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The Nations on the Brink storyline began in January 2023 and is an ongoing storyline. While the storyline focuses heavily on tensions between the [[Elven Nations]] and the [[Turamzzyrian Empire]], it has played out in multiple towns and cities accessible in game.
The Nations on the Brink storyline began in January 2023 and ran through September 2023. While the storyline focused heavily on tensions between the [[Elven Nations]] and the [[Turamzzyrian Empire]], it played out in multiple towns and cities accessible in game. It followed events surrounding the death of [[Kasendra Malwind]] and the attack on [[Sayilla Javilerre]], and it concluded with the signing of [[the Kasendra Accords]].
<br><small>''This page contains collapsed sections. To view, click to <span class="mw-customtoggle-chapter1 mw-customtoggle-chapter2 mw-customtoggle-chapter3 mw-customtoggle-chapter4" role="link" style="color:#0000ff">'''toggle all content'''</span></small>.
<br><small>''This page contains collapsed sections. To view, click to <span class="mw-customtoggle-chapter1 mw-customtoggle-chapter2 mw-customtoggle-chapter3 mw-customtoggle-chapter4 mw-customtoggle-chapter5" role="link" style="color:#0000ff">'''toggle all content'''</span></small>.

===Chapter 1 - [[Lormesta]] to [[Fashanos]], 5123===
===Chapter 1 - [[Lormesta]] to [[Fashanos]], 5123===
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* Lady [[Athalia Malwind]] announces that with the aid of [[Odelgarde Brindlestraffe]] and Mistress [[Grenhal]] her father is getting better.<section end=illnessch1 />
* Lady [[Athalia Malwind]] announces that with the aid of [[Odelgarde Brindlestraffe]] and Mistress [[Grenhal]] her father is getting better.<section end=illnessch1 />
* Lady [[Athalia Malwind]] issues a stirring speech to citizens of the Empire to ask them to take courage in the anti-Imperial uprisings from the north.
* Lady [[Athalia Malwind]] issues a stirring speech to citizens of the Empire to ask them to take courage in the anti-Imperial uprisings from the north.
* Lady [[Athalia Malwind]] requests that the various honorable people of the Orders of Vornavis and Organizations of the Freeport of Solhaven meet with Lady [[Sayilla]] of the Elven Nations as she begins her tour of the western Empire.
* Lady [[Athalia Malwind]] requests that the various honorable people of the Orders of Vornavis and Organizations of the Freeport of Solhaven meet with Lady [[Sayilla Javilerre]] of the Elven Nations as she begins her tour of the western Empire.
* Lady Athalia asks the Silver Gryphons, the Order of the Azure Sun, and the Order of the Swan to Escort Lady Sayilla along the western coast from [[Torre]] to [[Brisker's Cove]].
* Lady Athalia asks the Silver Gryphons, the Order of the Azure Sun, and the Order of the Swan to Escort Lady Sayilla along the western coast from [[Torre]] to [[Brisker's Cove]].
* Lady [[Athalia Malwind]] introduces Oldegarde who has been assigned to the Vornavian Court.
* Lady [[Athalia Malwind]] introduces Oldegarde who has been assigned to the Vornavian Court.
* [[Odelgarde Brindlestraffe]], as part of a [[North by Northwest (storyline)|North by Northwest]] crossover, prepares donation items and aids adventurers in collecting for distribution to [[Wehnimer's Landing]] and the Outpost.
* [[Odelgarde Brindlestraffe]], as part of a [[North by Northwest (storyline)|North by Northwest]] crossover, prepares donation items and aids adventurers in collecting for distribution to [[Wehnimer's Landing]] and the Outpost.
* The travel weekend with Lady Sayilla in the Turamzyrrian Empire occurrs. During part of it, a tour of the [[Nations on the Brink (storyline)/2023-01-14 - Tower of the Sea Princess tour (log)|Tower of the Sea Princess]] is held.
* The travel weekend with Lady Sayilla in the Turamzyrrian Empire occurrs. During part of it, a tour of the [[Nations on the Brink (storyline)/2023-01-14 - Tower of the Sea Princess tour (log)|Tower of the Sea Princess]] is held. [[Nations on the Brink (storyline)/2023-01-13 - Sayilla Tours the Empire (log)|Tour Details]]
* Lady Sayilla arrives at the Landing and sets up her memorial pavilion. [[Nations on the Brink (storyline)/2023-01-20 - Sayilla Visits Wehnimer's Landing (log)|Details]].
* Lady Sayilla arrives at the Landing and sets up her memorial pavilion. [[Nations on the Brink (storyline)/2023-01-20 - Sayilla Visits Wehnimer's Landing (log)|Details]].
* [[Faendryl]] demon hunters arrive in Ta'Illstim, seeking aid in finding renegades. [[Nations on the Brink (storyline)/2023-01-21 - Ta'Illistim Court Session (log)|Details]].
* [[Faendryl]] demon hunters arrive in Ta'Illstim, seeking aid in finding renegades. [[Nations on the Brink (storyline)/2023-01-21 - Ta'Illistim Court Session (log)|Details]].
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===Chapter 3 - [[Ivastaen]] - [[Lumnea]] present, 5123===
===Chapter 3 - [[Ivastaen]] - [[Lumnea]] 5123===
To view the Chapter 3 Synopsis, click <span class="mw-customtoggle-chapter3" role="link" style="color:#0000ff">'''here'''</span>.
To view the Chapter 3 Synopsis, click <span class="mw-customtoggle-chapter3" role="link" style="color:#0000ff">'''here'''</span>.
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* Adventurers helped look for Babs' still missing relatives from Marshtown and Aldora who were last encountered in Zul Logoth. While exploring the Vipershroud, they found evidence that the entire party had been killed. [[Nations on the Brink (storyline)/Recaps (summary)#05-04-2023|Details]]
* BABS of Marshtown informed adventurers that her family had not returned home, which led them to explore the Vipershroud to see if they could find traces of the lost Aldorans and Marshtowners. Will-o-wisps guided them to some discarded items: a splintered shield shard, a discarded axe, and a scrap of cloth. They also shared visions of the pilgrims being waylaid by a part of elves in peacock blue livery, seemingly noting that none survived. Some adventurers went to the Elven Village where they proceeded to search for questions, with one party member threatening to burn down the village to get the answers they wanted. That threat stopped all denizens from answering future questions.
* Session Four of the Inquisition kicked off in Ta'Illistim with both [[Leisette]] and [[Thaiagol_Razan-Dhur | Thaiagol Razarn-Dhur]] being questioned. Further reporting noted that under the influence of "a special concoction" [[Aendir_(prime)|Aendir]] provided his testimony of the evening.
* As part of the inquisition in Ta'Illistim, both [[Leisette]] and [[Thaiagol Razan-Dhur]] are questioned. [[Mirkk (prime)|Mirkk]] and [[Aendir_(prime)|Aendir]] were interviewed privately, with Aendir doing so under the influence of a "particular serum". [[Nations on the Brink (storyline)/2023-05-06 - Ta'Illistim Interview Session 4 (log)|Full log]]
* Vornavis Court acknowledged the rumors that the Aldoran and Marshtown folk were missing. They did not put stock in the fact that their Illistim allies, tenuous though that allegiance is at the time, would murder common folk. They will be continuing to investigate the situation. [[Jarnsaixa_Vargrdoittr|Jarnsaxa]] made her first appearance since being injured after court. She thanked everyone for their efforts and well wishes. When referred to as Warden, she noted that she could no longer in good conscious display that title and asked that they simply call her by name. Her arm was heavily scared and bare to the air. She eagerly awaits the results of the trial in Ta'Illistim so that she can turn herself over to the mercy of their courts for her part in Lady [[Sayilla_Javilerre|Sayilla]]'s demise.
* In Vornavis Court, Athalia acknowledged rumors of what happened to the Aldoran and Marshtown folk and said that Vornavis would continue to investigate. A scarred Jarnsaixa made an appearance, asked that people stop referring to her as Steward, and said she was awaiting the results of the trail in Ta'Illistim so she could turn herself in for her role in Sayilla's death. [[Nations on the Brink (storyline)/Recaps (summary)#05-09-2023|Details]]
* Myasara held court in Ta'Illistim, where the inquisitors announced all suspects had been cleared except Orelwen, Leisette, and Naevys. Ardtin shared that the elven village near the Landing had been recently threatened. Ysaeril and Missoni shared news about the Aldoran and Marshtown commoners, including that they had been killed near the elven village by an elf wearing blue and silver livery. [[Nations on the Brink (storyline)/Recaps (summary)#05-13-2023|Details]]
* The Mirror recognized visitors of foreign courts including [[Eruien_Lithavir|Eruien]], [[Leisette]] and [[Agathilea_(prime) | Agathilea]]. Inquisitor [[Ciradyl]] announced that all suspects except [[Orelwen_Greyvael|Orelwen]], Leisette, and [[Naevys_Eilstina|Naevys]] had been cleared. The latter three would be questioned again. [[Ardtin_Illistim|Ardtin]] advised of first-hand accounts of threats made to the Elven Village (near WL) and that hostile individuals entered with the intention of burning it down. She suggested the Vaalor shore up their fortifications and advised Myasara that she recommends the Illistim assist in the endeavor. Leisette asked for permission for her and her house to be cleared of suspicion and that she be allowed to move freely despite additional questioning, but was denied. [[Ysaeril_(prime)|Ysaeril]] came forward to tell Myasara about the Aldorans adventurers had found in ZL and regarding their concern about the pace of the murder investigation of [[Kasendra_Malwind|Kasendra Malwind]]. Absent Jiarine, [[Missoni_(prime)|Missoni]] stepped in to explain that they tracked the Aldorans to Vipershroud (or elven village?), and had a vision of them being attacked by an elven archer dressed in blue and silver livery. There was skepticism about whether it was related, and Myasara instructed Ardtin to track down Jiarine for more information.
* Prominent merchants in Ta'Illistim are reported missing. Their shops closed without notice. A silvery-cloaked individual is fleetingly seen throughout the area.
* Prominent merchants in Ta'Illistim are reported missing. Their shops closed without notice. A silvery-cloaked individual is fleetingly seen throughout the area. [[Nations on the Brink (storyline)/Shop Closures (vignette)|Shop closures vignette]].
* Ardtin met with Jiarine to recive the cloth scrap found in the Vipershroud. She said her people would investigate what happened. [[Nations on the Brink (storyline)/Recaps (summary)#05-15-2023|Details]]
* [[Ardtin_Illistim|Ardtin]] met with adventurers before the tea shop in Ta'Illistim, this was a pre-scheduled meeting between the Lady and Jiarine so that she could obtain the cloth the younger woman had found in the Vipershroud. [[Orelwen_Greyvael|Orelwen]] joined them shortly after. An unusual public scene played out between the Aunt and Neice, with the elder expressing her displeasure and the younger seeming much cowed and chastised. Most of the exchange was icy, with the elder woman being caustic and aloof. In the end, Ardtin assured Adventures that she would have her people investigate the situation.
* Librarian [[Tasytha]] the Master of Arcane Acquisitions was disgusted to find that the Solhaven Library books and recorded materials she was looking for were destroyed during the [[Nighthaven]] incident 5102. The remaining box of items was brought to [[Misty's Teas]] where adventurers helped her piece together the scraps of paper and lore needed to hopefully help find a cure for the dreaded disease/infection that plagued Jarnsaixa. [[Nations on the Brink (storyline)/Recap-Dusty Box Contents | Dusty Box Contents ]]
* Librarian Tasytha, the Master of Arcane Acquisitions of Solhaven's Library, had a bit of a kerfuffle at the library. Adventurers helped her sort through tattered documents to try to find a cure for Jarnsaixa. [[Nations on the Brink (storyline)/Recaps (summary)#05-18-2023|Details]]
* Rumors circulate in Ta'Illistim about [[Nations on the Brink (storyline)/Rumors in the Air (vignette)|missing people]].
* Marshtown held a memorial service for the folks that went missing. Their spirit advisor, [[Dieudonnee]] called upon Charl and the Huntress to find vengeance for the lost Marshfolk.
* A memorial was held for the Marshtown folk who disappeared on the trail to Zul Logoth. [[Nations on the Brink (storyline)/Recaps (summary)#05-22-2023|Details]]
* [[Adresin Ostrylae|Adresin Ostrylae Ardenai]], a cousin of Ysaeril, arrived on the Ta'Illistim Green to pay his respects to Sayilla, of whom he met and admired when she was staying in Ta'Ardenai in 5120-5121. He questioned why more hasn't been done to find her or her killer, and why nothing is being done about missing townsfolk. The missing townsfolk conversation was tabled when Ardtin arrived, who shared sentiments about the slow pace of investigations. Adventurers urged caution and expressed both confusion, helplessness and frustration. Jia brought up the fact that none of the Illistim Court have gone west to speak with those involved as they did in the City. The group then left the Green and visited Sayilla's memorial, where Adresin left a selerial bloom for her. He advised he would be staying in Ta'Illistim briefly. The conversation returned to Sayilla's murder and Adresin became increasingly agitated and angrily vowing to do something. Ardtin and Adresin had some bouts of verbal sparring. Adresin argued someone must go across the Spine to the Vornavian Court, and then ended his night catching a room at Moonglae Inn. Adventurers had again urged caution.
* [[Odelgarde Brindlestraffe]] met with Adventurers in the Armory of Vornavis. She shared more history of [[Grenhal]], news about [[Wilhard]] and his dealings with [[Bodohal Gallanst|Bodohal]], thoughts on Sanctuary, news about Idolone, and information regarding the lost Marshfolk and Aldorans. Unfortunately, the scouts found the remains of all the Marshfolk and Aldorans, save one or two. Jisandra and Delindra had been working on a some shield fragments, which shared their [[Nations on the Brink (storyline)/Fate of the Marshfolk (loresong)|loresong]].
* [[Odelgarde Brindlestraffe]] met with Adventurers in the Armory of Vornavis. She shared more history of [[Grenhal]], news about [[Wilhard]] and his dealings with [[Bodohal Gallanst|Bodohal]], thoughts on sanctuary, news about Idolone, and information regarding the lost Marshtown and Aldoran folk. Unfortunately, the scouts found the remains of all the Marshfolk and Aldorans, save one or two. Jisandra and Delindra had been working on a some shield fragments and shared the loresong. [[Nations on the Brink (storyline)/Recaps (summary)#05-25-2023|Details]]
* Meanwhile, [[Adresin Ostrylae]] Ardenai arrived on the Ta'Illistim Green to pay his respects to Sayilla. Ardtin arrived later, and conversation turned to focus on the slow pace of both investigations. Adresin became more agitated and frustrated by the lack of progress and vowed to do something about what happened to Sayilla by traveling to Vornavis. [[Nations on the Brink (storyline)/Recaps (summary)#05-25-2023|Details]]
* [[Adresin Ostrylae|Adresin Ostrylae Ardenai]] arrives on the Green and is frustrated by the lack of progress. He heads to Solhaven and checks into the Solhaven Inn with plans to confront the Vornavian Court at the formal session two days later.
* Adresin spoke with adventurers on the Ta'Illistim Green, where he shared he intended to formally petition the Vornavis Court about the slow investigation into Sayilla's death. [[Nations on the Brink (storyline)/Recaps (summary)#05-29-2023|Details]]
* Formal Court in Solhaven - [[Talleani|Talon]] arrived to announce that an assassination attempt was made on [[Wilhard]] but that she had thwarted it. [[Odelgarde Brindlestraffe]] departed from court to verify the information and late returned to confirm that it was true. A herald was sent to retrieve [[Adresin Ostrylae|Adresin Ostrylae Ardenai]] from the Solhaven Inn as he was scheduled to speak but hadn't shown, while the herald was away both [[Ysaeril]] and [[Athalia Aricia Malwind]] gave impassioned speeches about the need to resolution on both sides of the spin and to continue the peaceful efforts of both [[Sayilla Javilerre]] and [[Kasendra Malwind]]. The herald and Odelgard returned, each with news. Odelgarde confirmed the deaths at the jailhouse, the herald stated that the Innkeeper informed him that Adresin had checked out of the inn early. No one has seen where he went. A plan was made to move Wilhard before the session ended. After court, Odelgarde shared that she had known Talon by another name, Talleani, in her youth and that her parents and siblings had fallen victim to The Shadows of Haven during the [[Griffin_Sword_War|Griffin Sword War]]. She was taken in by her Uncle [[Plaitime]], though no one truly believed he was her uncle. Since there were so very many orphans of that time, it appears as though no verification was had.
* Formal Court is held in Vornavis. [[Adresin Ostrylae]] Ardenai, who was expected, was not present; it was later revealed that he had checked out of the local inn that morning and left town. [[Ysaeril]] and [[Athalia Aricia Malwind]] gave impassioned speeches about the need to resolution on both sides of the spin and to continue the peaceful efforts of both [[Sayilla Javilerre]] and [[Kasendra Malwind]]. [[Talleani|Talon]] arrived to announce that an assassination attempt was made on [[Wilhard]] but that she had thwarted it. [[Odelgarde Brindlestraffe]] confirmed Talon's account and shared that she and Talon had been childhood friends. A plan was made to move Wilhard to safekeeping in [[Order of the Azure Sun|Sunholm]]. [[Nations on the Brink (storyline)/Recaps (summary)#06-02-2023|Details]]
* Former Harbormaster [[Wilhard]] was moved to Sunholme for security purposes.
* At a Ta'Illistim Arboretum event, Vaelynsa shared that Kasendra had been poisoned with a paralytic in some sort of sweet. [[Nations on the Brink (storyline)/Recaps (summary)#06-04-2023|Details]]
* Master Inquisitor [[Ciradyl]], Inquisitor [[Vaelynsa]], [[Eruien Lithavir]], and [[Leisette]] met citizens in the library to discuss ledger findings to see if there was any type of cross-over and patterns they should investigate. Leisette managed to get a copy of the Bank Ledger for the month of Charlatos which she gave to Teveriel to read since the ledger search was his idea, a copy of House financing to Vaelynsa, and she kept the Auction House records. It was determined that there were a few unaccounted-for large withdrawals and some tampering to try to remove House Greyvael's ledger information.
* Gossip traveled along the [[Nations on the Brink (storyline)/Peacock Grapevine (vignette)|peacock grapevine]] about Vaelynsa.
* A frantic [[Odelgarde Brindlestraffe]] shows up in Market concerned that a Ta'Illistim guest was meant to meet her and hadn't arrived yet. Heading to South Haven, they discovered that Inquisitor [[Vaelynsa]] was delivering a bundle of evidence from Ta'Illistim to help Vornavis with its continued investigation. As they were departing, the missing Librarian from Ta'Illistim showed up and passed out. Given the fear that the librarian showed, Vaelynsa requested that Vornavis care for her, which Odelgarde agreed to do.
* Former Harbormaster [[Wilhard]] was moved to [[Order of the Azure Sun|Sunholm]] for security purposes.
* Naevys and Leisette are [[Nations on the Brink (storyline)/House Eilstina (vignette)|officially cleared of suspicions]].
* Vaelynsa conducted research in the Library Aies. [[Nations on the Brink (storyline)/Recaps (summary)#06-10-2023|Details]]
* Evidence of [[Nations on the Brink (storyline)/Sabotage (vignette)|sabotage]] is located in the Library Aies.
* [[Nations on the Brink (storyline)/Possessions (vignette)|Kasendra's possessions]] are reviewed again by Inquisitors, who find an unusual poison.
* Odelgarde worries about the [[Nations on the Brink (storyline)/Researcher Atylia (vignette)|health of the librarian Atylia]].
* Fennelis tries to [[Nations on the Brink (storyline)/On Razern Wings (vignette)|keep eyes on everyone]] in Ta'Illistim.
* Inquisitors met with adventurers in Ta'Illistim's Library Aies to review finance records to look for suspicious patterns. They found large withdrawals that were not accounted for and evidence of tampering to remove House Greyvael's ledger information. [[Nations on the Brink (storyline)/Recaps (summary)#06-14-2023|Details]]
* Odelgarde sought help to locate a Ta'Illistim guest who hadn't arrived on time. Inquisitor Vaelynsa was located delivering investigation evidence from Ta'Illistim. The missing librarian from the Library Aies was also found and passed out from fear. Vaelynsa requested Vornavis care for her. [[Nations on the Brink (storyline)/Recaps (summary)#06-24-2023|Details]]
* A Clan Meeting was called in Zul Logoth to discussion the ongoing tension between the East and West.
* A Clan Meeting was called in Zul Logoth to discussion the ongoing tension between the East and West.

===Chapter 4 - [[Koaratos]] - [[Phoenatos]] present, 5123===
===Chapter 4 - [[Koaratos]] - [[Phoenatos]], 5123===
To view the Chapter 4 Synopsis, click <span class="mw-customtoggle-chapter4" role="link" style="color:#0000ff">'''here'''</span>.
To view the Chapter 4 Synopsis, click <span class="mw-customtoggle-chapter4" role="link" style="color:#0000ff">'''here'''</span>.
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* Posters of the missing start appearing throughout Ta'Illistim.
* [[Nations on the Brink (storyline)/Missing (vignette)|Posters of the missing]] start appearing throughout Ta'Illistim.
* Restless citizens in Ta'Illistim question what happens with regard to the missing through a series of vignettes.
* Restless citizens in Ta'Illistim [[Nations on the Brink (storyline)/Undercurrent (vignette)|question what happens with regard to the missing]] through a series of vignettes.
* One of the students of the Arboretum discovers notes in the plants there.
* One of the students of the Arboretum [[Nations on the Brink (storyline)/Secrets (vignette)|discovers notes in the plants]] there.
* Odelgarde shared that Baron Malwind's health was improving slightly, and that Jarnsaixa was also slowly healing. She added that Atylia was having a difficult time recovering from her ordeal and seemed traumatized. [[Nations on the Brink (storyline)/Recaps (summary)#08-02-2023|Details]]
* Odelgarde meets with citizens in Solhaven. She gives an update on the Baron's health, Jarnsaixa's recovery, and even speaks about the librarian from Ta'illistim, Atylia. She explains that Atylia had a fever and suffered from varying forms of exposure, exhaustion, and hyperthermia. She mentioned that the elf was delirious with fever and would speak about a beret whale with a face that shifted and changed coming after her, though at other times she would cower in fear. Once the fever was broken, Atylia grew tight-lipped and would have episodes that were more outbursts of paranoia and fear, always worrying about the frayed veil. Mention was made about Friend, Healing Stones, Herbal Mixtures for the Baron, and a Yll'suta for Atylia to help calm her dreams and mind. Further discussions were interrupted by the explosion of the Glaoveln.
* A cryptic note is discovered in Marshtown's Haycribs.
* A cryptic note is discovered in Marshtown's haycribs.
* Young student and an apparent favorite of the arboretum peahens, [[Feriae Enfiel|Feriae]], presented a stone with lettering upon it and a hidden note she found to Inquisitor [[Vaelynsa]]. [[Nations_on_the_Brink_(storyline)/Recaps_(summary)#08.02.2023|Details]]
* Young student and an apparent favorite of the arboretum peahens, [[Feriae Enfiel|Feriae]], presented a stone with lettering upon it and a hidden note she found to Inquisitor [[Vaelynsa]]. [[Nations on the Brink (storyline)/Recaps (summary)#08-03-2023|Details]]
* A mysterious figure dropped a map as they were rushing through the North Market. [[Nations_on_the_Brink_(storyline)/Recaps_(summary)#08.03.2023|Details]]
* Meanwhile that same night, a mysterious figure dropped a map as they were rushing through the North Market. [[Nations on the Brink (storyline)/Recaps (summary)#08-03-2023|Details]]
* After returning from the Arboretum, [[Nations on the Brink (storyline)/Late Night Revelations (vignette)|Vaelynsa considers recent events]].
* More [[Nations_on_the_Brink_(storyline)/Talon_and_the_Yellow_Rose|notes]] are discovered between Talon and the Yellow Rose.
* The elf previously identified as [[Adresin Ostrylae]] Ardenai is [[Nations on the Brink (storyline)/Unusual Missives (vignette)|revealed to have been someone else all along]], the real Adresin still safe at home in Ta'Ardenai.
* Odelgarde met with citizens in Vornavis' Armory. [[Nations_on_the_Brink_(storyline)/Recaps_(summary)#08.07.2023|Details]]
* [[Leisette]] went looking for [[Feriae Enfiel|Feriae]] in the Arboretum, only for the Yellow Rose to show up and lead them on a merry run. [[Nations_on_the_Brink_(storyline)/Recaps_(summary)#08.08.2023|Details]]
* More [[Nations on the Brink (storyline)/Talon and the Yellow Rose|notes]] are discovered between Talon and the Yellow Rose. [[Nations on the Brink (storyline)/Recaps (summary)#08-06-2023|Details]]
* Ta'Illistim's citizens [[Nations on the Brink (storyline)/Anger in the Streets (vignette)|angrily demand answers]].
* Odelgarde met with folks in Market. She distributed maps given to her by Talon for the foray into the sewers.
* Odelgarde and Adventurers traveled into the sewers of Vornavis. [[Nations_on_the_Brink_(storyline)/Recaps_(summary)#08.10.2023|Details]]
* Odelgarde met with citizens in Vornavis' Armory. [[Nations on the Brink (storyline)/Recaps (summary)#08-07-2023|Details]]
* [[Leisette]] went looking for [[Feriae Enfiel|Feriae]] in the Arboretum, only for the Yellow Rose to show up and lead them on a merry run. [[Nations on the Brink (storyline)/Recaps (summary)#08-08-2023|Details]]
* The owner of the tavern impacted by that evening's events [[Nations on the Brink (storyline)/The Hazards of Being Harold (vignette)|files an insurance claim]].
* Odelgarde met with folks in Market. She distributed maps given to her by Talon for the foray into the sewers. [[Nations on the Brink (storyline)/Recaps (summary)#08-09-2023|Details]]
* Odelgarde and adventurers traveled into the sewers of Vornavis. [[Nations on the Brink (storyline)/Recaps (summary)#08-10-2023|Details]]
* Odelgarde speaks with Jarnsaixa and their mysterious friend [[Nations on the Brink (storyline)/Another Chapter Ends (vignette)|following the events in the sewers]].

===Chapter 5 - [[Imaerasta]] 5123===
To view the Chapter 5 Synopsis, click <span class="mw-customtoggle-chapter5" role="link" style="color:#0000ff">'''here'''</span>.
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* Court was held in Ta'Illistim. [[Nations on the Brink (storyline)/Recaps (summary)#09-09-2023|Details]]
* Court was held in Vornavis. [[Nations on the Brink (storyline)/Recaps (summary)#09-10-2023|Details]]
* Inquisitors Syearris and Eshenesra met at the Library with adventurers and Aertinus. Syearris revealed a mechanical peahen can be used to detect simulacrum, while Eshenesra said that the Yellow Rose was willing to meet to discuss locks. They moved from the library to the Arboretum where Jauefira and Feriae were, the latter who brought a container with various shared knowledge about locks. As they were going through the locks, Rivienne reported that the book seemed to have the outline of a lily on it. Some lilies were tired, but none seemed to unlock it. Plans were made to return in a few days after trying to obtain more exotic lilies. [[Nations on the Brink (storyline)/Recaps (summary)#09-11-2023|Details]]
* Inquisitors Syearris, Eshenesra, and Cyradil met in the Arboretum along with Commander Aertinus and Jauefira to continue research into opening the journal that is presumed to belong to Handmaiden Orelwen. [[Nations on the Brink (storyline)/Recaps (summary)#09-14-2023|Details]]
* Steward Jarnsaixa met with adventurers as she was searching for sea charts. [[Nations on the Brink (storyline)/Recaps (summary)#09-15-2023|Details]]
* Odelgarde shared research about Aldoran healing stones. [[Nations on the Brink (storyline)/Recaps (summary)#09-18-2023|Details]]
* That same evening, the Inquisitors asked Yrmythia to speak with Orelwen, which revealed that Orelwen had been Thaiagol's pawn in Kasendra's death. [[Nations on the Brink (storyline)/Recaps (summary)#09-18-2023|Details]]
* Odelgarde transported, with aid, players to an island of the sick. [[Nations on the Brink (storyline)/Recaps (summary)#09-22-2023|Details]]
* Court was held in Ta'Illistim. [[Nations on the Brink (storyline)/Recaps (summary)#09-23-2023|Details]]
* Athalia held court in Vornavis. She recognized many individuals for their service, both in response to the [[Green Death]] and for other duties over the past months/year. Toward the end, she charged new Heralds Regwen and Delindra to represent both Vornavis and the Empire at a "clandestine meeting beyond the southron seas" to take place the following evening. [[Nations on the Brink (storyline)/Recaps (summary)#09-24-2023|Details]]
* Traveling via ship, adventurers met at [[Nielira Harbor]] in Ta'Nalfein and made their way to a Pavilion where Queen Rhosyn, Mirror Myasara, and Empereror Aurmount greeted them. [[Nations on the Brink (storyline)/Recaps (summary)#09-25-2023|Details]]

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* [[Ardtin Illistim|Ardtin Greyvael Illistim]] - Former Argent Mirror, Council of Thrones member
* [[Ardtin Illistim|Ardtin Greyvael Illistim]] - Former Argent Mirror, Council of Thrones member
* [[Athalia Aricia Malwind]] - Daughter of the Baron of Vornavis
* [[Athalia Aricia Malwind]] - Daughter of the Baron of Vornavis
* [[Atylia Vontien]] Illistim - the Walker of Lore from the Library of Aies
* [[Auait Daesavreh]] - Blade of New Ta'Faendryl
* [[Auait Daesavreh]] - Blade of New Ta'Faendryl
* [[Aurmont Anodheles]] - Emperor of the Turamzzyrian Empire, Kasendra's cousin
* [[Aurmont Anodheles]] - Emperor of the Turamzzyrian Empire, Kasendra's cousin
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* [[Jaranzair Nashal Vaalor]] - Lord Legionnaire Commander - Emissary of the Vaalorian Court
* [[Jaranzair Nashal Vaalor]] - Lord Legionnaire Commander - Emissary of the Vaalorian Court
* [[Jarnsaixa Vargrdoittr]] - Bodyguard to Sayilla (during her journey from Torre to Seareach)
* [[Jarnsaixa Vargrdoittr]] - Bodyguard to Sayilla (during her journey from Torre to Seareach)
* [[Jauefira Avael]] - Guild Master of the Ta'Illistim Rogue's Guild
* [[Jauefira Avael]] - Known as the Yellow Rose, Guild Master of the Ta'Illistim Rogue's Guild
* [[Kansom Baylor]] - Fairport Guard
* [[Kansom Baylor]] - Fairport Guard
* [[Kasendra Malwind]] - Daughter of the Baron of Aldora, Cousin to the Emperor of the Turamzyrrian Empire, Wife to Salnim
* [[Kasendra Malwind]] - Daughter of the Baron of Aldora, Cousin to the Emperor of the Turamzyrrian Empire, Wife to Salnim
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* [[Orelwen Greyvael]] - Handmaiden to the Argent Mirror
* [[Orelwen Greyvael]] - Handmaiden to the Argent Mirror
* [[Plaitime]] - Known as the Skinny Man, a ring leader in South Haven
* [[Plaitime]] - Known as the Skinny Man, a ring leader in South Haven
* [[Rhosyn Nalfein]] - Queen of Ta'Nalfein
* [[Roisinne]] - Priestess of the Tower of the Sea Princess
* [[Roisinne]] - Priestess of the Tower of the Sea Princess
* [[Salnim Malwind]] - Son of the Baron of Vornavis
* [[Salnim Malwind]] - Son of the Baron of Vornavis
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* [[Nations on the Brink (storyline)/The Hazards of Being Harold (vignette) | The Hazards of Being Harold]] -- 08-09-2023
* [[Nations on the Brink (storyline)/The Hazards of Being Harold (vignette) | The Hazards of Being Harold]] -- 08-09-2023
* [[Nations on the Brink (storyline)/Another Chapter Ends (vignette) | Another Chapter Ends]] -- 08-10-2023
* [[Nations on the Brink (storyline)/Another Chapter Ends (vignette) | Another Chapter Ends]] -- 08-10-2023
* [[Nations on the Brink (storyline)/Time to Make the Scones (vignette) | Time to Make the Scones ]] -- 09-5-2023
* [[Nations on the Brink (storyline)/A Homecoming Surprise (vignette) | A homecoming Surprise ]] -- 09-9-2023
* [[Nations on the Brink (storyline)/Outside Sunholm (vignette) | Outside Sunholm]] -- 09-22-2023
* [[Nations on the Brink (storyline)/Report to the Sunthrone and Hall of Mages | Report to the Sunthrone and Hall of Mages]] -- 09-23-2023
* [[Nations on the Brink (storyline)/Honoring the Healers of the Green Death | Honoring the Healers of the Green Death]] -- 09-25-2023
* [[Nations on the Brink (storyline)/The Kasendra Accords | The Kasendra Accords]] -- 09-26-2023
* [[Nations on the Brink (storyline)/Coming Home (vignette) | Coming Home]] -- 11-11-2023
* [[Nations on the Brink (storyline)/Evashiran Reaction (vignette) | The Evashiran Reaction to the Accords]] -- 01-08-2024

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<div style="column-count:3;-moz-column-count:3;-webkit-column-count:3">
* [[Catharsis (short story)|Catharsis]] by Rohese (various dates)
* [[Catharsis (short story)|Catharsis]] by Rohese (various dates)
* [[Jaysehn (prime)/Reflections/Old Salts|Old Salts]] by Jaysehn (2.8.2023)
* [[Jaysehn (prime)/Reflections/Old Salts|Old Salts]] by Jaysehn (2-8-2023)
* [[Marinae (prime)/Dawn Breaks|Dawn Breaks]] by Marinae (2.9.2023)
* [[Marinae (prime)/Dawn Breaks|Dawn Breaks]] by Marinae (2-9-2023)
* [[Uniana (prime)/Dark Water|Dark Water]] by Uniana (2.20.2023)
* [[Uniana (prime)/Dark Water|Dark Water]] by Uniana (2-20-2023)
* [[Uniana (prime)/An Oblique Fracture|An Oblique Fracture]] by Uniana (2.20.2023)
* [[Uniana (prime)/An Oblique Fracture|An Oblique Fracture]] by Uniana (2-20-2023)
* [[Elaejia (prime)/2023-02-12 - Disturbance|Disturbance]] by Elaejia (2.24.2023)
* [[Elaejia (prime)/2023-02-12 - Disturbance|Disturbance]] by Elaejia (2-24-2023)
* [[Missoni (prime)/Echoed Whispers|Echoed Whispers]] by Missoni (3.14.2023)
* [[Missoni (prime)/Echoed Whispers|Echoed Whispers]] by Missoni (3-14-2023)
* [[Teveriel (prime)/Follow the Silver|Follow the Silver]] by Teveriel (5.7.2023)
* [[Teveriel (prime)/Follow the Silver|Follow the Silver]] by Teveriel (5-7-2023)
* [[Jaysehn_(prime)/Reflections/A_Pair_to_Match|A Pair to Match]] by Jaysehn (8.11.2023)
* [[Jaysehn (prime)/Reflections/A Pair to Match|A Pair to Match]] by Jaysehn (8-11-2023)
* [[Rivienne (prime)/A Leatherbound Journal|A Leatherbound Journal]] by Rivienne (08.13.2023)
* [[Rivienne (prime)/A Leatherbound Journal|A Leatherbound Journal]] by Rivienne (08-13-2023)
* [[Rivienne (prime)/Garden of Secrets|Garden of Secrets]] by Rivienne (09-13-2023)

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* [[Nations on the Brink (storyline)/2023-03-25 - Sayilla's Memorial Service (log)|03-25-2023 - Sayilla's Memorial Service]]
* [[Nations on the Brink (storyline)/2023-03-25 - Sayilla's Memorial Service (log)|03-25-2023 - Sayilla's Memorial Service]]
* [[Nations on the Brink (storyline)/2023-05-06 - Ta'Illistim Interview Session 4 (log) | 05-06-2023 - Ta'Illistim Interview Session 4]]
* [[Nations on the Brink (storyline)/2023-05-06 - Ta'Illistim Interview Session 4 (log) | 05-06-2023 - Ta'Illistim Interview Session 4]]
* [[Nations on the Brink (storyline)/2023-05-13 - Ta'Illistim Court Session (log) | 05-13-2023 Ta'Illistim Court Session]]</div>
* [[Nations on the Brink (storyline)/2023-05-13 - Ta'Illistim Court Session (log) | 05-13-2023 - Ta'Illistim Court Session]]
* [[Tales of Solhaven (storyline)/2023-09-10 - Vornavis Baronial Court Session (log)| 09-10-2023 - Vornavis Baronial Court Session]]
* [[Nations on the Brink (storyline)/2024-09-22 - Sayilla's Coronation (log)|09-22-2024 - Sayilla's Coronation]]

==In-Depth Summaries==
==In-Depth Summaries==
* [[Nations on the Brink (storyline)/Recaps (summary)|Recap summaries]]
* '''[[Nations on the Brink (storyline)/Recaps (summary)|Full recaps for individual chapter events]]'''.
* [[Nations on the Brink (storyline)/Fate of the Marshfolk loresong (summary)|Loresong of fragments from a towershield]] sharing the fate of the Marshtown and Aldoran commoners killed in the Vipershroud.
* [[Nations on the Brink (storyline)/Dusty Box Contents (summary)|Remnants of documents]] provided by Librarian [[Tasytha]] Master of Arcane Acquisitions at the Solhaven library when searching for a cure for Jarnsaixa.
* [[Nations on the Brink (storyline)/Talon and the Yellow Rose (summary)|A series of letters and notes]] found addressed between [[Talleani]] (aka Talon) and [[Jauefira Avael]] (aka Yellow Rose).
* [[Nations on the Brink (storyline)/Researcher Case Contents (summary)|Contents of a researcher's case]] found at Ta'Illistim's Library Aies.
* [[Nations on the Brink (storyline)Tea Container Items (summary)|Contents of a tea canister]] detailing magical locks, provided by [[Jauefira Avael]] (aka Yellow Rose).
* [[Nations on the Brink (storyline)/Orelwen's Diary (summary)|Journal entries]] from [[Orelwen Greyvael]]'s diary, as well as the magical lock that sealed it.

==Additional Information==
==Additional Information==
* [[:Category:Tales of Solhaven|Tales of Solhaven]] - Small or once-off storylines run the Solhaven-Vornavis region. These are sometimes interwoven with Nations on the Brink events.
* [[:Category:Tales of Solhaven|Tales of Solhaven]] - Small or once-off storylines run the Solhaven-Vornavis region. These are sometimes interwoven with Nations on the Brink events.
* [ Discord Forum Whodunnit Post] - OOC discussion of the murder mystery so far
* [ Discord Forum Whodunnit Post] - OOC discussion of the murder mystery so far
* [[Dusk Coven]] - The organization believed to behind the attacks on Kasendra and Sayilla.
* [[Green Death]] - The plague released by [[Niatha]] which can be healed by a [[green-banded cabochon bloodstone]]
* [[Ta'Illistim Inquisitors]] - Sapphire Guard members investigating Kasendra's death in Ta'Illistim

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* [[Solhaven: The Darkening Night]] - 02-04-2023 Official Announcement regarding Lady Kasendra's death.
* [[Solhaven: The Darkening Night]] - 02-04-2023 Official Announcement regarding Lady Kasendra's death.
* [[NotB - Chapter 1 Finale Post]] - 02-08-2023 Official Announcement regarding the Chapter 1 Finale vignette.
* [[NotB - Chapter 1 Finale Post]] - 02-08-2023 Official Announcement regarding the Chapter 1 Finale vignette.
* [[NotB_No_One_Home:_A_TI_Vignette]] - 05.14.2023 Official Announcement of an old tale vignette.
* [[NotB No One Home: A TI Vignette]] - 05-14-2023 Official Announcement of an old tale vignette.
* [[NotB_-_A_TI_Vignette]] - 05.14.2023 Official Announcement about an interesting find in Ta'Illistim.
* [[NotB - A TI Vignette]] - 05-14-2023 Official Announcement about an interesting find in Ta'Illistim.
* [[NotB_-_Shopping_in_Shimmarglin_Court:_A_TI_Vignette]] - 05-14-2023 Official Announcement of the vignette about a tale of two ladies.
* [[NotB - Shopping in Shimmarglin Court: A TI Vignette]] - 05-14-2023 Official Announcement of the vignette about a tale of two ladies.
* [[New_Storyline_Vignette_-_Rumors_In_The_Air]] - 05-19-2023 Official Announcement regarding the gossip vignette.
* [[New Storyline Vignette - Rumors In The Air]] - 05-19-2023 Official Announcement regarding the gossip vignette.
* [[Announcement:_Peacock_Grapevine_-_A_NotB_Vignette]] - 06-05-2023 Official Announcement regarding the Peacock Grapevine vignette.
* [[Announcement: Peacock Grapevine - A NotB Vignette]] - 06-05-2023 Official Announcement regarding the Peacock Grapevine vignette.
* [[Announcement:_NotB_Vignette_-_House_Eilstina]] - 06-07-2023 Official Announcement regarding the Inquisitors vignette.
* [[Announcement: NotB Vignette - House Eilstina]] - 06-07-2023 Official Announcement regarding the Inquisitors vignette.
* [[NotB_Vignette_-_Missing]] - 07-29-2023 Official announcement of vignette regarding the missing in Ta'Illistim.
* [[NotB Vignette - Missing]] - 07-29-2023 Official announcement of vignette regarding the missing in Ta'Illistim.
* [[Announcement:_NotB_Vignette_-_Undercurrent]] - 07-30-2023 Official Announcement regarding the missing vignette.
* [[Announcement: NotB Vignette - Undercurrent]] - 07-30-2023 Official Announcement regarding the missing vignette.
* [[NotB_Vignette:_Hazards_of_Being_Harold]] - 08-09-2023 Official Announcement regarding a Library Hiest vignette.
* [[NotB_Vignette: Hazards of Being Harold|NotB Vignette - Hazards of Being Harold]] - 08-09-2023 Official Announcement regarding a Library Hiest vignette.
* [[Another_Chapter_Ends]] - 08-10-2023 Official Announcemnt regarding the August Chapter vignette.
* [[Another Chapter Ends]] - 08-10-2023 Official Announcement regarding the August Chapter vignette.
* [[Announcement: Outside Sunholm (An NotB Vignette)]] - 09-22-2023 Official Announcement regarding the Outside Sunholm vignette.
* [[Announcement: Report to the Sunthrone and Hall of Mages]] 09-23-2023 Official Announcement regarding Odelgarde's report.

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[[Category:Wehnimer's Landing storylines]]
[[Category:Wehnimer's Landing storylines]]
[[Category:2023 storylines]]
[[Category:2023 storylines]]
[[Category:Global storylines]]

Latest revision as of 10:24, 1 October 2024


The Nations on the Brink storyline began in January 2023 and ran through September 2023. While the storyline focused heavily on tensions between the Elven Nations and the Turamzzyrian Empire, it played out in multiple towns and cities accessible in game. It followed events surrounding the death of Kasendra Malwind and the attack on Sayilla Javilerre, and it concluded with the signing of the Kasendra Accords.
This page contains collapsed sections. To view, click to toggle all content.

Chapter 1 - Lormesta to Fashanos, 5123

To view the Chapter 1 Synopsis, click here.

  • During a Vornavis court session on the 13th day of Eorgaen, Lady Athalia Malwind presides over court for the first time in Vornavian history. She mentions her father is unwell.
  • Elven dignitaries from Ta'Ardenai, Ta'Loenthra, Ta'Nalfein, and Ta'Vaalor start to arrive in Ta'Illistim.
  • Argent Mirror Myasara holds court to welcome the elven dignitaries.
  • During the Month of Lormesta, Athalia responds to letters on her father's behalf.
  • Continued inquiries at the Lormesta 6th Vornavis court session reveal that Athalia's father remains ill, but is getting better.
  • Was It Time? vignette.
  • Lady Athalia Malwind announces that with the aid of Odelgarde Brindlestraffe and Mistress Grenhal her father is getting better.
  • Lady Athalia Malwind issues a stirring speech to citizens of the Empire to ask them to take courage in the anti-Imperial uprisings from the north.
  • Lady Athalia Malwind requests that the various honorable people of the Orders of Vornavis and Organizations of the Freeport of Solhaven meet with Lady Sayilla Javilerre of the Elven Nations as she begins her tour of the western Empire.
  • Lady Athalia asks the Silver Gryphons, the Order of the Azure Sun, and the Order of the Swan to Escort Lady Sayilla along the western coast from Torre to Brisker's Cove.
  • Lady Athalia Malwind introduces Oldegarde who has been assigned to the Vornavian Court.
  • Odelgarde Brindlestraffe, as part of a North by Northwest crossover, prepares donation items and aids adventurers in collecting for distribution to Wehnimer's Landing and the Outpost.
  • The travel weekend with Lady Sayilla in the Turamzyrrian Empire occurrs. During part of it, a tour of the Tower of the Sea Princess is held. Tour Details
  • Lady Sayilla arrives at the Landing and sets up her memorial pavilion. Details.
  • Faendryl demon hunters arrive in Ta'Illstim, seeking aid in finding renegades. Details.
  • The demon hunting party takes place in Ta'Illistim.
  • Argent Mirror Myasara holds court in Ta'Illistim to determine the renegades' fate. She announces a ball to offer farewell to dignitaries.
  • Lady Sayilla brings her memorial pavillion to Solhaven.
  • Lady Athalia Malwind offers a formal invitation to breakfast in the Vornavis Keep as a departure ceremony for Sayilla who is expected to return to the Empire's capitol, Tamzyrr.
  • The farewell ball for the elven dignitaries is held in Ta'Illistim. Lady Kasendra Malwind is found dead in her quarters. Details.
  • Brunch with the Malwinds at Vornavis Keep is interrupted by the tragic news of Lady Kasendra Malwind's death.
  • A Request for Remand vignette.
  • The voyage of Lady Sayilla to Tamzyrr is interrupted by her being thrown overboard and her bodyguard Jarnsaixa being gravely wounded. Details.
  • Solhaven: The Darkening Night announcement.
  • Solhaven: The Kiss of Dawn vignette.
  • Chapter 1 Finale vignette.
  • Bad Fish vignette.

Chapter 2 - Charlatos - Olaesta, 5123

To view the Chapter 2 Synopsis, click here.

  • Lord Commander Murstyr Javilerre visits Ta'Vaalor to remind Cyik Elenelon Vaalor of his duty to join arms with Ta'Illistim. Details.
  • Habormaster in Solhaven disobeys Vornavis orders and turns away an elven vessel, causing Lady Kasendra's remains to briefly be in limbo. Details.
  • Lady Athalia holds court in Vornavis, discarding blame theory and listening to those that would stand up for the Harbormaster. Odelgarde shares news of Jairnsaxa, Baron Malwind, and the mystery of Grenhal. Details.
  • Inquisitors visit the public in Ta'Illistim, and Senschecal Aeriadrn Ghaeriden reads a letter from the Argent Mirror. Details.
  • Inquisitor public session #1 occurs in Ta'Illistim's Hall of Justice. Questioned parties: Lord Legionaire Commander Jaranzair Nashal Vaalor, Rohese Bayvel-Timbertree, Lithyia Medeea, Lucrecrea Ruin, and Fennelis Asja.
  • Odelgarde has an appointment with Solhaven healer Sargassa to discuss infectious fluids. Details.
  • Inquisitor public session #2 occurs in Ta'Illistim's Hall of Justice. Questioned parties: Akenna Laeraun, Traiva Verethundi, Elaejia Silithyr, Naevys Eilstina, and Fennelis Asja.
  • A mysterious ship carrying Leisette and a hooded figure shows up in Solhaven. Leisette requests an escort to Vornavis Keep. Details.
  • Inquisitor public session #3 occurs in Ta'Illistim's Hall of Justice. Questioned parties: Jaysehn, Eruien Lithavir, Aendir, and Orelwen Greyvael. Details.
  • Formal court is held in Ta'Illistim where the Argent Mirror gives a public address. Leisette and Clunk spoke. Details.
  • Formal court is held in Vornavis where Lady Athalia Malwind gives a public address. Details.
  • A Memorial Vigil is held in Vornavis for Lady Kasendra. Details.
  • Kasendra's funeral is held in Tamzyrr at the Temple of Steps. Details.
  • A call to Market Bend in South Haven heralds bizarre news. Details.
  • Rumors are heard on the Green in Ta'Illistim. Details.
  • Commoners from Aldora and Marshtown are turned back after traveling to Zul Logoth with the intent to tell the Argent Mirror that they're upset about the lack of justice for Kasendra's death. Details.
  • A commune is held in River's Rest to seek answers for questions about Sayilla's fate. Visions confirm she died by drowning. Details.
  • A pair of gossiping gnomes and Eruien showed up on the Ta'Illistim Green. All the tea in the Keep was thrown out because it was bad. Ardtin and Thaiagol Razan-Dhur were found meeting in secret in a public place. Leisette said nothing suspicious was going on. Details.

Chapter 3 - Ivastaen - Lumnea 5123

To view the Chapter 3 Synopsis, click here.

  • Adventurers helped look for Babs' still missing relatives from Marshtown and Aldora who were last encountered in Zul Logoth. While exploring the Vipershroud, they found evidence that the entire party had been killed. Details
  • As part of the inquisition in Ta'Illistim, both Leisette and Thaiagol Razan-Dhur are questioned. Mirkk and Aendir were interviewed privately, with Aendir doing so under the influence of a "particular serum". Full log
  • In Vornavis Court, Athalia acknowledged rumors of what happened to the Aldoran and Marshtown folk and said that Vornavis would continue to investigate. A scarred Jarnsaixa made an appearance, asked that people stop referring to her as Steward, and said she was awaiting the results of the trail in Ta'Illistim so she could turn herself in for her role in Sayilla's death. Details
  • Myasara held court in Ta'Illistim, where the inquisitors announced all suspects had been cleared except Orelwen, Leisette, and Naevys. Ardtin shared that the elven village near the Landing had been recently threatened. Ysaeril and Missoni shared news about the Aldoran and Marshtown commoners, including that they had been killed near the elven village by an elf wearing blue and silver livery. Details
  • Prominent merchants in Ta'Illistim are reported missing. Their shops closed without notice. A silvery-cloaked individual is fleetingly seen throughout the area. Shop closures vignette.
  • Ardtin met with Jiarine to recive the cloth scrap found in the Vipershroud. She said her people would investigate what happened. Details
  • Librarian Tasytha, the Master of Arcane Acquisitions of Solhaven's Library, had a bit of a kerfuffle at the library. Adventurers helped her sort through tattered documents to try to find a cure for Jarnsaixa. Details
  • Rumors circulate in Ta'Illistim about missing people.
  • A memorial was held for the Marshtown folk who disappeared on the trail to Zul Logoth. Details
  • Odelgarde Brindlestraffe met with Adventurers in the Armory of Vornavis. She shared more history of Grenhal, news about Wilhard and his dealings with Bodohal, thoughts on sanctuary, news about Idolone, and information regarding the lost Marshtown and Aldoran folk. Unfortunately, the scouts found the remains of all the Marshfolk and Aldorans, save one or two. Jisandra and Delindra had been working on a some shield fragments and shared the loresong. Details
  • Meanwhile, Adresin Ostrylae Ardenai arrived on the Ta'Illistim Green to pay his respects to Sayilla. Ardtin arrived later, and conversation turned to focus on the slow pace of both investigations. Adresin became more agitated and frustrated by the lack of progress and vowed to do something about what happened to Sayilla by traveling to Vornavis. Details
  • Adresin spoke with adventurers on the Ta'Illistim Green, where he shared he intended to formally petition the Vornavis Court about the slow investigation into Sayilla's death. Details
  • Formal Court is held in Vornavis. Adresin Ostrylae Ardenai, who was expected, was not present; it was later revealed that he had checked out of the local inn that morning and left town. Ysaeril and Athalia Aricia Malwind gave impassioned speeches about the need to resolution on both sides of the spin and to continue the peaceful efforts of both Sayilla Javilerre and Kasendra Malwind. Talon arrived to announce that an assassination attempt was made on Wilhard but that she had thwarted it. Odelgarde Brindlestraffe confirmed Talon's account and shared that she and Talon had been childhood friends. A plan was made to move Wilhard to safekeeping in Sunholm. Details
  • At a Ta'Illistim Arboretum event, Vaelynsa shared that Kasendra had been poisoned with a paralytic in some sort of sweet. Details
  • Gossip traveled along the peacock grapevine about Vaelynsa.
  • Former Harbormaster Wilhard was moved to Sunholm for security purposes.
  • Naevys and Leisette are officially cleared of suspicions.
  • Vaelynsa conducted research in the Library Aies. Details
  • Evidence of sabotage is located in the Library Aies.
  • Kasendra's possessions are reviewed again by Inquisitors, who find an unusual poison.
  • Odelgarde worries about the health of the librarian Atylia.
  • Fennelis tries to keep eyes on everyone in Ta'Illistim.
  • Inquisitors met with adventurers in Ta'Illistim's Library Aies to review finance records to look for suspicious patterns. They found large withdrawals that were not accounted for and evidence of tampering to remove House Greyvael's ledger information. Details
  • Odelgarde sought help to locate a Ta'Illistim guest who hadn't arrived on time. Inquisitor Vaelynsa was located delivering investigation evidence from Ta'Illistim. The missing librarian from the Library Aies was also found and passed out from fear. Vaelynsa requested Vornavis care for her. Details
  • A Clan Meeting was called in Zul Logoth to discussion the ongoing tension between the East and West.

Chapter 4 - Koaratos - Phoenatos, 5123

To view the Chapter 4 Synopsis, click here.

Chapter 5 - Imaerasta 5123

To view the Chapter 5 Synopsis, click here.

  • Court was held in Ta'Illistim. Details
  • Court was held in Vornavis. Details
  • Inquisitors Syearris and Eshenesra met at the Library with adventurers and Aertinus. Syearris revealed a mechanical peahen can be used to detect simulacrum, while Eshenesra said that the Yellow Rose was willing to meet to discuss locks. They moved from the library to the Arboretum where Jauefira and Feriae were, the latter who brought a container with various shared knowledge about locks. As they were going through the locks, Rivienne reported that the book seemed to have the outline of a lily on it. Some lilies were tired, but none seemed to unlock it. Plans were made to return in a few days after trying to obtain more exotic lilies. Details
  • Inquisitors Syearris, Eshenesra, and Cyradil met in the Arboretum along with Commander Aertinus and Jauefira to continue research into opening the journal that is presumed to belong to Handmaiden Orelwen. Details
  • Steward Jarnsaixa met with adventurers as she was searching for sea charts. Details
  • Odelgarde shared research about Aldoran healing stones. Details
  • That same evening, the Inquisitors asked Yrmythia to speak with Orelwen, which revealed that Orelwen had been Thaiagol's pawn in Kasendra's death. Details
  • Odelgarde transported, with aid, players to an island of the sick. Details
  • Court was held in Ta'Illistim. Details
  • Athalia held court in Vornavis. She recognized many individuals for their service, both in response to the Green Death and for other duties over the past months/year. Toward the end, she charged new Heralds Regwen and Delindra to represent both Vornavis and the Empire at a "clandestine meeting beyond the southron seas" to take place the following evening. Details
  • Traveling via ship, adventurers met at Nielira Harbor in Ta'Nalfein and made their way to a Pavilion where Queen Rhosyn, Mirror Myasara, and Empereror Aurmount greeted them. Details

Cast of Characters

Official Vignettes

Character Vignettes


In-Depth Summaries

Additional Information


Pages in category "Nations on the Brink"

The following 127 pages are in this category, out of 127 total.