-inked sign.
Obvious exits: out
Welcome to Rock Solid!

Goods on the runestaff display and weapon stand are Realm Weaponry.  They change what kinda elements they shoot dependin' on where you are.  They are all enchanted five times, except the glowbark and fireleaf, which are their natural enchantment.  Useful stuff!

The longbows and composites on the rack are enchanted five times and load wands of their suitable element.  The golven-bound bows are enchanted six times and will load any kind of wand.

On the engraved bow rack you see:

Item Script Bonus & Wand Type Weapon Profile Bloodscrip
a golvern-bound darkened ruic yumi Wand bow 6x unrestricted wand loading long bow 15000
a zorchar-runed silvery ruic longbow 5x silver wands long bow 2000
a drakar-runed dark ruic longbow 5x gold wands long bow 2000
a rhimar-runed pale ruic longbow 5x metal wands long bow 2000
a golvern-bound ruic composite bow 6x unrestricted wand loading composite bow 15000
a zorchar-bound ruic composite bow 5x silver wands composite bow 2000
a drakar-bound ruic composite bow 5x gold wands composite bow 2000
a rhimar-bound ruic composite bow 5x metal wands composite bow 2000

On the large weapon stand you see:

Item Bonus & Script Weapon Profile Bloodscrip
an ironwood and argent rolaren longhammer 5x, realm flaring Hammer of Kai 2000
a pair of rolaren-studded gauntlets UAC gloves
a pair of rolaren-toed boots UAC boots
a rune-carved golden rolaren khopesh falchion
a golden-edged rolaren moon axe handaxe
a thin-bladed matte rolaren backslasher short sword
a slender rolaren-tipped warlance lance
a massive black golvern maul maul
a mottled black kelyn morning star morning star
a gold-flecked black kelyn dhara mace
an ironwood and white eonake tetsubo 5x, realm flaring, sanctified maul 2500
a vaalin-traced silvery eonake hatchet handaxe
a glaes-veined silvery eonake spikestar morning star
a tapered pure white eonake pike lance
a pair of eonake-studded gauntlets UAC gloves
a pair of eonake-toed boots UAC boots

All items natural enchant and realm flaring

On the carved runestaff display you see:

a glaes-tiled dark illthorn runestaff +25 runestaff 2500
a glaes-banded silvery lor staff +25 2500
a twisted russet fireleaf staff +22 2000
a gold-sheened glowbark runestaff +22 2000
Return to the top of this page.


6/16/18 Update

[Skyfire, Showroom]
Swathes of thick material are draped from the slanted ceiling, creating a billowing canopy. Several mannequins line the walls of the shop, their armor and weapons gleaming in the pale light from several flickering candles. A variety of sashes are stacked on a long counter standing center in the small room.
Obvious exits: north, out
The weapons, yatanes, and handwraps are all 5x and have flares you can tell by the materials they are made of except:
Ram Mannequin ~ 6x with plasma
Owl Mannequin ~ steam

On the counter you see:

a folded jade baldachin vatanura edged with silver embroidery Pocketed: VSA (<2-4)
a couple of items
Greame sheath
a folded pewter damask vatanura accented with golden threading

In the wooden ram-etched mannequin you see:

a woven platinum elothrai inlaid with drought agates head-worn 35
a side-wrapped alabaster ataniki woven with silver rams Pocketed: Fairly small (8-11)
several items
an embroidered ebon silk isiqiri secured with tiny drought agates chest-worn 25
some loose ebon linen nanjir embroidered with alabaster thread Pocketed: VSA (<2-4)
one item of very small size
leg-worn 15
some ebon linen handwraps adorned with silver beading 6x, plasma UAC gloves 10000
a pair of alabaster linen yatane edged with silver cording 6x, plasma UAC boots 10000
a slender folded steel no-dachi etched with a bucking ram 6x, plasma twohanded sword 10000
a wide steel tachi wrapped with pale linen 6x, plasma longsword 10000

In the wooden owl-etched mannequin you see:

a slender silver-chained elothrai set with a nalatha agate head-worn 35
a split-tailed grey linen ataniki opening at the left Pocketed: Fairly small (8-11)
several items
a narrow-cuffed ivory linen isiqiri secured with nalatha agate toggles chest-worn 25
some loose-cut leather nanjir embroidered with pale whorls Pocketed: VSA (<2-4)
a couple of items of very small size
leg-worn 15
some ivory linen handwraps studded with slivers of jade 5x, steam UAC gloves 3000
a pair of ivory leather yatane beaded with jade nodules 5x, steam UAC boots 3000
a curved vultite naginata wrapped with pale velvet 5x, steam naginata 5500

In the wooden shell-etched mannequin you see:

an embroidered golden silk atika with a trio of stiff layers head-worn 35
a golden silk atanika layered with embroidered ebon linen Pocketed: Fairly small (8-11)
several items
a low-collared dark linen isiqiri with folded cuffs chest-worn 25
a thigh-cinched pale suede kanjiqi with a small jet clasp Pocketed: VSA (<2-4)
one item of very small size
leg-worn 15
a pair of pale linen kanjir buttoned with a nalatha agate Pocketed: VSA (<2-4)
a couple of items of very small size
leg-worn 15
some golden silk handwraps embroidered with zorchar threading 5x, lightning UAC gloves 2500
a pair of golden silk yatane beaded with zorchar cabochons 5x, lightning UAC boots 2500
a slender mithril tanto inlaid with slivers of zorchar 5x, lightning dagger 2500

Showroom, North

[Skyfire, Showroom]
Bright carpets cushion the wooden floor, while colorful lengths of silk drape from the ceiling. Several mannequins stand in a circle in the center of the room. Beautiful tapestries cover the walls, their bright threads creating the symbols of the six Dai of the Erithians.
Obvious exits: south
The weapons, yatanes, and handwraps are all 5x and have flares you can tell by the materials they are made of except:
Fish mannequin ~ 6x with disruption.
The tetsubo has grapple flares.
Armor concealers will conceal torso, arms, and legs.

In the wooden fish-etched mannequin you see:

a vaalin-chained elothrai dangling a fish-carved storm agate head-worn 35
a long pewter velvet ataniki with wide belled sleeves Pocketed: Fairly small (8-11)
several items
a pale grey raw silk isiqiri secured with a single storm agate chest-worn 25
some billowing grey suede nanjir stitched with swirling patterns Pocketed: VSA (<2-4)
a couple of items of very small size
leg-worn 15
a pair of grey suede handwraps with dark silver embroidery 6x, disruption UAC gloves 10000
a pair of grey suede yatane embroidered with dark silvery scales 6x, disruption UAC boots 10000
a large mithglin tetsubo etched with a small salmon 6x, grapple maul 10000

In the butterfly-painted mannequin you see:

a colorful satin atika with muitihued folds head-worn 15
a thick satin atanika crafted of colorful striped material Pocketed: Fairly small (8-11)
several items
a high-collared golden satin isiqiri with summer agate toggles chest-worn 25
a pair of slender crimson satin kanjir adorned with summer agates Pocketed: VSA (<2-4)
one item of very small size
leg-worn 15
a narrow leather kanjiqi with faenor buckles Pocketed: VSA (<2-4)
one item of very small size
leg-worn 15
a pair of colorful satin handwraps embroidered with rhimar butterflies 5x, cold UAC gloves 2500
a pair of colorful satin yatane with plated rhimar toes 5x, cold UAC boots 2500
a narrow rhimar wakizashi inset with summer agate butterflies 5x, cold short sword 2500

On the wooden falcon-etched mannequin you see:

a chained faenor elothrai dangling a tiny beetle agate head-worn 35
an alabaster raw silk ataniki lined with dark grey satin Pocketed: Fairly small (8-11)
several items
an ebon silk isiqiri with small fitted cuffs chest-worn 25
some wide ebon leather nanjir with alabaster embroidery Pocketed: VSA (<2-4)
one item of very small size
leg-worn 15
a pair of ebon leather handwraps with drakar studs 5x, fire UAC gloves 2500
a pair of ebon leather yatane with small drakar heels 5x, fire UAC boots 2500
a smooth mossbark yumi inlaid with faenor 5x long bow 2500
Return to the top of this page.

Smoke Screen

SS Entry

Removed August 2019

Inventory Update: April 2017; Verified: 8/19/17, 2/24/18, 6/21/18

On the table you see:

a tall pewter flagon Drink Container 15
an invar-inlaid black leather flask
a brightly painted clay jug
a silver flask
a veridian snakeskin flask

In the glass bowl you see:

This item can be opened to reveal a reflective surface you can gaze upon. It can be altered with a long description or a show description, but has to remain an item that can be separated into two halves that makes sense to hide a mirror in.

a sapphire and emerald butterfly pendant Hidden Mirror 25
a pewter flagon kilt pin
a gold-edged silver badge
an open-lidded brass trunk pin
a carved maoral disc brooch

In the trunks you see:

a small black matchbook 1 Matchbook has 15 matches each.
some green clove pipe tobacco
some tan roasted almond pipe tobacco
some light blueberry muffin pipe tobacco
some dark coffee pipe tobacco
some golden honey pipe tobacco
a long-stemmed smooth maoral pipe 75
a silver bit briarwood pipe
a dark witchwood pipe with an onyx-inlaid bowl
a tapered cherrywood pipe

SS Back Room

Removed August 2019

The cigar tubes inside this case are rather unique.  They will hold a single cigar, but they will conceal up to 5 lockpicks, as well.
The onyx-inlaid teak cigar tube is a bit fancier and comes with a vaalin lockpick inside.

In the display case you see:

a sanded hickory cigar tube Pocketed: VSA (<2-4)
one item
Cigar tube 50
a gold-rimmed ebony cigar tube
a faded dark leather cigar tube
a dented brass cigar tube
an onyx-inlaid teak cigar tube 300
Return to the top of this page.

So Shifty

Retired August 2019

On the squat oak table you see:

a braided rose gold anklet Pocketed: VSA (<2-4)
one item
ankle-worn 500
a chunky blackened steel wristlet of short spikes Pocketed: VSA (<2-4)
one item
wrist-worn 500
a layered grey linen scarf Pocketed: VSA (<2-4)
one item
neck-worn 500
a Farusteri gown waiver unlock fluff tier 5000

On the curvy oak mannequin you see:

a long-sleeved emerald green gown with a side-gathered overskirt chest-worn 10000
Return to the top of this page.

Sprite Club

Opened: June 2018; Inventory Updates: December 2018, August 2019 Verified: 6/16/18, 12/21/18, 8/15/2019, 2/13/2020

a bright oblong temple, [Map Room #2], Lich #23731

[Sprite Club]
Floor tiles of alternating colors spiral outward from a central mosaic of a sprite. A thick teal trunk and a slender silver strongbox are set against opposing walls. Spheres of light are suspended magically overhead, each tented with colored silks. Pinned to the wall by two steel spikes is a rugged red rucksack.
Obvious exits: out

In the thick teal trunk you see:

Item Script Weapon Profile Bloodscrip
a marred halberd Sprite Weapon halberd 10000
a marred cestus cestus
a marred paingrip paingrip
a marred short bow short bow
a marred composite bow composite bow
a marred long bow long bow
a marred runestaff runestaff
a marred katar katar
a marred maul maul
a marred battlesword twohanded sword
a marred bastard sword bastard sword
a marred spear spear
a marred lance lance

In the slender silver strongbox you see:

Item Script Weapon Profile Bloodscrip
a marred mace Sprite Weapon mace 10000
a marred war hammer war hammer
a marred short sword short sword
a marred main gauche main gauche
a marred morning star morning star
a marred dagger dagger
a marred handaxe handaxe
a marred falchion falchion
a marred broadsword broadsword

In the rugged red rucksack you see:

a blue sprite waiver
This waiver will take it from tier 0 to tier 1.  This waiver will ONLY work if your item isn't unlocked yet.
a green sprite waiver
This waiver will take it from tier 1 to tier 2.
an ebon sprite waiver
This waiver will take it from tier 2 to tier 3.
a simple sprite flare certificate
The bearer of this certificate is entitled to change the flare of their sprite weapon to one COMMON flare.  You have 30 days to redeem this or the certificate is forfeit!
an exotic sprite flare certificate
The bearer of this certificate is entitled to change the flare of their sprite weapon to one UNCOMMON flare.  You have 30 days to redeem this or the certificate is forfeit!
a sprite bow flare certificate
The bearer of this certificate is able to unlock their sprite weapon to be able to unlock the flaring effect for arrows shot from the bow.  The arrows cannot have flares, scripts, or be above 5x enchanted.  You have 30 days to redeem this or the certificate is forfeit!.  You have 30 days to redeem this or the certificate is forfeit!
Return to the top of this page.

Temple of Tentacles

Opened: Unknown; Inventory Updates:August 2017; August 2019, February 2020 Verified: 2018-06-16, 2018-12-21, 2019-08-14, 2020-02-14

, Lich #23729, Room 2, go circular temple

[Temple of Tentacles, Entry]
Blackened walls visibly wet with a strange fluid stretch in a full circle from the entrance of the shop. Thick, tentacle-like appendages are hung from each like a curtain over each of the tunnels leading deeper into the temple. Much like the walls, the floors are squishy and sticky with small sanguine colored pools strewn about. A pair of black candles illuminate a rusted iron table in the center.
Obvious exits: out

On the iron table you see:

Parasitic weapon unlock waivers

a blue parasitic waiver
This waiver will take it from tier 0 to tier 1.
This waiver will ONLY work if your item isn't unlocked yet.
a green parasitic waiver
This waiver will take it from tier 1 to tier 2.
This waiver will ONLY work if your item is unlocked to Tier 1.
an ebon parasitic waiver
This waiver will take it from tier 2 to tier 3.
This waiver will ONLY work if your item is unlocked to Tier 2.
a dark bow parasitic waiver
The bearer of this waiver is able to unlock their parasite weapon to be able to unlock the flaring effect for arrows shot from the bow.  The arrows cannot have flares, scripts, or be above 5x enchanted.  You will need to charge the flares with an ayanad crystal. 
a glove parasitic waiver
The bearer of this waiver is able to change the wearable location of their parasite host to be some gloves.  The parasite host item will always remain in a functional slot. 
an armband parasitic waiver
The bearer of this waiver is able to change the wearable location of their parasite host to be some arbmands.  The parasite host item will always remain on the functional slot. 
a bracelet parasitic waiver
The bearer of this waiver is able to change the wearable location of their parasite host to be a bracelet.  The parasite host item will always remain in a functional slot.
a simple parasite flare certificate
The bearer of this certificate is entitled to change the damage type of the flare on their parasite weapon to one COMMON flare (Earth, Fire, Lightning, Ice).
a strange parasite certificate
 The bearer of this certificate is entitled to change the WEAPON BASE of their parasite weapon.  This is a one way change and is permanent.  You may not change it to something outside of the existing available types.  Some restrictions may apply.
an exotic parasite certificate
 The bearer of this certificate is entitled to change the damage type of the flare on their parasite weapon to one EXOTIC flare (Disintegrate, Disruption, Unbalance, Grapple, Acid, Void, Plasma).

Silver-Hued Tunnel

[Temple of Tentacles]
Blood-soaked prayer mats are lined up evenly facing a section of the wall marred with claw marks. Resting atop four tentacle-like appendages is a pink lace-accented display, its glass top shattered. Sunken into the floor next to each prayer mat is an uninviting cot. A tentacle-wrapped squat dilapidated bookshelf filled with stained books and other trinkets off to one side catches your eye. You also see a blood-stained sign.
Obvious exits: out
All gloves within the sack are Parasitic Weapons, completely locked, and four times enchanted.
  Listed below you will find the associated color with its weapon base.
    Pink - Composite Bow
    Coral - Short Bow
    Fuscia - Longbow
    Burgundy - Boots
    Puce - Gloves
    Maroon - Katar
    Sanguine - Runestaff
 All weapons cost 10000 bloodscrip and can be unlocked further through waivers found in the entrance of this shop, and the limited shop.

In the lace-accented display you see:

Parasitic Weapons

a pair of maroon gloves katar 10000
some puce armbands UAC gloves
some burgundy bracers UAC boots
a pair of pink gloves composite bow
a pair of coral gloves short bow
a pair of fuschia gloves long bow
a pair of sanguine gloves runestaff

Tight Dirt Passageway

[Deep Within Darkness]
Aside from a single, flickering grey orb floating near the center of the convex dirt ceiling, this room is completely dark. Smells of overturned earth and the putrid stench of death attack your senses within this cramped space, while a thick, pitch black fog billows and roils about unpredictably, at times completely obscuring the merchandise for sale. A tight dirt passageway is scarely visible, barely arching out of the packed dirt ground. You also see a set of nearly invisible curved spikes hammered into one wall in uneven patterns with some stuff on it, a bug-infested rotting black box and an obscured bloodstained sign.
Obvious exits: none
In the Common language, it reads:

Welcome to Deep Within Darkness!

If you wish to be one with the shadows, peruse and select a garment from the spikes.
All waivers within the box will unlock the night shrouds in assorted ways.

 The shrouds have one tier of fluff unlock:
   the threadbare cloth shroud waiver unlocks this fluff tier!

 The shrouds also have three tiers of auction unlock:
   the periwinkle shroud waiver unlocks the auction tier from tier 0 to tier 1!
   the sage green shroud waiver unlocks the auction tier from tier 1 to tier 2!
   the raven-toned shroud waiver unlocks the auction tier from tier 2 to tier 3!
   the glowing shroud waiver unlocks the auction tier from tier 3 to tier 4!
   the bright shroud waiver unlocks the auction tier from tier 4 to tier 5!

What are the auction tiers, you ask?  Figure them out.

  - The Sneaky Management

On the curved spikes you see:

Night Shroud Cloaks

a lengthy olive-hued duster adorned with a solitary onyx cloak worn
a moth-eaten pumpkin orange cotton duster
a simple crimson-splotched silk cape
a grass-stained brocade cape with parallel-threaded accents
a soft ecru linen cloak with detailed bright red hemming
a long cream and ochre velvet cloak
a milky purple damask greatcloak with a tentacle-shaped clasp
a mithglin-buttoned billowing black greatcloak

In the rotting black box you see:

Night Shroud Cloak unlock waivers

a threadbare cloth shroud waiver
This will unlock your night shroud to be more fluffy.
This waiver will take it from a locked to unlocked status.
This waiver will ONLY work if your item isn't unlocked yet.
a faded periwinkle shroud waiver
This will unlock your night shroud to the first auction tier.
This waiver will take it from tier 0 to tier 1.
This waiver will ONLY work if your item isn't unlocked yet.
a sage green shroud waiver
This will unlock your night shroud to the second auction tier.
This waiver will take it from tier 1 to tier 2.
This waiver will ONLY work if your item is unlocked to the first tier.
a raven-toned shroud waiver
This will unlock your night shroud to the third auction tier.
This waiver will take it from tier 2 to tier 3.
This waiver will ONLY work if your item is unlocked to the second tier.
a glowing shroud waiver
 Your waiver is used to unlock the potential of things held in your other hand.

 Your waiver will unlock your Night Shroud.

 You need only RAISE your waiver while holding a compatible piece of equipment in your other hand.

 Your waiver may not be altered or changed in any way.

Green-Hued Tunnel

[Temple of Tentacles]
A small, blackened altar sitting upon a circular rug takes up most of the ornate alcove. In front of the altar is an ebon locker, its hinges rusted and twisted into odd angles. Atop the altar is the burnt outline of a humanoid being, strange snake-like outlines can be seen on either side of it.
Obvious exits: out
All gloves within the sack are Parasitic Weapons, completely locked, and four times enchanted.
  Listed below you will find the associated color with its weapon base.
    Emerald - Lance
    Verdant Green - Jeddart-Axe
    Green - Spear
    Orange - Maul
    Vermilion - Two Handed Sword
 All weapons cost 10000 bloodscrip and can be unlocked further through waivers found in the entrance of this shop, and the limited shop.

In the ebon locker you see:

Parasitic weapons

a pair of emerald gloves lance 10000
a pair of verdant green gloves jeddart-axe
a pair of green gloves spear
a pair of vermilion gloves two-hand sword
a pair of orange gloves maul

Purple-Hued Tunnel

[Temple of Tentacles]
Thick, tentacle-like cords are draped down from blackened iron spikes along the wall. The surface of each cord is littered with small suction cups that are drained of life. Thrown haphazardly agains the wall is a large stitched sack, with a collection of assorted goods spilling out.
Obvious exits: out
All gloves within the sack are Parasitic Weapons, completely locked, and four times enchanted.
  Listed below you will find the associated color with its weapon base.
    Plum - Short Sword
    Mauve - Bastard Sword
    Indigo - Dagger
    Lavender - Falchion
    Teal - Morning Star
    Turquoise - Mace
 All weapons cost 10000 bloodscrip and can be unlocked further through waivers found in the entrance of this shop, and the limited shop.

In the stitched sack you see:

Parasitic weapons

a pair of turquoise gloves mace 10000
a pair of teal gloves morning star
a pair of lavender gloves falchion
a pair of indigo gloves dagger
a pair of mauve gloves bastard sword
a pair of plum gloves short sword

Archived February 2020

[Temple of Tentacles, Entry]
Blackened walls visibly wet with a strange fluid stretch in a full circle from the entrance of the shop. Thick, tentacle-like appendages are hung from each like a curtain over each of the tunnels leading deeper into the temple. Much like the walls, the floors are squishy and sticky with small sanguine colored pools strewn about. A pair of black candles illuminate a rusted iron table in the center.
Obvious exits: out

On the iron table you see:

Parasitic weapon unlock waivers

a blue parasitic waiver
This waiver will take it from tier 0 to tier 1.
This waiver will ONLY work if your item isn't unlocked yet.
a green parasitic waiver
This waiver will take it from tier 1 to tier 2.
This waiver will ONLY work if your item is unlocked to Tier 1.
an ebon parasitic waiver
This waiver will take it from tier 2 to tier 3.
This waiver will ONLY work if your item is unlocked to Tier 2.
a dark bow flare certificate
The bearer of this certificate is able to unlock their parasite weapon to be able to unlock the flaring effect for arrows shot from the bow.  The arrows cannot have flares, scripts, or be above 5x enchanted. 
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Under the Counter

Retired August 2019


In the Common language, it reads:
The potables contain 10 sips each of the following magic to aid you in your roguish endeavors:
Stout  ~  Phoen's Strength
Gin  ~  Spirit Strike
Bourbon  ~  Bravery
Whiskey  ~  Empathic Focus
Cider  ~  Dauntless
Scotch  ~  Celerity
Liquor  ~  Mystic Focus
Vodka  ~  Heroism
Porter  ~  Self Control

Under the counter you see:

a decanter of dark green liquor Mystic Focus (1711) 10 sips 50
a tall glass of foamy rich porter Self Control (613) 100
a mug of cloudy hard cider Dauntless (1606) 100
a shot of spicy vodka Heroism (215) 250
a glass of smoky scotch Celerity (506) 50
a jigger of distilled gin Spirit Strike (117) 50
a snifter of clear whiskey Empathic Focus (1109) 250
a stein of frothy stout Phoen's Strength (606) 100
a tumbler of pale amber bourbon Bravery (211) 50


In the tall oak cabinet you see:

a simple gold emblem on a serpentine chain neck-worn
a solid bronze medallion on a black cord
a twisted copper amulet set with a small plack pearl
a silver herringbone chain with a moonstone cameo
a small smooth bone orb hung on an ora chain
a fragile silver necklace dangling a smoky topaz teardrop
a double-strung black pearl chaplet
a misshapen onyx talisman on a black silk cord
a pale grey alum token hung from a short cord

On the female mannequin you see:

a silk-lined long leather cloak in variegated shades of grey Pocketed:Significant (100-119)
any number of items
a bell-sleeved pearl grey silk blouse with a keyhole neckline chest-worn 20
some sable calfskin gloves lined with grey fox fur hand-worn 10
a slender black leather belt waist-worn 10
a pair of soft dark leather pants laced with plaited cord leg-worn 20
some knee-high kidskin boots back-laced through rolaren eyelets foot-worn 18

On the male mannequin you see:

a slashed black leather cloak with tapered haon toggles Pocketed:Significant (100-119)
any number of items
a loose stone grey linen shirt laced with black leather cord chest-worn 20
some sable fingerless gloves of supple calfskin hand-worn 10
a thick black leather belt waist-worn 10
a pair of dark leather pants with black steel hip buckles leg-worn 20
some black kidskin knee-high boots with black rolaren buckles foot-worn 18
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Veiled Purpose

Retired August 2019

The strips of fabric are meant to conceal everything but your height, eyes, and skin.

The strips in basket are better suited for turbans, while the strips on my camel can be used as headscarves.

The two more expensive strips (the garnet-hued baldachin and stygian buckskin) will allow you to switch between either item and to reveal yourself if the need arises.

In the swaddled basket you see:

a long strip of green-black frieze turban, feature concealer This lengthy piece of green-black frieze appears long enough to wrap around your head multiple times to create a turban. There is also a wide square of sheer gauze that will drape across your face to conceal your features. 250
a long strip of smoky bistre nubuck
a long strip of sun-bleached linen
a long strip of pewter-dyed satin
a long strip of navy blue oilcloth
a long strip of atrous-stained lambskin
a long strip of emerald-scaled silk
a long strip of iron-colored kidskin
a long strip of pallid ivory cotton
a long strip of ebon-dyed baldachin
a long strip of stygian buckskin turban & headscarf, Tier 2/2
feature concealer
This lengthy piece of stygian buckskin appears long enough to wrap around your head multiple times to create a turban. There is also a wide square of grey sindon that will drape across your face to conceal your features. 750

On the wooden camel you see:

a long strip of zaffre silk velvet headscarf
feature concealer
This lengthy piece of zaffre silk velvet appears long enough to wrap around your head multiple times to create a headscarf. There is also a wide square of sheer gauze that will drape across your face to conceal your features. 250
a long strip of lavender-grey marbrinus
a long strip of metallic jade organdy
a long strip of snowy white flyrsilk
a long strip of burnished gold silk
a long strip of silver-streaked lyraigne
a long strip of foxfire green paisley
a long strip of sunflower-hued paeline
a long strip of alabaster jacquard
a long strip of sea blue fustian
a long strip of garnet-hued baldachin turban & headscarf, Tier 2/2
feature concealer
This lengthy piece of garnet-hued baldachin appears long enough to wrap around your head multiple times to create a headscarf. There is also a wide square of onyx netting that will drape across your face to conceal your features. 750
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Written Word

Last Revised: 8/19/17, Verified: 6/16/18

On the dark maple counter you see:

Once combined, creates a Writable book

In the cloth-lined chest you see:

a sheaf of pale pink paper 750
a sheaf of sea green paper
a sheaf of sky blue paper
a sheaf of snow white paper
a sheaf of silvery paper
a sheaf of creamy vellum
a sheaf of pale vellum
a sheaf of yellowed vellum
a sheaf of ivory parchment
a sheaf of pure white parchment
a sheaf of age-dark parchment
a thin black leather cover 50
a dark silk-wrapped cover
a deep blue cloth-bound cover
a small white suede cover
a twilight grey leather cover
a bright yellow fabric-bound cover
a slim forest green leather cover
a large ocean blue suede cover
a silver-worked black leather cover
a gold-inlaid white leather cover

On the ebony bookcase you see:

a black silk ribbon bookmark 1
a white silk ribbon bookmark
an embossed black leather bookmark
a smooth brown leather bookmark
a long silver feather quill pin-worn
a slender green feather quill
a slender blue feather quill
a fluffy black feather quill
a long crimson feather quill
a fluffy white feather quill
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