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Bloodriven Village/shop listing February 2020

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< Bloodriven Village(Redirected from Bloodriven Village - Historical)
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For Treasure Trove and HESS information:

Treasure Trove Information and High End Scrip Shop Listings

Bloodriven Village is where Duskruin Arena is located. All purchases are made with bloodscrip.

Accessories of Crime

Inventory Update: August 2019; Verified: 2/13/2020

a stately two-story house, Lich #23760, Room 12, go two-story house, go curving stairway

Crime Entry

[Accessories Of Crime]
Plush velvet carpeting spreads from the top of the staircase throughout this cozy sitting room. A long settee upholstered in pale ivory silk sits near the small curtained window with a sleek ebonwood case resting on its wide sill. A massive ebonwood bookcase built into the far wall frames a small marble fireplace, and the cheerfully crackling fire within casts a warm flickering light over the contents of a velvet-lined basket set out on a small accessory table nearby.

In the sleek ebonwood case you see:

a tri-banded black jade poison ring Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: VSA (<2-4)
one item


The poison ring is fully unlocked.
You can DROP or POUR special poisons or antidotes into the ring.
TURNing the ring while it is open will empty any poisons or antidotes inside.
You could also RUB, OPEN, CLOSE, WEAR, REMOVE, PUSH, and PULL the ring.
The ring can have a long or a show.
The "squared chunk of red jade" lid on your poison ring can also be customized to a different gem or decoration.
The ring can have its concealed look altered. WEAR and PUSH the ring to see the current concealed look.
You can tell that the ring is as light as it can get, but you might be able to have a talented merchant deepen its pockets for you.
a twisted copper-bound poison necklet Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: VSA (<2-4)
one item


The poison necklet is fully unlocked.
You can DROP or POUR special poisons or antidotes into the necklet.
TURNing the necklet while it is open will empty any poisons or antidotes inside.
You could also RUB, OPEN, CLOSE, WEAR, REMOVE, PUSH, and PULL the necklet.
The necklet can have a long or a show.
The "black diamond cameo" button on your poison necklet can also be customized to a different gem or decoration.
You can tell that the necklet is as light as it can get, but you might be able to have a talented merchant deepen its pockets for you.
a delicate pale gold poison ring Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: VSA (<2-4)
one item


The gold poison ring has been unlocked once.
You can DROP or POUR special poisons or antidotes into the ring.
TURNing the ring while it is open will empty any poisons or antidotes inside.
You could also RUB, OPEN, CLOSE, WEAR, and REMOVE the ring.
The ring can have a long or a show.
The "star-cut deep violet sapphire" lid on your gold poison ring can also be customized to a different gem or decoration.
You can tell that the ring is as light as it can get, but you might be able to have a talented merchant deepen its pockets for you.
a rune-etched dark bronze choker Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: VSA (<2-4)
one item of very small size


The dark bronze choker has been unlocked once.
You can DROP or POUR special poisons or antidotes into the choker.
TURNing the choker while it is open will empty any poisons or antidotes inside.
You could also RUB, OPEN, CLOSE, WEAR, and REMOVE the choker.
The choker can have a long or a show.
The "filigreed silver coin" button on your dark bronze choker can also be customized to a different gem or decoration.
You can tell that the choker is as light as it can get, but you might be able to have a talented merchant deepen its pockets for you.
an ebon-stained bone periapt strung from a red ribbon Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: VSA (<2-4)
one item of very small size


The bone periapt has been unlocked once.
You can DROP or POUR special poisons or antidotes into the periapt.
TURNing the periapt while it is open will empty any poisons or antidotes inside.
You could also RUB, OPEN, CLOSE, WEAR, and REMOVE the periapt.
The periapt can have a long or a show.
The "scarlet despanal cabochon" button on your bone periapt can also be customized to a different gem or decoration.
You can tell that the periapt is as light as it can get, but you might be able to have a talented merchant deepen its pockets for you.

In the velvet-lined basket you see:

a slender sapphire-set golvern hairpin hair hanging in loose waves, with one side pulled back from the face and tucked up under a slender sapphire-set golvern hairpin Locked Hairpick Lockpick


The golvern hairpin is currently LOCKED.
In this state, you feel like you can WEAR and REMOVE the hairpin.
The hairpin currently has only one style available when worn.
Currently available style:
She has chin length, feathery red-orange hair hanging in loose waves, with one side pulled back from the face and tucked up under a slender sapphire-set golvern hairpin.
a red garnet-veined midnight black glaes shard hair parted far off to the left side, with the right side twisted around a red garnet-veined midnight black glaes shard in a web-like spiral of styling 105
a jagged bronze-hued sliver hair heaped into a chignon of tightly spiraled curls that spill out of the jagged bronze-hued sliver binding 180
a black-spiraled white alum hairstick hair with multiple sections pulled back and woven in a complex pattern around a black-spiraled white alum hairstick 112
a sharp crimson-tipped kelyn talon hair gathered at the nape of the neck into a coiled, hanging loop bound by a sharp crimson-tipped kelyn talon 130

Behind the ebonwood bookcase you see:

a silver-traced sleek bronze monocle head-worn unlocked Eye Scry Monocle


The monocle has been unlocked.
The monocle must remain a monocle. The monocle cannot have a long or a show.
The monocle can be worn, turned, pulled, and read. Wearers of the monocle will be able to glimpse through the eyes of the one whom the eye was parted from.
Wearers of the monocle will also find that should they come upon foreign tracts of text, the magic in the eye residing in their monocle will delve into the waking mind of its donor to provide a translation. This particular magic only works if the one who donated the eye is currently awake and present in the world.

Two-Story House, Kitchen

a narrow hallway

[A Two-Story House, Kitchen]
A long kitchen island topped with heavy butcher's block is flanked on one side with a row of upholstered stools, and on the other by a brick hearth wall. Warm sunlight and a cool breeze stream through a high-set window, setting its muslin curtains fluttering and reflecting brightly off the droplets of water clinging to the spout of the wrought iron hand pump in the heavy ceramic sink below. Faint light can be seen down a narrow hallway, and beyond the row of stools are a pair of glass-paned doors.

On the long kitchen island you see:

a chilled pitcher of milk
a glass of creamy goat milk dusted with nutmeg
free food
a covered basket of croissants
a flakey golden croissant
a tray of freshly baked cinnamon rolls glazed with honey
a honey-glazed cinnamon roll
a plate of gingerbread cookies
a round gingerbread cookie
a delicate porcelain teapot set on an iron trivet
a cup of fragrant tea
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Art of Lore

some rickety stairs leading to a basement, [Map Room #], Lich #26862, go rickety stairs

[The Art of Lore, Salesroom]
Little has been done to tidy up this small, decrepit basement, its dirt floor littered with broken bricks, shattered jars, and other debris. A solitary iron cauldron burns, illuminating a quartet of mannequins and a note.
Obvious exits: out
If you know your lore, these runestaff slings will help you show it off.
The ones that cost more... do more.

On the wizard mannequin you see:

a purple runestaff sling T1
Pocketed: Medium (20-39)
one item
Magic Sling 1000
an amethyst runestaff sling T2
Pocketed: Medium (20-39)
one item

On the sorcerer mannequin you see:

a red runesaff sling T1
Pocketed: Medium (20-39)
one item
Magic Sling 1000
a garnet runestaff sling T2
Pocketed: Medium (20-39)
one item

On the spiritualist mannequin you see:

a blue runestaff sling T1
Pocketed: Medium (20-39)
one item
Magic Sling 1000
a sapphire runestaff sling T2
Pocketed: Medium (20-39)
one item

On the mentalist mannequin you see:

a green runestaff sling T1
Pocketed: Medium (20-39)
one item
Magic Sling 1000
a emerald runestaff sling T2
Pocketed: Medium (20-39)
one item
Return to the top of this page.

Autumnal Den

Opened: ?; Inventory Updates: February 2018, August 2019; Verified: 6/21/18, 12/19/18, 2/13/2020

a barred entrance, Lich #26865, Room 20, go barred entrance

[Autumnal Den, Outfitters]
Large bundles of ribbon-tied triticum wheat flank the entrance to this small shop, dimly lit by evergreen-scented candles whose wicks crackle and pop as they burn. Few decorations adorn the bare walls save a small hollowed-out niche, and a cloth-draped table that displays a variety of armor is positioned diagonally in the corner. You also see a barred entrance.
Obvious exits: none
All armor is five times enchanted.

On the cloth-draped table you see:

Forest Armor

All are tier 1.

a mist blue satin kimono strewn with gilt-edged pink blossoms Weight: 8 pounds
Enchant: +25
AsG: 2 3000
a cord-laced onyx suede buffcoat with silver eyelets Weight: 10 pounds
Enchant: +25
AsG: 5 3000
a long-sleeved crimson leather shirt with gold hook closures Weight: 13 pounds
Enchant: +25
AsG: 6 3000
a thigh-length dark leather gambeson with bone toggles Weight: 15 pounds
Enchant: +25
AsG: 7 3000
a malachite suede jerkin with ivory leather detailing Weight: 16 pounds
Enchant: +25
AsG: 9 3000
a sand-hued lamellar corselet with ahmdir blue embroidery Weight: 17 pounds
Enchant: +25
AsG: 10 3000
some iron-riveted dark blue brigandine with wave tooling Weight: 25 pounds
Enchant: +25
AsG: 12 3000
some tone-on-tone silver scalemail with viridian accents Weight: 20 pounds
Enchant: +25
AsG: 11 3000
a red and black harlequin-patterned bodysuit Weight: 16 pounds
Enchant: +25
AsG: 8 3000
some spiral-etched vultite disc armor Weight: 18 pounds
Enchant: +25
AsG: 17 3000
some hammered imflass platemail with a cobalt patina Weight: 17 pounds
Enchant: +25
AsG: 18 3000
a suit of ebon-veined ora lasktol'zko with barbed fang edging Weight: 75 pounds
Enchant: +25
AsG: 20 3000
some void black half-plate with deathstone inlays Weight: 45 pounds
Enchant: +25
AsG: 19 3000
an azure-edged cobalt vultite byrnie vented at the hips Weight: 20 pounds
Enchant: +25
AsG: 13 3000
a suit of matte grey imflass chainmail Weight: 17 pounds
Enchant: +25
AsG: 14 3000
a deep violet and ruddy mithglin chain shirt Weight: 23 pounds
Enchant: +25
AsG: 15 3000
some raven-crested obsidian mithril body armor Weight: 24 pounds
Enchant: +25
AsG: 16 3000
Return to the top of this page.

Bare Aggression

Opened: ?; Inventory Updates: August 2019; Verified: 8/13/2019, 2/13/2020

a rough-hewn knotty pine hall, Lich #26886, Room 9, go knotty hall

[Bare Aggression]
Cedar shavings, strewn haphazardly around a raised square ring in the center of the hall, fail to mask the lingering odor of stale sweat, smoke, and whiskey that hangs in the air. Several padded bags, roughly humanoid in shape, are suspended from a long wall near a crooked equipment rack. In one darkened corner, bawdy patrons congregate around a low table surrounded by mismatched chairs, while some others crowd around an iron-banded keg, spiritedly demonstrating advanced jabs, kicks, and punches.
Obvious exits: out
On the rack: 4x with locked zests.
In the crate: 5x and unscripted.
Flares are as follows:
Gornar, Slate Black: impact
Obsidian: vaccum
Crimson, Ruby: fire
Coal, Ebon suede: lightning
Pale Blue: cold
The klot and footwraps on the table are both fully zested, 6x and have disruption flares.

Bare UAC

On the low table you see:

a set of lead gray klot with reinforced steel plates Weight: 2 pounds
6x, fully unlocked, disruption flares
UAC boots


This item may be altered but the noun must always be one of the following: Boots, Shoes, Sandals, Slippers, Buskins, Footwraps, Foot-wraps, Klot, Moccasins, or Yatane. The basic material of leather should stay the same (i.e. leather, suede, lambskin, etc.). It can be setup to have BOTH a long and a SHOW description.
This item is currently fully unlocked and has the following verbs available: Wear, Remove, Pull, Tap, Point, and Stomp.
some knotted dark rope handwraps studded with veil iron Weight: 2 pounds
6x, fully unlocked, disruption flares
UAC gloves


This item may be altered but the noun must always be one of the following: Gloves, Gauntlets, Handwraps, Hand-wraps, or Trukt. The basic material of leather should stay the same (i.e. leather, suede, lambskin, etc.). It can be setup to have BOTH a long and a SHOW description.
This item is currently fully unlocked and has the following verbs available: Wear, Remove, Pull, Tap, Rub, and Clench.

On the crooked equipment rack you see:

a set of spike-heeled wine suede slippers Weight: 2 pounds
4x, locked, lightly crit weighted
UAC boots


This item may be altered but the noun must always be one of the following: Boots, Shoes, Sandals, Slippers, Buskins, Footwraps, Foot-wraps, Klot, Moccasins, or Yatane. The basic material of leather should stay the same (i.e. leather, suede, lambskin, etc.). It can be setup to have BOTH a long and a SHOW description.
This item is currently locked and has the following verbs available: Wear, Remove, Pull, and Tap.
some dark berry-hued gloves notched with tiny spikes Weight: 2 pounds
4x, locked, lightly crit weighted
UAC gloves


This item may be altered but the noun must always be one of the following: Gloves, Gauntlets, Handwraps, Hand-wraps, or Trukt. The basic material of leather should stay the same (i.e. leather, suede, lambskin, etc.). It can be setup to have BOTH a long and a SHOW description.
This item is currently locked and has the following verbs available: Wear, Remove, Pull, and Tap.
a pair of slate black boots set with steel toeplates Weight: 2 pounds
4x, locked, impact flares
UAC boots


This item may be altered but the noun must always be one of the following: Boots, Shoes, Sandals, Slippers, Buskins, Footwraps, Foot-wraps, Klot, Moccasins, or Yatane. The basic material of leather should stay the same (i.e. leather, suede, lambskin, etc.). It can be setup to have BOTH a long and a SHOW description.
This item is currently locked and has the following verbs available: Wear, Remove, Pull, and Tap.
some fingerless slate black gloves with sharp steel rivets Weight: 2 pounds
4x, locked, impact flares
UAC gloves


This item may be altered but the noun must always be one of the following: Gloves, Gauntlets, Handwraps, Hand-wraps, or Trukt. The basic material of cloth should stay the same (i.e. cotton, silk, linen, etc.). It can be setup to have BOTH a long and a SHOW description.
This item is currently locked and has the following verbs available: Wear, Remove, Pull, and Tap.
some pallid knee-high boots inset with shards of obsidian Weight: 2 pounds
4x, locked, vacuum flares
UAC boots


This item may be altered but the noun must always be one of the following: Boots, Shoes, Sandals, Slippers, Buskins, Footwraps, Foot-wraps, Klot, Moccasins, or Yatane. The basic material of cloth should stay the same (i.e. cotton, silk, linen, etc.). It can be setup to have BOTH a long and a SHOW description.
This item is currently locked and has the following verbs available: Wear, Remove, Pull, and Tap.
a pair of pallid leather gloves inset with obsidian studs Weight: 2 pounds
4x, locked, vacuum flares
UAC gloves


This item may be altered but the noun must always be one of the following: Gloves, Gauntlets, Handwraps, Hand-wraps, or Trukt. The basic material of leather should stay the same (i.e. leather, suede, lambskin, etc.). It can be setup to have BOTH a long and a SHOW description.
This item is currently locked and has the following verbs available: Wear, Remove, Pull, and Tap.
some smoke grey suede footwraps traced with crimson runes Weight: 2 pounds
4x, locked, fire flares
UAC boots


This item may be altered but the noun must always be one of the following: Boots, Shoes, Sandals, Slippers, Buskins, Footwraps, Foot-wraps, Klot, Moccasins, or Yatane. The basic material of leather should stay the same (i.e. leather, suede, lambskin, etc.). It can be setup to have BOTH a long and a SHOW description.
This item is currently locked and has the following verbs available: Wear, Remove, Pull, and Tap.
some smoke grey suede handwraps set with ruby shards Weight: 2 pounds
4x, locked, fire flares
UAC gloves


This item may be altered but the noun must always be one of the following: Gloves, Gauntlets, Handwraps, Hand-wraps, or Trukt. The basic material of leather should stay the same (i.e. leather, suede, lambskin, etc.). It can be setup to have BOTH a long and a SHOW description.
This item is currently locked and has the following verbs available: Wear, Remove, Pull, and Tap.
some polished coal leather shoes with shiny heels Weight: 2 pounds
4x, locked, lightning flares
UAC boots


This item may be altered but the noun must always be one of the following: Boots, Shoes, Sandals, Slippers, Buskins, Footwraps, Foot-wraps, Klot, Moccasins, or Yatane. The basic material of leather should stay the same (i.e. leather, suede, lambskin, etc.). It can be setup to have BOTH a long and a SHOW description.
This item is currently locked and has the following verbs available: Wear, Remove, Pull, and Tap.
some supple brushed ebon suede gloves Weight: 2 pounds
4x, locked, lightning flares
UAC gloves


This item may be altered but the noun must always be one of the following: Gloves, Gauntlets, Handwraps, Hand-wraps, or Trukt. The basic material of leather should stay the same (i.e. leather, suede, lambskin, etc.). It can be setup to have BOTH a long and a SHOW description.
This item is currently locked and has the following verbs available: Wear, Remove, Pull, and Tap.
some thick-soled rope sandals inset with bone shards Weight: 2 pounds
4x, locked
UAC boots


This item may be altered but the noun must always be one of the following: Boots, Shoes, Sandals, Slippers, Buskins, Footwraps, Foot-wraps, Klot, Moccasins, or Yatane. The basic material of cloth should stay the same (i.e. cotton, silk, linen, etc.). It can be setup to have BOTH a long and a SHOW description.
This item is currently locked and has the following verbs available: Wear, Remove, Pull, and Tap.
some braided linen gloves reinforced with rope Weight: 2 pounds
4x, locked
UAC gloves


This item may be altered but the noun must always be one of the following: Gloves, Gauntlets, Handwraps, Hand-wraps, or Trukt. The basic material of cloth should stay the same (i.e. cotton, silk, linen, etc.). It can be setup to have BOTH a long and a SHOW description.
This item is currently locked and has the following verbs available: Wear, Remove, Pull, and Tap.
some slender dusky suede boots with pale blue toeplates Weight: 2 pounds
4x, locked, cold flares
UAC boots


This item may be altered but the noun must always be one of the following: Boots, Shoes, Sandals, Slippers, Buskins, Footwraps, Foot-wraps, Klot, Moccasins, or Yatane. The basic material of leather should stay the same (i.e. leather, suede, lambskin, etc.). It can be setup to have BOTH a long and a SHOW description.
This item is currently locked and has the following verbs available: Wear, Remove, Pull, and Tap.
some pale blue linen and suede handwraps Weight: 2 pounds
4x, locked, cold flares
UAC gloves


This item may be altered but the noun must always be one of the following: Gloves, Gauntlets, Handwraps, Hand-wraps, or Trukt. The basic material of leather should stay the same (i.e. leather, suede, lambskin, etc.). It can be setup to have BOTH a long and a SHOW description.
This item is currently locked and has the following verbs available: Wear, Remove, Pull, and Tap.

In the open crate you see:

a pocked steel-hilted sai with upswept gornar tines Weight: 2 pounds
5x, impact flares
sai 2500
a braced kumade with tapering gornar-inlaid blades of steel Weight: 3 pounds
5x, impact flares
troll-claw 2500
an inky kidskin slap-slasher with serrated dark razors Weight: 2 pounds
razorpaw 2000
a braided rough leather cestus studded with jagged shards Weight: 2 pounds
5x (+23)
cestus 2000
a dusky suede paingrip notched with steel skewers Weight: 2 pounds
paingrip 2000
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Be Warez

Opened: August 2019
a small lopsided shack, [Map Room #], Lich# 26877, go lopsided shack

Be Warez, Shop

Shop opened: Aug 2019. Last Update: 2/2020

[Be Warez, Shop - 28327]
The lopsided shack appears to have been crafted out of broken down crates and torn wool, its form threatening to topple with even the gentlest of winds. Resting within a splayed pile of straw is a small basket of wares nestled against a metal can with an open slit, the display being mindfully watched by a large greyish cat.
Obvious exits: out

In the basket you see: Illusion pins

an enamel lily relic haloed in jade leaves Weight: <1 pound pin-worn
The enamel lily relic is an Illusion Prop that will project minor illusions around you when worn. It is set to:
Adds "A crown of pale stargazer lilies floats above her head, their leaves unfurling gradually across her temples." before the appearance of your health.
The enamel lily relic can be hidden or revealed when covered.
You get the distinct impression that the enamel lily relic itself may freely be altered by almost any merchant, but not the illusions that it creates.
a muffin relic sewn from colorful patches of leather Weight: <1 pound pin-worn
The muffin relic is an Illusion Prop that will project minor illusions around you when worn. It is set to:
Adds "A myriad of ethereal confections appear to be following her every move." before the appearance of your health.
The muffin relic can be hidden or revealed when covered.
You get the distinct impression that the muffin relic itself may freely be altered by almost any merchant, but not the illusions that it creates.
a glass-caged relic of wire-suspended amber fireflies Weight: <1 pound pin-worn
The glass-caged relic is an Illusion Prop that will project minor illusions around you when worn. It is set to:
Adds "Tiny amber-colored fireflies dance around her form, the occasional greenish spark darting off into the distance." before the appearance of your health.
The glass-caged relic can be hidden or revealed when covered.
You get the distinct impression that the glass-caged relic itself may freely be altered by almost any merchant, but not the illusions that it creates.
a sword-shaped iron relic with a hilt of glass Weight: <1 pound pin-worn
The iron relic is an Illusion Prop that will project minor illusions around you when worn. It is set to:
Adds "A fan of ethereal blades hovers high about her form, twisting and turning silently." before the appearance of your health.
The iron relic can be hidden or revealed when covered.
You get the distinct impression that the iron relic itself may freely be altered by almost any merchant, but not the illusions that it creates.
a leather-scaled relic shaped like a small lizard Weight: <1 pound pin-worn
The leather-scaled relic is an Illusion Prop that will project minor illusions around you when worn. It is set to:
Adds "A small bug-eyed lizard darts back and forth between her shoulders." before the appearance of your health.
The leather-scaled relic can be hidden or revealed when covered.
You get the distinct impression that the leather-scaled relic itself may freely be altered by almost any merchant, but not the illusions that it creates.
a gilded red glass relic forged into the shape of a flame Weight: <1 pound pin-worn
The red glass relic is an Illusion Prop that will project minor illusions around you when worn. It is set to:
Adds "Embers of red-orange flame spark across her body, crackling as they race upwards into the air." before the appearance of your health.
The red glass relic can be hidden or revealed when covered.
You get the distinct impression that the red glass relic itself may freely be altered by almost any merchant, but not the illusions that it creates.
a plump calico cat relic crafted from blown glass Weight: <1 pound pin-worn
The calico cat relic is an Illusion Prop that will project minor illusions around you when worn. It is set to:
Adds "A cloud of multi-colored cat fur seems to hover around her body." before the appearance of your health.
The calico cat relic can be hidden or revealed when covered.
You get the distinct impression that the calico cat relic itself may freely be altered by almost any merchant, but not the illusions that it creates.
a glass relic traced with jewel constellations Weight: <1 pound pin-worn
The glass relic is an Illusion Prop that will project minor illusions around you when worn. It is set to:
Adds "Softly flickering constellations of light are traced across her form." before the appearance of your health.
The glass relic can be hidden or revealed when covered.
You get the distinct impression that the glass relic itself may freely be altered by almost any merchant, but not the illusions that it creates.
a circular clockwork relic of fused bronze plates Weight: <1 pound pin-worn
The clockwork relic is an Illusion Prop that will project minor illusions around you when worn. It is set to:
Adds "Small, thin plumes of smoke and steam randomly shoot out from between the riveted metal plates that encase the exposed parts of her body." before the appearance of your health.
The clockwork relic can be hidden or revealed when covered.
You get the distinct impression that the clockwork relic itself may freely be altered by almost any merchant, but not the illusions that it creates.
a small marble sphere relic wrapped in glaes smoke Weight: <1 pound pin-worn
The marble sphere relic is an Illusion Prop that will project minor illusions around you when worn. It is set to:
Adds "Tendrils of pale grey smoke writhe around her forearms." before the appearance of your health.
The marble sphere relic can be hidden or revealed when covered.
You get the distinct impression that the marble sphere relic itself may freely be altered by almost any merchant, but not the illusions that it creates.
hastily scrawled note

In the Common language, it reads:
I no steel these.
I make them.
You buy them.
Sumwon else explain them.
Marble - Tendrils of pale grey smoke writhe around his/her forearms.
Clockwork - Small, thin plumes of smoke and steam randomly shoot out from between the riveted metal plates that encase the exposed parts of his/her body.
Glass/Jewels - Softly flickering constellations of light are traced across his/her form.
Cat - A cloud of multi-colored cat fur seems to hover around his/her body.
Red Glass - Embers of red-orange flame spark across his/her body, crackling as they race upwards into the air.
Leather-scaled - A small bug-eyed lizard darts back and forth between his/her shoulders.
Iron - A fan of ethereal blades hover high above his/her form, twisting and turning silently.
Glass-caged - Tiny amber-colored fireflies dance around his/her form, the occasional greenish spark darting off into the distance.
Muffin - A myriad of ethereal confections appear to be following his/her every move.
Lily - A crown of pale stargazer lilies floats above his/her head, their leaves unfurling gradually across his/her temples.
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The Best Tressed

a glass-fronted red maoral salon, [7], Lich #26894, go salon

The Best Tressed

[The Best Tressed - 26895]
Heavily patterned curtains made from forest-motifed figury flank a wide bay window at the back of the shop, casting faint moonlight over the richly polished mahogany floors and maoral walls. Ornately woodworked banisters leading toward the southern wing extend from a glass-housed case appointed at the middle of the room.
Obvious exits: south, out

In the glass-housed case you see:

a vibrant amethyst-hued iris Hair Flowers 75
a thin-pleated saffron yellow hibiscus
a delicate cerise-freckled orchid
a matte dark burgundy red dahlia
a petite milky coral wild rose

The Best Tressed, Salon

[The Best Tressed, Salon - 26899]
Lacquered floors of deep red mahogany and ruic parquetry fan outward from the entry banisters, the rich colors highlighted by simpler woodland tapestries hanging on the walls. Positioned for browsing, a line of rounded glass displays and an elongated carved monir shelf boast a variegated plethora of ornately styled wigs and canisters.
Obvious exits: north

On the elongated carved monir shelf you see:

a silverworked black moonstone canister Wig Powder 10
a jade-sheened silver imflass canister
a cylindrical dark rosewood canister
a filigreed star emerald canister
an ivory-caged blue tanik canister

On the rounded glass displays you see:

a shortish cinnamon-hued wig Weight: <1 pound pin-worn
show description
This expertly crafted wig is made of shortish, wildly tousled cinnamon-hued hair temple-shaved with a stark coil design.
a lustrous peacock blue wig Weight: <1 pound pin-worn
show description
This expertly crafted wig is made of hip length, lustrous peacock blue hair loosely worn in broad free-flowing ringlets.
a glossy ashen blonde wig Weight: <1 pound pin-worn
show description
This expertly crafted wig is made of thick, glossy ashen blonde hair parted off to the side in deeply set waves.
a razored stormy black wig Weight: <1 pound pin-worn
show description
This expertly crafted wig is made of extremely short, razored stormy black hair accentuated by a strikingly evident shock of pure white.
a very long carroty red wig Weight: <1 pound pin-worn
show description
This expertly crafted wig is made of very long, carroty red hair evenly plaited into two braids and tied with suede cording.
a soft misty silver wig Weight: <1 pound pin-worn
show description
This expertly crafted wig is made of mid length, soft misty silver hair partially pulled back with a length of silk.
a gleaming white blonde wig Weight: <1 pound pin-worn
show description
This expertly crafted wig is made of chin length, gleaming white blonde hair cut in a prominently front-sloping angle.
a well-groomed rich sable wig Weight: <1 pound pin-worn
show description
This expertly crafted wig is made of well-groomed, rich sable hair neatly kept short at the sides and nape.
an upswept pale lavender wig Weight: <1 pound pin-worn
show description
This expertly crafted wig is made of elegantly upswept, pale lavender hair ornamented with a labyrinth of colorful silken ribbons.
a smooth wine-colored wig Weight: <1 pound pin-worn
show description
This expertly crafted wig is made of long, smooth wine-colored hair arranged in a looping chignon and dotted with baroque pearls.
Return to the top of this page.

Blood Red Rose

a pristine wrought iron gate, [Map Room 5], Lich #26897, go wrought gate, go well-kept building


[The Blood Red Rose, Salesroom]
The entryway of the structure immediately opens up into a wide space. Thick blood red carpeting streams across the floor, contrasting with the pristinely white walls, which are decorated with elaborate molding, and chandeliers dripping in black, red, and clear crystals create opulence within the spare, museum-like room. Scattered between the various gold-inlaid display racks and stands, cushioned benches provide respite. All but one door are shut and barred closed, and a rope hangs across the staircase leading upstairs.
Obvious exits: out
These traditional Iasha-style weapons have been enchanted five times.

On the gold-inlaid display racks you see:

a white ora cleaver with vivid green emeralds encircling the eye Weight: 6 pounds
Enchant: +25


You immediately sense that this is a White Ora weapon known as an "Iasha.
This is Tier 1 (of 3). It is the traditional make, which means that in the hands of a cleric or paladin, it is a holy weapon that gives off holy fire flares. (In order for any profession to be able to wield it in this manner, a "Lesser All-Profession" upgrade is necessary.)
You can attempt to PEER and LOOK at the cleaver, though, some of the attempts at these actions will fall short if you are not a paladin/cleric.
Any merchant can aesthetically alter the cleaver, provided it remains white ora (or, in the case of unarmed combat footwear and handwear, leather or similar, unless it is already made from white as its base foundation).
a vivid green emerald-inlaid white ora longsword Weight: 5 pounds
Enchant: +25


You immediately sense that this is a White Ora weapon known as an "Iasha.
This is Tier 1 (of 3). It is the traditional make, which means that in the hands of a cleric or paladin, it is a holy weapon that gives off holy fire flares. (In order for any profession to be able to wield it in this manner, a "Lesser All-Profession" upgrade is necessary.)
You can attempt to PEER and LOOK at the longsword, though, some of the attempts at these actions will fall short if you are not a paladin/cleric.
Any merchant can aesthetically alter the longsword, provided it remains white ora (or, in the case of unarmed combat footwear and handwear, leather or similar, unless it is already made from white as its base foundation).
a white ora spikestar with vivid green emerald shard accents Weight: 8 pounds
Enchant: +25
morning star


You immediately sense that this is a White Ora weapon known as an "Iasha.
This is Tier 1 (of 3). It is the traditional make, which means that in the hands of a cleric or paladin, it is a holy weapon that gives off holy fire flares. (In order for any profession to be able to wield it in this manner, a "Lesser All-Profession" upgrade is necessary.)
You can attempt to PEER and LOOK at the spikestar, though, some of the attempts at these actions will fall short if you are not a paladin/cleric.
Any merchant can aesthetically alter the spikestar, provided it remains white ora (or, in the case of unarmed combat footwear and handwear, leather or similar, unless it is already made from white as its base foundation).
a white ora halberd ornamented with vivid green emeralds Weight: 9 pounds
Enchant: +25


You immediately sense that this is a White Ora weapon known as an "Iasha.
This is Tier 1 (of 3). It is the traditional make, which means that in the hands of a cleric or paladin, it is a holy weapon that gives off holy fire flares. (In order for any profession to be able to wield it in this manner, a "Lesser All-Profession" upgrade is necessary.)
You can attempt to PEER and LOOK at the halberd, though, some of the attempts at these actions will fall short if you are not a paladin/cleric.
Any merchant can aesthetically alter the halberd, provided it remains white ora (or, in the case of unarmed combat footwear and handwear, leather or similar, unless it is already made from white as its base foundation).
a sickly green spiral-hafted white ora flail Weight: 8 pounds
Enchant: +25


You immediately sense that this is a White Ora weapon known as an "Iasha.
This is Tier 1 (of 3). It is the traditional make, which means that in the hands of a cleric or paladin, it is a holy weapon that gives off holy fire flares. (In order for any profession to be able to wield it in this manner, a "Lesser All-Profession" upgrade is necessary.)
You can attempt to PEER and LOOK at the flail, though, some of the attempts at these actions will fall short if you are not a paladin/cleric.
Any merchant can aesthetically alter the flail, provided it remains white ora (or, in the case of unarmed combat footwear and handwear, leather or similar, unless it is already made from white as its base foundation).
a thin-bladed white ora katar with sickly green crossbars Weight: 4 pounds
Enchant: +25


You immediately sense that this is a White Ora weapon known as an "Iasha.
This is Tier 1 (of 3). It is the traditional make, which means that in the hands of a cleric or paladin, it is a holy weapon that gives off holy fire flares. (In order for any profession to be able to wield it in this manner, a "Lesser All-Profession" upgrade is necessary.)
You can attempt to PEER and LOOK at the katar, though, some of the attempts at these actions will fall short if you are not a paladin/cleric.
Any merchant can aesthetically alter the katar, provided it remains white ora (or, in the case of unarmed combat footwear and handwear, leather or similar, unless it is already made from white as its base foundation).
a vivid green emerald-ornamented white ora broadsword Weight: 5 pounds
Enchant: +25


You immediately sense that this is a White Ora weapon known as an "Iasha.
This is Tier 1 (of 3). It is the traditional make, which means that in the hands of a cleric or paladin, it is a holy weapon that gives off holy fire flares. (In order for any profession to be able to wield it in this manner, a "Lesser All-Profession" upgrade is necessary.)
You can attempt to PEER and LOOK at the broadsword, though, some of the attempts at these actions will fall short if you are not a paladin/cleric.
Any merchant can aesthetically alter the broadsword, provided it remains white ora (or, in the case of unarmed combat footwear and handwear, leather or similar, unless it is already made from white as its base foundation).
a white ora naginata enscribed with sickly green teardrops Weight: 9 pounds
Enchant: +25


You immediately sense that this is a White Ora weapon known as an "Iasha.
This is Tier 1 (of 3). It is the traditional make, which means that in the hands of a cleric or paladin, it is a holy weapon that gives off holy fire flares. (In order for any profession to be able to wield it in this manner, a "Lesser All-Profession" upgrade is necessary.)
You can attempt to PEER and LOOK at the naginata, though, some of the attempts at these actions will fall short if you are not a paladin/cleric.
Any merchant can aesthetically alter the naginata, provided it remains white ora (or, in the case of unarmed combat footwear and handwear, leather or similar, unless it is already made from white as its base foundation).

On the stands you see:

a wide white ora kris etched with vivid green emerald sigils Weight: 4 pounds
Enchant: +25
short sword


You immediately sense that this is a White Ora weapon known as an "Iasha.
This is Tier 1 (of 3). It is the traditional make, which means that in the hands of a cleric or paladin, it is a holy weapon that gives off holy fire flares. (In order for any profession to be able to wield it in this manner, a "Lesser All-Profession" upgrade is necessary.)
You can attempt to PEER and LOOK at the kris, though, some of the attempts at these actions will fall short if you are not a paladin/cleric.
Any merchant can aesthetically alter the kris, provided it remains white ora (or, in the case of unarmed combat footwear and handwear, leather or similar, unless it is already made from white as its base foundation).
a white ora mace with a sickly green tendril-wound shaft Weight: 8 pounds
Enchant: +25


You immediately sense that this is a White Ora weapon known as an "Iasha.
This is Tier 1 (of 3). It is the traditional make, which means that in the hands of a cleric or paladin, it is a holy weapon that gives off holy fire flares. (In order for any profession to be able to wield it in this manner, a "Lesser All-Profession" upgrade is necessary.)
You can attempt to PEER and LOOK at the mace, though, some of the attempts at these actions will fall short if you are not a paladin/cleric.
Any merchant can aesthetically alter the mace, provided it remains white ora (or, in the case of unarmed combat footwear and handwear, leather or similar, unless it is already made from white as its base foundation).
a white ora awl-pike with a vivid green emerald-dusted rondell Weight: 8 pounds
Enchant: +25


You immediately sense that this is a White Ora weapon known as an "Iasha.
This is Tier 1 (of 3). It is the traditional make, which means that in the hands of a cleric or paladin, it is a holy weapon that gives off holy fire flares. (In order for any profession to be able to wield it in this manner, a "Lesser All-Profession" upgrade is necessary.)
You can attempt to PEER and LOOK at the awl-pike, though, some of the attempts at these actions will fall short if you are not a paladin/cleric.
Any merchant can aesthetically alter the awl-pike, provided it remains white ora (or, in the case of unarmed combat footwear and handwear, leather or similar, unless it is already made from white as its base foundation).
an ornate white ora espadon marked with sickly green runes Weight: 9 pounds
Enchant: +25
bastard sword


You immediately sense that this is a White Ora weapon known as an "Iasha.
This is Tier 1 (of 3). It is the traditional make, which means that in the hands of a cleric or paladin, it is a holy weapon that gives off holy fire flares. (In order for any profession to be able to wield it in this manner, a "Lesser All-Profession" upgrade is necessary.)
You can attempt to PEER and LOOK at the espadon, though, some of the attempts at these actions will fall short if you are not a paladin/cleric.
Any merchant can aesthetically alter the espadon, provided it remains white ora (or, in the case of unarmed combat footwear and handwear, leather or similar, unless it is already made from white as its base foundation).
a white ora greataxe with sickly green veins banding the hilt Weight: 9 pounds
Enchant: +25
battle axe


You immediately sense that this is a White Ora weapon known as an "Iasha.
This is Tier 1 (of 3). It is the traditional make, which means that in the hands of a cleric or paladin, it is a holy weapon that gives off holy fire flares. (In order for any profession to be able to wield it in this manner, a "Lesser All-Profession" upgrade is necessary.)
You can attempt to PEER and LOOK at the greataxe, though, some of the attempts at these actions will fall short if you are not a paladin/cleric.
Any merchant can aesthetically alter the greataxe, provided it remains white ora (or, in the case of unarmed combat footwear and handwear, leather or similar, unless it is already made from white as its base foundation).
a white ora tiger-claw streaked with vivid green emeralds Weight: <1 pound
Enchant: +25


You immediately sense that this is a White Ora weapon known as an "Iasha.
This is Tier 1 (of 3). It is the traditional make, which means that in the hands of a cleric or paladin, it is a holy weapon that gives off holy fire flares. (In order for any profession to be able to wield it in this manner, a "Lesser All-Profession" upgrade is necessary.)
You can attempt to PEER and LOOK at the tiger-claw, though, some of the attempts at these actions will fall short if you are not a paladin/cleric.
Any merchant can aesthetically alter the tiger-claw, provided it remains white ora (or, in the case of unarmed combat footwear and handwear, leather or similar, unless it is already made from white as its base foundation).
You can tell that the tiger-claw is as light as it can get.
a pair of sickly green gloves inlaid with white ora teardrops Weight: <1 pound
Enchant: +25
UAC gloves


You immediately sense that this is a White Ora weapon known as an "Iasha.
This is Tier 1 (of 3). It is the traditional make, which means that in the hands of a cleric or paladin, it is a holy weapon that gives off holy fire flares. (In order for any profession to be able to wield it in this manner, a "Lesser All-Profession" upgrade is necessary.)
You can attempt to PEER and LOOK at the gloves, though, some of the attempts at these actions will fall short if you are not a paladin/cleric.
Any merchant can aesthetically alter the gloves, provided it remains white ora (or, in the case of unarmed combat footwear and handwear, leather or similar, unless it is already made from white as its base foundation).
You can tell that the gloves is as light as it can get.
a pair of sickly green boots inlaid with white ora teardrops Weight: 2 pounds
Enchant: +25
UAC boots


You immediately sense that this is a White Ora weapon known as an "Iasha.
This is Tier 1 (of 3). It is the traditional make, which means that in the hands of a cleric or paladin, it is a holy weapon that gives off holy fire flares. (In order for any profession to be able to wield it in this manner, a "Lesser All-Profession" upgrade is necessary.)
You can attempt to PEER and LOOK at the boots, though, some of the attempts at these actions will fall short if you are not a paladin/cleric.
Any merchant can aesthetically alter the boots, provided it remains white ora (or, in the case of unarmed combat footwear and handwear, leather or similar, unless it is already made from white as its base foundation).


[The Blood Red Rose, Contracts]
Like the entryway, this room is styled with molding-accented white walls, a crystal-decked chandelier, and, underfoot, plush, blood red carpet. A glass case stands in the center of the area. Pushed up against one wall, a large statue is situated in such a way as to block a partially boarded-up doorway.

In the glass case you see:

a bronze Iasha certificate Weight: <1 pound


Your certificate is used to unlock the potential of things held in your other hand.
Your certificate will add the "Lesser All-Profession" upgrade to a traditional Tier 1 or Tier 2 white ora Iasha weapon.
You need only RAISE your certificate while holding a compatible piece of equipment in your other hand.
Your certificate may not be altered or changed in any way.
a metallic Iasha certificate Weight: <1 pound


Your certificate is used to unlock the potential of things held in your other hand.
Your certificate will unlock any white Iasha Tier 1 weapon (traditional or all-profession) to Tier 2. (This does not include a Lesser All-Profession upgrade.)
You need only RAISE your certificate while holding a compatible piece of equipment in your other hand.
Your certificate may not be altered or changed in any way.
Return to the top of this page.

Bloodriven Bowery

dark stone building, [Map Room #8], Lich#26888, go stone building

Bloodriven Bowery, Front

[Bloodriven Bowery, Front - 23754]
Muddy light filters in from the grime-caked windows and lanterns in the front of the tiny shop, and the scent of wood shavings and oil lingers heavily in the air. Several crates and barrels are stacked up against one wall, while a pair of mannequins display wares on the other side of the room. A moth-eaten curtained partition leads further into the shop.
Obvious exits: north, out
The quivers on the mannequins have been modified slightly and should fit snugly around your thigh.  Some of the fletchings have also been modified and will provide flares to your arrows.
Brass-Colored ~ Steam
Ash-Covered ~ Heat
Dirt-Caked ~Impact
Void Blue ~ Vacuum
Oiled Penguin ~ Cold
Blue Griffin ~ Electricity

In the crates you see:

a vial of cucumber green paint Weight: <1 pound 1
a vial of sand-speckled paint Weight: <1 pound 1
a vial of violet-sheened paint Weight: <1 pound 1
a vial of reddish bronze paint Weight: <1 pound 1
a vial of coppery gold paint Weight: <1 pound 1
a vial of iridescent paint Weight: <1 pound 1
a vial of smoke white paint Weight: <1 pound 1
a vial of blackened gold paint Weight: <1 pound 1
a vial of dark rose red paint Weight: <1 pound 1
a vial of metallic pewter paint Weight: <1 pound 1

On the patched canvas mannequin you see:

a pair of grey nubuck riding boots hooked across each ankle Weight: <1 pound foot-worn 5
an embossed jet and ivory leather corset Weight: <1 pound front-worn 5
a lacquered ash thigh-quiver traced in brass fauna Weight: 2 pounds
Pocketed: Medium (20-39)
a couple of items
This item may be altered by a talented merchant, so long as the noun remains the same.
You can try to PULL and CLENCH the thigh-quiver while ammo is in it. You get the sense that only items like arrows and bolts can fit into it.
You can tell that the thigh-quiver is as light as it can get and that its pockets could not possibly get any deeper.
some ashen plaid trousers fastened with wooden buttons Weight: <1 pound leg-worn 5
a single-sleeved turquoise silk blouse Weight: <1 pound chest-worn 5

On the dusty pine mannequin you see:

a leather-draped dark wool coat Weight: 6 pounds
Pocketed: Very large (80-99)
any number of items
some knee-high bistre nubuck boots Weight: <1 pound foot-worn 5
a black leather shirt with a high splayed collar Weight: <1 pound chest-worn 5
a ring-bound mahogany thigh-quiver Weight: 2 pounds
Pocketed: Medium (20-39)
a couple of items
This item may be altered by a talented merchant, so long as the noun remains the same.
You can try to PULL and CLENCH the thigh-quiver while ammo is in it. You get the sense that only items like arrows and bolts can fit into it.
You can tell that the thigh-quiver is as light as it can get and that its pockets could not possibly get any deeper.
a pair of patched suede pants dyed various shades of grey Weight: <1 pound leg-worn 5

In the barrels you see:

a bundle of gold-dyed fletchings Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
You get the distinct impression that any willing merchant can alter the fletchings, but be aware that only the "adjective" part of the fletchings's base will show up on a finished arrow (meaning, only the adjective part of the 15/15/15 (the middle 15) will show up on fletched arrows). Due to this, some merchants may only be willing to alter that part of your fletchings.
Alterations to the adjective must make sense to be on a fletching. This includes: colors; paint and dyes (eg. blue-painted, red-dyed, green-stained); designs that make sense on a small fletching (pink-striped, trident-stamped); or feathers of a specific bird (green parrot, mottled falcon). Nothing crazy, like attachable adornments (no deathstone-studded fletchings!), are allowed.

There are 99 fletchings in the bundle, made from the feather of some local avian creature and designed to stabilize projectile during flight.
a bundle of brass-colored fletchings Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
You get the distinct impression that any willing merchant can alter the fletchings, but be aware that only the "adjective" part of the fletchings's base will show up on a finished arrow (meaning, only the adjective part of the 15/15/15 (the middle 15) will show up on fletched arrows). Due to this, some merchants may only be willing to alter that part of your fletchings.
Alterations to the adjective must make sense to be on a fletching. This includes: colors; paint and dyes (eg. blue-painted, red-dyed, green-stained); designs that make sense on a small fletching (pink-striped, trident-stamped); or feathers of a specific bird (green parrot, mottled falcon). Nothing crazy, like attachable adornments (no deathstone-studded fletchings!), are allowed.

There are 99 fletchings in the bundle, made from the feather of some local avian creature and designed to stabilize projectile during flight.
a bundle of ash-covered fletchings Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
You get the distinct impression that any willing merchant can alter the fletchings, but be aware that only the "adjective" part of the fletchings's base will show up on a finished arrow (meaning, only the adjective part of the 15/15/15 (the middle 15) will show up on fletched arrows). Due to this, some merchants may only be willing to alter that part of your fletchings.
Alterations to the adjective must make sense to be on a fletching. This includes: colors; paint and dyes (eg. blue-painted, red-dyed, green-stained); designs that make sense on a small fletching (pink-striped, trident-stamped); or feathers of a specific bird (green parrot, mottled falcon). Nothing crazy, like attachable adornments (no deathstone-studded fletchings!), are allowed.

There are 99 fletchings in the bundle, made from the feather of some local avian creature and designed to stabilize projectile during flight.
a bundle of greasy duck fletchings Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
You get the distinct impression that any willing merchant can alter the fletchings, but be aware that only the "adjective" part of the fletchings's base will show up on a finished arrow (meaning, only the adjective part of the 15/15/15 (the middle 15) will show up on fletched arrows). Due to this, some merchants may only be willing to alter that part of your fletchings.
Alterations to the adjective must make sense to be on a fletching. This includes: colors; paint and dyes (eg. blue-painted, red-dyed, green-stained); designs that make sense on a small fletching (pink-striped, trident-stamped); or feathers of a specific bird (green parrot, mottled falcon). Nothing crazy, like attachable adornments (no deathstone-studded fletchings!), are allowed.

There are 99 fletchings in the bundle, made from the feather of some local avian creature and designed to stabilize projectile during flight.
a bundle of dirt-caked fletchings Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
You get the distinct impression that any willing merchant can alter the fletchings, but be aware that only the "adjective" part of the fletchings's base will show up on a finished arrow (meaning, only the adjective part of the 15/15/15 (the middle 15) will show up on fletched arrows). Due to this, some merchants may only be willing to alter that part of your fletchings.
Alterations to the adjective must make sense to be on a fletching. This includes: colors; paint and dyes (eg. blue-painted, red-dyed, green-stained); designs that make sense on a small fletching (pink-striped, trident-stamped); or feathers of a specific bird (green parrot, mottled falcon). Nothing crazy, like attachable adornments (no deathstone-studded fletchings!), are allowed.

There are 99 fletchings in the bundle, made from the feather of some local avian creature and designed to stabilize projectile during flight.
a bundle of void blue fletchings Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
You get the distinct impression that any willing merchant can alter the fletchings, but be aware that only the "adjective" part of the fletchings's base will show up on a finished arrow (meaning, only the adjective part of the 15/15/15 (the middle 15) will show up on fletched arrows). Due to this, some merchants may only be willing to alter that part of your fletchings.
Alterations to the adjective must make sense to be on a fletching. This includes: colors; paint and dyes (eg. blue-painted, red-dyed, green-stained); designs that make sense on a small fletching (pink-striped, trident-stamped); or feathers of a specific bird (green parrot, mottled falcon). Nothing crazy, like attachable adornments (no deathstone-studded fletchings!), are allowed.

There are 99 fletchings in the bundle, made from the feather of some local avian creature and designed to stabilize projectile during flight.
a bundle of stained vulture fletchings Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
You get the distinct impression that any willing merchant can alter the fletchings, but be aware that only the "adjective" part of the fletchings's base will show up on a finished arrow (meaning, only the adjective part of the 15/15/15 (the middle 15) will show up on fletched arrows). Due to this, some merchants may only be willing to alter that part of your fletchings.
Alterations to the adjective must make sense to be on a fletching. This includes: colors; paint and dyes (eg. blue-painted, red-dyed, green-stained); designs that make sense on a small fletching (pink-striped, trident-stamped); or feathers of a specific bird (green parrot, mottled falcon). Nothing crazy, like attachable adornments (no deathstone-studded fletchings!), are allowed.

There are 99 fletchings in the bundle, made from the feather of some local avian creature and designed to stabilize projectile during flight.
a bundle of oiled penguin fletchings Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
You get the distinct impression that any willing merchant can alter the fletchings, but be aware that only the "adjective" part of the fletchings's base will show up on a finished arrow (meaning, only the adjective part of the 15/15/15 (the middle 15) will show up on fletched arrows). Due to this, some merchants may only be willing to alter that part of your fletchings.
Alterations to the adjective must make sense to be on a fletching. This includes: colors; paint and dyes (eg. blue-painted, red-dyed, green-stained); designs that make sense on a small fletching (pink-striped, trident-stamped); or feathers of a specific bird (green parrot, mottled falcon). Nothing crazy, like attachable adornments (no deathstone-studded fletchings!), are allowed.

There are 99 fletchings in the bundle, made from the feather of some local avian creature and designed to stabilize projectile during flight.
a bundle of flame-singed fletchings Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
You get the distinct impression that any willing merchant can alter the fletchings, but be aware that only the "adjective" part of the fletchings's base will show up on a finished arrow (meaning, only the adjective part of the 15/15/15 (the middle 15) will show up on fletched arrows). Due to this, some merchants may only be willing to alter that part of your fletchings.
Alterations to the adjective must make sense to be on a fletching. This includes: colors; paint and dyes (eg. blue-painted, red-dyed, green-stained); designs that make sense on a small fletching (pink-striped, trident-stamped); or feathers of a specific bird (green parrot, mottled falcon). Nothing crazy, like attachable adornments (no deathstone-studded fletchings!), are allowed.

There are 99 fletchings in the bundle, made from the feather of some local avian creature and designed to stabilize projectile during flight.

, [Map Room #], Lich# 23754, north

Bloodriven Bowery, Back

[Bloodriven Bowery, Back - 23755]
The back room is cluttered with various shipping crates partially concealed with stained canvas tarps. A small area has been cleared out to display a set of rickety shelves and a warped pine rack.
Obvious exits: south
The pale ruic bow and dark ruic longbow on the rack are both five times enchanted.
The red-stained ipantor composite bow is 5x (+22) and is made from standard ipantor.
The silver-scaled ipantor longbow s 6x (+27) and is made from standard ipantor.

On the warped pine rack you see:

a red-stained ipantor bow reinforced by square steel rivets Weight: 2 pounds
Enchant: +22
Sighting: somewhat
This is a bow. It does not have 'short','long', or 'composite' in the name, and INSPECT cannot tell you bow type if the noun is "correct" (bow). If there is no sign, perhaps /ask on Discord.
You can tell that the bow is as light as it can get.
a silver-scaled ipantor longbow polished to a mirror finish Weight: 2 pounds
Enchant: +27
Sighting: somewhat
long bow
You can tell that the longbow is as light as it can get.
a black-lacquered dark ruic longbow grasped by wrought iron claws Weight: 3 pounds
Enchant: +25
long bow 2000
a fine-grained pale ruic bow inlaid with overlapping onyx branches Weight: 3 pounds
Enchant: +25
This is a bow. It does not have 'short','long', or 'composite' in the name, and INSPECT cannot tell you bow type if the noun is "correct" (bow). If there is no sign, perhaps /ask on Discord. 2000

On the gnarled oak shelf you see:

a small sign

In the Common language, it reads:
The merchandise on this shelf is undergoing some renovations. Thank you for your patience.

On the knotty pine shelf you see:

a bundle of drakar arrowheads Weight: <1 pound
show description
You can see that it's a bundle of arrowheads, but could probably get a better look if you were actually holding it.
a bundle of gornar arrowheads Weight: <1 pound
show description
You can see that it's a bundle of arrowheads, but could probably get a better look if you were actually holding it.
a bundle of rhimar arrowheads Weight: <1 pound
show description
You can see that it's a bundle of arrowheads, but could probably get a better look if you were actually holding it.
a bundle of zorchar arrowheads Weight: <1 pound
show description
You can see that it's a bundle of arrowheads, but could probably get a better look if you were actually holding it.
Return to the top of this page.

Bolt from the Blue

What does the shop look like from the outside?, What is the Map Room # and Lich ID?

[Bolt From The Blue]

Inventory verified: 2/13/2020

[Bolt From The Blue]
The narrow walls are painted in shades of midnight blue and stormy grey, the paler hues sweeping in spiraling arcs around a rectangular seascape painting at the back. On opposite sides of the room, a dark-grained mistwood case and a carved white pine chest symmetrically mirror the position of a broad willow-planked hutch, each container illuminated by a solitary hanging silver lantern.
Obvious exits: south, out

In the carved white pine chest you see:

an incandescent rune token for sale You draw a sinuous incandescent rune at a giant rat! 901 2500
an ivory spark token for sale You flick a shower of radiant ivory sparks at a giant rat! 901 2500
a white spherical token for sale You sharply wave a hand, conjuring a surge of pure white electrified spheres at a giant rat! 901 2500
a red spherical token for sale You sharply wave a hand, conjuring a surge of blood red electrified spheres at a giant rat! 901 2500
a black spherical token for sale You sharply wave a hand, conjuring a surge of silvery black electrified spheres at a giant rat! 901 2500
a violet spherical token for sale You sharply wave a hand, conjuring a surge of stormy violet electrified spheres at a giant rat! 901 2500
a green spherical token for sale You sharply wave a hand, conjuring a surge of forest green electrified spheres at a giant rat! 901 2500
an orange spherical token for sale You sharply wave a hand, conjuring a surge of deep orange electrified spheres at a giant rat! 901 2500
a yellow spherical token for sale You sharply wave a hand, conjuring a surge of vivid yellow electrified spheres at a giant rat! 901 2500
a jade green lightning rune for sale You release a broken chain of jade green lightning at a giant rat! 910 2500
a copper lightning rune for sale You conjure an outburst of radiant copper lightning strikes at a giant rat! 910 2500
a dark amber lightning rune for sale You conjure a crackling cloud of dark amber lightning at a giant rat! 910 2500
an emerald lightning rune for sale You conjure a sizzling bolt of intense emerald lightning at a giant rat! 910 2500
a crimson lightning rune for sale You conjure a shifting lattice of fiery crimson lightning at a giant rat! 910 2500
an amethyst lightning rune for sale You conjure a crackling burst of amethyst-hued lightning at a giant rat! 910 2500
a midnight blue lightning rune for sale You conjure a vicious spray of midnight blue lightning forks at a giant rat! 910 2500
a niveous lightning rune for sale You conjure a sharply darting branch of niveous lightning at a giant rat! 910 2500
an ebon lightning rune for sale You conjure a rotating sphere of silver-forked ebon lightning at a giant rat! 910 2500
a sparking arc rune for sale You release a broadly strewn arc of sparking electricity at a giant rat! 910 2500
a hissing sigil rune for sale You project a hissing sigil composed of undulating energy at a giant rat! 910 2500

In the dark-grained mistwood case you see:

a dark gale token for sale You exhale a precisely controlled gale at a giant rat! 505 2500
an intense copper fireball token for sale You swiftly summon an undulating intense copper fireball at a giant rat! 713 2500
a puffed fiery token for sale You belch forth a roaring puff of virulent balefire at a giant rat! 713 2500
a scintillating water token for sale You conjure a surge of scintillating water at a giant rat! 306 2500
a silver-white water token for sale You launch a zealous torrent of pure silver-white water at a giant rat! 306 2500
a silky webbing token for sale You emit fine, silky threads that twist into a coating of sticky webbing at a giant rat! 118 2500
a sparking fire orb token for sale You pitch a vividly sparking orb of pure crimson fire at a giant rat! 111 2500
a spherical niveous fire token for sale You smoothly conjure a hazy sphere of glowing niveous fire at a giant rat! 111 2500
an opalescent viridian light token for sale You boldly summon a sidewinding opalescent viridian light at a giant rat! 705 2500
a spiraling whirlwind token for sale You summon a spiraling whirlwind of riotous air at a giant rat! 518(Air) 2500
a frosty air token for sale You project a wildly churning cyclone of frosty air at a giant rat! 505 2500
a torrid air token for sale You propel forth a violently whipping wall of scorching torrid air at a giant rat! 505 2500
a hole-riddled crag token for sale You fling a bulky hole-riddled crag at a giant rat! 510 2500
a fractured yellow ray token for sale You project a fractured ray of sickly yellow radiance at a giant rat! 705 2500

In the broad willow-planked hutch you see:

a churning fog bauble for sale You propel a churning wall of dense stone grey fog at a giant rat! 1707 2500
a steam bauble for sale You summon a blistering wave of steam at a giant rat! 1707 2500
an opaque steam bauble for sale You exhale a profuse outpouring of opaque steam at a giant rat! 1707 2500

Bolt From The Blue, Niche

[Bolt From The Blue, Niche - 26882]
A faint note of ozone hangs lightly in the air, aptly playing off the sky blue tones used in the niche's interior. Finely honed woodworking skills are presented in the forms of a glossy mahogany counter and a lacquered oak table placed at the center of the space. Stacked neatly at the back, some golden spinewood crates sit next to an oversized iron-bound trunk that is incised with an array of silvery glyphs and symbols.
Obvious exits: north, west

On the lacquered oak table you see:

an iridescent statue Weight: <1 pound
This statue, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Empathic Assault (1110) spell as such:
You summon a threadlike interlacing of iridescent plasma at a giant rat!
Syc summons a threadlike interlacing of iridescent plasma at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
a sheer white globe statue Weight: <1 pound
This statue, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Empathic Assault (1110) spell as such:
You conjure a shifting globe of sheer white plasma at a giant rat!
Syc conjures a shifting globe of sheer white plasma at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
a fiery red globe statue Weight: <1 pound
This statue, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Empathic Assault (1110) spell as such:
You conjure a shifting globe of fiery red plasma at a giant rat!
Syc conjures a shifting globe of fiery red plasma at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
a royal purple globe statue Weight: <1 pound
This statue, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Empathic Assault (1110) spell as such:
You conjure a shifting globe of royal purple plasma at a giant rat!
Syc conjures a shifting globe of royal purple plasma at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
a jet black globe statue Weight: <1 pound
This statue, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Empathic Assault (1110) spell as such:
You conjure a shifting globe of jet black plasma at a giant rat!
Syc conjures a shifting globe of jet black plasma at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
an aloeas green globe statue Weight: <1 pound
This statue, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Empathic Assault (1110) spell as such:
You conjure a shifting globe of aloeas green plasma at a giant rat!
Syc conjures a shifting globe of aloeas green plasma at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
a coral orange globe statue Weight: <1 pound
This statue, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Empathic Assault (1110) spell as such:
You conjure a shifting globe of coral orange plasma at a giant rat!
Syc conjures a shifting globe of coral orange plasma at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
an ocean blue globe statue Weight: <1 pound
This statue, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Empathic Assault (1110) spell as such:
You conjure a shifting globe of ocean blue plasma at a giant rat!
Syc conjures a shifting globe of ocean blue plasma at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
a pallid gold globe statue Weight: <1 pound
This statue, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Empathic Assault (1110) spell as such:
You conjure a shifting globe of pallid gold plasma at a giant rat!
Syc conjures a shifting globe of pallid gold plasma at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
an opaline white statue Weight: <1 pound
This statue, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Empathic Assault (1110) spell as such:
You conjure a wavy-edged aura of opaline white energy at a giant rat!
Syc conjures a wavy-edged aura of opaline white energy at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

On the glossy mahogany counter you see:

a serrated blue icicle trinket Weight: <1 pound
This trinket, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Major Cold (907) spell as such:
You thrust a serrated ring of pale blue icicles at a giant rat!
Syc thrusts a serrated ring of pale blue icicles at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
an icy hoarfrost trinket Weight: <1 pound
This trinket, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Major Cold (907) spell as such:
You summon a rapid downpouring of icy hoarfrost at a giant rat!
Syc summons a rapid downpouring of icy hoarfrost at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
a fragmented hailstone trinket Weight: <1 pound
This trinket, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Major Cold (907) spell as such:
You let fly a slushy mix of icy fragments and hailstone at a giant rat!
Syc lets fly a slushy mix of icy fragments and hailstone at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
a snow-coated stone ornament Weight: <1 pound
This ornament, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Cold (1709) spell as such:
You summon a massive snow-coated stone at a giant rat!
Syc summons a massive snow-coated stone at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
a ridged ice crag ornament Weight: <1 pound
This ornament, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Cold (1709) spell as such:
You conjure an immense frost-ridged ice crag at a giant rat!
Syc conjures an immense frost-ridged ice crag at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

In the oversized iron-bound trunk you see:

a flame glyph button Weight: <1 pound
This button, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Major Fire (908) spell as such:
You project a glyph wrought of ash-traced flame at a giant rat!
Syc projects a glyph wrought of ash-traced flame at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
a white-gold fireball button Weight: <1 pound
This button, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Major Fire (908) spell as such:
You loudly belch a spinning white-gold fireball at a giant rat!
Syc loudly belches a spinning white-gold fireball at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
a curved flame button Weight: <1 pound
This button, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Major Fire (908) spell as such:
You exhale a wicked curvation of white-hot flames at a giant rat!
Syc exhales a wicked curvation of white-hot flames at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
a rondure of ivory fire button Weight: <1 pound
This button, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Major Fire (908) spell as such:
You summon a luminous rondure of searing ivory fire at a giant rat!
Syc summons a luminous rondure of searing ivory fire at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
a rondure of silver fire button Weight: <1 pound
This button, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Major Fire (908) spell as such:
You summon a luminous rondure of brilliant silver fire at a giant rat!
Syc summons a luminous rondure of brilliant silver fire at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
a rondure of golden fire button Weight: <1 pound
This button, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Major Fire (908) spell as such:
You summon a luminous rondure of pale golden fire at a giant rat!
Syc summons a luminous rondure of pale golden fire at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
a rondure of dark lilac button Weight: <1 pound
This button, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Major Fire (908) spell as such:
You summon a luminous rondure of dark lilac fire at a giant rat!
Syc summons a luminous rondure of dark lilac fire at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
a rondure of indigo fire button Weight: <1 pound
This button, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Major Fire (908) spell as such:
You summon a luminous rondure of blazing indigo fire at a giant rat!
Syc summons a luminous rondure of blazing indigo fire at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
a rondure of verdigris fire button Weight: <1 pound
This button, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Major Fire (908) spell as such:
You summon a luminous rondure of gleaming verdigris fire at a giant rat!
Syc summons a luminous rondure of gleaming verdigris fire at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
a rondure of titian fire button Weight: <1 pound
This button, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Major Fire (908) spell as such:
You summon a luminous rondure of bright titian fire at a giant rat!
Syc summons a luminous rondure of bright titian fire at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
a rondure of honeyed fire button Weight: <1 pound
This button, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Major Fire (908) spell as such:
You summon a luminous rondure of honeyed yellow fire at a giant rat!
Syc summons a luminous rondure of honeyed yellow fire at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
a gold bonfire button Weight: <1 pound
This button, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Major Fire (908) spell as such:
You breathe a bonfire-sized collection of gold flames at a giant rat!
Syc breathes a bonfire-sized collection of gold flames at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
an arched flame button Weight: <1 pound
This button, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Major Fire (908) spell as such:
You emit a sulphur-scented arch of sanguine flame at a giant rat!
Syc emits a sulphur-scented arch of sanguine flame at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
a molten sputum button Weight: <1 pound
This button, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Major Fire (908) spell as such:
You hawk up and spit a smoldering gob of molten-laden sputum at a giant rat!
Syc hawks up and spits a smoldering gob of molten-laden sputum at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
a shield of fire token Weight: <1 pound
This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Major Fire (908) spell as such:
You smoothly conjure an undulating shield of scorching fire at a giant rat!
Syc smoothly conjures an undulating shield of scorching fire at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
a panel of fire button Weight: <1 pound
This button, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Major Fire (908) spell as such:
You swiftly conjure a vacillating panel of searing blue fire at a giant rat!
Syc swiftly conjures a vacillating panel of searing blue fire at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

In the some golden spinewood crates you see:

a caustic mist stone Weight: <1 pound
This stone, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Major Acid (1710) spell as such:
You project a seething onslaught of caustic mist at a giant rat!
Syc projects a seething onslaught of caustic mist at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
a dark miasma stone Weight: <1 pound
This stone, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Major Acid (1710) spell as such:
You exhale a powerfully acidulous dark miasma at a giant rat!
Syc exhales a powerfully acidulous dark miasma at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
a green miasma stone Weight: <1 pound
This stone, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Major Acid (1710) spell as such:
You throw a green orb of hissing miasma at a giant rat!
Syc throws a green orb of hissing miasma at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
a caustic orb stone Weight: <1 pound
This stone, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Major Acid (1710) spell as such:
You exhale a caustic green orb at a giant rat!
Syc exhales a caustic green orb at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
an acrid mist token Weight: <1 pound
This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Acid (904) spell as such:
You spray forth a hazy, acrid mist at a giant rat!
Syc sprays forth a hazy, acrid mist at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
an intense green liquid token Weight: <1 pound
This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Acid (904) spell as such:
You summon a current of noxious intense green liquid at a giant rat!
Syc summons a current of noxious intense green liquid at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
a yellow-green fluid token Weight: <1 pound
This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Acid (904) spell as such:
You belch a shower of acerbic yellow-green fluid at a giant rat!
Syc belches a shower of acerbic yellow-green fluid at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
a pea green acid token Weight: <1 pound
This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Acid (904) spell as such:
You direct a strong wave of pea green acid at a giant rat!
Syc directs a strong wave of pea green acid at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
a muddled acid token Weight: <1 pound
This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Acid (904) spell as such:
You spit a muddled spray of bitter acid at a giant rat!
Syc spits a muddled spray of bitter acid at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
a chaotic liquid token Weight: <1 pound
This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Acid (904) spell as such:
You direct a chaotic stream of erosive liquid at a giant rat!
Syc directs a chaotic stream of erosive liquid at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
a blue-green gob token Weight: <1 pound
This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Acid (904) spell as such:
You hawk loudly and spit a strikingly blue-green gob of phlegm at a giant rat!
Syc hawks loudly and spits a strikingly blue-green gob of phlegm at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

Bolt From The Blue, Nook

[Bolt From The Blue, Nook - 26883]
Ivory-swept dark grey silk walls wrap around the semi-circular nook area, providing a pleasingly stark backdrop for a pewter-set ivory stand and a beveled ironwood sideboard. Tiny clusters of silvery lights are suspended in a gentle wave configuration from the ceiling, illuminating an ornate willow receptacle resting in the middle of the room.
Obvious exits: east

On the pewter-set ivory stand you see:

a prismatic coin Weight: <1 pound
This coin, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Arcane Blast (1700) spell as such:
You fling a fragment of prismatic-threaded energy at a giant rat!
Syc flings a fragment of prismatic-threaded energy at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

On the beveled ironwood sideboard you see:

a cascading white fire charm Weight: <1 pound
This charm, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Fire (906) spell as such:
You emanate a mercurial cascade of harshly snapping white fire at a giant rat!
Syc emanates a mercurial cascade of harshly snapping white fire at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
a cascading red fire charm Weight: <1 pound
This charm, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Fire (906) spell as such:
You emanate a mercurial cascade of harshly snapping red fire at a giant rat!
Syc emanates a mercurial cascade of harshly snapping red fire at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
a cascading black fire charm Weight: <1 pound
This charm, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Fire (906) spell as such:
You emanate a mercurial cascade of harshly snapping black fire at a giant rat!
Syc emanates a mercurial cascade of harshly snapping black fire at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
a cascading blue fire charm Weight: <1 pound
This charm, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Fire (906) spell as such:
You emanate a mercurial cascade of harshly snapping blue fire at a giant rat!
Syc emanates a mercurial cascade of harshly snapping blue fire at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
a cascading purple fire charm Weight: <1 pound
This charm, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Fire (906) spell as such:
You emanate a mercurial cascade of harshly snapping purple fire at a giant rat!
Syc emanates a mercurial cascade of harshly snapping purple fire at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
a cascading green fire charm Weight: <1 pound
This charm, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Fire (906) spell as such:
You emanate a mercurial cascade of harshly snapping green fire at a giant rat!
Syc emanates a mercurial cascade of harshly snapping green fire at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
a cascading yellow fire charm Weight: <1 pound
This charm, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Fire (906) spell as such:
You emanate a mercurial cascade of harshly snapping yellow fire at a giant rat!
Syc emanates a mercurial cascade of harshly snapping yellow fire at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
a cascading orange fire charm Weight: <1 pound
This charm, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Fire (906) spell as such:
You emanate a mercurial cascade of harshly snapping orange fire at a giant rat!
Syc emanates a mercurial cascade of harshly snapping orange fire at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
a lava rune charm Weight: <1 pound
This charm, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Fire (906) spell as such:
You fling a coursing flood of lava-dripping runes at a giant rat!
Syc flings a coursing flood of lava-dripping runes at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
a wyvern flame charm Weight: <1 pound
This charm, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Fire (906) spell as such:
You summon a flame-cloaked semblance of a smoldering wyvern at a giant rat!
Syc summons a flame-cloaked semblance of a smoldering wyvern at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
a basilisk flame charm Weight: <1 pound
This charm, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Fire (906) spell as such:
You summon a flame-scaled semblance of a searing hot basilisk at a giant rat!
Syc summons a flame-scaled semblance of a searing hot basilisk at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
a skayl flame charm Weight: <1 pound
This charm, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Fire (906) spell as such:
You summon a flaming-mawed semblance of a fiery skayl at a giant rat!
Syc summons a flaming-mawed semblance of a fiery skayl at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
an effulgent flames charm Weight: <1 pound
This charm, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Fire (906) spell as such:
You spew a bevy of effulgent tridented flames at a giant rat!
Syc spews a bevy of effulgent tridented flames at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
a red-hot flame charm Weight: <1 pound
This charm, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Fire (906) spell as such:
You blow a broiling red-hot sequence of flaming symbols at a giant rat!
Syc blows a broiling red-hot sequence of flaming symbols at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

In the ornate willow receptacle you see:

a vaporous glyph token Weight: <1 pound
This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Water (903) spell as such:
You artfully draw a fluent strand of vaporous glyphs at a giant rat!
Syc artfully draws a fluent strand of vaporous glyphs at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
a frothy wave token Weight: <1 pound
This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Water (903) spell as such:
You summon a rushing wave of frothy water at a giant rat!
Syc summons a rushing wave of frothy water at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
a gushing geyser token Weight: <1 pound
This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Water (903) spell as such:
You expertly direct a gushing geyser of clear water at a giant rat!
Syc expertly directs a gushing geyser of clear water at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
Return to the top of this page.

Bundle Up

Opened: December 2018; Inventory Updates: August 2019; Verified: 8/15/2019, 2/13/2020

a boxy copper building framed in brass, [Lich #27646], room not listed on map (from room 20 go east once), go building

Bundle Up

[Bundle Up]
Cozy rather than small, this space is spotlessly clean and tidy. Alternating strips of wood and copper set in a framework of brass make up the walls, each one regimentally precise in their placement. A brass-framed wooden door, its surface sanded smooth, leads into a back room.
Obvious exits: out
~~Compartmentalized Quivers~~
*ALL* the quivers in this room are very basic and only make some of your actions look nice.
Unlocked quivers are able to automatically bundle ammo and also have extra storage properties.
Certificates to unlock the potential of these plain quivers can be found through the door.

~~IMPORTANT NOTE~~ HOOKS hold quivers worn over the shoulder. PEGS hold quivers worn at your belt. The same designs are available in both locations for your convenience.

On the curved vaalorn hooks you see:

an iron quiver constructed from interlocking metal segments Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Medium (20-39)
any number of items
Compartmentalized Quiver


~Compartmentalized Quiver~
Compartmentalized quivers keep your ammo collection neat, tidy and all in one place!
~General Script Info~
* Only T1 and above have the auto-bundle feature unlocked.
* Only T1 and above can have extra compartments.
* Extra compartments carry ammo weightlessly.
* Each extra compartment adds 1 pound to the quiver's weight.
* Only the contents of the currently selected compartment add to encumbrance.
* Each compartment can only hold one bundle.
* Quivers only come in shoulder or belt worn varieties.
~Alteration Guidelines~
* Alterations to the quiver's 15/15/15 and long description are fine.
* Quivers CANNOT accept a SHOW.
* Quivers must be made of metal, as they are mechanical in nature.
* The noun must remain 'quiver'.
~Unlock Status~
This quiver is currently Tier 0 of 2. Off the Shelf.
At this tier, your quiver has access to the following verbs:
At this tier, your quiver has access to the following functionality:
* Nothing special. It's pretty plain right now!
~Custom Description~
Your quiver's article is currently set to a/an .
Your quiver's custom long description is: constructed from interlocking metal segments.
This quiver cannot be lightened or deepened.
a dull golvern quiver dyed a matte black hue
an ornate faenor quiver engraved with a mosaic of leaves
a sleek vaalorn quiver
a flame-etched eahnor quiver
a compact invar quiver reinforced with steel bands
a burnished bronze quiver with a framework of complex gears
a polished silver quiver
a slim platinum quiver adorned with faint feather etchings
a buffed copper quiver covered in a faded green patina

On the line of gear-shaped pegs you see:

an iron quiver constructed from interlocking metal segments Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Medium (20-39)
any number of items
Compartmentalized Quiver


~Compartmentalized Quiver~
Compartmentalized quivers keep your ammo collection neat, tidy and all in one place!
~General Script Info~
* Only T1 and above have the auto-bundle feature unlocked.
* Only T1 and above can have extra compartments.
* Extra compartments carry ammo weightlessly.
* Each extra compartment adds 1 pound to the quiver's weight.
* Only the contents of the currently selected compartment add to encumbrance.
* Each compartment can only hold one bundle.
* Quivers only come in shoulder or belt worn varieties.
~Alteration Guidelines~
* Alterations to the quiver's 15/15/15 and long description are fine.
* Quivers CANNOT accept a SHOW.
* Quivers must be made of metal, as they are mechanical in nature.
* The noun must remain 'quiver'.
~Unlock Status~
This quiver is currently Tier 0 of 2. Off the Shelf.
At this tier, your quiver has access to the following verbs:
At this tier, your quiver has access to the following functionality:
* Nothing special. It's pretty plain right now!
~Custom Description~
Your quiver's article is currently set to a/an .
Your quiver's custom long description is: constructed from interlocking metal segments.
This quiver cannot be lightened or deepened.
a dull golvern quiver dyed a matte black hue
an ornate faenor quiver engraved with a mosaic of leaves
a sleek vaalorn quiver
a flame-etched eahnor quiver
a compact invar quiver reinforced with steel bands
a burnished bronze quiver with a framework of complex gears
a polished silver quiver
a slim platinum quiver adorned with faint feather etchings
a buffed copper quiver covered in a faded green patina

Bundle Up, Backroom

[Bundle Up, Backroom]
A slightly metallic scent mixes with the stagnant air of this boxy back room. The walls, each one made of interlocking copper and wood, are bare and nondescript. The only real decoration in the space is a glass-topped display case with a framework of mithril, which is set against a back wall.
Obvious exits: out
~~Compartmentalized Quivers~~
Keep all your ammo in one place.
Unlocked quivers have access to extra compartments that can carry an extra bundle of ammo weightlessly.
*Tier 1*
- Auto-bundles ammo placed inside it.
- Toggleable ammo display feature.
- Minimum 2 compartments, maximum 4.
*Tier 2*
- Auto-fire feature. (Equip and fire in one.)
- Gather ammo from ground and place in the quiver.
- Toggleable flare display feature.
- Minimum 2 compartments, maximum 6.
*+1 Compartment*
- Each extra compartment carries 1 bundle of ammo weightlessly.
- Only unlocked quivers can have extra compartments.
- Adding an extra compartment adds 1 pound to the quiver's weight.
*Auto-Advancement Feature*
- Only T1 or T2 quivers can unlock this feature.
- When active, the quiver will automatically advance to the next full compartment when the current compartment is emptied.

In the glass-topped display case you see:

a compartment certificate Extra Compartment Unlock


Your certificate is used to unlock the potential of things held in your other hand.
This certificate will add one extra compartment to a T1 or T2 Compartmentalized Quiver.
NOTE: This will add 1 pound to the quiver's weight.
You need only RAISE your certificate while holding a compatible piece of equipment in your other hand.
Your certificate may not be altered or changed in any way.
a pale pink quiver certificate T0/OTS-> T1 Unlock


Your certificate is used to unlock the potential of things held in your other hand.
This certificate will unlock a Compartmentalized Quiver from T0/OTS to T1.
You need only RAISE your certificate while holding a compatible piece of equipment in your other hand.
Your certificate may not be altered or changed in any way.
an orange advancement certificate Auto-Advance Unlock


Your certificate is used to unlock the potential of things held in your other hand.
This certificate will unlock the Auto-Advance feature on a T1 or T2 Compartmentalized Quiver.
You need only RAISE your certificate while holding a compatible piece of equipment in your other hand.
Your certificate may not be altered or changed in any way.
Return to the top of this page.

Cacographic Critters

Opened: February 2018; Inventory Updates: August 2019; Verified: 8/15/2019, 2/13/2020

a ramshackle shed, Lich #26888, Room 8, go ramshackle shed

[Cacographic Critters]
Rough-hewn planks form the walls of this cramped shed, and chilled drafts attest to the lack of skill in their assemblage into their current configuration. In sharp contrast to the shack and the questionable nature of its continued existence, a polished brass lantern rests atop a glass-fronted case that stands in the middle of the floor. Its glow illuminates the case, a small velvet-topped table to one side, and some free-standing shelves holding stacks of writing materials, each stack topped by a rock to keep the sheets off the floor.
Obvious exits: out
- Welcome - 
             Tired of writing with a lifeless stick?
  Bring your writing tasks to life with a Cacographic Critter!
                  Check them out on the table!
 - The rachis is the center tube-part of a feather or quill.
 - The vane is the feathery part to either side of the rachis.
                        ~~ Gubskut ~~
~ Feed Your Quills! ~

        Food items for the quills are on the stand.
             Two-armed quills eat baked goods.
                 Four-legged quills eat meat.
    Six-limbed/-legged quills drink almost anything.
     Red-eyed quills don't eat, they swim in drinks.
        Skeletal quills suck the life outta crickets.
              Six-tentacled quills eat crickets.
                   Arboreal quills drink water.

On the small velvet-topped table you see:

a two-armed zoetic quill with an ebon rachis and golden vane Weight: <1 pound Zoetic Quill


This item's rachis and vane colors may be altered, but that's all.
WHISPER takes additional emotes: ANGRY, HAPPY, SAD, FIERCE, SLEEP, and WAKEN
an arboreal zoetic quill with a vine-like rachis and jade vane
a red-eyed zoetic quill with a prehensile rachis and dermal vane
a skeletal quill with an ivory rachis and fish spine vane
a six-tentacled zoetic quill with a jet rachis and lilac vane
a six-limbed zoetic quill with a rose rachis and amber vane
a six-legged zoetic quill with an oaken rachis and green vane
a four-legged zoetic quill with a navy rachis and ivory vane

In the glass-fronted case you see:

a saffron wax stick Weight: <1 pound Wax


Your stick can be altered, but must remain 15/15/15.
The color must be in the first part.
The format is "a <color>,stick of,wax".
The stick may not have a long description or show.
There are 10 uses remaining in your saffron wax stick. A talented merchant can refill your stick.
a forest green wax stick
a blood red wax stick
a gold-flecked blue wax stick
a star-flecked black wax stick
a carved lapis lazuli signet Weight: <1 pound The signet is made of lapis lazuli and has a design of an ostrich plume quill engraved into its face. Signet


Your signet can be altered.
The seal design on your signet can be altered freely.
Both long descriptions and shows are fine.
This signet is an off the shelf model (tier 0 of 2 tiers or OTS). You are able to use the following verbs on it: WEAR, REMOVE, LOOK and PUSH..
a green enameled signet The signet is made of green enameled silver and has a design of a four-leaf clover engraved into its face.
a blue enameled signet The signet is made of blue enameled silver and has a design of a crystal ball engraved into its face.
a red enameled signet The signet is made of red enameled silver and has a design of a ladybug engraved into its face.
a polished steel signet The signet is made of polished steel and has a design of visored helm engraved into its face.
a brass signet The signet is made of brass and has a design of a rampant yierka engraved into its face.

On the some free-standing shelves you see:

a piece of snow white parchment Weight: <1 pound Paper


Your parchment can be altered, but must remain 15/15/15.
Messaging references "a,piece of,<noun>".
The parchment may not have a long description or show.
a piece of crumpled parchment
a piece of sky blue vellum
a piece of gore-flecked vellum
a piece of singed paper
a piece of pale rose paper

On the round-topped hoarbeam stand you see:

a small ebony cricket box Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Small (5-7)
one item


You can tell that the box is as light as it can get and that its pockets could not possibly get any deeper.
a small broiled rolton steak Weight: <1 pound
a bottle of red wine
a blueberry muffin
a tin cup of fresh water
Return to the top of this page.

The Cover Up

Opened: Unknown; Inventory Updates: August 2019; Verified: 08/14/2019, 2/13/2020

a narrow building, [Map Room #3], Lich #26857, go building

Men's Room

[The Cover Up, Men's Room]
Dark and reflective, the surrounding walls are covered in smooth ebony planks that have been secured with silver-headed nails. A marble-topped iron stand with a small crystal bowl flanks one side of the entrance, and a pair of well-dressed mannequins have been situated in front of a tri-mirrored wall, giving the illusion of a much larger collection of display models. Sheer black lace hangs over a doorway leading to the back of the shop. You also see a tall male mannequin with some stuff on it and a short male mannequin with some stuff on it.
Obvious exits: out

In the crystal bowl you see:

some star-shaped mint chocolate

Whisper cloak

On the short male mannequin you see:

a long onyx fur cloak draped with narrow chains on the shoulders Weight: 6 pounds
any number of items


This item can be altered, but it needs to remain a worn, LONG, container with some kind of a clasp, which should remain a singular item, and should be able to be flipped (ie: no frog closures). In addition, the clasp portion of this cloak is fully alterable. This clasp does NOT need to be included in the base/long of the item. This cloak is Tier 2/2. Original merchant: Xanai, Duskruin.
There is an auto-close feature when the item is worn. You can toggle this with PROD.
Your cloak is fully unlocked. Available verbs: clean, flip, fold, pull, ponder, raise, remove, rub, snap, tickle, touch, turn, wear, whisper.
You can tell that the cloak is as light as it can get and that its pockets could not possibly get any deeper.
a wide-lapeled plum leather longcoat with grey silk lining Weight: 9 pounds
Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
any number of items


This item can be altered, but it needs to remain a worn, LONG, container with some kind of a clasp, which should remain a singular item, and should be able to be flipped (ie: no frog closures). In addition, the clasp portion of this longcoat is fully alterable. This clasp does NOT need to be included in the base/long of the item. This longcoat is Tier 0/2. Original merchant: Xanai, Duskruin.
There is an auto-close feature when the item is worn. You can toggle this with PROD.
Your longcoat is not yet unlocked. Some merchants may be willing to unlock this to the next tier. Available verbs: fold, prod, remove, tickle, touch, wear, whisper.
a flare-hemmed auburn suede overcoat with russet satin embroidery Weight: 9 pounds
Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
any number of items


This item can be altered, but it needs to remain a worn, LONG, container with some kind of a clasp, which should remain a singular item, and should be able to be flipped (ie: no frog closures). In addition, the clasp portion of this overcoat is fully alterable. This clasp does NOT need to be included in the base/long of the item. This overcoat is Tier 0/2. Original merchant: Xanai, Duskruin.
There is an auto-close feature when the item is worn. You can toggle this with PROD.
Your overcoat is not yet unlocked. Some merchants may be willing to unlock this to the next tier. Available verbs: fold, prod, remove, tickle, touch, wear, whisper.
a layered malachite-hued robe with copper detailing Weight: 9 pounds
Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
any number of items


This item can be altered, but it needs to remain a worn, LONG, container with some kind of a clasp, which should remain a singular item, and should be able to be flipped (ie: no frog closures). In addition, the clasp portion of this robe is fully alterable. This clasp does NOT need to be included in the base/long of the item. This robe is Tier 0/2. Original merchant: Xanai, Duskruin.
There is an auto-close feature when the item is worn. You can toggle this with PROD.
Your robe is not yet unlocked. Some merchants may be willing to unlock this to the next tier. Available verbs: fold, prod, remove, tickle, touch, wear, whisper.
a rustic bazan duster with a tall oak-beaded collar Weight: 9 pounds
Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
any number of items


This item can be altered, but it needs to remain a worn, LONG, container with some kind of a clasp, which should remain a singular item, and should be able to be flipped (ie: no frog closures). In addition, the clasp portion of this duster is fully alterable. This clasp does NOT need to be included in the base/long of the item. This duster is Tier 0/2. Original merchant: Xanai, Duskruin.
There is an auto-close feature when the item is worn. You can toggle this with PROD.
Your duster is not yet unlocked. Some merchants may be willing to unlock this to the next tier. Available verbs: fold, prod, remove, tickle, touch, wear, whisper.
an ebon-sheened indigo fustian shroud with pewter threading Weight: 9 pounds
Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
any number of items


This item can be altered, but it needs to remain a worn, LONG, container with some kind of a clasp, which should remain a singular item, and should be able to be flipped (ie: no frog closures). In addition, the clasp portion of this shroud is fully alterable. This clasp does NOT need to be included in the base/long of the item. This shroud is Tier 0/2. Original merchant: Xanai, Duskruin.
There is an auto-close feature when the item is worn. You can toggle this with PROD.
Your shroud is not yet unlocked. Some merchants may be willing to unlock this to the next tier. Available verbs: fold, prod, remove, tickle, touch, wear, whisper.
a heavily embroidered gold satin vestment edged in emerald Weight: 9 pounds
Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
any number of items


This item can be altered, but it needs to remain a worn, LONG, container with some kind of a clasp, which should remain a singular item, and should be able to be flipped (ie: no frog closures). In addition, the clasp portion of this vestment is fully alterable. This clasp does NOT need to be included in the base/long of the item. This vestment is Tier 0/2. Original merchant: Xanai, Duskruin.
There is an auto-close feature when the item is worn. You can toggle this with PROD.
Your vestment is not yet unlocked. Some merchants may be willing to unlock this to the next tier. Available verbs: fold, prod, remove, tickle, touch, wear, whisper.

On the tall male mannequin you see:

a flannel-lined sisken overcoat with bronze whipstitching Weight: 9 pounds
Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
any number of items


This item can be altered, but it needs to remain a worn, LONG, container with some kind of a clasp, which should remain a singular item, and should be able to be flipped (ie: no frog closures). In addition, the clasp portion of this overcoat is fully alterable. This clasp does NOT need to be included in the base/long of the item. This overcoat is Tier 0/2. Original merchant: Xanai, Duskruin.
There is an auto-close feature when the item is worn. You can toggle this with PROD.
Your overcoat is not yet unlocked. Some merchants may be willing to unlock this to the next tier. Available verbs: fold, prod, remove, tickle, touch, wear, whisper.
a jet black kidskin longcoat with braid-detailed lapels Weight: 9 pounds
Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
any number of items


This item can be altered, but it needs to remain a worn, LONG, container with some kind of a clasp, which should remain a singular item, and should be able to be flipped (ie: no frog closures). In addition, the clasp portion of this longcoat is fully alterable. This clasp does NOT need to be included in the base/long of the item. This longcoat is Tier 0/2. Original merchant: Xanai, Duskruin.
There is an auto-close feature when the item is worn. You can toggle this with PROD.
Your longcoat is not yet unlocked. Some merchants may be willing to unlock this to the next tier. Available verbs: fold, prod, remove, tickle, touch, wear, whisper.
a charcoal leather gaberdine edged with metallic silver webbing Weight: 9 pounds
Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
any number of items


This item can be altered, but it needs to remain a worn, LONG, container with some kind of a clasp, which should remain a singular item, and should be able to be flipped (ie: no frog closures). In addition, the clasp portion of this gaberdine is fully alterable. This clasp does NOT need to be included in the base/long of the item. This gaberdine is Tier 0/2. Original merchant: Xanai, Duskruin.
There is an auto-close feature when the item is worn. You can toggle this with PROD.
Your gaberdine is not yet unlocked. Some merchants may be willing to unlock this to the next tier. Available verbs: fold, prod, remove, tickle, touch, wear, whisper.
a slashed wine-hued suede robe with obsidian marbrinus underlay Weight: 9 pounds
Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
any number of items


This item can be altered, but it needs to remain a worn, LONG, container with some kind of a clasp, which should remain a singular item, and should be able to be flipped (ie: no frog closures). In addition, the clasp portion of this robe is fully alterable. This clasp does NOT need to be included in the base/long of the item. This robe is Tier 0/2. Original merchant: Xanai, Duskruin.
There is an auto-close feature when the item is worn. You can toggle this with PROD.
Your robe is not yet unlocked. Some merchants may be willing to unlock this to the next tier. Available verbs: fold, prod, remove, tickle, touch, wear, whisper.
a glaes-studded raven leather coat with flared sleeve cuffs Weight: 9 pounds
Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
any number of items


This item can be altered, but it needs to remain a worn, LONG, container with some kind of a clasp, which should remain a singular item, and should be able to be flipped (ie: no frog closures). In addition, the clasp portion of this coat is fully alterable. This clasp does NOT need to be included in the base/long of the item. This coat is Tier 0/2. Original merchant: Xanai, Duskruin.
There is an auto-close feature when the item is worn. You can toggle this with PROD.
Your coat is not yet unlocked. Some merchants may be willing to unlock this to the next tier. Available verbs: fold, prod, remove, tickle, touch, wear, whisper.
a split-hemmed buckskin greatcloak with a puma fur mantle Weight: 9 pounds
Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
any number of items


This item can be altered, but it needs to remain a worn, LONG, container with some kind of a clasp, which should remain a singular item, and should be able to be flipped (ie: no frog closures). In addition, the clasp portion of this greatcloak is fully alterable. This clasp does NOT need to be included in the base/long of the item. This greatcloak is Tier 0/2. Original merchant: Xanai, Duskruin.
There is an auto-close feature when the item is worn. You can toggle this with PROD.
Your greatcloak is not yet unlocked. Some merchants may be willing to unlock this to the next tier. Available verbs: fold, prod, remove, tickle, touch, wear, whisper.
a scarlet lyraigne longcloak with a deep flame-cut hemline Weight: 9 pounds
Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
any number of items


This item can be altered, but it needs to remain a worn, LONG, container with some kind of a clasp, which should remain a singular item, and should be able to be flipped (ie: no frog closures). In addition, the clasp portion of this longcloak is fully alterable. This clasp does NOT need to be included in the base/long of the item. This longcloak is Tier 0/2. Original merchant: Xanai, Duskruin.
There is an auto-close feature when the item is worn. You can toggle this with PROD.
Your longcloak is not yet unlocked. Some merchants may be willing to unlock this to the next tier. Available verbs: fold, prod, remove, tickle, touch, wear, whisper.

Women's Room

[The Cover Up, Women's Room]
The back of the shop has been decorated marginally more than the front room but still lacks any flashy or ornate enhancements. Delicate, candle-filled sconces provide the majority of lighting, while a recessed, double-paned window allows the moonlight to bathe the mannequins in warm, natural glow. A doorway leads back into the men's section of the shop. You also see a petite female mannequin with some stuff on it and a tall female mannequin with some stuff on it.
Obvious exits: none

Whisper cloak

On the petite female mannequin you see:

a bone white sindon shroud shot through with pewter threading Weight: 9 pounds
Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
any number of items


This item can be altered, but it needs to remain a worn, LONG, container with some kind of a clasp, which should remain a singular item, and should be able to be flipped (ie: no frog closures). In addition, the clasp portion of this shroud is fully alterable. This clasp does NOT need to be included in the base/long of the item. This shroud is Tier 0/2. Original merchant: Xanai, Duskruin.
There is an auto-close feature when the item is worn. You can toggle this with PROD.
Your shroud is not yet unlocked. Some merchants may be willing to unlock this to the next tier. Available verbs: fold, prod, remove, tickle, touch, wear, whisper.
a bell-sleeved ashen byssine robe with subtle fretwork details Weight: 9 pounds
Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
any number of items


This item can be altered, but it needs to remain a worn, LONG, container with some kind of a clasp, which should remain a singular item, and should be able to be flipped (ie: no frog closures). In addition, the clasp portion of this robe is fully alterable. This clasp does NOT need to be included in the base/long of the item. This robe is Tier 0/2. Original merchant: Xanai, Duskruin.
There is an auto-close feature when the item is worn. You can toggle this with PROD.
Your robe is not yet unlocked. Some merchants may be willing to unlock this to the next tier. Available verbs: fold, prod, remove, tickle, touch, wear, whisper.
a jet-on-silver brocade longcoat with a wedge back vent Weight: 9 pounds
Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
any number of items


This item can be altered, but it needs to remain a worn, LONG, container with some kind of a clasp, which should remain a singular item, and should be able to be flipped (ie: no frog closures). In addition, the clasp portion of this longcoat is fully alterable. This clasp does NOT need to be included in the base/long of the item. This longcoat is Tier 0/2. Original merchant: Xanai, Duskruin.
There is an auto-close feature when the item is worn. You can toggle this with PROD.
Your longcoat is not yet unlocked. Some merchants may be willing to unlock this to the next tier. Available verbs: fold, prod, remove, tickle, touch, wear, whisper.
a burgundy suede coat with feathery bronze embroidery Weight: 9 pounds
Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
any number of items


This item can be altered, but it needs to remain a worn, LONG, container with some kind of a clasp, which should remain a singular item, and should be able to be flipped (ie: no frog closures). In addition, the clasp portion of this coat is fully alterable. This clasp does NOT need to be included in the base/long of the item. This coat is Tier 0/2. Original merchant: Xanai, Duskruin.
There is an auto-close feature when the item is worn. You can toggle this with PROD.
Your coat is not yet unlocked. Some merchants may be willing to unlock this to the next tier. Available verbs: fold, prod, remove, tickle, touch, wear, whisper.
a satin-lined cobalt sarcenet duster with darts at the waist Weight: 9 pounds
Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
any number of items


This item can be altered, but it needs to remain a worn, LONG, container with some kind of a clasp, which should remain a singular item, and should be able to be flipped (ie: no frog closures). In addition, the clasp portion of this duster is fully alterable. This clasp does NOT need to be included in the base/long of the item. This duster is Tier 0/2. Original merchant: Xanai, Duskruin.
There is an auto-close feature when the item is worn. You can toggle this with PROD.
Your duster is not yet unlocked. Some merchants may be willing to unlock this to the next tier. Available verbs: fold, prod, remove, tickle, touch, wear, whisper.
a dusty amethyst ridgeweaver silk cloak with indigo pearl beading Weight: 6 pounds
any number of items


This item can be altered, but it needs to remain a worn, LONG, container with some kind of a clasp, which should remain a singular item, and should be able to be flipped (ie: no frog closures). In addition, the clasp portion of this cloak is fully alterable. This clasp does NOT need to be included in the base/long of the item. This cloak is Tier 2/2. Original merchant: Xanai, Duskruin.
There is an auto-close feature when the item is worn. You can toggle this with PROD.
Your cloak is fully unlocked. Available verbs: clean, flip, fold, pull, ponder, raise, remove, rub, snap, tickle, touch, turn, wear, whisper.
You can tell that the cloak is as light as it can get and that its pockets could not possibly get any deeper.
a silver-chased violet plumille longcoat with satin lapels Weight: 9 pounds
Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
any number of items


This item can be altered, but it needs to remain a worn, LONG, container with some kind of a clasp, which should remain a singular item, and should be able to be flipped (ie: no frog closures). In addition, the clasp portion of this longcoat is fully alterable. This clasp does NOT need to be included in the base/long of the item. This longcoat is Tier 0/2. Original merchant: Xanai, Duskruin.
There is an auto-close feature when the item is worn. You can toggle this with PROD.
Your longcoat is not yet unlocked. Some merchants may be willing to unlock this to the next tier. Available verbs: fold, prod, remove, tickle, touch, wear, whisper.

On the tall female mannequin you see:

a shoulder-slung cerulean damask cloak with argent satin lining Weight: 9 pounds
Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
any number of items


This item can be altered, but it needs to remain a worn, LONG, container with some kind of a clasp, which should remain a singular item, and should be able to be flipped (ie: no frog closures). In addition, the clasp portion of this cloak is fully alterable. This clasp does NOT need to be included in the base/long of the item. This cloak is Tier 0/2. Original merchant: Xanai, Duskruin.
There is an auto-close feature when the item is worn. You can toggle this with PROD.
Your cloak is not yet unlocked. Some merchants may be willing to unlock this to the next tier. Available verbs: fold, prod, remove, tickle, touch, wear, whisper.
a goldenrod charmeuse overcoat with abstract garnet embroidery Weight: 9 pounds
Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
any number of items


This item can be altered, but it needs to remain a worn, LONG, container with some kind of a clasp, which should remain a singular item, and should be able to be flipped (ie: no frog closures). In addition, the clasp portion of this overcoat is fully alterable. This clasp does NOT need to be included in the base/long of the item. This overcoat is Tier 0/2. Original merchant: Xanai, Duskruin.
There is an auto-close feature when the item is worn. You can toggle this with PROD.
Your overcoat is not yet unlocked. Some merchants may be willing to unlock this to the next tier. Available verbs: fold, prod, remove, tickle, touch, wear, whisper.
an austere onyx suede longcoat fettered with leather straps Weight: 9 pounds
Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
any number of items


This item can be altered, but it needs to remain a worn, LONG, container with some kind of a clasp, which should remain a singular item, and should be able to be flipped (ie: no frog closures). In addition, the clasp portion of this longcoat is fully alterable. This clasp does NOT need to be included in the base/long of the item. This longcoat is Tier 0/2. Original merchant: Xanai, Duskruin.
There is an auto-close feature when the item is worn. You can toggle this with PROD.
Your longcoat is not yet unlocked. Some merchants may be willing to unlock this to the next tier. Available verbs: fold, prod, remove, tickle, touch, wear, whisper.
a jewel-toned bourde duster with gold zig-zag stitching Weight: 9 pounds
Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
any number of items


This item can be altered, but it needs to remain a worn, LONG, container with some kind of a clasp, which should remain a singular item, and should be able to be flipped (ie: no frog closures). In addition, the clasp portion of this duster is fully alterable. This clasp does NOT need to be included in the base/long of the item. This duster is Tier 0/2. Original merchant: Xanai, Duskruin.
There is an auto-close feature when the item is worn. You can toggle this with PROD.
Your duster is not yet unlocked. Some merchants may be willing to unlock this to the next tier. Available verbs: fold, prod, remove, tickle, touch, wear, whisper.
a lengthy aquamarine marbrinus robe with a sharkbite hem Weight: 9 pounds
Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
any number of items


This item can be altered, but it needs to remain a worn, LONG, container with some kind of a clasp, which should remain a singular item, and should be able to be flipped (ie: no frog closures). In addition, the clasp portion of this robe is fully alterable. This clasp does NOT need to be included in the base/long of the item. This robe is Tier 0/2. Original merchant: Xanai, Duskruin.
There is an auto-close feature when the item is worn. You can toggle this with PROD.
Your robe is not yet unlocked. Some merchants may be willing to unlock this to the next tier. Available verbs: fold, prod, remove, tickle, touch, wear, whisper.
a cerulean velvet longcloak embossed with stars Weight: 9 pounds
Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
any number of items


This item can be altered, but it needs to remain a worn, LONG, container with some kind of a clasp, which should remain a singular item, and should be able to be flipped (ie: no frog closures). In addition, the clasp portion of this longcloak is fully alterable. This clasp does NOT need to be included in the base/long of the item. This longcloak is Tier 0/2. Original merchant: Xanai, Duskruin.
There is an auto-close feature when the item is worn. You can toggle this with PROD.
Your longcloak is not yet unlocked. Some merchants may be willing to unlock this to the next tier. Available verbs: fold, prod, remove, tickle, touch, wear, whisper.
an alabaster tatted lace robe with a roseate silk underlay Weight: 9 pounds
Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
any number of items


This item can be altered, but it needs to remain a worn, LONG, container with some kind of a clasp, which should remain a singular item, and should be able to be flipped (ie: no frog closures). In addition, the clasp portion of this robe is fully alterable. This clasp does NOT need to be included in the base/long of the item. This robe is Tier 0/2. Original merchant: Xanai, Duskruin.
There is an auto-close feature when the item is worn. You can toggle this with PROD.
Your robe is not yet unlocked. Some merchants may be willing to unlock this to the next tier. Available verbs: fold, prod, remove, tickle, touch, wear, whisper.
Return to the top of this page.

Covert Couriers

Opened: Unknown; Inventory Updates: August 2019 ; Verified: 8/12/2019, 2/13/2020

a boarded-up decrepit warehouse, Lich #23728, Room 1, go decrepit warehouse

[Covert Couriers]
Heavy coats of black paint cover the windows of the room, smeared with just enough strokes to guarantee dubious privacy to the shoppers while still allowing in minute trickles of light. Despite the scented beeswax candles placed haphazardly around the room, an astringent, almost metallic, scent lingers in the air.
Obvious exits: out
The stuffs on the worktable are not fer eatin' or drinkin'.
It's for putting in the food and drink of folks y'don't like.
Thur's two diff'rent kinds of poisons. You figger 'em out.
If someone uses this stuff on you, take a quick swig from either the blue bottle 'er black clay jar.
Hopefully ya picked the right one t'swig 'cause they onlies cure one kind each.
The bags'n'such in th'cask are fer yer smugglin' goods.
Be sure t'analyze 'em 'fore ya use 'em.

On the heavy cloth-draped worktable you see:

a multi-folded crimson packet of powdery white soot Weight: <1 pound Poison to put into food or drink 25
a small nightshade-etched tin of tiny dull purple blossoms 25
a compact black-beaded bag of wilted silver-grey leaves 25
a sanguine velveteen pouch of thin black flakes 25
a tall phial of swirled absinthe green hues 25
a delicate iridescent mother-of-pearl flacon 25
a jet bottle shaped into the form of a crimson-knuckled fist 25
a spear-shaped verdigrised copper vial 25
a gold-speckled dark blue bottle Antidote 25
a bone-inset black clay jar 25
old open ale cask

In the Common language, it reads:
These here stuff-holders are sized jest right fer hidin'.
Make sure y'read th'instructions and DON'T BE LATE.

In the old open ale cask you see:

a midnight black toolkit stamped with a twisted sigil Weight: 2 pounds
Pocketed: Medium (20-39)
any number of items
functional Smuggling sack


This midnight black toolkit has been designed to let you smuggle ONE item inside the sack to one other designated player.
The midnight black toolkit is currently locked.
If you were to fiddle with a midnight black toolkit stamped with a twisted sigil, you'd find you can WHISPER to it and COVER it.
Whisper a single person's name (correctly spelled and no quotes, please) whom you want to be able to find the toolkit later.
Example: whisper toolkit Keios
Currently, the sack is attuned to .
Once a recipient has been chosen, close and then cover the toolkit to hide it in a room.
You or your designated recipient will then get four hours to retrieve the toolkit by SEARCHing the room it was hidden in.
WARNING! Failure to retrieve the toolkit within the four hours can result in it being permanently deleted!
While it is hidden during those four hours, no other player except for yourself and your designated target will be able to search for the toolkit, and it will be safe from the janitor.
You can tell that the toolkit is as light as it can get, but you might be able to have a talented merchant deepen its pockets for you.
a ragged autumnal-hued patchwork satchel 125
a silk-lined pouch beaded with miniature black bone skulls 125
a velvet and silk hip satchel with braided sinew accents 125
a mist grey crescent moon-shaped leather case 125
a white ash-inlaid mistwood scroll tube 175
a dark velvet loot sack shot with absinthe green undertones 175
a pale blue bag stained with vivid crimson handprints 125
a thick woolen tote buckled with a twist of smoky grey tiles 125
a stiff white canvas gem pouch with slanted straps 175
a drawstring sack smeared with charcoal-hued patterning 125
Return to the top of this page.

Crosswinds and Crosshairs

Opened: Unknown; Inventory Updates: February 2018; Verified: 2/24/18, 6/21/18, 12/20/18, 8/14/2019, 2/13/2020

a weathered wood-planked wagon, Lich #23816, Room 20, go wood-planked wagon

[Crosswinds and Crosshairs]
Crude wooden planks make up much of the interior of this wagon, with large battered cogs and sheets of metal secured to the walls with uneven rivets serving as the only decoration. One wall is covered with brass hooks in a haphazard fashion to display wares behind a worn counter.
Obvious exits: out
read sign on counter
In the Common language, it reads:

The oak box has light crossbow bolts, while the haon box has heavy crossbow bolts.

Green = Acid
Yellow = Lightning
Red = Fire
Blue = Cold
Brown = Impact

All flares will wear out over time.

In the oak box you see:

a bundle of mahogany bolts impact flares light crossbow bolts 25
a bundle of umber crossbow bolts fire flares light crossbow bolts
a bundle of hunter green bolts acid flares light crossbow bolts
a bundle of azure crossbow bolts cold flares light crossbow bolts
a bundle of flax-painted bolts lightning flares light crossbow bolts

In the haon box you see:

a bundle of mahogany bolts impact flares heavy crossbow bolts 25
a bundle of umber crossbow bolts fire flares heavy crossbow bolts
a bundle of hunter green bolts acid flares heavy crossbow bolts
a bundle of azure crossbow bolts cold flares heavy crossbow bolts
a bundle of flax crossbow bolts lightning flares heavy crossbow bolts

Mechanical crossbows

On the brass hooks you see:

a dark-grained burnished ruic kut'ziko heavy crossbow 100
a ruic-stock light repeating crossbow light crossbow 100
a bronze-scaled heavy siege crossbow heavy crossbow 100
a luminous carved glowbark kut'zikokra 5x, T1 light crossbow 2500
a lacquered dusky mossbark kut'ziko 5x, T1 heavy crossbow 2500
a multi-geared light ruic crossbow 5x, T1 light crossbow 2500
a blackened heavy ruic arbalest 5x, T1 heavy crossbow 2500
a matte-finished light mossbark crossbow 5x, T2 light crossbow 5000
a heavy repeating mechanical crossbow fitted with brass gears 5x, T2 heavy crossbow 5000
a broad-limbed ruic heavy arbalest 6x, T2 heavy crossbow 10000
a svelte glowbark light arbalest 6x, T2 light crossbow 10000
Return to the top of this page.

Cultural Cuts

an old grey and blue tent, [Map Room #20, then east], Lich#26863 , go grey tent

Cultural Cuts

[Cultural Cuts -]
The grey and blue canvas of the tent walls reeks of salt, fish and blood. A half-krolvin with one arm sits comfortably on a stool in the corner, picking his teeth with a thin bone shard as his eyes guard the contents along a driftwood counter and a rusty anchor-shaped rack. Old flakes of blood stain the floor like shriveled crimson petals.
Obvious exits: out

On the counter you see:

a splotched grey vultite nifa otti Weight: 6 pounds
Enchant: +30
mace 10000
a razor-edged black drakar limb-cleaver Weight: 6 pounds
Enchant: +30
Flares: fire
handaxe 12500
a heavy pale white mithril spikestar Weight: 7 pounds
Enchant: +30
morning star 10000
a stained deep blue vultite skull-crusher Weight: 6 pounds
Enchant: +30
war hammer 10000
a skull-set hoarbeam kut'ziko Weight: 12 pounds
Enchant: +27
heavy crossbow
show description
You see a skull-set hoarbeam kut'ziko which is not cocked.
You also notice a small enchanter's glyph.
a razor-sharp storm grey mekya ne'rutka Weight: 10 pounds
Enchant: +30
twohanded sword 10000
a deep blue vultite hektov sket Weight: 7 pounds
Enchant: +30
battle axe 10000
a grime-stained dark mithril chest-ripper Weight: 7 pounds
Enchant: +30
awl-pike 10000
a huge red and grey vultite waihaka Weight: 3 pounds
Enchant: +30
cudgel 10000

On the rack you see:

a stained rhimar-tipped pit-knife Weight: <1 pound
Enchant: +25
Flares: ice
You can tell that the pit-knife is as light as it can get.
an oily black mithglin kopis Weight: 4 pounds
Enchant: +30
falchion 10000
a bone-hilted grey imflass kubikiri Weight: <1 pound
Enchant: +27
You can tell that the kubikiri is as light as it can get.
a ghostly white zorchar kurzsax Weight: 5 pounds
Enchant: +25
Flares: lightning
broadsword 2500
a twisted oily black villswood asaya Weight: 4 pounds
Enchant: +28
runestaff 8000
a spine-handled black imflass gaizaz Weight: 4 pounds
Enchant: +27
spear 7000
a sharp-curved white vultite disackn Weight: 4 pounds
Enchant: +30
scimitar 10000
Return to the top of this page.

Cut and Dried

Opened: Unknown; Inventory Updates: February 2018, August 2019; Verified: 2/24/18, 6/21/18, 12/20/18, 8/14/2019, 2/13/2020

a stately two-story house, Lich #23760, Room 12, go two-story house, go crystal-paned door


[Cut And Dried]
The formal living area just past the wide crystal-paned door is lined with dark mahogany wainscoting, and a plush velvet rug protects the polished hardwood floors. A large bay window fitted with a wide seating bench sits catty-corner to a polished marble fireplace, and the aromatic scent of smoke wafts through a curving archway in the wall opposite it. Framing the archway is a tall apothecary rack and a polished glass-topped case.
small note

In the Common language, it reads:
These cigar cutters magically transform into knuckle-dusters, all of which flare with fire! The glaes and golvern versions are unlocked. The glaes will make you brawl slightly better.
The enchants for the knuckle-dusters are:
*6x - golvern
*5x - glaes
*4x - vaalorn
*3x - mithglin, invar
*2x - ora
*0x - steel

Cigar cutter

In the polished glass-topped case you see:

an octogonal vaalorn cigar cutter Weight: <1 pound


The vaalorn cigar cutter is locked.
You can TURN and CLENCH the cutter.
a pearl-edged golvern cigar cutter Weight: <1 pound


The golvern cigar cutter is unlocked.
You can TURN, CLENCH, PUSH and FLIP the cutter.
a copper-jointed glaes cigar cutter Weight: <1 pound


The glaes cigar cutter is unlocked.
You can TURN, CLENCH, PUSH and FLIP the cutter.
an acid-etched mithglin cigar cutter Weight: <1 pound


The mithglin cigar cutter is locked.
You can TURN and CLENCH the cutter.
a nacre-inlaid ora cigar cutter Weight: <1 pound


The ora cigar cutter is locked.
You can TURN and CLENCH the cutter.
a bone-incised invar cigar cutter Weight: <1 pound


The invar cigar cutter is locked.
You can TURN and CLENCH the cutter.
a skull-shaped steel cigar cutter Weight: <1 pound


The steel cigar cutter is locked.
You can TURN and CLENCH the cutter.

On the tall apothecary rack you see:

a bright blue tobacco tin Weight: <1 pound 10
an ovaline scarlet tobacco tin Weight: <1 pound 10
a dark tobacco tin incised with a hematite border Weight: <1 pound 10
a brushed silver tobacco tin inlaid with nacre detailing Weight: <1 pound 10
a leaf-shaped tobacco tin stained in varied dark green hues Weight: <1 pound 10
a small packet Weight: <1 pound 1
a triangular white tobacco tin Weight: <1 pound 10
a small rectangular glass tobacco jar Weight: <1 pound 10
a golden glazed tobacco jar Weight: <1 pound 10
an autumnal-hued stained glass tobacco jar Weight: <1 pound 10
a copper tobacco jar adorned with tiny blanched scarabs Weight: <1 pound 10
a grey-lidded ebony tobacco jar Weight: <1 pound 10

Smoking Room

[A Two-Story House, Smoking Room]
Several thick armchairs provide comfortable seating near some accent tables. The placement of an imposing marble hearth and the high windows suggests the room was once a dining area, but the permeating smell of aromatic cigar smoke and the etched crystal decanter of brandy on the mantlepiece indicate an alternate use to the room now. A wide archway across from the windows leads back to a living area, while a pair of glass-paned doors opposite the hearth offers a glimpse of a cozy kitchen.

On the accent tables you see:

a dish of cocoa-dusted truffles a dark chocolate bacon truffle dusted with cocoa

On the marble mantlepiece you see:

a crystal decanter of brandy a snifter of golden brandy
Return to the top of this page.

Dark and Dangerous

Opened: Unknown; Inventory Updates: February 2018; Verified: 2/24/18, 6/18/18, 12/20/18, 8/14/19, 2/13/2020

a dilapidated structure with a pair of crossed sabres above the door, Lich #26856, Room 2, go dilapidated structure


[Dark and Dangerous, Weapons]
Weathered planks of dark mahogany line the walls of this tiny, windowless space. An immense iron rack displays weapons against the far wall, though discerning one from another is difficult in the dimly lit space. A low oak table holding additional weapons threatens to deliver a blow to the shins of distracted shoppers.
Obvious exits: north, out
Dese here weapons aint fancy to look at, but dats wat yas got paint for!
All dese bin enchanted 5 times and all packs an extry 5 points of wallop. 
Blades and polearms be on de rack; brawlin stuff, blunts, and leetle darts ye throw be on de table.

On the low oak table you see:

some dark leather moccasins 5x, 5 CER crit weighting UAC boots 2500
some dark leather handwraps UAC gloves 2500
a dark vultite kunai katar 2500
a dark vultite quadrelle mace 2500
a dark vultite battle-quoit quoit 2500
a dark vultite fist-scythe fist-scythe 2500

On the immense iron rack you see:

a dark vultite roa'ter axe 5x, 5 CER crit weighting battle axe 2500
a dark vultite sabar war mattock 2500
a dark vultite greatsword twohanded sword 2500
a dark vultite whip-blade whip-blade 2500
a dark vultite atlatl spear 2500
a dark vultite wakizashi short sword 2500
a dark vultite sledgehammer maul 2500
a dark vultite toporok handaxe 2500
a dark vultite croc halberd 2500
a dark vultite cinquedea dagger 2500
a dark vultite schiavona broadsword 2500
a dark vultite warblade falchion 2500


[Dark and Dangerous, Armor]
Weathered planks of dark mahogany line the walls of this tiny, windowless space. Multiple iron hooks, each mounted within a grinning skull bracket, display armor against the far well. Conducting a thorough examination of each piece could prove difficult in the dimly lit space. A fungi-covered oak plank is propped up, right in the middle of the floor, waiting to trip the unwary shopper.
Obvious exits: south
Dese be very fine armors wat you see here, but if you want em fancified, well... get yerself a bucket of paint.
All de armor on de hooks bin enchanted 5 times and we put 5 points wurth of paddin' into each fine set.
Now dat stuff on de plank dere, we made up with leftover materials, and only had 'nuff padding left fer a light amount on each of dem accessories.  Better than nothing if yer too poor to afford de good stuff.

On the iron hooks you see:

some dark vultite full plate 5x, 5 CER critical padding AsG: 20 2500
a dark vultite chain hauberk AsG: 16 2500
some dark vultite chain mail AsG: 13 2500
some dark leather scalemail AsG: 12 2500
some dark leather cuirbouilli AsG: 10 2500
a dark leather aketon AsG: 8 2500
a dark leather buffcoat AsG: 6 2500
a loosely woven kaftan AsG: 1 2500

On the fungi-covered oak plank you see:

a darkened steel aventail 5x, 5 CER critical padding armor accessory; protects neck
a darkened steel greathelm armor accessory; protects head and neck
a darkened steel helm armor accessory; protects head
some darkened steel leg greaves armor accessory; protects legs
some darkened steel arm greaves armor accessory; protects arms
Return to the top of this page.

Drawing the Line

Inventory Update: August 2019; Verified: 8/12/2019, 2/13/2020

Room 22: a narrow brick store (go2 23819)

Drawing Entry

[Drawing the Line]
Wedged between the two adjoining buildings, the cramped shop measures only a few spans wide, the claustrophobic aura enhanced by the thick beams supporting the ceiling. In contrast to the drabness, light trickling in from the window set in the narrow door reveals an abrupt end to the packed dirt from outside and glints off various metallic wares displayed along the plastered walls. A squat little stove, crackling with burning wood, serves to keep the few refreshments on top piping hot and the shop's patrons warm. You also see a battered cup of coffee and a gilded sign.
Obvious exits: none
read sign on walls
In the Common language, it reads:

~~Welcome to Drawing the Line~~

All the weapons for sale along the wall are more than what they seem.  Shop accordingly.
Yes, they are four times enchanted.  Stop asking me that.
Don't knock down any of the stuff on the beams.  You break it, you buy it.
The stuff on the walls play nicely with the stuff on the beams.  
Failure to read this sign voids all licenses and permits for future whining.



On the little stove:

a battered brass lantern
a loaf of sourdough bread a chunk of sourdough bread
a tarnished coffee pot a battered cup of coffee
a dented metal saucepan a small bowl of soup

On the thick beams you see:

a dark grey steel-plated tool Weight: <1 pound Cuts/Repairs Garrote wire 50
a tarnished silver tool
a fel-edged clunky metal tool
a sleek black iron tool with violet pincers
a fireleaf-traced steel tool
a spool of thin-corded hemp Garrote wire
a spool of scarlet-tinted invar wire
a coil of rust-hued steel wire
a spindle of blue-glazed rolaren wire
a spool of knotted copper wire
The weapons on the shelf and pegs are 5 times enchanted and locked, with the exception of the curved mithglin sabiet, the vultite hook-knife, the mithglin bracelet dagger, and the vultite stiletto.
Grapple: butcher knife, vultite pit-knife
Acid: invar knife, mithglin pit-knife
Plasma: mithglin forked dagger, mithril sabiet
The following are enhancive:
Faenor hook-knife: +10 stalking and hiding bonus
Mithglin hook-knife: +10 ambush bonus
Unlocked items include: vultite dagger, black pavade, mithril sabiet, mithglin hook-knife, faenor hook-knife.

On the wooden shelf you see:

a vultite hook-knife with a hunter green kidskin grip 4x, somewhat damage weighted, locked 1000
a sharply curved mithglin sabiet 4x, somewhat crit weighted, locked 1000
a sharp-tipped vultite pit-knife marked with varied scratches 5x, grapple flare, locked 3000
a green-hued mithglin pit-knife edged with gold accents 5x, acid flare, locked 3000
a copper-inlaid mithril sabiet 5x, plasma flare, unlocked 3000
a slender and twisted mithglin hook-knife 5x, unlocked, +10 ambush bonus 4000
a dark silver faenor hook-knife with a squared base 5x, unlocked, +10 stalk and hide bonus 4000

On the series of pegs:

a thick-bladed pure white tanto 4x, somewhat damage weighted, locked 1000
a wickedly serrated mithglin bracelet dagger 4x, somewhat crit weighted, locked 1000
a steel-guarded vultite dagger 5x, unlocked 2500
a silver-sheened black pavade with a sapphire-adorned hilt 5x, unlocked 2500
an invar knife with a dark troll skin-wrapped hilt 5x, acid flare, locked 3000
a skull-incised butcher knife of scarlet-marbled rolaren 5x, grapple flare, locked 3000
a dark crimson-edged mithglin forked dagger 5x, plasma flare, locked 3000

Workshop Loft

search, go trapdoor

[Drawing the Line, Workshop Loft]
The sharply sloping ceiling makes this room slightly awkward to navigate, the average person being able to only stand in the direct center of the room. The cramped areas near the eaves are filled with the assorted tools and spare parts needed by a craftsman, and a battered workbench is positioned beneath the attic skylight. Tucked in the furthest corner of the room, next to a small fire grate, is an unusual glass-paned box.
Obvious exits: none

On the fire grate you see:

a brass tea kettle suspended from a swiveling pot hook some willow bark tea
Return to the top of this page.

Duhn's Lab

Opened: Unknown; Inventory Updates: June 2018; Verified: 6/15/18, 12/21/18, 8/12/2019, 2/13/2020

a solid door, Lich #26849, Room 1, go solid door

[Dunh's Lab, Front Room]
Freshly painted white walls surround this stark room. A strangely designed lantern at the center of the ceiling washes the room in a bright and remarkably steady light. No dirt or other debris can be spotted anywhere. A workbench, a sales table and a display stand have been crammed into one corner of the room, somewhat haphazardly.
Obvious exits: out
These oils impart temporary bane properties to the item they are applied.
The blue oils are a new formula for use against undead.
It will not impart a permanent bless to the weapon.
These oils impart temporary bane properties to the item they are applied.
Black oils are useful against Grimswarm creatures.
Red oils are of assistance with trolls.
Blue oils are a new formula for defeating undead.

Shiny oils provide plasma attacks.
Thick oils provide some critical weighting.
Bubbling oils provide greater critical weighting.
Clear oils provide lesser damage weighting.
Sticky oils provide greater damage weighting.
Sparkling oils provide unbalance flares.

On the sales table you see:

Trollbane oils

a vial of shiny red oil plasma 100
a vial of sparkling red oil Unbalance flares 100
a vial of sticky red oil greater damage weighting 300
a vial of bubbling red oil greater crit weighting 300
a vial of thick red oil some crit weighting 200
a vial of clear red oil lesser damage weighting 100

On the display stand you see:

Grimbane oils

a vial of clear black oil lesser damage weighting 100
a vial of thick black oil some crit weighting 200
a vial of bubbling black oil greater crit weighting 300
a vial of sticky black oil greater damage weighting 300
a vial of sparkling black oil Unbalance flares 100
a vial of shiny black oil plasma 100

On the workbench you see:

Undead bane oils

a vial of shiny blue oil plasma 100
a vial of sparkling blue oil Unbalance flares 100
a vial of sticky blue oil greater damage weighting 300
a vial of bubbling blue oil greater crit weighting 300
a vial of thick blue oil some crit weighting 200
a vial of clear blue oil lesser damage weighting 100
Oils will not grant ability to hit undead.
Return to the top of this page.

Gamac's Goods

Opened: Unknown Inventory Updates: August 2019, February 2020; Verified: 2019-08-15, 2020-02-13

a leaning stone shop with a blackened metal roof, Lich #26845, Room 21, go stone shop

Gamac's Goods, Front Room

[Gamac's Goods, Front Room]
Faded velvet curtains heavy with dust are drawn over the windows at the front of the shop. In the center, a few overturned crates are clustered around a makeshift table littered with the remains of a card game. A pair of oil lamps sputter and spit atop a cracked display in the corner.
Obvious exits: north, out
The cases on the crate have the following details:
Caramel leather case: Plain
Blood red leather kit: Improved Once
Mango wood case: Improved Twice
Purpleheart case: Improved Twice with added gaming features
Pigskin case: Improved Twice and includes up to 5,000 weightless silver storage
Acacia kit: Improved Twice and includes up to 10,000 weightless coin storage and a custom table
Heartwood case: Improved Twice and includes up to 25,000 weightless coin storage

On the table you see:

a deck of coat-of-arms cards Weight: <1 pound
This item is a deck of cards that may be used to perform tricks or gamble with. It may be customized with a show description, but long descriptions are not allowed. It must remain a deck of cards. This deck is unlocked to tier 1 of 3 and will utilize FOLD, CUT, PULL, TURN, RAISE, TOSS, SPIN, and WAVE. Perhaps a special merchant can unlock it for you.
a deck of autographed cards Weight: <1 pound
This item is a deck of cards that may be used to perform tricks or gamble with. It may be customized with a show description, but long descriptions are not allowed. It must remain a deck of cards. This deck is fully unlocked and will utilize FOLD, CUT, PULL, TURN, RAISE, TOSS, SPIN, WAVE, PROD, NUDGE, PEER, TICKLE, KISS, FLIP, and PUSH.
a deck of wax-coated cards Weight: <1 pound
This item is a deck of cards that may be used to perform tricks or gamble with. It may be customized with a show description, but long descriptions are not allowed. It must remain a deck of cards. This deck is unlocked to tier 2 of 3 and will utilize FOLD, CUT, PULL, TURN, RAISE, TOSS, SPIN, WAVE, PROD, NUDGE, PEER, and TICKLE. Perhaps a special merchant can unlock it for you.
a deck of raven-painted cards Weight: <1 pound
This item is a deck of cards that may be used to perform tricks or gamble with. It may be customized with a show description, but long descriptions are not allowed. It must remain a deck of cards. This deck is currently locked and will utilize FOLD, CUT, PULL, and TURN. Perhaps a special merchant can unlock it for you.
an ink-scrawled parchment note

In the Common language, it reads:
The more expensive the cards, the trickier they are!
Raven-painted = Not Improved
Coat-of-arms = Improved Once
Wax-coated = Improved Twice
Autographed= Fully Improved

In the display you see:

some slender lilac jade darts Weight: <1 pound arrow
analyze, show description
These are darts for playing the pub game, not weapon darts. They can be altered, but MUST have "some darts" as part of the base description. They cannot have a long description, but a show is fine.
Your current skill in darts is 0 out of 250 maximum possible ranks.
You can tell that the darts is as light as it can get.

You see a set of 3 lilac jade darts.
You notice a small initial stamped on the ferrule, but you can't quite read it.
some bejeweled ivory darts Weight: <1 pound arrow
analyze, show description
These are darts for playing the pub game, not weapon darts. They can be altered, but MUST have "some darts" as part of the base description. They cannot have a long description, but a show is fine.
Your current skill in darts is 0 out of 250 maximum possible ranks.
You can tell that the darts is as light as it can get.

You see a set of 3 ivory darts.
You notice a small initial stamped on the ferrule, but you can't quite read it.
a glossed haon arena-painted wheel Weight: <1 pound
This item may be altered by a talented merchant, but it must retain a description that is in-line with its abilities and a noun that is similar to "wheel". Note that you cannot change the description of the slots that the wheel can land on.
Try to TURN the wheel! If you SPIN it, then the slots you can land on are: Diamond, Ruby, Opal, Onyx, Pearl, Gold, Silver, Agate, Quartz, Emerald, Skull, or Jester.
an arena-embossed matchbox Weight: <1 pound
The arena-embossed matchbox holds matches. It currently holds 100 matches.
To use, OPEN MY matchbox and GET MATCH FROM MY matchbox.
It can be altered, but the noun must remain matchbox, matchbook, pouch, box, or case.
The matches that it creates can have custom article and adjectives, but the matches disappear upon lighting or dropping.
The arena-embossed matchbox will be deleted if you take the last match. To refill the matchbox, you can DROP matches one by one, or BUNDLE two matchbooks together. The matches from the matchbook in your left hand will be moved to the matchbook in your right hand.
a glazed olive wood humidor with an embossed glass top Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Small (5-7)
any number of items of very small size
This item may be altered by a talented merchant, though it must make sense for the manner in which the humidor is opened and closed. A small handful of merchants may also be willing and able to customize the manner in which you open and close the humidor.
You can tell that the humidor is as light as it can get and that its pockets could not possibly get any deeper.
a slender pale grey cigar Weight: <1 pound 2
a thick fiery orange cigar Weight: <1 pound 2
an ivory-banded beige cigar Weight: <1 pound 2
a floppy woolen hat Weight: <1 pound head-worn
The hat has two custom feature settings. It can have two more.
When adding custom feature settings, it will be just like altering your hair quirk (or unique line if you're bald). An example would be:
tucked under a floppy woolen hat, which is tightly knotted in the back.
She has a floppy woolen hat covering her bald head.
with a floppy woolen hat placed at the crown of her head.
She has a floppy woolen hat placed at the crown of her bald head.
Please note, that if you have the custom settings made for someone bald, it won't look right for someone with hair, and vice versa. You also can't wear this with another hair quirk/unique field altering item to change your features. This item isn't limited to just bandana-type items, it can also be a crown, tiara, visored helm, or something similar.
Custom feature 1: finger-combed beneath a floppy woolen hat dyed smoky brown
Custom feature 2: enveloped by a floppy woolen hat, its brim pinned up with a large fish hook
Custom feature 3: None.
Custom feature 4: None.
a dip-dyed sienna silk headscarf Weight: <1 pound head-worn
The headscarf does not have any custom feature settings. It can have up to four.
When adding custom feature settings, it will be just like altering your hair quirk (or unique line if you're bald). An example would be:
tucked under a dip-dyed sienna silk headscarf, which is tightly knotted in the back.
She has a dip-dyed sienna silk headscarf covering her bald head.
with a dip-dyed sienna silk headscarf placed at the crown of her head.
She has a dip-dyed sienna silk headscarf placed at the crown of her bald head.
Please note, that if you have the custom settings made for someone bald, it won't look right for someone with hair, and vice versa. You also can't wear this with another hair quirk/unique field altering item to change your features. This item isn't limited to just bandana-type items, it can also be a crown, tiara, visored helm, or something similar.
Custom feature 1: None.
Custom feature 2: None.
Custom feature 3: None.
Custom feature 4: None.
a veiled gold mesh crispinette Weight: <1 pound head-worn
The crispinette has two custom feature settings. It can have two more.
When adding custom feature settings, it will be just like altering your hair quirk (or unique line if you're bald). An example would be:
tucked under a veiled gold mesh crispinette, which is tightly knotted in the back.
She has a veiled gold mesh crispinette covering her bald head.
with a veiled gold mesh crispinette placed at the crown of her head.
She has a veiled gold mesh crispinette placed at the crown of her bald head.
Please note, that if you have the custom settings made for someone bald, it won't look right for someone with hair, and vice versa. You also can't wear this with another hair quirk/unique field altering item to change your features. This item isn't limited to just bandana-type items, it can also be a crown, tiara, visored helm, or something similar.
Custom feature 1: split in dual coils, captured by gold mesh crispinette
Custom feature 2: adorned with gold mesh crispinette featuring an emerald-set fillet
Custom feature 3: None.
Custom feature 4: None.
a velvet heart-shaped headdress Weight: <1 pound head-worn
The headdress has four custom feature settings. It can't have anymore.
When adding custom feature settings, it will be just like altering your hair quirk (or unique line if you're bald). An example would be:
tucked under a velvet heart-shaped headdress, which is tightly knotted in the back.
She has a velvet heart-shaped headdress covering her bald head.
with a velvet heart-shaped headdress placed at the crown of her head.
She has a velvet heart-shaped headdress placed at the crown of her bald head.
Please note, that if you have the custom settings made for someone bald, it won't look right for someone with hair, and vice versa. You also can't wear this with another hair quirk/unique field altering item to change your features. This item isn't limited to just bandana-type items, it can also be a crown, tiara, visored helm, or something similar.
Custom feature 1: tucked up beneath a towering burgundy velvet heart-shaped headdress
Custom feature 2: swept back in long, coiling curls beneath a padded off-white velvet heart-shaped headdress
Custom feature 3: plaited under a gilt-beaded ivory damask and tonal velvet heart-shaped headdress
Custom feature 4: hidden by a jewel-centered velvet heart-shaped headdress trailing a gossamer veil
a small sign

In the Common language, it reads:
The wheel is a game of chance. The headwear can be customized with up to 4 unique hairstyles. The headdress comes with 4, the crispinette 2, the headscarf 0, and the floppy hat 2. The cigars are flavored: beige = cherry-infused almond; orange = orange-zested honey; grey = smoky anise.

On the crates you see:

a caramel leather case set on claw-shaped brass feet Weight: 2 pounds
Pocketed: Medium (20-39)
any number of items of small size
The leather case isn't unlocked.
This item must stay a case or kit of some sort. When altering, keep in mind that the case's messaging references it having a small, large, and secret compartment, a cubbyhole, and a narrow slot. The table (on top) cannot be deepened.
Try as you might, you cannot get a good sense of whether or not the case's pockets could get any deeper, but you can tell that the case is as light as it can get.
a matte blood red leather kit fitted with an onyx compass Weight: 2 pounds
Pocketed: Medium (20-39)
any number of items of small size
The red leather kit is unlocked, but not fully unlocked.
This item must stay a case or kit of some sort. When altering, keep in mind that the kit's messaging references it having a small, large, and secret compartment, a cubbyhole, and a narrow slot. The table (on top) cannot be deepened.
You can tell that the kit is as light as it can get, but you might be able to have a talented merchant deepen its pockets for you.
a golden brown mango wood case with black striations Weight: 2 pounds
Pocketed: Medium (20-39)
any number of items of small size
The mango wood case is fully unlocked.
This item must stay a case or kit of some sort. When altering, keep in mind that the case's messaging references it having a small, large, and secret compartment, a cubbyhole, and a narrow slot. The table (on top) cannot be deepened.
This item can have a custom description when placed on the ground and can hold 5000 silvers.
You can tell that the case is as light as it can get, but you might be able to have a talented merchant deepen its pockets for you.
a dull grey purpleheart case with a faint patina Weight: 2 pounds
Pocketed: Medium (20-39)
any number of items of small size
The purpleheart case is fully unlocked with special features.
This item must stay a case or kit of some sort. When altering, keep in mind that the case's messaging references it having a small, large, and secret compartment, a cubbyhole, and a narrow slot. The table (on top) cannot be deepened.
This item can have a custom description when placed on the ground and can hold 5000 silvers.
You can tell that the case is as light as it can get, but you might be able to have a talented merchant deepen its pockets for you.
a rigid pigskin case lined in soft red flannel Weight: 2 pounds
Pocketed: Medium (20-39)
any number of items of small size
The pigskin case is fully unlocked with special features.
This item must stay a case or kit of some sort. When altering, keep in mind that the case's messaging references it having a small, large, and secret compartment, a cubbyhole, and a narrow slot. The table (on top) cannot be deepened.
This item can have a custom description when placed on the ground and can hold 5000 silvers weightlessly.
You can tell that the case is as light as it can get, but you might be able to have a talented merchant deepen its pockets for you.
a rosy copper acacia wood kit with contrasting colored ribbons Weight: 2 pounds
Pocketed: Medium (20-39)
any number of items of small size
The acacia wood kit is fully unlocked with special features.
This item must stay a case or kit of some sort. When altering, keep in mind that the kit's messaging references it having a small, large, and secret compartment, a cubbyhole, and a narrow slot. The table (on top) cannot be deepened.
This item can have a custom description when placed on the ground and can hold 10000 silvers weightlessly.
The current description when placed on the ground is a glass-topped low bronze table with a show/long description of .
You can tell that the kit is as light as it can get, but you might be able to have a talented merchant deepen its pockets for you.
a varnished heartwood case branded with gold initials Weight: 2 pounds
Pocketed: Medium (20-39)
any number of items of small size
The heartwood case is fully unlocked with special features.
This item must stay a case or kit of some sort. When altering, keep in mind that the case's messaging references it having a small, large, and secret compartment, a cubbyhole, and a narrow slot. The table (on top) cannot be deepened.
This item can have a custom description when placed on the ground and can hold 25000 silvers weightlessly.
You can tell that the case is as light as it can get, but you might be able to have a talented merchant deepen its pockets for you.

Gamac's Goods, Back Room

[Gamac's Goods, Back Room - 26870]
Steel-banded oak kegs are stacked against the far wall, creating a backdrop for a dicing game in progress. A pair of glass-eyed mannequins are stationed by the door, their gaze seeming to follow you around the room. An overturned bin and an opened crate provide makeshift seating in one dark corner.
Obvious exits: south
Fine apparel and accessories!  For the ladies, six times enchanted boots with unbalance flares, an improved Frog and Lilli pendant, and a velvet coin purse that holds up to 10,000 coins weightlessly!  For the gents, sable boots that are six times enchanted with grapple flares, a coat that holds an unusual amount, and a coin pouch that will hold up to 25,000 silvers weightlessly!  The overturned bin is filled with zesty supplies for any good pirate or ship captain!

In the overturned bin you see:

a silver-inked nautical map Weight: <1 pound
The map is intended to be a map, chart, or logbook of some sort. It must remain in the essence of the base item when altering it.
an ebon-handled brass sextant with a horizon mirror Weight: <1 pound
The sextant is intended to be a spyglass, telescope, or sextant of some sort. It must remain in the essence of the base item when altering it.
a toy ship-encased glass jug Weight: <1 pound
The jug is intended to be an empty jug, and not intended to hold liquids. It must remain in the essence of the base item when altering it.
a nicked gold tavern-embossed coin Weight: <1 pound
The coin is intended to be a coin of some sort. It must remain in the essence of the base item when altering it.
a blue and gold lion-emblazoned pennant Weight: <1 pound
The pennant is intended to be a flag or pennant of some sort. It must remain in the essence of the base item when altering it.
an eye-painted white leather eyepatch Weight: <1 pound pin-worn
This item is an eyepatch to be worn over the eye.
The white leather eyepatch can be freely altered, but a long description will not show up in your features. It must remain what it is intended for (an eye-painted white leather eyepatch), and cannot be changed to something else, which is detailed in ALTER 14.
a ruby-tipped fake fang tooth Weight: <1 pound pin-worn
This item is a fake tooth to be worn over a tooth and should appear very fake.
The fake fang tooth can be freely altered, but a long description will not show up in your features. It must remain what it is intended for (a ruby-tipped fake fang tooth), and cannot be changed to something else, which is detailed in ALTER 14.
a bristly fake beard Weight: <1 pound pin-worn
This item is a fake beard and should appear somewhat fake.
The fake beard can be freely altered, but a long description will not show up in your features. It must remain what it is intended for (a bristly fake beard), and cannot be changed to something else, which is detailed in ALTER 14.

In the opened crate you see:

a gold-linked ivory dice wristlet Crystal holder
Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
* 15/15/15 alterations only.
* Must remain sufficiently sized to hold a setting for a crystal.
This ivory dice wristlet is unlocked.
The ivory dice wristlet has a special socket for crystal petals currently.

The ivory dice wristlet has a single, empty setting.
a veniom thread bird's nest pendant Crystal holder
Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
* 15/15/15 alterations only.
* Must remain sufficiently sized to hold a setting for a crystal.
This bird's nest pendant is unlocked.
The bird's nest pendant has a special socket for crystal spines currently.

The bird's nest pendant has a single, empty setting.
a blackened eahnor raven ring Crystal holder
Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
* 15/15/15 alterations only.
* Must remain sufficiently sized to hold a setting for a crystal.
This eahnor raven ring is unlocked.
The eahnor raven ring has a special socket for crystal runes currently.

The eahnor raven ring has a single, empty setting.
a black golvern mournbloom earcuff Crystal holder
Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
* 15/15/15 alterations only.
* Must remain sufficiently sized to hold a setting for a crystal.
This mournbloom earcuff is unlocked.
The mournbloom earcuff has a special socket for crystal feathers currently.

The mournbloom earcuff has a single, empty setting.
a tear-cut gingery gold crystal Weight: <1 pound Mystic Focus
10 charges
rubbing activated
a smooth dim black crystal Weight: <1 pound Remove Curse
10 charges
rubbing activated
an oblong dark-hued crystal Weight: <1 pound Mass Blur
10 charges
rubbing activated
a jagged opalescent crystal Weight: <1 pound Elemental Bias
20 charges
rubbing activated
a rose gold-banded crystal Weight: <1 pound Elemental Deflection
20 charges
rubbing activated
a star-shaped deep indigo crystal Weight: <1 pound Arcane Decoy
20 charges
rubbing activated
neatly written note

In the Common language, it reads:
The jewelry in the crate holds magic crystals.
Deep indigo = 1701
Rose gold-banded = 507
Opalescent = 508
Dark-hued = 911
Dim Black = 315
Gingery gold = 1711

On the male mannequin you see:

a silvery veniom mesh coin pouch Weight: <1 pound
This item may be altered, but the noun must remain "pouch," "bag," or "purse," immediately preceeded by the word "coin." Long and show descriptions are both fine.
You can store up to 25000 silver coins in the coin pouch weightlessly.
You may OPEN, CLOSE, WEAR, REMOVE, COVER, EAT, GLANCE at, PLUCK, SHAKE, TAP, TOSS, and WAVE the coin pouch, but some options may depend how many coins are stored within.
This coin pouch cannot be lightened or deepened.
a pair of high-waisted trousers cut from crisp ebon twill Weight: <1 pound leg-worn 5
a pair of drab pebbled leather boots Weight: 2 pounds
Enchant: +30
Flares: grapple
UAC boots
This item may be altered but the noun must always be one of the following: Boots, Shoes, Sandals, Slippers, Buskins, Footwraps, Foot-wraps, Klot, Moccasins, or Yatane. The basic material of leather should stay the same (i.e. leather, suede, lambskin, etc.). It can be setup to have BOTH a long and a SHOW description.
This item is currently fully unlocked and has the following verbs available: Wear, Remove, Pull, Tap, Point, and Stomp.
a dark grey woolen justaucorps with tarnished silver buttons Weight: 8 pounds
Pocketed: Exceptional (120-139)
any number of items
a bibbed black cotton shirt Weight: <1 pound chest-worn 5

On the female mannequin you see:

a pair of blush-tinted silk stockings Weight: <1 pound layerable
The silk stockings can be altered with a long description OR a show description. Please keep in mind that these are meant to be knee-high stockings with some sort of bow or adornment along the edge!
These are currently off-the-shelf and support the verbs WEAR, REMOVE, PULL, and PINCH.
a corseted satin gown thinly striped in black and white Weight: 8 pounds
Enchant: +25
Padding: somewhat crit
robes (AsG 2) 3000
a pair of argent suede over-the-knee boots on sharp heels Weight: 2 pounds
Enchant: +30
Flares: unbalance
UAC boots
This item may be altered but the noun must always be one of the following: Boots, Shoes, Sandals, Slippers, Buskins, Footwraps, Foot-wraps, Klot, Moccasins, or Yatane. The basic material of leather should stay the same (i.e. leather, suede, lambskin, etc.). It can be setup to have BOTH a long and a SHOW description.
This item is currently fully unlocked and has the following verbs available: Wear, Remove, Pull, Tap, Point, and Stomp.
a waist-length necklace of gilded rose glass droplets Weight: <1 pound
This necklace may be altered as long as it remains some sort of pendant, amulet, or other dangly necklace-type jewelry.
You can KISS, TURN, TAP, CLEAN, LICK, POKE, PLUCK, and EAT the necklace. It is once unlocked, but not fully unlocked.
a round coin purse of metallic pebbled leather Weight: <1 pound
This item may be altered, but the noun must remain "pouch," "bag," or "purse," immediately preceeded by the word "coin." Long and show descriptions are both fine.
You can store up to 10000 silver coins in the coin purse weightlessly.
You may OPEN, CLOSE, WEAR, REMOVE, COVER, EAT, GLANCE at, PLUCK, SHAKE, TAP, TOSS, and WAVE the coin purse, but some options may depend how many coins are stored within.
This coin purse cannot be lightened or deepened.
Return to the top of this page.


Opened: December 2018; Inventory Updates: None; Verified: 12/20/18, 8/12/2019, 2/13/2020

a darkened doorway, Map #1, Lich #27651, go darkened doorway

Hand-N-Hand Parlor

[Hand-N-Hand, Parlor]
Heavy scuff marks mar the flooring in the few spots that remain visible through the blanketing layers of sand and dirt. An iron-banded shipping trunk sits just inside the doorway, nearly blocking egress to the rest of the space. Across the room, a short circular table draped in mildewed canvas holds merchandise on display beneath a grimy window.
Obvious exits: east, out
All of the vultite on this table has been enhanted 5 times.
All other materials on the table have been enchanted 4 times. 
Each weapon has a extra bit of fluffy zestiness to it.


This is a brawling weapon with fluff messaging.  It can be altered normally.
This item is currently off-the-shelf quality. It can be unlocked further by a qualified merchant. It currently traps: PULL, PUSH, TURN, and RAISE.

On the short circular table you see:

Item Bonus Weapon Profile Bloodscrip
a hide-wrapped mithril fist-scythe 4x fist-scythe 750
a dual-bladed mithril gauntlet-sword 4x katar 750
a dual-bladed silvery vultite gauntlet-sword 5x katar 2250
a rune-etched silvery vultite fist-scythe 5x fist-scythe 2250
All of the vultite and eonake in this trunk has been enhanted 5 times.
All other materials in the trunk have been enchanted 4 times. 
Each weapon has a extra bit of fluffy zestiness to it.

In the iron-banded shipping trunk you see:

Item Bonus Weapon Profile Bloodscrip
a pale leather vultite-studded cestus 5x cestus 2250
a red leather mithril-studded cestus 4x cestus 750
an iron-braced vultite troll-claw 5x troll-claw 2250
an steel-braced mithril troll-claw 4x troll-claw 750
a polished eonake troll-claw 5x, sancted troll-claw 2750
The weapons in this here special display case have been enchanted 6 times.
Each weapon has a extra bit of fluffy zestiness to it too.
But that won't matter, cuz I bet ya can't afford em!

In the special display case you see:

Item Bonus Weapon Profile Bloodscrip
a glossy ebon glaes fist-scythe 6x fist-scythe 10250
a red leather glaes-studded cestus 6x cestus 10250

Hand-N-Hand, Storage

[Hand-N-Hand, Storage]
Dark panelling covers the walls in this small and dimly lit space. Two grimy, rectangular windows are nestled in the middle of the outside wall, neither clean enough to let in any appreciable light. A walnut chest with broken hinges lies beneath one of the windows, while a shipping crate, its lid removed, lies beneath the other.
Obvious exits: west
Contents highly flammable.
       Handle with care.
Both the troll-claw and the sai in the chest have been enhanted 5 times.
The katar and the fist-scythe in the chest have been enchanted 4 times. 
Each weapon has a extra bit of fluffy zestiness to it.


This is a brawling weapon with fluff messaging.  It can be altered normally.
This item is currently off-the-shelf quality. It can be unlocked further by a qualified merchant. It currently traps: PULL, PUSH, TURN, and RAISE.

In the walnut chest you see:

Item Bonus & Flare Weapon Profile Bloodscrip
a silvery vultite katar with scorch-marked crosspieces 4x, fire katar 1000
a flame-etched vultite fist-scythe 4x, fire fist-scythe 1000
a sturdy vultite troll-claw with scorched bracers 5x, fire troll-claw 2500
a dual-pronged crimson vultite sai etched with tiny flames 4x, fire sai 2500
Both the fist-scythe and the tiger-claw in the crate have been enhanted 5 times.
The troll-claw and the sai in the crate have been enchanted 4 times. 
Each weapon has a extra bit of fluffy zestiness to it.

In the shipping crate you see:

Item Bonus & Flare Weapon Profile Bloodscrip
a polished vultite fist-scythe etched with a jagged white bolt 5x, lightning fist-scythe 2500
a silvery vultite troll-claw bound with bolt-embossed leather 4x, lightning troll-claw 1000
a dual-pronged vultite sai painted with a jagged silver bolt 4x, lightning sai 1000
a sharp vultite tiger-claw etched with lightning bolts 5x, lightning tiger-claw 2500
The weapons in this here special display case have been enchanted 6 times.
Each weapon has a extra bit of fluffy zestiness to it too.
But that won't matter, cuz I bet ya can't afford em!

In the special display case you see:

Item Bonus & Flare Weapon Profile Bloodscrip
a flame-etched vultite tiger-claw 6x, fire tiger-claw 10500
a silvery vultite katar etched with a jagged white bolt 6x, lightning katar 10500
Return to the top of this page.

High Spirits

Opened: Unknown; Inventory Updates: February 2018; August 2019, February 2020 Verified: 2/24/18, 6/15/18, 12/21/18, 8/14/19, 02/13/20

a tiny thatched-roof shop, Lich #26875, Room 18, go thatched-roof shop

High Spirits

[High Spirits - 26875]
A round stained glass window patterned with brightly colored flowers appears oddly out of place on the far wall of this cramped space. Dusty oak planks have been pried up from underfoot, the broken floorboards scattered about, the resulting pitfalls lying in wait for the unsuspecting ankle. An overturned metal trunk and a cracked glass display case are the only remaining furniture, while a large rat's nest in the corner is quite crowded with various discarded treasures.
Obvious exits: out
The jewelry in the trunk will hold runestones used for summoning spirit servants.  Make your own runestones with the supplies on top of the case.
The runestones in the case are pre-drawn:
alabaster = aurora
mosaic glass = will-o-wisp
silver glass = solar
smoky quartz = desert 
peach agate = island
fluorite = glacier
black opal = astral
despanal = volcano
grey crystal = wasteland
black glaes = crevasse
blue quartz = river
sunstone = sunburst
snow quartz = snow

In the cracked glass display case you see:

a silver-caged snow quartz runestone Weight: <1 pound
show description
Scrawled on the surface of the runestone, you notice a rune that you can not recognize.
a spangled orange sunstone runestone Weight: <1 pound
show description
Scrawled on the surface of the runestone, you notice a rune that you can not recognize.
a sinuous blue quartz runestone swept with silver Weight: <1 pound
show description
Scrawled on the surface of the runestone, you notice a rune that you can not recognize.
a starstone-set black glaes runestone Weight: <1 pound
show description
Scrawled on the surface of the runestone, you notice a rune that you can not recognize.
a smoky grey crystal runestone Weight: <1 pound
show description
Scrawled on the surface of the runestone, you notice a rune that you can not recognize.
an octagonal despanal runestone Weight: <1 pound
show description
Scrawled on the surface of the runestone, you notice a rune that you can not recognize.
a star-shaped black opal runestone Weight: <1 pound
show description
Scrawled on the surface of the runestone, you notice a rune that you can not recognize.
a transparent fluorite runestone Weight: <1 pound
show description
Scrawled on the surface of the runestone, you notice a rune that you can not recognize.
a cylindrical peach agate runestone Weight: <1 pound
show description
Scrawled on the surface of the runestone, you notice a rune that you can not recognize.
a globular smoky quartz runestone Weight: <1 pound
show description
Scrawled on the surface of the runestone, you notice a rune that you can not recognize.
an onyx-veined silver glass runestone Weight: <1 pound
show description
Scrawled on the surface of the runestone, you notice a rune that you can not recognize.
a round runestone of mosaic glass Weight: <1 pound
show description
Scrawled on the surface of the runestone, you notice a rune that you can not recognize.
an oblong runestone of chiseled alabaster Weight: <1 pound
show description
Scrawled on the surface of the runestone, you notice a rune that you can not recognize.
a smoke black leather case with bloodwood handles Weight: 2 pounds
Pocketed: Medium (20-39)
any number of items
You can tell that the case is as light as it can get, but you might be able to have a talented merchant deepen its pockets for you.
a smooth cherry-hued stone Weight: <1 pound 1
an aish'vrak potion Weight: <1 pound
show description
The aish'vrak potion is filled with a dull green liquid. Small bubbles regularly break its surface, leaving behind a thin blue film.
a smoky crystalline inkwell on a silver base Weight: <1 pound
show description
The inkwell is filled with a rich silver ink.
a narrow cottonwood brush with boar hair bristles Weight: <1 pound
show description
The brush's bristles are clean and smooth.
a spoon-handled silver cup Weight: <1 pound
show description
The water inside the cup appears to be clean.

In the metal trunk you see:

an oval-cut ametrine brooch captured in silver filigree Weight: <1 pound Spirit servant jewelry 50
a lustrous red gold carcanet set with flames of honey amber Weight: <1 pound Spirit servant jewelry 50
a tri-strand black diamond wristlet spliced with silver threads Weight: <1 pound Spirit servant jewelry 50
a pale rose quartz ring nestled in electrum coils Weight: <1 pound Spirit servant jewelry 50
a rose gold ring wreathed with onyx mournblooms Weight: <1 pound Spirit servant jewelry 50
a golvern kraken earcuff with splayed tentacles Weight: <1 pound Spirit servant jewelry 50
a pair of garnet-set gilded rings Weight: <1 pound Spirit servant jewelry 50
a headband of dark vaalin lilac blossoms Weight: <1 pound Spirit servant jewelry 50
Return to the top of this page.

Just For Kicks

Opened: December 2018; Inventory Updates: August 2019, February 2020; Verified: 2019-08-15, 2020-02-13

a small whitewashed building, Map #18 Lich #26874, go building

Just For Kicks

[Just For Kicks, Entry - 27648]
In front of a long wooden counter, faded and threadbare rugs are scattered over a hard-packed dirt floor. Various cobbling tools hang from nails and spikes driven into oaken walls, while an assortment of broken shoe forms are piled high in one corner beside an open battered trunk. A broken crate sits at the foot of a narrow staircase leading to a small loft.
Obvious exits: out
Second hand cobbling wares!  Uppers are in the trunk and trims are in the crate.  The ingots on the counter can be used in cobbling plate boxes.  All sales final!

On the wooden counter you see:

a small rolaren ingot Weight: <1 pound
************************* Cobbling Plates Maker Box ******************************
The rolaren ingot is material to be used in a Cobbling Plate Maker Box (CPMB) to produce a pair of cobbling plates of the same material.
a small kelyn ingot Weight: <1 pound
************************* Cobbling Plates Maker Box ******************************
The kelyn ingot is material to be used in a Cobbling Plate Maker Box (CPMB) to produce a pair of cobbling plates of the same material.
a small golvern ingot Weight: <1 pound
************************* Cobbling Plates Maker Box ******************************
The golvern ingot is material to be used in a Cobbling Plate Maker Box (CPMB) to produce a pair of cobbling plates of the same material.
a small eonake ingot Weight: <1 pound
************************* Cobbling Plates Maker Box ******************************
The eonake ingot is material to be used in a Cobbling Plate Maker Box (CPMB) to produce a pair of cobbling plates of the same material.
a small eahnor ingot Weight: <1 pound
************************* Cobbling Plates Maker Box ******************************
The eahnor ingot is material to be used in a Cobbling Plate Maker Box (CPMB) to produce a pair of cobbling plates of the same material.

In the battered trunk you see:

a roll of wine-stained lace Weight: <1 pound
show description
The lace has been carefully prepared to be used for creating uppers for quality footwear.
a bolt of pilled flannel Weight: <1 pound
show description
The flannel has been carefully prepared to be used for creating uppers for quality footwear.
a roll of tarnished cloth-of-copper Weight: <1 pound
show description
The cloth-of-copper has been carefully prepared to be used for creating uppers for quality footwear.
a bolt of patched chamois Weight: <1 pound
show description
The chamois has been carefully prepared to be used for creating uppers for quality footwear.
a piece of salt-stained leather Weight: <1 pound
show description
The leather has been carefully prepared to be used for creating uppers for quality footwear.
a roll of torn broadcloath Weight: <1 pound
show description
The broadcloath has been carefully prepared to be used for creating uppers for quality footwear.
a bolt of sun-bleached cotton Weight: <1 pound
show description
The cotton has been carefully prepared to be used for creating uppers for quality footwear.
a roll of discolored paeline Weight: <1 pound
show description
The paeline has been carefully prepared to be used for creating uppers for quality footwear.
a bolt of shabby watered silk Weight: <1 pound
show description
The silk has been carefully prepared to be used for creating uppers for quality footwear.
a piece of bloodstained leather Weight: <1 pound
show description
The leather has been carefully prepared to be used for creating uppers for quality footwear.

In the broken crate you see:

some green hornet wings Weight: <1 pound
show description
The wings, which appear to be made from green hornet wing, could be used when cobbling to make footwear that is:
studded with green hornet wings green hornet wing-studded
inset with green hornet wings green hornet wing-inset
buttoned with green hornet wings green hornet wing-buttoned
beaded with green hornet wings green hornet wing-beaded
some barbed urchin spines Weight: <1 pound
show description
The spines, which appear to be made from barbed urchin spine, could be used when cobbling to make footwear that is:
studded with barbed urchin spines barbed urchin spine-studded
inset with barbed urchin spines barbed urchin spine-inset
buttoned with barbed urchin spines barbed urchin spine-buttoned
beaded with barbed urchin spines barbed urchin spine-beaded
some snake rattles Weight: <1 pound
show description
The rattles, which appear to be made from snake rattle, could be used when cobbling to make footwear that is:
studded with snake rattles snake rattle-studded
inset with snake rattles snake rattle-inset
buttoned with snake rattles snake rattle-buttoned
beaded with snake rattles snake rattle-beaded
some brittle ogre nails Weight: <1 pound
show description
The nails, which appear to be made from brittle ogre nail, could be used when cobbling to make footwear that is:
studded with brittle ogre nails brittle ogre nail-studded
inset with brittle ogre nails brittle ogre nail-inset
buttoned with brittle ogre nails brittle ogre nail-buttoned
beaded with brittle ogre nails brittle ogre nail-beaded
some forest troll fangs Weight: <1 pound
show description
The fangs, which appear to be made from forest troll fang, could be used when cobbling to make footwear that is:
studded with forest troll fangs forest troll fang-studded
inset with forest troll fangs forest troll fang-inset
buttoned with forest troll fangs forest troll fang-buttoned
beaded with forest troll fangs forest troll fang-beaded
some brown spinner pincers Weight: <1 pound
show description
The pincers, which appear to be made from brown spinner pincer, could be used when cobbling to make footwear that is:
studded with brown spinner pincers brown spinner pincer-studded
inset with brown spinner pincers brown spinner pincer-inset
buttoned with brown spinner pincers brown spinner pincer-buttoned
beaded with brown spinner pincers brown spinner pincer-beaded
some curled leaper claws Weight: <1 pound
show description
The claws, which appear to be made from curled leaper claw, could be used when cobbling to make footwear that is:
studded with curled leaper claws curled leaper claw-studded
inset with curled leaper claws curled leaper claw-inset
buttoned with curled leaper claws curled leaper claw-buttoned
beaded with curled leaper claws curled leaper claw-beaded
some relnak sail spines Weight: <1 pound
show description
The spines, which appear to be made from relnak sail spine, could be used when cobbling to make footwear that is:
studded with relnak sail spines relnak sail spine-studded
inset with relnak sail spines relnak sail spine-inset
buttoned with relnak sail spines relnak sail spine-buttoned
beaded with relnak sail spines relnak sail spine-beaded
some yellowed ghoul nails Weight: <1 pound
show description
The nails, which appear to be made from yellowed ghoul nail, could be used when cobbling to make footwear that is:
studded with yellowed ghoul nails yellowed ghoul nail-studded
inset with yellowed ghoul nails yellowed ghoul nail-inset
buttoned with yellowed ghoul nails yellowed ghoul nail-buttoned
beaded with yellowed ghoul nails yellowed ghoul nail-beaded
some salamander skulls Weight: <1 pound
show description
The skulls, which appear to be made from salamander skull, could be used when cobbling to make footwear that is:
studded with salamander skulls salamander skull-studded
inset with salamander skulls salamander skull-inset
buttoned with salamander skulls salamander skull-buttoned
beaded with salamander skulls salamander skull-beaded
[Just For Kicks, Loft - 27649]
Crowded with broken furniture and discarded shoeboxes, a small space has been cleared around a dye-splattered tub. A long-tailed sewer rat is perched on the edge of the tub, the rodent's feet stained an odd shade of blue. Near a small window, a wire basket hangs from a low ceiling riddled with holes.
Obvious exits: down
Cobbling dyes are in the tub and each has 10 pours.  The heels in the basket and shoebox can be snapped on to cobbled footwear to change the look.

In the wire basket you see:

a pair of shiny fruitwood heels Weight: <1 pound
You can PUSH your shiny fruitwood heels while holding a pair of cobbled footwear to snap them onto the soles and permanently alter the look of the shoes. The heels may only be used one time.
You can NUDGE your shiny fruitwood heels to change how the heels will be attached to a shoe. It's currently set to: stacked on shiny fruitwood heels.
a pair of textured ebony heels Weight: <1 pound
You can PUSH your textured ebony heels while holding a pair of cobbled footwear to snap them onto the soles and permanently alter the look of the shoes. The heels may only be used one time.
You can NUDGE your textured ebony heels to change how the heels will be attached to a shoe. It's currently set to: stacked on textured ebony heels.
a pair of fish spine heels Weight: <1 pound
You can PUSH your fish spine heels while holding a pair of cobbled footwear to snap them onto the soles and permanently alter the look of the shoes. The heels may only be used one time.
You can NUDGE your fish spine heels to change how the heels will be attached to a shoe. It's currently set to: stacked on fish spine heels.
a pair of pine cone heels Weight: <1 pound
You can PUSH your pine cone heels while holding a pair of cobbled footwear to snap them onto the soles and permanently alter the look of the shoes. The heels may only be used one time.
You can NUDGE your pine cone heels to change how the heels will be attached to a shoe. It's currently set to: stacked on pine cone heels.
a pair of bubbled amber heels Weight: <1 pound
You can PUSH your bubbled amber heels while holding a pair of cobbled footwear to snap them onto the soles and permanently alter the look of the shoes. The heels may only be used one time.
You can NUDGE your bubbled amber heels to change how the heels will be attached to a shoe. It's currently set to: stacked on bubbled amber heels.
a pair of gnarp horn heels Weight: <1 pound
You can PUSH your gnarp horn heels while holding a pair of cobbled footwear to snap them onto the soles and permanently alter the look of the shoes. The heels may only be used one time.
You can NUDGE your gnarp horn heels to change how the heels will be attached to a shoe. It's currently set to: stacked on gnarp horn heels.
a pair of chiseled marble heels Weight: <1 pound
You can PUSH your chiseled marble heels while holding a pair of cobbled footwear to snap them onto the soles and permanently alter the look of the shoes. The heels may only be used one time.
You can NUDGE your chiseled marble heels to change how the heels will be attached to a shoe. It's currently set to: stacked on chiseled marble heels.
a pair of fox fur-covered heels Weight: <1 pound
You can PUSH your fox fur-covered heels while holding a pair of cobbled footwear to snap them onto the soles and permanently alter the look of the shoes. The heels may only be used one time.
You can NUDGE your fox fur-covered heels to change how the heels will be attached to a shoe. It's currently set to: stacked on fox fur-covered heels.
a pair of thin olive wood heels Weight: <1 pound
You can PUSH your thin olive wood heels while holding a pair of cobbled footwear to snap them onto the soles and permanently alter the look of the shoes. The heels may only be used one time.
You can NUDGE your thin olive wood heels to change how the heels will be attached to a shoe. It's currently set to: stacked on thin olive wood heels.
a pair of cruciform iron heels Weight: <1 pound
You can PUSH your cruciform iron heels while holding a pair of cobbled footwear to snap them onto the soles and permanently alter the look of the shoes. The heels may only be used one time.
You can NUDGE your cruciform iron heels to change how the heels will be attached to a shoe. It's currently set to: stacked on cruciform iron heels.

In the dye-splattered tub you see:

a vial of blackened violet dye Weight: <1 pound
show description
But you're not holding a vial of blackened violet dye.
a vial of tawny terracotta dye Weight: <1 pound
show description
But you're not holding a vial of tawny terracotta dye.
a vial of greyish brown dye Weight: <1 pound
show description
But you're not holding a vial of greyish brown dye.
a vial of warm amber dye Weight: <1 pound
show description
But you're not holding a vial of warm amber dye.
a vial of rosy copper dye Weight: <1 pound
show description
But you're not holding a vial of rosy copper dye.
a vial of creamy beige dye Weight: <1 pound
show description
But you're not holding a vial of creamy beige dye.
a vial of icy pink dye Weight: <1 pound
show description
But you're not holding a vial of icy pink dye.
a vial of peachy rose dye Weight: <1 pound
show description
But you're not holding a vial of peachy rose dye.
a vial of golden taupe dye Weight: <1 pound
show description
But you're not holding a vial of golden taupe dye.
a vial of smoky mauve dye Weight: <1 pound
show description
But you're not holding a vial of smoky mauve dye.

In the shoeboxes you see:

a pair of kelyn serpent heels Weight: <1 pound
You can PUSH your kelyn serpent heels while holding a pair of cobbled footwear to snap them onto the soles and permanently alter the look of the shoes. The heels may only be used one time.
You can NUDGE your kelyn serpent heels to change how the heels will be attached to a shoe. It's currently set to: stacked on kelyn serpent heels.
a pair of totem-carved heels Weight: <1 pound
You can PUSH your totem-carved heels while holding a pair of cobbled footwear to snap them onto the soles and permanently alter the look of the shoes. The heels may only be used one time.
You can NUDGE your totem-carved heels to change how the heels will be attached to a shoe. It's currently set to: stacked on totem-carved heels.
a pair of eahnor flame heels Weight: <1 pound
You can PUSH your eahnor flame heels while holding a pair of cobbled footwear to snap them onto the soles and permanently alter the look of the shoes. The heels may only be used one time.
You can NUDGE your eahnor flame heels to change how the heels will be attached to a shoe. It's currently set to: stacked on eahnor flame heels.
a pair of spliced lor heels Weight: <1 pound
You can PUSH your spliced lor heels while holding a pair of cobbled footwear to snap them onto the soles and permanently alter the look of the shoes. The heels may only be used one time.
You can NUDGE your spliced lor heels to change how the heels will be attached to a shoe. It's currently set to: stacked on spliced lor heels.
a pair of tendrillar alum heels Weight: <1 pound
You can PUSH your tendrillar alum heels while holding a pair of cobbled footwear to snap them onto the soles and permanently alter the look of the shoes. The heels may only be used one time.
You can NUDGE your tendrillar alum heels to change how the heels will be attached to a shoe. It's currently set to: stacked on tendrillar alum heels.
a pair of orbed rose gold heels Weight: <1 pound
You can PUSH your orbed rose gold heels while holding a pair of cobbled footwear to snap them onto the soles and permanently alter the look of the shoes. The heels may only be used one time.
You can NUDGE your orbed rose gold heels to change how the heels will be attached to a shoe. It's currently set to: stacked on orbed rose gold heels.
a pair of helical faenor heels Weight: <1 pound
You can PUSH your helical faenor heels while holding a pair of cobbled footwear to snap them onto the soles and permanently alter the look of the shoes. The heels may only be used one time.
You can NUDGE your helical faenor heels to change how the heels will be attached to a shoe. It's currently set to: stacked on helical faenor heels.
a pair of glazed poplar heels Weight: <1 pound
You can PUSH your glazed poplar heels while holding a pair of cobbled footwear to snap them onto the soles and permanently alter the look of the shoes. The heels may only be used one time.
You can NUDGE your glazed poplar heels to change how the heels will be attached to a shoe. It's currently set to: stacked on glazed poplar heels.
a pair of crescentic ora heels Weight: <1 pound
You can PUSH your crescentic ora heels while holding a pair of cobbled footwear to snap them onto the soles and permanently alter the look of the shoes. The heels may only be used one time.
You can NUDGE your crescentic ora heels to change how the heels will be attached to a shoe. It's currently set to: stacked on crescentic ora heels.
a pair of columnar quartz heels Weight: <1 pound
You can PUSH your columnar quartz heels while holding a pair of cobbled footwear to snap them onto the soles and permanently alter the look of the shoes. The heels may only be used one time.
You can NUDGE your columnar quartz heels to change how the heels will be attached to a shoe. It's currently set to: stacked on columnar quartz heels.
Return to the top of this page.

Opened: August 2019;Updated: February 2020

The Librarium

a narrow three-story structure, [Map Room #], Lich# 26862

The Librarium, Study

[The Librarium, Study - 28328]
The ground floor of this little structure resembles a study, its many shelves overflowing with aged tomes and scrolls. Within a glass case, three books sit on special display, while on a shelf beside them rest sheaves of neatly organized papers.
Obvious exits: out
The books for sale come with one chapter and have some basic functionality.
A flimsy manual (sold in the case) will give your book more personality, and will allow you to add more chapters (the papers, available for purchase).
A sturdy manual (also in the case) can then give your book yet more personality.
The new splendid manuals will give your books the most personality yet.
The books in this study have a scholarly flair, and only the chapters sold here can be added to them.

In the glass case you see:

a heavy leather book Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item
This book is a Tier 1 FancyBook with "scholarly" flavor. There is no actual write functionality with this item.
*~*~*~*~*~ TABLE OF CONTENTS ~*~*~*~*~*
Chapter 1 ..... Elven culture
You have a primary earmark at the chapter on "Elven culture"
a silver-hinged leather tome Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item
This tome is a Tier 1 FancyBook with "scholarly" flavor. There is no actual write functionality with this item.
*~*~*~*~*~ TABLE OF CONTENTS ~*~*~*~*~*
Chapter 1 ..... Elven geography
You have a primary earmark at the chapter on "Elven geography"
a creaky leather volume Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item
This volume is a Tier 1 FancyBook with "scholarly" flavor. There is no actual write functionality with this item.
*~*~*~*~*~ TABLE OF CONTENTS ~*~*~*~*~*
Chapter 1 ..... the Elven Nations
You have a primary earmark at the chapter on "the Elven Nations"
a flimsy leather-bound manual Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
Your manual is used to unlock the potential of things held in your other hand.
This manual will unlock FancyBooks from The Librarium at Bloodriven Village to Tier 2.
You need only RAISE your manual while holding a compatible piece of equipment in your other hand.
Your manual may not be altered or changed in any way.

As you glance over the manual you notice something written on it...
This manual will unlock a Tier 1 FancyBook to Tier 2. This manual will ONLY work if the item is at Tier 1.
a sturdy canvas-bound manual Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
Your manual is used to unlock the potential of things held in your other hand.
This manual will unlock FancyBooks from The Librarium at Bloodriven Village to Tier 3.
You need only RAISE your manual while holding a compatible piece of equipment in your other hand.
Your manual may not be altered or changed in any way.

As you glance over the manual you notice something written on it...
This manual will unlock a Tier 2 FancyBook to Tier 3. This manual will ONLY work if the item is at Tier 2.
a splendid gold-painted manual Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
Your manual is used to unlock the potential of things held in your other hand.
This manual will unlock FancyBooks from The Librarium at Bloodriven Village to Tier 4.
You need only RAISE your manual while holding a compatible piece of equipment in your other hand.
Your manual may not be altered or changed in any way.

As you glance over the manual you notice something written on it...
This manual will unlock a Tier 3 FancyBook to Tier 4. This manual will ONLY work if the item is at Tier 3.

On the shelf you see:

some tidy papers Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
You analyze the tidy papers and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

Glancing over some tidy papers, you ascertain that these are papers about the Argent Mirror.
some neat papers Weight: <1 pound
show description
Glancing over some neat papers, you ascertain that these are papers about New Ta'Faendryl.
some curling papers Weight: <1 pound
show description
Glancing over some curling papers, you ascertain that these are papers about Old Ta'Faendryl.
some aged papers Weight: <1 pound
show description
Glancing over some aged papers, you ascertain that these are papers about Sylvarraend.
some tattered papers Weight: <1 pound
show description
Glancing over some tattered papers, you ascertain that these are papers about Ta'Ardenai.
some torn papers Weight: <1 pound
show description
Glancing over some torn papers, you ascertain that these are papers about Ta'Loenthra.
some ragged papers Weight: <1 pound
show description
Glancing over some ragged papers, you ascertain that these are papers about Ta'Nalfein.
some yellowed papers Weight: <1 pound
show description
Glancing over some yellowed papers, you ascertain that these are papers about Ta'Vaalor.
some plain papers Weight: <1 pound
show description
Glancing over some plain papers, you ascertain that these are papers about Ta'Illistim.

The Librarium, Sanctuary

[The Librarium, Sanctuary - 28329]
A small altar lends this sparse and serene space the air of a sanctuary. Upon its surface rests a trio of books, while atop some pillows sit many sheaves of papers.
Obvious exits: down
The books for sale come with one chapter and have some basic functionality.
A flimsy manual (sold in the study) will give your book more personality, and will allow you to add more chapters (the papers, available for purchase).
A sturdy manual (also in the study) can then give your book yet more personality.
The books in this study have a sacred flair, and only the chapters sold here can be added to them.

On the small altar you see:

a gold-hinged leather book Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item
This book is a Tier 1 FancyBook with "sacred" flavor. There is no actual write functionality with this item.
*~*~*~*~*~ TABLE OF CONTENTS ~*~*~*~*~*
Chapter 1 ..... herbology
You have a primary earmark at the chapter on "herbology"
a plain leather tome Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item
This tome is a Tier 1 FancyBook with "sacred" flavor. There is no actual write functionality with this item.
*~*~*~*~*~ TABLE OF CONTENTS ~*~*~*~*~*
Chapter 1 ..... natural healing
You have a primary earmark at the chapter on "natural healing"
a silver leather volume Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item
This volume is a Tier 1 FancyBook with "sacred" flavor. There is no actual write functionality with this item.
*~*~*~*~*~ TABLE OF CONTENTS ~*~*~*~*~*
Chapter 1 ..... foraging
You have a primary earmark at the chapter on "foraging"

On the some pillows you see:

some tidy papers Weight: <1 pound
show description
Glancing over some tidy papers, you ascertain that these are papers about exotic fruits.
some neat papers Weight: <1 pound
show description
Glancing over some neat papers, you ascertain that these are papers about potent elixirs.
some curling papers Weight: <1 pound
show description
Glancing over some curling papers, you ascertain that these are papers about fragrant resins.
some aged papers Weight: <1 pound
show description
Glancing over some aged papers, you ascertain that these are papers about sacred woods.
some tattered papers Weight: <1 pound
show description
Glancing over some tattered papers, you ascertain that these are papers about strange fungi.
some torn papers Weight: <1 pound
show description
Glancing over some torn papers, you ascertain that these are papers about healing flowers.
some ragged papers Weight: <1 pound
show description
Glancing over some ragged papers, you ascertain that these are papers about ancient trees.
some yellowed papers Weight: <1 pound
show description
Glancing over some yellowed papers, you ascertain that these are papers about precious herbs.
some plain papers Weight: <1 pound
show description
Glancing over some plain papers, you ascertain that these are papers about rare lichens.

The Librarium, Laboratory

[The Librarium, Laboratory - 28330]
Beakers and vials of viscous fluid bubble atop a work table in what resembles a laboratory. Within a summoning circle on the floor, three tomes sit on display, while sheaves of papers surround them atop some pedestals at all points.
Obvious exits: down
The books for sale come with one chapter and have some basic functionality.
A flimsy manual (sold in the study) will give your book more personality, and will allow you to add more chapters (the papers, available for purchase).
A sturdy manual (also in the study) can then give your book yet more personality.
The books in this study have a sinister flair, and only the chapters sold here can be added to them.

On the summoning circle you see:

a steel-hinged leather book Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item
This book is a Tier 1 FancyBook with "sinister" flavor. There is no actual write functionality with this item.
*~*~*~*~*~ TABLE OF CONTENTS ~*~*~*~*~*
Chapter 1 ..... illegal endeavors
You have a primary earmark at the chapter on "illegal endeavors"
a glossy vruul-skin tome Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item
This tome is a Tier 1 FancyBook with "sinister" flavor. There is no actual write functionality with this item.
*~*~*~*~*~ TABLE OF CONTENTS ~*~*~*~*~*
Chapter 1 ..... the Rogue's Guild
You have a primary earmark at the chapter on "the Rogue's Guild"
a rotting leather volume Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item
This volume is a Tier 1 FancyBook with "sinister" flavor. There is no actual write functionality with this item.
*~*~*~*~*~ TABLE OF CONTENTS ~*~*~*~*~*
Chapter 1 ..... criminal enterprises
You have a primary earmark at the chapter on "criminal enterprises"

On the some pedestals you see:

some tidy papers Weight: <1 pound
show description
Glancing over some tidy papers, you ascertain that these are papers about cunning tinkerers.
some neat papers Weight: <1 pound
show description
Glancing over some neat papers, you ascertain that these are papers about brutal mercenaries.
some curling papers Weight: <1 pound
show description
Glancing over some curling papers, you ascertain that these are papers about shadowy spies.
some aged papers Weight: <1 pound
show description
Glancing over some aged papers, you ascertain that these are papers about merciless pirates.
some tattered papers Weight: <1 pound
show description
Glancing over some tattered papers, you ascertain that these are papers about underworld figures.
some torn papers Weight: <1 pound
show description
Glancing over some torn papers, you ascertain that these are papers about ruthless highwaymen.
some ragged papers Weight: <1 pound
show description
Glancing over some ragged papers, you ascertain that these are papers about invisible assassins.
some yellowed papers Weight: <1 pound
show description
Glancing over some yellowed papers, you ascertain that these are papers about devious cutpurses.
some plain papers Weight: <1 pound
show description
Glancing over some plain papers, you ascertain that these are papers about underhanded smugglers.
Return to the top of this page.

Madder Hats Tea Room

Opened: August 2019;Updated:Feb 2020;

a small whitewashed cottage, [Map Room #NA], Lich# 26861, go whitewashed cottage

Madder Hats Tea Room

[Madder Hats Tea Room - 28331]
A large table set with mismatched chairs takes up most of the available floorspace, save for a small iron stove and oak supply bin crowded into one corner. Lining the walls, shelves are stocked with labeled jars and a variety of cups, saucers, and spoons. An elaborate chandelier dangles precariously above the table, a complicated arrangement of repurposed sugarbowls and teapots set with glowing candles.
Obvious exits: out

On the large table you see:

a bottle of milk Weight: <1 pound 10
a bottle of honey Weight: <1 pound 10
a slice of lemon Weight: <1 pound 1
a sugar cube Weight: <1 pound 1
a bottle of fresh cream Weight: <1 pound 10
a small bottle of whiskey Weight: <1 pound 10
a bottle of vanilla Weight: <1 pound 10
a bottle of brandied eggnog Weight: <1 pound 10
a bottle of blackberry syrup Weight: <1 pound 10

Under the large table you see:

On the shelves you see:

a milky glass jar Weight: 5 pounds
show description, writing
There appears to be something written on it.

A small label on the milky glass jar reads, "Duskruin Defense."
a frosted glass jar Weight: 5 pounds
show description, writing
There appears to be something written on it.

A small label on the frosted glass jar reads, "Summer Arena."
a stout green glass jar Weight: 5 pounds
show description, writing
There appears to be something written on it.

A small label on the green glass jar reads, "Minted Hero."

In the bin you see:

What does the shop look like from the outside?, [Map Room #NA], Lich# 28331 , go door

Madder Hats, Stock Room

[Madder Hats, Stock Room - 28332]
Not much more than a closet, the floor is strewn with tea leaves, the heady herbal aroma overpowering behind the closed door. Partially concealing the room's only window, a stack of wooden crates reaches nearly to the ceiling. A soft meowing can be heard coming from behind a woven basket in the corner.
Obvious exits: out

In the basket you see:

an arena-painted wooden matchbox Weight: <1 pound
The wooden matchbox holds matches. It currently holds 100 matches.
To use, OPEN MY matchbox and GET MATCH FROM MY matchbox.
It can be altered, but the noun must remain matchbox, matchbook, pouch, box, or case.
The matches that it creates can have custom article and adjectives, but the matches disappear upon lighting or dropping.
The wooden matchbox will be deleted if you take the last match. To refill the matchbox, you can DROP matches one by one, or BUNDLE two matchbooks together. The matches from the matchbook in your left hand will be moved to the matchbook in your right hand.
a silver globular tea infuser Weight: <1 pound 25
a silver walrus tea infuser Weight: <1 pound 25
a silver butterfly tea infuser Weight: <1 pound 25
a silver turtle tea infuser Weight: <1 pound 25

In the crates you see:

a small cast iron stove Weight: 5 pounds
show description
The grate on the cast iron stove is open.
a bright orange tea kettle colored with runes Weight: 2 pounds 100
a piggy-painted pale pink tea kettle with a snout-like spout Weight: 2 pounds 100
a rosy copper tea kettle with a bloodwood handle Weight: 2 pounds 100
a sky blue tea kettle painted with cherry blossoms Weight: 2 pounds 100
a gold-spouted bright white tea kettle Weight: 2 pounds 100

On the wire rack you see:

an ivory porcelain teacup ringed with pink roses Weight: <1 pound
This is a drink container.
an ivory saucer dotted with roses Weight: <1 pound
Try as you might, you cannot get a good sense of whether or not the saucer's pockets could get any deeper, but you can tell that the saucer is as light as it can get.
an off-white rose-shaped teacup with a green vine handle Weight: <1 pound
This is a drink container.
an off-white porcelain saucer lined with silver Weight: <1 pound
Try as you might, you cannot get a good sense of whether or not the saucer's pockets could get any deeper, but you can tell that the saucer is as light as it can get.
a pale grey porcelain teacup with an ivory lace pattern Weight: <1 pound
This is a drink container.
a lace-patterned saucer of delicate porcelain Weight: <1 pound
Try as you might, you cannot get a good sense of whether or not the saucer's pockets could get any deeper, but you can tell that the saucer is as light as it can get.
a matte black teacup on a silver base Weight: <1 pound
This is a drink container.
a checkered black and silver saucer Weight: <1 pound
Try as you might, you cannot get a good sense of whether or not the saucer's pockets could get any deeper, but you can tell that the saucer is as light as it can get.
a gilded pink porcelain teacup detailed with snowy owls Weight: <1 pound
This is a drink container.
a filigreed rose gold saucer Weight: <1 pound
Try as you might, you cannot get a good sense of whether or not the saucer's pockets could get any deeper, but you can tell that the saucer is as light as it can get.
Return to the top of this page.

Make Your Mark

a crumbling two-story stone tower overrun with vines, [Map Room #17], Lich#26876 , go stone tower

Make Your Mark, First Floor

[Make Your Mark, First Floor -]
Despite the worsening condition of the exterior of the tower, the inside is clean and neatly furnished with numerous bookshelves. The grass making its way between the cracks in the cobblestone floor has been meticulously trimmed, and the walls behind the pewter-caged lanterns providing illumination have been scrubbed clean of soot. A lacquered linden table has been carved to follow the gentle curve of the circular tower wall, its surface covered by a woven sapphire blue table runner.
Obvious exits: none

On the linden table you see:

an oiled oak and steel graver Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
This graver is a tool to mark many kinds of magical loot you may find when hunting, specifically most* of the items that wizards can recharge. It will add a very simple mark to the end of the description of your magical items, respectively a small shape for engravers and a dab of colored paint for brushes. Use with caution as the marks may nullify the item's ability to be used with other scripted items. Test first!
*There are some exclusions! If it doesn't make sense to be painted or engraved, it won't mark it. It also will not mark imbedded (420), holy receptacle (325), or imbued (614) items.
This graver can be altered to have a long description or a show added, but the noun must remain the same. The show will always have a sentence appended to it describing the current setting of the tool, so keep that in mind when designing.
Your oak and steel graver is currently Tier 1 (off-the-shelf). The following verbs will work with the graver:

A glyph-encircled silver disk etched with an arc is inlaid into the handle of the graver.
a round-handled bright faenor graver Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
This graver is a tool to mark many kinds of magical loot you may find when hunting, specifically most* of the items that wizards can recharge. It will add a very simple mark to the end of the description of your magical items, respectively a small shape for engravers and a dab of colored paint for brushes. Use with caution as the marks may nullify the item's ability to be used with other scripted items. Test first!
*There are some exclusions! If it doesn't make sense to be painted or engraved, it won't mark it. It also will not mark imbedded (420), holy receptacle (325), or imbued (614) items.
This graver can be altered to have a long description or a show added, but the noun must remain the same. The show will always have a sentence appended to it describing the current setting of the tool, so keep that in mind when designing.
Your bright faenor graver is currently Tier 1 (off-the-shelf). The following verbs will work with the graver:

A glyph-encircled silver disk etched with a hexagon is inlaid into the handle of the graver.
a heavy bronze graver Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
This graver is a tool to mark many kinds of magical loot you may find when hunting, specifically most* of the items that wizards can recharge. It will add a very simple mark to the end of the description of your magical items, respectively a small shape for engravers and a dab of colored paint for brushes. Use with caution as the marks may nullify the item's ability to be used with other scripted items. Test first!
*There are some exclusions! If it doesn't make sense to be painted or engraved, it won't mark it. It also will not mark imbedded (420), holy receptacle (325), or imbued (614) items.
This graver can be altered to have a long description or a show added, but the noun must remain the same. The show will always have a sentence appended to it describing the current setting of the tool, so keep that in mind when designing.
Your bronze graver is currently Tier 1 (off-the-shelf). The following verbs will work with the graver:

A glyph-encircled silver disk etched with a circle is inlaid into the handle of the graver.
a tarnished pewter burin Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
This burin is a tool to mark many kinds of magical loot you may find when hunting, specifically most* of the items that wizards can recharge. It will add a very simple mark to the end of the description of your magical items, respectively a small shape for engravers and a dab of colored paint for brushes. Use with caution as the marks may nullify the item's ability to be used with other scripted items. Test first!
*There are some exclusions! If it doesn't make sense to be painted or engraved, it won't mark it. It also will not mark imbedded (420), holy receptacle (325), or imbued (614) items.
This burin can be altered to have a long description or a show added, but the noun must remain the same. The show will always have a sentence appended to it describing the current setting of the tool, so keep that in mind when designing.
Your pewter burin is currently Tier 1 (off-the-shelf). The following verbs will work with the burin:

A glyph-encircled silver disk etched with a sphere is inlaid into the handle of the burin.
an oval-handled blued steel burin Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
This burin is a tool to mark many kinds of magical loot you may find when hunting, specifically most* of the items that wizards can recharge. It will add a very simple mark to the end of the description of your magical items, respectively a small shape for engravers and a dab of colored paint for brushes. Use with caution as the marks may nullify the item's ability to be used with other scripted items. Test first!
*There are some exclusions! If it doesn't make sense to be painted or engraved, it won't mark it. It also will not mark imbedded (420), holy receptacle (325), or imbued (614) items.
This burin can be altered to have a long description or a show added, but the noun must remain the same. The show will always have a sentence appended to it describing the current setting of the tool, so keep that in mind when designing.
Your blued steel burin is currently Tier 1 (off-the-shelf). The following verbs will work with the burin:

A glyph-encircled silver disk etched with a rhombus is inlaid into the handle of the burin.
a leaf-etched sharp steel burin Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
This burin is a tool to mark many kinds of magical loot you may find when hunting, specifically most* of the items that wizards can recharge. It will add a very simple mark to the end of the description of your magical items, respectively a small shape for engravers and a dab of colored paint for brushes. Use with caution as the marks may nullify the item's ability to be used with other scripted items. Test first!
*There are some exclusions! If it doesn't make sense to be painted or engraved, it won't mark it. It also will not mark imbedded (420), holy receptacle (325), or imbued (614) items.
This burin can be altered to have a long description or a show added, but the noun must remain the same. The show will always have a sentence appended to it describing the current setting of the tool, so keep that in mind when designing.
Your sharp steel burin is currently Tier 1 (off-the-shelf). The following verbs will work with the burin:

A glyph-encircled silver disk etched with a triangle is inlaid into the handle of the burin.
a yew-handled gleaming steel burin Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
This burin is a tool to mark many kinds of magical loot you may find when hunting, specifically most* of the items that wizards can recharge. It will add a very simple mark to the end of the description of your magical items, respectively a small shape for engravers and a dab of colored paint for brushes. Use with caution as the marks may nullify the item's ability to be used with other scripted items. Test first!
*There are some exclusions! If it doesn't make sense to be painted or engraved, it won't mark it. It also will not mark imbedded (420), holy receptacle (325), or imbued (614) items.
This burin can be altered to have a long description or a show added, but the noun must remain the same. The show will always have a sentence appended to it describing the current setting of the tool, so keep that in mind when designing.
Your gleaming steel burin is currently Tier 1 (off-the-shelf). The following verbs will work with the burin:

A glyph-encircled silver disk etched with a square is inlaid into the handle of the burin.
a sleek lilac-carved brush Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
This brush is a tool to mark many kinds of magical loot you may find when hunting, specifically most* of the items that wizards can recharge. It will add a very simple mark to the end of the description of your magical items, respectively a small shape for engravers and a dab of colored paint for brushes. Use with caution as the marks may nullify the item's ability to be used with other scripted items. Test first!
*There are some exclusions! If it doesn't make sense to be painted or engraved, it won't mark it. It also will not mark imbedded (420), holy receptacle (325), or imbued (614) items.
This brush can be altered to have a long description or a show added, but the noun must remain the same. The show will always have a sentence appended to it describing the current setting of the tool, so keep that in mind when designing.
Your lilac-carved brush is currently Tier 1 (off-the-shelf). The following verbs will work with the brush:

Minute glyphs encircle the ferrule just above the bristles which are saturated with purple paint.
a hog bristle brush Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
This brush is a tool to mark many kinds of magical loot you may find when hunting, specifically most* of the items that wizards can recharge. It will add a very simple mark to the end of the description of your magical items, respectively a small shape for engravers and a dab of colored paint for brushes. Use with caution as the marks may nullify the item's ability to be used with other scripted items. Test first!
*There are some exclusions! If it doesn't make sense to be painted or engraved, it won't mark it. It also will not mark imbedded (420), holy receptacle (325), or imbued (614) items.
This brush can be altered to have a long description or a show added, but the noun must remain the same. The show will always have a sentence appended to it describing the current setting of the tool, so keep that in mind when designing.
Your hog bristle brush is currently Tier 1 (off-the-shelf). The following verbs will work with the brush:

Minute glyphs encircle the ferrule just above the bristles which are saturated with red paint.
a gold-ferruled harlequin-motif brush Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
This brush is a tool to mark many kinds of magical loot you may find when hunting, specifically most* of the items that wizards can recharge. It will add a very simple mark to the end of the description of your magical items, respectively a small shape for engravers and a dab of colored paint for brushes. Use with caution as the marks may nullify the item's ability to be used with other scripted items. Test first!
*There are some exclusions! If it doesn't make sense to be painted or engraved, it won't mark it. It also will not mark imbedded (420), holy receptacle (325), or imbued (614) items.
This brush can be altered to have a long description or a show added, but the noun must remain the same. The show will always have a sentence appended to it describing the current setting of the tool, so keep that in mind when designing.
Your harlequin-motif brush is currently Tier 1 (off-the-shelf). The following verbs will work with the brush:

Minute glyphs encircle the ferrule just above the bristles which are saturated with yellow paint.
a spiral-carved white paintbrush Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
This paintbrush is a tool to mark many kinds of magical loot you may find when hunting, specifically most* of the items that wizards can recharge. It will add a very simple mark to the end of the description of your magical items, respectively a small shape for engravers and a dab of colored paint for brushes. Use with caution as the marks may nullify the item's ability to be used with other scripted items. Test first!
*There are some exclusions! If it doesn't make sense to be painted or engraved, it won't mark it. It also will not mark imbedded (420), holy receptacle (325), or imbued (614) items.
This paintbrush can be altered to have a long description or a show added, but the noun must remain the same. The show will always have a sentence appended to it describing the current setting of the tool, so keep that in mind when designing.
Your white paintbrush is currently Tier 1 (off-the-shelf). The following verbs will work with the paintbrush:

Minute glyphs encircle the ferrule just above the bristles which are saturated with white paint.
a gold-striped mahogany paintbrush Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
This paintbrush is a tool to mark many kinds of magical loot you may find when hunting, specifically most* of the items that wizards can recharge. It will add a very simple mark to the end of the description of your magical items, respectively a small shape for engravers and a dab of colored paint for brushes. Use with caution as the marks may nullify the item's ability to be used with other scripted items. Test first!
*There are some exclusions! If it doesn't make sense to be painted or engraved, it won't mark it. It also will not mark imbedded (420), holy receptacle (325), or imbued (614) items.
This paintbrush can be altered to have a long description or a show added, but the noun must remain the same. The show will always have a sentence appended to it describing the current setting of the tool, so keep that in mind when designing.
Your mahogany paintbrush is currently Tier 1 (off-the-shelf). The following verbs will work with the paintbrush:

Minute glyphs encircle the ferrule just above the bristles which are saturated with gold paint.
a thin copper-ferruled paintbrush Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
This paintbrush is a tool to mark many kinds of magical loot you may find when hunting, specifically most* of the items that wizards can recharge. It will add a very simple mark to the end of the description of your magical items, respectively a small shape for engravers and a dab of colored paint for brushes. Use with caution as the marks may nullify the item's ability to be used with other scripted items. Test first!
*There are some exclusions! If it doesn't make sense to be painted or engraved, it won't mark it. It also will not mark imbedded (420), holy receptacle (325), or imbued (614) items.
This paintbrush can be altered to have a long description or a show added, but the noun must remain the same. The show will always have a sentence appended to it describing the current setting of the tool, so keep that in mind when designing.
Your copper-ferruled paintbrush is currently Tier 1 (off-the-shelf). The following verbs will work with the paintbrush:

Minute glyphs encircle the ferrule just above the bristles which are saturated with blue paint.
a narrow dark green paintbrush Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
This paintbrush is a tool to mark many kinds of magical loot you may find when hunting, specifically most* of the items that wizards can recharge. It will add a very simple mark to the end of the description of your magical items, respectively a small shape for engravers and a dab of colored paint for brushes. Use with caution as the marks may nullify the item's ability to be used with other scripted items. Test first!
*There are some exclusions! If it doesn't make sense to be painted or engraved, it won't mark it. It also will not mark imbedded (420), holy receptacle (325), or imbued (614) items.
This paintbrush can be altered to have a long description or a show added, but the noun must remain the same. The show will always have a sentence appended to it describing the current setting of the tool, so keep that in mind when designing.
Your dark green paintbrush is currently Tier 1 (off-the-shelf). The following verbs will work with the paintbrush:

Minute glyphs encircle the ferrule just above the bristles which are saturated with green paint.
an immaculately printed note

In the Common language, it reads:
Burins and gravers will engrave a shape on many of the magical things you may stumble upon when hunting. Paintbrushes will put a dot of paint on them. I'm told this could be useful for wizards and their clientele. LOOK at them to see what each will engrave or paint.
You may find chits to make them more versatile upon the bookshelves. They add the ability to paint in black or engrave a diamond, depending on your tool.
The upstairs is STRICTLY off-limits. Don't even try.
The Proprietrix

On the bookshelves you see:

a diamond-shaped linden chit painted obsidian black Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
Your chit is used to unlock the potential of things held in your other hand.
Your chit will unlock the second tier of a Wizard Marker. For an engraver, this will add a second diamond shape option and for a paintbrush, this will add a second black paint color option. FLIP the marker to switch between the two options after you use this chit.
RAISE the chit with a Tier 1 Wizard Marker in your other hand to unlock it to Tier 2.
You need only RAISE your chit while holding a compatible piece of equipment in your other hand.
Your chit may not be altered or changed in any way.

As you glance over the chit you notice something written on it...
ANALYZE me for more info. RAISE me with a Tier 1 Wizard Marker in your other hand to unlock it to Tier 2.
Return to the top of this page.

The Mar and Scar

Opened: Unknown; Inventory Updated: 2020-02;

a stucco-faced dark stone building, [Map Room #13], Lich# 26868 , go dark building

The Mar and Scar, Threshold

[The Mar and Scar, Threshold - 23801]
Iron sconces line the stone walls, barely illuminating the narrow entryway. Within the center of the room, a glass-topped red marble counter is draped with a cloth that spills out toward the floor. A dark beaded curtain on the northern wall leads toward the back of the structure, while two passageways fork off around the curtain.
Obvious exits: northeast, northwest, out
These items both have specific uses within Bloodriven Village!  The chisels can be used to carve totems, and the crucibles can hold chunks of ore found in Duskruin Arena.

On the glass-topped red marble counter you see:

an opaque glass of aged whiskey Weight: <1 pound 1
a thin silver needle Weight: <1 pound Piercing Needle 50

In the wrought iron cart you see:

a small iron crucible Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item
a small iron crucible is a container to hold clumps of ore used in a transmutation process to change the material of completed Moonshard Pendants. The crucible can only hold 5 pieces of ore at one time, and all must be of the same type of ore.
Try as you might, you cannot get a good sense of whether or not the crucible's pockets could get any deeper, but you can tell that the crucible is as light as it can get.
a primitive metal chisel Weight: <1 pound
This single-use chisel can be used to carve ur-barath totems found during Duskruin Dig. <CARVE TOTEM WITH CHISEL> You should look for stones in Duskruin's tunnels. These items cannot be altered.

On the wrought iron cart you see:

a small note

In the Common language, it reads:
These items both have specific uses within Bloodriven Village! The chisels can be used to carve totems, and the crucibles can hold chunks of ore found in Duskruin Arena.

, [Map Room #], Lich# 23801, go curtain

The Mar and Scar, Inked

[Mar and Scar, Inked]
Upon the northern wall is an old rack -- its rollers seized-up and inoperative. Oddly shaped tools lie rusted on a small metal table near the torture device. Several cushioned divans surround a lacquered bloodwood mirror in the center of the room. You also see a heavily inked human tattoo artist, a carefully penned notice, a pricing sign and a tattoo display.
Obvious exits: out
Stock tattoos: 25,000 silvers.
Google Sheet with stock tattoos sorted by category.

, [Map Room #], Lich# 23801, northwest

The Mar and Scar, Pierced

[The Mar and Scar, Pierced - 23804]
A bloodjewel chandelier dims the surroundings, giving enough light to see the inventory strewn everywhere. Spread out across the floor of the cramped room are treasure chests, each filled to the brim with piercing rings, half-rings, studs, spikes, and bars. Small circular holes, some with iron thorns protruding from them, riddle the stone walls.
Obvious exits: southeast
The trinkets in the treasure chests are jewelry made for piercing.  What you will receive is random.  The shoddy jewelry is lower quality, while the ornate finery is much higher quality.

In the treasure chests you see:

a heap of shoddy jewelry Weight: <1 pound Random "nice" piercing jewelry 10
a pile of ornate finery Weight: <1 pound Random "junk" piercing jewelry 10

, [Map Room #], Lich# 23801, northeast

The Mar and Scar, Incised

[The Mar and Scar, Incised - 23803]
Along the eastern wall of the darkened alcove, a crimson glass display case gleams faintly in the dim light. A sanguine-hued rug spills out from beneath the case, resembling a splattered pool of blood. Off in the corner of the room lies an iron maiden, locked open for display.
Obvious exits: southwest
The razors will permanently scar you.  They all will break after a certain number of uses.  The iron are made the poorest and won't last long.  The invar are crafted much better than the others and will last longer.  The rolaren are pristine and will last forever.

Scarring razors

In the crimson glass display case you see:

a brushed steel razor Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
This is a scarring razor. It can be used to scar yourself or another who is joined to you. Scarring razors require some first aid training to use, the better you are, the more efficient you'll be. The razor must be cleansed and sharpened to get the most of out the item, but over time, the razor will break apart, unless you obtain a special one that will never dull.
Scars will go in the distinguishing mark area of your features, and are permanent. You will be prompted as to what it will replace. If something is temporarily altering your features, you will need to remove or stop whatever it is before being scarred. There is a short cooldown period in between uses to prevent overzealous scarring.
Scar Selection:
To choose how you scar, you must PUSH to select what you'd like to change and PULL to cycle through the choices available. Custom scars are possible to get from a merchant who can work on the razors. To select a custom scar, you'd need to TURN the razor.
Scarring Yourself:
In order to scar yourself, you just need to POINT it at yourself.
Scarring Others:
To scar others, they must be following you. Once grouped, you simply POINT the razor at them and they will need to APPROVE it. Once approved, they will be scarred.
Razor Maintenance:
Razors need to be cleansed after they are used, and sharpened when they start to dull. There are several different ways to clean the razor. Some come with other effects.

The steel razor is currently set to disfigure with an angular scar underneath the collarbone. The razor is clean. The razor is sharp and will never get dull.
a curved invar razor Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
This is a scarring razor. It can be used to scar yourself or another who is joined to you. Scarring razors require some first aid training to use, the better you are, the more efficient you'll be. The razor must be cleansed and sharpened to get the most of out the item, but over time, the razor will break apart, unless you obtain a special one that will never dull.
Scars will go in the distinguishing mark area of your features, and are permanent. You will be prompted as to what it will replace. If something is temporarily altering your features, you will need to remove or stop whatever it is before being scarred. There is a short cooldown period in between uses to prevent overzealous scarring.
Scar Selection:
To choose how you scar, you must PUSH to select what you'd like to change and PULL to cycle through the choices available. Custom scars are possible to get from a merchant who can work on the razors. To select a custom scar, you'd need to TURN the razor.
Scarring Yourself:
In order to scar yourself, you just need to POINT it at yourself.
Scarring Others:
To scar others, they must be following you. Once grouped, you simply POINT the razor at them and they will need to APPROVE it. Once approved, they will be scarred.
Razor Maintenance:
Razors need to be cleansed after they are used, and sharpened when they start to dull. There are several different ways to clean the razor. Some come with other effects.

The invar razor is currently set to disfigure with an angular scar underneath the collarbone. The razor is clean. The razor is sharp.
a primitive iron razor Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
This is a scarring razor. It can be used to scar yourself or another who is joined to you. Scarring razors require some first aid training to use, the better you are, the more efficient you'll be. The razor must be cleansed and sharpened to get the most of out the item, but over time, the razor will break apart, unless you obtain a special one that will never dull.
Scars will go in the distinguishing mark area of your features, and are permanent. You will be prompted as to what it will replace. If something is temporarily altering your features, you will need to remove or stop whatever it is before being scarred. There is a short cooldown period in between uses to prevent overzealous scarring.
Scar Selection:
To choose how you scar, you must PUSH to select what you'd like to change and PULL to cycle through the choices available. Custom scars are possible to get from a merchant who can work on the razors. To select a custom scar, you'd need to TURN the razor.
Scarring Yourself:
In order to scar yourself, you just need to POINT it at yourself.
Scarring Others:
To scar others, they must be following you. Once grouped, you simply POINT the razor at them and they will need to APPROVE it. Once approved, they will be scarred.
Razor Maintenance:
Razors need to be cleansed after they are used, and sharpened when they start to dull. There are several different ways to clean the razor. Some come with other effects.

The iron razor is currently set to disfigure with an angular scar underneath the collarbone. The razor is clean. The razor is sharp.
a pitted iron razor Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
This is a scarring razor. It can be used to scar yourself or another who is joined to you. Scarring razors require some first aid training to use, the better you are, the more efficient you'll be. The razor must be cleansed and sharpened to get the most of out the item, but over time, the razor will break apart, unless you obtain a special one that will never dull.
Scars will go in the distinguishing mark area of your features, and are permanent. You will be prompted as to what it will replace. If something is temporarily altering your features, you will need to remove or stop whatever it is before being scarred. There is a short cooldown period in between uses to prevent overzealous scarring.
Scar Selection:
To choose how you scar, you must PUSH to select what you'd like to change and PULL to cycle through the choices available. Custom scars are possible to get from a merchant who can work on the razors. To select a custom scar, you'd need to TURN the razor.
Scarring Yourself:
In order to scar yourself, you just need to POINT it at yourself.
Scarring Others:
To scar others, they must be following you. Once grouped, you simply POINT the razor at them and they will need to APPROVE it. Once approved, they will be scarred.
Razor Maintenance:
Razors need to be cleansed after they are used, and sharpened when they start to dull. There are several different ways to clean the razor. Some come with other effects.

The iron razor is currently set to disfigure with an angular scar underneath the collarbone. The razor is clean. The razor is sharp.
an alum-swept invar razor Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
This is a scarring razor. It can be used to scar yourself or another who is joined to you. Scarring razors require some first aid training to use, the better you are, the more efficient you'll be. The razor must be cleansed and sharpened to get the most of out the item, but over time, the razor will break apart, unless you obtain a special one that will never dull.
Scars will go in the distinguishing mark area of your features, and are permanent. You will be prompted as to what it will replace. If something is temporarily altering your features, you will need to remove or stop whatever it is before being scarred. There is a short cooldown period in between uses to prevent overzealous scarring.
Scar Selection:
To choose how you scar, you must PUSH to select what you'd like to change and PULL to cycle through the choices available. Custom scars are possible to get from a merchant who can work on the razors. To select a custom scar, you'd need to TURN the razor.
Scarring Yourself:
In order to scar yourself, you just need to POINT it at yourself.
Scarring Others:
To scar others, they must be following you. Once grouped, you simply POINT the razor at them and they will need to APPROVE it. Once approved, they will be scarred.
Razor Maintenance:
Razors need to be cleansed after they are used, and sharpened when they start to dull. There are several different ways to clean the razor. Some come with other effects.

The invar razor is currently set to disfigure with an angular scar underneath the collarbone. The razor is clean. The razor is sharp.
a reinforced invar razor Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
This is a scarring razor. It can be used to scar yourself or another who is joined to you. Scarring razors require some first aid training to use, the better you are, the more efficient you'll be. The razor must be cleansed and sharpened to get the most of out the item, but over time, the razor will break apart, unless you obtain a special one that will never dull.
Scars will go in the distinguishing mark area of your features, and are permanent. You will be prompted as to what it will replace. If something is temporarily altering your features, you will need to remove or stop whatever it is before being scarred. There is a short cooldown period in between uses to prevent overzealous scarring.
Scar Selection:
To choose how you scar, you must PUSH to select what you'd like to change and PULL to cycle through the choices available. Custom scars are possible to get from a merchant who can work on the razors. To select a custom scar, you'd need to TURN the razor.
Scarring Yourself:
In order to scar yourself, you just need to POINT it at yourself.
Scarring Others:
To scar others, they must be following you. Once grouped, you simply POINT the razor at them and they will need to APPROVE it. Once approved, they will be scarred.
Razor Maintenance:
Razors need to be cleansed after they are used, and sharpened when they start to dull. There are several different ways to clean the razor. Some come with other effects.

The invar razor is currently set to disfigure with an angular scar underneath the collarbone. The razor is clean. The razor is sharp.

, [Map Room #], Lich# 23801, search, go trapdoor

The Mar and Scar, Concealed

[The Mar and Scar, Concealed - 23805]
Standing in the center of the room is a large treasure chest filled with relics old and new. A smoky haze obscures the area, with the only source of light coming from a poorly lit chandelier dangling over two wooden mannequins. A rickety wooden ladder leads above.
Obvious exits: up
The items on the weathered mannequin are a fully unlocked pelt bag, pirate harness, and climate wear cloak.  They're also deeper and lighter than normal by a lot!
The items on the faded mannequin are WoundedWear and unlocked.  Price increases based on unlock, tier 1 is 1000 bloodscrip and tier 2 is 2500 bloodscrip.
The items in the chest are ChaosJewelry.  Price increases based on unlock, tier 0 (locked) is 100 bloodscrip, tier 1 is 1000 bloodscrip, and tier 2 is 2500 bloodscrip.

In the large treasure chest you see: ChaosJewelry

a dull gold amulet crested with diamond Weight: <1 pound neck-worn
A chaotic voice reverberates throughout your mind...
"I have not been unlocked.
You can RUB me to change my appearance. You can COVER me to turn on and off my changes.
You can have me altered but only by special people, listen to their rules."
The voice continues...
"I have the following gems available to you,
First Gem: a rock crystal
Second Gem: an emerald
Third Gem: a diamond
Fourth Gem: a blue topaz"
"I have the following materials available to you,
First Material: gold
Second Material: silver
Third Material: brass"
"I will describe myself as,
a bright amulet
a dull amulet
a shining amulet"
The chaotic voice fades from your mind.
Chaos Jewelry randomizes a combination of 3 articles, 3 materials, 4 gems, and 5 worn locations/nouns.
As your jewelry gets unlocked, it can be altered and controlled more. At the final tier the jewelry can
render the wearer invisible at the cost of spirit. To alter it, provide a gem, a material, or a short
adjective to describe your jewelry. All standard alter rules apply, you must supply materials.
The following materials are not allowed
Black Ora, White Ora, Coraesine, Krodera, Zelnorn, Adamantine, Black Alloy, Urglaes, Urnon, Kroderine,
Drakar, Gornar, Rhimar, Zorchar, Feras, Drake, and a few others.
The following gems are not allowed
Doomstones, Urglaes, Shadowglass, Oblivion Quartz, and a few others.
a bright silver ring accented with an emerald Weight: <1 pound finger-worn
A chaotic voice reverberates throughout your mind...
I am unlocked to the first tier.
You can PUSH, PULL, POKE, TAP and tap me to change how I look.
You can RUB me to change my appearance. You can COVER me to turn on and off my changes.
You can have me altered but only by special people, listen to their rules."
The voice continues...
"I have the following gems available to you,
First Gem: a rock crystal
Second Gem: an emerald
Third Gem: a diamond
Fourth Gem: a blue topaz"
"I have the following materials available to you,
First Material: gold
Second Material: silver
Third Material: brass"
"I will describe myself as,
a bright ring
a dull ring
a shining ring"
The chaotic voice fades from your mind.
Chaos Jewelry randomizes a combination of 3 articles, 3 materials, 4 gems, and 5 worn locations/nouns.
As your jewelry gets unlocked, it can be altered and controlled more. At the final tier the jewelry can
render the wearer invisible at the cost of spirit. To alter it, provide a gem, a material, or a short
adjective to describe your jewelry. All standard alter rules apply, you must supply materials.
The following materials are not allowed
Black Ora, White Ora, Coraesine, Krodera, Zelnorn, Adamantine, Black Alloy, Urglaes, Urnon, Kroderine,
Drakar, Gornar, Rhimar, Zorchar, Feras, Drake, and a few others.
The following gems are not allowed
Doomstones, Urglaes, Shadowglass, Oblivion Quartz, and a few others.
a bright silver bracelet accented with a diamond Weight: <1 pound wrist-worn
A chaotic voice reverberates throughout your mind...
"I am unlocked to the second tier.
You can PUSH, PULL, POKE, RUB, COVER, and TAP me to play with me.
You can also prod at me and gaze at my chaotic beauty.
You can have me altered but only by special people, listen to their rules."
The voice continues...
"I have the following gems available to you,
First Gem: a rock crystal
Second Gem: an emerald
Third Gem: a diamond
Fourth Gem: a blue topaz"
"I have the following materials available to you,
First Material: gold
Second Material: silver
Third Material: brass"
"I will describe myself as,
a bright bracelet
a dull bracelet
a shining bracelet"
The chaotic voice fades from your mind.
Chaos Jewelry randomizes a combination of 3 articles, 3 materials, 4 gems, and 5 worn locations/nouns.
As your jewelry gets unlocked, it can be altered and controlled more. At the final tier the jewelry can
render the wearer invisible at the cost of spirit. To alter it, provide a gem, a material, or a short
adjective to describe your jewelry. All standard alter rules apply, you must supply materials.
The following materials are not allowed
Black Ora, White Ora, Coraesine, Krodera, Zelnorn, Adamantine, Black Alloy, Urglaes, Urnon, Kroderine,
Drakar, Gornar, Rhimar, Zorchar, Feras, Drake, and a few others.
The following gems are not allowed
Doomstones, Urglaes, Shadowglass, Oblivion Quartz, and a few others.

On the faded mannequin you see: WoundedWear

a leather gorget Weight: <1 pound
* Welcome to Wounded Wear *
Your wounded wear item is a clothing line that changes messaging depending on your wound level
and provide messaging accordingly. Please see the notes at the bottom for alteration
guidelines. Only a rare and skilled merchant can unlock this clothing line.
Your gorget is currently unlocked to tier: 2
You currently have access to the following verbs on your gorget:
Remove, Wear, Clean, Prod (Turns on and off the wound updating)
Show/Examine(Customization unlocked), Pull, Push
Open + Close (If Available), Tend, Cover
Additional Features
Tend my gorget to use your first aid skill and apply a tourniquet through your gorget.
Your gorget will also ambiently bleed at random. You must be bleeding for this to happen.
Your item is currently setup as follows
Base item description: a leather gorget.
Long with a rank 1: a leather gorget with numerous scuff marks.
Long with a rank 2: a leather gorget lightly stained with blood.
Long with a rank 3: a leather gorget drenched with blood.
Extra SHOW no wounds: It appears to be of wonderful craftsmanship and in excellent condition.
Extra SHOW rank 1: It appears to be of masterful craftsmanship and slightly scuffed.
Extra SHOW rank 2: It appears to be of masterful craftsmanship and lightly stained with blood.
Extra SHOW rank 3: It appears to be of masterful craftsmanship and drenched with blood.
Alteration Guidelines:
This must remain a neck-covering aventail, cravat, gorget, scarf, gorget.
All of the clothing in this line must be of a fabric variety, no metal.
For general alterations, you can prepare a 15/15/15 base description.
These cannot be customized unless they are unlocked to the first tier.
Your current base item is: a leather gorget.
Second, prepare a LONG, this would be appended to it. So if we wanted our gorget
to be gorget covered in frilly pink lace, you would supply the 15/15/15 and the long.
some leather goggles Weight: <1 pound
* Welcome to Wounded Wear *
Your wounded wear item is a clothing line that changes messaging depending on your wound level
and provide messaging accordingly. Please see the notes at the bottom for alteration
guidelines. Only a rare and skilled merchant can unlock this clothing line.
Your goggles are currently unlocked to tier: 2
You currently have access to the following verbs on your goggles:
Remove, Wear, Clean, Prod (Turns on and off the wound updating)
Show/Examine(Customization unlocked), Pull, Push
Open + Close (If Available), Tend, Cover
Additional Features
Tend my goggles to use your first aid skill and apply a tourniquet through your goggles.
Your goggles will also ambiently bleed at random. You must be bleeding for this to happen.
Your item is currently setup as follows
Base item description: some leather goggles.
Long with a rank 1: some leather goggles with numerous scuff marks.
Long with a rank 2: some leather goggles smudged with dirt and blood.
Long with a rank 3: some leather goggles drenched with blood.
Extra SHOW no wounds: They appear to be of wonderful craftsmanship and in excellent condition.
Extra SHOW rank 1: They appear to be of masterful craftsmanship and slightly scuffed.
Extra SHOW rank 2: They appear to be of masterful craftsmanship and lightly stained with blood.
Extra SHOW rank 3: They appear to be of masterful craftsmanship and drenched with blood.
Alteration Guidelines:
This must remain goggles/spectacles only; no monocle.
All of the clothing in this line must be of a fabric variety, no metal.
For general alterations, you can prepare a 15/15/15 base description.
These cannot be customized unless they are unlocked to the first tier.
Your current base item is: some leather goggles.
Second, prepare a LONG, this would be appended to it. So if we wanted our goggles
to be goggles covered in frilly pink lace, you would supply the 15/15/15 and the long.
some thin spectacles Weight: <1 pound
* Welcome to Wounded Wear *
Your wounded wear item is a clothing line that changes messaging depending on your wound level
and provide messaging accordingly. Please see the notes at the bottom for alteration
guidelines. Only a rare and skilled merchant can unlock this clothing line.
Your spectacles are currently unlocked to tier: 2
You currently have access to the following verbs on your spectacles:
Remove, Wear, Clean, Prod (Turns on and off the wound updating)
Show/Examine(Customization unlocked), Pull, Push
Open + Close (If Available), Tend, Cover
Additional Features
Tend my spectacles to use your first aid skill and apply a tourniquet through your spectacles.
Your spectacles will also ambiently bleed at random. You must be bleeding for this to happen.
Your item is currently setup as follows
Base item description: some thin spectacles.
Long with a rank 1: some thin spectacles with numerous scuff marks.
Long with a rank 2: some thin spectacles smudged with dirt and blood.
Extra SHOW no wounds: They appear to be of wonderful craftsmanship and in excellent condition.
Extra SHOW rank 1: They appear to be of masterful craftsmanship and slightly scuffed.
Extra SHOW rank 2: They appear to be of masterful craftsmanship and lightly stained with blood.
Extra SHOW rank 3: They appear to be of masterful craftsmanship and drenched with blood.
Alteration Guidelines:
This must remain goggles/spectacles only; no monocle.
All of the clothing in this line must be of a fabric variety, no metal.
For general alterations, you can prepare a 15/15/15 base description.
These cannot be customized unless they are unlocked to the first tier.
Your current base item is: some thin spectacles.
Second, prepare a LONG, this would be appended to it. So if we wanted our spectacles
to be spectacles covered in frilly pink lace, you would supply the 15/15/15 and the long.
a supple faded leather hood Weight: <1 pound head-worn
* Welcome to Wounded Wear *
Your wounded wear item is a clothing line that changes messaging depending on your wound level
and provide messaging accordingly. Please see the notes at the bottom for alteration
guidelines. Only a rare and skilled merchant can unlock this clothing line.
Your hood is currently unlocked to tier: 2
You currently have access to the following verbs on your hood:
Remove, Wear, Clean, Prod (Turns on and off the wound updating)
Show/Examine(Customization unlocked), Pull, Push
Open + Close (If Available), Tend, Cover
Additional Features
Tend my hood to use your first aid skill and apply a tourniquet through your hood.
Your hood will also ambiently bleed at random. You must be bleeding for this to happen.
Your item is currently setup as follows
Base item description: a supple faded leather hood.
Long with a rank 1: a supple faded leather hood with numerous scuff marks.
Long with a rank 2: a supple faded leather hood lightly stained with blood.
Long with a rank 3: a supple faded leather hood drenched with blood.
Extra SHOW no wounds: It appears to be of masterful craftsmanship and in wonderful condition.
Extra SHOW rank 1: It appears to be of wonderful craftsmanship and slightly scuffed.
Extra SHOW rank 2: It appears to be of wonderful craftsmanship and lightly stained with blood.
Extra SHOW rank 3: It appears to be of wonderful craftsmanship and drenched with blood.
Alteration Guidelines:
This must remain a hat, cowl, or hood and cannot be dainty.
All of the clothing in this line must be of a fabric variety, no metal.
For general alterations, you can prepare a 15/15/15 base description.
These cannot be customized unless they are unlocked to the first tier.
Your current base item is: a supple faded leather hood.
Second, prepare a LONG, this would be appended to it. So if we wanted our hood
to be hood covered in frilly pink lace, you would supply the 15/15/15 and the long.
a faded leather jacket Weight: 6 pounds
any number of items
* Welcome to Wounded Wear *
Your wounded wear item is a clothing line that changes messaging depending on your wound level
and provide messaging accordingly. Please see the notes at the bottom for alteration
guidelines. Only a rare and skilled merchant can unlock this clothing line.
Your jacket is currently unlocked to tier: 2
You currently have access to the following verbs on your jacket:
Remove, Wear, Clean, Prod (Turns on and off the wound updating)
Show/Examine(Customization unlocked), Pull, Push
Open + Close (If Available), Tend, Cover
Additional Features
Tend my jacket to use your first aid skill and apply a tourniquet through your jacket.
Your jacket will also ambiently bleed at random. You must be bleeding for this to happen.
Your item is currently setup as follows
Base item description: a faded leather jacket.
Long with a rank 1: a faded leather jacket with numerous scuff marks.
Long with a rank 2: a faded leather jacket lightly stained with blood.
Long with a rank 3: a faded leather jacket drenched with blood.
Extra SHOW no wounds: It appears to be of wonderful craftsmanship and in excellent condition.
Extra SHOW rank 1: It appears to be of masterful craftsmanship and slightly scuffed.
Extra SHOW rank 2: It appears to be of masterful craftsmanship and lightly stained with blood.
Extra SHOW rank 3: It appears to be of masterful craftsmanship and drenched with blood.
Alteration Guidelines:
This must remain full-length jacket, cloak, longcloak, or something similar.
All of the clothing in this line must be of a fabric variety, no metal.
For general alterations, you can prepare a 15/15/15 base description.
These cannot be customized unless they are unlocked to the first tier.
Your current base item is: a faded leather jacket.
Second, prepare a LONG, this would be appended to it. So if we wanted our jacket
to be jacket covered in frilly pink lace, you would supply the 15/15/15 and the long.
You can tell that the jacket is as light as it can get and that its pockets could not possibly get any deeper.
some thick faded leather armbands Weight: <1 pound arm-worn
* Welcome to Wounded Wear *
Your wounded wear item is a clothing line that changes messaging depending on your wound level
and provide messaging accordingly. Please see the notes at the bottom for alteration
guidelines. Only a rare and skilled merchant can unlock this clothing line.
Your armbands are currently unlocked to tier: 1
You currently have access to the following verbs on your armbands:
Remove, Wear, Clean, Prod (Turns on and off the wound updating)
Show/Examine(Customization unlocked), Pull, Push
Your item is currently setup as follows
Base item description: some thick faded leather armbands.
Long with a rank 1: some thick faded leather armbands with numerous scuff marks.
Long with a rank 2: some thick faded leather armbands lightly stained with blood.
Long with a rank 3: some thick faded leather armbands drenched with blood.
Extra SHOW no wounds: They appear to be of wonderful craftsmanship and in excellent condition.
Extra SHOW rank 1: They appear to be of wonderful craftsmanship and slightly scuffed.
Extra SHOW rank 2: They appear to be of wonderful craftsmanship and lightly stained with blood.
Extra SHOW rank 3: They appear to be of wonderful craftsmanship and drenched with blood.
Alteration Guidelines:
This must remain some thick armbands of sorts. It must remain plural.
All of the clothing in this line must be of a fabric variety, no metal.
For general alterations, you can prepare a 15/15/15 base description.
These cannot be customized unless they are unlocked to the first tier.
Your current base item is: some thick faded leather armbands.
Second, prepare a LONG, this would be appended to it. So if we wanted our armbands
to be armbands covered in frilly pink lace, you would supply the 15/15/15 and the long.
some supple faded leather boots Weight: <1 pound foot-worn
* Welcome to Wounded Wear *
Your wounded wear item is a clothing line that changes messaging depending on your wound level
and provide messaging accordingly. Please see the notes at the bottom for alteration
guidelines. Only a rare and skilled merchant can unlock this clothing line.
Your boots are currently unlocked to tier: 1
You currently have access to the following verbs on your boots:
Remove, Wear, Clean, Prod (Turns on and off the wound updating)
Show/Examine(Customization unlocked), Pull, Push
Your item is currently setup as follows
Base item description: some supple faded leather boots.
Long with a rank 1: some supple faded leather boots with numerous scuff marks.
Long with a rank 2: some supple faded leather boots lightly stained with blood.
Long with a rank 3: some supple faded leather boots drenched with blood.
Extra SHOW no wounds: They appear to be of wonderful craftsmanship and in excellent condition.
Extra SHOW rank 1: They appear to be of wonderful craftsmanship and slightly scuffed.
Extra SHOW rank 2: They appear to be of wonderful craftsmanship and lightly stained with blood.
Extra SHOW rank 3: They appear to be of wonderful craftsmanship and drenched with blood.
Alteration Guidelines:
This must remain a full-foot covering such as shoes, boots, or slippers. It must remain plural.
All of the clothing in this line must be of a fabric variety, no metal.
For general alterations, you can prepare a 15/15/15 base description.
These cannot be customized unless they are unlocked to the first tier.
Your current base item is: some supple faded leather boots.
Second, prepare a LONG, this would be appended to it. So if we wanted our boots
to be boots covered in frilly pink lace, you would supply the 15/15/15 and the long.
a white cotton shirt Weight: <1 pound layerable
* Welcome to Wounded Wear *
Your wounded wear item is a clothing line that changes messaging depending on your wound level
and provide messaging accordingly. Please see the notes at the bottom for alteration
guidelines. Only a rare and skilled merchant can unlock this clothing line.
Your shirt is currently unlocked to tier: 1
You currently have access to the following verbs on your shirt:
Remove, Wear, Clean, Prod (Turns on and off the wound updating)
Show/Examine(Customization unlocked), Pull, Push
Your item is currently setup as follows
Base item description: a white cotton shirt.
Long with a rank 1: a white cotton shirt with numerous scuff marks.
Long with a rank 2: a white cotton shirt lightly stained with blood.
Long with a rank 3: a white cotton shirt drenched with blood.
Extra SHOW no wounds: It appears to be of masterful craftsmanship and in wonderful condition.
Extra SHOW rank 1: It appears to be of wonderful craftsmanship and slightly scuffed.
Extra SHOW rank 2: It appears to be of wonderful craftsmanship and lightly stained with blood.
Extra SHOW rank 3: It appears to be of wonderful craftsmanship and drenched with blood.
Alteration Guidelines:
This must remain a shirt or blouse of sorts; no midriff styles.
All of the clothing in this line must be of a fabric variety, no metal.
For general alterations, you can prepare a 15/15/15 base description.
These cannot be customized unless they are unlocked to the first tier.
Your current base item is: a white cotton shirt.
Second, prepare a LONG, this would be appended to it. So if we wanted our shirt
to be shirt covered in frilly pink lace, you would supply the 15/15/15 and the long.
a pair of dark leather gloves Weight: <1 pound hand-worn
* Welcome to Wounded Wear *
Your wounded wear item is a clothing line that changes messaging depending on your wound level
and provide messaging accordingly. Please see the notes at the bottom for alteration
guidelines. Only a rare and skilled merchant can unlock this clothing line.
Your gloves are currently unlocked to tier: 1
You currently have access to the following verbs on your gloves:
Remove, Wear, Clean, Prod (Turns on and off the wound updating)
Show/Examine(Customization unlocked), Pull, Push
Your item is currently setup as follows
Base item description: a pair of dark leather gloves.
Long with a rank 1: a pair of dark leather gloves with numerous scuff marks.
Long with a rank 2: a pair of dark leather gloves lightly stained with blood.
Long with a rank 3: a pair of dark leather gloves drenched with blood.
Extra SHOW no wounds: They appear to be of wonderful craftsmanship and in excellent condition.
Extra SHOW rank 1: They appear to be of wonderful craftsmanship and slightly scuffed.
Extra SHOW rank 2: They appear to be of wonderful craftsmanship and lightly stained with blood.
Extra SHOW rank 3: They appear to be of wonderful craftsmanship and drenched with blood.
Alteration Guidelines:
This must remain gloves or gauntlets of sorts and cover the entire hand.
All of the clothing in this line must be of a fabric variety, no metal.
For general alterations, you can prepare a 15/15/15 base description.
These cannot be customized unless they are unlocked to the first tier.
Your current base item is: a pair of dark leather gloves.
Second, prepare a LONG, this would be appended to it. So if we wanted our gloves
to be gloves covered in frilly pink lace, you would supply the 15/15/15 and the long.
a blue silk cravat Weight: <1 pound
* Welcome to Wounded Wear *
Your wounded wear item is a clothing line that changes messaging depending on your wound level
and provide messaging accordingly. Please see the notes at the bottom for alteration
guidelines. Only a rare and skilled merchant can unlock this clothing line.
Your cravat is currently unlocked to tier: 2
You currently have access to the following verbs on your cravat:
Remove, Wear, Clean, Prod (Turns on and off the wound updating)
Show/Examine(Customization unlocked), Pull, Push
Open + Close (If Available), Tend, Cover
Additional Features
Tend my cravat to use your first aid skill and apply a tourniquet through your cravat.
Your cravat will also ambiently bleed at random. You must be bleeding for this to happen.
Your item is currently setup as follows
Base item description: a blue silk cravat.
Long with a rank 1: a blue silk cravat with numerous scuff marks.
Long with a rank 2: a blue silk cravat lightly stained with blood.
Long with a rank 3: a blue silk cravat drenched with blood.
Extra SHOW no wounds: It appears to be of wonderful craftsmanship and in excellent condition.
Extra SHOW rank 1: It appears to be of masterful craftsmanship and slightly scuffed.
Extra SHOW rank 2: It appears to be of masterful craftsmanship and lightly stained with blood.
Extra SHOW rank 3: It appears to be of masterful craftsmanship and drenched with blood.
Alteration Guidelines:
This must remain a neck-covering aventail, cravat, gorget, scarf, gorget.
All of the clothing in this line must be of a fabric variety, no metal.
For general alterations, you can prepare a 15/15/15 base description.
These cannot be customized unless they are unlocked to the first tier.
Your current base item is: a blue silk cravat.
Second, prepare a LONG, this would be appended to it. So if we wanted our cravat
to be cravat covered in frilly pink lace, you would supply the 15/15/15 and the long.
a green silk scarf Weight: <1 pound
* Welcome to Wounded Wear *
Your wounded wear item is a clothing line that changes messaging depending on your wound level
and provide messaging accordingly. Please see the notes at the bottom for alteration
guidelines. Only a rare and skilled merchant can unlock this clothing line.
Your scarf is currently unlocked to tier: 2
You currently have access to the following verbs on your scarf:
Remove, Wear, Clean, Prod (Turns on and off the wound updating)
Show/Examine(Customization unlocked), Pull, Push
Open + Close (If Available), Tend, Cover
Additional Features
Tend my scarf to use your first aid skill and apply a tourniquet through your scarf.
Your scarf will also ambiently bleed at random. You must be bleeding for this to happen.
Your item is currently setup as follows
Base item description: a green silk scarf.
Long with a rank 1: a green silk scarf with numerous scuff marks.
Long with a rank 2: a green silk scarf lightly stained with blood.
Long with a rank 3: a green silk scarf drenched with blood.
Extra SHOW no wounds: It appears to be of wonderful craftsmanship and in excellent condition.
Extra SHOW rank 1: It appears to be of masterful craftsmanship and slightly scuffed.
Extra SHOW rank 2: It appears to be of masterful craftsmanship and lightly stained with blood.
Extra SHOW rank 3: It appears to be of masterful craftsmanship and drenched with blood.
Alteration Guidelines:
This must remain a neck-covering aventail, cravat, gorget, scarf, gorget.
All of the clothing in this line must be of a fabric variety, no metal.
For general alterations, you can prepare a 15/15/15 base description.
These cannot be customized unless they are unlocked to the first tier.
Your current base item is: a green silk scarf.
Second, prepare a LONG, this would be appended to it. So if we wanted our scarf
to be scarf covered in frilly pink lace, you would supply the 15/15/15 and the long.
a red silk bowtie Weight: <1 pound
* Welcome to Wounded Wear *
Your wounded wear item is a clothing line that changes messaging depending on your wound level
and provide messaging accordingly. Please see the notes at the bottom for alteration
guidelines. Only a rare and skilled merchant can unlock this clothing line.
Your bowtie is currently unlocked to tier: 2
You currently have access to the following verbs on your bowtie:
Remove, Wear, Clean, Prod (Turns on and off the wound updating)
Show/Examine(Customization unlocked), Pull, Push
Open + Close (If Available), Tend, Cover
Additional Features
Tend my bowtie to use your first aid skill and apply a tourniquet through your bowtie.
Your bowtie will also ambiently bleed at random. You must be bleeding for this to happen.
Your item is currently setup as follows
Base item description: a red silk bowtie.
Long with a rank 1: a red silk bowtie with numerous scuff marks.
Long with a rank 2: a red silk bowtie lightly stained with blood.
Long with a rank 3: a red silk bowtie drenched with blood.
Extra SHOW no wounds: It appears to be of wonderful craftsmanship and in excellent condition.
Extra SHOW rank 1: It appears to be of masterful craftsmanship and slightly scuffed.
Extra SHOW rank 2: It appears to be of masterful craftsmanship and lightly stained with blood.
Extra SHOW rank 3: It appears to be of masterful craftsmanship and drenched with blood.
Alteration Guidelines:
This must remain a neck-covering aventail, cravat, gorget, scarf, gorget.
All of the clothing in this line must be of a fabric variety, no metal.
For general alterations, you can prepare a 15/15/15 base description.
These cannot be customized unless they are unlocked to the first tier.
Your current base item is: a red silk bowtie.
Second, prepare a LONG, this would be appended to it. So if we wanted our bowtie
to be bowtie covered in frilly pink lace, you would supply the 15/15/15 and the long.
a leather aventail Weight: <1 pound
* Welcome to Wounded Wear *
Your wounded wear item is a clothing line that changes messaging depending on your wound level
and provide messaging accordingly. Please see the notes at the bottom for alteration
guidelines. Only a rare and skilled merchant can unlock this clothing line.
Your aventail is currently unlocked to tier: 2
You currently have access to the following verbs on your aventail:
Remove, Wear, Clean, Prod (Turns on and off the wound updating)
Show/Examine(Customization unlocked), Pull, Push
Open + Close (If Available), Tend, Cover
Additional Features
Tend my aventail to use your first aid skill and apply a tourniquet through your aventail.
Your aventail will also ambiently bleed at random. You must be bleeding for this to happen.
Your item is currently setup as follows
Base item description: a leather aventail.
Long with a rank 1: a leather aventail with numerous scuff marks.
Long with a rank 2: a leather aventail lightly stained with blood.
Long with a rank 3: a leather aventail drenched with blood.
Extra SHOW no wounds: It appears to be of wonderful craftsmanship and in excellent condition.
Extra SHOW rank 1: It appears to be of masterful craftsmanship and slightly scuffed.
Extra SHOW rank 2: It appears to be of masterful craftsmanship and lightly stained with blood.
Extra SHOW rank 3: It appears to be of masterful craftsmanship and drenched with blood.
Alteration Guidelines:
This must remain a neck-covering aventail, cravat, gorget, scarf, gorget.
All of the clothing in this line must be of a fabric variety, no metal.
For general alterations, you can prepare a 15/15/15 base description.
These cannot be customized unless they are unlocked to the first tier.
Your current base item is: a leather aventail.
Second, prepare a LONG, this would be appended to it. So if we wanted our aventail
to be aventail covered in frilly pink lace, you would supply the 15/15/15 and the long.
some baggy faded leather pants Weight: 2 pounds
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
a couple of items of very small size
* Welcome to Wounded Wear *
Your wounded wear item is a clothing line that changes messaging depending on your wound level
and provide messaging accordingly. Please see the notes at the bottom for alteration
guidelines. Only a rare and skilled merchant can unlock this clothing line.
Your pants are currently unlocked to tier: 1
You currently have access to the following verbs on your pants:
Remove, Wear, Clean, Prod (Turns on and off the wound updating)
Show/Examine(Customization unlocked), Pull, Push
Your item is currently setup as follows
Base item description: some baggy faded leather pants.
Long with a rank 1: some baggy faded leather pants with numerous scuff marks.
Long with a rank 2: some baggy faded leather pants lightly stained with blood.
Long with a rank 3: some baggy faded leather pants drenched with blood.
Extra SHOW no wounds: They appear to be of wonderful craftsmanship and in excellent condition.
Extra SHOW rank 1: They appear to be of wonderful craftsmanship and slightly scuffed.
Extra SHOW rank 2: They appear to be of wonderful craftsmanship and lightly stained with blood.
Extra SHOW rank 3: They appear to be of wonderful craftsmanship and drenched with blood.
Alteration Guidelines:
This must remain a full-length pants of sorts. It must remain plural.
All of the clothing in this line must be of a fabric variety, no metal.
For general alterations, you can prepare a 15/15/15 base description.
These cannot be customized unless they are unlocked to the first tier.
Your current base item is: some baggy faded leather pants.
Second, prepare a LONG, this would be appended to it. So if we wanted our pants
to be pants covered in frilly pink lace, you would supply the 15/15/15 and the long.

On the weathered mannequin you see: Cidolfhus

a distressed doeskin bag fringed with various talons Weight: 2 pounds
Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
any number of items
Auto-Bundler Pelt Bag
analyze, show description
The doeskin bag is fully unlocked.
This item must stay a bag-like container of some sort. When altering, keep in mind that some of the bag's show always remains.
You can tell that the bag is as light as it can get and that its pockets could not possibly get any deeper.

Along the side of the doeskin bag are a series of narrow scabbards, several which are rhimar-throated, as well as a small number of loops.
a weathered leather harness made from a multitude of straps Weight: 2 pounds
Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
any number of items
Pirate Harness
analyze, show description
The leather harness is fully unlocked. It has 16 verbs.
When altering, keep in mind that the harness's messaging references large and small containers, and a row of weapon slots and straps. These can all be altered by a skilled merchant. The containers should remain plural. Currently, they are set to slots (wands and small weapons), straps (belted weapons), a series of straps (back weapons), large sacks (bundled weapons), narrow tubes (paper and scrolls), small pouches (trinkets), and containers (anything else).
You can tell that the harness is as light as it can get and that its pockets could not possibly get any deeper.

The leather harness is composed of several straps, some lined with a row of slots for smaller bladed weapons or wands, while a series of straps lines the backing. Hanging from the harness are large sacks, narrow tubes, small pouches, and containers.
a patchwork leather cloak crafted from various animals Weight: 5 pounds
Pocketed: Gigantic (200-1000)
any number of items
The leather cloak is a garment that changes messaging depending on the climate you're in, or whether it is raining/snowing outside. This item can be altered, it just needs to remain the basic essence of what the item is (no changing a cloak into a dress, but a cloak into a coat is fine).
The cloak is fully unlocked with feature concealer ability. It has 16 verbs.
This is currently set to be a cloak of some sort.
The cloak is currently hooded, but it could have a custom hood added by a skilled merchant.
The cloak currently has a default fastener, but it could have custom ones added by a skilled merchant.
The cloak currently has default pockets, but it could have custom ones added by a skilled merchant. Options are a small pocket, a large pocket, small scabbards, weapon loops, large pouches, and small pouches.
You can tell that the cloak is as light as it can get and that its pockets could not possibly get any deeper.

In the large canvas folio you see: Automated unlocking certificates

a small harness-shaped certificate Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
Your certificate is used to unlock the potential of things held in your other hand.
A small harness-shaped certificate will unlock Pirate Harnesses from OTS to Tier 1.
You need only RAISE your certificate while holding a compatible piece of equipment in your other hand.
Your certificate may not be altered or changed in any way.

As you glance over the certificate you notice something written on it...
This certificate will unlock a Pirate Harness from Tier 0 (OTS) to Tier 1.
a black harness-shaped certificate Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
Your certificate is used to unlock the potential of things held in your other hand.
A black harness-shaped certificate will unlock Pirate Harnesses from Tier 1 to Tier 2.
You need only RAISE your certificate while holding a compatible piece of equipment in your other hand.
Your certificate may not be altered or changed in any way.

As you glance over the certificate you notice something written on it...
This certificate will unlock a Pirate Harness from Tier 1 to Tier 2.
a gold harness-shaped certificate Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
Your certificate is used to unlock the potential of things held in your other hand.
A gold harness-shaped certificate will unlock Pirate Harnesses from Tier 2 to Tier 3.
You need only RAISE your certificate while holding a compatible piece of equipment in your other hand.
Your certificate may not be altered or changed in any way.

As you glance over the certificate you notice something written on it...
This certificate will unlock a Pirate Harness from Tier 2 to Tier 3.
a small pelt bag certificate Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
Your certificate is used to unlock the potential of things held in your other hand.
A small pelt bag certificate will unlock Pelt Bags from OTS to Tier 1.
You need only RAISE your certificate while holding a compatible piece of equipment in your other hand.
Your certificate may not be altered or changed in any way.

As you glance over the certificate you notice something written on it...
This certificate will unlock a Pelt Bag from Tier 0 (OTS) to Tier 1.
a large pelt bag certificate Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
Your certificate is used to unlock the potential of things held in your other hand.
A large pelt bag certificate will unlock Pelt Bags from Tier 1 to Tier 2.
You need only RAISE your certificate while holding a compatible piece of equipment in your other hand.
Your certificate may not be altered or changed in any way.

As you glance over the certificate you notice something written on it...
This certificate will unlock a Pelt Bag from Tier 1 to Tier 2.
a pale gory weapon certificate Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
Your certificate is used to unlock the potential of things held in your other hand.
A pale gory weapon certificate will unlock Gory Weapons from OTS to Tier 1.
You need only RAISE your certificate while holding a compatible piece of equipment in your other hand.
Your certificate may not be altered or changed in any way.

As you glance over the certificate you notice something written on it...
This certificate will unlock a Gory Weapon from Tier 0 (OTS) to Tier 1.
a light gory weapon certificate Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
Your certificate is used to unlock the potential of things held in your other hand.
A light gory weapon certificate will unlock Gory Weapons from Tier 1 to Tier 2.
You need only RAISE your certificate while holding a compatible piece of equipment in your other hand.
Your certificate may not be altered or changed in any way.

As you glance over the certificate you notice something written on it...
This certificate will unlock a Gory Weapon from Tier 1 to Tier 2.
a bright gory weapon certificate Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
Your certificate is used to unlock the potential of things held in your other hand.
A bright gory weapon certificate will unlock Gory Weapons from Tier 2 to Tier 3.
You need only RAISE your certificate while holding a compatible piece of equipment in your other hand.
Your certificate may not be altered or changed in any way.

As you glance over the certificate you notice something written on it...
This certificate will unlock a Gory Weapon from Tier 2 to Tier 3.
a light sheath-shaped certificate Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
Your certificate is used to unlock the potential of things held in your other hand.
A light sheath-shaped certificate will unlock Adjustable Sheaths from OTS to Tier 1.
You need only RAISE your certificate while holding a compatible piece of equipment in your other hand.
Your certificate may not be altered or changed in any way.

As you glance over the certificate you notice something written on it...
This certificate will unlock an Adjustable Sheath from Tier 0 (OTS) to Tier 1.
a bright sheath-shaped certificate Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
Your certificate is used to unlock the potential of things held in your other hand.
A bright sheath-shaped certificate will unlock Adjustable Sheaths from Tier 1 to Tier 2.
You need only RAISE your certificate while holding a compatible piece of equipment in your other hand.
Your certificate may not be altered or changed in any way.

As you glance over the certificate you notice something written on it...
This certificate will unlock an Adjustable Sheath from Tier 1 to Tier 2.
a hood-shaped climate wear certificate Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
Your certificate is used to unlock the potential of things held in your other hand.
A hood-shaped climate wear certificate will unlock Climate Wear from OTS to Tier 1.
You need only RAISE your certificate while holding a compatible piece of equipment in your other hand.
Your certificate may not be altered or changed in any way.

As you glance over the certificate you notice something written on it...
This certificate will unlock Climate Wear from Tier 0 (OTS) to Tier 1 and add a hood to the item.
a bright climate wear certificate Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
Your certificate is used to unlock the potential of things held in your other hand.
A bright climate wear certificate will unlock Climate Wear from Tier 1 to Tier 2.
You need only RAISE your certificate while holding a compatible piece of equipment in your other hand.
Your certificate may not be altered or changed in any way.

As you glance over the certificate you notice something written on it...
This certificate will unlock Climate Wear from Tier 1 to Tier 2.
a shimmering climate wear certificate Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
Your certificate is used to unlock the potential of things held in your other hand.
A shimmering climate wear certificate will unlock Climate Wear from Tier 2 to Tier 3, providing a feature concealing property.
You need only RAISE your certificate while holding a compatible piece of equipment in your other hand.
Your certificate may not be altered or changed in any way.

As you glance over the certificate you notice something written on it...
This certificate will unlock Climate Wear from Tier 2 to Tier 3.
Return to the top of this page.

Messy Alchemist

Opened: Unknown; Inventory Updates: December 2018, August 2019; Verified: 2/24/18, 6/15/18, 12/21/18, 8/14/19, 2/13/2020
Exchanged a pendant for pearls -- December 2018

a slipshod building painted in bright glowing red colors, Lich #26872, Room 19, go slipshod building

Messy Entry

[The Messy Alchemist]
Dozens upon dozens of colorful flasks and ampoules are strewn across the worktable and a counter spanning across a goodly portion of the low-ceilinged room. The remainder of the room is filled with a scattering of benches and chairs, several of which are topped with various odds and ends. Especially startling in the dim lighting, glowing stains of bright blues and greens are splattered across the black walls in a sort of artistically messy display and reflected in a series of tall mirrors. You also see a tall mirror, a neatly lettered sign propped up between two chairs and a purple-painted archway.
Obvious exits: out
~Welcome, welcome, WELCOME!~
SoMEwHere IN herE, there ARE sOmE itEMs filled with a wONDERfUl eLIXirs.  My OWN speCial recipe.
                (Of course it's mine.  I didn't steal it, if that's what you're implying!)
If YOu can fiND them, tHese eLIXirs will TEMPOraryiLY make YoU lOOk like (only LOOK LIKE an illusion.  Not BEcome!):
tiLeD CHokEr - aelotoi
silver nEcKlAcE - erithian
PLAtiNuM PendANT- half-KrOlViN
silver BiRCh meDaLLIoN - BUrGhAl GNome
reD stEEL rOse NEckLET - halfLINg
thReE-Dark bLUE pEArLs - FOResT gnOME
reD OAK amUlEt - DWarF
MUlTi-StRAnDeD chOKEr - eLf
PLAtiNuM NEckLET - sylvankIND
GaRnET aNd oNyX amUlEt - Half-ELf
PLAtiNuM CHokEr - giantMAn
EUcaLYPtuS PendANT - huMaN
blUEd stEEL riNg - femaLe
aZuRE bLAZeStAr baNd - maLe

Disguise Elixir Items

On the benches you see:

a sanguine ruby-centered eucalyptus pendant Weight: <1 pound


This is a Disguise Elixir item. Depending on its setup, it will change the appearance of the race, culture, and/or gender of a character. This is a temporary effect -- not a permanent change.
This item provides an aesthetic disguise without any mechanical benefits. It is Tier 1 (of 2 currently).
The pendant has 10 charges remaining. The item will NOT crumble when it is used up. Any willing merchant can recharge the item to have a maximum of 10 charges; some less frequent merchants may be able to recharge higher than that.
Each charge on this pendant nets the character roughly 8 hours and 0 minutes of disguise time until the disguise is eliminated (either through naturally running its course, removing the item prematurely via PULL). There is a very rare chance during each charge cycle that the disguise will prematurely end on its own well before the full time has elapsed. Also note that death automatically ousts the disguise from a character.
The pendant is set up to place the following aesthetic attributes on a character. Altering these settings may only be done on rare occasions by qualified persons; it is not a general merchant service.
Race: Human
Currently you are able to try to PUSH (to activate), PULL (to deactivate), LICK, and RUB (toggles item's visibility while active) the pendant.
Aesthetic alterations to the item itself are acceptable -- they just must make sense for where the item is worn. Note that needles come out of the underside of the item, so nothing in the alteration should prevent that from logically occurring.
a blue dreamstone and white oak-inlaid platinum choker Weight: <1 pound


This is a Disguise Elixir item. Depending on its setup, it will change the appearance of the race, culture, and/or gender of a character. This is a temporary effect -- not a permanent change.
This item provides an aesthetic disguise without any mechanical benefits. It is Tier 1 (of 2 currently).
The choker has 10 charges remaining. The item will NOT crumble when it is used up. Any willing merchant can recharge the item to have a maximum of 10 charges; some less frequent merchants may be able to recharge higher than that.
Each charge on this choker nets the character roughly 8 hours and 0 minutes of disguise time until the disguise is eliminated (either through naturally running its course, removing the item prematurely via PULL). There is a very rare chance during each charge cycle that the disguise will prematurely end on its own well before the full time has elapsed. Also note that death automatically ousts the disguise from a character.
The choker is set up to place the following aesthetic attributes on a character. Altering these settings may only be done on rare occasions by qualified persons; it is not a general merchant service.
Race: Giant
Currently you are able to try to PUSH (to activate), PULL (to deactivate), LICK, and RUB (toggles item's visibility while active) the choker.
Aesthetic alterations to the item itself are acceptable -- they just must make sense for where the item is worn. Note that needles come out of the underside of the item, so nothing in the alteration should prevent that from logically occurring.
a lustrous black garnet and crimson-flecked onyx amulet Weight: <1 pound


This is a Disguise Elixir item. Depending on its setup, it will change the appearance of the race, culture, and/or gender of a character. This is a temporary effect -- not a permanent change.
This item provides an aesthetic disguise without any mechanical benefits. It is Tier 1 (of 2 currently).
The amulet has 10 charges remaining. The item will NOT crumble when it is used up. Any willing merchant can recharge the item to have a maximum of 10 charges; some less frequent merchants may be able to recharge higher than that.
Each charge on this amulet nets the character roughly 8 hours and 0 minutes of disguise time until the disguise is eliminated (either through naturally running its course, removing the item prematurely via PULL). There is a very rare chance during each charge cycle that the disguise will prematurely end on its own well before the full time has elapsed. Also note that death automatically ousts the disguise from a character.
The amulet is set up to place the following aesthetic attributes on a character. Altering these settings may only be done on rare occasions by qualified persons; it is not a general merchant service.
Race: Half-Elf
Currently you are able to try to PUSH (to activate), PULL (to deactivate), LICK, and RUB (toggles item's visibility while active) the amulet.
Aesthetic alterations to the item itself are acceptable -- they just must make sense for where the item is worn. Note that needles come out of the underside of the item, so nothing in the alteration should prevent that from logically occurring.
a lace-patterned platinum necklet peppered with blue onyx Weight: <1 pound


This is a Disguise Elixir item. Depending on its setup, it will change the appearance of the race, culture, and/or gender of a character. This is a temporary effect -- not a permanent change.
This item provides an aesthetic disguise without any mechanical benefits. It is Tier 1 (of 2 currently).
The necklet has 10 charges remaining. The item will NOT crumble when it is used up. Any willing merchant can recharge the item to have a maximum of 10 charges; some less frequent merchants may be able to recharge higher than that.
Each charge on this necklet nets the character roughly 8 hours and 0 minutes of disguise time until the disguise is eliminated (either through naturally running its course, removing the item prematurely via PULL). There is a very rare chance during each charge cycle that the disguise will prematurely end on its own well before the full time has elapsed. Also note that death automatically ousts the disguise from a character.
The necklet is set up to place the following aesthetic attributes on a character. Altering these settings may only be done on rare occasions by qualified persons; it is not a general merchant service.
Race: Sylvankind
Currently you are able to try to PUSH (to activate), PULL (to deactivate), LICK, and RUB (toggles item's visibility while active) the necklet.
Aesthetic alterations to the item itself are acceptable -- they just must make sense for where the item is worn. Note that needles come out of the underside of the item, so nothing in the alteration should prevent that from logically occurring.
a silver-haloed milky azure aquamarine talisman Weight: <1 pound


This is a Disguise Elixir item. Depending on its setup, it will change the appearance of the race, culture, and/or gender of a character. This is a temporary effect -- not a permanent change.
This item provides an aesthetic disguise without any mechanical benefits. It is Tier 1 (of 2 currently).
The talisman has 10 charges remaining. The item will NOT crumble when it is used up. Any willing merchant can recharge the item to have a maximum of 10 charges; some less frequent merchants may be able to recharge higher than that.
Each charge on this talisman nets the character roughly 8 hours and 0 minutes of disguise time until the disguise is eliminated (either through naturally running its course, removing the item prematurely via PULL). There is a very rare chance during each charge cycle that the disguise will prematurely end on its own well before the full time has elapsed. Also note that death automatically ousts the disguise from a character.
The talisman is set up to place the following aesthetic attributes on a character. Altering these settings may only be done on rare occasions by qualified persons; it is not a general merchant service.
Race: Dark Elf
Currently you are able to try to PUSH (to activate), PULL (to deactivate), LICK, and RUB (toggles item's visibility while active) the talisman.
Aesthetic alterations to the item itself are acceptable -- they just must make sense for where the item is worn. Note that needles come out of the underside of the item, so nothing in the alteration should prevent that from logically occurring.
a multi-stranded choker set with a white-point star diamond Weight: <1 pound


This is a Disguise Elixir item. Depending on its setup, it will change the appearance of the race, culture, and/or gender of a character. This is a temporary effect -- not a permanent change.
This item provides an aesthetic disguise without any mechanical benefits. It is Tier 1 (of 2 currently).
The choker has 10 charges remaining. The item will NOT crumble when it is used up. Any willing merchant can recharge the item to have a maximum of 10 charges; some less frequent merchants may be able to recharge higher than that.
Each charge on this choker nets the character roughly 8 hours and 0 minutes of disguise time until the disguise is eliminated (either through naturally running its course, removing the item prematurely via PULL). There is a very rare chance during each charge cycle that the disguise will prematurely end on its own well before the full time has elapsed. Also note that death automatically ousts the disguise from a character.
The choker is set up to place the following aesthetic attributes on a character. Altering these settings may only be done on rare occasions by qualified persons; it is not a general merchant service.
Race: Elf
Currently you are able to try to PUSH (to activate), PULL (to deactivate), LICK, and RUB (toggles item's visibility while active) the choker.
Aesthetic alterations to the item itself are acceptable -- they just must make sense for where the item is worn. Note that needles come out of the underside of the item, so nothing in the alteration should prevent that from logically occurring.
a red oak amulet traced with black diamond veins Weight: <1 pound


This is a Disguise Elixir item. Depending on its setup, it will change the appearance of the race, culture, and/or gender of a character. This is a temporary effect -- not a permanent change.
This item provides an aesthetic disguise without any mechanical benefits. It is Tier 1 (of 2 currently).
The amulet has 10 charges remaining. The item will NOT crumble when it is used up. Any willing merchant can recharge the item to have a maximum of 10 charges; some less frequent merchants may be able to recharge higher than that.
Each charge on this amulet nets the character roughly 8 hours and 0 minutes of disguise time until the disguise is eliminated (either through naturally running its course, removing the item prematurely via PULL). There is a very rare chance during each charge cycle that the disguise will prematurely end on its own well before the full time has elapsed. Also note that death automatically ousts the disguise from a character.
The amulet is set up to place the following aesthetic attributes on a character. Altering these settings may only be done on rare occasions by qualified persons; it is not a general merchant service.
Race: Dwarf
Currently you are able to try to PUSH (to activate), PULL (to deactivate), LICK, and RUB (toggles item's visibility while active) the amulet.
Aesthetic alterations to the item itself are acceptable -- they just must make sense for where the item is worn. Note that needles come out of the underside of the item, so nothing in the alteration should prevent that from logically occurring.
a twisted strand of dark blue pearls shot with silver Weight: <1 pound


This is a Disguise Elixir item. Depending on its setup, it will change the appearance of the race, culture, and/or gender of a character. This is a temporary effect -- not a permanent change.
This item provides an aesthetic disguise without any mechanical benefits. It is Tier 1 (of 2 currently).
The pearls has 10 charges remaining. The item will NOT crumble when it is used up. Any willing merchant can recharge the item to have a maximum of 10 charges; some less frequent merchants may be able to recharge higher than that.
Each charge on this pearls nets the character roughly 8 hours and 0 minutes of disguise time until the disguise is eliminated (either through naturally running its course, removing the item prematurely via PULL). There is a very rare chance during each charge cycle that the disguise will prematurely end on its own well before the full time has elapsed. Also note that death automatically ousts the disguise from a character.
The pearls is set up to place the following aesthetic attributes on a character. Altering these settings may only be done on rare occasions by qualified persons; it is not a general merchant service.
Race: Forest Gnome
Currently you are able to try to PUSH (to activate), PULL (to deactivate), LICK, and RUB (toggles item's visibility while active) the pearls.
Aesthetic alterations to the item itself are acceptable -- they just must make sense for where the item is worn. Note that needles come out of the underside of the item, so nothing in the alteration should prevent that from logically occurring.
a necklet of red steel roses edged in clear blue gem thorns Weight: <1 pound


This is a Disguise Elixir item. Depending on its setup, it will change the appearance of the race, culture, and/or gender of a character. This is a temporary effect -- not a permanent change.
This item provides an aesthetic disguise without any mechanical benefits. It is Tier 1 (of 2 currently).
The necklet has 10 charges remaining. The item will NOT crumble when it is used up. Any willing merchant can recharge the item to have a maximum of 10 charges; some less frequent merchants may be able to recharge higher than that.
Each charge on this necklet nets the character roughly 8 hours and 0 minutes of disguise time until the disguise is eliminated (either through naturally running its course, removing the item prematurely via PULL). There is a very rare chance during each charge cycle that the disguise will prematurely end on its own well before the full time has elapsed. Also note that death automatically ousts the disguise from a character.
The necklet is set up to place the following aesthetic attributes on a character. Altering these settings may only be done on rare occasions by qualified persons; it is not a general merchant service.
Race: Halfling
Currently you are able to try to PUSH (to activate), PULL (to deactivate), LICK, and RUB (toggles item's visibility while active) the necklet.
Aesthetic alterations to the item itself are acceptable -- they just must make sense for where the item is worn. Note that needles come out of the underside of the item, so nothing in the alteration should prevent that from logically occurring.
a tree-shaped silver birch medallion on a silver cord Weight: <1 pound


This is a Disguise Elixir item. Depending on its setup, it will change the appearance of the race, culture, and/or gender of a character. This is a temporary effect -- not a permanent change.
This item provides an aesthetic disguise without any mechanical benefits. It is Tier 1 (of 2 currently).
The medallion has 10 charges remaining. The item will NOT crumble when it is used up. Any willing merchant can recharge the item to have a maximum of 10 charges; some less frequent merchants may be able to recharge higher than that.
Each charge on this medallion nets the character roughly 8 hours and 0 minutes of disguise time until the disguise is eliminated (either through naturally running its course, removing the item prematurely via PULL). There is a very rare chance during each charge cycle that the disguise will prematurely end on its own well before the full time has elapsed. Also note that death automatically ousts the disguise from a character.
The medallion is set up to place the following aesthetic attributes on a character. Altering these settings may only be done on rare occasions by qualified persons; it is not a general merchant service.
Race: Burghal Gnome
Currently you are able to try to PUSH (to activate), PULL (to deactivate), LICK, and RUB (toggles item's visibility while active) the medallion.
Aesthetic alterations to the item itself are acceptable -- they just must make sense for where the item is worn. Note that needles come out of the underside of the item, so nothing in the alteration should prevent that from logically occurring.
a platinum pendant dripping black crimson diamond tears Weight: <1 pound


This is a Disguise Elixir item. Depending on its setup, it will change the appearance of the race, culture, and/or gender of a character. This is a temporary effect -- not a permanent change.
This item provides an aesthetic disguise without any mechanical benefits. It is Tier 1 (of 2 currently).
The pendant has 10 charges remaining. The item will NOT crumble when it is used up. Any willing merchant can recharge the item to have a maximum of 10 charges; some less frequent merchants may be able to recharge higher than that.
Each charge on this pendant nets the character roughly 8 hours and 0 minutes of disguise time until the disguise is eliminated (either through naturally running its course, removing the item prematurely via PULL). There is a very rare chance during each charge cycle that the disguise will prematurely end on its own well before the full time has elapsed. Also note that death automatically ousts the disguise from a character.
The pendant is set up to place the following aesthetic attributes on a character. Altering these settings may only be done on rare occasions by qualified persons; it is not a general merchant service.
Race: Half-Krolvin
Currently you are able to try to PUSH (to activate), PULL (to deactivate), LICK, and RUB (toggles item's visibility while active) the pendant.
Aesthetic alterations to the item itself are acceptable -- they just must make sense for where the item is worn. Note that needles come out of the underside of the item, so nothing in the alteration should prevent that from logically occurring.
a silver necklace suspending an ice blue diamond songbird Weight: <1 pound


This is a Disguise Elixir item. Depending on its setup, it will change the appearance of the race, culture, and/or gender of a character. This is a temporary effect -- not a permanent change.
This item provides an aesthetic disguise without any mechanical benefits. It is Tier 1 (of 2 currently).
The necklace has 10 charges remaining. The item will NOT crumble when it is used up. Any willing merchant can recharge the item to have a maximum of 10 charges; some less frequent merchants may be able to recharge higher than that.
Each charge on this necklace nets the character roughly 8 hours and 0 minutes of disguise time until the disguise is eliminated (either through naturally running its course, removing the item prematurely via PULL). There is a very rare chance during each charge cycle that the disguise will prematurely end on its own well before the full time has elapsed. Also note that death automatically ousts the disguise from a character.
The necklace is set up to place the following aesthetic attributes on a character. Altering these settings may only be done on rare occasions by qualified persons; it is not a general merchant service.
Race: Erithian
Currently you are able to try to PUSH (to activate), PULL (to deactivate), LICK, and RUB (toggles item's visibility while active) the necklace.
Aesthetic alterations to the item itself are acceptable -- they just must make sense for where the item is worn. Note that needles come out of the underside of the item, so nothing in the alteration should prevent that from logically occurring.
a choker of alternating white cedar and black diamond tiles Weight: <1 pound


This is a Disguise Elixir item. Depending on its setup, it will change the appearance of the race, culture, and/or gender of a character. This is a temporary effect -- not a permanent change.
This item provides an aesthetic disguise without any mechanical benefits. It is Tier 1 (of 2 currently).
The choker has 10 charges remaining. The item will NOT crumble when it is used up. Any willing merchant can recharge the item to have a maximum of 10 charges; some less frequent merchants may be able to recharge higher than that.
Each charge on this choker nets the character roughly 8 hours and 0 minutes of disguise time until the disguise is eliminated (either through naturally running its course, removing the item prematurely via PULL). There is a very rare chance during each charge cycle that the disguise will prematurely end on its own well before the full time has elapsed. Also note that death automatically ousts the disguise from a character.
The choker is set up to place the following aesthetic attributes on a character. Altering these settings may only be done on rare occasions by qualified persons; it is not a general merchant service.
Race: Aelotoi
Currently you are able to try to PUSH (to activate), PULL (to deactivate), LICK, and RUB (toggles item's visibility while active) the choker.
Aesthetic alterations to the item itself are acceptable -- they just must make sense for where the item is worn. Note that needles come out of the underside of the item, so nothing in the alteration should prevent that from logically occurring.

On the chairs you see:

a spiraled white gold and azure blazestar band Weight: <1 pound


This is a Disguise Elixir item. Depending on its setup, it will change the appearance of the race, culture, and/or gender of a character. This is a temporary effect -- not a permanent change.
This item provides an aesthetic disguise without any mechanical benefits. It is Tier 1 (of 2 currently).
The band has 10 charges remaining. The item will NOT crumble when it is used up. Any willing merchant can recharge the item to have a maximum of 10 charges; some less frequent merchants may be able to recharge higher than that.
Each charge on this band nets the character roughly 8 hours and 0 minutes of disguise time until the disguise is eliminated (either through naturally running its course, removing the item prematurely via PULL). There is a very rare chance during each charge cycle that the disguise will prematurely end on its own well before the full time has elapsed. Also note that death automatically ousts the disguise from a character.
The band is set up to place the following aesthetic attributes on a character. Altering these settings may only be done on rare occasions by qualified persons; it is not a general merchant service.
Gender: Male
Currently you are able to try to PUSH (to activate), PULL (to deactivate), LICK, and RUB (toggles item's visibility while active) the band.
Aesthetic alterations to the item itself are acceptable -- they just must make sense for where the item is worn. Note that needles come out of the underside of the item, so nothing in the alteration should prevent that from logically occurring.
a golden blazestar-spliced blued steel ring Weight: <1 pound


This is a Disguise Elixir item. Depending on its setup, it will change the appearance of the race, culture, and/or gender of a character. This is a temporary effect -- not a permanent change.
This item provides an aesthetic disguise without any mechanical benefits. It is Tier 1 (of 2 currently).
The ring has 10 charges remaining. The item will NOT crumble when it is used up. Any willing merchant can recharge the item to have a maximum of 10 charges; some less frequent merchants may be able to recharge higher than that.
Each charge on this ring nets the character roughly 8 hours and 0 minutes of disguise time until the disguise is eliminated (either through naturally running its course, removing the item prematurely via PULL). There is a very rare chance during each charge cycle that the disguise will prematurely end on its own well before the full time has elapsed. Also note that death automatically ousts the disguise from a character.
The ring is set up to place the following aesthetic attributes on a character. Altering these settings may only be done on rare occasions by qualified persons; it is not a general merchant service.
Gender: Female
Currently you are able to try to PUSH (to activate), PULL (to deactivate), LICK, and RUB (toggles item's visibility while active) the ring.
Aesthetic alterations to the item itself are acceptable -- they just must make sense for where the item is worn. Note that needles come out of the underside of the item, so nothing in the alteration should prevent that from logically occurring.


[The Messy Alchemist, Hallway]
Black walls are lined with windows that are painted over so darkly that it's impossible to see out of them. Brilliant glowing pink and blue paint marks up the walls in large splashes of color, illuminating a purple-painted archway and a threadbare rug with green hexagonal patterning on it. A finely carved wooden desk sprawls out in the middle of the hallway, blocking part of the passage. You also see a neatly lettered sign propped up against the wall.
Obvious exits: none
~Welcome, welcome, WELCOME!~
SoMEwHere IN herE, there ARE sOmE itEMs filled with a wONDERfUl eLIXirs.  My OWN speCial recipe.
                (Of course it's mine.  I didn't steal it, if that's what you're implying!)
If YOu can fiND them, tHese eLIXirs will TEMPOraryiLY make YoU lOOk like (only LOOK LIKE an illusion.  Not BEcome!):
wIDe wRIsTlEt- maLe eLF of ta'lOEntHrA
blAck wRIsTlEt - MalE HaLfLiNG of tHE mHOragIAn
pINk PEarL bRACeLeT - maLE DWARF of paRkSHnuuM CLaN
stEEL wRiST cUfF - femaLE eLf of tA'ARdenAi
bLaCK bRACeLeT - feMale HUmaN of tALaDOOr
dREAmSTonE wRIsTlEt - feMalE ErItHIaN of YAcHAN daI

Disguise Elixir Items

On the finely carved wooden desk you see:

a wide wristlet of sinuous pink coral tendrils Weight: <1 pound


This is a Disguise Elixir item. Depending on its setup, it will change the appearance of the race, culture, and/or gender of a character. This is a temporary effect -- not a permanent change.
This item provides an aesthetic disguise without any mechanical benefits. It is Tier 1 (of 2 currently).
The wristlet has 10 charges remaining. The item will NOT crumble when it is used up. Any willing merchant can recharge the item to have a maximum of 10 charges; some less frequent merchants may be able to recharge higher than that.
Each charge on this wristlet nets the character roughly 8 hours and 0 minutes of disguise time until the disguise is eliminated (either through naturally running its course, removing the item prematurely via PULL). There is a very rare chance during each charge cycle that the disguise will prematurely end on its own well before the full time has elapsed. Also note that death automatically ousts the disguise from a character.
The wristlet is set up to place the following aesthetic attributes on a character. Altering these settings may only be done on rare occasions by qualified persons; it is not a general merchant service.
Race: Elf
Culture: Loenthra
Gender: Male
Currently you are able to try to PUSH (to activate), PULL (to deactivate), LICK, and RUB (toggles item's visibility while active) the wristlet.
Aesthetic alterations to the item itself are acceptable -- they just must make sense for where the item is worn. Note that needles come out of the underside of the item, so nothing in the alteration should prevent that from logically occurring.
a pink sapphire-swirled black opal wristlet Weight: <1 pound


This is a Disguise Elixir item. Depending on its setup, it will change the appearance of the race, culture, and/or gender of a character. This is a temporary effect -- not a permanent change.
This item provides an aesthetic disguise without any mechanical benefits. It is Tier 1 (of 2 currently).
The wristlet has 10 charges remaining. The item will NOT crumble when it is used up. Any willing merchant can recharge the item to have a maximum of 10 charges; some less frequent merchants may be able to recharge higher than that.
Each charge on this wristlet nets the character roughly 8 hours and 0 minutes of disguise time until the disguise is eliminated (either through naturally running its course, removing the item prematurely via PULL). There is a very rare chance during each charge cycle that the disguise will prematurely end on its own well before the full time has elapsed. Also note that death automatically ousts the disguise from a character.
The wristlet is set up to place the following aesthetic attributes on a character. Altering these settings may only be done on rare occasions by qualified persons; it is not a general merchant service.
Race: Halfling
Culture: Mhoragian
Gender: Male
Currently you are able to try to PUSH (to activate), PULL (to deactivate), LICK, and RUB (toggles item's visibility while active) the wristlet.
Aesthetic alterations to the item itself are acceptable -- they just must make sense for where the item is worn. Note that needles come out of the underside of the item, so nothing in the alteration should prevent that from logically occurring.
a bracelet of black jade-centered pink pearl blossoms Weight: <1 pound


This is a Disguise Elixir item. Depending on its setup, it will change the appearance of the race, culture, and/or gender of a character. This is a temporary effect -- not a permanent change.
This item provides an aesthetic disguise without any mechanical benefits. It is Tier 1 (of 2 currently).
The bracelet has 10 charges remaining. The item will NOT crumble when it is used up. Any willing merchant can recharge the item to have a maximum of 10 charges; some less frequent merchants may be able to recharge higher than that.
Each charge on this bracelet nets the character roughly 8 hours and 0 minutes of disguise time until the disguise is eliminated (either through naturally running its course, removing the item prematurely via PULL). There is a very rare chance during each charge cycle that the disguise will prematurely end on its own well before the full time has elapsed. Also note that death automatically ousts the disguise from a character.
The bracelet is set up to place the following aesthetic attributes on a character. Altering these settings may only be done on rare occasions by qualified persons; it is not a general merchant service.
Race: Dwarf
Culture: Parkshnuum Clan
Gender: Male
Currently you are able to try to PUSH (to activate), PULL (to deactivate), LICK, and RUB (toggles item's visibility while active) the bracelet.
Aesthetic alterations to the item itself are acceptable -- they just must make sense for where the item is worn. Note that needles come out of the underside of the item, so nothing in the alteration should prevent that from logically occurring.
a blackened steel wrist cuff edged with a spray of pink topaz Weight: <1 pound


This is a Disguise Elixir item. Depending on its setup, it will change the appearance of the race, culture, and/or gender of a character. This is a temporary effect -- not a permanent change.
This item provides an aesthetic disguise without any mechanical benefits. It is Tier 1 (of 2 currently).
The cuff has 10 charges remaining. The item will NOT crumble when it is used up. Any willing merchant can recharge the item to have a maximum of 10 charges; some less frequent merchants may be able to recharge higher than that.
Each charge on this cuff nets the character roughly 8 hours and 0 minutes of disguise time until the disguise is eliminated (either through naturally running its course, removing the item prematurely via PULL). There is a very rare chance during each charge cycle that the disguise will prematurely end on its own well before the full time has elapsed. Also note that death automatically ousts the disguise from a character.
The cuff is set up to place the following aesthetic attributes on a character. Altering these settings may only be done on rare occasions by qualified persons; it is not a general merchant service.
Race: Elf
Culture: Ardenai
Gender: Female
Currently you are able to try to PUSH (to activate), PULL (to deactivate), LICK, and RUB (toggles item's visibility while active) the cuff.
Aesthetic alterations to the item itself are acceptable -- they just must make sense for where the item is worn. Note that needles come out of the underside of the item, so nothing in the alteration should prevent that from logically occurring.
a black moonstone bracelet inset with pink dreamstone shards Weight: <1 pound


This is a Disguise Elixir item. Depending on its setup, it will change the appearance of the race, culture, and/or gender of a character. This is a temporary effect -- not a permanent change.
This item provides an aesthetic disguise without any mechanical benefits. It is Tier 1 (of 2 currently).
The bracelet has 10 charges remaining. The item will NOT crumble when it is used up. Any willing merchant can recharge the item to have a maximum of 10 charges; some less frequent merchants may be able to recharge higher than that.
Each charge on this bracelet nets the character roughly 8 hours and 0 minutes of disguise time until the disguise is eliminated (either through naturally running its course, removing the item prematurely via PULL). There is a very rare chance during each charge cycle that the disguise will prematurely end on its own well before the full time has elapsed. Also note that death automatically ousts the disguise from a character.
The bracelet is set up to place the following aesthetic attributes on a character. Altering these settings may only be done on rare occasions by qualified persons; it is not a general merchant service.
Race: Human
Culture: Talador
Gender: Female
Currently you are able to try to PUSH (to activate), PULL (to deactivate), LICK, and RUB (toggles item's visibility while active) the bracelet.
Aesthetic alterations to the item itself are acceptable -- they just must make sense for where the item is worn. Note that needles come out of the underside of the item, so nothing in the alteration should prevent that from logically occurring.
a rose cut-out thinly sheared black dreamstone wristlet Weight: <1 pound


This is a Disguise Elixir item. Depending on its setup, it will change the appearance of the race, culture, and/or gender of a character. This is a temporary effect -- not a permanent change.
This item provides an aesthetic disguise without any mechanical benefits. It is Tier 1 (of 2 currently).
The wristlet has 10 charges remaining. The item will NOT crumble when it is used up. Any willing merchant can recharge the item to have a maximum of 10 charges; some less frequent merchants may be able to recharge higher than that.
Each charge on this wristlet nets the character roughly 8 hours and 0 minutes of disguise time until the disguise is eliminated (either through naturally running its course, removing the item prematurely via PULL). There is a very rare chance during each charge cycle that the disguise will prematurely end on its own well before the full time has elapsed. Also note that death automatically ousts the disguise from a character.
The wristlet is set up to place the following aesthetic attributes on a character. Altering these settings may only be done on rare occasions by qualified persons; it is not a general merchant service.
Race: Erithian
Culture: Yachan Dai
Gender: Female
Currently you are able to try to PUSH (to activate), PULL (to deactivate), LICK, and RUB (toggles item's visibility while active) the wristlet.
Aesthetic alterations to the item itself are acceptable -- they just must make sense for where the item is worn. Note that needles come out of the underside of the item, so nothing in the alteration should prevent that from logically occurring.
Return to the top of this page.

A Mist Opportunity

Room 16: a dark shop, lich# 26880

[A Mist Opportunity]
Dark mist covers the ground, completely obscuring the floorboards that are evident only by a faint creaking noise produced with each footstep. Painted in deep crimson, a sturdy weapon rack sits off to the side, and a luminescent crystal orb, filled with a swirling black mass, has been affixed to the top of a black marble stand. Additional weaponry has been carefully hung from mithril wall hooks.
Obvious exits: out
The weapons on the hooks have the following properties:
Dagger (dagger) - 1x, no flares
Gladius (short sword) - 5x, disintegrate
Seax (broadsword) - 5x, disruption
Disackn (scimitar) - 5x, plasma
Mortuary Sword (backsword) - 5x, unbalance, T1
Espadon (bastard sword) - 5x, grapple, T1
Sgian Achlais (dagger) - 5x, acid, T1
Crescent Axe (handaxe) - 5x, steam, T1

The weapons on the stand are all 5x and have the following properties:
Hakapik (crowbill) - disintegrate
Taavish (warhammer) - disruption
Mace (morning star) - unbalance, T1
Cestus (cestus) - grapple
Pit-knife (hook-knife) - acid, T1

The weapons on the rack are all 5x and have the following properties:
Lisan (cudgel) - steam
Balestarius (battle axe) - plasma, T1
Chest-ripper (awl-pike) - grapple
Scythe (halberd) - unbalance, T1
Bovai (Hammer of Kai) - disintegrate, T1
Voulge (jeddart-axe) - acid

The weapons in the case are fully unlocked and have the following properties:
Falcata (falchion) - 6x, unbalance
Maul (maul) - 6x, grapple
Asaya (runestaff) - 5x, acuity (3x)
Ridgemace (mace) - 6x, steam

Fana weapons

On the weapon rack you see:

an orb-capped viridian lisan with twisted spike studs Weight: 4 pounds
5x, steam


You carefully analyze your viridian lisan and sense that there are some alteration restrictions. SHOWS are fine to add, but bear in mind the misty and shadowy nature of these weapons, evident in messaging. The item description should not refer to the mist. Original concept by Fana.
This item might be able to be unlocked by approved merchants.
You can turn the ambient messaging ON/OFF by PRODding your weapon.
Verbs: CLEAN, PROD, RUB, and WAVE. There is one possible unique feature change.
a dual-bladed mithril balestarius with a hammered finish Weight: 7 pounds
5x, plasma, T1
battle axe


You carefully analyze your mithril balestarius and sense that there are some alteration restrictions. SHOWS are fine to add, but bear in mind the misty and shadowy nature of these weapons, evident in messaging. The item description should not refer to the mist. Original concept by Fana.
This item may only be unlocked further by the weapon shop's owner.
You can turn the ambient messaging ON/OFF by PRODding your weapon.
Verbs: CLEAN, GET, DROP, PROD, RAISE, RUB, STARE, and WAVE. There are two possible unique feature changes.
a cobalt mithglin chest-ripper with a glowbark haft Weight: 7 pounds
5x, grapple


You carefully analyze your mithglin chest-ripper and sense that there are some alteration restrictions. SHOWS are fine to add, but bear in mind the misty and shadowy nature of these weapons, evident in messaging. The item description should not refer to the mist. Original concept by Fana.
This item might be able to be unlocked by approved merchants.
You can turn the ambient messaging ON/OFF by PRODding your weapon.
Verbs: CLEAN, PROD, RUB, and WAVE. There is one possible unique feature change.
a scarlet-rouged ebon vultite scythe with a sculpted haft Weight: 7 pounds
5x, unbalance, T1


You carefully analyze your scarlet-rouged scythe and sense that there are some alteration restrictions. SHOWS are fine to add, but bear in mind the misty and shadowy nature of these weapons, evident in messaging. The item description should not refer to the mist. Original concept by Fana.
This item may only be unlocked further by the weapon shop's owner.
You can turn the ambient messaging ON/OFF by PRODding your weapon.
Verbs: CLEAN, GET, DROP, PROD, RAISE, RUB, STARE, and WAVE. There are two possible unique feature changes.
an oak-handled vultite bovai with a blunt spiked head Weight: 7 pounds
5x, disintegrate, T1
Hammer of Kai


You carefully analyze your vultite bovai and sense that there are some alteration restrictions. SHOWS are fine to add, but bear in mind the misty and shadowy nature of these weapons, evident in messaging. The item description should not refer to the mist. Original concept by Fana.
This item may only be unlocked further by the weapon shop's owner.
You can turn the ambient messaging ON/OFF by PRODding your weapon.
Verbs: CLEAN, GET, DROP, PROD, RAISE, RUB, STARE, and WAVE. There are two possible unique feature changes.
a fan-bladed ash grey voulge with a smooth teak haft Weight: 8 pounds
5x, acid


You carefully analyze your ash grey voulge and sense that there are some alteration restrictions. SHOWS are fine to add, but bear in mind the misty and shadowy nature of these weapons, evident in messaging. The item description should not refer to the mist. Original concept by Fana.
This item might be able to be unlocked by approved merchants.
You can turn the ambient messaging ON/OFF by PRODding your weapon.
Verbs: CLEAN, PROD, RUB, and WAVE. There is one possible unique feature change.

On the black marble stand you see:

a dark skull-pommeled hakapik with a spiral-wrough haft Weight: 4 pounds
5x, disintgrate


You carefully analyze your skull-pommeled hakapik and sense that there are some alteration restrictions. SHOWS are fine to add, but bear in mind the misty and shadowy nature of these weapons, evident in messaging. The item description should not refer to the mist. Original concept by Fana.
This item might be able to be unlocked by approved merchants.
You can turn the ambient messaging ON/OFF by PRODding your weapon.
Verbs: CLEAN, PROD, RUB, and WAVE. There is one possible unique feature change.
a hefty golvern-beaked taavish with a suede-sheathed haft Weight: 7 pounds
5x, disruption
war hammer


You carefully analyze your golvern-beaked taavish and sense that there are some alteration restrictions. SHOWS are fine to add, but bear in mind the misty and shadowy nature of these weapons, evident in messaging. The item description should not refer to the mist. Original concept by Fana.
This item might be able to be unlocked by approved merchants.
You can turn the ambient messaging ON/OFF by PRODding your weapon.
Verbs: CLEAN, PROD, RUB, and WAVE. There is one possible unique feature change.
a raven-hued spiked mace with a wide ebonwood haft Weight: 7 pounds
5x, unbalance, T1
morning star


You carefully analyze your spiked mace and sense that there are some alteration restrictions. SHOWS are fine to add, but bear in mind the misty and shadowy nature of these weapons, evident in messaging. The item description should not refer to the mist. Original concept by Fana.
This item may only be unlocked further by the weapon shop's owner.
You can turn the ambient messaging ON/OFF by PRODding your weapon.
Verbs: CLEAN, GET, DROP, PROD, RAISE, RUB, STARE, and WAVE. There are two possible unique feature changes.
a crimson wrapped hide cestus with rolaren half-moon blades Weight: 2 pounds
5x, grapple


You carefully analyze your wrapped hide cestus and sense that there are some alteration restrictions. SHOWS are fine to add, but bear in mind the misty and shadowy nature of these weapons, evident in messaging. The item description should not refer to the mist. Original concept by Fana.
This item might be able to be unlocked by approved merchants.
You can turn the ambient messaging ON/OFF by PRODding your weapon.
Verbs: CLEAN, PROD, RUB, and WAVE. There is one possible unique feature change.
a claw-bladed ebony pit-knife with a rowan grip Weight: <1 pound
5x, acid, T1


You carefully analyze your ebony pit-knife and sense that there are some alteration restrictions. SHOWS are fine to add, but bear in mind the misty and shadowy nature of these weapons, evident in messaging. The item description should not refer to the mist. Original concept by Fana.
This item may only be unlocked further by the weapon shop's owner.
You can turn the ambient messaging ON/OFF by PRODding your weapon.
Verbs: CLEAN, GET, DROP, PROD, RAISE, RUB, STARE, and WAVE. There are two possible unique feature changes.
You can tell that the pit-knife is as light as it can get.

On the hooks you see:

a double-edged mithril boot dagger with a bone hilt Weight: <1 pound


You carefully analyze your mithril boot dagger and sense that there are some alteration restrictions. SHOWS are fine to add, but bear in mind the misty and shadowy nature of these weapons, evident in messaging. The item description should not refer to the mist. Original concept by Fana.
This item might be able to be unlocked by approved merchants.
You can turn the ambient messaging ON/OFF by PRODding your weapon.
Verbs: CLEAN, PROD, RUB, and WAVE. There is one possible unique feature change.
You can tell that the dagger is as light as it can get.
a marble-hilted vultite gladius with a contoured grip Weight: 3 pounds
5x, disintegrate
short sword


You carefully analyze your vultite gladius and sense that there are some alteration restrictions. SHOWS are fine to add, but bear in mind the misty and shadowy nature of these weapons, evident in messaging. The item description should not refer to the mist. Original concept by Fana.
This item might be able to be unlocked by approved merchants.
You can turn the ambient messaging ON/OFF by PRODding your weapon.
Verbs: CLEAN, PROD, RUB, and WAVE. There is one possible unique feature change.
a broad-bladed damascened seax with an elk horn grip Weight: 4 pounds
5x, disruption


You carefully analyze your damascened seax and sense that there are some alteration restrictions. SHOWS are fine to add, but bear in mind the misty and shadowy nature of these weapons, evident in messaging. The item description should not refer to the mist. Original concept by Fana.
This item might be able to be unlocked by approved merchants.
You can turn the ambient messaging ON/OFF by PRODding your weapon.
Verbs: CLEAN, PROD, RUB, and WAVE. There is one possible unique feature change.
an ivory-hilted faenor espadon with a wire-wrapped guard Weight: 8 pounds
5x, grapple, T1
bastard sword


You carefully analyze your faenor espadon and sense that there are some alteration restrictions. SHOWS are fine to add, but bear in mind the misty and shadowy nature of these weapons, evident in messaging. The item description should not refer to the mist. Original concept by Fana.
This item may only be unlocked further by the weapon shop's owner.
You can turn the ambient messaging ON/OFF by PRODding your weapon.
Verbs: CLEAN, GET, DROP, PROD, RAISE, RUB, STARE, and WAVE. There are two possible unique feature changes.
an austere vultite mortuary sword with a basket hilt Weight: 4 pounds
5x, unbalance, T1


You carefully analyze your mortuary sword and sense that there are some alteration restrictions. SHOWS are fine to add, but bear in mind the misty and shadowy nature of these weapons, evident in messaging. The item description should not refer to the mist. Original concept by Fana.
This item may only be unlocked further by the weapon shop's owner.
You can turn the ambient messaging ON/OFF by PRODding your weapon.
Verbs: CLEAN, GET, DROP, PROD, RAISE, RUB, STARE, and WAVE. There are two possible unique feature changes.
a matte onyx sgian achlais with an emerald pommel Weight: <1 pound
5x, acid, T1


You carefully analyze your onyx sgian achlais and sense that there are some alteration restrictions. SHOWS are fine to add, but bear in mind the misty and shadowy nature of these weapons, evident in messaging. The item description should not refer to the mist. Original concept by Fana.
This item may only be unlocked further by the weapon shop's owner.
You can turn the ambient messaging ON/OFF by PRODding your weapon.
Verbs: CLEAN, GET, DROP, PROD, RAISE, RUB, STARE, and WAVE. There are two possible unique feature changes.
You can tell that the achlais is as light as it can get.
a wave-swept ora disackn with a sealskin-wrapped grip Weight: 5 pounds
5x, plasma


You carefully analyze your ora disackn and sense that there are some alteration restrictions. SHOWS are fine to add, but bear in mind the misty and shadowy nature of these weapons, evident in messaging. The item description should not refer to the mist. Original concept by Fana.
This item might be able to be unlocked by approved merchants.
You can turn the ambient messaging ON/OFF by PRODding your weapon.
Verbs: CLEAN, PROD, RUB, and WAVE. There is one possible unique feature change.
a lustrous silver crescent axe with a gnarled maoral haft Weight: 5 pounds
5x, steam, T1


You carefully analyze your crescent axe and sense that there are some alteration restrictions. SHOWS are fine to add, but bear in mind the misty and shadowy nature of these weapons, evident in messaging. The item description should not refer to the mist. Original concept by Fana.
This item may only be unlocked further by the weapon shop's owner.
You can turn the ambient messaging ON/OFF by PRODding your weapon.
Verbs: CLEAN, GET, DROP, PROD, RAISE, RUB, STARE, and WAVE. There are two possible unique feature changes.

In the ebon-edged glass case you see:

a shadowy veil iron falcata with a silk-wrapped hilt Weight: 6 pounds
6x, unbalance


You carefully analyze your veil iron falcata and sense that there are some alteration restrictions. SHOWS are fine to add, but bear in mind the misty and shadowy nature of these weapons, evident in messaging. The item description should not refer to the mist. Original concept by Fana.
This item is fully unlocked.
You can turn the ambient messaging ON/OFF by PRODding your weapon.
Verbs: CLEAN, CLENCH, GET, DROP, LICK, POINT (player or no target), PROD, RAISE, RUB, STARE, and WAVE. Messaging has a higher chance to fire, and there are three possible unique feature changes.
a massive eahnor maul with a gilt-inlaid clenched fist head Weight: 6 pounds
6x, grapple


You carefully analyze your eahnor maul and sense that there are some alteration restrictions. SHOWS are fine to add, but bear in mind the misty and shadowy nature of these weapons, evident in messaging. The item description should not refer to the mist. Original concept by Fana.
This item is fully unlocked.
You can turn the ambient messaging ON/OFF by PRODding your weapon.
Verbs: CLEAN, CLENCH, GET, DROP, LICK, POINT (player or no target), PROD, RAISE, RUB, STARE, and WAVE. Messaging has a higher chance to fire, and there are three possible unique feature changes.
a blackened glowbark asaya with a fetish-adorned grip Weight: 4 pounds
5x, acuity (3x)


You carefully analyze your glowbark asaya and sense that there are some alteration restrictions. SHOWS are fine to add, but bear in mind the misty and shadowy nature of these weapons, evident in messaging. The item description should not refer to the mist. Original concept by Fana.
This item is fully unlocked.
You can turn the ambient messaging ON/OFF by PRODding your weapon.
Verbs: CLEAN, CLENCH, GET, DROP, LICK, POINT (player or no target), PROD, RAISE, RUB, STARE, and WAVE. Messaging has a higher chance to fire, and there are three possible unique feature changes.
a discolored rolaren ridgemace with a many-thorned head Weight: 8 pounds
6x, steam


You carefully analyze your rolaren ridgemace and sense that there are some alteration restrictions. SHOWS are fine to add, but bear in mind the misty and shadowy nature of these weapons, evident in messaging. The item description should not refer to the mist. Original concept by Fana.
This item is fully unlocked.
You can turn the ambient messaging ON/OFF by PRODding your weapon.
Verbs: CLEAN, CLENCH, GET, DROP, LICK, POINT (player or no target), PROD, RAISE, RUB, STARE, and WAVE. Messaging has a higher chance to fire, and there are three possible unique feature changes.
Return to the top of this page.

A Moment In Time

a dark brick studio, Bloodriven Exterior, Lich #26903, go studio

[A Moment In Time, Studio]
Diffused sunlight spills through silk-veiled openings in the ceiling and casts a muted haze against pale crimson, raised panel walls. Knotty pine shelves lined with paintbrushes, stacks of canvas, and other painting supplies, stretch from the entrance to the back of the studio where a raised platform showcases a couple easels.
Obvious exits: out
For the creative at heart, these easels provide a perfect solution to capturing special moments in time.
Canvas can be purchased in handy 10-piece stacks, and boxes, specially designed to squeeze the pulp out of sturdy twigs and create single sheets of canvas, are also available at a premium cost.  All easels have 20 sheets of canvas.
Paintings created by artists with little skill will be less elaborate than those created by artists with more skill.  Remember: practice makes perfect!

On the shelves you see:

a contoured gold-handled paintbrush Weight: <1 pound 5
a long slant-bristled paintbrush Weight: <1 pound 5
a feather-topped oak paintbrush Weight: <1 pound 5
a slender crimson paintbrush with fluffy white bristles Weight: <1 pound 5
a rustic gnarled wood paintbrush Weight: <1 pound 5
a small white-handled paintbrush with stained bristles Weight: <1 pound 5
a stack of canvas Weight: <1 pound 15
a circular mistwood box with a carved lid Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: VSA (<2-4)
one item


This mistwood box can create sheets of canvas from non-broken foraged twigs, and are to be used with the Artist's Easel sold originally in Bloodriven Village at Duskruin Arena.
Alterations to the box are fine provided the item remains some kind of lidded container
Current verbs: CLOSE, DROP (twig in box), LOOK, OPEN, and SHAKE.
Try as you might, you cannot get a good sense of whether or not the box's pockets could get any deeper, but you can tell that the box is as light as it can get.
an ivory cotton apron Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: VSA (<2-4)
a couple of items of very small size


You can tell that the apron is as light as it can get, but you might be able to have a talented merchant deepen its pockets for you.
a small sign

In the Common language, it reads:
The rowan easel is a basic easel. The silver-chased ash easel has some additional features for more skilled painters. Both easels allow artists to hone their talent equally.

On the raised platform you see:

a pale rowan easel Weight: 3 pounds


This item can be freely altered, but it must remain an "easel". Long descriptions are okay; no shows. It may not be lightened/deepened. Current verbs: CLEAN, CLOSE, HUG, OPEN, and PULL.
If you are holding a suitable paintbrush, you can PAINT EASEL to paint pictures! As you paint more pictures, your skill will progress, and you will create more elaborate paintings. Your easel must be on the ground in order to paint.
If you progress far enough in your painting skill, and you have an unlocked easel, you can:
Tier 1: paint a portrait of another person using pre-written styles.
Tier 2: design your own custom paintings. (Please note that this tier will be rare.)
HUG the rowan easel to view the syntax for special Master Painter commands.
The easel is currently Tier 0. (0|1|2)
a silver-chased ash easel Weight: 3 pounds


This item can be freely altered, but it must remain an "easel". Long descriptions are okay; no shows. It may not be lightened/deepened. Current verbs: ATTEND, CLEAN, CLOSE, HUG, NUDGE, OPEN, PONDER, PROD (shows styles), PULL, RUB, and TURN (player).
If you are holding a suitable paintbrush, you can PAINT EASEL to paint pictures! As you paint more pictures, your skill will progress, and you will create more elaborate paintings. Your easel must be on the ground in order to paint.
If you progress far enough in your painting skill, and you have an unlocked easel, you can:
Tier 1: paint a portrait of another person using pre-written styles.
Tier 2: design your own custom paintings. (Please note that this tier will be rare.)
HUG the ash easel to view the syntax for special Master Painter commands.
The easel is currently Tier 1. (0|1|2)
Return to the top of this page.

Ode to Resistance

Opened: Unknown; Inventory Updates: June 2018, August 2019; Verified: 6/21/18, 12/21/18, 8/14/19, 2/13/2020

a dilapidated wooden hut, Lich #23815, Room 19: go wooden hut

Ode To Resistance

[Ode To Resistance - 23815]
The walls of this crude hut look as if they could collapse at any moment, their half-rotted planks held together with bent nails and frayed rope. The lone back wall displays a rusted iron plaque hanging at a slant over a row of large chests, trunks, and crates. A single lantern hangs precariously from one of the rafters, providing a dim, flickering light.
Obvious exits: out
Drakar-edged chest = 4x with 20% heat resist
Rhimar-edged chest = 4x with 20% cold resist
Zorchar-edged chest = 4x with 20% electric resist
Gornar-edged chest = 4x with 20% impact resist
Leaf green crate = 4x with 20% nature resist
Slashed oak crate = 2x with 10% puncture, 10% slash, 10% crush resist
Hemlock crate = 4x with 20% steam resist

In the thin rhimar-edged chest you see:

some niveous lamb's wool robes edged in arctic fox furs Weight: 8 pounds
Enchant: +20
Resists: cold, very resistant
robes (AsG 2) 2500
a cobalt blue leather pourpoint lined in striped ferret furs Weight: 13 pounds
Enchant: +20
Resists: cold, very resistant
full leather (AsG 6) 2500
a dark blue lamellar shirt with rhimar rivets and suede straps Weight: 16 pounds
Enchant: +20
Resists: cold, very resistant
leather breastplate (AsG 9) 2500
a four-in-one vultite-linked byrnie lined in blue fleece Weight: 20 pounds
Enchant: +20
Resists: cold, very resistant
chain mail (AsG 13) 2500

In the squat drakar-edged chest you see:

a wide vultite-linked byrnie woven with sand-hued silks Weight: 20 pounds
Enchant: +20
Resists: fiery, very resistant
chain mail (AsG 13) 2500
a collarless red clay-hued leather tunic Weight: 16 pounds
Enchant: +20
Resists: fiery, very resistant
leather breastplate (AsG 9) 2500
a fiery orange arming doublet with pecan burl toggles Weight: 13 pounds
Enchant: +20
Resists: fiery, very resistant
full leather (AsG 6) 2500
a gauzy crimson silk robe with dagged sleeves Weight: 8 pounds
Enchant: +20
Resists: fiery, very resistant
robes (AsG 2) 2500

In the narrow gornar-edged chest you see:

a multi-layered thick linen robe edged in gornar beading Weight: 8 pounds
Enchant: +20
Resists: impact (earth), very resistant
robes (AsG 2) 2500
a mottled hickory-hued leather vest with braid-edged arm holes Weight: 13 pounds
Enchant: +20
Resists: impact (earth), very resistant
full leather (AsG 6) 2500
a lacquered leather and haon-plated lamellar shirt Weight: 16 pounds
Enchant: +20
Resists: impact (earth), very resistant
leather breastplate (AsG 9) 2500
a blouse-sleeved chocolate raw silk jazerant with ivory toggles Weight: 20 pounds
Enchant: +20
Resists: impact (earth), very resistant
chain mail (AsG 13) 2500

In the tall zorchar-edged chest you see:

a six-in-one vultite chain corselet with zorchar links Weight: 20 pounds
Enchant: +20
Resists: electric, very resistant
chain mail (AsG 13) 2500
a soft storm grey suede jerkin with double button rows Weight: 16 pounds
Enchant: +20
Resists: cold, very resistant
leather breastplate (AsG 9) 2500
a dark pewter-hued leather buffcoat with plum-hued banding Weight: 13 pounds
Enchant: +20
Resists: electric, very resistant
full leather (AsG 6) 2500
an off-shoulder quilted linen houppelande with purple stitching Weight: 8 pounds
Enchant: +20
Resists: electric, very resistant
robes (AsG 2) 2500

In the polished leaf green crate you see:

an olive green frock coat with twig-shaped toggles Weight: 8 pounds
Enchant: +20
Resists: nature, very resistant
robes (AsG 2) 2500
some cream-hued leathers painted with golden aspen leaves Weight: 13 pounds
Enchant: +20
Resists: nature, very resistant
full leather (AsG 6) 2500
an autumn-hued leather breastplate embossed with aspen leaves Weight: 16 pounds
Enchant: +20
Resists: nature, very resistant
leather breastplate (AsG 9) 2500
a simple sage green chainmail shirt interwoven with silk strips Weight: 20 pounds
Enchant: +20
Resists: nature, very resistant
chain mail (AsG 13) 2500

In the sturdy hemlock crate you see:

a tight-linked vultite jazerant sheathed in teal organza Weight: 21 pounds
Enchant: +20
Resists: heat, very resistant
augmented chain (AsG 15) 2500
a green silk-lined chainmail tunic with linen-braided edges Weight: 20 pounds
Enchant: +20
Resists: heat, very resistant
chain mail (AsG 13) 2500
a jade green leather breastplate embossed with gold katydids Weight: 16 pounds
Enchant: +20
Resists: heat, very resistant
leather breastplate (AsG 9) 2500
a set of indigo leathers with exposed grey suede stitching Weight: 13 pounds
Enchant: +20
Resists: heat, very resistant
full leather (AsG 6) 2500
a storm grey kaftan with bold tangerine-hued edges Weight: 8 pounds
Enchant: +20
Resists: heat, very resistant
robes (AsG 2) 2500

In the hacked and slashed oak crate you see:

some grungy charcoal grey casting leathers with slash marks Weight: 13 pounds
Enchant: +10
Resists: puncture, moderately resistant to slashing attacks, moderately resistant to crushing attacks, and moderately resistant
full leather (AsG 6) 2500
a dark grey leather pourpoint with worn buttons Weight: 13 pounds
Enchant: +10
Resists: puncture, moderately resistant to slashing attacks, moderately resistant to crushing attacks, and moderately resistant
full leather (AsG 6) 2500
a shirt of vultite chainmail with mismatched links Weight: 23 pounds
Enchant: +10
Resists: puncture, moderately resistant to slashing attacks, moderately resistant to crushing attacks, and moderately resistant
chain mail (AsG 13) 2500
a faded leather breastplate with rawhide stitches Weight: 16 pounds
Enchant: +10
Resists: puncture, moderately resistant to slashing attacks, moderately resistant to crushing attacks, and moderately resistant
leather breastplate (AsG 9) 2500
some bell-sleeved burnt umber robes with ragged hemlines Weight: 8 pounds
Enchant: +10
Resists: puncture, moderately resistant to slashing attacks, moderately resistant to crushing attacks, and moderately resistant
robes (AsG 2) 2500
Return to the top of this page.

On the Other Hand

a partially sunken airship, [Map Room #20, then east], Lich#26863 , go sunken airship

On the Other Hand

[On the Other Hand -]
The oaken floor boards of the airship's decks slope sharply making navigation difficult. Most of the furniture is in a pile at the hull, except for a few trunks and chests that remain lashed to the bulkheads on either side of a narrow ladder leading below deck. A large cabinet lies on its side, the doors smashed open, revealing a small cache of weapons inside.
Obvious exits: out

In the large cabinet you see:

a spruce-handled icy blue vultite handaxe Weight: 5 pounds
Enchant: +20
Jorshan's Twin Weapons
Description: This script is designed around two weapon combat. They will not function unless you're using two weapons of the same script in your hands. The main hand (Primary) weapon referenced is the right hand and the left hand (Secondary) is the offhand.
The alteration points can be done freely.
Yes, or lightning.
OTS Verbs
Twin Rising
Hitting an opponent with these weapons applies a counter. Consecutive strikes
against the target increase the effects of these counters which in turn increases
the weapon's flare strength. The counters last for 15 seconds before falling off. This effect
works with both weapons and will only work if wielding two weapons. Wielding two weapons
of the same flare type will increase the counter application rate.
Current Flare Type: Cold
Twin Detonation
Twin Stance
Twin Primary: While the weapon is held in the primary hand it has a 1% chance to strike again.
Twin Offhand: If the weapon is held in the offhand it has a 5% to increase your Defensive Strength by 4 when attacked by enemies.
Twin Apprentice
Twin Primary: While the weapon is held in the primary hand it has a 5% chance to increase the wielders Two Weapon Combat skill bonus by 5 for that attack.
Twin Offhand: If the weapon is held in the offhand it has a 5% to increase your attack strength by 4 when attacking.
Twin Grip
General Information
Tier: 0
Twin Strikes: Locked
Twin Lunge: Locked
Custom Color: white Custom Color 2: black
a crimson-bladed vultite handaxe with a spiked poll Weight: 5 pounds
Enchant: +20
Jorshan's Twin Weapons
Description: This script is designed around two weapon combat. They will not function unless you're using two weapons of the same script in your hands. The main hand (Primary) weapon referenced is the right hand and the left hand (Secondary) is the offhand.
The alteration points can be done freely.
Yes, or lightning.
OTS Verbs
Twin Rising
Hitting an opponent with these weapons applies a counter. Consecutive strikes
against the target increase the effects of these counters which in turn increases
the weapon's flare strength. The counters last for 15 seconds before falling off. This effect
works with both weapons and will only work if wielding two weapons. Wielding two weapons
of the same flare type will increase the counter application rate.
Current Flare Type: Heat
Twin Detonation
Twin Stance
Twin Primary: While the weapon is held in the primary hand it has a 1% chance to strike again.
Twin Offhand: If the weapon is held in the offhand it has a 5% to increase your Defensive Strength by 4 when attacked by enemies.
Twin Apprentice
Twin Primary: While the weapon is held in the primary hand it has a 5% chance to increase the wielders Two Weapon Combat skill bonus by 5 for that attack.
Twin Offhand: If the weapon is held in the offhand it has a 5% to increase your attack strength by 4 when attacking.
Twin Grip
General Information
Tier: 0
Twin Strikes: Locked
Twin Lunge: Locked
Custom Color: white Custom Color 2: black
a long-handled ashen vultite handaxe Weight: 5 pounds
Enchant: +20
Jorshan's Twin Weapons
Description: This script is designed around two weapon combat. They will not function unless you're using two weapons of the same script in your hands. The main hand (Primary) weapon referenced is the right hand and the left hand (Secondary) is the offhand.
The alteration points can be done freely.
Yes, or lightning.
OTS Verbs
Twin Rising
Hitting an opponent with these weapons applies a counter. Consecutive strikes
against the target increase the effects of these counters which in turn increases
the weapon's flare strength. The counters last for 15 seconds before falling off. This effect
works with both weapons and will only work if wielding two weapons. Wielding two weapons
of the same flare type will increase the counter application rate.
Current Flare Type: Electrical
Twin Detonation
Twin Stance
Twin Primary: While the weapon is held in the primary hand it has a 1% chance to strike again.
Twin Offhand: If the weapon is held in the offhand it has a 5% to increase your Defensive Strength by 4 when attacked by enemies.
Twin Apprentice
Twin Primary: While the weapon is held in the primary hand it has a 5% chance to increase the wielders Two Weapon Combat skill bonus by 5 for that attack.
Twin Offhand: If the weapon is held in the offhand it has a 5% to increase your attack strength by 4 when attacking.
Twin Grip
General Information
Tier: 0
Twin Strikes: Locked
Twin Lunge: Locked
Custom Color: white Custom Color 2: black
a blackened vultite handaxe with a smooth ash handle Weight: 5 pounds
Enchant: +20
Jorshan's Twin Weapons
Description: This script is designed around two weapon combat. They will not function unless you're using two weapons of the same script in your hands. The main hand (Primary) weapon referenced is the right hand and the left hand (Secondary) is the offhand.
The alteration points can be done freely.
Yes, or lightning.
OTS Verbs
Twin Rising
Hitting an opponent with these weapons applies a counter. Consecutive strikes
against the target increase the effects of these counters which in turn increases
the weapon's flare strength. The counters last for 15 seconds before falling off. This effect
works with both weapons and will only work if wielding two weapons. Wielding two weapons
of the same flare type will increase the counter application rate.
Current Flare Type: Impact
Twin Detonation
Twin Stance
Twin Primary: While the weapon is held in the primary hand it has a 1% chance to strike again.
Twin Offhand: If the weapon is held in the offhand it has a 5% to increase your Defensive Strength by 4 when attacked by enemies.
Twin Apprentice
Twin Primary: While the weapon is held in the primary hand it has a 5% chance to increase the wielders Two Weapon Combat skill bonus by 5 for that attack.
Twin Offhand: If the weapon is held in the offhand it has a 5% to increase your attack strength by 4 when attacking.
Twin Grip
General Information
Tier: 0
Twin Strikes: Locked
Twin Lunge: Locked
Custom Color: white Custom Color 2: black
a twisted white vultite katar with a tattered leather grip Weight: 3 pounds
Enchant: +20
Jorshan's Twin Weapons
Description: This script is designed around two weapon combat. They will not function unless you're using two weapons of the same script in your hands. The main hand (Primary) weapon referenced is the right hand and the left hand (Secondary) is the offhand.
The alteration points can be done freely.
Yes, or lightning.
OTS Verbs
Twin Rising
Hitting an opponent with these weapons applies a counter. Consecutive strikes
against the target increase the effects of these counters which in turn increases
the weapon's flare strength. The counters last for 15 seconds before falling off. This effect
works with both weapons and will only work if wielding two weapons. Wielding two weapons
of the same flare type will increase the counter application rate.
Current Flare Type: Cold
Twin Detonation
Twin Stance
Twin Primary: While the weapon is held in the primary hand it has a 1% chance to strike again.
Twin Offhand: If the weapon is held in the offhand it has a 5% to increase your Defensive Strength by 4 when attacked by enemies.
Twin Apprentice
Twin Primary: While the weapon is held in the primary hand it has a 5% chance to increase the wielders Two Weapon Combat skill bonus by 5 for that attack.
Twin Offhand: If the weapon is held in the offhand it has a 5% to increase your attack strength by 4 when attacking.
Twin Grip
General Information
Tier: 0
Twin Strikes: Locked
Twin Lunge: Locked
Custom Color: white Custom Color 2: black
a thin-bladed vultite katar with a singed leather grip Weight: 3 pounds
Enchant: +20
Jorshan's Twin Weapons
Description: This script is designed around two weapon combat. They will not function unless you're using two weapons of the same script in your hands. The main hand (Primary) weapon referenced is the right hand and the left hand (Secondary) is the offhand.
The alteration points can be done freely.
Yes, or lightning.
OTS Verbs
Twin Rising
Hitting an opponent with these weapons applies a counter. Consecutive strikes
against the target increase the effects of these counters which in turn increases
the weapon's flare strength. The counters last for 15 seconds before falling off. This effect
works with both weapons and will only work if wielding two weapons. Wielding two weapons
of the same flare type will increase the counter application rate.
Current Flare Type: Heat
Twin Detonation
Twin Stance
Twin Primary: While the weapon is held in the primary hand it has a 1% chance to strike again.
Twin Offhand: If the weapon is held in the offhand it has a 5% to increase your Defensive Strength by 4 when attacked by enemies.
Twin Apprentice
Twin Primary: While the weapon is held in the primary hand it has a 5% chance to increase the wielders Two Weapon Combat skill bonus by 5 for that attack.
Twin Offhand: If the weapon is held in the offhand it has a 5% to increase your attack strength by 4 when attacking.
Twin Grip
General Information
Tier: 0
Twin Strikes: Locked
Twin Lunge: Locked
Custom Color: white Custom Color 2: black
a patinated vultite katar with a corrugated blade Weight: 3 pounds
Enchant: +20
Jorshan's Twin Weapons
Description: This script is designed around two weapon combat. They will not function unless you're using two weapons of the same script in your hands. The main hand (Primary) weapon referenced is the right hand and the left hand (Secondary) is the offhand.
The alteration points can be done freely.
Yes, or lightning.
OTS Verbs
Twin Rising
Hitting an opponent with these weapons applies a counter. Consecutive strikes
against the target increase the effects of these counters which in turn increases
the weapon's flare strength. The counters last for 15 seconds before falling off. This effect
works with both weapons and will only work if wielding two weapons. Wielding two weapons
of the same flare type will increase the counter application rate.
Current Flare Type: Electrical
Twin Detonation
Twin Stance
Twin Primary: While the weapon is held in the primary hand it has a 1% chance to strike again.
Twin Offhand: If the weapon is held in the offhand it has a 5% to increase your Defensive Strength by 4 when attacked by enemies.
Twin Apprentice
Twin Primary: While the weapon is held in the primary hand it has a 5% chance to increase the wielders Two Weapon Combat skill bonus by 5 for that attack.
Twin Offhand: If the weapon is held in the offhand it has a 5% to increase your attack strength by 4 when attacking.
Twin Grip
General Information
Tier: 0
Twin Strikes: Locked
Twin Lunge: Locked
Custom Color: white Custom Color 2: black
an elegant vultite katar chased with gold Weight: 3 pounds
Enchant: +20
Jorshan's Twin Weapons
Description: This script is designed around two weapon combat. They will not function unless you're using two weapons of the same script in your hands. The main hand (Primary) weapon referenced is the right hand and the left hand (Secondary) is the offhand.
The alteration points can be done freely.
Yes, or lightning.
OTS Verbs
Twin Rising
Hitting an opponent with these weapons applies a counter. Consecutive strikes
against the target increase the effects of these counters which in turn increases
the weapon's flare strength. The counters last for 15 seconds before falling off. This effect
works with both weapons and will only work if wielding two weapons. Wielding two weapons
of the same flare type will increase the counter application rate.
Current Flare Type: Impact
Twin Detonation
Twin Stance
Twin Primary: While the weapon is held in the primary hand it has a 1% chance to strike again.
Twin Offhand: If the weapon is held in the offhand it has a 5% to increase your Defensive Strength by 4 when attacked by enemies.
Twin Apprentice
Twin Primary: While the weapon is held in the primary hand it has a 5% chance to increase the wielders Two Weapon Combat skill bonus by 5 for that attack.
Twin Offhand: If the weapon is held in the offhand it has a 5% to increase your attack strength by 4 when attacking.
Twin Grip
General Information
Tier: 0
Twin Strikes: Locked
Twin Lunge: Locked
Custom Color: white Custom Color 2: black
a lion-headed vultite mace inset with ivory canines Weight: 6 pounds
Enchant: +20
Jorshan's Twin Weapons
Description: This script is designed around two weapon combat. They will not function unless you're using two weapons of the same script in your hands. The main hand (Primary) weapon referenced is the right hand and the left hand (Secondary) is the offhand.
The alteration points can be done freely.
Yes, or lightning.
OTS Verbs
Twin Rising
Hitting an opponent with these weapons applies a counter. Consecutive strikes
against the target increase the effects of these counters which in turn increases
the weapon's flare strength. The counters last for 15 seconds before falling off. This effect
works with both weapons and will only work if wielding two weapons. Wielding two weapons
of the same flare type will increase the counter application rate.
Current Flare Type: Cold
Twin Detonation
Twin Stance
Twin Primary: While the weapon is held in the primary hand it has a 1% chance to strike again.
Twin Offhand: If the weapon is held in the offhand it has a 5% to increase your Defensive Strength by 4 when attacked by enemies.
Twin Apprentice
Twin Primary: While the weapon is held in the primary hand it has a 5% chance to increase the wielders Two Weapon Combat skill bonus by 5 for that attack.
Twin Offhand: If the weapon is held in the offhand it has a 5% to increase your attack strength by 4 when attacking.
Twin Grip
General Information
Tier: 0
Twin Strikes: Locked
Twin Lunge: Locked
Custom Color: white Custom Color 2: black
an ash-hafted vultite mace with a round spike cap Weight: 6 pounds
Enchant: +20
Jorshan's Twin Weapons
Description: This script is designed around two weapon combat. They will not function unless you're using two weapons of the same script in your hands. The main hand (Primary) weapon referenced is the right hand and the left hand (Secondary) is the offhand.
The alteration points can be done freely.
Yes, or lightning.
OTS Verbs
Twin Rising
Hitting an opponent with these weapons applies a counter. Consecutive strikes
against the target increase the effects of these counters which in turn increases
the weapon's flare strength. The counters last for 15 seconds before falling off. This effect
works with both weapons and will only work if wielding two weapons. Wielding two weapons
of the same flare type will increase the counter application rate.
Current Flare Type: Heat
Twin Detonation
Twin Stance
Twin Primary: While the weapon is held in the primary hand it has a 1% chance to strike again.
Twin Offhand: If the weapon is held in the offhand it has a 5% to increase your Defensive Strength by 4 when attacked by enemies.
Twin Apprentice
Twin Primary: While the weapon is held in the primary hand it has a 5% chance to increase the wielders Two Weapon Combat skill bonus by 5 for that attack.
Twin Offhand: If the weapon is held in the offhand it has a 5% to increase your attack strength by 4 when attacking.
Twin Grip
General Information
Tier: 0
Twin Strikes: Locked
Twin Lunge: Locked
Custom Color: white Custom Color 2: black
a gilded vultite mace with an ironwood haft Weight: 6 pounds
Enchant: +20
Jorshan's Twin Weapons
Description: This script is designed around two weapon combat. They will not function unless you're using two weapons of the same script in your hands. The main hand (Primary) weapon referenced is the right hand and the left hand (Secondary) is the offhand.
The alteration points can be done freely.
Yes, or lightning.
OTS Verbs
Twin Rising
Hitting an opponent with these weapons applies a counter. Consecutive strikes
against the target increase the effects of these counters which in turn increases
the weapon's flare strength. The counters last for 15 seconds before falling off. This effect
works with both weapons and will only work if wielding two weapons. Wielding two weapons
of the same flare type will increase the counter application rate.
Current Flare Type: Electrical
Twin Detonation
Twin Stance
Twin Primary: While the weapon is held in the primary hand it has a 1% chance to strike again.
Twin Offhand: If the weapon is held in the offhand it has a 5% to increase your Defensive Strength by 4 when attacked by enemies.
Twin Apprentice
Twin Primary: While the weapon is held in the primary hand it has a 5% chance to increase the wielders Two Weapon Combat skill bonus by 5 for that attack.
Twin Offhand: If the weapon is held in the offhand it has a 5% to increase your attack strength by 4 when attacking.
Twin Grip
General Information
Tier: 0
Twin Strikes: Locked
Twin Lunge: Locked
Custom Color: white Custom Color 2: black
a pearl-inlaid vultite flanged mace Weight: 6 pounds
Enchant: +20
Jorshan's Twin Weapons
Description: This script is designed around two weapon combat. They will not function unless you're using two weapons of the same script in your hands. The main hand (Primary) weapon referenced is the right hand and the left hand (Secondary) is the offhand.
The alteration points can be done freely.
Yes, or lightning.
OTS Verbs
Twin Rising
Hitting an opponent with these weapons applies a counter. Consecutive strikes
against the target increase the effects of these counters which in turn increases
the weapon's flare strength. The counters last for 15 seconds before falling off. This effect
works with both weapons and will only work if wielding two weapons. Wielding two weapons
of the same flare type will increase the counter application rate.
Current Flare Type: Impact
Twin Detonation
Twin Stance
Twin Primary: While the weapon is held in the primary hand it has a 1% chance to strike again.
Twin Offhand: If the weapon is held in the offhand it has a 5% to increase your Defensive Strength by 4 when attacked by enemies.
Twin Apprentice
Twin Primary: While the weapon is held in the primary hand it has a 5% chance to increase the wielders Two Weapon Combat skill bonus by 5 for that attack.
Twin Offhand: If the weapon is held in the offhand it has a 5% to increase your attack strength by 4 when attacking.
Twin Grip
General Information
Tier: 0
Twin Strikes: Locked
Twin Lunge: Locked
Custom Color: white Custom Color 2: black

In the chests you see:

a green twin waiver Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
Your waiver is used to unlock the potential of things held in your other hand.
Your waiver will unlock your Twin Weapon.
You need only RAISE your waiver while holding a compatible piece of equipment in your other hand.
Your waiver may not be altered or changed in any way.

As you glance over the waiver you notice something written on it...
This will unlock and advance your Twin Weapon by one tier. This waiver will take it from tier 1 to tier 2. This waiver will ONLY work if your item is already unlocked to the first tier.
an exotic twin flare certificate Weight: <1 pound
show description, writing
There appears to be something written on it.

In the Common language, it reads:
The bearer of this certificate is entitled to change the damage type of the flare on their Twin weapon to one EXOTIC flare (Disintegrate, Disruption, Unbalance, Grapple, Acid, Void, Plasma). You have 30 days to redeem this or the certificate is forfeit! Please e-mail GM Retser at the following address: GS4-RETSER@PLAY.NET with your character name.
a blue twin waiver Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
Your waiver is used to unlock the potential of things held in your other hand.
Your waiver will unlock your Twin Weapon.
You need only RAISE your waiver while holding a compatible piece of equipment in your other hand.
Your waiver may not be altered or changed in any way.

As you glance over the waiver you notice something written on it...
This will unlock and advance your Twin Weapon by one tier. This waiver will take it from tier 0 to tier 1. This waiver will ONLY work if your item isn't unlocked yet.

In the trunks you see:

a pale blue vultite dagger with a glass icicle-carved hilt Weight: <1 pound
Enchant: +20
Jorshan's Twin Weapons
Description: This script is designed around two weapon combat. They will not function unless you're using two weapons of the same script in your hands. The main hand (Primary) weapon referenced is the right hand and the left hand (Secondary) is the offhand.
The alteration points can be done freely.
Yes, or lightning.
OTS Verbs
Twin Rising
Hitting an opponent with these weapons applies a counter. Consecutive strikes
against the target increase the effects of these counters which in turn increases
the weapon's flare strength. The counters last for 15 seconds before falling off. This effect
works with both weapons and will only work if wielding two weapons. Wielding two weapons
of the same flare type will increase the counter application rate.
Current Flare Type: Cold
Twin Detonation
Twin Stance
Twin Primary: While the weapon is held in the primary hand it has a 1% chance to strike again.
Twin Offhand: If the weapon is held in the offhand it has a 5% to increase your Defensive Strength by 4 when attacked by enemies.
Twin Apprentice
Twin Primary: While the weapon is held in the primary hand it has a 5% chance to increase the wielders Two Weapon Combat skill bonus by 5 for that attack.
Twin Offhand: If the weapon is held in the offhand it has a 5% to increase your attack strength by 4 when attacking.
Twin Grip
General Information
Tier: 0
Twin Strikes: Locked
Twin Lunge: Locked
Custom Color: white Custom Color 2: black
You can tell that the dagger is as light as it can get.
a fiery red vultite dagger with a flame-incised blade Weight: <1 pound
Enchant: +20
Jorshan's Twin Weapons
Description: This script is designed around two weapon combat. They will not function unless you're using two weapons of the same script in your hands. The main hand (Primary) weapon referenced is the right hand and the left hand (Secondary) is the offhand.
The alteration points can be done freely.
Yes, or lightning.
OTS Verbs
Twin Rising
Hitting an opponent with these weapons applies a counter. Consecutive strikes
against the target increase the effects of these counters which in turn increases
the weapon's flare strength. The counters last for 15 seconds before falling off. This effect
works with both weapons and will only work if wielding two weapons. Wielding two weapons
of the same flare type will increase the counter application rate.
Current Flare Type: Heat
Twin Detonation
Twin Stance
Twin Primary: While the weapon is held in the primary hand it has a 1% chance to strike again.
Twin Offhand: If the weapon is held in the offhand it has a 5% to increase your Defensive Strength by 4 when attacked by enemies.
Twin Apprentice
Twin Primary: While the weapon is held in the primary hand it has a 5% chance to increase the wielders Two Weapon Combat skill bonus by 5 for that attack.
Twin Offhand: If the weapon is held in the offhand it has a 5% to increase your attack strength by 4 when attacking.
Twin Grip
General Information
Tier: 0
Twin Strikes: Locked
Twin Lunge: Locked
Custom Color: white Custom Color 2: black
You can tell that the dagger is as light as it can get.
a bright white vultite dagger with a notched blade Weight: <1 pound
Enchant: +20
Jorshan's Twin Weapons
Description: This script is designed around two weapon combat. They will not function unless you're using two weapons of the same script in your hands. The main hand (Primary) weapon referenced is the right hand and the left hand (Secondary) is the offhand.
The alteration points can be done freely.
Yes, or lightning.
OTS Verbs
Twin Rising
Hitting an opponent with these weapons applies a counter. Consecutive strikes
against the target increase the effects of these counters which in turn increases
the weapon's flare strength. The counters last for 15 seconds before falling off. This effect
works with both weapons and will only work if wielding two weapons. Wielding two weapons
of the same flare type will increase the counter application rate.
Current Flare Type: Electrical
Twin Detonation
Twin Stance
Twin Primary: While the weapon is held in the primary hand it has a 1% chance to strike again.
Twin Offhand: If the weapon is held in the offhand it has a 5% to increase your Defensive Strength by 4 when attacked by enemies.
Twin Apprentice
Twin Primary: While the weapon is held in the primary hand it has a 5% chance to increase the wielders Two Weapon Combat skill bonus by 5 for that attack.
Twin Offhand: If the weapon is held in the offhand it has a 5% to increase your attack strength by 4 when attacking.
Twin Grip
General Information
Tier: 0
Twin Strikes: Locked
Twin Lunge: Locked
Custom Color: white Custom Color 2: black
You can tell that the dagger is as light as it can get.
a stone-handled black vultite dagger Weight: <1 pound
Enchant: +20
Jorshan's Twin Weapons
Description: This script is designed around two weapon combat. They will not function unless you're using two weapons of the same script in your hands. The main hand (Primary) weapon referenced is the right hand and the left hand (Secondary) is the offhand.
The alteration points can be done freely.
Yes, or lightning.
OTS Verbs
Twin Rising
Hitting an opponent with these weapons applies a counter. Consecutive strikes
against the target increase the effects of these counters which in turn increases
the weapon's flare strength. The counters last for 15 seconds before falling off. This effect
works with both weapons and will only work if wielding two weapons. Wielding two weapons
of the same flare type will increase the counter application rate.
Current Flare Type: Impact
Twin Detonation
Twin Stance
Twin Primary: While the weapon is held in the primary hand it has a 1% chance to strike again.
Twin Offhand: If the weapon is held in the offhand it has a 5% to increase your Defensive Strength by 4 when attacked by enemies.
Twin Apprentice
Twin Primary: While the weapon is held in the primary hand it has a 5% chance to increase the wielders Two Weapon Combat skill bonus by 5 for that attack.
Twin Offhand: If the weapon is held in the offhand it has a 5% to increase your attack strength by 4 when attacking.
Twin Grip
General Information
Tier: 0
Twin Strikes: Locked
Twin Lunge: Locked
Custom Color: white Custom Color 2: black
You can tell that the dagger is as light as it can get.
an opalescent vultite falchion set with snow quartz Weight: 4 pounds
Enchant: +20
Jorshan's Twin Weapons
Description: This script is designed around two weapon combat. They will not function unless you're using two weapons of the same script in your hands. The main hand (Primary) weapon referenced is the right hand and the left hand (Secondary) is the offhand.
The alteration points can be done freely.
Yes, or lightning.
OTS Verbs
Twin Rising
Hitting an opponent with these weapons applies a counter. Consecutive strikes
against the target increase the effects of these counters which in turn increases
the weapon's flare strength. The counters last for 15 seconds before falling off. This effect
works with both weapons and will only work if wielding two weapons. Wielding two weapons
of the same flare type will increase the counter application rate.
Current Flare Type: Cold
Twin Detonation
Twin Stance
Twin Primary: While the weapon is held in the primary hand it has a 1% chance to strike again.
Twin Offhand: If the weapon is held in the offhand it has a 5% to increase your Defensive Strength by 4 when attacked by enemies.
Twin Apprentice
Twin Primary: While the weapon is held in the primary hand it has a 5% chance to increase the wielders Two Weapon Combat skill bonus by 5 for that attack.
Twin Offhand: If the weapon is held in the offhand it has a 5% to increase your attack strength by 4 when attacking.
Twin Grip
General Information
Tier: 0
Twin Strikes: Locked
Twin Lunge: Locked
Custom Color: white Custom Color 2: black
a crimson vultite falchion with a firestone-set grip Weight: 4 pounds
Enchant: +20
Jorshan's Twin Weapons
Description: This script is designed around two weapon combat. They will not function unless you're using two weapons of the same script in your hands. The main hand (Primary) weapon referenced is the right hand and the left hand (Secondary) is the offhand.
The alteration points can be done freely.
Yes, or lightning.
OTS Verbs
Twin Rising
Hitting an opponent with these weapons applies a counter. Consecutive strikes
against the target increase the effects of these counters which in turn increases
the weapon's flare strength. The counters last for 15 seconds before falling off. This effect
works with both weapons and will only work if wielding two weapons. Wielding two weapons
of the same flare type will increase the counter application rate.
Current Flare Type: Heat
Twin Detonation
Twin Stance
Twin Primary: While the weapon is held in the primary hand it has a 1% chance to strike again.
Twin Offhand: If the weapon is held in the offhand it has a 5% to increase your Defensive Strength by 4 when attacked by enemies.
Twin Apprentice
Twin Primary: While the weapon is held in the primary hand it has a 5% chance to increase the wielders Two Weapon Combat skill bonus by 5 for that attack.
Twin Offhand: If the weapon is held in the offhand it has a 5% to increase your attack strength by 4 when attacking.
Twin Grip
General Information
Tier: 0
Twin Strikes: Locked
Twin Lunge: Locked
Custom Color: white Custom Color 2: black
a bolt-etched vultite falchion Weight: 4 pounds
Enchant: +20
Jorshan's Twin Weapons
Description: This script is designed around two weapon combat. They will not function unless you're using two weapons of the same script in your hands. The main hand (Primary) weapon referenced is the right hand and the left hand (Secondary) is the offhand.
The alteration points can be done freely.
Yes, or lightning.
OTS Verbs
Twin Rising
Hitting an opponent with these weapons applies a counter. Consecutive strikes
against the target increase the effects of these counters which in turn increases
the weapon's flare strength. The counters last for 15 seconds before falling off. This effect
works with both weapons and will only work if wielding two weapons. Wielding two weapons
of the same flare type will increase the counter application rate.
Current Flare Type: Electrical
Twin Detonation
Twin Stance
Twin Primary: While the weapon is held in the primary hand it has a 1% chance to strike again.
Twin Offhand: If the weapon is held in the offhand it has a 5% to increase your Defensive Strength by 4 when attacked by enemies.
Twin Apprentice
Twin Primary: While the weapon is held in the primary hand it has a 5% chance to increase the wielders Two Weapon Combat skill bonus by 5 for that attack.
Twin Offhand: If the weapon is held in the offhand it has a 5% to increase your attack strength by 4 when attacking.
Twin Grip
General Information
Tier: 0
Twin Strikes: Locked
Twin Lunge: Locked
Custom Color: white Custom Color 2: black
an enruned vultite falchion with a leather-wrapped hilt Weight: 4 pounds
Enchant: +20
Jorshan's Twin Weapons
Description: This script is designed around two weapon combat. They will not function unless you're using two weapons of the same script in your hands. The main hand (Primary) weapon referenced is the right hand and the left hand (Secondary) is the offhand.
The alteration points can be done freely.
Yes, or lightning.
OTS Verbs
Twin Rising
Hitting an opponent with these weapons applies a counter. Consecutive strikes
against the target increase the effects of these counters which in turn increases
the weapon's flare strength. The counters last for 15 seconds before falling off. This effect
works with both weapons and will only work if wielding two weapons. Wielding two weapons
of the same flare type will increase the counter application rate.
Current Flare Type: Impact
Twin Detonation
Twin Stance
Twin Primary: While the weapon is held in the primary hand it has a 1% chance to strike again.
Twin Offhand: If the weapon is held in the offhand it has a 5% to increase your Defensive Strength by 4 when attacked by enemies.
Twin Apprentice
Twin Primary: While the weapon is held in the primary hand it has a 5% chance to increase the wielders Two Weapon Combat skill bonus by 5 for that attack.
Twin Offhand: If the weapon is held in the offhand it has a 5% to increase your attack strength by 4 when attacking.
Twin Grip
General Information
Tier: 0
Twin Strikes: Locked
Twin Lunge: Locked
Custom Color: white Custom Color 2: black
a dark blue vultite short sword with a wrought gold hilt Weight: 3 pounds
Enchant: +20
short sword
Jorshan's Twin Weapons
Description: This script is designed around two weapon combat. They will not function unless you're using two weapons of the same script in your hands. The main hand (Primary) weapon referenced is the right hand and the left hand (Secondary) is the offhand.
The alteration points can be done freely.
Yes, or lightning.
OTS Verbs
Twin Rising
Hitting an opponent with these weapons applies a counter. Consecutive strikes
against the target increase the effects of these counters which in turn increases
the weapon's flare strength. The counters last for 15 seconds before falling off. This effect
works with both weapons and will only work if wielding two weapons. Wielding two weapons
of the same flare type will increase the counter application rate.
Current Flare Type: Cold
Twin Detonation
Twin Stance
Twin Primary: While the weapon is held in the primary hand it has a 1% chance to strike again.
Twin Offhand: If the weapon is held in the offhand it has a 5% to increase your Defensive Strength by 4 when attacked by enemies.
Twin Apprentice
Twin Primary: While the weapon is held in the primary hand it has a 5% chance to increase the wielders Two Weapon Combat skill bonus by 5 for that attack.
Twin Offhand: If the weapon is held in the offhand it has a 5% to increase your attack strength by 4 when attacking.
Twin Grip
General Information
Tier: 0
Twin Strikes: Locked
Twin Lunge: Locked
Custom Color: white Custom Color 2: black
an ornate vultite short sword with a red maoral hilt Weight: 3 pounds
Enchant: +20
short sword
Jorshan's Twin Weapons
Description: This script is designed around two weapon combat. They will not function unless you're using two weapons of the same script in your hands. The main hand (Primary) weapon referenced is the right hand and the left hand (Secondary) is the offhand.
The alteration points can be done freely.
Yes, or lightning.
OTS Verbs
Twin Rising
Hitting an opponent with these weapons applies a counter. Consecutive strikes
against the target increase the effects of these counters which in turn increases
the weapon's flare strength. The counters last for 15 seconds before falling off. This effect
works with both weapons and will only work if wielding two weapons. Wielding two weapons
of the same flare type will increase the counter application rate.
Current Flare Type: Heat
Twin Detonation
Twin Stance
Twin Primary: While the weapon is held in the primary hand it has a 1% chance to strike again.
Twin Offhand: If the weapon is held in the offhand it has a 5% to increase your Defensive Strength by 4 when attacked by enemies.
Twin Apprentice
Twin Primary: While the weapon is held in the primary hand it has a 5% chance to increase the wielders Two Weapon Combat skill bonus by 5 for that attack.
Twin Offhand: If the weapon is held in the offhand it has a 5% to increase your attack strength by 4 when attacking.
Twin Grip
General Information
Tier: 0
Twin Strikes: Locked
Twin Lunge: Locked
Custom Color: white Custom Color 2: black
a burnished vultite short sword with a silvery guard Weight: 3 pounds
Enchant: +20
short sword
Jorshan's Twin Weapons
Description: This script is designed around two weapon combat. They will not function unless you're using two weapons of the same script in your hands. The main hand (Primary) weapon referenced is the right hand and the left hand (Secondary) is the offhand.
The alteration points can be done freely.
Yes, or lightning.
OTS Verbs
Twin Rising
Hitting an opponent with these weapons applies a counter. Consecutive strikes
against the target increase the effects of these counters which in turn increases
the weapon's flare strength. The counters last for 15 seconds before falling off. This effect
works with both weapons and will only work if wielding two weapons. Wielding two weapons
of the same flare type will increase the counter application rate.
Current Flare Type: Electrical
Twin Detonation
Twin Stance
Twin Primary: While the weapon is held in the primary hand it has a 1% chance to strike again.
Twin Offhand: If the weapon is held in the offhand it has a 5% to increase your Defensive Strength by 4 when attacked by enemies.
Twin Apprentice
Twin Primary: While the weapon is held in the primary hand it has a 5% chance to increase the wielders Two Weapon Combat skill bonus by 5 for that attack.
Twin Offhand: If the weapon is held in the offhand it has a 5% to increase your attack strength by 4 when attacking.
Twin Grip
General Information
Tier: 0
Twin Strikes: Locked
Twin Lunge: Locked
Custom Color: white Custom Color 2: black
a razor-sharp vultite short sword with a gnarled tanik grip Weight: 3 pounds
Enchant: +20
short sword
Jorshan's Twin Weapons
Description: This script is designed around two weapon combat. They will not function unless you're using two weapons of the same script in your hands. The main hand (Primary) weapon referenced is the right hand and the left hand (Secondary) is the offhand.
The alteration points can be done freely.
Yes, or lightning.
OTS Verbs
Twin Rising
Hitting an opponent with these weapons applies a counter. Consecutive strikes
against the target increase the effects of these counters which in turn increases
the weapon's flare strength. The counters last for 15 seconds before falling off. This effect
works with both weapons and will only work if wielding two weapons. Wielding two weapons
of the same flare type will increase the counter application rate.
Current Flare Type: Impact
Twin Detonation
Twin Stance
Twin Primary: While the weapon is held in the primary hand it has a 1% chance to strike again.
Twin Offhand: If the weapon is held in the offhand it has a 5% to increase your Defensive Strength by 4 when attacked by enemies.
Twin Apprentice
Twin Primary: While the weapon is held in the primary hand it has a 5% chance to increase the wielders Two Weapon Combat skill bonus by 5 for that attack.
Twin Offhand: If the weapon is held in the offhand it has a 5% to increase your attack strength by 4 when attacking.
Twin Grip
General Information
Tier: 0
Twin Strikes: Locked
Twin Lunge: Locked
Custom Color: white Custom Color 2: black

On the Other Hand, Below Deck

go ladder

[On the Other Hand, Below Deck -]
Cramped and lit only by one small lantern with dingy glaes panes, the storage area is stacked with crates, boxes, and overturned casks. Rope hammocks swing from the overhead, no longer beds for the crew, but filled with a variety of arms. A row of ports on the starboard side are filled with dirt rather than sky due to the angle of the sunken airship.
Obvious exits: none

In the boxes you see:

a matte silver vultite longsword with a swirled ivory hilt Weight: 4 pounds
Enchant: +20
Jorshan's Twin Weapons
Description: This script is designed around two weapon combat. They will not function unless you're using two weapons of the same script in your hands. The main hand (Primary) weapon referenced is the right hand and the left hand (Secondary) is the offhand.
The alteration points can be done freely.
Yes, or lightning.
OTS Verbs
Twin Rising
Hitting an opponent with these weapons applies a counter. Consecutive strikes
against the target increase the effects of these counters which in turn increases
the weapon's flare strength. The counters last for 15 seconds before falling off. This effect
works with both weapons and will only work if wielding two weapons. Wielding two weapons
of the same flare type will increase the counter application rate.
Current Flare Type: Cold
Twin Detonation
Twin Stance
Twin Primary: While the weapon is held in the primary hand it has a 1% chance to strike again.
Twin Offhand: If the weapon is held in the offhand it has a 5% to increase your Defensive Strength by 4 when attacked by enemies.
Twin Apprentice
Twin Primary: While the weapon is held in the primary hand it has a 5% chance to increase the wielders Two Weapon Combat skill bonus by 5 for that attack.
Twin Offhand: If the weapon is held in the offhand it has a 5% to increase your attack strength by 4 when attacking.
Twin Grip
General Information
Tier: 0
Twin Strikes: Locked
Twin Lunge: Locked
Custom Color: white Custom Color 2: black
a blood red vultite longsword with a squared pommel Weight: 4 pounds
Enchant: +20
Jorshan's Twin Weapons
Description: This script is designed around two weapon combat. They will not function unless you're using two weapons of the same script in your hands. The main hand (Primary) weapon referenced is the right hand and the left hand (Secondary) is the offhand.
The alteration points can be done freely.
Yes, or lightning.
OTS Verbs
Twin Rising
Hitting an opponent with these weapons applies a counter. Consecutive strikes
against the target increase the effects of these counters which in turn increases
the weapon's flare strength. The counters last for 15 seconds before falling off. This effect
works with both weapons and will only work if wielding two weapons. Wielding two weapons
of the same flare type will increase the counter application rate.
Current Flare Type: Heat
Twin Detonation
Twin Stance
Twin Primary: While the weapon is held in the primary hand it has a 1% chance to strike again.
Twin Offhand: If the weapon is held in the offhand it has a 5% to increase your Defensive Strength by 4 when attacked by enemies.
Twin Apprentice
Twin Primary: While the weapon is held in the primary hand it has a 5% chance to increase the wielders Two Weapon Combat skill bonus by 5 for that attack.
Twin Offhand: If the weapon is held in the offhand it has a 5% to increase your attack strength by 4 when attacking.
Twin Grip
General Information
Tier: 0
Twin Strikes: Locked
Twin Lunge: Locked
Custom Color: white Custom Color 2: black
a razor-honed inky vultite longsword Weight: 4 pounds
Enchant: +20
Jorshan's Twin Weapons
Description: This script is designed around two weapon combat. They will not function unless you're using two weapons of the same script in your hands. The main hand (Primary) weapon referenced is the right hand and the left hand (Secondary) is the offhand.
The alteration points can be done freely.
Yes, or lightning.
OTS Verbs
Twin Rising
Hitting an opponent with these weapons applies a counter. Consecutive strikes
against the target increase the effects of these counters which in turn increases
the weapon's flare strength. The counters last for 15 seconds before falling off. This effect
works with both weapons and will only work if wielding two weapons. Wielding two weapons
of the same flare type will increase the counter application rate.
Current Flare Type: Electrical
Twin Detonation
Twin Stance
Twin Primary: While the weapon is held in the primary hand it has a 1% chance to strike again.
Twin Offhand: If the weapon is held in the offhand it has a 5% to increase your Defensive Strength by 4 when attacked by enemies.
Twin Apprentice
Twin Primary: While the weapon is held in the primary hand it has a 5% chance to increase the wielders Two Weapon Combat skill bonus by 5 for that attack.
Twin Offhand: If the weapon is held in the offhand it has a 5% to increase your attack strength by 4 when attacking.
Twin Grip
General Information
Tier: 0
Twin Strikes: Locked
Twin Lunge: Locked
Custom Color: white Custom Color 2: black
an unadorned grey vultite longsword Weight: 4 pounds
Enchant: +20
Jorshan's Twin Weapons
Description: This script is designed around two weapon combat. They will not function unless you're using two weapons of the same script in your hands. The main hand (Primary) weapon referenced is the right hand and the left hand (Secondary) is the offhand.
The alteration points can be done freely.
Yes, or lightning.
OTS Verbs
Twin Rising
Hitting an opponent with these weapons applies a counter. Consecutive strikes
against the target increase the effects of these counters which in turn increases
the weapon's flare strength. The counters last for 15 seconds before falling off. This effect
works with both weapons and will only work if wielding two weapons. Wielding two weapons
of the same flare type will increase the counter application rate.
Current Flare Type: Impact
Twin Detonation
Twin Stance
Twin Primary: While the weapon is held in the primary hand it has a 1% chance to strike again.
Twin Offhand: If the weapon is held in the offhand it has a 5% to increase your Defensive Strength by 4 when attacked by enemies.
Twin Apprentice
Twin Primary: While the weapon is held in the primary hand it has a 5% chance to increase the wielders Two Weapon Combat skill bonus by 5 for that attack.
Twin Offhand: If the weapon is held in the offhand it has a 5% to increase your attack strength by 4 when attacking.
Twin Grip
General Information
Tier: 0
Twin Strikes: Locked
Twin Lunge: Locked
Custom Color: white Custom Color 2: black
a steel-spiked matte charcoal cudgel Weight: 3 pounds
Enchant: +20
Jorshan's Twin Weapons
Description: This script is designed around two weapon combat. They will not function unless you're using two weapons of the same script in your hands. The main hand (Primary) weapon referenced is the right hand and the left hand (Secondary) is the offhand.
The alteration points can be done freely.
Yes, or lightning.
OTS Verbs
Twin Rising
Hitting an opponent with these weapons applies a counter. Consecutive strikes
against the target increase the effects of these counters which in turn increases
the weapon's flare strength. The counters last for 15 seconds before falling off. This effect
works with both weapons and will only work if wielding two weapons. Wielding two weapons
of the same flare type will increase the counter application rate.
Current Flare Type: Cold
Twin Detonation
Twin Stance
Twin Primary: While the weapon is held in the primary hand it has a 1% chance to strike again.
Twin Offhand: If the weapon is held in the offhand it has a 5% to increase your Defensive Strength by 4 when attacked by enemies.
Twin Apprentice
Twin Primary: While the weapon is held in the primary hand it has a 5% chance to increase the wielders Two Weapon Combat skill bonus by 5 for that attack.
Twin Offhand: If the weapon is held in the offhand it has a 5% to increase your attack strength by 4 when attacking.
Twin Grip
General Information
Tier: 0
Twin Strikes: Locked
Twin Lunge: Locked
Custom Color: white Custom Color 2: black
a well-balanced sanguine vultite cudgel Weight: 3 pounds
Enchant: +20
Jorshan's Twin Weapons
Description: This script is designed around two weapon combat. They will not function unless you're using two weapons of the same script in your hands. The main hand (Primary) weapon referenced is the right hand and the left hand (Secondary) is the offhand.
The alteration points can be done freely.
Yes, or lightning.
OTS Verbs
Twin Rising
Hitting an opponent with these weapons applies a counter. Consecutive strikes
against the target increase the effects of these counters which in turn increases
the weapon's flare strength. The counters last for 15 seconds before falling off. This effect
works with both weapons and will only work if wielding two weapons. Wielding two weapons
of the same flare type will increase the counter application rate.
Current Flare Type: Heat
Twin Detonation
Twin Stance
Twin Primary: While the weapon is held in the primary hand it has a 1% chance to strike again.
Twin Offhand: If the weapon is held in the offhand it has a 5% to increase your Defensive Strength by 4 when attacked by enemies.
Twin Apprentice
Twin Primary: While the weapon is held in the primary hand it has a 5% chance to increase the wielders Two Weapon Combat skill bonus by 5 for that attack.
Twin Offhand: If the weapon is held in the offhand it has a 5% to increase your attack strength by 4 when attacking.
Twin Grip
General Information
Tier: 0
Twin Strikes: Locked
Twin Lunge: Locked
Custom Color: white Custom Color 2: black
a heavy golden vultite cudgel studded with glaes Weight: 3 pounds
Enchant: +20
Jorshan's Twin Weapons
Description: This script is designed around two weapon combat. They will not function unless you're using two weapons of the same script in your hands. The main hand (Primary) weapon referenced is the right hand and the left hand (Secondary) is the offhand.
The alteration points can be done freely.
Yes, or lightning.
OTS Verbs
Twin Rising
Hitting an opponent with these weapons applies a counter. Consecutive strikes
against the target increase the effects of these counters which in turn increases
the weapon's flare strength. The counters last for 15 seconds before falling off. This effect
works with both weapons and will only work if wielding two weapons. Wielding two weapons
of the same flare type will increase the counter application rate.
Current Flare Type: Electrical
Twin Detonation
Twin Stance
Twin Primary: While the weapon is held in the primary hand it has a 1% chance to strike again.
Twin Offhand: If the weapon is held in the offhand it has a 5% to increase your Defensive Strength by 4 when attacked by enemies.
Twin Apprentice
Twin Primary: While the weapon is held in the primary hand it has a 5% chance to increase the wielders Two Weapon Combat skill bonus by 5 for that attack.
Twin Offhand: If the weapon is held in the offhand it has a 5% to increase your attack strength by 4 when attacking.
Twin Grip
General Information
Tier: 0
Twin Strikes: Locked
Twin Lunge: Locked
Custom Color: white Custom Color 2: black
a wolf-headed vultite cudgel Weight: 3 pounds
Enchant: +20
Jorshan's Twin Weapons
Description: This script is designed around two weapon combat. They will not function unless you're using two weapons of the same script in your hands. The main hand (Primary) weapon referenced is the right hand and the left hand (Secondary) is the offhand.
The alteration points can be done freely.
Yes, or lightning.
OTS Verbs
Twin Rising
Hitting an opponent with these weapons applies a counter. Consecutive strikes
against the target increase the effects of these counters which in turn increases
the weapon's flare strength. The counters last for 15 seconds before falling off. This effect
works with both weapons and will only work if wielding two weapons. Wielding two weapons
of the same flare type will increase the counter application rate.
Current Flare Type: Impact
Twin Detonation
Twin Stance
Twin Primary: While the weapon is held in the primary hand it has a 1% chance to strike again.
Twin Offhand: If the weapon is held in the offhand it has a 5% to increase your Defensive Strength by 4 when attacked by enemies.
Twin Apprentice
Twin Primary: While the weapon is held in the primary hand it has a 5% chance to increase the wielders Two Weapon Combat skill bonus by 5 for that attack.
Twin Offhand: If the weapon is held in the offhand it has a 5% to increase your attack strength by 4 when attacking.
Twin Grip
General Information
Tier: 0
Twin Strikes: Locked
Twin Lunge: Locked
Custom Color: white Custom Color 2: black

In the crates you see:

a silvery blue broadsword engraved with snowflakes Weight: 4 pounds
Enchant: +20
Jorshan's Twin Weapons
Description: This script is designed around two weapon combat. They will not function unless you're using two weapons of the same script in your hands. The main hand (Primary) weapon referenced is the right hand and the left hand (Secondary) is the offhand.
The alteration points can be done freely.
Yes, or lightning.
OTS Verbs
Twin Rising
Hitting an opponent with these weapons applies a counter. Consecutive strikes
against the target increase the effects of these counters which in turn increases
the weapon's flare strength. The counters last for 15 seconds before falling off. This effect
works with both weapons and will only work if wielding two weapons. Wielding two weapons
of the same flare type will increase the counter application rate.
Current Flare Type: Cold
Twin Detonation
Twin Stance
Twin Primary: While the weapon is held in the primary hand it has a 1% chance to strike again.
Twin Offhand: If the weapon is held in the offhand it has a 5% to increase your Defensive Strength by 4 when attacked by enemies.
Twin Apprentice
Twin Primary: While the weapon is held in the primary hand it has a 5% chance to increase the wielders Two Weapon Combat skill bonus by 5 for that attack.
Twin Offhand: If the weapon is held in the offhand it has a 5% to increase your attack strength by 4 when attacking.
Twin Grip
General Information
Tier: 0
Twin Strikes: Locked
Twin Lunge: Locked
Custom Color: white Custom Color 2: black
a red-orange vultite broadsword inlaid with ruby flames Weight: 4 pounds
Enchant: +20
Jorshan's Twin Weapons
Description: This script is designed around two weapon combat. They will not function unless you're using two weapons of the same script in your hands. The main hand (Primary) weapon referenced is the right hand and the left hand (Secondary) is the offhand.
The alteration points can be done freely.
Yes, or lightning.
OTS Verbs
Twin Rising
Hitting an opponent with these weapons applies a counter. Consecutive strikes
against the target increase the effects of these counters which in turn increases
the weapon's flare strength. The counters last for 15 seconds before falling off. This effect
works with both weapons and will only work if wielding two weapons. Wielding two weapons
of the same flare type will increase the counter application rate.
Current Flare Type: Heat
Twin Detonation
Twin Stance
Twin Primary: While the weapon is held in the primary hand it has a 1% chance to strike again.
Twin Offhand: If the weapon is held in the offhand it has a 5% to increase your Defensive Strength by 4 when attacked by enemies.
Twin Apprentice
Twin Primary: While the weapon is held in the primary hand it has a 5% chance to increase the wielders Two Weapon Combat skill bonus by 5 for that attack.
Twin Offhand: If the weapon is held in the offhand it has a 5% to increase your attack strength by 4 when attacking.
Twin Grip
General Information
Tier: 0
Twin Strikes: Locked
Twin Lunge: Locked
Custom Color: white Custom Color 2: black
an argent vultite broadsword with a spiral hilt Weight: 4 pounds
Enchant: +20
Jorshan's Twin Weapons
Description: This script is designed around two weapon combat. They will not function unless you're using two weapons of the same script in your hands. The main hand (Primary) weapon referenced is the right hand and the left hand (Secondary) is the offhand.
The alteration points can be done freely.
Yes, or lightning.
OTS Verbs
Twin Rising
Hitting an opponent with these weapons applies a counter. Consecutive strikes
against the target increase the effects of these counters which in turn increases
the weapon's flare strength. The counters last for 15 seconds before falling off. This effect
works with both weapons and will only work if wielding two weapons. Wielding two weapons
of the same flare type will increase the counter application rate.
Current Flare Type: Electrical
Twin Detonation
Twin Stance
Twin Primary: While the weapon is held in the primary hand it has a 1% chance to strike again.
Twin Offhand: If the weapon is held in the offhand it has a 5% to increase your Defensive Strength by 4 when attacked by enemies.
Twin Apprentice
Twin Primary: While the weapon is held in the primary hand it has a 5% chance to increase the wielders Two Weapon Combat skill bonus by 5 for that attack.
Twin Offhand: If the weapon is held in the offhand it has a 5% to increase your attack strength by 4 when attacking.
Twin Grip
General Information
Tier: 0
Twin Strikes: Locked
Twin Lunge: Locked
Custom Color: white Custom Color 2: black
a bone-hilted ebon vultite broadsword Weight: 4 pounds
Enchant: +20
Jorshan's Twin Weapons
Description: This script is designed around two weapon combat. They will not function unless you're using two weapons of the same script in your hands. The main hand (Primary) weapon referenced is the right hand and the left hand (Secondary) is the offhand.
The alteration points can be done freely.
Yes, or lightning.
OTS Verbs
Twin Rising
Hitting an opponent with these weapons applies a counter. Consecutive strikes
against the target increase the effects of these counters which in turn increases
the weapon's flare strength. The counters last for 15 seconds before falling off. This effect
works with both weapons and will only work if wielding two weapons. Wielding two weapons
of the same flare type will increase the counter application rate.
Current Flare Type: Impact
Twin Detonation
Twin Stance
Twin Primary: While the weapon is held in the primary hand it has a 1% chance to strike again.
Twin Offhand: If the weapon is held in the offhand it has a 5% to increase your Defensive Strength by 4 when attacked by enemies.
Twin Apprentice
Twin Primary: While the weapon is held in the primary hand it has a 5% chance to increase the wielders Two Weapon Combat skill bonus by 5 for that attack.
Twin Offhand: If the weapon is held in the offhand it has a 5% to increase your attack strength by 4 when attacking.
Twin Grip
General Information
Tier: 0
Twin Strikes: Locked
Twin Lunge: Locked
Custom Color: white Custom Color 2: black
a basket-hilted azure vultite main gauche Weight: 2 pounds
Enchant: +20
main gauche
Jorshan's Twin Weapons
Description: This script is designed around two weapon combat. They will not function unless you're using two weapons of the same script in your hands. The main hand (Primary) weapon referenced is the right hand and the left hand (Secondary) is the offhand.
The alteration points can be done freely.
Yes, or lightning.
OTS Verbs
Twin Rising
Hitting an opponent with these weapons applies a counter. Consecutive strikes
against the target increase the effects of these counters which in turn increases
the weapon's flare strength. The counters last for 15 seconds before falling off. This effect
works with both weapons and will only work if wielding two weapons. Wielding two weapons
of the same flare type will increase the counter application rate.
Current Flare Type: Cold
Twin Detonation
Twin Stance
Twin Primary: While the weapon is held in the primary hand it has a 1% chance to strike again.
Twin Offhand: If the weapon is held in the offhand it has a 5% to increase your Defensive Strength by 4 when attacked by enemies.
Twin Apprentice
Twin Primary: While the weapon is held in the primary hand it has a 5% chance to increase the wielders Two Weapon Combat skill bonus by 5 for that attack.
Twin Offhand: If the weapon is held in the offhand it has a 5% to increase your attack strength by 4 when attacking.
Twin Grip
General Information
Tier: 0
Twin Strikes: Locked
Twin Lunge: Locked
Custom Color: white Custom Color 2: black
a silvery vultite main gauche with an ornamented guard Weight: 2 pounds
Enchant: +20
main gauche
Jorshan's Twin Weapons
Description: This script is designed around two weapon combat. They will not function unless you're using two weapons of the same script in your hands. The main hand (Primary) weapon referenced is the right hand and the left hand (Secondary) is the offhand.
The alteration points can be done freely.
Yes, or lightning.
OTS Verbs
Twin Rising
Hitting an opponent with these weapons applies a counter. Consecutive strikes
against the target increase the effects of these counters which in turn increases
the weapon's flare strength. The counters last for 15 seconds before falling off. This effect
works with both weapons and will only work if wielding two weapons. Wielding two weapons
of the same flare type will increase the counter application rate.
Current Flare Type: Heat
Twin Detonation
Twin Stance
Twin Primary: While the weapon is held in the primary hand it has a 1% chance to strike again.
Twin Offhand: If the weapon is held in the offhand it has a 5% to increase your Defensive Strength by 4 when attacked by enemies.
Twin Apprentice
Twin Primary: While the weapon is held in the primary hand it has a 5% chance to increase the wielders Two Weapon Combat skill bonus by 5 for that attack.
Twin Offhand: If the weapon is held in the offhand it has a 5% to increase your attack strength by 4 when attacking.
Twin Grip
General Information
Tier: 0
Twin Strikes: Locked
Twin Lunge: Locked
Custom Color: white Custom Color 2: black
a heavy black vultite main gauche Weight: 2 pounds
Enchant: +20
main gauche
Jorshan's Twin Weapons
Description: This script is designed around two weapon combat. They will not function unless you're using two weapons of the same script in your hands. The main hand (Primary) weapon referenced is the right hand and the left hand (Secondary) is the offhand.
The alteration points can be done freely.
Yes, or lightning.
OTS Verbs
Twin Rising
Hitting an opponent with these weapons applies a counter. Consecutive strikes
against the target increase the effects of these counters which in turn increases
the weapon's flare strength. The counters last for 15 seconds before falling off. This effect
works with both weapons and will only work if wielding two weapons. Wielding two weapons
of the same flare type will increase the counter application rate.
Current Flare Type: Electrical
Twin Detonation
Twin Stance
Twin Primary: While the weapon is held in the primary hand it has a 1% chance to strike again.
Twin Offhand: If the weapon is held in the offhand it has a 5% to increase your Defensive Strength by 4 when attacked by enemies.
Twin Apprentice
Twin Primary: While the weapon is held in the primary hand it has a 5% chance to increase the wielders Two Weapon Combat skill bonus by 5 for that attack.
Twin Offhand: If the weapon is held in the offhand it has a 5% to increase your attack strength by 4 when attacking.
Twin Grip
General Information
Tier: 0
Twin Strikes: Locked
Twin Lunge: Locked
Custom Color: white Custom Color 2: black
a narrow black main gauche with a wide knuckleguard Weight: 2 pounds
Enchant: +20
main gauche
Jorshan's Twin Weapons
Description: This script is designed around two weapon combat. They will not function unless you're using two weapons of the same script in your hands. The main hand (Primary) weapon referenced is the right hand and the left hand (Secondary) is the offhand.
The alteration points can be done freely.
Yes, or lightning.
OTS Verbs
Twin Rising
Hitting an opponent with these weapons applies a counter. Consecutive strikes
against the target increase the effects of these counters which in turn increases
the weapon's flare strength. The counters last for 15 seconds before falling off. This effect
works with both weapons and will only work if wielding two weapons. Wielding two weapons
of the same flare type will increase the counter application rate.
Current Flare Type: Impact
Twin Detonation
Twin Stance
Twin Primary: While the weapon is held in the primary hand it has a 1% chance to strike again.
Twin Offhand: If the weapon is held in the offhand it has a 5% to increase your Defensive Strength by 4 when attacked by enemies.
Twin Apprentice
Twin Primary: While the weapon is held in the primary hand it has a 5% chance to increase the wielders Two Weapon Combat skill bonus by 5 for that attack.
Twin Offhand: If the weapon is held in the offhand it has a 5% to increase your attack strength by 4 when attacking.
Twin Grip
General Information
Tier: 0
Twin Strikes: Locked
Twin Lunge: Locked
Custom Color: white Custom Color 2: black

In the hammocks you see:

a pale white vultite spikestar with snow quartz inlay Weight: 6 pounds
Enchant: +20
morning star
Jorshan's Twin Weapons
Description: This script is designed around two weapon combat. They will not function unless you're using two weapons of the same script in your hands. The main hand (Primary) weapon referenced is the right hand and the left hand (Secondary) is the offhand.
The alteration points can be done freely.
Yes, or lightning.
OTS Verbs
Twin Rising
Hitting an opponent with these weapons applies a counter. Consecutive strikes
against the target increase the effects of these counters which in turn increases
the weapon's flare strength. The counters last for 15 seconds before falling off. This effect
works with both weapons and will only work if wielding two weapons. Wielding two weapons
of the same flare type will increase the counter application rate.
Current Flare Type: Cold
Twin Detonation
Twin Stance
Twin Primary: While the weapon is held in the primary hand it has a 1% chance to strike again.
Twin Offhand: If the weapon is held in the offhand it has a 5% to increase your Defensive Strength by 4 when attacked by enemies.
Twin Apprentice
Twin Primary: While the weapon is held in the primary hand it has a 5% chance to increase the wielders Two Weapon Combat skill bonus by 5 for that attack.
Twin Offhand: If the weapon is held in the offhand it has a 5% to increase your attack strength by 4 when attacking.
Twin Grip
General Information
Tier: 0
Twin Strikes: Locked
Twin Lunge: Locked
Custom Color: white Custom Color 2: black
a rune-inscribed crimson vultite spikestar Weight: 6 pounds
Enchant: +20
morning star
Jorshan's Twin Weapons
Description: This script is designed around two weapon combat. They will not function unless you're using two weapons of the same script in your hands. The main hand (Primary) weapon referenced is the right hand and the left hand (Secondary) is the offhand.
The alteration points can be done freely.
Yes, or lightning.
OTS Verbs
Twin Rising
Hitting an opponent with these weapons applies a counter. Consecutive strikes
against the target increase the effects of these counters which in turn increases
the weapon's flare strength. The counters last for 15 seconds before falling off. This effect
works with both weapons and will only work if wielding two weapons. Wielding two weapons
of the same flare type will increase the counter application rate.
Current Flare Type: Heat
Twin Detonation
Twin Stance
Twin Primary: While the weapon is held in the primary hand it has a 1% chance to strike again.
Twin Offhand: If the weapon is held in the offhand it has a 5% to increase your Defensive Strength by 4 when attacked by enemies.
Twin Apprentice
Twin Primary: While the weapon is held in the primary hand it has a 5% chance to increase the wielders Two Weapon Combat skill bonus by 5 for that attack.
Twin Offhand: If the weapon is held in the offhand it has a 5% to increase your attack strength by 4 when attacking.
Twin Grip
General Information
Tier: 0
Twin Strikes: Locked
Twin Lunge: Locked
Custom Color: white Custom Color 2: black
a hefty dull black vultite spikestar wreathed with runes Weight: 6 pounds
Enchant: +20
morning star
Jorshan's Twin Weapons
Description: This script is designed around two weapon combat. They will not function unless you're using two weapons of the same script in your hands. The main hand (Primary) weapon referenced is the right hand and the left hand (Secondary) is the offhand.
The alteration points can be done freely.
Yes, or lightning.
OTS Verbs
Twin Rising
Hitting an opponent with these weapons applies a counter. Consecutive strikes
against the target increase the effects of these counters which in turn increases
the weapon's flare strength. The counters last for 15 seconds before falling off. This effect
works with both weapons and will only work if wielding two weapons. Wielding two weapons
of the same flare type will increase the counter application rate.
Current Flare Type: Electrical
Twin Detonation
Twin Stance
Twin Primary: While the weapon is held in the primary hand it has a 1% chance to strike again.
Twin Offhand: If the weapon is held in the offhand it has a 5% to increase your Defensive Strength by 4 when attacked by enemies.
Twin Apprentice
Twin Primary: While the weapon is held in the primary hand it has a 5% chance to increase the wielders Two Weapon Combat skill bonus by 5 for that attack.
Twin Offhand: If the weapon is held in the offhand it has a 5% to increase your attack strength by 4 when attacking.
Twin Grip
General Information
Tier: 0
Twin Strikes: Locked
Twin Lunge: Locked
Custom Color: white Custom Color 2: black
a chain-linked spikestar with barbed vultite tips Weight: 6 pounds
Enchant: +20
morning star
Jorshan's Twin Weapons
Description: This script is designed around two weapon combat. They will not function unless you're using two weapons of the same script in your hands. The main hand (Primary) weapon referenced is the right hand and the left hand (Secondary) is the offhand.
The alteration points can be done freely.
Yes, or lightning.
OTS Verbs
Twin Rising
Hitting an opponent with these weapons applies a counter. Consecutive strikes
against the target increase the effects of these counters which in turn increases
the weapon's flare strength. The counters last for 15 seconds before falling off. This effect
works with both weapons and will only work if wielding two weapons. Wielding two weapons
of the same flare type will increase the counter application rate.
Current Flare Type: Impact
Twin Detonation
Twin Stance
Twin Primary: While the weapon is held in the primary hand it has a 1% chance to strike again.
Twin Offhand: If the weapon is held in the offhand it has a 5% to increase your Defensive Strength by 4 when attacked by enemies.
Twin Apprentice
Twin Primary: While the weapon is held in the primary hand it has a 5% chance to increase the wielders Two Weapon Combat skill bonus by 5 for that attack.
Twin Offhand: If the weapon is held in the offhand it has a 5% to increase your attack strength by 4 when attacking.
Twin Grip
General Information
Tier: 0
Twin Strikes: Locked
Twin Lunge: Locked
Custom Color: white Custom Color 2: black
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Out of the Bleak

a small black and grey tent, [Map Room #20, then east], Lich#26863 , go black tent

Out of the Bleak

[Out of the Bleak -]
The small tent holds the faint odor of acidic rain, and pale yellow hazy smoke curls up from a talon-shaped lantern positioned directly in the center of the room. A circular dark oak table is covered with tattered blue vulture feathers and various walking sticks. Suspended from the pavilion's center pillar are a series of stained hooks that perch over a battered wooden vanity. Several patchwork bear hide rugs surround a small glaes display case.
Obvious exits: out

On the table you see:

a curved red oak walking stick set with a blood marble orb Weight: 5 pounds
The red oak stick is a sword cane. Some restrictions may apply to the cane's noun when altering it. This item may weigh more than your typical stick, which is intended. The stick is fully unlocked.
a lacquered ebony parasol ringed with blood marble beads Weight: 5 pounds
The ebony parasol is a sword cane. Some restrictions may apply to the cane's noun when altering it. This item may weigh more than your typical parasol, which is intended. The parasol is fully unlocked.
a tall black oak cane inlaid with bleakstone fragments Weight: 5 pounds
The black oak cane is a sword cane. Some restrictions may apply to the cane's noun when altering it. This item may weigh more than your typical cane, which is intended. The cane is fully unlocked.
a slender bleakstone-capped ebony cane Weight: 5 pounds
The ebony cane is a sword cane. Some restrictions may apply to the cane's noun when altering it. This item may weigh more than your typical cane, which is intended. The cane is fully unlocked.
a gnarled ebonwood cane inset with polished bleakstones Weight: 5 pounds
The ebonwood cane is a sword cane. Some restrictions may apply to the cane's noun when altering it. This item may weigh more than your typical cane, which is intended. The cane is fully unlocked.

In the case you see:

a white-armored crusader miniature Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
This miniature is a siegery toy. It is a warrior.
This miniature has custom attack messaging.
Why doesn't this miniature have any custom miss messaging? Slacker!
This miniature has no custom idle messaging. Get to work!
This miniature has no custom death messaging. Go out in style!

The crusader miniature stands stoically, clenched hands holding tightly to a huge pure white sword. The figure is bedecked in a suit of polished white armor that has a golden crown emblazoned upon its breastplate. The crusader is bald, with the faint markings of a crown-shaped scar burned around the figure's scalp. Dark hollow eyes stare out from his chiseled face.

On the hooks you see:

a black wrist sheath inlaid with bleakstone chips Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item of very small size
You can WEAR, REMOVE, PUSH, and PULL the sheath and will notice special messaging for using GET and PUT to retrieve or store weapons within the hidden sheath.
You can hide the sheath in the following items by PUSHing the sheath: chemise, blouse, shirt, tunic, dress, gown, longcoat, coat, jacket, surcoat, greatcoat, overcoat, cossack, cossock, chemise, cotehardie, doublet, gambeson, kirtle, robe, underrobe, overrobe, bliaut, smock, houppelande, surtout, mantelet, longcloak, cote, and atanika.
It can be altered freely, but keep in mind the messaging. It must be something with straps that could logically be hidden up your sleeves.
You can tell that the sheath is as light as it can get, but you might be able to have a talented merchant deepen its pockets for you.
a sleek dark belt sheath studded with blood marble spheres Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item of very small size
You can WEAR, REMOVE, PUSH, and PULL the sheath and will notice special messaging for using GET and PUT to retrieve or store weapons within the hidden sheath.
You can hide the sheath in the following items by PUSHing the sheath: pants, skirt, trousers, breeches, britches, leggings, galligaskins, kilt, greatkilt, moggans, chausses, pantaloons, slacks, wrap skirt, overalls, knee-breeches, skirts, nanjir, and kanjir.
It can be altered freely, but keep in mind the messaging. It must be something with straps that could logically be hidden at the small of your back.
You can tell that the sheath is as light as it can get, but you might be able to have a talented merchant deepen its pockets for you.
a slim grey ankle sheath fringed with blue vulture feathers Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item of very small size
You can WEAR, REMOVE, PUSH, and PULL the sheath and will notice special messaging for using GET and PUT to retrieve or store weapons within the hidden sheath.
You can hide the sheath in the following items by PUSHing the sheath: boots, cothurns, gillies, moccasins, buskins, workboots, knee-boots, yatane, half-boots, thigh-boots, ankle-boots, klot, and jackboots.
It can be altered freely, but keep in mind the messaging. It must be something with straps that could logically be hidden at your ankle.
You can tell that the sheath is as light as it can get, but you might be able to have a talented merchant deepen its pockets for you.
a dark blue wrist sheath set with a cracked blood marble stone Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item of very small size
You can WEAR, REMOVE, PUSH, and PULL the sheath and will notice special messaging for using GET and PUT to retrieve or store weapons within the hidden sheath.
You can hide the sheath in the following items by PUSHing the sheath: chemise, blouse, shirt, tunic, dress, gown, longcoat, coat, jacket, surcoat, greatcoat, overcoat, cossack, cossock, chemise, cotehardie, doublet, gambeson, kirtle, robe, underrobe, overrobe, bliaut, smock, houppelande, surtout, mantelet, longcloak, cote, and atanika.
It can be altered freely, but keep in mind the messaging. It must be something with straps that could logically be hidden up your sleeves.
You can tell that the sheath is as light as it can get, but you might be able to have a talented merchant deepen its pockets for you.
a weathered grey belt sheath trimmed with bleakstone buttons Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item of very small size
You can WEAR, REMOVE, PUSH, and PULL the sheath and will notice special messaging for using GET and PUT to retrieve or store weapons within the hidden sheath.
You can hide the sheath in the following items by PUSHing the sheath: pants, skirt, trousers, breeches, britches, leggings, galligaskins, kilt, greatkilt, moggans, chausses, pantaloons, slacks, wrap skirt, overalls, knee-breeches, skirts, nanjir, and kanjir.
It can be altered freely, but keep in mind the messaging. It must be something with straps that could logically be hidden at the small of your back.
You can tell that the sheath is as light as it can get, but you might be able to have a talented merchant deepen its pockets for you.
a blood red ankle sheath wreathed with oily black roots Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item of very small size
You can WEAR, REMOVE, PUSH, and PULL the sheath and will notice special messaging for using GET and PUT to retrieve or store weapons within the hidden sheath.
You can hide the sheath in the following items by PUSHing the sheath: boots, cothurns, gillies, moccasins, buskins, workboots, knee-boots, yatane, half-boots, thigh-boots, ankle-boots, klot, and jackboots.
It can be altered freely, but keep in mind the messaging. It must be something with straps that could logically be hidden at your ankle.
You can tell that the sheath is as light as it can get, but you might be able to have a talented merchant deepen its pockets for you.

On the vanity you see:

a small blood marble-set glass mirror Weight: <1 pound
show description
You must be holding the blood marble mirror.
a curved bleakstone-framed glass mirror Weight: <1 pound
show description
You must be holding the glass mirror.
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Penitent Petitioner

Opened: June 2018; Inventory Updates: August 2019; Verified: 8/14/2019, 2/13/2020

a clean canopy-topped enclosure, [Map Room #7], Lich #26894, go enclosure

Penitent Entry

[The Penitent Petitioner]
Tucked against a crumbling wall and sheltered by large squares of oiled canvas, the small enclosure is swept clean of debris and the rough cobblestones of the road are scrubbed completely clean. Burning tallows rest upon stones that have been tugged free of the wall to make tiny shelves, their slender waxy bodies bound in place by the melted remains of previous occupants. Two alcoves, one draped in azure and gold and the other in ebon and silver, are lined with prayer benches for the penitent.
Obvious exits: out

On the white stone you see:

a plain white certificate
This will unlock a Solar or Nebular weapon from Tier 1 (OTS) to Tier 2.  Please ANALYZE for more information.

On the silver stone you see:

a simple silver certificate
This will unlock a Solar or Nebular weapon from Tier 2 to Tier 3.  Please ANALYZE for more information.

On the golden stone you see:

a glorious golden certificate
This will unlock a Solar or Nebular weapon from Tier 3 to 4.  Please ANALYZE for more information.

Solar Nook

[The Solar Nook]
Constructed of stone and mortar, the small alcove is semicircular in shape and scrubbed until the stones glisten with a brilliant white gleam. Golden light spills from the apex of the ceiling's curve where a metallic sun fashioned of glass and backlit by candles blazes amid an azure backdrop painted into the smooth stones. A low altar, draped with a simple cloth, resides along the back wall with a simple pew set before it, while a thick azure drape leads into a small enclosure.
Obvious exits: out

On the low altar you see:

a sunburst-headed hefty vultite maul with a golden haft Weight: 6 pounds
Enchant: +20


This is a Solar Weapon that grants its wielder the power of sunlight during the hours of the day by giving a bonus that increases as the day reaches its apex. However, as the day wanes, so do its powers, and it begins to give a minus during the night.
The maul has has access to the following verbs at the current tier of 1 (OTS) out of 4: rub, salute, and tilt.
You may alter this item freely provided that it never has a description that would oppose the spheres of analyze's domain.
a sunburst-patterned golden vultite naginata Weight: 7 pounds
Enchant: +20


This is a Solar Weapon that grants its wielder the power of sunlight during the hours of the day by giving a bonus that increases as the day reaches its apex. However, as the day wanes, so do its powers, and it begins to give a minus during the night.
The naginata has has access to the following verbs at the current tier of 1 (OTS) out of 4: rub, salute, and tilt.
You may alter this item freely provided that it never has a description that would oppose the spheres of analyze's domain.
a linden-hafted halberd with a golden vultite head Weight: 7 pounds
Enchant: +20


This is a Solar Weapon that grants its wielder the power of sunlight during the hours of the day by giving a bonus that increases as the day reaches its apex. However, as the day wanes, so do its powers, and it begins to give a minus during the night.
The halberd has has access to the following verbs at the current tier of 1 (OTS) out of 4: rub, salute, and tilt.
You may alter this item freely provided that it never has a description that would oppose the spheres of analyze's domain.
a golden vultite longsword with a sunburst knuckleguard Weight: 4 pounds
Enchant: +20


This is a Solar Weapon that grants its wielder the power of sunlight during the hours of the day by giving a bonus that increases as the day reaches its apex. However, as the day wanes, so do its powers, and it begins to give a minus during the night.
The longsword has has access to the following verbs at the current tier of 1 (OTS) out of 4: rub, salute, and tilt.
You may alter this item freely provided that it never has a description that would oppose the spheres of analyze's domain.
an azure suede-wrapped golden vultite short sword Weight: 3 pounds
Enchant: +20
short sword


This is a Solar Weapon that grants its wielder the power of sunlight during the hours of the day by giving a bonus that increases as the day reaches its apex. However, as the day wanes, so do its powers, and it begins to give a minus during the night.
The sword has has access to the following verbs at the current tier of 1 (OTS) out of 4: rub, salute, and tilt.
You may alter this item freely provided that it never has a description that would oppose the spheres of analyze's domain.
a pair of golden suede handwraps with white stitching Weight: <1 pound
Enchant: +20
UAC Gloves


This is a Solar Weapon that grants its wielder the power of sunlight during the hours of the day by giving a bonus that increases as the day reaches its apex. However, as the day wanes, so do its powers, and it begins to give a minus during the night.
The handwrap have has access to the following verbs at the current tier of 1 (OTS) out of 4: rub, salute, and tilt.
You may alter this item freely provided that it never has a description that would oppose the spheres of analyze's domain.
You can tell that the handwrap is as light as it can get.

Nebular Nook

[The Nebular Nook]
Constructed of stone and mortar, the small alcove is semicircular in shape and scrubbed until the stones glisten like the surface of a black pearl. Silver light spills from the apex of the ceiling's curve where dozens of stars fashioned of metallic disks blaze in the candlelight amid a backdrop of purples, whites, and blues painted to resemble a nebula. A low altar, draped with a simple cloth, resides along the back wall with a simple pew set before it, while a thick ebon drape leads into a small enclosure.
Obvious exits: out

On the low altar you see:

a star-stamped silvery vultite sledgehammer Weight: 6 pounds
Enchant: +20


This is a Nebular Weapon that grants its wielder the power of starlight during the hours of the night by giving a bonus that increases as the night reaches its apex. However, as the night wanes, so do its powers, and it begins to give a minus during the day.
The sledgehammer has has access to the following verbs at the current tier of 1 (OTS) out of 4: rub, salute, and tilt.
You may alter this item freely provided that it never has a description that would oppose the spheres of analyze's domain.
a silver-sheened naginata with star-patterned vultite head Weight: 7 pounds
Enchant: +20


This is a Nebular Weapon that grants its wielder the power of starlight during the hours of the night by giving a bonus that increases as the night reaches its apex. However, as the night wanes, so do its powers, and it begins to give a minus during the day.
The naginata has has access to the following verbs at the current tier of 1 (OTS) out of 4: rub, salute, and tilt.
You may alter this item freely provided that it never has a description that would oppose the spheres of analyze's domain.
a silvery oak-hafted halberd with a knotted red tassel Weight: 7 pounds
Enchant: +20


This is a Nebular Weapon that grants its wielder the power of starlight during the hours of the night by giving a bonus that increases as the night reaches its apex. However, as the night wanes, so do its powers, and it begins to give a minus during the day.
The halberd has has access to the following verbs at the current tier of 1 (OTS) out of 4: rub, salute, and tilt.
You may alter this item freely provided that it never has a description that would oppose the spheres of analyze's domain.
a silver-sheened vultite longsword with a star-shaped crossguard Weight: 4 pounds
Enchant: +20


This is a Nebular Weapon that grants its wielder the power of starlight during the hours of the night by giving a bonus that increases as the night reaches its apex. However, as the night wanes, so do its powers, and it begins to give a minus during the day.
The longsword has has access to the following verbs at the current tier of 1 (OTS) out of 4: rub, salute, and tilt.
You may alter this item freely provided that it never has a description that would oppose the spheres of analyze's domain.
a silver suede-wrapped black vultite short sword Weight: 3 pounds
Enchant: +20
short sword


This is a Nebular Weapon that grants its wielder the power of starlight during the hours of the night by giving a bonus that increases as the night reaches its apex. However, as the night wanes, so do its powers, and it begins to give a minus during the day.
The sword has has access to the following verbs at the current tier of 1 (OTS) out of 4: rub, salute, and tilt.
You may alter this item freely provided that it never has a description that would oppose the spheres of analyze's domain.
a pair of gold-buttoned gloves fashioned of azure suede Weight: <1 pound
Enchant: +20
UAC Gloves


This is a Nebular Weapon that grants its wielder the power of starlight during the hours of the night by giving a bonus that increases as the night reaches its apex. However, as the night wanes, so do its powers, and it begins to give a minus during the day.
The gloves have has access to the following verbs at the current tier of 1 (OTS) out of 4: rub, salute, and tilt.
You may alter this item freely provided that it never has a description that would oppose the spheres of analyze's domain.
You can tell that the gloves is as light as it can get.
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Rock Solid

Opened: Unknown; Inventory Updates: August 2017; Verified: 2/24/18 6/21/18, 12/21/18, 8/12/2019, 2/13/2020

an angular granite-covered wagon, Map Room 23, Lich #23822, go wagon

[Rock Solid]
The utilitarian interior of the wagon could generously be described as spartan. Not a single sign of inhabitation graces the area. An engraved bow rack, a carved runestaff display, and a large weapon stand are the only furniture within the bare confines. An oil lamp rests in the middle of the floor, illuminating its sparse surroundings. You also see a large red-inked sign.
Obvious exits: out
Welcome to Rock Solid!

Goods on the runestaff display and weapon stand are Realm Weaponry.  They change what kinda elements they shoot dependin' on where you are.  They are all enchanted five times, except the glowbark and fireleaf, which are their natural enchantment.  Useful stuff!

The longbows and composites on the rack are enchanted five times and load wands of their suitable element.  The golven-bound bows are enchanted six times and will load any kind of wand.

On the engraved bow rack you see:

Item Script Bonus & Wand Type Weapon Profile Bloodscrip
a golvern-bound darkened ruic yumi Wand bow 6x unrestricted wand loading long bow 15000
a zorchar-runed silvery ruic longbow 5x silver wands long bow 2000
a drakar-runed dark ruic longbow 5x gold wands long bow 2000
a rhimar-runed pale ruic longbow 5x metal wands long bow 2000
a golvern-bound ruic composite bow 6x unrestricted wand loading composite bow 15000
a zorchar-bound ruic composite bow 5x silver wands composite bow 2000
a drakar-bound ruic composite bow 5x gold wands composite bow 2000
a rhimar-bound ruic composite bow 5x metal wands composite bow 2000

On the large weapon stand you see:

Item Bonus & Script Weapon Profile Bloodscrip
an ironwood and argent rolaren longhammer 5x, realm flaring Hammer of Kai 2000
a pair of rolaren-studded gauntlets UAC gloves
a pair of rolaren-toed boots UAC boots
a rune-carved golden rolaren khopesh falchion
a golden-edged rolaren moon axe handaxe
a thin-bladed matte rolaren backslasher short sword
a slender rolaren-tipped warlance lance
a massive black golvern maul maul
a mottled black kelyn morning star morning star
a gold-flecked black kelyn dhara mace
an ironwood and white eonake tetsubo 5x, realm flaring, sanctified maul 2500
a vaalin-traced silvery eonake hatchet handaxe
a glaes-veined silvery eonake spikestar morning star
a tapered pure white eonake pike lance
a pair of eonake-studded gauntlets UAC gloves
a pair of eonake-toed boots UAC boots

All items natural enchant and realm flaring

On the carved runestaff display you see:

a glaes-tiled dark illthorn runestaff +25 runestaff 2500
a glaes-banded silvery lor staff +25 2500
a twisted russet fireleaf staff +22 2000
a gold-sheened glowbark runestaff +22 2000
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The Sable Quietus

Inventory Updates: August 2019 Verified: 8/15/2019, 2/13/2020

a whitewashed cobblestone building, [Map Room #10, south], Lich# 28325, go cobblestone building

The Sable Quietus, Entry

[The Sable Quietus, Entry]
Flickering candlelight creates more shadow than illumination in the cramped cobblestone room, which is deprived of windows and floored with packed dirt. Thick wrought iron pegs line the eastern wall, each laden with a different mask, while wicker baskets are arranged upon the floor opposite an oak and copper door. A coal-filled blackened brazier emits a warm, inviting orange light, though it does little to heat anything further than a handspan from its home on the eastern side of the room.
Obvious exits: out
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Sable Quietus ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Welcome to the Sable Quietus, the original home of Plague Masks.
You will find a display of them on the pegs.
In order to activate their special abilities, you'll need a cartridge.
These can be found in the basket.
An unlimited number of unlocking certificates are available there as well.
In order to recharge your cartridge, you will need to use a potion.
Anyone trained in alchemy can create one of these potions for you.
Poison cartridges use the following:
a crystalline flask containing a dimly glowing sky-blue potion
Disease cartridges use the following:
a crystalline flask containing a dimly glowing sea-green potion
Each cartridge will only ever hold three charges.
Each potion can be poured on a cartridge to restore one dose.

In the wicker baskets you see:

a bright sky-blue cartridge Weight: <1 pound


A bright sky-blue cartridge is a component for the Plague Masks from Duskruin. This particular component should be inserted into the mask to allow it to filter out any poisons that you may come across while wearing the mask. It CANNOT be altered in any way, but it can be recharged by pouring unpoison potions made by the alchemy system onto it.
a bright sea-green cartridge Weight: <1 pound


A bright sea-green cartridge is a component for the Plague Masks from Duskruin. This particular component should be inserted into the mask to allow it to filter out any diseases that you may come across while wearing the mask. It CANNOT be altered in any way, but it can be recharged by pouring undisease potions made by the alchemy system onto it.
a waxed black vellum Weight: <1 pound


Your vellum is used to unlock the potential of things held in your other hand.
Your vellum will unlock your Plague Mask to tier 2.
You need only RAISE your vellum while holding a compatible piece of equipment in your other hand.
Your vellum may not be altered or changed in any way.
a waxed ebon parchment Weight: <1 pound


Your parchment is used to unlock the potential of things held in your other hand.
Your parchment will unlock your Plague Mask to tier 3.
You need only RAISE your parchment while holding a compatible piece of equipment in your other hand.
Your parchment may not be altered or changed in any way.

On the wrought iron pegs you see:

a waxed leather mask with a hooked black beak Weight: <1 pound functional


This a Duskruin Plague Mask. When a cartridge is inserted into it, it will give the mask the ability to remove either a poison (with a poison cartridge) or disease (with a disease cartridge) that may be affecting you.
A waxed leather mask with a hooked black beak can be customized in the following ways:
Goggle Lenses: Color (Examples: rose, blue, etc.) - Currently rose
Goggle Lenses: Material (Examples: crystal, glass, glaesine) - Currently glass
Mask Nose: (Examples: beak, snout, bill) - Currently beak
Do not change the noun!
When the mask is worn it blocks visibility of the following features: eyes, nose, mouth, face, facial hair, and some distinguishing marks/unique features.
The mask is 1 (OTS) out of 3 tiers.
It has access to the following verbs: Pull, Push, Remove, Tap, Touch, and Wear.
It does not have a cartridge in the left ventilation shaft at this time and the right is blocked by cotton.
When the appropriate cartridge is in place, you can use TAP to unpoison. Conversely, when the appropriate cartridge is in place, you can use TOUCH to undisease. Default messaging will happen when a cartridge is not present.
You will use a charge each time you tap or touch the mask, even if you are not poisoned or diseased. This is because the ventilation system within is still cycling the appropriate chemicals for your health.
a glossy black raven mask fashioned of waxed leather Weight: <1 pound functional


This a Duskruin Plague Mask. When a cartridge is inserted into it, it will give the mask the ability to remove either a poison (with a poison cartridge) or disease (with a disease cartridge) that may be affecting you.
A glossy black raven mask fashioned of waxed leather can be customized in the following ways:
Goggle Lenses: Color (Examples: rose, blue, etc.) - Currently rose
Goggle Lenses: Material (Examples: crystal, glass, glaesine) - Currently glass
Mask Nose: (Examples: beak, snout, bill) - Currently beak
Do not change the noun!
When the mask is worn it blocks visibility of the following features: eyes, nose, mouth, face, facial hair, and some distinguishing marks/unique features.
The mask is 1 (OTS) out of 3 tiers.
It has access to the following verbs: Pull, Push, Remove, Tap, Touch, and Wear.
It does not have a cartridge in the left ventilation shaft at this time and the right is blocked by cotton.
When the appropriate cartridge is in place, you can use TAP to unpoison. Conversely, when the appropriate cartridge is in place, you can use TOUCH to undisease. Default messaging will happen when a cartridge is not present.
You will use a charge each time you tap or touch the mask, even if you are not poisoned or diseased. This is because the ventilation system within is still cycling the appropriate chemicals for your health.
a narrow-beaked shiny white ibis mask Weight: <1 pound functional


This a Duskruin Plague Mask. When a cartridge is inserted into it, it will give the mask the ability to remove either a poison (with a poison cartridge) or disease (with a disease cartridge) that may be affecting you.
A narrow-beaked shiny white ibis mask can be customized in the following ways:
Goggle Lenses: Color (Examples: rose, blue, etc.) - Currently ebon
Goggle Lenses: Material (Examples: crystal, glass, glaesine) - Currently glaes
Mask Nose: (Examples: beak, snout, bill) - Currently beak
Do not change the noun!
When the mask is worn it blocks visibility of the following features: eyes, nose, mouth, face, facial hair, and some distinguishing marks/unique features.
The mask is 1 (OTS) out of 3 tiers.
It has access to the following verbs: Pull, Push, Remove, Tap, Touch, and Wear.
It does not have a cartridge in the left ventilation shaft at this time and the right is blocked by cotton.
When the appropriate cartridge is in place, you can use TAP to unpoison. Conversely, when the appropriate cartridge is in place, you can use TOUCH to undisease. Default messaging will happen when a cartridge is not present.
You will use a charge each time you tap or touch the mask, even if you are not poisoned or diseased. This is because the ventilation system within is still cycling the appropriate chemicals for your health.
a flop-eared dingy pig mask with milky white goggles Weight: <1 pound functional


This a Duskruin Plague Mask. When a cartridge is inserted into it, it will give the mask the ability to remove either a poison (with a poison cartridge) or disease (with a disease cartridge) that may be affecting you.
A flop-eared dingy pig mask with milky white goggles can be customized in the following ways:
Goggle Lenses: Color (Examples: rose, blue, etc.) - Currently milky white
Goggle Lenses: Material (Examples: crystal, glass, glaesine) - Currently glaesine
Mask Nose: (Examples: beak, snout, bill) - Currently snout
Do not change the noun!
When the mask is worn it blocks visibility of the following features: eyes, nose, mouth, face, facial hair, and some distinguishing marks/unique features.
The mask is 1 (OTS) out of 3 tiers.
It has access to the following verbs: Pull, Push, Remove, Tap, Touch, and Wear.
It does not have a cartridge in the left ventilation shaft at this time and the right is blocked by cotton.
When the appropriate cartridge is in place, you can use TAP to unpoison. Conversely, when the appropriate cartridge is in place, you can use TOUCH to undisease. Default messaging will happen when a cartridge is not present.
You will use a charge each time you tap or touch the mask, even if you are not poisoned or diseased. This is because the ventilation system within is still cycling the appropriate chemicals for your health.
a wrinkled grey vulture mask with scarlet eye banding Weight: <1 pound functional


This a Duskruin Plague Mask. When a cartridge is inserted into it, it will give the mask the ability to remove either a poison (with a poison cartridge) or disease (with a disease cartridge) that may be affecting you.
A wrinkled grey vulture mask with scarlet eye banding can be customized in the following ways:
Goggle Lenses: Color (Examples: rose, blue, etc.) - Currently scarlet
Goggle Lenses: Material (Examples: crystal, glass, glaesine) - Currently obsidian
Mask Nose: (Examples: beak, snout, bill) - Currently beak
Do not change the noun!
When the mask is worn it blocks visibility of the following features: eyes, nose, mouth, face, facial hair, and some distinguishing marks/unique features.
The mask is 1 (OTS) out of 3 tiers.
It has access to the following verbs: Pull, Push, Remove, Tap, Touch, and Wear.
It does not have a cartridge in the left ventilation shaft at this time and the right is blocked by cotton.
When the appropriate cartridge is in place, you can use TAP to unpoison. Conversely, when the appropriate cartridge is in place, you can use TOUCH to undisease. Default messaging will happen when a cartridge is not present.
You will use a charge each time you tap or touch the mask, even if you are not poisoned or diseased. This is because the ventilation system within is still cycling the appropriate chemicals for your health.
a sanguine turkey vulture mask with a hooked white beak Weight: <1 pound functional


This a Duskruin Plague Mask. When a cartridge is inserted into it, it will give the mask the ability to remove either a poison (with a poison cartridge) or disease (with a disease cartridge) that may be affecting you.
A sanguine turkey vulture mask with a hooked white beak can be customized in the following ways:
Goggle Lenses: Color (Examples: rose, blue, etc.) - Currently ruby
Goggle Lenses: Material (Examples: crystal, glass, glaesine) - Currently glass
Mask Nose: (Examples: beak, snout, bill) - Currently beak
Do not change the noun!
When the mask is worn it blocks visibility of the following features: eyes, nose, mouth, face, facial hair, and some distinguishing marks/unique features.
The mask is 1 (OTS) out of 3 tiers.
It has access to the following verbs: Pull, Push, Remove, Tap, Touch, and Wear.
It does not have a cartridge in the left ventilation shaft at this time and the right is blocked by cotton.
When the appropriate cartridge is in place, you can use TAP to unpoison. Conversely, when the appropriate cartridge is in place, you can use TOUCH to undisease. Default messaging will happen when a cartridge is not present.
You will use a charge each time you tap or touch the mask, even if you are not poisoned or diseased. This is because the ventilation system within is still cycling the appropriate chemicals for your health.
an onyx-eyed grey gyrfalcon mask Weight: <1 pound functional


This a Duskruin Plague Mask. When a cartridge is inserted into it, it will give the mask the ability to remove either a poison (with a poison cartridge) or disease (with a disease cartridge) that may be affecting you.
An onyx-eyed grey gyrfalcon mask can be customized in the following ways:
Goggle Lenses: Color (Examples: rose, blue, etc.) - Currently ebon
Goggle Lenses: Material (Examples: crystal, glass, glaesine) - Currently glass
Mask Nose: (Examples: beak, snout, bill) - Currently beak
Do not change the noun!
When the mask is worn it blocks visibility of the following features: eyes, nose, mouth, face, facial hair, and some distinguishing marks/unique features.
The mask is 1 (OTS) out of 3 tiers.
It has access to the following verbs: Pull, Push, Remove, Tap, Touch, and Wear.
It does not have a cartridge in the left ventilation shaft at this time and the right is blocked by cotton.
When the appropriate cartridge is in place, you can use TAP to unpoison. Conversely, when the appropriate cartridge is in place, you can use TOUCH to undisease. Default messaging will happen when a cartridge is not present.
You will use a charge each time you tap or touch the mask, even if you are not poisoned or diseased. This is because the ventilation system within is still cycling the appropriate chemicals for your health.
a hooded dark grey crow mask Weight: <1 pound functional


This a Duskruin Plague Mask. When a cartridge is inserted into it, it will give the mask the ability to remove either a poison (with a poison cartridge) or disease (with a disease cartridge) that may be affecting you.
A hooded dark grey crow mask can be customized in the following ways:
Goggle Lenses: Color (Examples: rose, blue, etc.) - Currently scarlet
Goggle Lenses: Material (Examples: crystal, glass, glaesine) - Currently glaesine
Mask Nose: (Examples: beak, snout, bill) - Currently beak
Do not change the noun!
When the mask is worn it blocks visibility of the following features: eyes, nose, mouth, face, facial hair, and some distinguishing marks/unique features.
The mask is 1 (OTS) out of 3 tiers.
It has access to the following verbs: Pull, Push, Remove, Tap, Touch, and Wear.
It does not have a cartridge in the left ventilation shaft at this time and the right is blocked by cotton.
When the appropriate cartridge is in place, you can use TAP to unpoison. Conversely, when the appropriate cartridge is in place, you can use TOUCH to undisease. Default messaging will happen when a cartridge is not present.
You will use a charge each time you tap or touch the mask, even if you are not poisoned or diseased. This is because the ventilation system within is still cycling the appropriate chemicals for your health.
a dusty grey shoebill mask Weight: <1 pound functional


This a Duskruin Plague Mask. When a cartridge is inserted into it, it will give the mask the ability to remove either a poison (with a poison cartridge) or disease (with a disease cartridge) that may be affecting you.
A dusty grey shoebill mask can be customized in the following ways:
Goggle Lenses: Color (Examples: rose, blue, etc.) - Currently scarlet
Goggle Lenses: Material (Examples: crystal, glass, glaesine) - Currently glass
Mask Nose: (Examples: beak, snout, bill) - Currently beak
Do not change the noun!
When the mask is worn it blocks visibility of the following features: eyes, nose, mouth, face, facial hair, and some distinguishing marks/unique features.
The mask is 1 (OTS) out of 3 tiers.
It has access to the following verbs: Pull, Push, Remove, Tap, Touch, and Wear.
It does not have a cartridge in the left ventilation shaft at this time and the right is blocked by cotton.
When the appropriate cartridge is in place, you can use TAP to unpoison. Conversely, when the appropriate cartridge is in place, you can use TOUCH to undisease. Default messaging will happen when a cartridge is not present.
You will use a charge each time you tap or touch the mask, even if you are not poisoned or diseased. This is because the ventilation system within is still cycling the appropriate chemicals for your health.

The Sable Quietus, Storage

[The Sable Quietus, Storage]
Shielded lanterns flicker with faint candlelight from their recessed positions within the four corners of the small storage room. Heavy with dirt and discarded dried herbs, the uneven floor transitions from packed dirt near an oak and copper door to roughly hewn planks that support a series of storage shelves. A thick curtain along the southeastern wall seems as though it might provide access to the floors above, but the heavy nails driven into its edges prevent further investigation.
Obvious exits: none

On the series of storage shelves you see:

a sard-toggled hunter green cowl Weight: <1 pound


This is a Duskruin Plague Cowl. It will interact with the Plague Mask when they are both worn at the same time.
Do not change the noun!
When the cowl is worn only it blocks visibility of the following features: nose, mouth, face, facial hair, and some distinguishing marks/unique features.
When the hood is drawn up, it will also hide regular hair features.
The cowl is 1 (OTS) out of 2 tiers.
It has access to the following verbs: Pull, Push, Remove, and Wear.
It may be altered freely provided it remains cloth, the hood should have a liripipe, and the neck should have some kind of toggles.
a haon-toggled burgundy linen cowl Weight: <1 pound


This is a Duskruin Plague Cowl. It will interact with the Plague Mask when they are both worn at the same time.
Do not change the noun!
When the cowl is worn only it blocks visibility of the following features: nose, mouth, face, facial hair, and some distinguishing marks/unique features.
When the hood is drawn up, it will also hide regular hair features.
The cowl is 1 (OTS) out of 2 tiers.
It has access to the following verbs: Pull, Push, Remove, and Wear.
It may be altered freely provided it remains cloth, the hood should have a liripipe, and the neck should have some kind of toggles.
a bone-toggled black wool cowl Weight: <1 pound


This is a Duskruin Plague Cowl. It will interact with the Plague Mask when they are both worn at the same time.
Do not change the noun!
When the cowl is worn only it blocks visibility of the following features: nose, mouth, face, facial hair, and some distinguishing marks/unique features.
When the hood is drawn up, it will also hide regular hair features.
The cowl is 1 (OTS) out of 2 tiers.
It has access to the following verbs: Pull, Push, Remove, and Wear.
It may be altered freely provided it remains cloth, the hood should have a liripipe, and the neck should have some kind of toggles.
a hooded eggplant purple cowl Weight: <1 pound


This is a Duskruin Plague Cowl. It will interact with the Plague Mask when they are both worn at the same time.
Do not change the noun!
When the cowl is worn only it blocks visibility of the following features: nose, mouth, face, facial hair, and some distinguishing marks/unique features.
When the hood is drawn up, it will also hide regular hair features.
The cowl is 1 (OTS) out of 2 tiers.
It has access to the following verbs: Pull, Push, Remove, and Wear.
It may be altered freely provided it remains cloth, the hood should have a liripipe, and the neck should have some kind of toggles.
a dark gorse yellow cowl Weight: <1 pound


This is a Duskruin Plague Cowl. It will interact with the Plague Mask when they are both worn at the same time.
Do not change the noun!
When the cowl is worn only it blocks visibility of the following features: nose, mouth, face, facial hair, and some distinguishing marks/unique features.
When the hood is drawn up, it will also hide regular hair features.
The cowl is 1 (OTS) out of 2 tiers.
It has access to the following verbs: Pull, Push, Remove, and Wear.
It may be altered freely provided it remains cloth, the hood should have a liripipe, and the neck should have some kind of toggles.
a layered cotton cowl Weight: <1 pound


This is a Duskruin Plague Cowl. It will interact with the Plague Mask when they are both worn at the same time.
Do not change the noun!
When the cowl is worn only it blocks visibility of the following features: nose, mouth, face, facial hair, and some distinguishing marks/unique features.
When the hood is drawn up, it will also hide regular hair features.
The cowl is 1 (OTS) out of 2 tiers.
It has access to the following verbs: Pull, Push, Remove, and Wear.
It may be altered freely provided it remains cloth, the hood should have a liripipe, and the neck should have some kind of toggles.
a pure white lamb's wool cowl Weight: <1 pound


This is a Duskruin Plague Cowl. It will interact with the Plague Mask when they are both worn at the same time.
Do not change the noun!
When the cowl is worn only it blocks visibility of the following features: nose, mouth, face, facial hair, and some distinguishing marks/unique features.
When the hood is drawn up, it will also hide regular hair features.
The cowl is 1 (OTS) out of 2 tiers.
It has access to the following verbs: Pull, Push, Remove, and Wear.
It may be altered freely provided it remains cloth, the hood should have a liripipe, and the neck should have some kind of toggles.
a thick midnight blue cowl Weight: <1 pound


This is a Duskruin Plague Cowl. It will interact with the Plague Mask when they are both worn at the same time.
Do not change the noun!
When the cowl is worn only it blocks visibility of the following features: nose, mouth, face, facial hair, and some distinguishing marks/unique features.
When the hood is drawn up, it will also hide regular hair features.
The cowl is 1 (OTS) out of 2 tiers.
It has access to the following verbs: Pull, Push, Remove, and Wear.
It may be altered freely provided it remains cloth, the hood should have a liripipe, and the neck should have some kind of toggles.
a hooded slate grey cowl Weight: <1 pound


This is a Duskruin Plague Cowl. It will interact with the Plague Mask when they are both worn at the same time.
Do not change the noun!
When the cowl is worn only it blocks visibility of the following features: nose, mouth, face, facial hair, and some distinguishing marks/unique features.
When the hood is drawn up, it will also hide regular hair features.
The cowl is 1 (OTS) out of 2 tiers.
It has access to the following verbs: Pull, Push, Remove, and Wear.
It may be altered freely provided it remains cloth, the hood should have a liripipe, and the neck should have some kind of toggles.

In the open-weave basket you see:

a waxed off-white vellum Weight: <1 pound


Your vellum is used to unlock the potential of things held in your other hand.
Your vellum will unlock your Sable Quietus Cowl to tier 2.
You need only RAISE your vellum while holding a compatible piece of equipment in your other hand.
Your vellum may not be altered or changed in any way.
Return to the top of this page.

Shield Thyself

Opened: August 2019. Verified: 2/13/2020

a canvas-topped alleyway shop, [Map Room #13], Lich# 26868

Shield Thyself

[Shield Thyself]
Built between two buildings, the narrow shop has a roof of overlapping canopies that are nailed into a series of boarded up windows on either side. Cobblestones gleam in the ambient light where the smooth stones lining the ground have been scrubbed to a near luminous quality. Despite the odd construction, the shop is tidy and utilizes old ale casks to create a sturdy table along the western wall.
Obvious exits: north, out

Shield Capes

Each of the cloaks or capes on the table comes with a brooch or bangle.
For your convenience, here is a list of the pairings:
a crisp crimson silk cloak edged in gold braiding - an ornamental gold bangle - a blood agate brooch 
a black spidersilk cloak banded with tiny metallic threads - a seven-sided alabaster bangle - a scarab-shaped red carbuncle brooch
a coarse burnt umber cloak - a sturdy hammered steel bangle - a simple bronze ring brooch
a tone-on-tone cotton gauze cloak patterned with hawks - a warm cherrywood bangle inlaid with amber bands - a stylized silver feather cloak-pin
a leaf-patterned sage green chainsil cape - an amber-leafed copper tree brooch - a dalmation jasper bangle
an onyx and crimson bourde cape - a star-shaped intaglio brooch - a smooth ivory bangle 
a geometric-patterned blue lamb's wool cape - a steel-inlaid ebonwood bangle - a silver penannular brooch
a white and red tartan wool cape - a copper claddagh brooch - a silver penannular brooch

On the sturdy table you see:

a white and red tartan wool cape Weight: 9 pounds
Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
any number of items


A white and red tartan wool cape is part of the Shield Cape Collection, which was purchased at Duskruin in the shop "Shield Thyself". It's current status is OTS and that gives it access to the following verbs: pull (removes brooch), push (adds brooch), remove, turn (removes bangle), twist (adds bangle), wear
To upgrade its abilities, you will need to obtain an unlock certificate.
a geometric-patterned blue lamb's wool cape Weight: 9 pounds
Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
any number of items


A geometric-patterned blue lamb's wool cape is part of the Shield Cape Collection, which was purchased at Duskruin in the shop "Shield Thyself". It's current status is OTS and that gives it access to the following verbs: pull (removes brooch), push (adds brooch), remove, turn (removes bangle), twist (adds bangle), wear
To upgrade its abilities, you will need to obtain an unlock certificate.
an onyx and crimson bourde cape Weight: 9 pounds
Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
any number of items


An onyx and crimson bourde cape is part of the Shield Cape Collection, which was purchased at Duskruin in the shop "Shield Thyself". It's current status is OTS and that gives it access to the following verbs: pull (removes brooch), push (adds brooch), remove, turn (removes bangle), twist (adds bangle), wear
To upgrade its abilities, you will need to obtain an unlock certificate.
a leaf-patterned sage green chainsil cape Weight: 9 pounds
Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
any number of items


A leaf-patterned sage green chainsil cape is part of the Shield Cape Collection, which was purchased at Duskruin in the shop "Shield Thyself". It's current status is OTS and that gives it access to the following verbs: pull (removes brooch), push (adds brooch), remove, turn (removes bangle), twist (adds bangle), wear
To upgrade its abilities, you will need to obtain an unlock certificate.
a tone-on-tone cotton gauze cloak patterned with hawks Weight: 9 pounds
Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
any number of items


A tone-on-tone cotton gauze cloak patterned with hawks is part of the Shield Cape Collection, which was purchased at Duskruin in the shop "Shield Thyself". It's current status is OTS and that gives it access to the following verbs: pull (removes brooch), push (adds brooch), remove, turn (removes bangle), twist (adds bangle), wear
To upgrade its abilities, you will need to obtain an unlock certificate.
a coarse burnt umber cloak Weight: 9 pounds
Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
any number of items


A coarse burnt umber cloak is part of the Shield Cape Collection, which was purchased at Duskruin in the shop "Shield Thyself". It's current status is OTS and that gives it access to the following verbs: pull (removes brooch), push (adds brooch), remove, turn (removes bangle), twist (adds bangle), wear
To upgrade its abilities, you will need to obtain an unlock certificate.
a black spidersilk cloak banded with tiny metallic threads Weight: 9 pounds
Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
any number of items


A black spidersilk cloak banded with tiny metallic threads is part of the Shield Cape Collection, which was purchased at Duskruin in the shop "Shield Thyself". It's current status is OTS and that gives it access to the following verbs: pull (removes brooch), push (adds brooch), remove, turn (removes bangle), twist (adds bangle), wear
To upgrade its abilities, you will need to obtain an unlock certificate.
a crisp crimson silk cloak edged in gold braiding Weight: 9 pounds
Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
any number of items


A crisp crimson silk cloak edged in gold braiding is part of the Shield Cape Collection, which was purchased at Duskruin in the shop "Shield Thyself". It's current status is OTS and that gives it access to the following verbs: pull (removes brooch), push (adds brooch), remove, turn (removes bangle), twist (adds bangle), wear
To upgrade its abilities, you will need to obtain an unlock certificate.

Shield Thyself, Extension

[Shield Thyself, Extension]
Polished cobblestones, lined with chipped curbs, stretch across the floor of the narrow shop, while high above colorful canvas squares are layered and stretched taut to form a protective canopy over the wares. Boarded up windows are fitted with hooks and pegs to display some of the wares for sale here, while a small woven basket on the ground holds other items.
Obvious exits: south

In the small woven basket you see:

a pearly white vellum Weight: <1 pound


Your vellum is used to unlock the potential of things held in your other hand.
Your vellum will upgrade your Shield Cape Brooch.
You need only RAISE your vellum while holding a compatible piece of equipment in your other hand.
Your vellum may not be altered or changed in any way.
a crisp silver-edged vellum Weight: <1 pound


Your vellum is used to unlock the potential of things held in your other hand.
Your vellum will unlock your Shield Cape to tier 4.
You need only RAISE your vellum while holding a compatible piece of equipment in your other hand.
Your vellum may not be altered or changed in any way.
a crisp copper-edged vellum Weight: <1 pound


Your vellum is used to unlock the potential of things held in your other hand.
Your vellum will unlock your Shield Cape to tier 3.
You need only RAISE your vellum while holding a compatible piece of equipment in your other hand.
Your vellum may not be altered or changed in any way.
a simple bronze-hued vellum Weight: <1 pound


Your vellum is used to unlock the potential of things held in your other hand.
Your vellum will unlock your Shield Cape to tier 2.
You need only RAISE your vellum while holding a compatible piece of equipment in your other hand.
Your vellum may not be altered or changed in any way.
a simple iron-hued vellum Weight: <1 pound


Your vellum is used to unlock the potential of things held in your other hand.
Your vellum will unlock your Shield Cape to tier 1.
You need only RAISE your vellum while holding a compatible piece of equipment in your other hand.
Your vellum may not be altered or changed in any way.

On the hooks you see:

an annular faenor brooch inset with black seed pearls Weight: <1 pound


An annular faenor brooch inset with black seed pearls is part of the Shield Cape Collection, which was purchased at Duskruin in the shop "Shield Thyself".
It is the default brooch used in a Shield Cape.
This may be altered freely provided that it remains a brooch-like item.
While both long and show descriptions are supported, once it is in place on the Shield Cape the only thing that will be visible is a long description.
a platinum sexfoil rosette brooch Weight: <1 pound


A platinum sexfoil rosette brooch is part of the Shield Cape Collection, which was purchased at Duskruin in the shop "Shield Thyself".
It is the default brooch used in a Shield Cape.
This may be altered freely provided that it remains a brooch-like item.
While both long and show descriptions are supported, once it is in place on the Shield Cape the only thing that will be visible is a long description.
a lyre-shaped copper cloak-pin Weight: <1 pound


A lyre-shaped copper cloak-pin is part of the Shield Cape Collection, which was purchased at Duskruin in the shop "Shield Thyself".
It is the default brooch used in a Shield Cape.
This may be altered freely provided that it remains a brooch-like item.
While both long and show descriptions are supported, once it is in place on the Shield Cape the only thing that will be visible is a long description.
a twisted wrought iron cloak-pin Weight: <1 pound


A twisted wrought iron cloak-pin is part of the Shield Cape Collection, which was purchased at Duskruin in the shop "Shield Thyself".
It is the default brooch used in a Shield Cape.
This may be altered freely provided that it remains a brooch-like item.
While both long and show descriptions are supported, once it is in place on the Shield Cape the only thing that will be visible is a long description.
a ruby-inset gold filigree fibula Weight: <1 pound


A ruby-inset gold filigree fibula is part of the Shield Cape Collection, which was purchased at Duskruin in the shop "Shield Thyself".
It is the default brooch used in a Shield Cape.
This may be altered freely provided that it remains a brooch-like item.
While both long and show descriptions are supported, once it is in place on the Shield Cape the only thing that will be visible is a long description.
a platinum twisted leaf fibula Weight: <1 pound


A platinum twisted leaf fibula is part of the Shield Cape Collection, which was purchased at Duskruin in the shop "Shield Thyself".
It is the default brooch used in a Shield Cape.
This may be altered freely provided that it remains a brooch-like item.
While both long and show descriptions are supported, once it is in place on the Shield Cape the only thing that will be visible is a long description.
a pewter dragonfly clasp with thin flourite wings Weight: <1 pound


A pewter dragonfly clasp with thin flourite wings is part of the Shield Cape Collection, which was purchased at Duskruin in the shop "Shield Thyself".
It is the default brooch used in a Shield Cape.
This may be altered freely provided that it remains a brooch-like item.
While both long and show descriptions are supported, once it is in place on the Shield Cape the only thing that will be visible is a long description.
a decorative holly wreath clasp encircled by carnelians Weight: <1 pound


A decorative holly wreath clasp encircled by carnelians is part of the Shield Cape Collection, which was purchased at Duskruin in the shop "Shield Thyself".
It is the default brooch used in a Shield Cape.
This may be altered freely provided that it remains a brooch-like item.
While both long and show descriptions are supported, once it is in place on the Shield Cape the only thing that will be visible is a long description.

On the pegs you see:

a smoke-filled blown glass bangle Weight: <1 pound


A smoke-filled blown glass bangle is part of the Shield Cape Collection, which was purchased at Duskruin in the shop "Shield Thyself".
It is the default bangle used in a Shield Cape.
This may be altered freely provided it remains a solid, circular item for a wrist.
While both long and show descriptions are supported, once it is in place on the Shield Cape the only thing that will be visible is a long description.
a liquid-filled blown glass bangle Weight: <1 pound


A liquid-filled blown glass bangle is part of the Shield Cape Collection, which was purchased at Duskruin in the shop "Shield Thyself".
It is the default bangle used in a Shield Cape.
This may be altered freely provided it remains a solid, circular item for a wrist.
While both long and show descriptions are supported, once it is in place on the Shield Cape the only thing that will be visible is a long description.
a pitted petrified wood bangle Weight: <1 pound


A pitted petrified wood bangle is part of the Shield Cape Collection, which was purchased at Duskruin in the shop "Shield Thyself".
It is the default bangle used in a Shield Cape.
This may be altered freely provided it remains a solid, circular item for a wrist.
While both long and show descriptions are supported, once it is in place on the Shield Cape the only thing that will be visible is a long description.
a spikethorn-painted rosewood bangle Weight: <1 pound


A spikethorn-painted rosewood bangle is part of the Shield Cape Collection, which was purchased at Duskruin in the shop "Shield Thyself".
It is the default bangle used in a Shield Cape.
This may be altered freely provided it remains a solid, circular item for a wrist.
While both long and show descriptions are supported, once it is in place on the Shield Cape the only thing that will be visible is a long description.
a pock-marked ebonwood bangle Weight: <1 pound


A pock-marked ebonwood bangle is part of the Shield Cape Collection, which was purchased at Duskruin in the shop "Shield Thyself".
It is the default bangle used in a Shield Cape.
This may be altered freely provided it remains a solid, circular item for a wrist.
While both long and show descriptions are supported, once it is in place on the Shield Cape the only thing that will be visible is a long description.
a light bird's eye maple bangle with dark red edges Weight: <1 pound


A light bird's eye maple bangle with dark red edges is part of the Shield Cape Collection, which was purchased at Duskruin in the shop "Shield Thyself".
It is the default bangle used in a Shield Cape.
This may be altered freely provided it remains a solid, circular item for a wrist.
While both long and show descriptions are supported, once it is in place on the Shield Cape the only thing that will be visible is a long description.
a smooth white birch bangle with dark wavy grains Weight: <1 pound


A smooth white birch bangle with dark wavy grains is part of the Shield Cape Collection, which was purchased at Duskruin in the shop "Shield Thyself".
It is the default bangle used in a Shield Cape.
This may be altered freely provided it remains a solid, circular item for a wrist.
While both long and show descriptions are supported, once it is in place on the Shield Cape the only thing that will be visible is a long description.
a polished petrified haon bangle Weight: <1 pound


A polished petrified haon bangle is part of the Shield Cape Collection, which was purchased at Duskruin in the shop "Shield Thyself".
It is the default bangle used in a Shield Cape.
This may be altered freely provided it remains a solid, circular item for a wrist.
While both long and show descriptions are supported, once it is in place on the Shield Cape the only thing that will be visible is a long description.
a laquered purpleheart bangle Weight: <1 pound


A laquered purpleheart bangle is part of the Shield Cape Collection, which was purchased at Duskruin in the shop "Shield Thyself".
It is the default bangle used in a Shield Cape.
This may be altered freely provided it remains a solid, circular item for a wrist.
While both long and show descriptions are supported, once it is in place on the Shield Cape the only thing that will be visible is a long description.
Return to the top of this page.

Sigil Shop

Opened: December 2018; Inventory Updates: 2020-02; Verified: 2020-02

a hazy sigil-carved building, [Map Room #16], Lich# 26877 , go sigil-carved building

Sigil Shop

[Sigil Shop -]
The solid walls of this room are barely visible through a fog that circulates about, yet brief glimpses reveal various sigils covering the walls, varied in color, shape, and vibrancy. The haze is in constant in motion, forming tendrils which weave in and out of your presence. An ironwood table and a glowbark display case are neatly centered in the middle of the room, causing any fog near them to dissipate.
Obvious exits: south, out
~~ Sigil Staves ~~
Please enjoy my selection of Sigil Staves.  They match the wood's natural enchantment with no other properties other than being a Sigil Staff.  Price is set according to the rarity of each material.
Sold as is, they have a few unique actions, but you may purchase the certificates inside the display case to further unlock each staff.
  1: unique actions
  2: allows spells to be TRANSFERred from scrolls onto itself, starting at 1 spell, but the tickets in the display case allows additional spells, up to 6
  3. can be waved at a target to dispel 1-3 spells (must be energized and has a cooldown) and alters your appearance when held
  4. can be raised to lower the mana cost of all spells by 50% for 30 seconds or 10 casts (must be energized and has a cooldown) and adds ambient messaging
  5. unlocks the ability for the staff to multi-cast one spell as a flare

On the ironwood table you see: Sigil Staff

a sigil-carved faewood staff-of-Lumnis Weight: 4 pounds
Enchant: +20
This is a tier 1 Sigil Staff.
1: a standard staff-of-Lumnis with some special messaging
Unlocked verbs: draw, hug, point, spin, touch
The staff-of-Lumnis can have the color or quality of its sigils and magic effects customized with a descriptive word or phrase. Various messaging will include this custom setting.
The current setting is: pale
Messaging using this custom setting must make sense in the following context examples:
a/an [adjective] sigil
[adjective] energy/sparks/tendrils/haze
Customization should remain simple, nothing so complex as to require a comma.
Examples of functional customization choices: pale, dark, bright, shadowy, fiery, blue-green, coruscating violet, silver and gold
Examples of nonfunctional customization choices: shapes, anything that is not an adjective, anything lengthy enough to require a comma for grammatical purposes
Try to keep it to three words or less, and if three words, see prior rules. ('silver and gold' works, 'red, blue, and green' does not because of sentence structures, 'incandescent viridian and gold-speckled cerulean' is long enough to be cumbersome)
When in doubt, use a distinct color.
The random runes that are displayed when the staff-of-Lumnis is spun can also be customized to any list of words.
The current setting is: luck,sunburst,celestial,forest,glacier,will-o-wisp,fire,water,earth,air,lorae'tyr,shien'tyr,grik'tyr
a sigil-carved fireleaf staff Weight: 4 pounds
Enchant: +22
This is a tier 1 Sigil Staff.
1: a standard staff with some special messaging
Unlocked verbs: draw, hug, point, spin, touch
The staff can have the color or quality of its sigils and magic effects customized with a descriptive word or phrase. Various messaging will include this custom setting.
The current setting is: pale
Messaging using this custom setting must make sense in the following context examples:
a/an [adjective] sigil
[adjective] energy/sparks/tendrils/haze
Customization should remain simple, nothing so complex as to require a comma.
Examples of functional customization choices: pale, dark, bright, shadowy, fiery, blue-green, coruscating violet, silver and gold
Examples of nonfunctional customization choices: shapes, anything that is not an adjective, anything lengthy enough to require a comma for grammatical purposes
Try to keep it to three words or less, and if three words, see prior rules. ('silver and gold' works, 'red, blue, and green' does not because of sentence structures, 'incandescent viridian and gold-speckled cerulean' is long enough to be cumbersome)
When in doubt, use a distinct color.
The random runes that are displayed when the staff is spun can also be customized to any list of words.
The current setting is: luck,sunburst,celestial,forest,glacier,will-o-wisp,fire,water,earth,air,lorae'tyr,shien'tyr,grik'tyr
a sigil-carved glowbark crosier Weight: 4 pounds
Enchant: +22
This is a tier 1 Sigil Staff.
1: a standard crosier with some special messaging
Unlocked verbs: draw, hug, point, spin, touch
The crosier can have the color or quality of its sigils and magic effects customized with a descriptive word or phrase. Various messaging will include this custom setting.
The current setting is: pale
Messaging using this custom setting must make sense in the following context examples:
a/an [adjective] sigil
[adjective] energy/sparks/tendrils/haze
Customization should remain simple, nothing so complex as to require a comma.
Examples of functional customization choices: pale, dark, bright, shadowy, fiery, blue-green, coruscating violet, silver and gold
Examples of nonfunctional customization choices: shapes, anything that is not an adjective, anything lengthy enough to require a comma for grammatical purposes
Try to keep it to three words or less, and if three words, see prior rules. ('silver and gold' works, 'red, blue, and green' does not because of sentence structures, 'incandescent viridian and gold-speckled cerulean' is long enough to be cumbersome)
When in doubt, use a distinct color.
The random runes that are displayed when the crosier is spun can also be customized to any list of words.
The current setting is: luck,sunburst,celestial,forest,glacier,will-o-wisp,fire,water,earth,air,lorae'tyr,shien'tyr,grik'tyr
a sigil-carved ironwood crook Weight: 3 pounds runestaff
This is a tier 1 Sigil Staff.
1: a standard crook with some special messaging
Unlocked verbs: draw, hug, point, spin, touch
The crook can have the color or quality of its sigils and magic effects customized with a descriptive word or phrase. Various messaging will include this custom setting.
The current setting is: pale
Messaging using this custom setting must make sense in the following context examples:
a/an [adjective] sigil
[adjective] energy/sparks/tendrils/haze
Customization should remain simple, nothing so complex as to require a comma.
Examples of functional customization choices: pale, dark, bright, shadowy, fiery, blue-green, coruscating violet, silver and gold
Examples of nonfunctional customization choices: shapes, anything that is not an adjective, anything lengthy enough to require a comma for grammatical purposes
Try to keep it to three words or less, and if three words, see prior rules. ('silver and gold' works, 'red, blue, and green' does not because of sentence structures, 'incandescent viridian and gold-speckled cerulean' is long enough to be cumbersome)
When in doubt, use a distinct color.
The random runes that are displayed when the crook is spun can also be customized to any list of words.
The current setting is: luck,sunburst,celestial,forest,glacier,will-o-wisp,fire,water,earth,air,lorae'tyr,shien'tyr,grik'tyr
a sigil-carved orase walking stick Weight: 4 pounds
Enchant: +20
This is a tier 1 Sigil Staff.
1: a standard stick with some special messaging
Unlocked verbs: draw, hug, point, spin, touch
The stick can have the color or quality of its sigils and magic effects customized with a descriptive word or phrase. Various messaging will include this custom setting.
The current setting is: pale
Messaging using this custom setting must make sense in the following context examples:
a/an [adjective] sigil
[adjective] energy/sparks/tendrils/haze
Customization should remain simple, nothing so complex as to require a comma.
Examples of functional customization choices: pale, dark, bright, shadowy, fiery, blue-green, coruscating violet, silver and gold
Examples of nonfunctional customization choices: shapes, anything that is not an adjective, anything lengthy enough to require a comma for grammatical purposes
Try to keep it to three words or less, and if three words, see prior rules. ('silver and gold' works, 'red, blue, and green' does not because of sentence structures, 'incandescent viridian and gold-speckled cerulean' is long enough to be cumbersome)
When in doubt, use a distinct color.
The random runes that are displayed when the stick is spun can also be customized to any list of words.
The current setting is: luck,sunburst,celestial,forest,glacier,will-o-wisp,fire,water,earth,air,lorae'tyr,shien'tyr,grik'tyr
a sigil-carved witchwood scepter Weight: 3 pounds
Enchant: +17
This is a tier 1 Sigil Staff.
1: a standard scepter with some special messaging
Unlocked verbs: draw, hug, point, spin, touch
The scepter can have the color or quality of its sigils and magic effects customized with a descriptive word or phrase. Various messaging will include this custom setting.
The current setting is: pale
Messaging using this custom setting must make sense in the following context examples:
a/an [adjective] sigil
[adjective] energy/sparks/tendrils/haze
Customization should remain simple, nothing so complex as to require a comma.
Examples of functional customization choices: pale, dark, bright, shadowy, fiery, blue-green, coruscating violet, silver and gold
Examples of nonfunctional customization choices: shapes, anything that is not an adjective, anything lengthy enough to require a comma for grammatical purposes
Try to keep it to three words or less, and if three words, see prior rules. ('silver and gold' works, 'red, blue, and green' does not because of sentence structures, 'incandescent viridian and gold-speckled cerulean' is long enough to be cumbersome)
When in doubt, use a distinct color.
The random runes that are displayed when the scepter is spun can also be customized to any list of words.
The current setting is: luck,sunburst,celestial,forest,glacier,will-o-wisp,fire,water,earth,air,lorae'tyr,shien'tyr,grik'tyr

In the glowbark display case you see:

a pale sigil certificate Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
Your certificate is used to unlock the potential of things held in your other hand.
The pale sigil certificate will upgrade a Sigil Staff from tier 1 to 2.
You need only RAISE your certificate while holding a compatible piece of equipment in your other hand.
Your certificate may not be altered or changed in any way.

As you glance over the certificate you notice something written on it...
This pale sigil certificate will upgrade a Sigil Staff from tier 1 to 2.
a bright sigil certificate Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
Your certificate is used to unlock the potential of things held in your other hand.
The bright sigil certificate will upgrade a Sigil Staff from tier 2 to 3.
You need only RAISE your certificate while holding a compatible piece of equipment in your other hand.
Your certificate may not be altered or changed in any way.

As you glance over the certificate you notice something written on it...
This bright sigil certificate will upgrade a Sigil Staff from tier 2 to 3.
a vibrant sigil certificate Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
Your certificate is used to unlock the potential of things held in your other hand.
The vibrant sigil certificate will upgrade a Sigil Staff from tier 3 to 4.
You need only RAISE your certificate while holding a compatible piece of equipment in your other hand.
Your certificate may not be altered or changed in any way.

As you glance over the certificate you notice something written on it...
This vibrant sigil certificate will upgrade a Sigil Staff from tier 3 to 4.
a sigil-covered ticket Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
Your ticket is used to unlock the potential of things held in your other hand.
The sigil-covered ticket will add 1 to the spell capacity of a Sigil Staff, up to a total of 6 spells.
You need only RAISE your ticket while holding a compatible piece of equipment in your other hand.
Your ticket may not be altered or changed in any way.

As you glance over the ticket you notice something written on it...
This sigil-covered ticket will increase the spell capacity of a Sigil Staff.

Sigil Shop, Armory

[Sigil Shop, Armory -]
Fog from the north continues to permeate every available space in the room, leaving no corner unobscured. Small and large sigils of bright colors fade in and out of view along each wall, briefly illuminating previously unseen armor stands.
Obvious exits: north
~~ Mana-Infused Armor ~~
Please enjoy my selection of Mana-Infused Armor.  The armor has been enchanted four times and has no other properties.
Sold as is, they have a few unique actions, but you may purchase the certificates inside the display case to further unlock each armor.
  0: a standard armor with some special messaging
  1: Reactive Mana Flares - when attacked, there is a standard flare chance for the wearer to gain 1d5 mana. The mana gained by the wearer is lost from the armor.
  2: Mana Shield - 25% chance to activate when receiving damage.  Grants 2d20 damage padding for that instance of damage received.  For every point of damage absorbed by the shield, 1 point of mana is lost from the armor.
  3: Arcane Aegis - A manually triggered (RUB) and more powerful version of Mana Shield that also provides critical padding equal to half of the damage padding.  Lasts for 120 seconds, has a 60 minute cooldown, and cost 25 mana from the armor plus the ongoing cost for the damage absorbed.
  4: Mana Tap - A manually triggered ability (TAP) to drain 50 mana from the armor and adds it to the wearer's mana while also energizing the wearer to grant +25 AS/+15 CS for 3 minutes.  15 minute cooldown.  Ambient messaging can be toggled on and off (PROD).
  5: Arcane Expulsion - A manually triggered ability (SIGIL) that can be activated when incapacitated (but not while unconscious).  Attempts to forcibly move all creatures out of the room (into a random adjacent room) and subjects them to 20 seconds of roundtime.  A SMRv2 attack using the wearer's Magic Item Use ranks to calculate the strength of the attack.  Can be used 2x a day, resets at midnight, and costs 50 mana from the armor.
Set Bonus:
If you use both my Sigil Staff and Mana-Infused Armor in combat, your Sigil Staff will have a chance to flare a Sigil of Binding effect to root your opponents!  Each tier of both increases the odds by 1%.

In the glowbark display case you see:

a vibrant sigil ticket Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
Your ticket is used to unlock the potential of things held in your other hand.
The vibrant sigil ticket will upgrade Mana-Infused Armor from tier 3 to 4.
You need only RAISE your ticket while holding a compatible piece of equipment in your other hand.
Your ticket may not be altered or changed in any way.

As you glance over the ticket you notice something written on it...
This vibrant sigil ticket will upgrade Mana-Infused Armor from tier 3 to 4.
a bright sigil ticket Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
Your ticket is used to unlock the potential of things held in your other hand.
The bright sigil ticket will upgrade Mana-Infused Armor from tier 2 to 3.
You need only RAISE your ticket while holding a compatible piece of equipment in your other hand.
Your ticket may not be altered or changed in any way.

As you glance over the ticket you notice something written on it...
This bright sigil ticket will upgrade Mana-Infused Armor from tier 2 to 3.
a pale sigil ticket Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
Your ticket is used to unlock the potential of things held in your other hand.
The pale sigil ticket will upgrade Mana-Infused Armor from tier 1 to 2.
You need only RAISE your ticket while holding a compatible piece of equipment in your other hand.
Your ticket may not be altered or changed in any way.

As you glance over the ticket you notice something written on it...
This pale sigil ticket will upgrade Mana-Infused Armor from tier 1 to 2.
a dim sigil ticket Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
Your ticket is used to unlock the potential of things held in your other hand.
The dim sigil ticket will upgrade Mana-Infused Armor from tier 0 to 1.
You need only RAISE your ticket while holding a compatible piece of equipment in your other hand.
Your ticket may not be altered or changed in any way.

As you glance over the ticket you notice something written on it...
This dim sigil ticket will upgrade Mana-Infused Armor from tier 0 to 1.

On the light armor stand you see:

an ensigiled silk robe Weight: 8 pounds
Enchant: +20
robes (AsG 2)
analyze, show description
This is tier 0 Mana-Infused Armor.
0: a standard robe with some special messaging
Unlocked verbs: bow, clean cover, fidget, infuse, knock, touch, turn, wave
The robe can have the color and adjective of its energy/light customized with a descriptive word or phrase. Various messaging will include these custom settings.
The current setting is:
color: (Unset, will default to umber - your eye color.)
adjective: (Unset, will default to a value based upon your magical lore training)
phrase: (Unset, will default to a value based upon your magical lore training)
The phrase should also be prefixed with the adjective.
Customization should remain simple, nothing so complex as to require a comma.
Examples of functional customization choices:
colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet
adjective: crackling, nebulous, wraithlike, translucent
phrase: crackling tendrils of elemental, nebulous tendrils of spiritual, wraithlike tendrils of sorcerous, translucent tendrils of psychic
In each case, these words/phrases will be placed in front of words like "energy" and "light". Try to keep it to five words or less.

A dull silvery core faintly flickers at the heart of the silk robe.

On the plate armor stand you see:

an ensigiled metal cuirass Weight: 23 pounds
Enchant: +20
metal breastplate (AsG 17)
analyze, show description
This is tier 0 Mana-Infused Armor.
0: a standard cuirass with some special messaging
Unlocked verbs: bow, clean cover, fidget, infuse, knock, touch, turn, wave
The cuirass can have the color and adjective of its energy/light customized with a descriptive word or phrase. Various messaging will include these custom settings.
The current setting is:
color: (Unset, will default to umber - your eye color.)
adjective: (Unset, will default to a value based upon your magical lore training)
phrase: (Unset, will default to a value based upon your magical lore training)
The phrase should also be prefixed with the adjective.
Customization should remain simple, nothing so complex as to require a comma.
Examples of functional customization choices:
colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet
adjective: crackling, nebulous, wraithlike, translucent
phrase: crackling tendrils of elemental, nebulous tendrils of spiritual, wraithlike tendrils of sorcerous, translucent tendrils of psychic
In each case, these words/phrases will be placed in front of words like "energy" and "light". Try to keep it to five words or less.

A dull silvery core faintly flickers at the heart of the metal cuirass.
an ensigiled plate corselet Weight: 25 pounds
Enchant: +20
augmented plate (AsG 18)
analyze, show description
This is tier 0 Mana-Infused Armor.
0: a standard corselet with some special messaging
Unlocked verbs: bow, clean cover, fidget, infuse, knock, touch, turn, wave
The corselet can have the color and adjective of its energy/light customized with a descriptive word or phrase. Various messaging will include these custom settings.
The current setting is:
color: (Unset, will default to umber - your eye color.)
adjective: (Unset, will default to a value based upon your magical lore training)
phrase: (Unset, will default to a value based upon your magical lore training)
The phrase should also be prefixed with the adjective.
Customization should remain simple, nothing so complex as to require a comma.
Examples of functional customization choices:
colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet
adjective: crackling, nebulous, wraithlike, translucent
phrase: crackling tendrils of elemental, nebulous tendrils of spiritual, wraithlike tendrils of sorcerous, translucent tendrils of psychic
In each case, these words/phrases will be placed in front of words like "energy" and "light". Try to keep it to five words or less.

A dull silvery core faintly flickers at the heart of the plate corselet.
some ensigiled half plate Weight: 50 pounds
Enchant: +20
half plate (AsG 19)
analyze, show description
This is tier 0 Mana-Infused Armor.
0: a standard plate with some special messaging
Unlocked verbs: bow, clean cover, fidget, infuse, knock, touch, turn, wave
The plate can have the color and adjective of its energy/light customized with a descriptive word or phrase. Various messaging will include these custom settings.
The current setting is:
color: (Unset, will default to umber - your eye color.)
adjective: (Unset, will default to a value based upon your magical lore training)
phrase: (Unset, will default to a value based upon your magical lore training)
The phrase should also be prefixed with the adjective.
Customization should remain simple, nothing so complex as to require a comma.
Examples of functional customization choices:
colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet
adjective: crackling, nebulous, wraithlike, translucent
phrase: crackling tendrils of elemental, nebulous tendrils of spiritual, wraithlike tendrils of sorcerous, translucent tendrils of psychic
In each case, these words/phrases will be placed in front of words like "energy" and "light". Try to keep it to five words or less.

A dull silvery core faintly flickers at the heart of the half plate.
some ensigiled field plate Weight: 75 pounds
Enchant: +20
full plate (AsG 20)
This is tier 0 Mana-Infused Armor.
0: a standard plate with some special messaging
Unlocked verbs: bow, clean cover, fidget, infuse, knock, touch, turn, wave
The plate can have the color and adjective of its energy/light customized with a descriptive word or phrase. Various messaging will include these custom settings.
The current setting is:
color: (Unset, will default to umber - your eye color.)
adjective: (Unset, will default to a value based upon your magical lore training)
phrase: (Unset, will default to a value based upon your magical lore training)
The phrase should also be prefixed with the adjective.
Customization should remain simple, nothing so complex as to require a comma.
Examples of functional customization choices:
colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet
adjective: crackling, nebulous, wraithlike, translucent
phrase: crackling tendrils of elemental, nebulous tendrils of spiritual, wraithlike tendrils of sorcerous, translucent tendrils of psychic
In each case, these words/phrases will be placed in front of words like "energy" and "light". Try to keep it to five words or less.

On the soft leather armor stand you see:

an ensigiled leather vest Weight: 10 pounds
Enchant: +20
light leather (AsG 5)
analyze, show description
This is tier 0 Mana-Infused Armor.
0: a standard vest with some special messaging
Unlocked verbs: bow, clean cover, fidget, infuse, knock, touch, turn, wave
The vest can have the color and adjective of its energy/light customized with a descriptive word or phrase. Various messaging will include these custom settings.
The current setting is:
color: (Unset, will default to umber - your eye color.)
adjective: (Unset, will default to a value based upon your magical lore training)
phrase: (Unset, will default to a value based upon your magical lore training)
The phrase should also be prefixed with the adjective.
Customization should remain simple, nothing so complex as to require a comma.
Examples of functional customization choices:
colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet
adjective: crackling, nebulous, wraithlike, translucent
phrase: crackling tendrils of elemental, nebulous tendrils of spiritual, wraithlike tendrils of sorcerous, translucent tendrils of psychic
In each case, these words/phrases will be placed in front of words like "energy" and "light". Try to keep it to five words or less.

A dull silvery core faintly flickers at the heart of the leather vest.
some ensigiled casting leathers Weight: 13 pounds
Enchant: +20
full leather (AsG 6)
This is tier 0 Mana-Infused Armor.
0: a standard leathers with some special messaging
Unlocked verbs: bow, clean cover, fidget, infuse, knock, touch, turn, wave
The leathers can have the color and adjective of its energy/light customized with a descriptive word or phrase. Various messaging will include these custom settings.
The current setting is:
color: (Unset, will default to umber - your eye color.)
adjective: (Unset, will default to a value based upon your magical lore training)
phrase: (Unset, will default to a value based upon your magical lore training)
The phrase should also be prefixed with the adjective.
Customization should remain simple, nothing so complex as to require a comma.
Examples of functional customization choices:
colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet
adjective: crackling, nebulous, wraithlike, translucent
phrase: crackling tendrils of elemental, nebulous tendrils of spiritual, wraithlike tendrils of sorcerous, translucent tendrils of psychic
In each case, these words/phrases will be placed in front of words like "energy" and "light". Try to keep it to five words or less.
an ensigiled leather aketon Weight: 15 pounds
Enchant: +20
reinforced leather (AsG 7)
analyze, show description
This is tier 0 Mana-Infused Armor.
0: a standard aketon with some special messaging
Unlocked verbs: bow, clean cover, fidget, infuse, knock, touch, turn, wave
The aketon can have the color and adjective of its energy/light customized with a descriptive word or phrase. Various messaging will include these custom settings.
The current setting is:
color: (Unset, will default to umber - your eye color.)
adjective: (Unset, will default to a value based upon your magical lore training)
phrase: (Unset, will default to a value based upon your magical lore training)
The phrase should also be prefixed with the adjective.
Customization should remain simple, nothing so complex as to require a comma.
Examples of functional customization choices:
colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet
adjective: crackling, nebulous, wraithlike, translucent
phrase: crackling tendrils of elemental, nebulous tendrils of spiritual, wraithlike tendrils of sorcerous, translucent tendrils of psychic
In each case, these words/phrases will be placed in front of words like "energy" and "light". Try to keep it to five words or less.

A dull silvery core faintly flickers at the heart of the leather aketon.
some ensigiled leather hunts Weight: 16 pounds
Enchant: +20
double leather (AsG 8)
analyze, show description
This is tier 0 Mana-Infused Armor.
0: a standard hunts with some special messaging
Unlocked verbs: bow, clean cover, fidget, infuse, knock, touch, turn, wave
The hunts can have the color and adjective of its energy/light customized with a descriptive word or phrase. Various messaging will include these custom settings.
The current setting is:
color: (Unset, will default to umber - your eye color.)
adjective: (Unset, will default to a value based upon your magical lore training)
phrase: (Unset, will default to a value based upon your magical lore training)
The phrase should also be prefixed with the adjective.
Customization should remain simple, nothing so complex as to require a comma.
Examples of functional customization choices:
colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet
adjective: crackling, nebulous, wraithlike, translucent
phrase: crackling tendrils of elemental, nebulous tendrils of spiritual, wraithlike tendrils of sorcerous, translucent tendrils of psychic
In each case, these words/phrases will be placed in front of words like "energy" and "light". Try to keep it to five words or less.

A dull silvery core faintly flickers at the heart of the leather hunts.

On the chain armor stand you see:

a dense ensigiled chain shirt Weight: 25 pounds
Enchant: +20
chain mail (AsG 13)
analyze, show description
This is tier 0 Mana-Infused Armor.
0: a standard shirt with some special messaging
Unlocked verbs: bow, clean cover, fidget, infuse, knock, touch, turn, wave
The shirt can have the color and adjective of its energy/light customized with a descriptive word or phrase. Various messaging will include these custom settings.
The current setting is:
color: (Unset, will default to umber - your eye color.)
adjective: (Unset, will default to a value based upon your magical lore training)
phrase: (Unset, will default to a value based upon your magical lore training)
The phrase should also be prefixed with the adjective.
Customization should remain simple, nothing so complex as to require a comma.
Examples of functional customization choices:
colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet
adjective: crackling, nebulous, wraithlike, translucent
phrase: crackling tendrils of elemental, nebulous tendrils of spiritual, wraithlike tendrils of sorcerous, translucent tendrils of psychic
In each case, these words/phrases will be placed in front of words like "energy" and "light". Try to keep it to five words or less.

A dull silvery core faintly flickers at the heart of the ensigiled chain shirt.
a dense ensigiled chain corselet Weight: 25 pounds
Enchant: +20
double chain (AsG 14)
analyze, show description
This is tier 0 Mana-Infused Armor.
0: a standard corselet with some special messaging
Unlocked verbs: bow, clean cover, fidget, infuse, knock, touch, turn, wave
The corselet can have the color and adjective of its energy/light customized with a descriptive word or phrase. Various messaging will include these custom settings.
The current setting is:
color: (Unset, will default to umber - your eye color.)
adjective: (Unset, will default to a value based upon your magical lore training)
phrase: (Unset, will default to a value based upon your magical lore training)
The phrase should also be prefixed with the adjective.
Customization should remain simple, nothing so complex as to require a comma.
Examples of functional customization choices:
colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet
adjective: crackling, nebulous, wraithlike, translucent
phrase: crackling tendrils of elemental, nebulous tendrils of spiritual, wraithlike tendrils of sorcerous, translucent tendrils of psychic
In each case, these words/phrases will be placed in front of words like "energy" and "light". Try to keep it to five words or less.

A dull silvery core faintly flickers at the heart of the ensigiled chain corselet.
a dense ensigiled chain haubergeon Weight: 26 pounds
Enchant: +20
augmented chain (AsG 15)
analyze, show description
This is tier 0 Mana-Infused Armor.
0: a standard haubergeon with some special messaging
Unlocked verbs: bow, clean cover, fidget, infuse, knock, touch, turn, wave
The haubergeon can have the color and adjective of its energy/light customized with a descriptive word or phrase. Various messaging will include these custom settings.
The current setting is:
color: (Unset, will default to umber - your eye color.)
adjective: (Unset, will default to a value based upon your magical lore training)
phrase: (Unset, will default to a value based upon your magical lore training)
The phrase should also be prefixed with the adjective.
Customization should remain simple, nothing so complex as to require a comma.
Examples of functional customization choices:
colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet
adjective: crackling, nebulous, wraithlike, translucent
phrase: crackling tendrils of elemental, nebulous tendrils of spiritual, wraithlike tendrils of sorcerous, translucent tendrils of psychic
In each case, these words/phrases will be placed in front of words like "energy" and "light". Try to keep it to five words or less.

A dull silvery core faintly flickers at the heart of the ensigiled chain haubergeon.
an ensigiled jazerant hauberk Weight: 27 pounds
Enchant: +20
chain hauberk (AsG 16)
This is tier 0 Mana-Infused Armor.
0: a standard hauberk with some special messaging
Unlocked verbs: bow, clean cover, fidget, infuse, knock, touch, turn, wave
The hauberk can have the color and adjective of its energy/light customized with a descriptive word or phrase. Various messaging will include these custom settings.
The current setting is:
color: (Unset, will default to umber - your eye color.)
adjective: (Unset, will default to a value based upon your magical lore training)
phrase: (Unset, will default to a value based upon your magical lore training)
The phrase should also be prefixed with the adjective.
Customization should remain simple, nothing so complex as to require a comma.
Examples of functional customization choices:
colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet
adjective: crackling, nebulous, wraithlike, translucent
phrase: crackling tendrils of elemental, nebulous tendrils of spiritual, wraithlike tendrils of sorcerous, translucent tendrils of psychic
In each case, these words/phrases will be placed in front of words like "energy" and "light". Try to keep it to five words or less.

On the hard leather armor stand you see:

an ensigiled leather jerkin Weight: 16 pounds
Enchant: +20
leather breastplate (AsG 9)
analyze, show description
This is tier 0 Mana-Infused Armor.
0: a standard jerkin with some special messaging
Unlocked verbs: bow, clean cover, fidget, infuse, knock, touch, turn, wave
The jerkin can have the color and adjective of its energy/light customized with a descriptive word or phrase. Various messaging will include these custom settings.
The current setting is:
color: (Unset, will default to umber - your eye color.)
adjective: (Unset, will default to a value based upon your magical lore training)
phrase: (Unset, will default to a value based upon your magical lore training)
The phrase should also be prefixed with the adjective.
Customization should remain simple, nothing so complex as to require a comma.
Examples of functional customization choices:
colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet
adjective: crackling, nebulous, wraithlike, translucent
phrase: crackling tendrils of elemental, nebulous tendrils of spiritual, wraithlike tendrils of sorcerous, translucent tendrils of psychic
In each case, these words/phrases will be placed in front of words like "energy" and "light". Try to keep it to five words or less.

A dull silvery core faintly flickers at the heart of the leather jerkin.
an ensigiled leather corselet Weight: 17 pounds
Enchant: +20
cuirbouilli leather (AsG 10)
analyze, show description
This is tier 0 Mana-Infused Armor.
0: a standard corselet with some special messaging
Unlocked verbs: bow, clean cover, fidget, infuse, knock, touch, turn, wave
The corselet can have the color and adjective of its energy/light customized with a descriptive word or phrase. Various messaging will include these custom settings.
The current setting is:
color: (Unset, will default to umber - your eye color.)
adjective: (Unset, will default to a value based upon your magical lore training)
phrase: (Unset, will default to a value based upon your magical lore training)
The phrase should also be prefixed with the adjective.
Customization should remain simple, nothing so complex as to require a comma.
Examples of functional customization choices:
colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet
adjective: crackling, nebulous, wraithlike, translucent
phrase: crackling tendrils of elemental, nebulous tendrils of spiritual, wraithlike tendrils of sorcerous, translucent tendrils of psychic
In each case, these words/phrases will be placed in front of words like "energy" and "light". Try to keep it to five words or less.

A dull silvery core faintly flickers at the heart of the leather corselet.
some ensigiled lamellar leather Weight: 20 pounds
Enchant: +20
studded leather (AsG 11)
analyze, show description
This is tier 0 Mana-Infused Armor.
0: a standard leather with some special messaging
Unlocked verbs: bow, clean cover, fidget, infuse, knock, touch, turn, wave
The leather can have the color and adjective of its energy/light customized with a descriptive word or phrase. Various messaging will include these custom settings.
The current setting is:
color: (Unset, will default to umber - your eye color.)
adjective: (Unset, will default to a value based upon your magical lore training)
phrase: (Unset, will default to a value based upon your magical lore training)
The phrase should also be prefixed with the adjective.
Customization should remain simple, nothing so complex as to require a comma.
Examples of functional customization choices:
colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet
adjective: crackling, nebulous, wraithlike, translucent
phrase: crackling tendrils of elemental, nebulous tendrils of spiritual, wraithlike tendrils of sorcerous, translucent tendrils of psychic
In each case, these words/phrases will be placed in front of words like "energy" and "light". Try to keep it to five words or less.

A dull silvery core faintly flickers at the heart of the lamellar leather.
an ensigiled leather coat-of-plates Weight: 25 pounds
Enchant: +20
brigandine armor (AsG 12)
analyze, show description
This is tier 0 Mana-Infused Armor.
0: a standard coat-of-plates with some special messaging
Unlocked verbs: bow, clean cover, fidget, infuse, knock, touch, turn, wave
The coat-of-plates can have the color and adjective of its energy/light customized with a descriptive word or phrase. Various messaging will include these custom settings.
The current setting is:
color: (Unset, will default to umber - your eye color.)
adjective: (Unset, will default to a value based upon your magical lore training)
phrase: (Unset, will default to a value based upon your magical lore training)
The phrase should also be prefixed with the adjective.
Customization should remain simple, nothing so complex as to require a comma.
Examples of functional customization choices:
colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet
adjective: crackling, nebulous, wraithlike, translucent
phrase: crackling tendrils of elemental, nebulous tendrils of spiritual, wraithlike tendrils of sorcerous, translucent tendrils of psychic
In each case, these words/phrases will be placed in front of words like "energy" and "light". Try to keep it to five words or less.

A dull silvery core faintly flickers at the heart of the leather coat-of-plates.
Return to the top of this page.

Smoke Screen

Inventory Update: August 2019; Verified: 8/12/2019, 2/13/2020

SS Entry

a grey brick building, Lich #25189, Room 23, go grey building

[Smoke Screen]
The grey brick facade is in dark contrast to the aged and peeling wood lining the interior of this smoke-filled room. A circular table, covered with a stained linen cloth, serves as a stage for a trio of filled candle votives, each casting their own dancing shadows across the floor. Broken bottles of ale surround an unfinished oak cupboard that leans precariously to one side, and a collection of dusty trunks are strewn into one corner. A hand-painted screen is propped against the wall.
Obvious exits: out

In the glass bowl you see:

This item can be opened to reveal a reflective surface you can gaze upon. It can be altered with a long description or a show description, but has to remain an item that can be separated into two halves that makes sense to hide a mirror in.

an ivory-inlaid dark sapphire cameo with a skull in bas-relief Hidden Mirror 25
an enameled hat box pin with pastel stripes
an ora-edged onyx badge
a twisted gold charm inlaid with white sunstone
an ivory raven pendant with onyx-set eyes

On the table you see:

a viridian snakeskin flask Weight: <1 pound Drink container 15
an iridescent siren scale flask
a squat earthenware mug
a bone-studded stiff leather flask
a wide-lipped silver tankard

In the trunks you see:

a carved rosewood pipe with a gold bit Weight: <1 pound Smoking pipe 75
a square-bowled ebony pipe with an obsidian stem
a heavy teak pipe with a bronze-edged bowl
a blackened glowbark pipe with silver inlay
some greyish mugwort pipe tobacco Pipe tobacco 1
some mottled catnip pipe tobacco
some dark walnut pipe tobacco
some pale anise pipe tobacco
some amber pineapple pipe tobacco
a dark skull-embossed matchbook Matches 1

SS Back Room

[Smoke Screen, Back Room]
A fire burns within a stone hearth, adding an aromatic haze to the area. Several old chairs form a semicircle around the fireplace, with a small table nestled in-between, forming a quaint gathering area. Off to the side, a velvet-lined display case's contents are evenly spaced and elevated on an incline to enhance their presentation. A small placard has been perched on the top of the case.
The cigar tubes inside this case are rather unique.  They will hold a single cigar, but they will conceal up to 5 lockpicks, as well.
The eahnor-set obsidian cigar tube is a bit fancier and comes with a vaalin lockpick inside.

In the display case you see:

an eahnor-set obsidian cigar tube Weight: 2 pounds
Pocketed: VSA (<2-4)
one item
Cigar tube


Your tube must remain some kind of cylindrical container. You may change the show description but it cannot support a long description. In addition, you can alter the ring/band that is beneath the cap, which will always be a part of the show by default. TURN to raise/lower the velvet lining concealing your lockpicks. Your tube is currently at Tier 1/1.
The following verbs are available to you: OPEN, CLOSE, TURN, FLIP, POINT, SMELL, EXHALE. Original idea by Ardule, Duskruin.
Try as you might, you cannot get a good sense of whether or not the tube's pockets could get any deeper, but you might be able to have a talented merchant lighten the obsidian cigar tube for you.
a filigreed silver cigar tube


Your tube must remain some kind of cylindrical container. You may change the show description but it cannot support a long description. In addition, you can alter the ring/band that is beneath the cap, which will always be a part of the show by default. TURN to raise/lower the velvet lining concealing your lockpicks. Your tube is currently at Tier 0/1.
The following verbs are available to you: OPEN, CLOSE, TURN. Original idea by Ardule, Duskruin.
Try as you might, you cannot get a good sense of whether or not the tube's pockets could get any deeper, but you might be able to have a talented merchant lighten the silver cigar tube for you.
a leaf-embossed dun suede cigar tube 50
a glossy tigerwood cigar tube 50
a burled maple cigar tube 50

On the stone hearth you see:

a chubby dark red cigar Cigar 5
a slender light amber cigar
a wrapped deep blue cigar
an elongated light green cigar
a thin pale white cigar
Return to the top of this page.

So Shifty

Opened: June 2018; Inventory Updates: 2020-02 Verified:

a small oak-framed shop, [Map Room #21], Lich #26837, go oak-framed shop

So Shifty

[So Shifty - 23717]
Smooth oak panelling frames the small room, and a dark wine rug spreads out across the flooring. A curvy oak mannequin is nestled in the center with a squat oak table positioned nearby.
Obvious exits: out
~Welcome to So Shifty~
The scarf, anklet, and wristlet on the table are shifty!
The gown on the mannequin is a Farusteri gown - very special!  It has the ability to change in several ways when unlocked properly.  You will find the unlock waivers for this gown on the table - unlock away!

On the squat oak table you see: Morphing containers

a Farusteri gown waiver Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
Your waiver is used to unlock the potential of things held in your other hand.
Your waiver will unlock the fluff tier of a Farusteri gown.
You need only RAISE your waiver while holding a compatible piece of equipment in your other hand.
Your waiver may not be altered or changed in any way.

There is nothing to read on the waiver.
a sculpted choker formed of clutching ivory hands Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item of very small size
This is a morphing container. You can TURN it to switch from one tier to the next. If the current container is too full for the next, you will not be able to switch.
It currently has 2 tiers unlocked out of a possible total of 4.
Each tier can be altered with either a long description or a show. Each tier can also be lightened or deepened if it is not already at the maximum for either (see below).
You can tell that the choker is as light as it can get, but you might be able to have a talented merchant deepen its pockets for you.
a braided linen wristlet suspending a small mesh pouch Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item of very small size
This is a morphing container. You can TURN it to switch from one tier to the next. If the current container is too full for the next, you will not be able to switch.
It currently has 2 tiers unlocked out of a possible total of 4.
Each tier can be altered with either a long description or a show. Each tier can also be lightened or deepened if it is not already at the maximum for either (see below).
You can tell that the wristlet is as light as it can get, but you might be able to have a talented merchant deepen its pockets for you.
a trio of silver serpentine anklets suspending a delicate locket Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item
This is a morphing container. You can TURN it to switch from one tier to the next. If the current container is too full for the next, you will not be able to switch.
It currently has 2 tiers unlocked out of a possible total of 4.
Each tier can be altered with either a long description or a show. Each tier can also be lightened or deepened if it is not already at the maximum for either (see below).
You can tell that the anklets is as light as it can get, but you might be able to have a talented merchant deepen its pockets for you.

On the curvy oak mannequin you see: Farusteri gown

a corseted pale ivory silk gown with a poofy bustle Weight: <1 pound chest-worn
analyze, show description
*************************** Farusteri's Gowns ************************************
This pale ivory silk gown is a gown with set options and the ability to be customized
on most. The Gown has a few options of cycling and unlocked tiers.
The gown currently is unlocked to Tier: 0 of 3
This gives you access to the following features:
Custom Wear and Remove Messaging.
PULL to adjust the gown's article options for: Sleeves
PUSH to set your gown to the next article category of: Lacings
Custom Settings:
You do not currently have a custom neckline set.
You do not currently have custom sleeves set.
You do not currently have a custom length set.
You do not currently have a custom waistline set.
You do not currently have a custom hem set.
You do not currently have a custom gown type set.
You do not currently have a custom bustle set.
You do not currently have a custom petticoat set.
You do not currently have a custom overskirt set.
You do not currently have a custom color and fabric set.
Alteration Notes
All alterations for this gown are limited. Every option on this gown is customizable except for the
lacing. You can provide a fabric or color with a 15 character limit for the adjective. The following
fields are limited to 15 characters; neckline, length, sleeves. The following fields are limited to 6-7
words; waistline, bustle, petticoat, overskirt. Those fields all come after the noun, so it would
be a gown "with a hem" and in that example, "with a hem" is what you would provide.

A small silk tag with silver stitching has been discreetly sewn inside the neckline of the pale ivory silk gown that reads, "A Customized Creation".
Return to the top of this page.


a narrow space between two buildings, Map Room 16, Lich #26878, go narrow space


[Spellbound - 26878]
With barely enough room to move around, this cramped space between the two buildings seems more like a trap than anything else. A small pile of crumbled cement has gathered on the floor beneath a brick that protrudes slightly from the wall. Trails of fresh rat droppings lead between a sigil-incised display case and a rune-covered wooden crate.
Obvious exits: south, out
Spell preps!
In crate: Circles 100-400
Behind brick: Circles 500-900
On brick: Circles 1000-1700, and ALL casting
Please READ each paper to see specific restrictions.
The shelf holds a couple very zesty tomes, gem jars of both 50 and 100 count, a Shimmer Trinket that comes with 3 charges, a certificate to increase its maximum charges by 1, and a ticket to add 1 appearance set.  Each charge lasts 1 month, and the trinket can be recharged by monks and recharging merchants.
Items in the case are magical trinkets which automatically recharge daily:
Deathstone Pin: Spirit Strike (117) - 2x/day
Heroic Knight Clasp: Heroism (215) - 1x/day
Green Leaf Symbol: Phoen's Strength (606) - 1x/day
Sickly Green Sigil: Pestilence (716) - 3x/day
Green Wavy Symbol: Mass Blur (911) - 1x/day
Yellow Smooth Cylinder: Arm of the Arkati (1605) - 1x/day
Wrapped Hand Symbol: Brace (1214) - 1x/day
Dark Purple Amethyst Pendant: Empathic Focus (1109) - 1x/day

Divine Monocles allow you to see what pantheon your fellow adventurers are aligned with and for those trained in RELIGION LORE they will even give a glimpse of the adventurer's preferred deity.

New potions on the shelf!
The wispy orange brew significantly increases one's enchanting skill and comes with 1 dose (old style Enchanting only!).  
The viscous opalescent brew significantly increases one's enchanting skill and comes with 5 doses (new style Enchanting only!).  
The draught significantly increases one's ensorcelling skill and comes with 1 dose.  
Lastly, the bromin (8x), aleteh (9x), and grenshol (10x) potions are for pretempering to enchant items to much higher than normal levels (8-10x).

In the sigil-incised display case you see:

a black deathstone pin Weight: <1 pound pin-worn
analyze, imbed
This is a magical item that has some special properties. Casting Elemental Detection (spell 405) will offer more information.

Spirit Strike
2 charges
rubbing activated
a heroic knight clasp Weight: <1 pound pin-worn
analyze, imbed
This is a magical item that has some special properties. Casting Elemental Detection (spell 405) will offer more information.

1 charge
raising activated
a green leaf symbol Weight: <1 pound pin-worn
analyze, imbed
This is a magical item that has some special properties. Casting Elemental Detection (spell 405) will offer more information.

Phoen's Strength
1 charge
raising activated
a sickly green sigil Weight: <1 pound pin-worn
analyze, imbed
This is a magical item that has some special properties. Casting Elemental Detection (spell 405) will offer more information.

3 charges
raising activated
a green wavy symbol Weight: <1 pound pin-worn
analyze, imbed
This is a magical item that has some special properties. Casting Elemental Detection (spell 405) will offer more information.

Mass Blur
1 charge
raising activated
a yellow smooth cylinder Weight: <1 pound pin-worn
analyze, imbed
This is a magical item that has some special properties. Casting Elemental Detection (spell 405) will offer more information.

Arm of the Arkati
1 charge
raising activated
a small wrapped hand symbol Weight: <1 pound pin-worn
analyze, imbed
This is a magical item that has some special properties. Casting Elemental Detection (spell 405) will offer more information.

1 charge
raising activated
a dark purple amethyst pendant Weight: <1 pound pin-worn
analyze, imbed
This is a magical item that has some special properties. Casting Elemental Detection (spell 405) will offer more information.

Empathic Focus
1 charge
raising activated

Under the sigil-incised display case you see:

a blackened silver necklace set with an orb-caged white pearl Weight: <1 pound neck-worn
This necklace was originally released during the auction of 5100. Current verbs are LOOK and SHOW.
an oval-linked electrum necklace set with a cylinder-caged crimson blazestar Weight: <1 pound neck-worn
analyze, show description
This necklace was originally released during the auction of 5100. Current verbs are LOOK and SHOW.

The necklace is made from a perfectly spherical star ruby. The crimson stone is a dark shade of red-black, reflecting Tilaok's current new moon phase. Even the stone's star is dim. An elegant setting of pure platinum holds the miniature moon.
a slender vaalin necklace set with a square-caged silver starstone Weight: <1 pound neck-worn
analyze, show description
This necklace was originally released during the auction of 5100. Current verbs are LOOK and SHOW.

The necklace is made from a perfect sphere of polished moonstone. The silvery stone is a dark shade of grey, reflecting Liabo's current new moon phase. A delicate setting of pure platinum holds the miniature moon.

In the rune-covered wooden crate you see:

a jewel-toned striped paper Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
Invoking this striped paper will grant you permanent access to a special method of preparing your spells.
It will provide the following phrase:
First Person: Grating out a request to the nearby spirits, you leech upon their power for [Spell Name], your veins light up with a dim luminescence.
Third Person: Grating out an incomprehensible phrase, Player's eyes flash with power, his veins lighting up with a dim luminescence.
Hidden or Invisible: A dim luminescence glows briefly in the shape of a figure, then disappears.
Specific Spell Restriction: 103

This paper looks interesting... perhaps you should read it.
a finely scripted palimpsest Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
Invoking this scripted palimpsest will grant you permanent access to a special method of preparing your spells.
It will provide the following phrase:
First Person: Murmuring an incantation for [Spell Name], you momentarily feel as if you are flying through the stars, darkness pressing in on you.
Third Person: Player's eyelids flicker rapidly and a star-pricked darkness flows across his skin as he murmurs a magical incantation.
Hidden or Invisible: You hear soft murmuring.
Specific Spell Restriction: 116

This paper looks interesting... perhaps you should read it.
a sun-embossed golden parchment Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
Invoking this golden parchment will grant you permanent access to a special method of preparing your spells.
It will provide the following phrase:
First Person: Tendrils of darksome mist gather about you, swirling upwards, as you beseech the lesser spirits for aid with the [Spell Name] spell...
Third Person: Tendrils of darksome mist gather about Player, swirling upwards as he beseeches the lesser spirits for aid...
Hidden or Invisible: You hear someone beseeching the lesser spirits for aid.
Specific Spell Restriction: 125

This paper looks interesting... perhaps you should read it.
a silver-inked ebon paper Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
Invoking this ebon paper will grant you permanent access to a special method of preparing your spells.
It will provide the following phrase:
First Person: Motes of pearly light dance across your fingers and splay out around you as you quietly, lullingly, whisper the incantation for [Spell Name].
Third Person: While Player whispers quietly, lullingly, motes of pearly light dance across his fingers and splay out around him.
Hidden or Invisible: Motes of pearly light dance through the air as quiet, lulling whispering floats through the area.
Specific Spell Restriction: 202

This paper looks interesting... perhaps you should read it.
a creased powder blue palimpsest Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
Invoking this powder blue palimpsest will grant you permanent access to a special method of preparing your spells.
It will provide the following phrase:
First Person: Preparing [Spell Name], you solicit the spirits with a casual flick of the hand, and tendrils of sanguine thread appear, then wrap around your hand in an agonizingly painful bind before they fade away.
Third Person: Player casually flicks his hand, tendrils of sanguine thread appearing and then wrapping tightly around it before they fade away.
Hidden or Invisible: Tendrils of sanguine threading appear in the air, then move in an odd but clearly regular pattern before fading away.
Specific Spell Restriction: 214

This paper looks interesting... perhaps you should read it.
a heart-stamped bright salmon paper Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
Invoking this bright salmon paper will grant you permanent access to a special method of preparing your spells.
It will provide the following phrase:
First Person: As you gaze off into the distance, concentrating on the thought of a simple litany for [Spell Name], gently flowing wisps of mist rise up and circle around you.
Third Person: Player gazes off into the distance, and gently flowing wisps of mist rise up and circle around him.
Hidden or Invisible: Gently flowing wisps of mist rise up and float in a circular motion.
Specific Spell Restriction: 303

This paper looks interesting... perhaps you should read it.
a midnight blue-starred parchment Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
Invoking this blue-starred parchment will grant you permanent access to a special method of preparing your spells.
It will provide the following phrase:
First Person: Platinum energy streaks through your body, your veins and eyes glowing brightly as you growl a violent prayer for [Spell Name].
Third Person: Platinum energy streaks through Player's body, his veins and eyes glowing brightly as he growls a violent prayer.
Hidden or Invisible: Platinum energy streaks through the air in an odd pattern as a violent prayer pierces the air.
Specific Spell Restriction: 317

This paper looks interesting... perhaps you should read it.
a hideous lumpy brown scroll Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
Invoking this lumpy brown scroll will grant you permanent access to a special method of preparing your spells.
It will provide the following phrase:
First Person: As you gesture precise movements for the [Spell Name] spell, your fingers transform into elongated objects before returning to their original shape...
Third Person: Player gestures precise movements, and for a moment, his fingers transform into elongated objects.
Hidden or Invisible:
Specific Spell Restriction: 403

This paper looks interesting... perhaps you should read it.
an ale-stained half-bound scroll Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
Invoking this half-bound scroll will grant you permanent access to a special method of preparing your spells.
It will provide the following phrase:
First Person: Murmuring a soothing invocation for [Spell Name], bright arcs of elemental energy spark around you as you pull on their power.
Third Person: Murmuring a soothing invocation, bright arcs of elemental energy spark around Player.
Hidden or Invisible: Bright arcs of elemental energy spark through the air.
Specific Spell Restriction: 405

This paper looks interesting... perhaps you should read it.
a wide-striped blue and gold palimpsest Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
Invoking this blue and gold palimpsest will grant you permanent access to a special method of preparing your spells.
It will provide the following phrase:
First Person: You close your eyes and twin beams of violet light issue from your illuminated eye sockets as you invoke the powers of the elements for the [Spell Name] spell...
Third Person: Player closes his eyes and twin beams of violet light issue from his illuminated eye sockets as he invokes the powers of the elements.
Hidden or Invisible: You hear someone invoking the powers of the elements.
Specific Spell Restriction: 416

This paper looks interesting... perhaps you should read it.
an ink-blotted coppery papyrus Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
Invoking this coppery papyrus will grant you permanent access to a special method of preparing your spells.
It will provide the following phrase:
First Person: You draw an abstruse sigil for [Spell Name] in the air with your fingers, and brilliant light swirls up out of your pores.
Third Person: Player draws an abstruse sigil in the air with his fingers, and brilliant light swirls up out of his pores.
Hidden or Invisible: Brilliant light swirls around the area.
Specific Spell Restriction: 419

This paper looks interesting... perhaps you should read it.

On the brick you see:

a frayed-edge ivory vellum Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
Invoking this ivory vellum will grant you permanent access to a special method of preparing your spells.
It will provide the following phrase:
First Person: Breaking into a tortured song for [Spell Name], you focus on crafting a tune rife with loathing and distress.
Third Person: Player breaks into a tortured song, crafting a tune rife with loathing and distress.
Hidden or Invisible: A tortured song drifts through the area, its tune rife with loathing and distress.
Specific Spell Restriction: 1001

This paper looks interesting... perhaps you should read it.
a hastily scrawled papyrus Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
Invoking this scrawled papyrus will grant you permanent access to a special method of preparing your spells.
It will provide the following phrase:
First Person: Drawing in a long breath to prepare [Spell Name], you eke out an off-key melody fit for shattering glass, and a sharp pain stabs your mind.
Third Person: Player draws in a long breath, his expression suddenly pained as he ekes out an off-key melody fit for shattering glass.
Hidden or Invisible: An off-key melody fit for shattering glass fills the air.
Specific Spell Restriction: 1019

This paper looks interesting... perhaps you should read it.
an onyx-dusted pristine white palimpsest Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
Invoking this pristine white palimpsest will grant you permanent access to a special method of preparing your spells.
It will provide the following phrase:
First Person: You close your eyes and focus on [Spell Name], envPlayering how your limbs' anatomical structure -- the tendons, muscles, bones, blood vessels -- all work together in perfect harmony.
Third Person: Player closes his eyes, and the skin on his limbs briefly fades to translucency, the anatomical structure -- the tendons, muscles, bones, blood vessels -- visible for a mere moment.
Hidden or Invisible:
Specific Spell Restriction: 1102

This paper looks interesting... perhaps you should read it.
a wax-crusted pale violet scroll Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
Invoking this pale violet scroll will grant you permanent access to a special method of preparing your spells.
It will provide the following phrase:
First Person: As you raise your hands up to prepare the [Spell Name] spell and insistently beckon several spirits to you, the faint outlines of their caliginous shadows flutter in and out of sight.
Third Person: The faint outlines of caliginous shadows flutter in and out of sight around Player as he raises his hands in an insistently beckoning manner.
Hidden or Invisible: The faint outlines of caliginous shadows flutter in and out of sight.
Specific Spell Restriction: 1115

This paper looks interesting... perhaps you should read it.
a beige flower-pressed vellum Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
Invoking this flower-pressed vellum will grant you permanent access to a special method of preparing your spells.
It will provide the following phrase:
First Person: Crooning the [Spell Name] spell in an archaic tongue, you focus on the passage of time, quickly shuttering the past and the present away.
Third Person: As Player croons an archaic phrase, he stares off into the distance, his eyes briefly turning to pools of marbled argent.
Hidden or Invisible: You hear soft crooning sounds.
Specific Spell Restriction: 1204

This vellum looks interesting... perhaps you should read it.
a mossy green folded parchment Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
Invoking this green folded parchment will grant you permanent access to a special method of preparing your spells.
It will provide the following phrase:
First Person: Clearing your mind of all but the [Spell Name] spell, you touch the tips of your fingers together and focus on the single thought of terrible pain slicing outward from them.
Third Person: Player touches the tips of his fingers together, a cruel expression flitting across his features.
Hidden or Invisible:
Specific Spell Restriction: 1210

This paper looks interesting... perhaps you should read it.
a stained tart-stamped scroll Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
Invoking this tart-stamped scroll will grant you permanent access to a special method of preparing your spells.
It will provide the following phrase:
First Person: Calling forth the [Spell Name] spell with the intonation of a single syllable, a murky shroud peels away from you and vanishes.
Third Person: As Player intones a spell with a single syllable, a murky shroud peels away from him and vanishes.
Hidden or Invisible: You hear a single intoned syllable.
Specific Spell Restriction: 1606

This paper looks interesting... perhaps you should read it.
an iridescent tangerine papyrus Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
Invoking this tangerine papyrus will grant you permanent access to a special method of preparing your spells.
It will provide the following phrase:
First Person: Waves of argentine light curl around you, embracing and seeping into you as you call upon your patron for [Spell Name].
Third Person: Waves of argentine light curl around Player, embracing and seeping into him as he calls upon his patron.
Hidden or Invisible: Waves of argentine light appear to curl through the air until they disappear.
Specific Spell Restriction: 1615

This paper looks interesting... perhaps you should read it.
an embossed clover green vellum Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
Invoking this clover green vellum will grant you permanent access to a special method of preparing your spells.
It will provide the following phrase:
First Person: A haze of noxious vapor forms in the air overhead as you recite the esoteric command for [Spell Name]...
Third Person: A haze of noxious vapor forms in the air overhead as Player recites an esoteric command.
Hidden or Invisible: You hear someone reciting an esoteric command.
Specific Spell Restriction: 109

This paper looks interesting... perhaps you should read it.
a translucent alabaster vellum Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
Invoking this alabaster vellum will grant you permanent access to a special method of preparing your spells.
It will provide the following phrase:
First Person: A haze of black mist gathers around you as you prepare [Spell Name]...
Third Person: A haze of black mist gathers around Player as he prepares a spell...
Hidden or Invisible: A haze of black mist appears and slowly dissipates.

This paper looks interesting... perhaps you should read it.
a cat paw-printed paper Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
Invoking this paw-printed paper will grant you permanent access to a special method of preparing your spells.
It will provide the following phrase:
First Person: Wisps of crimson light materialize in your palms, slowly floating into the air and disappearing as you chant the phrase for [Spell Name]...
Third Person: Wisps of crimson light materialize in Player's palms, slowly floating into the air and disappearing as he chants a phrase...
Hidden or Invisible: Wisps of crimson light float into the air.

This paper looks interesting... perhaps you should read it.

Behind the brick you see:

a wavy-edged azure vellum Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
Invoking this azure vellum will grant you permanent access to a special method of preparing your spells.
It will provide the following phrase:
First Person: Swiping your hand emphatically through the air, you deliberately slow its motion as you finish the stylized gesture for the [Spell Name] spell.
Third Person: Player swipes his hand emphatically through the air, his motion slowing significantly as he finishes the stylized gesture.
Hidden or Invisible:
Specific Spell Restriction: 504

This paper looks interesting... perhaps you should read it.
a gold-inked dark burgundy parchment Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
Invoking this dark burgundy parchment will grant you permanent access to a special method of preparing your spells.
It will provide the following phrase:
First Person: Barking an order at the ground below you to prepare the [Spell Name] spell, you feel it respond with a light tremble that sends a jolt of elemental energy racing through you.
Third Person: Player barks an order at the ground below him, and it trembles lightly in response.
Hidden or Invisible: The ground trembles lightly.
Specific Spell Restriction: 514

This paper looks interesting... perhaps you should read it.
a leaf-shaped pale green paper Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
Invoking this pale green paper will grant you permanent access to a special method of preparing your spells.
It will provide the following phrase:
First Person: You envPlayer a forest growing up around you, evergreen trees bending down toward you to listen to your incantation of [Spell Name].
Third Person: For just a moment, Player appears to be surrounded by evergreen trees bending toward him to listen to his magical incantation.
Hidden or Invisible:
Specific Spell Restriction: 605

This paper looks interesting... perhaps you should read it.
a neat aquamarine papyrus Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
Invoking this aquamarine papyrus will grant you permanent access to a special method of preparing your spells.
It will provide the following phrase:
First Person: As you quickly call forth the [Spell Name] spell, variegated pale turquoise light encompasses your hands.
Third Person: As Player chants a magical phrase, variegated pale turquoise light encompasses his hands.
Hidden or Invisible: Variegated pale turquoise light briefly lights up the area.
Specific Spell Restriction: 619

This paper looks interesting... perhaps you should read it.
a simple light grey scroll Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
Invoking this light grey scroll will grant you permanent access to a special method of preparing your spells.
It will provide the following phrase:
First Person: Your body flushes with a blood red hue, your veins standing out from your skin, as you incant a mantra for [Spell Name].
Third Person: Player's body flushes a blood red hue, his veins standing out from his skin and twisting his features, as he incants a mantra.
Hidden or Invisible: You hear a quiet incantation.
Specific Spell Restriction: 701

This paper looks interesting... perhaps you should read it.
a neatily creased parchment Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
Invoking this creased parchment will grant you permanent access to a special method of preparing your spells.
It will provide the following phrase:
First Person: The flesh of your fingers blackens as you breathe in deeply, blood seeping out around your knuckles, then returns to normal as you focus on preparing [Spell Name].
Third Person: The flesh of Player's fingers blackens, blood seeping out around his knuckles as he breathes in deeply, then returns to normal.
Hidden or Invisible:
Specific Spell Restriction: 712

This paper looks interesting... perhaps you should read it.
a blue-inked deep tan papyrus Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
Invoking this deep tan papyrus will grant you permanent access to a special method of preparing your spells.
It will provide the following phrase:
First Person: The whites of your eyes glow a luminous green around the black depths of your pupils as you forcefully invoke [Spell Name]...
Third Person: The whites of Player's eyes glow a luminous green around the black depths of his pupils as he forcefully invokes a spell.
Hidden or Invisible: You hear someone forcefully invoking a spell.
Specific Spell Restriction: 713

This paper looks interesting... perhaps you should read it.
a ragged and stained paper Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
Invoking this stained paper will grant you permanent access to a special method of preparing your spells.
It will provide the following phrase:
First Person: Your eyes roll back into your head and your body heaves spasmodically as the invocation of the [Spell Name] spell issues from the rictus of your gaping mouth...
Third Person: Player's eyes roll back into his head and his body heaves spasmodically as an invocation issues from his gaping mouth.
Hidden or Invisible: You hear someone invoking a spell.
Specific Spell Restriction: 725

This paper looks interesting... perhaps you should read it.
a scalloped light yellow vellum Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
Invoking this light yellow vellum will grant you permanent access to a special method of preparing your spells.
It will provide the following phrase:
First Person: You feel energy ripple around you in chaotic waves, and you yank it toward you as you prepare the [Spell Name] spell.
Third Person: Player's eyes darken, then glow with chaotically shifting light, as he chants a magical phrase.
Hidden or Invisible: You hear someone chant a magical phrase.
Specific Spell Restriction: 905

This paper looks interesting... perhaps you should read it.
a rolled and stamped palimpsest Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
Invoking this stamped palimpsest will grant you permanent access to a special method of preparing your spells.
It will provide the following phrase:
First Person: As you draw heated power from the earth for the [Spell Name] spell, bits of flesh flake off of your skin, rising up into the air and turning to brightly burning cinders that whirl around you.
Third Person: Bits of flesh flake off of Player's skin, rising up into the air and turning to brightly burning cinders that whirl around him.
Hidden or Invisible: Brightly burning cinders whirl through the air.
Specific Spell Restriction: 917

This paper looks interesting... perhaps you should read it.
a soot-dusted yellowing parchment Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
Invoking this yellowing parchment will grant you permanent access to a special method of preparing your spells.
It will provide the following phrase:
First Person: A great mass of turbulent air roils before you as you invoke the phrase for [Spell Name]...
Third Person: A great mass of turbulent air roils before Player as he invokes a magical phrase.
Hidden or Invisible: You hear someone invoking a magical phrase.
Specific Spell Restriction: 912

This paper looks interesting... perhaps you should read it.

On the small round table you see:

a violet-tinted electrum monocle Weight: <1 pound
A violet-tinted electrum monocle is a religious item that is designed to allow the wearer to gaze at another person and discern the pantheon of that person's deity.
This ability can be blocked by unpresence. If not done while hidden or invisible, then the person that is gazed at will see a reflection of their deity's symbol in the monocle's lens.
Additional USAGE: Exhale, Remove, Rub, Touch, Turn, and Wear
Turning the monocle allows it to be toggled to become hidden in your inventory and show up in your unique feature line. If it is not toggled, then it will show normally in the inventory line.
Currently, the monocle is not toggled and will be worn normally.
This monocle may be altered freely provided it stays with the noun of monocle, has a lens and metal frame.
a reflective gold-rimmed monocle Weight: <1 pound
A reflective gold-rimmed monocle is a religious item that is designed to allow the wearer to gaze at another person and discern the pantheon of that person's deity.
This ability can be blocked by unpresence. If not done while hidden or invisible, then the person that is gazed at will see a reflection of their deity's symbol in the monocle's lens.
Additional USAGE: Exhale, Remove, Rub, Touch, Turn, and Wear
Turning the monocle allows it to be toggled to become hidden in your inventory and show up in your unique feature line. If it is not toggled, then it will show normally in the inventory line.
Currently, the monocle is not toggled and will be worn normally.
This monocle may be altered freely provided it stays with the noun of monocle, has a lens and metal frame.
a bent-framed brass monocle Weight: <1 pound
A bent-framed brass monocle is a religious item that is designed to allow the wearer to gaze at another person and discern the pantheon of that person's deity.
This ability can be blocked by unpresence. If not done while hidden or invisible, then the person that is gazed at will see a reflection of their deity's symbol in the monocle's lens.
Additional USAGE: Exhale, Remove, Rub, Touch, Turn, and Wear
Turning the monocle allows it to be toggled to become hidden in your inventory and show up in your unique feature line. If it is not toggled, then it will show normally in the inventory line.
Currently, the monocle is not toggled and will be worn normally.
This monocle may be altered freely provided it stays with the noun of monocle, has a lens and metal frame.
a heavy invar monocle Weight: <1 pound
A heavy invar monocle is a religious item that is designed to allow the wearer to gaze at another person and discern the pantheon of that person's deity.
This ability can be blocked by unpresence. If not done while hidden or invisible, then the person that is gazed at will see a reflection of their deity's symbol in the monocle's lens.
Additional USAGE: Exhale, Remove, Rub, Touch, Turn, and Wear
Turning the monocle allows it to be toggled to become hidden in your inventory and show up in your unique feature line. If it is not toggled, then it will show normally in the inventory line.
Currently, the monocle is not toggled and will be worn normally.
This monocle may be altered freely provided it stays with the noun of monocle, has a lens and metal frame.

On the dilapidated wooden shelf you see:

a viscous opalescent brew Weight: <1 pound
Once consumed, it will provide an effect that lasts for 5 minutes or until the next successful cast/attempt to boost your skill when performing the ability associated with this brew. A bard may be able to provide more specifics.
a grenshol potion Weight: 2 pounds 30000
an aleteh potion Weight: 2 pounds 25000
a bromin potion Weight: 2 pounds 20000
a wispy orange brew Weight: <1 pound
Once consumed, it will provide an effect that lasts for 5 minutes or until the next successful cast/attempt to boost your skill when performing the ability associated with this brew. A bard may be able to provide more specifics.
a shimmering trinket Weight: <1 pound pin-worn
analyze, show description
The shimmering trinket is a "Shimmer Trinket", which can store the appearance of wearable items and project them over your normal clothing when it's worn. Just wear whatever items you want in whatever order you desire, then ATTEND the trinket. Once worn, it will only display those items while concealing all others. You may also CLEAN it to remove the previously stored appearance. If it is deactivated due to running out of charges, after it is recharged, you may PROD it to turn it back on. TURN will enable/disable how exact of an item must match in your inventory to be used (for items that shift in description). PUSH will rotate between the available appearance sets.
It is not currently active, but is using set 1 (out of 1): nothing special at this time.
The trinket must be periodically recharged by casting Shroud of Deception (1212) at it or by merchants. A charge is depleted when the trinket is set to an appearance and every 30 days thereafter.
You can tell that the trinket is as light as it can get.

A soft shimmer resonates through the trinket, making it appear to be every color and yet no color at all.
a bubbling bright green draught Weight: <1 pound
Once consumed, it will provide an effect that lasts for 5 minutes or until the next successful cast/attempt to boost your skill when performing the ability associated with this draught. A bard may be able to provide more specifics.
a dog-eared brown suede tome Weight: <1 pound
This brown suede tome is a heavily scripted fluff book. It can be altered freely so long as it remains a book.
Try as you might, you cannot get a good sense of whether or not the tome's pockets could get any deeper, but you can tell that the tome is as light as it can get.
an immaculate white leather codex Weight: <1 pound
This white leather codex is a heavily scripted fluff book. It can be altered freely so long as it remains a book.
Try as you might, you cannot get a good sense of whether or not the codex's pockets could get any deeper, but you can tell that the codex is as light as it can get.
a bulbous vibrant crimson bottle Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item
This vibrant crimson bottle is designed to hold small, nearly identical items -- in particular, gems, alchemy ingredients other than critter skins, etc.
Alterations are permitted to the base description following the 15/15/15 rule in ALTER 2, provided that it continues to make sense that the contents would be identifiable without looking inside.
It can hold a maximum of 50 items. PUT items in to store them. SHAKE the bottle to get them back out.
a gold-caged lustrous green jar Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item
This lustrous green jar is designed to hold small, nearly identical items -- in particular, gems, alchemy ingredients other than critter skins, etc.
Alterations are permitted to the base description following the 15/15/15 rule in ALTER 2, provided that it continues to make sense that the contents would be identifiable without looking inside.
It can hold a maximum of 50 items. PUT items in to store them. SHAKE the jar to get them back out.
a silver-chased dark purple bottle Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item
This dark purple bottle is designed to hold small, nearly identical items -- in particular, gems, alchemy ingredients other than critter skins, etc.
Alterations are permitted to the base description following the 15/15/15 rule in ALTER 2, provided that it continues to make sense that the contents would be identifiable without looking inside.
It can hold a maximum of 100 items. PUT items in to store them. SHAKE the bottle to get them back out.
a squat pale pink jar Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item
This pale pink jar is designed to hold small, nearly identical items -- in particular, gems, alchemy ingredients other than critter skins, etc.
Alterations are permitted to the base description following the 15/15/15 rule in ALTER 2, provided that it continues to make sense that the contents would be identifiable without looking inside.
It can hold a maximum of 100 items. PUT items in to store them. SHAKE the jar to get them back out.
a shimmering certificate Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
Your certificate is used to unlock the potential of things held in your other hand.
The shimmering certificate will add 1 current and maximum charge to an existing Shimmer Trinket.
You need only RAISE your certificate while holding a compatible piece of equipment in your other hand.
Your certificate may not be altered or changed in any way.

As you glance over the certificate you notice something written on it...
This shimmering certificate will add 1 maximum charge to an existing Shimmer Trinket.
a glittering ticket Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
Your ticket is used to unlock the potential of things held in your other hand.
The glittering ticket will add 1 appearance set to an existing Shimmer Trinket. No matter the number of total appearance sets, a trinket can only store the appearance of a set number of items, determined by the number of items in your largest set times the number of sets, up to 100. i.e. you can have 5 sets with 20 items each, but if one set has 21 items, you can then only have 4 sets (since 5 x 21 = 105, which is greater than 100, so not possible).
You need only RAISE your ticket while holding a compatible piece of equipment in your other hand.
Your ticket may not be altered or changed in any way.

As you glance over the ticket you notice something written on it...
This glittering ticket will add 1 appearance set to an existing Shimmer Trinket. No matter the number of total appearance sets, a trinket can only store the appearance of a set number of items, determined by the number of items in your largest set times the number of sets, up to 100. i.e. you can have 5 sets with 20 items each, but if one set has 21 items, you can then only have 4 sets (since 5 x 21 = 105, which is greater than 100, so not possible).

crevice, Lich# 26878, south

Spellbound, Crevice

[Spellbound, Crevice - 26881]
Collapsing cement blocks are surrounded by cascading dirt and debris that integrate into a filthy rubble at the base of the side wall. Imposing upon most of the space, a dilapidated birch shelf and a decaying oaken slab are haphazardly lodged in the cramped, dingy crevice.
Obvious exits: north

On the dilapidated birch shelf you see:

a smooth off-white vellum Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
Invoking this off-white vellum will grant you permanent access to a special method of preparing your spells.
It will provide the following phrase:
First Person: Cajoling the lesser spirits, you utter a lyrical prayer that is accompanied by simple gestures. Your blue-grey eyes flash with a holy light as you release the [Spell Name] spell...
Third Person: Cajoling the lesser spirits, Player utters a lyrical prayer that is accompanied by simple gestures. His blue-grey eyes flash with a holy light as he releases his spell.
Hidden or Invisible: From somewhere nearby, the sound of someone cajoling the spirits with a lyrical voice can be heard.
Specific Spell Restriction: 103

This paper looks interesting... perhaps you should read it.
a translucent cream-hued vellum Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
Invoking this cream-hued vellum will grant you permanent access to a special method of preparing your spells.
It will provide the following phrase:
First Person: Closing your eyes tightly, you concentrate on an image within your mind's eye and murmur a soft prayer to the spirits. As the last syllable falls from your lips, your blue-grey eyes fly wide open and you flick your fingers, releasing the [Spell Name] spell...
Third Person: Closing his eyes tightly, Player appears to be concentrating for several seconds as he murmurs a soft prayer to the spirits. As the last syllable falls from his lips, his blue-grey eyes fly wide open and he flicks his fingers, releasing his spell.
Hidden or Invisible: Blue-grey light suddenly flashes in the air.
Specific Spell Restriction: 116

This paper looks interesting... perhaps you should read it.
a silvery lightning-motif vellum Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
Invoking this lightning-motif vellum will grant you permanent access to a special method of preparing your spells.
It will provide the following phrase:
First Person: Curling your fingers into claws, you forcefully confront the spirits and demand that they mold to your will. Zorchar energy crackles across the surface of your fair skin as you release the stored energy of the [Spell Name] spell...
Third Person: Curling his fingers into claws, Player forcefully confronts the spirits and demands that they mold themselves to his will. Zorchar energy crackles across the surface of his fair skin as he releases the stored energy of his spell.
Hidden or Invisible: Zorchar energy crackles through the air.
Specific Spell Restriction: 125

This paper looks interesting... perhaps you should read it.
a small scale-shaped parchment Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
Invoking this scale-shaped parchment will grant you permanent access to a special method of preparing your spells.
It will provide the following phrase:
First Person: Sibilantly forming the simple words of your [Spell Name], you implore shadows and darkness to protect you...
Third Person: Sibilantly forming the simple words of his prayer, Player implores shadows and darkness to protect him.
Hidden or Invisible: Sibilant prayers issue from the darkness.
Specific Spell Restriction: 303

This paper looks interesting... perhaps you should read it.
an inky black palimpest Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
Invoking this black palimpest will grant you permanent access to a special method of preparing your spells.
It will provide the following phrase:
First Person: Flexing your fingers slightly, you summon the very essence of your spirit to the surface of your form and feel inky shadows within you respond. Slowly, darkness seeps from your blue-grey eyes and transforms into a [Spell Name] before you...
Third Person: Flexing his fingers slightly, Player's form begins to darken and shadows seep from his blue-grey eyes. Player releases his spell by transforming that darkness around him into a spiritual shield.
Hidden or Invisible: Darkness briefly pools about the area.
Specific Spell Restriction: 202

This paper looks interesting... perhaps you should read it.
a thin shadowy black parchment Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
Invoking this shadowy black parchment will grant you permanent access to a special method of preparing your spells.
It will provide the following phrase:
First Person: Tenebrous shadows slip across your fair skin as you demand divinity to heed your prayers. As if in answer, a darkness falls across your vPlayer and you release your [Spell Name]...
Third Person: Tenebrous shadows slip across Player's fair skin as he demands divinity to heed his prayers. As if in answer, his blue-grey eyes briefly blacken as he releases his fury.
Hidden or Invisible:
Specific Spell Restriction: 317

This paper looks interesting... perhaps you should read it.

On the decaying oaken slab you see:

a coin-edged piece of sheet music Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
Invoking this piece of sheet music will grant you permanent access to a special method of preparing your spells.
It will provide the following phrase:
First Person: Humming a familiar ditty about a knave found on the wrong side of a door, you weave the simple somatic components of [Spell Name] into the air...
Third Person: Humming a familiar ditty about a knave found on the wrong side of a door, Player weaves the simple somatic components of a spell into the air.
Hidden or Invisible: Rising on the air is a familiar ditty.
Specific Spell Restriction: 403

This paper looks interesting... perhaps you should read it.
a sheet of watermarked music Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
Invoking this watermarked music will grant you permanent access to a special method of preparing your spells.
It will provide the following phrase:
First Person: Lifting your voice in song, you spin a quick tale involving a small child trying to discover the mysteries of water elementals. As you sing, you weave your fingers in a complicated pattern that mimics the cadence of your tune and cast [Spell Name] in the process...
Third Person: Lifting his voice in song, Player spins a quick tale involving a small child trying to discover the mysteries of water elementals. As he sings, he weaves his fingers in a complicated pattern that mimics the cadence of his tune and in the process, casts a spell.
Hidden or Invisible: A simple song about a small child trying to discover the mysteries of water elementals rises on the air.
Specific Spell Restriction: 405

This paper looks interesting... perhaps you should read it.
a violet cotton sheet Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
Invoking this cotton sheet will grant you permanent access to a special method of preparing your spells.
It will provide the following phrase:
First Person: Tracing simple lines upon your fair brow, you invoke the elements and implore them to give you deeper insight. Within seconds, a third blue-grey eye opens in your forehead as you cast the [Spell Name] spell. The eye fades in a matter of moments...
Third Person: Tracing simple lines upon his fair brow, Player invokes the elements and almost instantly a third blue-grey eye opens in his forehead. Seconds after he releases the spell, the eye fades away.
Hidden or Invisible:
Specific Spell Restriction: 416

This paper looks interesting... perhaps you should read it.
a soft sigil-etched sheet Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
Invoking this sigil-etched sheet will grant you permanent access to a special method of preparing your spells.
It will provide the following phrase:
First Person: Tracing sigils in the air, each illuminating in various brilliant hues, you invoke the elements to provide [Spell Name] around you...
Third Person: Tracing sigils in the air, each briefly illuminating in various brilliant hues, Player invokes the elements as he casts his spell.
Hidden or Invisible:
Specific Spell Restriction: 419

This paper looks interesting... perhaps you should read it.
a whorl-edged cloud white note Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
Invoking this cloud white note will grant you permanent access to a special method of preparing your spells.
It will provide the following phrase:
First Person: Drawing arcane energy about you, you trace your fingers through the elemental mana of the world, and it feels as if you are pulling your fingers through mud. Gradually, the world around you becomes sluggish as you complete the somatic components of the [Spell Name] spell...
Third Person: Drawing his fingers through the air, Player's movements gradually become sluggish as he finishes the somatic components of his spell.
Hidden or Invisible:
Specific Spell Restriction: 504

This paper looks interesting... perhaps you should read it.
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Sprite Club

Opened: June 2018; Inventory Updates: December 2018, August 2019 Verified: 6/16/18, 12/21/18, 8/15/2019, 2/13/2020

a bright oblong temple, [Map Room #2], Lich #23731

[Sprite Club]
Floor tiles of alternating colors spiral outward from a central mosaic of a sprite. A thick teal trunk and a slender silver strongbox are set against opposing walls. Spheres of light are suspended magically overhead, each tented with colored silks. Pinned to the wall by two steel spikes is a rugged red rucksack.
Obvious exits: out

In the thick teal trunk you see:

Item Script Weapon Profile Bloodscrip
a marred halberd Sprite Weapon halberd 10000
a marred cestus cestus
a marred paingrip paingrip
a marred short bow short bow
a marred composite bow composite bow
a marred long bow long bow
a marred runestaff runestaff
a marred katar katar
a marred maul maul
a marred battlesword twohanded sword
a marred bastard sword bastard sword
a marred spear spear
a marred lance lance

In the slender silver strongbox you see:

Item Script Weapon Profile Bloodscrip
a marred mace Sprite Weapon mace 10000
a marred war hammer war hammer
a marred short sword short sword
a marred main gauche main gauche
a marred morning star morning star
a marred dagger dagger
a marred handaxe handaxe
a marred falchion falchion
a marred broadsword broadsword

In the rugged red rucksack you see:

a blue sprite waiver
This waiver will take it from tier 0 to tier 1.  This waiver will ONLY work if your item isn't unlocked yet.
a green sprite waiver
This waiver will take it from tier 1 to tier 2.
an ebon sprite waiver
This waiver will take it from tier 2 to tier 3.
a simple sprite flare certificate
The bearer of this certificate is entitled to change the flare of their sprite weapon to one COMMON flare.  You have 30 days to redeem this or the certificate is forfeit!
an exotic sprite flare certificate
The bearer of this certificate is entitled to change the flare of their sprite weapon to one UNCOMMON flare.  You have 30 days to redeem this or the certificate is forfeit!
a sprite bow flare certificate
The bearer of this certificate is able to unlock their sprite weapon to be able to unlock the flaring effect for arrows shot from the bow.  The arrows cannot have flares, scripts, or be above 5x enchanted.  You have 30 days to redeem this or the certificate is forfeit!.  You have 30 days to redeem this or the certificate is forfeit!
Return to the top of this page.

Stay Awhile and Glisten

Opened: August 2019; Inventory Updates: February 2020; Verified: 2019-08-19, 2020-02-14

a bright circular building, [Map Room #2], Lich# 26850, go circular building

[Stay Awhile and Glisten -]
Surrounding the circular room are tall, marble pillars supporting a carved stone roof. An iron-clad rack is positioned perfectly in the center of the room. Suspended from one of the pillars is a small shelf containing assorted waivers.
Obvious exits: out
Energy Runestaves
  Slender Brown Rune Staff - Earth Flares
  Thick Golden Rune Staff - Lightning Flares
  Sturdy Teal Rune Staff - Ice Flares
  Sleek Crimson Rune Staff - Fire Flares

On the iron-clad rack you see:

a slender brown rune staff with a leather-wrapped haft runestaff 4x, earth, brown/black, 4 Lbs Energy runestaves 10000
a thick golden rune staff accented with painted lightning bolts 4x, lightning, gold/black, 4 Lbs
a sturdy teal rune staff accented with painted snowflakes 4x, ice, blue/black, 4 Lbs
a sleek crimson rune staff accented with painted crimson flames 4x, fire, red/black, 4 Lbs

On the small shelf you see:

an blue energy waiver T0->T1 energy runestaff unlock 5000
an green energy waiver T1->T2 energy runestaff unlock (in limited supply, may sell out) 35000
an ebon energy waiver T2->T3 energy runestaff unlock (in limited supply, may sell out) 75000
an exotic energy flare certificate Uncommon flare change - "The bearer of this certificate is entitled to change the damage type of the flare on their energy stave to one UNCOMMON (Disintegrate, Disruption, Unbalance, Grapple, Acid, Void, Plasma) flare. You have 30 days to redeem this or the certificate is forfeit!" 30000
Return to the top of this page.

Opened: Unknown; Inventory Updates:August 2017; August 2019, February 2020 Verified: 2018-06-16, 2018-12-21, 2019-08-14, 2020-02-14

Temple of Tentacles

, Lich #23729, Room 2, go circular temple

[Temple of Tentacles, Entry]
Blackened walls visibly wet with a strange fluid stretch in a full circle from the entrance of the shop. Thick, tentacle-like appendages are hung from each like a curtain over each of the tunnels leading deeper into the temple. Much like the walls, the floors are squishy and sticky with small sanguine colored pools strewn about. A pair of black candles illuminate a rusted iron table in the center.
Obvious exits: out

On the iron table you see:

Parasitic weapon unlock waivers

a blue parasitic waiver
This waiver will take it from tier 0 to tier 1.
This waiver will ONLY work if your item isn't unlocked yet.
a green parasitic waiver
This waiver will take it from tier 1 to tier 2.
This waiver will ONLY work if your item is unlocked to Tier 1.
an ebon parasitic waiver
This waiver will take it from tier 2 to tier 3.
This waiver will ONLY work if your item is unlocked to Tier 2.
a dark bow parasitic waiver
The bearer of this waiver is able to unlock their parasite weapon to be able to unlock the flaring effect for arrows shot from the bow.  The arrows cannot have flares, scripts, or be above 5x enchanted.  You will need to charge the flares with an ayanad crystal. 
a glove parasitic waiver
The bearer of this waiver is able to change the wearable location of their parasite host to be some gloves.  The parasite host item will always remain in a functional slot. 
an armband parasitic waiver
The bearer of this waiver is able to change the wearable location of their parasite host to be some arbmands.  The parasite host item will always remain on the functional slot. 
a bracelet parasitic waiver
The bearer of this waiver is able to change the wearable location of their parasite host to be a bracelet.  The parasite host item will always remain in a functional slot.
a simple parasite flare certificate
The bearer of this certificate is entitled to change the damage type of the flare on their parasite weapon to one COMMON flare (Earth, Fire, Lightning, Ice).
a strange parasite certificate
 The bearer of this certificate is entitled to change the WEAPON BASE of their parasite weapon.  This is a one way change and is permanent.  You may not change it to something outside of the existing available types.  Some restrictions may apply.
an exotic parasite certificate
 The bearer of this certificate is entitled to change the damage type of the flare on their parasite weapon to one EXOTIC flare (Disintegrate, Disruption, Unbalance, Grapple, Acid, Void, Plasma).

Silver-Hued Tunnel

[Temple of Tentacles]
Blood-soaked prayer mats are lined up evenly facing a section of the wall marred with claw marks. Resting atop four tentacle-like appendages is a pink lace-accented display, its glass top shattered. Sunken into the floor next to each prayer mat is an uninviting cot. A tentacle-wrapped squat dilapidated bookshelf filled with stained books and other trinkets off to one side catches your eye. You also see a blood-stained sign.
Obvious exits: out
All gloves within the sack are Parasitic Weapons, completely locked, and four times enchanted.
  Listed below you will find the associated color with its weapon base.
    Pink - Composite Bow
    Coral - Short Bow
    Fuscia - Longbow
    Burgundy - Boots
    Puce - Gloves
    Maroon - Katar
    Sanguine - Runestaff
 All weapons cost 10000 bloodscrip and can be unlocked further through waivers found in the entrance of this shop, and the limited shop.

In the lace-accented display you see:

Parasitic Weapons

a pair of maroon gloves katar 10000
some puce armbands UAC gloves
some burgundy bracers UAC boots
a pair of pink gloves composite bow
a pair of coral gloves short bow
a pair of fuschia gloves long bow
a pair of sanguine gloves runestaff

Tight Dirt Passageway

[Deep Within Darkness]
Aside from a single, flickering grey orb floating near the center of the convex dirt ceiling, this room is completely dark. Smells of overturned earth and the putrid stench of death attack your senses within this cramped space, while a thick, pitch black fog billows and roils about unpredictably, at times completely obscuring the merchandise for sale. A tight dirt passageway is scarely visible, barely arching out of the packed dirt ground. You also see a set of nearly invisible curved spikes hammered into one wall in uneven patterns with some stuff on it, a bug-infested rotting black box and an obscured bloodstained sign.
Obvious exits: none
In the Common language, it reads:

Welcome to Deep Within Darkness!

If you wish to be one with the shadows, peruse and select a garment from the spikes.
All waivers within the box will unlock the night shrouds in assorted ways.

 The shrouds have one tier of fluff unlock:
   the threadbare cloth shroud waiver unlocks this fluff tier!

 The shrouds also have three tiers of auction unlock:
   the periwinkle shroud waiver unlocks the auction tier from tier 0 to tier 1!
   the sage green shroud waiver unlocks the auction tier from tier 1 to tier 2!
   the raven-toned shroud waiver unlocks the auction tier from tier 2 to tier 3!
   the glowing shroud waiver unlocks the auction tier from tier 3 to tier 4!
   the bright shroud waiver unlocks the auction tier from tier 4 to tier 5!

What are the auction tiers, you ask?  Figure them out.

  - The Sneaky Management

On the curved spikes you see:

Night Shroud Cloaks

a lengthy olive-hued duster adorned with a solitary onyx cloak worn
a moth-eaten pumpkin orange cotton duster
a simple crimson-splotched silk cape
a grass-stained brocade cape with parallel-threaded accents
a soft ecru linen cloak with detailed bright red hemming
a long cream and ochre velvet cloak
a milky purple damask greatcloak with a tentacle-shaped clasp
a mithglin-buttoned billowing black greatcloak

In the rotting black box you see:

Night Shroud Cloak unlock waivers

a threadbare cloth shroud waiver
This will unlock your night shroud to be more fluffy.
This waiver will take it from a locked to unlocked status.
This waiver will ONLY work if your item isn't unlocked yet.
a faded periwinkle shroud waiver
This will unlock your night shroud to the first auction tier.
This waiver will take it from tier 0 to tier 1.
This waiver will ONLY work if your item isn't unlocked yet.
a sage green shroud waiver
This will unlock your night shroud to the second auction tier.
This waiver will take it from tier 1 to tier 2.
This waiver will ONLY work if your item is unlocked to the first tier.
a raven-toned shroud waiver
This will unlock your night shroud to the third auction tier.
This waiver will take it from tier 2 to tier 3.
This waiver will ONLY work if your item is unlocked to the second tier.
a glowing shroud waiver
 Your waiver is used to unlock the potential of things held in your other hand.

 Your waiver will unlock your Night Shroud.

 You need only RAISE your waiver while holding a compatible piece of equipment in your other hand.

 Your waiver may not be altered or changed in any way.

Green-Hued Tunnel

[Temple of Tentacles]
A small, blackened altar sitting upon a circular rug takes up most of the ornate alcove. In front of the altar is an ebon locker, its hinges rusted and twisted into odd angles. Atop the altar is the burnt outline of a humanoid being, strange snake-like outlines can be seen on either side of it.
Obvious exits: out
All gloves within the sack are Parasitic Weapons, completely locked, and four times enchanted.
  Listed below you will find the associated color with its weapon base.
    Emerald - Lance
    Verdant Green - Jeddart-Axe
    Green - Spear
    Orange - Maul
    Vermilion - Two Handed Sword
 All weapons cost 10000 bloodscrip and can be unlocked further through waivers found in the entrance of this shop, and the limited shop.

In the ebon locker you see:

Parasitic weapons

a pair of emerald gloves lance 10000
a pair of verdant green gloves jeddart-axe
a pair of green gloves spear
a pair of vermilion gloves two-hand sword
a pair of orange gloves maul

Purple-Hued Tunnel

[Temple of Tentacles]
Thick, tentacle-like cords are draped down from blackened iron spikes along the wall. The surface of each cord is littered with small suction cups that are drained of life. Thrown haphazardly agains the wall is a large stitched sack, with a collection of assorted goods spilling out.
Obvious exits: out
All gloves within the sack are Parasitic Weapons, completely locked, and four times enchanted.
  Listed below you will find the associated color with its weapon base.
    Plum - Short Sword
    Mauve - Bastard Sword
    Indigo - Dagger
    Lavender - Falchion
    Teal - Morning Star
    Turquoise - Mace
 All weapons cost 10000 bloodscrip and can be unlocked further through waivers found in the entrance of this shop, and the limited shop.

In the stitched sack you see:

Parasitic weapons

a pair of turquoise gloves mace 10000
a pair of teal gloves morning star
a pair of lavender gloves falchion
a pair of indigo gloves dagger
a pair of mauve gloves bastard sword
a pair of plum gloves short sword
Return to the top of this page.

Under the Counter

Opened: Unknown; Inventory Updates: August 2019, February 2020; Verified: 2019-08-15, 2020-02-13

a tidy establishment, [Map Room #17], Lich #23810, go establishment


[Under the Counter]
The clean floor is comprised of octagonal clay tiles, each one painted with some type of glass or bottle. A chandelier hangs over the counter, casting its light over the area. You also see a tall white door.
Obvious exits: east

On the counter you see:

an embossed white placard

In the Common language, it reads:
The potables contain 3 sips each of the following magic to aid you in your roguish endeavors:
Black Liquor ~ Phoen's Strength
Spiced Alcohol ~ Spirit Strike
Blackberry Rum ~ Bravery
Chipped Bottle ~ Empathic Focus
Chunky Liquid ~ Dauntless
Brown Liquor ~ Celerity
Absinthe ~ Mystic Focus
Peppered Vodka ~ Heroism
Coffee ~ Self Control

Under the counter you see:

a cup of chunky liquid Weight: <1 pound 100
a carafe of rich black coffee Weight: <1 pound 100
a decanter of vivid green absinthe Weight: <1 pound 50
a dusty bottle of blackberry rum Weight: <1 pound 50
a stein of dark black liquor Weight: <1 pound 100
a smoky chipped glass bottle Weight: <1 pound 250
a tall glass of thick spiced alcohol Weight: <1 pound 50
a vial of viscous brown liquor Weight: <1 pound 50
a snifter of peppered vodka Weight: <1 pound 250

Back Room

[Under the Counter - 23811]
The walls of this perfectly square room are painted a pale fawn hue and bisected by a strip of pristine white molding. Decorative yet functional brass sconces hang in the center of each, casting a warm glow over a pair of mannequins that stand on either side of a tall oak cabinet. A deep gold velvet curtain on the opposite wall leads to the store room.
Obvious exits: west

In the tall oak cabinet you see:

a splinter of yellowed bone wrapped in vaalin wire Weight: <1 pound Under-the-tongue lockpick
This yellowed bone is designed to be worn under-the-tongue. It can be freely altered, but should remain small.
a delicate sterling silver hairpin Weight: <1 pound hair-worn
analyze, show description, imbed
The sterling silver hairpin can be freely altered. Part of the LOOK will always remain. It cannot be recharged.

Shadows engulf the sterling silver hairpin.

3 charges
rubbing activated
a jagged emerald stud Weight: <1 pound ear-worn
analyze, show description, imbed
The emerald stud can be freely altered. Part of the LOOK will always remain. It cannot be recharged.

a jagged emerald stud etched with an inky rune Shadows engulf the emerald stud.

3 charges
rubbing activated
a hollowed metal ankle band filled with a viscous black ink Weight: <1 pound ankle-worn
analyze, show description, imbed
The metal ankle band can be freely altered. Part of the LOOK will always remain. It cannot be recharged.

Shadows engulf the metal ankle band.

3 charges
rubbing activated
a blackened wrist-wrap of hammered steel slivers Weight: <1 pound wrist-worn
analyze, show description, imbed
The steel wrist-wrap can be freely altered. Part of the LOOK will always remain. It cannot be recharged.

Shadows engulf the steel wrist-wrap.

3 charges
rubbing activated
a trio of wolf teeth sharpened to pointed onyx-capped tips Weight: <1 pound neck-worn
analyze, show description, imbed
The sharpened wolf teeth can be freely altered. Part of the LOOK will always remain. It cannot be recharged.

Shadows engulf the sharpened wolf teeth.

3 charges
rubbing activated
a thorn-carved onyx ring sprouting petals of cut ruby Weight: <1 pound finger-worn
analyze, show description, imbed
The onyx ring can be freely altered. Part of the LOOK will always remain. It cannot be recharged.

Shadows engulf the onyx ring.

3 charges
rubbing activated
a length of stiffened sinew wrapped with invar wire Weight: <1 pound Under-the-tongue lockpick
This stiffened sinew is designed to be worn under-the-tongue. It can be freely altered, but should remain small.

On the female mannequin you see:

a cropped wrapped linen jacket with a deep suede cowl Weight: 9 pounds
Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
any number of items
a bone-linked bodice of loosely woven chain mesh Weight: 2 pounds chest-worn 20
a trio of linked mesh pouches chained to a leather band Weight: <1 pound arm-worn
You can tell that the pouches is as light as it can get, but you might be able to have a talented merchant deepen its pockets for you.
a pair of hip-slung sanguine pants laced hip to hem Weight: <1 pound leg-worn 20
some slender leather ankle boots with chunky oak heels Weight: <1 pound foot-worn 18
a cross-wrapped underbust harness of studded chocolate suede Weight: <1 pound front-worn
You can tell that the harness is as light as it can get, but you might be able to have a talented merchant deepen its pockets for you.

On the male mannequin you see:

a collection of soft sable furs strung from braided leather Weight: 9 pounds
Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
any number of items
a side-cut rough leather vest overlaid with steel chain Weight: <1 pound chest-worn
You can tell that the vest is as light as it can get, but you might be able to have a talented merchant deepen its pockets for you.
some layered linen arm-wraps secured by twisted wire clamps Weight: <1 pound arm-worn
You can tell that the arm-wraps is as light as it can get, but you might be able to have a talented merchant deepen its pockets for you.
a set of blackened steel mesh leg-wraps with suede padding Weight: <1 pound leg-worn
You can tell that the leg-wraps is as light as it can get, but you might be able to have a talented merchant deepen its pockets for you.
some downturned slouched ink black suede boots Weight: <1 pound foot-worn 18
a slender chain-strung case of polished bone Weight: <1 pound waist-worn (as a belt)
You can tell that the case is as light as it can get, but you might be able to have a talented merchant deepen its pockets for you.

Store Room

[Under the Counter, Store Room - 23812]
Tall metal shelves line three out of four of the room's walls, with only the wall around the curtained exit not supporting storage. A shop sign sits upon one of the shelves, while all around it are supplies: empty glassware, towels, and, with no apparent commonality, a stuffed honey badger.
Obvious exits: none
Nothing to see here.
Move along.

On the Tall metal shelves you see:

a shop sign

In the Common language, it reads:
Nothing to see here.
Move along.
Return to the top of this page.

Vambrace Yourself

an ora-wheeled ironwood wagon, [Map Room #22], Lich#26836 , go ironwood wagon

Vambrace Yourself

[Vambrace Yourself -]
Brightly lit and well-organized, the interior of the shop has a welcoming ambiance. Wedge-cut pieces of red oak are inlaid in the ironwood flooring and flare outward around a slightly dented bronze sales counter. An ora-handled spruce chest rests next to a simple burled pine stand placed a few paces behind a grizzled dark wool rug at the back of the semi-circular room.
Obvious exits: out

On the slightly dented bronze sales counter you see:

a silky waiver Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
Your waiver is used to unlock the potential of things held in your other hand.
Your waiver will unlock your weapon mod for parrying attacks while unarmed.
You need only RAISE your waiver while holding a compatible piece of equipment in your other hand.
Your waiver may not be altered or changed in any way.

As you glance over the waiver you notice something written on it...
This will unlock your weapon mod to parry attacks while unarmed.
a pair of dusky gold vambraces etched with bronze scrollwork Weight: 5 pounds armor accessory; protects arms
analyze, show description
================================= MECHANICAL CARTRIDGE VAMBRACES ================================
The dusky gold vambraces contain the Mechanical Cartridge Vambraces script.
These vambraces take cartridges that alter the functionality of the vambraces.
Each cartridge has its own ANALYZE information so please read each ANALYZE carefully.
You can attach a cartridge by by PUTing it IN the vambraces.
If you wish to disable the cartridge, you should FLIP the latch on the vambraces.
You can FLIP it again to enable the cartridge.
To remove a cartridge, just GET it FROM the vambraces.
The vambraces can be freely altered by any merchant as long as the noun the remains "vambraces".
The vambraces have access to the following functional verbs: WEAR, REMOVE, FLIP.
The vambraces do not have a cartridge attached.

The device on your dusky gold vambraces is empty.
some burnished steel vambraces cut with damascened patterns Weight: 5 pounds armor accessory; protects arms
analyze, show description
================================= MECHANICAL CARTRIDGE VAMBRACES ================================
The burnished steel vambraces contain the Mechanical Cartridge Vambraces script.
These vambraces take cartridges that alter the functionality of the vambraces.
Each cartridge has its own ANALYZE information so please read each ANALYZE carefully.
You can attach a cartridge by by PUTing it IN the vambraces.
If you wish to disable the cartridge, you should FLIP the latch on the vambraces.
You can FLIP it again to enable the cartridge.
To remove a cartridge, just GET it FROM the vambraces.
The vambraces can be freely altered by any merchant as long as the noun the remains "vambraces".
The vambraces have access to the following functional verbs: WEAR, REMOVE, FLIP.
The vambraces do not have a cartridge attached.

The device on your burnished steel vambraces is empty.
a set of segmented mithril vambraces worked with black jade Weight: 4 pounds
Enchant: +5
armor accessory; protects arms
analyze, show description
================================= MECHANICAL CARTRIDGE VAMBRACES ================================
The mithril vambraces contain the Mechanical Cartridge Vambraces script.
These vambraces take cartridges that alter the functionality of the vambraces.
Each cartridge has its own ANALYZE information so please read each ANALYZE carefully.
You can attach a cartridge by by PUTing it IN the vambraces.
If you wish to disable the cartridge, you should FLIP the latch on the vambraces.
You can FLIP it again to enable the cartridge.
To remove a cartridge, just GET it FROM the vambraces.
The vambraces can be freely altered by any merchant as long as the noun the remains "vambraces".
The vambraces have access to the following functional verbs: WEAR, REMOVE, FLIP.
The vambraces do not have a cartridge attached.

The device on your mithril vambraces is empty.
a pair of polished mithril vambraces cuffed with agate studs Weight: 4 pounds
Enchant: +5
armor accessory; protects arms
analyze, show description
================================= MECHANICAL CARTRIDGE VAMBRACES ================================
The mithril vambraces contain the Mechanical Cartridge Vambraces script.
These vambraces take cartridges that alter the functionality of the vambraces.
Each cartridge has its own ANALYZE information so please read each ANALYZE carefully.
You can attach a cartridge by by PUTing it IN the vambraces.
If you wish to disable the cartridge, you should FLIP the latch on the vambraces.
You can FLIP it again to enable the cartridge.
To remove a cartridge, just GET it FROM the vambraces.
The vambraces can be freely altered by any merchant as long as the noun the remains "vambraces".
The vambraces have access to the following functional verbs: WEAR, REMOVE, FLIP.
The vambraces do not have a cartridge attached.

The device on your mithril vambraces is empty.
some midnight blue ora vambraces grooved with angular lines Weight: 5 pounds
Enchant: +10
armor accessory; protects arms
analyze, show description
================================= MECHANICAL CARTRIDGE VAMBRACES ================================
The blue ora vambraces contain the Mechanical Cartridge Vambraces script.
These vambraces take cartridges that alter the functionality of the vambraces.
Each cartridge has its own ANALYZE information so please read each ANALYZE carefully.
You can attach a cartridge by by PUTing it IN the vambraces.
If you wish to disable the cartridge, you should FLIP the latch on the vambraces.
You can FLIP it again to enable the cartridge.
To remove a cartridge, just GET it FROM the vambraces.
The vambraces can be freely altered by any merchant as long as the noun the remains "vambraces".
The vambraces have access to the following functional verbs: WEAR, REMOVE, FLIP.
The vambraces do not have a cartridge attached.

The device on your blue ora vambraces is empty.
some blue-grey ora vambraces plated with heavy silver scales Weight: 5 pounds
Enchant: +10
armor accessory; protects arms
analyze, show description
================================= MECHANICAL CARTRIDGE VAMBRACES ================================
The blue-grey ora vambraces contain the Mechanical Cartridge Vambraces script.
These vambraces take cartridges that alter the functionality of the vambraces.
Each cartridge has its own ANALYZE information so please read each ANALYZE carefully.
You can attach a cartridge by by PUTing it IN the vambraces.
If you wish to disable the cartridge, you should FLIP the latch on the vambraces.
You can FLIP it again to enable the cartridge.
To remove a cartridge, just GET it FROM the vambraces.
The vambraces can be freely altered by any merchant as long as the noun the remains "vambraces".
The vambraces have access to the following functional verbs: WEAR, REMOVE, FLIP.
The vambraces do not have a cartridge attached.

The device on your blue-grey ora vambraces is empty.
some argent imflass vambraces incised with filigree markings Weight: 3 pounds
Enchant: +12
armor accessory; protects arms
analyze, show description
================================= MECHANICAL CARTRIDGE VAMBRACES ================================
The argent imflass vambraces contain the Mechanical Cartridge Vambraces script.
These vambraces take cartridges that alter the functionality of the vambraces.
Each cartridge has its own ANALYZE information so please read each ANALYZE carefully.
You can attach a cartridge by by PUTing it IN the vambraces.
If you wish to disable the cartridge, you should FLIP the latch on the vambraces.
You can FLIP it again to enable the cartridge.
To remove a cartridge, just GET it FROM the vambraces.
The vambraces can be freely altered by any merchant as long as the noun the remains "vambraces".
The vambraces have access to the following functional verbs: WEAR, REMOVE, FLIP.
The vambraces do not have a cartridge attached.

The device on your argent imflass vambraces is empty.
a set of vultite vambraces wreathed with shadowy glaes bands Weight: 4 pounds
Enchant: +20
armor accessory; protects arms
analyze, show description
================================= MECHANICAL CARTRIDGE VAMBRACES ================================
The vultite vambraces contain the Mechanical Cartridge Vambraces script.
These vambraces take cartridges that alter the functionality of the vambraces.
Each cartridge has its own ANALYZE information so please read each ANALYZE carefully.
You can attach a cartridge by by PUTing it IN the vambraces.
If you wish to disable the cartridge, you should FLIP the latch on the vambraces.
You can FLIP it again to enable the cartridge.
To remove a cartridge, just GET it FROM the vambraces.
The vambraces can be freely altered by any merchant as long as the noun the remains "vambraces".
The vambraces have access to the following functional verbs: WEAR, REMOVE, FLIP.
The vambraces do not have a cartridge attached.

The device on your vultite vambraces is empty.
some sanguine vultite vambraces bearing gilt-traced wyverns Weight: 4 pounds
Enchant: +20
armor accessory; protects arms
analyze, show description
================================= MECHANICAL CARTRIDGE VAMBRACES ================================
The vultite vambraces contain the Mechanical Cartridge Vambraces script.
These vambraces take cartridges that alter the functionality of the vambraces.
Each cartridge has its own ANALYZE information so please read each ANALYZE carefully.
You can attach a cartridge by by PUTing it IN the vambraces.
If you wish to disable the cartridge, you should FLIP the latch on the vambraces.
You can FLIP it again to enable the cartridge.
To remove a cartridge, just GET it FROM the vambraces.
The vambraces can be freely altered by any merchant as long as the noun the remains "vambraces".
The vambraces have access to the following functional verbs: WEAR, REMOVE, FLIP.
The vambraces do not have a cartridge attached.

The device on your vultite vambraces is empty.

In the ora-handled spruce chest you see:

a silvery cartridge etched with a sai Weight: <1 pound
====================================== WEAPON CARTRIDGE ========================================
A silvery cartridge etched with a sai contains the Weapon Cartridge script for Mechanical Cartridge Vambraces.
This mod allows you to make attacks and parry empty-handed using the weapon inside.
You must PUT cartridge IN vambraces for it to function.
The cartridge contain a steel spike which is a sai.
The steel spike will be created when you attach the cartridge.
The cartridge is LOCKED for two-weapon combat.
The cartridge is LOCKED for parrying attacks while unarmed.
The spike may be altered freely by any merchant but the noun must remain "spike".
You can GET the spike FROM the cartridge at any time. Doing so will prevent the mod from functioning.
While detached, the spike may be PUT IN the cartridge.
a dark cartridge etched with a sai Weight: <1 pound
====================================== WEAPON CARTRIDGE ========================================
A dark cartridge etched with a sai contains the Weapon Cartridge script for Mechanical Cartridge Vambraces.
This mod allows you to make attacks and parry empty-handed using the weapon inside.
You must PUT cartridge IN vambraces for it to function.
The cartridge contain a steel spike which is a sai.
The steel spike will be created when you attach the cartridge.
The cartridge is LOCKED for two-weapon combat.
The cartridge is LOCKED for parrying attacks while unarmed.
The spike may be altered freely by any merchant but the noun must remain "spike".
You can GET the spike FROM the cartridge at any time. Doing so will prevent the mod from functioning.
While detached, the spike may be PUT IN the cartridge.

On the simple burled pine stand you see:

a brown cartridge etched with a dagger Weight: <1 pound
====================================== WEAPON CARTRIDGE ========================================
A brown cartridge etched with a dagger contains the Weapon Cartridge script for Mechanical Cartridge Vambraces.
This mod allows you to make attacks and parry empty-handed using the weapon inside.
You must PUT cartridge IN vambraces for it to function.
The cartridge contain a steel blade which is a dagger.
The steel blade will be created when you attach the cartridge.
The cartridge is LOCKED for two-weapon combat.
The cartridge is LOCKED for parrying attacks while unarmed.
The blade may be altered freely by any merchant but the noun must remain "blade".
You can GET the blade FROM the cartridge at any time. Doing so will prevent the mod from functioning.
While detached, the blade may be PUT IN the cartridge.
a white cartridge etched with a main gauche Weight: <1 pound
====================================== WEAPON CARTRIDGE ========================================
A white cartridge etched with a main gauche contains the Weapon Cartridge script for Mechanical Cartridge Vambraces.
This mod allows you to make attacks and parry empty-handed using the weapon inside.
You must PUT cartridge IN vambraces for it to function.
The cartridge contain a steel blade which is a main gauche.
The steel blade will be created when you attach the cartridge.
The cartridge is LOCKED for two-weapon combat.
The cartridge is LOCKED for parrying attacks while unarmed.
The blade may be altered freely by any merchant but the noun must remain "blade".
You can GET the blade FROM the cartridge at any time. Doing so will prevent the mod from functioning.
While detached, the blade may be PUT IN the cartridge.
a crimson cartridge etched with a short sword Weight: <1 pound
====================================== WEAPON CARTRIDGE ========================================
A crimson cartridge etched with a short sword contains the Weapon Cartridge script for Mechanical Cartridge Vambraces.
This mod allows you to make attacks and parry empty-handed using the weapon inside.
You must PUT cartridge IN vambraces for it to function.
The cartridge contain a steel blade which is a short sword.
The steel blade will be created when you attach the cartridge.
The cartridge is LOCKED for two-weapon combat.
The cartridge is LOCKED for parrying attacks while unarmed.
The blade may be altered freely by any merchant but the noun must remain "blade".
You can GET the blade FROM the cartridge at any time. Doing so will prevent the mod from functioning.
While detached, the blade may be PUT IN the cartridge.
an obsidian cartridge etched with a katar Weight: <1 pound
====================================== WEAPON CARTRIDGE ========================================
An obsidian cartridge etched with a katar contains the Weapon Cartridge script for Mechanical Cartridge Vambraces.
This mod allows you to make attacks and parry empty-handed using the weapon inside.
You must PUT cartridge IN vambraces for it to function.
The cartridge contain a steel blade which is a katar.
The steel blade will be created when you attach the cartridge.
The cartridge is LOCKED for two-weapon combat.
The cartridge is LOCKED for parrying attacks while unarmed.
The blade may be altered freely by any merchant but the noun must remain "blade".
You can GET the blade FROM the cartridge at any time. Doing so will prevent the mod from functioning.
While detached, the blade may be PUT IN the cartridge.
Return to the top of this page.

Veiled Purpose

Opened: Unknown; Inventory Updates: August 2019, February 2020; Verified: 2019-08-15, 2020-02-13

a silk-draped smoke blue silk pavilion, Lich #26846, Room 21, go smoke pavilion

[The Veiled Purpose, Parlour]
A heavy curtain of pale smoke sweeps across the room, the rich fragrance of amber-saturated spice permeating the cloth-swaddled baskets lined up against the corners. A carved wooden camel kneels before brocade tapestries comprising the back wall, the creature lacquered in vivid cobalt paint.
Obvious exits: out
The strips of fabric are meant to conceal everything but your height, eyes, and skin.
The strips in the basket are better suited for turbans, while the strips on my camel can be used as headscarves.
The two more expensive strips (the fringed brown buckskin and jewel-woven leather) will allow you to switch between either item and to reveal yourself if the need arises.

In the cloth-swaddled baskets you see:

a long strip of iron-scaled cloth Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
This item's article (optional), color, and material (must remain cloth type) can be altered. When worn, this strip of cloth will become a turban. The noun cannot change. This item is Tier 1/2.
There is a sheer gauze veil on the turban. It must be unlocked in order to change this description.
If you are already wearing a mask or a feature concealing item, you will not be able to wear this.
Available verbs for the OTS (Tier 1) version are WEAR and TWIST.

This lengthy piece of iron-scaled cloth appears long enough to wrap around your head multiple times to create a turban. There is also a wide square of sheer gauze that will drape across your face to conceal your features.
a long strip of embroidered jet silk Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
This item's article (optional), color, and material (must remain cloth type) can be altered. When worn, this strip of silk will become a turban. The noun cannot change. This item is Tier 1/2.
There is a sheer gauze veil on the turban. It must be unlocked in order to change this description.
If you are already wearing a mask or a feature concealing item, you will not be able to wear this.
Available verbs for the OTS (Tier 1) version are WEAR and TWIST.

This lengthy piece of embroidered jet silk appears long enough to wrap around your head multiple times to create a turban. There is also a wide square of sheer gauze that will drape across your face to conceal your features.
a long strip of stained umber nubuck Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
This item's article (optional), color, and material (must remain cloth type) can be altered. When worn, this strip of nubuck will become a turban. The noun cannot change. This item is Tier 1/2.
There is a sheer gauze veil on the turban. It must be unlocked in order to change this description.
If you are already wearing a mask or a feature concealing item, you will not be able to wear this.
Available verbs for the OTS (Tier 1) version are WEAR and TWIST.

This lengthy piece of stained umber nubuck appears long enough to wrap around your head multiple times to create a turban. There is also a wide square of sheer gauze that will drape across your face to conceal your features.
a long strip of fringed brown buckskin Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
This item's article (optional), color, and material (must remain cloth type) can be altered. When worn, this strip of buckskin will become a turban. The noun cannot change. This item is Tier 2/2.
The veil's description can also be altered but is limited to two words. Current veil is: sea silk
If you are already wearing a mask or a feature concealing item, you will not be able to wear this.
Available verbs for Tier 2 are PROD (reveal/hide identity toggle), PULL, RUB, SHOW, TWIST (switches between turban and headscarf while holding the material), and WEAR.

This lengthy piece of fringed brown buckskin appears long enough to wrap around your head multiple times to create a turban. There is also a wide square of sea silk that will drape across your face to conceal your features.
a long strip of gilded azure brocade Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
This item's article (optional), color, and material (must remain cloth type) can be altered. When worn, this strip of nubuck will become a turban. The noun cannot change. This item is Tier 1/2.
There is a sheer gauze veil on the turban. It must be unlocked in order to change this description.
If you are already wearing a mask or a feature concealing item, you will not be able to wear this.
Available verbs for the OTS (Tier 1) version are WEAR and TWIST.

This lengthy piece of stained umber nubuck appears long enough to wrap around your head multiple times to create a turban. There is also a wide square of sheer gauze that will drape across your face to conceal your features.
a long strip of checkered grey linen Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
This item's article (optional), color, and material (must remain cloth type) can be altered. When worn, this strip of silk will become a turban. The noun cannot change. This item is Tier 1/2.
There is a sheer gauze veil on the turban. It must be unlocked in order to change this description.
If you are already wearing a mask or a feature concealing item, you will not be able to wear this.
Available verbs for the OTS (Tier 1) version are WEAR and TWIST.

This lengthy piece of embroidered jet silk appears long enough to wrap around your head multiple times to create a turban. There is also a wide square of sheer gauze that will drape across your face to conceal your features.
a long strip of leather-studded chainsil Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
This item's article (optional), color, and material (must remain cloth type) can be altered. When worn, this strip of cloth will become a turban. The noun cannot change. This item is Tier 1/2.
There is a sheer gauze veil on the turban. It must be unlocked in order to change this description.
If you are already wearing a mask or a feature concealing item, you will not be able to wear this.
Available verbs for the OTS (Tier 1) version are WEAR and TWIST.

This lengthy piece of iron-scaled cloth appears long enough to wrap around your head multiple times to create a turban. There is also a wide square of sheer gauze that will drape across your face to conceal your features.
a long strip of jet-scaled satin Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
This item's article (optional), color, and material (must remain cloth type) can be altered. When worn, this strip of satin will become a turban. The noun cannot change. This item is Tier 1/2.
There is a sheer gauze veil on the turban. It must be unlocked in order to change this description.
If you are already wearing a mask or a feature concealing item, you will not be able to wear this.
Available verbs for the OTS (Tier 1) version are WEAR and TWIST.

This lengthy piece of jet-scaled satin appears long enough to wrap around your head multiple times to create a turban. There is also a wide square of sheer gauze that will drape across your face to conceal your features.
a long strip of oiled white leather Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
This item's article (optional), color, and material (must remain cloth type) can be altered. When worn, this strip of leather will become a turban. The noun cannot change. This item is Tier 1/2.
There is a sheer gauze veil on the turban. It must be unlocked in order to change this description.
If you are already wearing a mask or a feature concealing item, you will not be able to wear this.
Available verbs for the OTS (Tier 1) version are WEAR and TWIST.

This lengthy piece of oiled white leather appears long enough to wrap around your head multiple times to create a turban. There is also a wide square of sheer gauze that will drape across your face to conceal your features.
a long strip of naval blue tartan Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
This item's article (optional), color, and material (must remain cloth type) can be altered. When worn, this strip of tartan will become a turban. The noun cannot change. This item is Tier 1/2.
There is a sheer gauze veil on the turban. It must be unlocked in order to change this description.
If you are already wearing a mask or a feature concealing item, you will not be able to wear this.
Available verbs for the OTS (Tier 1) version are WEAR and TWIST.

This lengthy piece of naval blue tartan appears long enough to wrap around your head multiple times to create a turban. There is also a wide square of sheer gauze that will drape across your face to conceal your features.
a long strip of bloodstained linen Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
This item's article (optional), color, and material (must remain cloth type) can be altered. When worn, this strip of linen will become a turban. The noun cannot change. This item is Tier 1/2.
There is a sheer gauze veil on the turban. It must be unlocked in order to change this description.
If you are already wearing a mask or a feature concealing item, you will not be able to wear this.
Available verbs for the OTS (Tier 1) version are WEAR and TWIST.

This lengthy piece of bloodstained linen appears long enough to wrap around your head multiple times to create a turban. There is also a wide square of sheer gauze that will drape across your face to conceal your features.

On the carved wooden camel you see:

a long strip of jewel-woven leather Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
This item's article (optional), color, and material (must remain cloth type) can be altered. When worn, this strip of leather will become a headscarf. The noun cannot change. This item is Tier 2/2.
The veil's description can also be altered but is limited to two words. Current veil is: tatted lace
If you are already wearing a mask or a feature concealing item, you will not be able to wear this.
Available verbs for Tier 2 are PROD (reveal/hide identity toggle), PULL, RUB, SHOW, TWIST (switches between turban and headscarf while holding the material), and WEAR.

This lengthy piece of jewel-woven leather appears long enough to wrap around your head multiple times to create a headscarf. There is also a wide square of tatted lace that will drape across your face to conceal your features.
a long strip of pastel-dyed lace Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
This item's article (optional), color, and material (must remain cloth type) can be altered. When worn, this strip of lace will become a headscarf. The noun cannot change. This item is Tier 1/2.
There is a sheer gauze veil on the headscarf. It must be unlocked in order to change this description.
If you are already wearing a mask or a feature concealing item, you will not be able to wear this.
Available verbs for the OTS (Tier 1) version are WEAR and TWIST.

This lengthy piece of pastel-dyed lace appears long enough to wrap around your head multiple times to create a headscarf. There is also a wide square of sheer gauze that will drape across your face to conceal your features.
a long strip of floral black lace Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
This item's article (optional), color, and material (must remain cloth type) can be altered. When worn, this strip of lace will become a headscarf. The noun cannot change. This item is Tier 1/2.
There is a sheer gauze veil on the headscarf. It must be unlocked in order to change this description.
If you are already wearing a mask or a feature concealing item, you will not be able to wear this.
Available verbs for the OTS (Tier 1) version are WEAR and TWIST.

This lengthy piece of floral black lace appears long enough to wrap around your head multiple times to create a headscarf. There is also a wide square of sheer gauze that will drape across your face to conceal your features.
a long strip of plum and amber silk Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
This item's article (optional), color, and material (must remain cloth type) can be altered. When worn, this strip of silk will become a headscarf. The noun cannot change. This item is Tier 1/2.
There is a sheer gauze veil on the headscarf. It must be unlocked in order to change this description.
If you are already wearing a mask or a feature concealing item, you will not be able to wear this.
Available verbs for the OTS (Tier 1) version are WEAR and TWIST.

This lengthy piece of plum and amber silk appears long enough to wrap around your head multiple times to create a headscarf. There is also a wide square of sheer gauze that will drape across your face to conceal your features.
a long strip of blackworked satin Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
This item's article (optional), color, and material (must remain cloth type) can be altered. When worn, this strip of satin will become a headscarf. The noun cannot change. This item is Tier 1/2.
There is a sheer gauze veil on the headscarf. It must be unlocked in order to change this description.
If you are already wearing a mask or a feature concealing item, you will not be able to wear this.
Available verbs for the OTS (Tier 1) version are WEAR and TWIST.

This lengthy piece of blackworked satin appears long enough to wrap around your head multiple times to create a headscarf. There is also a wide square of sheer gauze that will drape across your face to conceal your features.
a long strip of burnt onyx velvet Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
This item's article (optional), color, and material (must remain cloth type) can be altered. When worn, this strip of velvet will become a headscarf. The noun cannot change. This item is Tier 1/2.
There is a sheer gauze veil on the headscarf. It must be unlocked in order to change this description.
If you are already wearing a mask or a feature concealing item, you will not be able to wear this.
Available verbs for the OTS (Tier 1) version are WEAR and TWIST.

This lengthy piece of burnt onyx velvet appears long enough to wrap around your head multiple times to create a headscarf. There is also a wide square of sheer gauze that will drape across your face to conceal your features.
a long strip of pearl-strewn leather Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
This item's article (optional), color, and material (must remain cloth type) can be altered. When worn, this strip of leather will become a headscarf. The noun cannot change. This item is Tier 1/2.
There is a sheer gauze veil on the headscarf. It must be unlocked in order to change this description.
If you are already wearing a mask or a feature concealing item, you will not be able to wear this.
Available verbs for the OTS (Tier 1) version are WEAR and TWIST.

This lengthy piece of pearl-strewn leather appears long enough to wrap around your head multiple times to create a headscarf. There is also a wide square of sheer gauze that will drape across your face to conceal your features.
a long strip of tonal ruby jacquard Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
This item's article (optional), color, and material (must remain cloth type) can be altered. When worn, this strip of velvet will become a headscarf. The noun cannot change. This item is Tier 1/2.
There is a sheer gauze veil on the headscarf. It must be unlocked in order to change this description.
If you are already wearing a mask or a feature concealing item, you will not be able to wear this.
Available verbs for the OTS (Tier 1) version are WEAR and TWIST.

This lengthy piece of burnt onyx velvet appears long enough to wrap around your head multiple times to create a headscarf. There is also a wide square of sheer gauze that will drape across your face to conceal your features.
a long strip of muted sapphire silk Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
This item's article (optional), color, and material (must remain cloth type) can be altered. When worn, this strip of satin will become a headscarf. The noun cannot change. This item is Tier 1/2.
There is a sheer gauze veil on the headscarf. It must be unlocked in order to change this description.
If you are already wearing a mask or a feature concealing item, you will not be able to wear this.
Available verbs for the OTS (Tier 1) version are WEAR and TWIST.

This lengthy piece of blackworked satin appears long enough to wrap around your head multiple times to create a headscarf. There is also a wide square of sheer gauze that will drape across your face to conceal your features.
a long strip of smoke grey tulle Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
This item's article (optional), color, and material (must remain cloth type) can be altered. When worn, this strip of silk will become a headscarf. The noun cannot change. This item is Tier 1/2.
There is a sheer gauze veil on the headscarf. It must be unlocked in order to change this description.
If you are already wearing a mask or a feature concealing item, you will not be able to wear this.
Available verbs for the OTS (Tier 1) version are WEAR and TWIST.

This lengthy piece of plum and amber silk appears long enough to wrap around your head multiple times to create a headscarf. There is also a wide square of sheer gauze that will drape across your face to conceal your features.
a long strip of pale ashen suede Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
This item's article (optional), color, and material (must remain cloth type) can be altered. When worn, this strip of lace will become a headscarf. The noun cannot change. This item is Tier 1/2.
There is a sheer gauze veil on the headscarf. It must be unlocked in order to change this description.
If you are already wearing a mask or a feature concealing item, you will not be able to wear this.
Available verbs for the OTS (Tier 1) version are WEAR and TWIST.

This lengthy piece of floral black lace appears long enough to wrap around your head multiple times to create a headscarf. There is also a wide square of sheer gauze that will drape across your face to conceal your features.
Return to the top of this page.

What Goes Around

a narrow shed with a poorly repaired roof, [Map Room #9], Lich#26886 , go narrow shed

What Goes Around

[What Goes Around -]
The air in this shop is heavy with the scent of leather, and the floor is covered in a variety of odd-colored stains. The walls are made of vertical wooden slats, each one seemingly more warped and pockmarked than the last, with various lit torches interspersed around the space. A series of shabby racks stands against the far wall, and a wide barrel stands off to one side. A greasy sign is nailed to the wall just inside the entrance.
Obvious exits: out
The armor on the rack is Karma Armor.  It gives you a chance to completely absorb an incoming attack, and stores some of the absorbed damage for use later.
Crimson-threaded seams are for Fire.  Cobalt blue-threaded for Cold.
Brilliant yellow for Electricity.  Deep Brown for Vibration.
Small spikes along the seams are for Pierce damage.  Rounded stones are for Crush, and Sharp blades are for slash.
Waivers are in the barrel, and can be used to unlock Karma Armor.
Waivers edged with a color are meant to match with the thread on the armor, and will unlock that damage type on an existing set of armor that does not already have that type available.  Waivers edged with spikes, stones, or blades will unlock those damage types in the same fashion.
Bronze waivers will increase the percentage chance to absorb the current damage type.  Silver waivers will increase the percentage of damage that is absorbed on a successful absorption.  Gold waivers will increase the maximum amount of damage that can be stored.
Iron waivers will increase the number of times per day that your armor can DISCHARGE.  This waiver does NOT take into account the current damage type... Bronze, Silver, and Gold, however, will only apply their increase to the currently active damage type.
Note that all Karma Armor is sold with a bonus of +20.

In the wide barrel you see:

a bronze-edged waiver Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
Your waiver is used to unlock the potential of things held in your other hand.
Your waiver will unlock your Karma Armor's current damage type, giving it a greater chance to absorb incoming damage.
You need only RAISE your waiver while holding a compatible piece of equipment in your other hand.
Your waiver may not be altered or changed in any way.

As you glance over the waiver you notice something written on it...
This waiver will increase your Karma Armor's chance to absorb incoming damage. NOTE: This will ONLY affect the currently activated damage type on your armor!
a silver-edged waiver Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
Your waiver is used to unlock the potential of things held in your other hand.
Your waiver will unlock your Karma Armor's current damage type, allowing it to absorb a larger amount of incoming damage on a successful absorption.
You need only RAISE your waiver while holding a compatible piece of equipment in your other hand.
Your waiver may not be altered or changed in any way.

As you glance over the waiver you notice something written on it...
This waiver will increase the percentage of incoming damage your Karma Armor will absorb. NOTE: This will ONLY affect the currently activated damage type on your armor!
a gold-edged waiver Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
Your waiver is used to unlock the potential of things held in your other hand.
Your waiver will unlock your Karma Armor's current damage type, increasing its storage capacity.
You need only RAISE your waiver while holding a compatible piece of equipment in your other hand.
Your waiver may not be altered or changed in any way.

As you glance over the waiver you notice something written on it...
This waiver will increase the total amount of damage your Karma Armor can store. NOTE: This will ONLY affect the currently activated damage type on your armor!
a crimson-edged waiver Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
Your waiver is used to unlock the potential of things held in your other hand.
Your waiver will unlock your Karma Armor to be able to absorb Fire damage.
You need only RAISE your waiver while holding a compatible piece of equipment in your other hand.
Your waiver may not be altered or changed in any way.

As you glance over the waiver you notice something written on it...
Your waiver will unlock your Karma Armor to be able to absorb Fire damage. NOTE: This will ONLY affect the currently activated damage type on your armor!
a cobalt blue-edged waiver Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
Your waiver is used to unlock the potential of things held in your other hand.
Your waiver will unlock your Karma Armor to be able to absorb Cold damage.
You need only RAISE your waiver while holding a compatible piece of equipment in your other hand.
Your waiver may not be altered or changed in any way.

As you glance over the waiver you notice something written on it...
Your waiver will unlock your Karma Armor to be able to absorb Cold damage. NOTE: This will ONLY affect the currently activated damage type on your armor!
a yellow-edged waiver Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
Your waiver is used to unlock the potential of things held in your other hand.
Your waiver will unlock your Karma Armor to be able to absorb Electricity damage.
You need only RAISE your waiver while holding a compatible piece of equipment in your other hand.
Your waiver may not be altered or changed in any way.

As you glance over the waiver you notice something written on it...
Your waiver will unlock your Karma Armor to be able to absorb Electricity damage. NOTE: This will ONLY affect the currently activated damage type on your armor!
a brown-edged waiver Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
Your waiver is used to unlock the potential of things held in your other hand.
Your waiver will unlock your Karma Armor to be able to absorb Impact damage.
You need only RAISE your waiver while holding a compatible piece of equipment in your other hand.
Your waiver may not be altered or changed in any way.

As you glance over the waiver you notice something written on it...
Your waiver will unlock your Karma Armor to be able to absorb Vibration damage. NOTE: This will ONLY affect the currently activated damage type on your armor!
a spike-edged waiver Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
Your waiver is used to unlock the potential of things held in your other hand.
Your waiver will unlock your Karma Armor to be able to absorb Piercing damage.
You need only RAISE your waiver while holding a compatible piece of equipment in your other hand.
Your waiver may not be altered or changed in any way.

As you glance over the waiver you notice something written on it...
Your waiver will unlock your Karma Armor to be able to absorb Piercing damage. NOTE: This will ONLY affect the currently activated damage type on your armor!
a stone-edged waiver Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
Your waiver is used to unlock the potential of things held in your other hand.
Your waiver will unlock your Karma Armor to be able to absorb Crushing damage.
You need only RAISE your waiver while holding a compatible piece of equipment in your other hand.
Your waiver may not be altered or changed in any way.

As you glance over the waiver you notice something written on it...
Your waiver will unlock your Karma Armor to be able to absorb Crushing damage. NOTE: This will ONLY affect the currently activated damage type on your armor!
a blade-edged waiver Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
Your waiver is used to unlock the potential of things held in your other hand.
Your waiver will unlock your Karma Armor to be able to absorb Slashing damage.
You need only RAISE your waiver while holding a compatible piece of equipment in your other hand.
Your waiver may not be altered or changed in any way.

As you glance over the waiver you notice something written on it...
Your waiver will unlock your Karma Armor to be able to absorb Slashing damage. NOTE: This will ONLY affect the currently activated damage type on your armor!
an iron-edged waiver Weight: <1 pound
analyze, show description
Your waiver is used to unlock the potential of things held in your other hand.
Your waiver will unlock your Karma Armor to be able to DISCHARGE an extra time per day.
You need only RAISE your waiver while holding a compatible piece of equipment in your other hand.
Your waiver may not be altered or changed in any way.

As you glance over the waiver you notice something written on it...
Your waiver will unlock your Karma Armor to be able to DISCHARGE an extra time per day.

On the tall iron rack you see:

a charred leather gambeson with crimson-threaded seams Weight: 15 pounds
Enchant: +20
reinforced leather (AsG 7)
This is Karma Armor... and damage done unto you will occasionally be done unto others!
Your armor can potentially be unlocked to a total of seven damage types (fire, cold, electricity, vibration, pierce, crush, and slash). Your armor is currently set up to potentially absorb:
... and that's all.
You can {WHISPER gambeson INFO} to view all the information for your current setting.
You can also WHISPER to your gambeson to set it to an outgoing damage type. For example, you can: {WHISPER gambeson FIRE}, and your gambeson will switch to fire mode. In this example, you would then be able to expel the accumulated fire damage in a single strike of pure force (note that it will not assign FIRE damage, just pure force). There is no capability to 'hold back' your strike and do less damage, or to discharge at more than one target. If you attempt to set your gambeson to absorb a damage type it is unable to handle, the gambeson will remain inert. Also, this gambeson will only interact with creatures, which is to say that it will not absorb or discharge any damage that is not created by or directed at a creature.
Your armor can discharge 1 times before needing to recharge. Recharging takes 24 hours.
a frost-marred leather gambeson with cobalt blue-threaded seams Weight: 15 pounds
Enchant: +20
reinforced leather (AsG 7)
This is Karma Armor... and damage done unto you will occasionally be done unto others!
Your armor can potentially be unlocked to a total of seven damage types (fire, cold, electricity, vibration, pierce, crush, and slash). Your armor is currently set up to potentially absorb:
... and that's all.
You can {WHISPER gambeson INFO} to view all the information for your current setting.
You can also WHISPER to your gambeson to set it to an outgoing damage type. For example, you can: {WHISPER gambeson FIRE}, and your gambeson will switch to fire mode. In this example, you would then be able to expel the accumulated fire damage in a single strike of pure force (note that it will not assign FIRE damage, just pure force). There is no capability to 'hold back' your strike and do less damage, or to discharge at more than one target. If you attempt to set your gambeson to absorb a damage type it is unable to handle, the gambeson will remain inert. Also, this gambeson will only interact with creatures, which is to say that it will not absorb or discharge any damage that is not created by or directed at a creature.
Your armor can discharge 1 times before needing to recharge. Recharging takes 24 hours.
a cracked leather gambeson with brilliant yellow-threaded seams Weight: 15 pounds
Enchant: +20
reinforced leather (AsG 7)
This is Karma Armor... and damage done unto you will occasionally be done unto others!
Your armor can potentially be unlocked to a total of seven damage types (fire, cold, electricity, vibration, pierce, crush, and slash). Your armor is currently set up to potentially absorb:
... and that's all.
You can {WHISPER gambeson INFO} to view all the information for your current setting.
You can also WHISPER to your gambeson to set it to an outgoing damage type. For example, you can: {WHISPER gambeson FIRE}, and your gambeson will switch to fire mode. In this example, you would then be able to expel the accumulated fire damage in a single strike of pure force (note that it will not assign FIRE damage, just pure force). There is no capability to 'hold back' your strike and do less damage, or to discharge at more than one target. If you attempt to set your gambeson to absorb a damage type it is unable to handle, the gambeson will remain inert. Also, this gambeson will only interact with creatures, which is to say that it will not absorb or discharge any damage that is not created by or directed at a creature.
Your armor can discharge 1 times before needing to recharge. Recharging takes 24 hours.
a misshapen leather gambeson with deep brown-threaded seams Weight: 15 pounds
Enchant: +20
reinforced leather (AsG 7)
This is Karma Armor... and damage done unto you will occasionally be done unto others!
Your armor can potentially be unlocked to a total of seven damage types (fire, cold, electricity, vibration, pierce, crush, and slash). Your armor is currently set up to potentially absorb:
... and that's all.
You can {WHISPER gambeson INFO} to view all the information for your current setting.
You can also WHISPER to your gambeson to set it to an outgoing damage type. For example, you can: {WHISPER gambeson FIRE}, and your gambeson will switch to fire mode. In this example, you would then be able to expel the accumulated fire damage in a single strike of pure force (note that it will not assign FIRE damage, just pure force). There is no capability to 'hold back' your strike and do less damage, or to discharge at more than one target. If you attempt to set your gambeson to absorb a damage type it is unable to handle, the gambeson will remain inert. Also, this gambeson will only interact with creatures, which is to say that it will not absorb or discharge any damage that is not created by or directed at a creature.
Your armor can discharge 1 times before needing to recharge. Recharging takes 24 hours.
a lopsided leather gambeson with small spikes along its seams Weight: 15 pounds
Enchant: +20
reinforced leather (AsG 7)
This is Karma Armor... and damage done unto you will occasionally be done unto others!
Your armor can potentially be unlocked to a total of seven damage types (fire, cold, electricity, vibration, pierce, crush, and slash). Your armor is currently set up to potentially absorb:
... and that's all.
You can {WHISPER gambeson INFO} to view all the information for your current setting.
You can also WHISPER to your gambeson to set it to an outgoing damage type. For example, you can: {WHISPER gambeson FIRE}, and your gambeson will switch to fire mode. In this example, you would then be able to expel the accumulated fire damage in a single strike of pure force (note that it will not assign FIRE damage, just pure force). There is no capability to 'hold back' your strike and do less damage, or to discharge at more than one target. If you attempt to set your gambeson to absorb a damage type it is unable to handle, the gambeson will remain inert. Also, this gambeson will only interact with creatures, which is to say that it will not absorb or discharge any damage that is not created by or directed at a creature.
Your armor can discharge 1 times before needing to recharge. Recharging takes 24 hours.
a stained leather gambeson with rounded stones along its seams Weight: 15 pounds
Enchant: +20
reinforced leather (AsG 7)
This is Karma Armor... and damage done unto you will occasionally be done unto others!
Your armor can potentially be unlocked to a total of seven damage types (fire, cold, electricity, vibration, pierce, crush, and slash). Your armor is currently set up to potentially absorb:
... and that's all.
You can {WHISPER gambeson INFO} to view all the information for your current setting.
You can also WHISPER to your gambeson to set it to an outgoing damage type. For example, you can: {WHISPER gambeson FIRE}, and your gambeson will switch to fire mode. In this example, you would then be able to expel the accumulated fire damage in a single strike of pure force (note that it will not assign FIRE damage, just pure force). There is no capability to 'hold back' your strike and do less damage, or to discharge at more than one target. If you attempt to set your gambeson to absorb a damage type it is unable to handle, the gambeson will remain inert. Also, this gambeson will only interact with creatures, which is to say that it will not absorb or discharge any damage that is not created by or directed at a creature.
Your armor can discharge 1 times before needing to recharge. Recharging takes 24 hours.
a damaged leather gambeson with sharp blades along its seams Weight: 15 pounds
Enchant: +20
reinforced leather (AsG 7)
This is Karma Armor... and damage done unto you will occasionally be done unto others!
Your armor can potentially be unlocked to a total of seven damage types (fire, cold, electricity, vibration, pierce, crush, and slash). Your armor is currently set up to potentially absorb:
... and that's all.
You can {WHISPER gambeson INFO} to view all the information for your current setting.
You can also WHISPER to your gambeson to set it to an outgoing damage type. For example, you can: {WHISPER gambeson FIRE}, and your gambeson will switch to fire mode. In this example, you would then be able to expel the accumulated fire damage in a single strike of pure force (note that it will not assign FIRE damage, just pure force). There is no capability to 'hold back' your strike and do less damage, or to discharge at more than one target. If you attempt to set your gambeson to absorb a damage type it is unable to handle, the gambeson will remain inert. Also, this gambeson will only interact with creatures, which is to say that it will not absorb or discharge any damage that is not created by or directed at a creature.
Your armor can discharge 1 times before needing to recharge. Recharging takes 24 hours.

On the warped brass rack you see:

a stained leather aketon with rounded stones along its seams Weight: 16 pounds
Enchant: +20
double leather (AsG 8)
This is Karma Armor... and damage done unto you will occasionally be done unto others!
Your armor can potentially be unlocked to a total of seven damage types (fire, cold, electricity, vibration, pierce, crush, and slash). Your armor is currently set up to potentially absorb:
... and that's all.
You can {WHISPER aketon INFO} to view all the information for your current setting.
You can also WHISPER to your aketon to set it to an outgoing damage type. For example, you can: {WHISPER aketon FIRE}, and your aketon will switch to fire mode. In this example, you would then be able to expel the accumulated fire damage in a single strike of pure force (note that it will not assign FIRE damage, just pure force). There is no capability to 'hold back' your strike and do less damage, or to discharge at more than one target. If you attempt to set your aketon to absorb a damage type it is unable to handle, the aketon will remain inert. Also, this aketon will only interact with creatures, which is to say that it will not absorb or discharge any damage that is not created by or directed at a creature.
Your armor can discharge 1 times before needing to recharge. Recharging takes 24 hours.
a damaged leather aketon with sharp blades along its seams Weight: 16 pounds
Enchant: +20
double leather (AsG 8)
This is Karma Armor... and damage done unto you will occasionally be done unto others!
Your armor can potentially be unlocked to a total of seven damage types (fire, cold, electricity, vibration, pierce, crush, and slash). Your armor is currently set up to potentially absorb:
... and that's all.
You can {WHISPER aketon INFO} to view all the information for your current setting.
You can also WHISPER to your aketon to set it to an outgoing damage type. For example, you can: {WHISPER aketon FIRE}, and your aketon will switch to fire mode. In this example, you would then be able to expel the accumulated fire damage in a single strike of pure force (note that it will not assign FIRE damage, just pure force). There is no capability to 'hold back' your strike and do less damage, or to discharge at more than one target. If you attempt to set your aketon to absorb a damage type it is unable to handle, the aketon will remain inert. Also, this aketon will only interact with creatures, which is to say that it will not absorb or discharge any damage that is not created by or directed at a creature.
Your armor can discharge 1 times before needing to recharge. Recharging takes 24 hours.
a lopsided leather aketon with small spikes along its seams Weight: 16 pounds
Enchant: +20
double leather (AsG 8)
This is Karma Armor... and damage done unto you will occasionally be done unto others!
Your armor can potentially be unlocked to a total of seven damage types (fire, cold, electricity, vibration, pierce, crush, and slash). Your armor is currently set up to potentially absorb:
... and that's all.
You can {WHISPER aketon INFO} to view all the information for your current setting.
You can also WHISPER to your aketon to set it to an outgoing damage type. For example, you can: {WHISPER aketon FIRE}, and your aketon will switch to fire mode. In this example, you would then be able to expel the accumulated fire damage in a single strike of pure force (note that it will not assign FIRE damage, just pure force). There is no capability to 'hold back' your strike and do less damage, or to discharge at more than one target. If you attempt to set your aketon to absorb a damage type it is unable to handle, the aketon will remain inert. Also, this aketon will only interact with creatures, which is to say that it will not absorb or discharge any damage that is not created by or directed at a creature.
Your armor can discharge 1 times before needing to recharge. Recharging takes 24 hours.
a misshapen leather aketon with deep brown-threaded seams Weight: 16 pounds
Enchant: +20
double leather (AsG 8)
This is Karma Armor... and damage done unto you will occasionally be done unto others!
Your armor can potentially be unlocked to a total of seven damage types (fire, cold, electricity, vibration, pierce, crush, and slash). Your armor is currently set up to potentially absorb:
... and that's all.
You can {WHISPER aketon INFO} to view all the information for your current setting.
You can also WHISPER to your aketon to set it to an outgoing damage type. For example, you can: {WHISPER aketon FIRE}, and your aketon will switch to fire mode. In this example, you would then be able to expel the accumulated fire damage in a single strike of pure force (note that it will not assign FIRE damage, just pure force). There is no capability to 'hold back' your strike and do less damage, or to discharge at more than one target. If you attempt to set your aketon to absorb a damage type it is unable to handle, the aketon will remain inert. Also, this aketon will only interact with creatures, which is to say that it will not absorb or discharge any damage that is not created by or directed at a creature.
Your armor can discharge 1 times before needing to recharge. Recharging takes 24 hours.
a cracked leather aketon with brilliant yellow-threaded seams Weight: 16 pounds
Enchant: +20
double leather (AsG 8)
This is Karma Armor... and damage done unto you will occasionally be done unto others!
Your armor can potentially be unlocked to a total of seven damage types (fire, cold, electricity, vibration, pierce, crush, and slash). Your armor is currently set up to potentially absorb:
... and that's all.
You can {WHISPER aketon INFO} to view all the information for your current setting.
You can also WHISPER to your aketon to set it to an outgoing damage type. For example, you can: {WHISPER aketon FIRE}, and your aketon will switch to fire mode. In this example, you would then be able to expel the accumulated fire damage in a single strike of pure force (note that it will not assign FIRE damage, just pure force). There is no capability to 'hold back' your strike and do less damage, or to discharge at more than one target. If you attempt to set your aketon to absorb a damage type it is unable to handle, the aketon will remain inert. Also, this aketon will only interact with creatures, which is to say that it will not absorb or discharge any damage that is not created by or directed at a creature.
Your armor can discharge 1 times before needing to recharge. Recharging takes 24 hours.
a frost-marred aketon with cobalt blue-threaded seams Weight: 16 pounds
Enchant: +20
double leather (AsG 8)
This is Karma Armor... and damage done unto you will occasionally be done unto others!
Your armor can potentially be unlocked to a total of seven damage types (fire, cold, electricity, vibration, pierce, crush, and slash). Your armor is currently set up to potentially absorb:
... and that's all.
You can {WHISPER aketon INFO} to view all the information for your current setting.
You can also WHISPER to your aketon to set it to an outgoing damage type. For example, you can: {WHISPER aketon FIRE}, and your aketon will switch to fire mode. In this example, you would then be able to expel the accumulated fire damage in a single strike of pure force (note that it will not assign FIRE damage, just pure force). There is no capability to 'hold back' your strike and do less damage, or to discharge at more than one target. If you attempt to set your aketon to absorb a damage type it is unable to handle, the aketon will remain inert. Also, this aketon will only interact with creatures, which is to say that it will not absorb or discharge any damage that is not created by or directed at a creature.
Your armor can discharge 1 times before needing to recharge. Recharging takes 24 hours.
a charred leather aketon with crimson-threaded seams Weight: 16 pounds
Enchant: +20
double leather (AsG 8)
This is Karma Armor... and damage done unto you will occasionally be done unto others!
Your armor can potentially be unlocked to a total of seven damage types (fire, cold, electricity, vibration, pierce, crush, and slash). Your armor is currently set up to potentially absorb:
... and that's all.
You can {WHISPER aketon INFO} to view all the information for your current setting.
You can also WHISPER to your aketon to set it to an outgoing damage type. For example, you can: {WHISPER aketon FIRE}, and your aketon will switch to fire mode. In this example, you would then be able to expel the accumulated fire damage in a single strike of pure force (note that it will not assign FIRE damage, just pure force). There is no capability to 'hold back' your strike and do less damage, or to discharge at more than one target. If you attempt to set your aketon to absorb a damage type it is unable to handle, the aketon will remain inert. Also, this aketon will only interact with creatures, which is to say that it will not absorb or discharge any damage that is not created by or directed at a creature.
Your armor can discharge 1 times before needing to recharge. Recharging takes 24 hours.

On the crooked pine rack you see:

a damaged leather pourpoint with sharp blades along its seams Weight: 13 pounds
Enchant: +20
full leather (AsG 6)
This is Karma Armor... and damage done unto you will occasionally be done unto others!
Your armor can potentially be unlocked to a total of seven damage types (fire, cold, electricity, vibration, pierce, crush, and slash). Your armor is currently set up to potentially absorb:
... and that's all.
You can {WHISPER pourpoint INFO} to view all the information for your current setting.
You can also WHISPER to your pourpoint to set it to an outgoing damage type. For example, you can: {WHISPER pourpoint FIRE}, and your pourpoint will switch to fire mode. In this example, you would then be able to expel the accumulated fire damage in a single strike of pure force (note that it will not assign FIRE damage, just pure force). There is no capability to 'hold back' your strike and do less damage, or to discharge at more than one target. If you attempt to set your pourpoint to absorb a damage type it is unable to handle, the pourpoint will remain inert. Also, this pourpoint will only interact with creatures, which is to say that it will not absorb or discharge any damage that is not created by or directed at a creature.
Your armor can discharge 1 times before needing to recharge. Recharging takes 24 hours.
a stained leather pourpoint with rounded stones along its seams Weight: 13 pounds
Enchant: +20
full leather (AsG 6)
This is Karma Armor... and damage done unto you will occasionally be done unto others!
Your armor can potentially be unlocked to a total of seven damage types (fire, cold, electricity, vibration, pierce, crush, and slash). Your armor is currently set up to potentially absorb:
... and that's all.
You can {WHISPER pourpoint INFO} to view all the information for your current setting.
You can also WHISPER to your pourpoint to set it to an outgoing damage type. For example, you can: {WHISPER pourpoint FIRE}, and your pourpoint will switch to fire mode. In this example, you would then be able to expel the accumulated fire damage in a single strike of pure force (note that it will not assign FIRE damage, just pure force). There is no capability to 'hold back' your strike and do less damage, or to discharge at more than one target. If you attempt to set your pourpoint to absorb a damage type it is unable to handle, the pourpoint will remain inert. Also, this pourpoint will only interact with creatures, which is to say that it will not absorb or discharge any damage that is not created by or directed at a creature.
Your armor can discharge 1 times before needing to recharge. Recharging takes 24 hours.
a lopsided leather pourpoint with small spikes along its seams Weight: 13 pounds
Enchant: +20
full leather (AsG 6)
This is Karma Armor... and damage done unto you will occasionally be done unto others!
Your armor can potentially be unlocked to a total of seven damage types (fire, cold, electricity, vibration, pierce, crush, and slash). Your armor is currently set up to potentially absorb:
... and that's all.
You can {WHISPER pourpoint INFO} to view all the information for your current setting.
You can also WHISPER to your pourpoint to set it to an outgoing damage type. For example, you can: {WHISPER pourpoint FIRE}, and your pourpoint will switch to fire mode. In this example, you would then be able to expel the accumulated fire damage in a single strike of pure force (note that it will not assign FIRE damage, just pure force). There is no capability to 'hold back' your strike and do less damage, or to discharge at more than one target. If you attempt to set your pourpoint to absorb a damage type it is unable to handle, the pourpoint will remain inert. Also, this pourpoint will only interact with creatures, which is to say that it will not absorb or discharge any damage that is not created by or directed at a creature.
Your armor can discharge 1 times before needing to recharge. Recharging takes 24 hours.
a misshapen leather pourpoint with deep brown-threaded seams Weight: 13 pounds
Enchant: +20
full leather (AsG 6)
This is Karma Armor... and damage done unto you will occasionally be done unto others!
Your armor can potentially be unlocked to a total of seven damage types (fire, cold, electricity, vibration, pierce, crush, and slash). Your armor is currently set up to potentially absorb:
... and that's all.
You can {WHISPER pourpoint INFO} to view all the information for your current setting.
You can also WHISPER to your pourpoint to set it to an outgoing damage type. For example, you can: {WHISPER pourpoint FIRE}, and your pourpoint will switch to fire mode. In this example, you would then be able to expel the accumulated fire damage in a single strike of pure force (note that it will not assign FIRE damage, just pure force). There is no capability to 'hold back' your strike and do less damage, or to discharge at more than one target. If you attempt to set your pourpoint to absorb a damage type it is unable to handle, the pourpoint will remain inert. Also, this pourpoint will only interact with creatures, which is to say that it will not absorb or discharge any damage that is not created by or directed at a creature.
Your armor can discharge 1 times before needing to recharge. Recharging takes 24 hours.
a cracked leather pourpoint with brilliant yellow-threaded seams Weight: 13 pounds
Enchant: +20
full leather (AsG 6)
This is Karma Armor... and damage done unto you will occasionally be done unto others!
Your armor can potentially be unlocked to a total of seven damage types (fire, cold, electricity, vibration, pierce, crush, and slash). Your armor is currently set up to potentially absorb:
... and that's all.
You can {WHISPER pourpoint INFO} to view all the information for your current setting.
You can also WHISPER to your pourpoint to set it to an outgoing damage type. For example, you can: {WHISPER pourpoint FIRE}, and your pourpoint will switch to fire mode. In this example, you would then be able to expel the accumulated fire damage in a single strike of pure force (note that it will not assign FIRE damage, just pure force). There is no capability to 'hold back' your strike and do less damage, or to discharge at more than one target. If you attempt to set your pourpoint to absorb a damage type it is unable to handle, the pourpoint will remain inert. Also, this pourpoint will only interact with creatures, which is to say that it will not absorb or discharge any damage that is not created by or directed at a creature.
Your armor can discharge 1 times before needing to recharge. Recharging takes 24 hours.
a frost-marred leather pourpoint with cobalt blue-threaded seams Weight: 13 pounds
Enchant: +20
full leather (AsG 6)
This is Karma Armor... and damage done unto you will occasionally be done unto others!
Your armor can potentially be unlocked to a total of seven damage types (fire, cold, electricity, vibration, pierce, crush, and slash). Your armor is currently set up to potentially absorb:
... and that's all.
You can {WHISPER pourpoint INFO} to view all the information for your current setting.
You can also WHISPER to your pourpoint to set it to an outgoing damage type. For example, you can: {WHISPER pourpoint FIRE}, and your pourpoint will switch to fire mode. In this example, you would then be able to expel the accumulated fire damage in a single strike of pure force (note that it will not assign FIRE damage, just pure force). There is no capability to 'hold back' your strike and do less damage, or to discharge at more than one target. If you attempt to set your pourpoint to absorb a damage type it is unable to handle, the pourpoint will remain inert. Also, this pourpoint will only interact with creatures, which is to say that it will not absorb or discharge any damage that is not created by or directed at a creature.
Your armor can discharge 1 times before needing to recharge. Recharging takes 24 hours.
a charred leather pourpoint with crimson-threaded seams Weight: 13 pounds
Enchant: +20
full leather (AsG 6)
This is Karma Armor... and damage done unto you will occasionally be done unto others!
Your armor can potentially be unlocked to a total of seven damage types (fire, cold, electricity, vibration, pierce, crush, and slash). Your armor is currently set up to potentially absorb:
... and that's all.
You can {WHISPER pourpoint INFO} to view all the information for your current setting.
You can also WHISPER to your pourpoint to set it to an outgoing damage type. For example, you can: {WHISPER pourpoint FIRE}, and your pourpoint will switch to fire mode. In this example, you would then be able to expel the accumulated fire damage in a single strike of pure force (note that it will not assign FIRE damage, just pure force). There is no capability to 'hold back' your strike and do less damage, or to discharge at more than one target. If you attempt to set your pourpoint to absorb a damage type it is unable to handle, the pourpoint will remain inert. Also, this pourpoint will only interact with creatures, which is to say that it will not absorb or discharge any damage that is not created by or directed at a creature.
Your armor can discharge 1 times before needing to recharge. Recharging takes 24 hours.

On the crude birch rack you see:

a stained leather tunic with rounded stones along its seams Weight: 10 pounds
Enchant: +20
light leather (AsG 5)
This is Karma Armor... and damage done unto you will occasionally be done unto others!
Your armor can potentially be unlocked to a total of seven damage types (fire, cold, electricity, vibration, pierce, crush, and slash). Your armor is currently set up to potentially absorb:
... and that's all.
You can {WHISPER tunic INFO} to view all the information for your current setting.
You can also WHISPER to your tunic to set it to an outgoing damage type. For example, you can: {WHISPER tunic FIRE}, and your tunic will switch to fire mode. In this example, you would then be able to expel the accumulated fire damage in a single strike of pure force (note that it will not assign FIRE damage, just pure force). There is no capability to 'hold back' your strike and do less damage, or to discharge at more than one target. If you attempt to set your tunic to absorb a damage type it is unable to handle, the tunic will remain inert. Also, this tunic will only interact with creatures, which is to say that it will not absorb or discharge any damage that is not created by or directed at a creature.
Your armor can discharge 1 times before needing to recharge. Recharging takes 24 hours.
a damaged leather tunic with sharp blades along its seams Weight: 10 pounds
Enchant: +20
light leather (AsG 5)
This is Karma Armor... and damage done unto you will occasionally be done unto others!
Your armor can potentially be unlocked to a total of seven damage types (fire, cold, electricity, vibration, pierce, crush, and slash). Your armor is currently set up to potentially absorb:
... and that's all.
You can {WHISPER tunic INFO} to view all the information for your current setting.
You can also WHISPER to your tunic to set it to an outgoing damage type. For example, you can: {WHISPER tunic FIRE}, and your tunic will switch to fire mode. In this example, you would then be able to expel the accumulated fire damage in a single strike of pure force (note that it will not assign FIRE damage, just pure force). There is no capability to 'hold back' your strike and do less damage, or to discharge at more than one target. If you attempt to set your tunic to absorb a damage type it is unable to handle, the tunic will remain inert. Also, this tunic will only interact with creatures, which is to say that it will not absorb or discharge any damage that is not created by or directed at a creature.
Your armor can discharge 1 times before needing to recharge. Recharging takes 24 hours.
a lopsided leather tunic with small spikes along its seams Weight: 10 pounds
Enchant: +20
light leather (AsG 5)
This is Karma Armor... and damage done unto you will occasionally be done unto others!
Your armor can potentially be unlocked to a total of seven damage types (fire, cold, electricity, vibration, pierce, crush, and slash). Your armor is currently set up to potentially absorb:
... and that's all.
You can {WHISPER tunic INFO} to view all the information for your current setting.
You can also WHISPER to your tunic to set it to an outgoing damage type. For example, you can: {WHISPER tunic FIRE}, and your tunic will switch to fire mode. In this example, you would then be able to expel the accumulated fire damage in a single strike of pure force (note that it will not assign FIRE damage, just pure force). There is no capability to 'hold back' your strike and do less damage, or to discharge at more than one target. If you attempt to set your tunic to absorb a damage type it is unable to handle, the tunic will remain inert. Also, this tunic will only interact with creatures, which is to say that it will not absorb or discharge any damage that is not created by or directed at a creature.
Your armor can discharge 1 times before needing to recharge. Recharging takes 24 hours.
a misshapen leather tunic with deep brown-threaded seams Weight: 10 pounds
Enchant: +20
light leather (AsG 5)
This is Karma Armor... and damage done unto you will occasionally be done unto others!
Your armor can potentially be unlocked to a total of seven damage types (fire, cold, electricity, vibration, pierce, crush, and slash). Your armor is currently set up to potentially absorb:
... and that's all.
You can {WHISPER tunic INFO} to view all the information for your current setting.
You can also WHISPER to your tunic to set it to an outgoing damage type. For example, you can: {WHISPER tunic FIRE}, and your tunic will switch to fire mode. In this example, you would then be able to expel the accumulated fire damage in a single strike of pure force (note that it will not assign FIRE damage, just pure force). There is no capability to 'hold back' your strike and do less damage, or to discharge at more than one target. If you attempt to set your tunic to absorb a damage type it is unable to handle, the tunic will remain inert. Also, this tunic will only interact with creatures, which is to say that it will not absorb or discharge any damage that is not created by or directed at a creature.
Your armor can discharge 1 times before needing to recharge. Recharging takes 24 hours.
a cracked leather tunic with brilliant yellow-threaded seams Weight: 10 pounds
Enchant: +20
light leather (AsG 5)
This is Karma Armor... and damage done unto you will occasionally be done unto others!
Your armor can potentially be unlocked to a total of seven damage types (fire, cold, electricity, vibration, pierce, crush, and slash). Your armor is currently set up to potentially absorb:
... and that's all.
You can {WHISPER tunic INFO} to view all the information for your current setting.
You can also WHISPER to your tunic to set it to an outgoing damage type. For example, you can: {WHISPER tunic FIRE}, and your tunic will switch to fire mode. In this example, you would then be able to expel the accumulated fire damage in a single strike of pure force (note that it will not assign FIRE damage, just pure force). There is no capability to 'hold back' your strike and do less damage, or to discharge at more than one target. If you attempt to set your tunic to absorb a damage type it is unable to handle, the tunic will remain inert. Also, this tunic will only interact with creatures, which is to say that it will not absorb or discharge any damage that is not created by or directed at a creature.
Your armor can discharge 1 times before needing to recharge. Recharging takes 24 hours.
a frost-marred leather tunic with cobalt blue-threaded seams Weight: 10 pounds
Enchant: +20
light leather (AsG 5)
This is Karma Armor... and damage done unto you will occasionally be done unto others!
Your armor can potentially be unlocked to a total of seven damage types (fire, cold, electricity, vibration, pierce, crush, and slash). Your armor is currently set up to potentially absorb:
... and that's all.
You can {WHISPER tunic INFO} to view all the information for your current setting.
You can also WHISPER to your tunic to set it to an outgoing damage type. For example, you can: {WHISPER tunic FIRE}, and your tunic will switch to fire mode. In this example, you would then be able to expel the accumulated fire damage in a single strike of pure force (note that it will not assign FIRE damage, just pure force). There is no capability to 'hold back' your strike and do less damage, or to discharge at more than one target. If you attempt to set your tunic to absorb a damage type it is unable to handle, the tunic will remain inert. Also, this tunic will only interact with creatures, which is to say that it will not absorb or discharge any damage that is not created by or directed at a creature.
Your armor can discharge 1 times before needing to recharge. Recharging takes 24 hours.
a charred leather tunic with crimson-threaded seams Weight: 10 pounds
Enchant: +20
light leather (AsG 5)
This is Karma Armor... and damage done unto you will occasionally be done unto others!
Your armor can potentially be unlocked to a total of seven damage types (fire, cold, electricity, vibration, pierce, crush, and slash). Your armor is currently set up to potentially absorb:
... and that's all.
You can {WHISPER tunic INFO} to view all the information for your current setting.
You can also WHISPER to your tunic to set it to an outgoing damage type. For example, you can: {WHISPER tunic FIRE}, and your tunic will switch to fire mode. In this example, you would then be able to expel the accumulated fire damage in a single strike of pure force (note that it will not assign FIRE damage, just pure force). There is no capability to 'hold back' your strike and do less damage, or to discharge at more than one target. If you attempt to set your tunic to absorb a damage type it is unable to handle, the tunic will remain inert. Also, this tunic will only interact with creatures, which is to say that it will not absorb or discharge any damage that is not created by or directed at a creature.
Your armor can discharge 1 times before needing to recharge. Recharging takes 24 hours.
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Written Word

Opened: Unknown; Inventory Updates: August 2019; Verified: 8/15/2019, 2/13/2020

a small shop with a book-shaped sign, Room 2, Lich# 25188, go shop


I, Qaril, can create a custom journal for you.  You need only to select a cover and a sheaf of pages from the bookcase.  (Each completed volume will have fifty pages.)  I can make five types of books (book, notebook, journal, volume, and folio), so be sure to ASK me about the one you are most interested in.  Please note that only I can bind these papers into a cover.  If you buy some, make sure I fix it up for you.  If you leave Bloodriven Village before I've worked with them, they will be useless.


Some obscure details about my wares:

Be aware when writing that the spoken and written word are closely linked.

You must have a quill to write, but it need not be a quill purchased here.  Inkpots are not necessary, as the pages have a magical element to them.

You may erase what you've written by CLEANing the page.

You may TEAR the page to *permanently* remove it from the book.

PUSH, TURN, and FLIP will allow you to work with the individual pages.

Once combined, creates a Writable book

In the cloth-lined chest you see:

a sheaf of bone white parchment Component for Writable book


The parchment is meant to be used in conjunction with a cover to create a book.
a sheaf of neatly lined parchment
a sheaf of petal pink parchment
a sheaf of singed vellum
a sheaf of crinkled vellum
a sheaf of silvery vellum
a sheaf of pale ruby parchment
a sheaf of cerulean paper
a sheaf of webbed paper
a sheaf of ebon-vined paper
a sheaf of soot-swept parchment
a star-embossed cobalt leather cover Component for Writable book


This cover is meant to be used in conjuction with a sheaf of paper in order to create a book.
an alabaster brushed suede cover
a braid-edged carmine suede cover
a faenor-shot golden doeskin cover
a violet-dotted onyx satin cover
a discolored haircloth cover
an anchor-set navy leather cover
a mottled gold snakeskin cover
an ebon-on-grey marbrinus cover
an amber-inlaid russet suede cover
a gilt-spined saffron leather cover

On the ebony bookcase you see:

a tapered white raven feather quill Weight: <1 pound functional Wearable Quill


This quill can be altered, but the noun must remain as 'quill'. No long or show descriptions; base descriptions only (see ALTER 2). When worn, this will appear in your inventory as "tucked behind one ear".
Available verbs: EAT (held), GAZE (worn/held), KISS (held), PUSH (worn), REMOVE, TURN (held), and WEAR.
a crimson ibis feather quill
a petite grey shrike feather quill
a spotted tan falcon feather quill
a soft barn owl feather quill
an ebon-barred vulture feather quill
an aquamarine wave-embossed bookmark 1
a silk-backed dark suede bookmark
a silk-threaded silver mesh bookmark
a branded ivory kidskin bookmark
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