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Research:Temporal rift
This is a research page for the temporal rift accessed by Chronomage punishment, Familiar Gate (930), and glyph traps. Each realm of the game has a fixed number of exits. Those areas without defined exit points will drop the person into their original room. In the past the temporal rift script caused temporary hasting, slowness, and strength weakening effects. Magic will ineffectually fizzle when cast inside the rift. The rift imposes its own randomly flaring hazards in the form of dispels and stuns or health, mana, and spirit drains. These only take a third of your remaining balance, mana drain will take half.
Walking in the rift incurs RT and an ambient messaging. There does not seem to be a hidden pattern for navigating in these messages. At the moment these rifts are buggy in that they display the regional weather and messaging from the day/night system. In the event an area is removed from the game, it still exists as otherwise inaccessible rooms. If this happens to include exit points for the temporal rift, such as when the Abandoned Inn was changed to the Hanging Inn or the alchemist shop was ransacked and closed down, the wrong version of the locations can still be accessed until it is eventually fixed.
Rift Appearance
The temporal rift looks almost identical in all of its instances, but they are each separate and there are minor differences in the wording. Some of them allow "out" as a direction and others do not.
- (1) Three Dimensions
[Temporal Rift] Time and space seem to swirl around you. You catch brief glimpses of events both past and future. Beyond these strange and confusing visions extends a vast, ever-changing field of stars, pinpoints of light against unfathomable utter blackness. It is very cold here. Obvious paths: north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest, west, northwest, up, down
- (2) Four Dimensions
[Temporal Rift] You are trapped in a time rift! You catch brief glimpses of events both past and future. Beyond these strange and confusing visions extends a vast, ever-changing field of stars, pinpoints of light against unfathomable utter blackness. It is very cold here. Obvious paths: north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest, west, northwest, up, down, out
Entering Rift
- Familiar Gate
Third Person:
XXX gestures. A panicked look briefly crosses XXX's face as she is suddenly engulfed in a cloud of swirling blue-white essence! Bizarre, alien sounds, discordant and grating, can be heard from within the mist for the moment before it dissipates. When the mist clears, XXX is nowhere to be seen.
- Glyph Trap
First Person:
Suddenly a dark splotch erupts from the lock mechanism and envelops you! Time seems to slow down and almost stop... Suddenly you see yourself cast at a locked trunk about to try to look inside...something goes wrong but... Suddenly you see yourself cast at a locked trunk about to try to look inside...something goes wrong but... After a moment you feel a great sense of deja vu.... Suddenly you see yourself cast at a locked trunk about to try to look inside...something goes wrong but... Your head begins to throb from all this. After a moment your vision clears and you see...
Third Person:
XXX gestures at an enruned monir trunk. A large, dark splotch erupts from the lock mechanism and engulfs XXX who subsequently vanishes! A stiff wind rips past you and into the gulf which collapses on itself, leaving no sign it ever existed...
- Chronomages Cross-Realm Punishment
This messaging is much older, dating back to the Navigators. It is when your gold ring gets "Navved", taken back by its owners.
First Person:
You gesture into the air. A silvery fog envelops you. You feel a sudden lurching motion, and as the fog dissipates you see... Suddenly you find yourself standing in a large round room smelling of saltwater and wood. The chamber is filled with a dozen or so men sitting shoulder to shoulder around the perimeter. Each of them seems much larger than normal humans grow and all have the weathered look of a seafarer. You seem to be the focus of their attention, standing dazed in the center of all this. One of the less passive individuals steps forward. A sneer crosses his face and he whispers, "Trying to use our time tunnels without one of our rings? Think you can just do without us?" He turns back to the rest of the assembly and declares, "Probably wanted to go into business for himself!" With that, the room explodes with the roar of deafening laughter. You begin to feel a little naked standing there like that. The man turns back and starts rummaging through your pockets. You move to resist but he is much quicker and stronger than any normal human you have encountered. He steps back, empty handed and says, "Not even a silver to put forward as compensation for the infraction. Time is money! Now get out of here before we decide to teach you what thieves are worth to us!" He adds, "We'll be keeping a close eye on you." Suddenly your surroundings shift again... [Temporal Rift - 1768] Time and space seem to swirl around you. You catch brief glimpses of events both past and future. Beyond these strange and confusing visions extends a vast, ever-changing field of stars, pinpoints of light against unfathomable utter blackness. It is very cold here. Obvious paths: north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest, west, northwest, up, down Roundtime: 5 sec.
Exiting Temporal Rift
- First Person
You suddenly notice that the images of your past are catching up with you. With a blinding flash you find yourself whisked forward in time and space until...
- Third Person
From inside the rift: XXX wanders off into the star field and vanishes. From outside the rift: Suddenly there is a horrible shriek and a bright, intense flash as XXX appears looking extremely confused!
- Death
Dying in the temporal rift ends up sweeping you out into an exit spot for the realm.
First Person:
It seems you have died, my friend. Although you cannot do anything, you are keenly aware of what is going on around you... You mentally give a sigh of relief as you remember that the Goddess Lorminstra owes you a favor. ...departing in 10 mins... > * XXXXX just bit the dust! >loo You suddenly notice that the images of your past are catching up with you. With a blinding flash you find yourself whisked forward in time and space until... [Thanatoph, Vine Covered Shrine - 3575] Stepping into the small stone shrine, you are amazed as neither dust nor dirt nor any of the overgrowth that kept it hidden from outside is present. Echoing the loud hum outside, the walls hum with the flow of ancient power. There is a small opening set above a stone altar, but otherwise the shrine is empty. Obvious exits: out
The following are the messages given when moving in the temporal rift. It incurs 3 seconds of RT. Some messages might not happen in some rift regions.
Number | Message |
1 | Time and space fold in upon itself... |
2 | You feel strange here... |
3 | Funny how life seems to repeat itself... |
4 | Things remembered, things forgotten, things never done... |
5 | You travel among the star field, randomly seeing visions of your past... |
6 | You wonder, now that you have it all to do over again... |
7 | You feel that if you just move forward enough you'll find your way out of this hiccough in time and space... |
Area Effects
These are random area effects within the temporal rift. Not all of them are still functional. Some might not happen in some rift regions.
Number | Message | Effect |
1 | Dark forces tear at your soul! | 33% Spirit Loss |
2 | The temperature drops rapidly! | 33% Health Loss |
3 | Waves of anti-magic tear at you! | 50% Mana Loss |
4 | Space collapses upon itself almost crushing you! | Stunned |
5 | Things seem to slow down around you! | Used to be a Haste spell effect |
6 | Time seems to speed up around you! | Use to be a Slow 2 spell effect, 9 seconds RT. (note: this message no longer happens) |
7 | Bright lights suddenly flash around you! You feel weaker! | Used to be an Unstrength effect |
8 | Dark waves of energy flow overhead! | Dispels 1 buff |
It is unclear how the mechanism works for determining how long you stay in the temporal rift or if direction matters. If you do not move you will never leave it. If you die in the temporal rift, it will drop your body into an exit spot of that realm. There may be a maximum number of movements capped around 125. It is more likely only a probability of exit (~5%) on each movement or set by some form of random dice roll. Sometimes you exit on the first movement, other times it may take several dozen movements. Some rooms seem to have higher probability of happening, but this could be an artifact of low sample sizes.
Geographical Exits
The exits of the temporal rift are finite in number, and seemingly cannot be predicted from the rift messaging. While the rift can be entered from any room where it is possible to cast magic, including non-teleportable locations, the exits will be one of a given set of regional locations or else the same room. These rooms vary in the degree of hazard they pose from monsters. The temporal rift mechanics are old. The regions for them do not necessarily correspond cleanly to the current teleportation divisions of realms and zones. The Pinefar temporal rift exits are sometimes located in what is now the Icemule realm, where the realm of entry is what decides the set of exits. There are always twelve exits in the regions that drop you in other locations. Trails between towns and special areas usually have only one exit.
Broken Lands
There are twelve exit points in the Broken Lands with varying degrees of danger, particularly providing a way of circumventing the huge stairs and puzzles. The temporal rift is a hidden backdoor for the locked and/or trapped Sheruvian summoning chamber and chapel. This is the primary hazard for using the temporal rift in the Broken Lands, as these rooms will fill up with a few dozen greater vruul.
Number | Room | Region | Hazards | Lich Number |
1 | [The Broken Lands, Jagged Plain] | Jagged Plain (Crystal Dome) | Giant fog beetles, hooded figures; meteors, boiling mud | 7450 |
2 | [The Broken Lands, Jagged Plain] | Jagged Plain (northeast) | Giant fog beetles, hooded figures; meteors, boiling mud | 17327 |
3 | [The Broken Lands, Jagged Plain] | Jagged Plain (far east) | Giant fog beetles, hooded figures; meteors, boiling mud | 7457 |
4 | [The Broken Lands, Workshop] | Uthex Abode | Hooded figures, Sheruvians | 6629 |
5 | [Deep Pit] | Dark Grotto (southeast) | None; magru nearby | 7473 |
6 | [Dark Grotto, Cavern] | Dark Grotto (southwest) | Magru | 7466 |
7 | [Dark Grotto, Huge Cavern] | Dark Grotto | Myklian, rare dark vorteces | 7482 |
8 | [Dark Grotto, Long Stairway] | Dark Grotto | Lesser vruul, dark vorteces | 24560 |
9 | [Dark Shrine, Storage Room] | Dark Shrine (west) | Lesser vruul | 19272 |
10 | [Elder's Chambers, Bath] | Sheruvian Monastery (east) | Monks, initiates, banshees, large black cat | 6672 |
11 | [Sheruvian Monastery, Chapel] | Sheruvian Monastery (center-west) | Greater vruul; priests, warlocks, monks, harbingers | 6653 |
12 | [Sheruvian Monastery, Summoning Chamber] | Sheruvian Monastery (center-east) | Greater vruul; warlocks, monks, harbingers | 6665 |
Rift Appearance:
[Temporal Rift] Time and space seem to swirl around you. You catch brief glimpses of events both past and future. Beyond these strange and confusing visions extends a vast, ever-changing field of stars, pinpoints of light against unfathomable utter blackness. It is very cold here. Obvious paths: north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest, west, northwest, up, down
Caligos Isle
Goblyn has a temporal rift access point to her office when Caligos is opened to the public for the Ebon's Gate festival.
Number | Room | Region | Hazards | Lich Number |
1 | [Between Spaces, Cavern] | Goblyn's Garden | Goblyn |
Rift Appearance:
[Temporal Rift] Darkness abounds in every direction, even up and down, creating a dizzying effect further compounded by the impression of time and space swirling around you. You catch brief glimpses of events both past and future -- or so it seems. Beyond these strange and confusing visions extends a vast, ever-changing field of stars, pinpoints of light against unfathomable utter blackness. A heavy chill fills the space around you. Obvious paths: north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest, west, northwest, up, down
Elemental Confluence
There are no special exit rooms for the Elemental Confluence. It is separate from the regions where it was entered.
There are twelve exit points in the Icemule region. It does not drop you further up the Pinefar trail than Olbin Pass. From Olbin Pass it is still Icemule exits.
Number | Room | Region | Hazards | Lich Number |
1 | [Snow Fort, Battlement] | Snow Fort | Snow spectre | 3023 |
2 | [Bramble Ravine] | Abandoned Farm (north) | Wraith | 3023 |
3 | [Abandoned Farm, Orchard] | Abandoned Farm | Rotting farmhand, spectral woodsman, elder tree spirit | 3149 |
4 | [Twisting Tunnels] | Twisting Tunnels | Cave gnome | 15926 |
5 | [Ice Plains, Master Quarters] | Ice Plains | Cold guardian | 3297 |
6 | [Abbey, Ossuary] | Abbey | Arch wights | 15944 |
7 | [Icemule, Ruins] | North Gate | Lesser frost shades | 3324 |
8 | [Frozen Garden, Clearing] | South Gate | Thyril | 3173 |
9 | [Subterranean Island, Hillock] | Thurfel Island | None; crocodile, monkey nearby | 9134 |
10 | [A Frozen Battlefield] | Frozen Battlefield | Frost giants, ice trolls, skeletal ice trolls | 3255 |
11 | [Snowflake Vale, Clearing] | Snowflake Vale | Greater ice spider, snowy cockatrice | 3210 |
12 | [Olbin Pass, Boiling Lake] | Olbin Pass | None; greater ice giants, snow crones nearby | 2890 |
Rift Appearance:
[Temporal Rift] You are trapped in a time rift! You catch brief glimpses of events both past and future. Beyond these strange and confusing visions extends a vast, ever-changing field of stars, pinpoints of light against unfathomable utter blackness. It is very cold here. Obvious paths: north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest, west, northwest, up, down
Lich's Landing
Goblyn's workshop has a special temporal rift (also accessed on Caligos) and leads to her office which has books on making time warps. Lich's Landing is otherwise Wehnimer's Landing realm.
Number | Room | Region | Hazards | Lich Number |
1 | [Between Spaces, Cavern] | Goblyn's Garden | Goblyn |
Rift Appearance:
[Temporal Rift] Darkness abounds in every direction, even up and down, creating a dizzying effect further compounded by the impression of time and space swirling around you. You catch brief glimpses of events both past and future -- or so it seems. Beyond these strange and confusing visions extends a vast, ever-changing field of stars, pinpoints of light against unfathomable utter blackness. A heavy chill fills the space around you. Obvious paths: north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest, west, northwest, up, down
Unique Movement Messages:
Number | Message |
1 | Memories flit across your vision as if they haven't yet happened.. |
2 | Your head aches from the inside out, the convergence of time scrambling your thoughts. |
3 | A possible future, just within your grasp to spy upon, but then it streams past you... |
Entrance Messaging:
First Person:
Pushing your hand against the nonsensical carvings causes the solid rock to melt away. You continue forward, the rock providing no resistance to your movement, yet somehow reforming around you. Your vision dims as your face passes into the rock. Time seems to slow down and almost stop... Suddenly you see yourself pushing your hand against the rock wall and walking straight into it... something goes wrong, but... Suddenly you see yourself pushing your hand against the rock wall and walking straight into it... something goes wrong, but... Suddenly you see yourself pushing your hand against the rock wall and walking straight into it... something goes wrong, but... After a moment, you feel a great sense of deja vu... Suddenly you see yourself pushing your hand against the rock wall and walking straight into it... something goes wrong, but... Your head begins to throb from all this. After a moment your vision clears, and you see...
Third Person:
A faint shadow suddenly appears, then gradually solidifies into XXXXX.
Exit Messaging:
First Person:
You suddenly notice that the images of your past are catching up with you. You take one more step, then you seem to fall down a hole, hard and fast so that time and space hurl past you. An overwhelming sense of nausea and vertigo descend upon you, and you lose all sense of direction until you feel yourself slam against something... the ground?...
Third Person:
XXXXX wanders off into the star field and vanishes.
Old Ta'Faendryl
There are twelve exits within Old Ta'Faendryl. Ithzir when faded out (invisible) will follow you into the temporal rift.
Number | Room | Region | Hazards | Lich Number |
1 | [Old Ta'Faendryl, East Woods] | East Woods (north) | gremlocks, lesser constructs | 11910 |
2 | [East Woods, Tunnel] | East Woods (south) | gremlocks, lesser constructs | 15570 |
3 | [East Woods, Tunnel] | East Woods (south) | gremlocks, lesser constructs | 15588 |
4 | [Observatory Entrance] | Observatory | None | 11992 |
5 | [Forgotten Pool] | Observatory | stooped being, gremlock, festering taint | 11995 |
6 | [Aqueduct] | Observatory | stooped being, gremlock, festering taint | 12003 |
7 | [Aqueduct] | Basilica | stooped being, gremlock, festering taint | 11883 |
8 | [Basilica Platform, Third Level] | Basilica | Ithzir seer, Ithzir scout | 12040 |
9 | [Execution Square] | OTF East | Ithzir | 11902 |
10 | [Old Ta'Faendryl, Foothill Base] | OTF North | Ithzir | 12046 |
11 | [Old Ta'Faendryl, Foothill] | OTF West | war griffins, Ithzir | 11990 |
12 | [Ta'Faendryl Approach] | Entrance | Ithzir scout, lesser construct | 11811 |
Rift Appearance:
Time and space seem to swirl around you. You catch brief glimpses of events both past and future. Beyond these strange and confusing visions extends a vast, ever-changing field of stars, pinpoints of light against unfathomable utter blackness. It is very cold here. Obvious paths: north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest, west, northwest, up, down, out
There are twelve exits in the Pinefar region, some overlap with the Icemule region. Nightmare Gorge is the transition point, everything south of the rockslide (Lich #2795) counts as Icemule, if setting off a temporal rift. Everything north counts as Pinefar. This matches the Planar Shift (740) runes for demarcating the realms. It is possible to exit the Drake's Shrine this way, bypassing the swim and mountain.
Number | Room | Region | Hazards | Runes | Lich Number | Notes |
1 | [Top of the World, Aenatumgana] | Aenatumgana (north) | Polar bears, sabre-tooth tigers | spiraling icy blue "beq-noj-ch-op-aq" glyphs | 2725 | Pinefar Region; Fragment from 5117 Modern Era glaes meteor |
2 | [Top of the World, Aenatumgana] | Aenatumgana (south) | Sabre-tooth tigers | jagged icy blue "beq-noj-th-th-eks" sigils | 2711 | Pinefar Region |
3 | [Top of the World, Aenatumgana] | Aenatumgana (middle) | Ice elementals, lesser ice elementals, seekers | None | 2695 | Pinefar Region |
4 | [Top of the World, Frozen Tundra] | Frozen Tundra | Sabre-tooth tigers | broken icy blue "beq-noj-th-pu-so" symbols | 2737 | Pinefar Region |
5 | [Top of the World, Frozen Tundra] | Frozen Tundra | Sabre-tooth tigers | sinuous icy blue "beq-noj-th-pu-ty" glyphs | 2740 | Pinefar Region |
6 | [Arctic Tundra] | Arctic Tundra | Ice wraith, major glacei | spiraling icy blue "beq-hee-op-ka-noj" signs | 2758 | Pinefar Region |
7 | [Arctic Tundra] | Arctic Tundra | Wooly mammoth | circular icy blue "beq-hee-op-ka-th" glyphs | 2749 | Pinefar Region |
8 | [A Silent Path] | Voln (Pinefar) | None | None | 2802 | Pinefar Region |
9 | [Northern Mountains, Pine Forest] | Nightmare Gorge (south) | Grizzly bears, minor glacei | curving frosty white "beq-hee-op-op-gy" runes | 2814 | Icemule Region |
10 | [Northern Mountains, Dark Caves] | Nightmare Gorge (west) | Arctic wolverine | broken frosty white "beq-hee-es-mer-so" | 2858 | Icemule Region |
11 | [Northern Slopes, Rock Ledge] | Nightmare Gorge (east) | Grizzly bears, caribou | spiraling frosty white "beq-hee-op-op-aq" glyphs | 2832 | Icemule Region |
12 | [Atop an Immense Boulder] | Nightmare Gorge (west) | Arctic wolverines, snow leopards | curving frosty white "beq-hee-es-aq-ka" signs | 2846 | Icemule Region |
Rift Appearance:
[Temporal Rift] You are trapped in a time rift! You catch brief glimpses of events both past and future. Beyond these strange and confusing visions extends a vast, ever-changing field of stars, pinpoints of light against unfathomable utter blackness. It is very cold here. Obvious paths: north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest, west, northwest, up, down
The Rift
There are twelve exit points in The Rift. Temporal rifts are an obscure method for randomly hopping between planes without having to climb threads. The primary hazard is that it can drop you onto Planes 4 and 5. The lower planes can be accessed this way from the Scatter. It is not possible to land in the Scatter using a temporal rift. Burrowed enormous rift crawlers will follow you into temporal rifts.
Rift Appearance:
[Temporal Rift] You are trapped in a time rift! You catch brief glimpses of events both past and future. Beyond these strange and confusing visions extends a vast, ever-changing field of stars, pinpoints of light against unfathomable utter blackness. It is very cold here. Obvious paths: north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest, west, northwest, up, down
River's Rest
There are a dozen exits around River's Rest. Most of them are in the Citadel, a few are next to the town. It seems to take longer than average to escape this rift.
Number | Room | Region | Hazards | Lich Number |
1 | [Sea Tunnels] | River's Rest (north) | pale crab, giant rat | 11128 |
2 | [Sea Caves] | River's Rest (northeast) | krolvin mercenary, krolvin warrior | 11080 |
3 | [Under the Ship's Shadow] | River's Rest (northeast) | krolvin warrior, krolvin warfarer | 11122 |
4 | [Krol Ship, Officer's Cabins] | River's Rest (northeast) | krolvin warrior, krolvin warfarer | 11103 |
5 | [Citadel, Gardens] | Citadel (east) | None (Aeia's Shrine) | 11336 |
6 | [Alchemist, Cage Room] | Citadel (east) | mongrel kobold | 11321 |
7 | [Zoo, Wolverine Cage] | Citadel (center) | monkey, crocodile | 11285 |
8 | [Armory, Armorer Stores] | Citadel (north) | greater orc, large ogre | 11212 |
9 | [Hidden Vale, Hill Wall] | Citadel (southeast) | cave troll, mountain troll, hill troll | 11410 |
10 | [Troll Lair, Pet's Room] | Citadel (south) | mountain troll, cave bear, troll chieftain | 11422 |
11 | [Garrison, Latrine] | Citadel (north) | spectral warriors | 11186 |
12 | [Council Library] | Citadel (west) | ethereal mage apprentice, putrified Citadel herald | 11373 |
Rift Appearance:
[Temporal Rift] You are trapped in a time rift! You catch brief glimpses of events both past and future. Beyond these strange and confusing visions extends a vast, ever-changing field of stars, pinpoints of light against unfathomable utter blackness. It is very cold here. Obvious paths: north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest, west, northwest, up, down
Sanctum of Scales
There are no special exit rooms for the Sanctum of Scales. It is separate from the Solhaven region.
Shadow Valley
There are twelve exit points within Shadow Valley. It is separate from the Landing region.
Number | Room | Region | Hazards | Lich Number |
1 | [Dark Enclosure] (Odd Markings) | Dark Shaft (west) | Ghostly pookas | 4559 |
2 | [Dark Tunnel] | Dark Shaft (middle) | Ghostly pookas | 4551 |
3 | [Dark Enclosure] (Cold Air) | Dark Shaft (west) | Ghostly pookas | 4557 |
4 | [Mine Tunnels] (Scatted Clay) | Mine Tunnels (near entrance) | Spectral miners | 7428 |
5 | [Mine Tunnels] (Black Mud Cakes) | Mine Tunnels (southeast) | Spectral miners | 7432 |
6 | [Mine Tunnels] (Dragon) | Mine Tunnels | Spectral miners | 7423 |
7 | [Shadow Valley] | Next to Ledge | Shadow steeds, shadow mares | 7367 |
8 | [Shadow Valley, Dark Pasture] (Grass Clumps) | Dark Pasture (northeast) | Shadow steeds, shadow mares | 7337 |
9 | [Shadow Valley, Dark Pasture] (Deep Cracks) | Dark Pasture (middle) | Shadow steeds, shadow mares | 7373 |
10 | [Shadow Plain, Black Hills] | Shadow Plain (northeast) | Night mares | 7357 |
11 | [Shadow Plain] (Long Twisting Shadows) | Shadow Plain (southeast) | Shadow mares | 7367 |
12 | [Shadow Plain] (Ravine) | Shadow Plain (southwest) | Shadow steeds | 7387 |
Rift Appearance:
[Temporal Rift] You are trapped in a time rift! You catch brief glimpses of events both past and future. Beyond these strange and confusing visions extends a vast, ever-changing field of stars, pinpoints of light against unfathomable utter blackness. It is very cold here. Obvious paths: north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest, west, northwest, up, down
There are twelve exits around Solhaven. The most dangerous exit is inside Bonespear Tower.
Number | Room | Region | Hazards | Lich Number |
1 | [Vornavian Coast, North Beach] | Vornavian Coast (north) | fire guardians, firephantoms, fire salamanders | 5187 |
2 | [Vornavian Coast, Coastal Cliffs] | Vornavian Cost (northeast) | puma, manticore, great boar | 5158 |
3 | [Vornavian Coast, Beached Hulk] | Vornavian Coast | death dirges, greater ghouls | 5244 |
4 | [Vornavian Coast, Caverns] | Vornavian Coast (west) | cave trolls, greater spiders, spectres | 5139 |
5 | [Vornavian Coast, South Beach] | Vornavian Coast (south) | whiptails | 5230 |
6 | [Warrens] | Foggy Valley (west) | fenghai | 5669 |
7 | [Vornavian Coast, The Hills] | Foggy Valley (west) | thunder trolls, wind witches | 5286 |
8 | [Deep Woods, Overgrowth] | Foggy Valley (north) | vesperti | 5708 |
9 | [Bonespear Tower, Lever Room] | Foggy Valley (southeast) | eidolon, waern, dybbuk | 13030 |
10 | [Vornavis, Peasant Holdings] | Marshtown (east) | black-winged daggerbeak | 5456 |
11 | [Vornavis, The Bog] | Marshtown (center) | shelfae chieftain | 5632 |
12 | [Noman's Land, Cave] | Marshtown (west) | cyclops | 5378 |
Rift Appearance:
[Temporal Rift] You are trapped in a time rift! You catch brief glimpses of events both past and future. Beyond these strange and confusing visions extends a vast, ever-changing field of stars, pinpoints of light against unfathomable utter blackness. It is very cold here. Obvious paths: north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest, west, northwest, up, down Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
There are no special exit rooms for the Ta'Illistim region.
There are twelve exits around Ta'Vaalor.
Number | Room | Region | Hazards | Lich Number |
1 | [Briar Thicket] | Briar Thicket | Kobolds | 10284 |
2 | [Riverside, Boat Dock] | Ravelin | None | 13923 |
3 | [Plains of Bone, Ruins] | Plains of Bone | Arch wights, ghoul masters, dark shamblers | 10748 |
4 | [Yander's Farm, Tool Storage] | Yander's Farm | Black rolton, Brown gak | 6015 |
5 | [Neartofar Forest, Stockade] | Neartofar Forest | Ogre warrior | 10667 |
6 | [Lunule Weald, Zelia's Shrine] | Lunule Weald | None; frenzied monks, tree spirits nearby | 10596 |
7 | [Fethayl Bog, Underground Crypt] | Fethayl Bog | None; bog wight, bog spectre, warrior shade nearby | 10156 |
8 | [Catacombs, Sewers] | Catacombs | Giant rats | 5936 |
9 | [Ta'Vaalor, Magical Supply] | Ta'Vaalor | None | 10364 |
10 | [Rambling Meadows, Shrine] (Imaera's) | Rambling Meadows | Striped relnak, spotted leaper, thyril | 6011 |
11 | [Rambling Meadows, Tool Shed] | Rambling Meadows | Striped relnak, spotted leaper, thyril | 10479 |
12 | [Latticework Building] | Wildflower Field | Agresh troll warrior | 10268 |
Teras Isle
There are twelve exit points on Teras Isle.
Number | Room | Region | Hazards | Lich Number |
1 | [Fhorian Village, Storage Shed] | Fhorian Village | Wasp nests | 12632 |
2 | [Fhorian Village, Storage Shed] | Fhorian Village (east) | siren lizard, firethorn shoot | 12661 |
3 | [Small House, Bedroom] | Fhorian Village | Wasp nests | 12655 |
4 | [Fish Plant, Office] | Fhorian Village | Wasp nests | 2098 |
5 | [Mausoleum, Catacombs] | Fhorian Village | Banshees | 2292 |
6 | [Depths of V'Tull, Lower Eye] | Eye of V'Tull | Fire elemental, fire mage, lava golem | 12788 |
7 | [Glaes Vein] | Glaes Cavern | Fire sprite, red tsark | 2234 |
8 | [Lava Flows, Greening] | Lava Flows | Massive pyrothags, cinder wasps, skayl | 2145 |
9 | [Lava Flows, Molten Stream] | Lava Flows (west) | Cinder wasps, massive pyrothags, skayl | 2126 |
10 | [Glade] | Near Kharam Dzu | None | 12567 |
11 | [Abandoned Mine, Scaffolding] | Abandoned Mine | Kiramon workers | 12546 |
12 | [Wind Tunnel] | Luukos Temple | Wind wraith | 12596 |
Rift Appearance:
[Temporal Rift] You are trapped in a time rift! You catch brief glimpses of events both past and future. Beyond these strange and confusing visions extends a vast, ever-changing field of stars, pinpoints of light against unfathomable utter blackness. It is very cold here. Obvious paths: north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest, west, northwest, up, down, out
Wehnimer's Landing
There are twelve exit points for the Landing, which are places of power with subtle histories. These are shrines, magical workshops, and greater essence focii.
Number | Room | Region | Hazards | Notes | Lich Number |
1 | [Spider Temple, Central Chamber] | Spider Temple | Arachne priests, acolytes, mammoth arachnids | Arachne Shrine | 8349 |
2 | [Shrine] | Glatoph (southeast) | None; frost giants, arctic titans nearby | Ice dragon statue; Great Drake Shrine | 7866 |
3 | [Glatoph, Arch] | Glatoph (Volcano) | None; fire guardians, firephantoms nearby | 7902 | |
4 | [Lysierian Hills, A Small Shrine] | Lysierian Hills (Lake Marliese) | None; pumas, black bears nearby | Imaera's Shrine | 6460 |
5 | [Colossus, Crown] | Near Abandoned Inn | None; hill trolls nearby | Koar's Shrine | 6853 |
6 | [Alchemist's House, Laboratory] | Wehnimer's Landing (northeast) | None | Greater essence node symptoms | 23246 |
7 | [Thanatoph, Vine Covered Shrine] | Thanatoph (west) | None; red bears, mountain lions nearby | Meyno's Shrine; greater essence node symptoms | 3575 |
8 | [Mountain Path] | Upper Trollfang (south) | None; near forest trolls | Ye Oddity Workshop; greater essence node symptoms | 8546 |
9 | [Abandoned Inn, Ruined Workshop] | Near Danjirland | None; near hill trolls | AI Crystal | 6882 |
10 | [Under Crypt, Ice Room] | The Graveyard | None; near arch wights | Bandur Etrevion Shrine; greater essence node symptoms | 7229 |
11 | [Gorge, Intersection] | Darkstone Castle (entrance) | Velnalin | Greater essence node symptoms | 6955 |
12 | [Cave, Rimstone Dam] | Danjirland | Cave trolls | 7799 |
Rift Appearance:
[Temporal Rift] Time and space seem to swirl around you. You catch brief glimpses of events both past and future. Beyond these strange and confusing visions extends a vast, ever-changing field of stars, pinpoints of light against unfathomable utter blackness. It is very cold here. Obvious paths: north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest, west, northwest, up, down
Zul Logoth
There are twelve exits around Zul Logoth. They are all fairly close to Zul Logoth itself.
Number | Room | Region | Hazards | Lich Number |
1 | [Zaerthu Tunnels, Chimney] | Zaerthu Tunnels | Grutik savage, grutik shaman, roa'ter wormling | 5793 |
2 | [Zaerthu Tunnels, Nexus] | Zaerthu Tunnels | Grutik savage, grutik shaman, roa'ter wormling | 5797 |
3 | [Zaerthu Tunnels, Wide Tunnel] | Zaerthu Tunnels | Grutik savage, grutik shaman, roa'ter wormling | 5822 |
4 | [Zul Logoth, Excavaton] | Zul Logoth (jail) | None | 9404 |
5 | [Zul Logoth, Marcasite Tunnel] | Zul Logoth (east) | None | 994 |
6 | [Zul Logoth, Marcasite Tunnel] | Zul Logoth | None | 9440 |
7 | [Zul Logoth, A Damp Hole] | Zul Logoth | None | 9403 |
8 | [Zul Logoth, Mine Extension] | Zul Logoth | None | 9509 |
9 | [Czeroth Caverns, Dark Niche] | Czeroth Caverns (south) | Cave lizard, giant veaba | 9575 |
10 | [Mraent Cavern, Entrance Tunnel] | Mraent Cavern | Krynch, giant albino scorpion | 5752 |
11 | [Stonecutters' Lodge, Reception] | Mraent Cavern | Krynch, giant albino scorpion | 5765 |
12 | [Troll Burial Grounds] | Troll Burial Grounds | Troll wraith, rock troll zombie, undertaker bat | 9514 |
Rift Appearance:
[Temporal Rift] Time and space seem to swirl around you. You catch brief glimpses of events both past and future. Beyond these strange and confusing visions extends a vast, ever-changing field of stars, pinpoints of light against unfathomable utter blackness. It is very cold here. Obvious paths: north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest, west, northwest, up, down Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
There have been times where temporal rifting has occurred as an accidental phenomenon, sweeping people up into them involuntarily. There have been some intentional cases as well.
- Melgorehn's Reach sometimes does it when it is storming.
- It happened during the time of the Schism of Dreams in the Ride of the Red Dreamer story.
- It (may have) happened during the approach of the Elemental Confluence to Elanthia.
- Malluch abducted Cruxophim into the time rift with a glyphed box.
- Malaphor opened one with Familiar Gate (930) for his apprentice Tindal and the elven babe form of Daephron Illian.
This section is interpretive analysis. It is only as good as the available information. There is no implication at all that the geometric interpretations below were actually intentional. They are rationalizations.
Space-Time Properties
The temporal rift is coterminous with a region of a given plane of existence in the sense that it may be accessed through a glyph spell from any point in that region. These would be the "flow pattern" realms of 740. This will even work in anti-magical rooms. Glyph traps when set off inside the temporal rift bring you to the same temporal rift for the same corresponding region. The temporal rift manifestly has very little spatial extent. When the rift is entered from anywhere in the corresponding region, the people will appear standing next to other people who were already present. It is unknown how many people it holds.
When walking into the distance the people arrive again with a roundtime of a few seconds. There is not enough information to determine the shape of the rift's geometry. It does not tell you which directions the people are arriving from, such as the opposite way or the same way flipped in mirror translation. There is also no messaging about being able to see copies of yourself or others in multiple directions.
Topological Possibilities:
Most temporal rifts are locally manifolds with three-dimensional spatial extent. Some of the temporal rifts have four spatial dimensions. There is apparently local gravity, and therefore orientation, except people may move up and down with no indication of how that looks or works. Obvious candidates for its global geometry are higher dimensional spheres, such as S3 as a surface around S4, and the varieties of toroidal surfaces that are closed spaces. If the temporal rift is instead a non-orientable geometry, the latter could be forms of the Klein bottle, the higher dimensional version of the Moebius strip.
The universal existence of either only one or twelve exit points from the rift might be rationalized geometrically. They could reflect the eight cardinal directions and equal divisions of a plane along with up/down and in/out directions. It may be interpreted as a Poincare or stellated dodecahedron as a covering on the Riemann sphere by a surface with four holes and branch points at the center of pentagrams. The Poincare dodecahedron is essentially formed by gluing together all the unique rotations of a d20 die, and the only non-sphere that has a finite set (120) of equivalent loops back to a starting point.
It is similarly possible that the temporal rift is fundamentally a topological space with no meaningful distance metric, or a metric that is highly non-uniform and/or curves through another dimension to return the traveler to the origin. The messaging is explicit that time and space are fluctuating. Time undergoes accelerations, space folds on itself, and space collapses which stuns and knocks you down. The expansion of the volume may cause the sudden temperature drops through adiabatic cooling. There is very little in the way of heat sources. There could also be a boundary and discontinuous return to the center.
Time Properties:
Whether the game setting has our real world physics concerning relativistic effects is not explicitly defined, but it does have temporal fluctuations and variations in its rates and so on. In the preceding context regarding geometry, there is a related way of gluing together the faces of a dodecahedron to form instead a hyperbolic geometry, known as a Seifert-Weber manifold. The mathematics of special relativity are naturally expressed in hyperboloid equations, so there is a fairly minor leap to connecting the dodecahedral rationalizations of the temporal rift's 12 exits with the relativity of local time and simultaneity in the rift. The synchrony with Elanthia in spite of the fluctuations would be saying the person in the rift maintains the same length of "proper time" in both spaces regardless of frames of reference in the rift.
In the past there were speed variations from Haste and Slow that changed the round time when moving. These are local variations within the rift. In terms of its global space, the temporal rift remains in synchrony with the associated planes. This might not always be true for NPCs, such as the apprentice of Malaphor, and Daephron Illian with his reverse and rapid aging. The messaging implies the timelines of the people foreign to the plane manifest in images. It is possible to see one's own past and future events in the rift, which has been done in storylines to a player character on at least one occasion.
Historical Context
The Familiar Gate (930) spell was released at approximately the same time as the very beginning of the Vvrael quest. The apprentice of Malaphor, a surviving royal mage of House Ashrim in exile on Ruin Creek, fled a black knight through a time rift using the spell. The black knight was killed by adventurers in the Elven Village near Danjirland. The apprentice brought an elven babe that had emerged from a rift in the enruned box that was present. This turned out to be Daephron Illian --- an ancient Faendryl sorcerer from the time of the Undead War who was responsible for opening the rift that allowed the Vvrael to enter --- whose life force was tied up in keeping the rift sealed. He rapidly aged and told his story until finally dying of old age over a period of some minutes. The box became unimportant after that event.
The Rift itself is not obviously temporal in nature, but most of its rooms correspond to Tarot. The Vvrael quest had a number of prophecy subtexts. These will be analyzed separately on Research:The Rift (planes) and Research:The Vvrael Quest. The temporal rift allowed magic and did not have violent area effect mechanics. This was changed some time before the year 2000. Their anti-magical and draining flavors strongly suggest this was a consequence of the Vvrael. It was formerly possible to bypass the nebulous sphere with rifts to evade the spirit draining. The Cavern of Ages now qualifies as Pinefar.