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Armament bane
Bane is a general term for a functional item script that is usually applied to weapons (and rarely shields) to gives either flares, weighting, or extra enchantment(s) to the item when used against a specific opponent as categorized below. Flare choices are Heat, Cold, Electric, Impact, Acid, Vacuum, Plasma, and Steam. As shown in item properties, bane occupies its own property slot (i.e., is Category C) and may be added to almost any weapon (at the discretion of the merchant). With the changes to Enchant, bane weapons can now be player enchanted.
Creature Bane
A Creature Bane weapon gives either flares, weighting, or extra enchant when used against a specific creature. This was the original concept for bane and the idea expanded over the years. Bane is set with the first swing of the weapon.
Demon Bane
Demon Bane includes all creatures classified as demons, but does not include the inherent ability to hit them. An appropriate weapon for this service is enchanted with a minimum +40 bonus and blessable. It acts similar to standard creature bane with the service winner selecting between flares, weighting, or extra enchant.
Since demons are also classified as extraplanar creatures, it is highly recommended to get extraplanar bane instead if given the option.
Extraplanar Bane
Extraplanar Bane weapons are effective against extraplanar creatures, giving extra weighting, enchant, or flares depending on the owner's choice when the bane was added.
Grim Bane
Grim Bane will give either flares, weighting, or extra enchant against all Grimswarm named enemies.
Magical Bane
Magical Bane weapons are effective against magical creatures, giving extra weighting, enchant, or flares depending on the owner's choice when the bane was added.
List of magical creatures
Creature Level Realm Hunting areas Crystal golem 12 Wehnimer's Landing Old Mine Road Fire cat 18 Wehnimer's Landing Smokey Caverns Fenghai 23 Solhaven Foggy Valley Cyclops 27 Solhaven Marshtown Lesser wood sprite 30 Ta'Vaalor Sorcerer's Isle Krynch 31 Zul Logoth Mraent Caverns Mezic 33 Solhaven Foggy Valley Water wyrd 35 River's Rest The Ruined Tower Huge mein golem 37 Wehnimer's Landing Darkstone Castle Wood sprite 38 Ta'Illistim Gyldemar Forest Dark vortece 42 Wehnimer's Landing The Broken Lands Minor glacei 42 Icemule Arctic Tundra, Nightmare Gorge Major glacei 47 Icemule Arctic Tundra, Nightmare Gorge Horned vor'taz 48 Ta'Illistim Gyldemar Forest Flesh golem 50 Solhaven Marsh Keep Ice golem 53 Icemule Mount Aenatumgana Lesser ice elemental 53 Icemule Mount Aenatumgana Stone sentinel 53 Wehnimer's Landing Darkstone Castle Animated slush 54 Ta'Illistim Gossamer Valley Skayl 54 Teras Isle Lava Flows Glacial morph 56 Ta'Illistim Gossamer Valley Lava golem 56 Teras Isle Eye of V'Tull Massive pyrothag 58 Teras Isle Lava Flows Fire elemental 60 Teras Isle Eye of V'Tull Stone mastiff 62 Wehnimer's Landing Thanatoph Ice elemental 63 Icemule Mount Aenatumgana Ilvari sprite 73 Ta'Vaalor, Wehnimer's Landing Red Forest Storm griffin 73 Ta'Illistim Griffin's Keen Ilvari pixie 74 Ta'Vaalor, Wehnimer's Landing Red Forest Moulis 75 Ta'Illistim Blighted Forest Treekin sapling 75 - 80 Ta'Vaalor, Wehnimer's Landing Red Forest Shrickhen 76 Ta'Illistim Blighted Forest Dhu goleras 78 Ta'Illistim Blighted Forest Treekin warrior 80 Ta'Vaalor, Wehnimer's Landing Red Forest Csetairi 81 The Rift Plane 2 Greater skayl 81 Teras Isle Eye of V'Tull Caedera 82 The Rift Plane 2 Earth elemental 82 Wehnimer's Landing Thanatoph Lesser construct 83 Ta'Illistim Old Ta'Faendryl Treekin druid 83 Ta'Vaalor, Wehnimer's Landing Red Forest Lich qyn'arj 84 Ta'Illistim Old Ta'Faendryl Steam dervish 84 Teras Isle Eye of V'tull Greater earth elemental 88 Wehnimer's Landing Thanatoph Water elemental 92 Teras Isle Ruined Temple Huge air elemental 95 Elemental Confluence Cold side Huge earth elemental 95 Elemental Confluence Cold side Huge ice elemental 95 Elemental Confluence Cold side Huge water elemental 95 Elemental Confluence Cold side Greater construct 96 Ta'Illistim Old Ta'Faendryl Huge fire elemental 99 Elemental Confluence Hot side Huge steam elemental 99 Elemental Confluence Hot side Huge lava elemental 100 Elemental Confluence Hot side Huge lightning elemental 100 Elemental Confluence Hot side Enormous rift crawler 103 The Rift Plane 4 Greater water elemental 105 Teras Isle Ruined Temple
Reim Bane
All creatures found in Settlement of Reim pay quest. Some weapons created with this bane have been done so with the ability to be permablessed versus the applicable creatures. The addition of a weapon being permablessed when adding this bane is not a guarantee.
Undead Bane
Undead Bane armaments are armaments effective against undead creatures and options may include flares, weighting, or additional attack or casting strength. There are two types of undead banes, regular and non-corporeal only.
For regular undead bane armaments, the loresong will read: "the bane of all undead creatures that can be affected by it.”
For non-corporeal undead bane armaments, the loresong will read: "the bane of all non-corporeal undead creatures affected by it."
List of corporeal undead creatures
Creature Level Realm Hunting areas Lesser ghoul 1 Ta'Vaalor, Wehnimer's Landing Glaise Cnoc Cemetery - TV, The Graveyard - WL Skeleton 1 Icemule, Ta'Vaalor, Wehnimer's Landing Icemule Environs, Glaise Cnoc Cemetery - TV, The Graveyard - WH Zombie rolton 1 Icemule, River's Rest, Solhaven Icemule Environs, The Citadel - RR, Cairnfang Forest - SH Greater ghoul 3 River's Rest, Solhaven, Ta'Vaalor, Wehnimer's Landing The Citadel - RR, Vornavian Coast - SH, Glaise Cnoc Cemetery - TV, The Graveyard - WL Ice skeleton 3 Icemule, Wehnimer's Landing Glatoph Lesser mummy 6 Wehnimer's Landing The Graveyard Bone golem 8 River's Rest, Ta'Vaalor, Wehnimer's Landing The Citadel - RR, Plains of Bone - TV, Danjirland - WL Werebear 10 Solhaven, Wehnimer's Landing Cairnfang Forest - SH, Sentoph - WL Darkwoode 13 Solhaven, Ta'Vaalor, Wehnimer's Landing Foggy Valley - SH, The Toadwort - TV, Sentoph - WL Tomb wight 15 Wehnimer's Landing The Graveyard Ghoul master 16 Ta'Vaalor, Wehnimer's Landing Plains of Bone - TV, The Graveyard - WL Elder ghoul master 18 Wehnimer's Landing The Graveyard Nedum vereri 18 Icemule, Wehnimer's Landing Temple of Hope - IT, Sentoph - WH Rotting krolvin pirate 18 River's Rest The Citadel Arch wight 20 Icemule, Ta'Vaalor, Wehnimer's Landing Temple of Hope - IT, Plains of Bone - TV, Castle Anwyn - WL, The Graveyard - WL Wood wight 20 Solhaven Marshtown Ancient ghoul master 21 Wehnimer's Landing The Graveyard Crazed zombie 23 Ta'Vaalor Lunule Weald Niirsha 23 Ta'Vaalor Lunule Weald Nonomino 23 Wehnimer's Landing Castle Anwyn Rotting woodsman 23 Solhaven Marshtown Zombie 23 Icemule, Wehnimer's Landing Icemule Environs, Danjirland - WH Night hound 24 Icemule, Wehnimer's Landing Glatoph, Icemule Environs, Olbin Pass - IT, The Graveyard - WL Carceris 25 Wehnimer's Landing Castle Anwyn Frenzied monk 27 Ta'Vaalor Lunule Weald Monastic lich 27 Wehnimer's Landing The Monastery Skeletal ice troll 31 Icemule Frozen Battlefield Rotting corpse 32 Solhaven Castle Varunar Rotting farmhand 32 Icemule Icemule Environs Skeletal giant 33 Wehnimer's Landing Sentoph Rock troll zombie 34 Zul Logoth Troll Burial Grounds Skeletal soldier 34 River's Rest Miasmal Forest Writhing icy bush 36 Icemule Frozen Bramble Lesser moor wight 37 River's Rest, Ta'Illistim Miasmal Forest - RR, Black Moor - TI Skeletal warhorse 37 Solhaven Castle Varunar Blackened decaying tumbleweed 39 Icemule Frozen Bramble Greater moor wight 39 River's Rest, Ta'Illistim Miasmal Forest - RR, Black Moor - TI Vourkha 39 Ta'Illistim Black Moor Writhing frost-glazed vine 40 Icemule Frozen Bramble Skeletal lord 41 Solhaven Castle Varunar Frozen corpse 42 Icemule Arctic Tundra, Nightmare Gorge Night mare 43 Wehnimer's Landing Shadow Valley Bog wight 44 Ta'Vaalor Fethayl Bog Dark frosty plant 45 Icemule Frozen Bramble Lesser vruul 45 Wehnimer's Landing The Broken Lands Rotting chimera 46 River's Rest Marsh Keep Dybbuk 48 Solhaven Bonespear Tower Large thorned shrub 48 Icemule Frozen Bramble Necrotic snake 48 River's Rest Marsh Keep Waern 49 Solhaven Bonespear Tower Flesh golem 50 River's Rest Marsh Keep Shriveled icy creeper 50 Icemule Frozen Bramble Seeker 52 Icemule Mount Aenatumgana Decaying Citadel guardsman 56 River's Rest The Citadel Rotting Citadel arbalester 58 River's Rest The Citadel Putrefied Citadel herald 60 River's Rest The Citadel Soul golem 63 Teras Isle Temple of Luukos Magna vereri 72 Icemule Trace Den of Rot Greater vruul 75 Wehnimer's Landing The Broken Lands Shrickhen 76 Ta'Illistim Blighted Forest Lich qyn'arj 84 Ta'Illistim Old Ta'Faendryl N'ecare 87 The Rift Plane 3, Plane 5 Vaespilon 93 The Rift Plane 5 Patchwork flesh monstrosity 97 Solhaven Sanctum Shambling lurk 97 Solhaven Sanctum Murky soul siphon 106 The Rift Scatter Lich 110 The Rift Scatter Eyeless black valravn 112 Hinterwilds
List of non-corporeal undead creatures
Creature Level Realm Hunting areas Ghost 2 Wehnimer's Landing Coastal Cliffs Lesser frost shade 2 Icemule Icemule Environs Lesser shade 2 Wehnimer's Landing Coastal Cliffs Moaning phantom 2 Ta'Vaalor, Wehnimer's Landing Glaise Cnoc Cemetery - TV, The Graveyard - WL Phantom 2 Icemule, Wehnimer's Landing Icemule Environs, The Graveyard - WL Revenant 4 Solhaven, Ta'Vaalor, Wehnimer's Landing Cairnfang Forest - SH, Glaise Cnoc Cemetery - TV, The Graveyard - WL Dark apparition 5 Icemule, Ta'Vaalor Icemule Environs, Glaise Cnoc Cemetery - TV Mist wraith 5 River's Rest, Solhaven, Ta'Vaalor The Citadel - RR, Cairnfang Forest - SH, Glaise Cnoc Cemetery Firephantom 6 River's Rest, Solhaven, Wehnimer's Landing The Citadel - RR, Vornavian Coast -- SH, Glatoph - WL Spectral fisherman 6 Solhaven, Wehnimer's Landing Vornavian Coast - SH, Coastal Cliffs - WL Death dirge 9 Solhaven, Ta'Vaalor, Wehnimer's Landing Vornavian Coast - SH, Plains of Bone - TV, The Graveyard - WL Snow spectre 9 Icemule Snow Fort Shadowy spectre 14 Ta'Vaalor Plains of Bone Spectre 14 Solhaven, Wehnimer's Landing Vornavian Coast - SH, Old Mine Road - WL Wolfshade 15 Ta'Vaalor, Wehnimer's Landing Plains of Bone - TV, Sentoph - WL Wraith 15 Icemule, Wehnimer's Landing Icemule Environs, The Graveyard - WL, Wehnimer's Environs Ghost wolf 16 Icemule, Ta'Vaalor, Wehnimer's Landing Icemule Environs, Plains of Bone - TV, Danjirland - WL Ghostly warrior 18 Wehnimer's Landing Old Mine Road Sacristan spirit 25 Ta'Vaalor Lunule Weald Spectral monk 25 Solhaven, Wehnimer's Landing Castle Varunar - SH, The Monastery - WL Tree spirit 26 Icemule, Solhaven, Ta'Vaalor, Wehnimer's Landing Icemule Environs, Foggy Valley - SH, Lunule Weald - TV, Danjirland - WL Darken 28 Ta'Illistim Wraithenmist Moaning spirit 28 Wehnimer's Landing Castle Anwyn, The Graveyard Elder tree spirit 30 Icemule Icemule Environs Ghostly mara 32 Ta'Illistim Wraithenmist Ghostly pooka 33 Wehnimer's Landing The Graveyard Spectral warrior 34 River's Rest The Citadel Barghest 35 Ta'Illistim Black Moor Spectral shade 35 Solhaven Foggy Valley Spectral woodsman 35 Icemule Icemule Environs Troll wraith 35 Zul Logoth Troll Burial Grounds Spectral lord 36 Ta'Illistim Wraithenmist Shadow mare 37 Wehnimer's Landing Shadow Valley Shadow steed 38 Wehnimer's Landing Shadow Valley Spectral miner 40 Wehnimer's Landing Shadow Valley Bog wraith 41 River's Rest Miasmal Forest Phantasma 42 Solhaven Castle Varunar Gaunt spectral servant 44 River's Rest Marsh Keep Ice wraith 45 Icemule Arctic Tundra, Nightmare Gorge Bog spectre 47 Ta'Vaalor Fethayl Bog Warrior shade 48 Ta'Vaalor Fethayl Bog Banshee 50 Teras Isle, Wehnimer's Landing Fhorian Village - KD, Darkstone Castle - WL Ethereal mage apprentice 54 River's Rest The Citadel Eidolon 55 Solhaven Bonespear Tower Nightmare steed 55 Wehnimer's Landing Darkstone Castle, The Broken Lands Wind wraith 61 Teras Isle Temple of Luukos Phantasmal bestial swordsman 62 River's Rest The Citadel Warped tree spirit 68 Ta'Vaalor, Wehnimer's Landing Red Forest Seething pestilent vision 70 Icemule Den of Rot Naisirc 75 The Rift Plane 1 Seraceris 78 The Rift Plane 1 Lost soul 91 The Rift Plane 5 Fallen crusader 97 The Rift Plane 4 Spectral triton defender 98 Teras Isle Ruined Tower Spectral triton protector 98 Kraken's Fall Atoll Ethereal triton psionicist 103 Kraken's Fall Atoll Ethereal triton sentry 103 Teras Isle Ruined Tower
See Also
There were temporary Undead Bane potions sold at Return to Coraesine Field. These potions gave weapons a temporary Lesser Undead Bane ability.
Possible Benefits
Known Types of Undead Bane include:
Offensive (weapon)
- Crit Weighting
- Added Attack Strength
or choose from among the following flares:
- Heat
- Cold
- Electricity
- Impact
- Acid
- Vacuum
- Plasma
- Steam
- Disintegrate
- Disruption
- Unbalance
- Grapple
Defensive (shield)
- % Block Chance