User talk:GS4ALASTIR/HESS sorted list August 2024

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a dimly lit tunnel, Map Room H, Room# u8213008, Lich# 23773, go dimly tunnel

Duskruin Arena, Scrip Shop

[Duskruin Arena, Scrip Shop - 8212527]
Luminescent green moss lines the slick stone walls of this small chamber and provides adequate lighting despite a lack of windows or candles. Thin pathways between various sized containers and tables impede navigation to a beaded curtain. You also see a battered wooden treasure chest, a very important sign, a weathered rowan crate, a faded blue tanik strongbox and a metal-framed dark walnut display.
Obvious exits: out
a very important sign

In the Common language, it reads:
Service Redemption Limits:

The first five services will carry no surcharge.
Sixth service has a 25k surcharge.
Seventh service has a 50k surcharge.
Eighth and final service has a 100k surcharge.

On purchased services in HESS, if the certificate is unredeemed, the refund request must be made within 24 hours of purchase.  If the certificate is redeemed, the refund request must be made within 24 hours of the service being applied.

There is a 10% bloodscrip fee for all refunds/exchanges.

Certificates purchased via ATTUNE will permanently attune both the certificate AND any item they are applied to to the account of the purchaser of the certificate.

Some items sold in this shop may be purchased with account attunement for a discounted price (Prime only). Attunement is permanent and cannot be removed.

Attunement Discount Legend
* Account attunement available for a 25% discount.

In the wooden treasure chest you see: a tiny mithril anvil, a red and white target defense board, a rusting helmet-shaped curio, an ink-stained napkin, a miniature gold wheel, a holy armament bauble, a greater dispel boost writ, a spike-edged billet, a translucent combiner vellum, a fork-shaped papyrus, a lesser transmutation message, a dispel boost booklet, a burned bastard axe paper, a pristine Nervestave contract, a Tier 4 Nervestave flyer, a Tier 3 Nervestave book, a Tier 2 Nervestave note, a cyan polearm flare debenture, a stained single enchant document, a chunk of kroderine ore, a torn resistance stub, an enhancive recovery plate, a crumpled dispel flare epistle, a smooth de-fusion tablet and a puce flat acuity ticket.

In the rowan crate you see: a tiny bane boost paper, a heavy mana flare bill, a multicolored greater element envelope, a stained enhancive stat papyrus, a folded shield resize bill, an Ithzir unlock letter, a chunk of zelnorn ore, a defender boost slip, a fresh defender label, a maroon knockout flare debenture, a defensive boost charter, an enhancive removal certificate, an oversized enchanting bulletin, a miniature obsidian inkpot, a tiny rhimar shovel, a scrap of lathonian leather, an inked combiner parchment, a silvery asg change proclamation, a chunk of high steel ore, a mana-infused crystal, a prismatic bane adding slip, some orb-shaped fused links, a copper shield-shaped ornament, a maoral shield-shaped carving, a gold shield-shaped sculpture, a miniature bejeweled pixane, an ink-stained napkin, a crystalline wand trinket, a lump of pure coraesine ore, a polished maoral acorn, a miniature iron padlock, a faenor nugget, a dog-eared leather primer, a small chunk of pumice, a twisted hawthorn branch, a miniature golden hourglass, a yellowed Ithzir paper, an ingot of ghezyte, a twig of surita, a scrap of shadarl, a scrap of aganjira, an ingot of somnis, an ingot of vethinye, an ingot of white alloy, an ingot of adamantine, an ingot of zelnorn, an ingot of kroderine, and an ingot of obskruul.

In the blue tanik strongbox you see: a flare affinity ledger, a thorn-laden sphere, a lightning bolt charm, a sunburst-shaped bead, an ink black armor knickknack, an ink black sword gaud, a tiny knife-embossed medallion, a garish fuchsia fabric bolt, a nacreous shield-embossed manacle, a rune-etched miniature imp, an ebonwood miniature verlok, an ivory castle miniature, a miniature clockwork crossbow, a faceted crystal icicle, a bubble-shaped contract, a small capyxita postcard, a durable enhancive pell, a bronzed boot, a timeworn location swatch, a faded leaf-imprinted voucher, a faded activator receipt, a silver forked note, an opalescent bubble-shaped document, an old enhancive max paper, a master instrument sheet, a chunk of adamantine ore, an opaque bubble flare debenture, a curled enhancive bonus checklist, a purple acuity flare chit, a silvery flat mana deed, a leather spellbook and a miniature bronze awl.

On the dark walnut display you see: a somnis sliver, a gold and ruby thorn, an enruned urglaes band, an enruned veniom band, a square common flare voucher, a rectangular uncommon flare voucher, a sprite bow flare certificate, a simple energy shield certificate, an exotic energy shield certificate, an exotic twin weapon certificate, an exotic energy weapon certificate, a simple sprite flare certificate, an exotic sprite flare certificate, a simple parasite certificate and an exotic parasite flare certificate.

AS/DS/TD Modifications:

Item Type Info Details Price

a stained single enchant document < 1 lb

Service: Single Enchant (+1)

A stained single enchant document will grant the ability to enchant an eligible item by +1.  Up to 5 single enchant certificates can be applied to one item and count as one service, but must be purchased separately.  Total enchant not to exceed +50.  (Please note that this cannot be used to enchant arrows or bolts, DB items, or gear that is otherwise restricted from enchanting.)
an oversized enchanting bulletin < 1 lb

Service: Greater Enchant (+5)

An oversized enchanting bulletin will grant the ability to enchant an eligible item by +5.  Total enchant not to exceed +50. (Please note that this cannot be used to enchant DB items, gear that is otherwise restricted from enchanting, or arrows/bolts.)
NEW - UPSTAIRS - a major enchant contract (+5 up to +75) < 1 lb
Service: Major Enchant
A major enchant contract will grant the ability to enchant an eligible item by +5.  Total enchant not to exceed +75.  This service will not be available at the next Duskruin.  Note that the current cap is +50 and the cost per certificate is 275k.  This contract cannot be used to enchant DB items, gear that is otherwise restricted from enchanting, or arrows/bolts. If applicable, you can pay a 500k bloodscrip surcharge to remove the item service limits/surcharges to use repeat major enchant redemptions on the same item up to cap.
a fresh defender label < 1 lb

Service: Defender Weapon Add (+2)

A fresh defender label will grant the addition of the defender ability to an eligible weapon, beginning with +2.  The item must not already be a defender item or have an existing property that would otherwise render the item ineligible (ie: an existing flare).  This ability is capped at +50.
a defender boost slip < 1 lb

Service: Defender Weapon Boost (+1)

A defender boost slip will grant the ability to increase a defender item by +1.
a red and white target defense board < 1 lb

Service: Target Defense (+5)

A red and white target defense board grants the addition of +5 Target Defense to an eligible item (shield/armor).  Total TD after application cannot exceed 30.
a defensive boost charter < 1 lb

Service: DB Boost (+1)

A defensive boost charter will grant the +1 to an existing DB item to a max of +50.

Misc Modifications:

Item Type Info Details Price
NEW - UPSTAIRS - a miniature oak wagon < 1 lb
Service: Add 150 WPS Services
A miniature oak wagon will grant the recipient 150 WPS Services on the chosen eligible item.  This can only be applied once during the current Duskruin Arena event.
a tiny mithril anvil < 1 lb

Service: Weapon Base Change

A tiny mithril anvil will grant the user the ability to change a weapon to another within the same category (OHE, OHB, etc.)  Reforging into a claidhmore is not possible, but you can reforge out of it and lose 40 CER.  Some restrictions may apply, especially in the case of scripted items.  All conversion requests will be reviewed before final approval and could result in the inability to reforge the requested weapon.  If the item has over 20 CER, the reforged weapon will be reduced to 20 CER.  Both the old and new weapon must use exactly the same weapon skill.  Some items could be ineligible due to existing scripts or properties.  WHISPER details to the anvil about the specifics for your service and your availability.  GAZE at the anvil to review your request.

a prismatic bane adding slip < 1 lb

Service: Bane Add

A prismatic bane adding slip will grant the ability to have a bane added to an eligible item with the option of one of the following: +10 AS, +8 weighting, +5% block (shields), +5% evade (armor), or flares.  Splitter Weapons are ineligible for this service.
a tiny bane boost paper < 1 lb

Service: Bane Boost

A tiny bane boost paper grants a bane boost of either +5 AS, +5 DS (armor/shields), or +2 weighting to an item's existing bane.  Final bane AS/DS boosts cannot exceed +30; weighting boosts cannot exceed +16.  This is not eligible for block/evade/parry.

a miniature bronze awl < 1 lb

Service: Armor AG Change

A miniature bronze awl will grant the user the ability to change armor to another armor group.  Some items may be ineligible due to scripts.  If the existing material is not valid for the new armor group, it will be converted to a standard material (e.g. going from full plate to double leathers will change the material into standard leather. All requests will be reviewed before final approval and could result in the inability to change the AG group.  Some items could be ineligible due to existing scripts or properties.  WHISPER details to the awl about the specifics for your service and your availability.  GAZE at the awl to review your request.

a silvery asg change proclamation < 1 lb

Service: Armor ASG Change

A silvery asg change proclamation grants the ability to have your armor changed to another armor group within the same material (ie: leather to leather, metal to metal). There may be some exclusions.  Karma Armor, for example, is ineligible.
a miniature bejeweled pixane < 1 lb

Service: Armor Accessory to Magical

A miniature bejeweled pixane will grant the ability to convert a non-magical armor accessory to magical.
a rusting helmet-shaped curio < 1 lb

Service: Helm Resize

A rusting helmet-shaped curio will grant the ability to convert one helm type into another helm type.  (eg. A Helm into a Greathelm, for instance.)
a bronzed boot < 1 lb

Service: Convert Non-UCS to UCS

A bronzed boot grants the ability to convert unscripted, non-UCS handwear/footwear to UCS.  Conversion does not include an alteration, so existing foot-worn/hand-worn items that have a noun unsuitable for UCS weapons, or items of a material other than cloth or leather, will not be eligible for this certificate.  Cobbled and Enhancive items are permitted, but no other original itemproperties will carry over to the UCS item.  The boot can be redeemed with pocketed hand/foot items, but the container property will be removed.
a holy armament bauble < 1 lb

Service: Holy Armament

A holy armament bauble will provide the Holy Armament property to an eligible item.
a torn resistance stub < 1 lb

Service: Resistance Add (+5%)

A torn resistance stub grants the addition of +5 to a single resistance.  Resistance for each damage type cannot exceed 40%; max of 3 resistance damage types.  Items with more than 3 resistance damage types can still be worked on, but no new damage types can be added.  Specify your requested resistance type for this service in the WHISPER details.
a miniature gold wheel < 1 lb

Service: Resistance Change

A miniature gold wheel entitles the redeemer to change an existing resistance type.  The entire resistance amount must change (no partials/splits), and it cannot be added to an existing resistance type.
a folded shield resize bill < 1 lb

Service: Shield Resize

A folded shield resize bill grants the ability to have your shield resized.  (Previous "one step" requirement has been removed.)
a spike-edged billet < 1 lb

Service: Spike Adding

A spike-edged billet grants the addition of spikes to an eligible armor item.

Bard Stuff:

Item Type Info Details Price

a fork-shaped papyrus < 1 lb

Service: Tuning Fork (+5)

A fork-shaped papyrus will grant the redeemer a tuning fork that will add +5 to sonic gear.  You must decide the creation metal and the destination item (weapon, armor, or shield).  Purchase the "silver forked note" to increase the associated enchant of the fork (up to +15).
a silver forked note < 1 lb

Service: Increase Tuning Fork Enchant (+5)

A silver forked note will increase the potency of a Tuning Fork by +5 (up to +15).  (Note: The Tuning Fork begins at +5.)
a master instrument sheet < 1 lb

Service: Master Instrument

A master instrument sheet will grant the ability to upgrade the condition of an instrument to master quality.

Enhancive Stuff:

Item Type Info Details Price

a leather spellbook < 1 lb

Service: Spell Ranks Enhancive (+5)

A leather spellbook grants the ability to add +5 spell ranks to an existing spell rank enhancive (purchased from a previous run) OR a new item will be created (with 75 charges) for one spell circle of your choice (except Arcane).  This cannot be added to existing items that do not already have the spell rank enhancive.  This enhancive will only work for characters who have at least 30 spell ranks in the selected circle, and the trinket is restricted to professions that can natively cast from the chosen circle.
a timeworn location swatch < 1 lb

Service: Worn Item Location Change

A timeworn location swatch grants the ability to change the worn location of a wearable item.  Change may result in a noun change, but a full alteration is not included in this service.  Leg and arm greaves may have their location swapped (with an appropriate noun change), but all other armor, containers, and scripted items are ineligible for this service.
a faenor nugget < 1 lb

Service: Transmute Armor Accessory

A faenor nugget will grant the user the ability to transmute an enhancive armor accessory to a newly created piece of jewelry.  Bonuses cannot be moved to existing items, and only the enhancive properties of the armor accessory are carried over to the jewelry.  The location is optional, but the final item must be jewelry.
a stained enhancive stat papyrus < 1 lb

Service: Enhancive Base Stat Boost (+1)

A stained enhancive stat papyrus grants +1 (not to exceed +20) to a single, existing enhancive BASE STAT (NOT bonus). Splitter Weapons and items excluded from recharging are ineligible for this service.
a curled enhancive bonus checklist < 1 lb

Service: Enhancive Skill Bonus Boost (+1)

A curled enhancive bonus checklist grants +1 (not to exceed +25) to a single, existing enhancive SKILL BONUS.  Splitter Weapons and items excluded from recharging are ineligible for this service.
an old enhancive max paper < 1 lb

Service: Enhancive Charges (+50)

An old enhancive max paper will grant the ability to increase enhancive MAX CHARGES and CURRENT CHARGES by +50 (up to a max of 500).
an enhancive recovery plate < 1 lb

Service: Enhancive Recovery Boost (+1)

An enhancive recovery plate grants +1 (not to exceed +15) to a single, existing enhancive RECOVERY (excluding spirit).  Splitter Weapons and items excluded from recharging are ineligible for this service.
a durable enhancive pell < 1 lb

Service: Enhancive Permanence

A durable enhancive pell grants the ability to add crumble prevention to an existing enhancive item.  Items that have a duration (such as x/day items) or items that are explicitly marked as crumbly are ineligible.
an enhancive removal certificate < 1 lb

Service: Enhancive Removal

An enhancive removal certificate will grant the ability to remove a single (non-negative) enhancive trait from an item.
a fusion adding agreement < 1 lb

Service: Fusion Script Add

A fusion adding agreement will grant the ability to add the fusion script with 2-slots to a non-fusion armament.  UCS equipment is ineligible.
some orb-shaped fused links < 1 lb

Service: Fusion Slot Boost (+1)

Some orb-shaped fused links will grant the ability to add one fusion slot to an existing fusion piece, provided there are no more than 5 current fusion slots.  (IE: Final item cannot hold more than 6 orbs.
a smooth de-fusion tablet < 1 lb

Service: De-Fusion

A smooth de-fusion tablet grants the ability to have one item de-fusioned.

Fun with Flares:

Item Type Info Details Price

a puce flat acuity ticket < 1 lb

Service: Flat Acuity Add (+30)

A puce flat acuity ticket will add Acuity Flares to a non-flaring runestaff at 6x or boost existing Acuity Flares to 6x.
a purple acuity flare chit < 1 lb

Service: Acuity Flare Boost (+5)

A purple acuity flare chit grants an increased acuity of +5 (up to +50) on an already acuity-flared runestaff.
NEW - UPSTAIRS - a chartreuse acuity stub < 1 lb
Service: Greater Acuity
A chartreuse acuity stub grants an increased acuity of +5 on an acuity-flared runestaff at +50 or higher.  Total acuity not to exceed +75.  This service will not be available at the next Duskruin.  If applicable, you can pay a 250,000 bloodscrip surcharge to remove the item service limits/surcharges and use repeat Greater Acuity redemptions on the same item up to cap.
a square common flare voucher < 1 lb

Service: Animalistic Common Flares

A square common flare voucher grants the ability to change the damage type of the flare on an Animalistic Spirit weapon or shield to a COMMON damage type.  (Heat, Cold, Electricity, Impact, or Vacuum)
a rectangular uncommon flare voucher < 1 lb

Service: Animalistic Uncommon Flares

A rectangular uncommon flare voucher grants the ability to change the damage type of the flare on an Animalistic Spirit weapon or shield to an UNCOMMON damage type.  (Disintegrate, Disruption, Unbalance, Acid, Plasma, or Steam)
a crumpled dispel flare epistle < 1 lb

Service: Dispel Flare Add (+1)

A crumpled dispel flare epistle grants the addition of dispel (1 spell) flares to an eligible item.
a dispel boost booklet < 1 lb

Service: Dispel Boost (+1)

A dispel boost booklet will grant +1 added to an existing dispel flare (max of 3 total).
a greater dispel boost writ < 1 lb

Service: Greater Dispel Boost (+1)

A greater dispel boost writ grants the ability to boost an existing dispel flare potency by +1; max boost cannot exceed +5.
a silvery flat mana deed < 1 lb

Service: Flat Mana Add (+3)

A silvery flat mana deed grants the addition of Mana Flares to a non-flaring runestaff at +3.
a heavy mana flare bill < 1 lb

Service: Mana Flare Boost (+1)

A heavy mana flare bill grants an increased mana flare of +1 on an already mana-flared runestaff, not to exceed +5.


Item Type Info Details Price
a chunk of adamantine ore < 1 lb

Service: Adamantine Ore

A chunk of adamantine ore will grant creation of a weapon, shield, or a suit of armor crafted from this metal.  No runestaves, bows, or UCS gear (boots/gloves).  Items will have a base description as the service does not include an alter.  Katanas and naginatas will receive a 25% surcharge (10,000 BS), and claidhmores will receive a 50% surcharge (20,000 BS).
a chunk of high steel ore < 1 lb

Service: High Steel Ore

A chunk of high steel ore will grant creation of a weapon, shield, or a suit of armor crafted from this metal.  No runestaves, bows, or UCS gear (gloves/boots).  Items will have a base description as the service does not include an alter.  Katanas and naginatas will receive a 25% surcharge (37,500 BS), and claidhmores will receive a 50% surcharge (75,000 BS).
a chunk of kroderine ore < 1 lb

Service: Kroderine Ore

A chunk of kroderine ore will grant creation of a weapon, shield, or a suit of armor crafted from this metal.  No bows, runestaves, or UCS gear (boots/gloves).  Items will have a base description; the service does not include an alter.  Katanas and naginatas will receive a 25% surcharge (7,500 BS), and claidhmores will receive a 50% surcharge (15,000 BS).
a chunk of low steel ore < 1 lb

Service: Low Steel Ore

A chunk of low steel ore will grant creation of a weapon or shield crafted from this metal.  No runestaves, bows, UCS gear (boots/gloves), or brawling weapons.  Items will have a base description as the service does not include an alter.  Katanas and naginatas will receive a 25% surcharge (75,000 BS), and claidhmores will receive a 50% surcharge (150,000 BS).
a lump of pure coraesine ore < 1 lb

Service: Pure Coraesine Ore

A lump of pure coraesine ore will grant the user a bladed weapon of pure coraesine.
a chunk of xazkruvrixis ore < 1 lb

Service: Xazkruvrixis Ore

A chunk of xazkruvrixis ore will grant creation of a weapon from this metal.  No runestaves, bows, UCS gear (boots/gloves), or brawling weapons.  Items will have a base description as the service does not include an alter.  Katanas and naginatas will receive a 25% surcharge (125,000 BS), and claidhmores will receive a 50% surcharge (250,000 BS).
a chunk of zelnorn ore < 1 lb

Service: Zelnorn Ore

A chunk of zelnorn ore will grant creation of a weapon, shield, or a suit of armor crafted from this metal.  No runestaves, bows, or UCS gear (boots/gloves).  Items will have a base description as the service does not include an alter.  Katanas and naginatas will receive a 25% surcharge (12,500 BS), and claidhmores will receive a 50% surcharge (25,000 BS).

Script (Accessories):

Item Type Info Details Price

a gold and ruby thorn < 1 lb

Service: Briar Flares Accessories Script Add

A gold and ruby thorn will grant the user the ability to add the BriarFlare support to an accessory item of your choice.  Eligible items include unscripted, non-weapon, worn items, and will assist a BriarFlare weapon's effectiveness.  This is an "Off-the-Shelf" addition, which includes all functionality.  The three unlocks available in "A Twist of Briars" are for fluff verbs.

Script (Armor):

Item Type Info Details Price

REDUCED - a vermeil echidna charm < 1 lb

Service: Animalistic Spirit Armor Add

A vermeil echidna charm grants the ability to add the Animalistic Spirit script to an existing piece of armor at Tier 1/OTS with no additional unlocks.

REDUCED - a crude black ora effigy < 1 lb

Service: Cursed Armor Script Add

A crude black ora effigy grants the ability to add the Cursed Armor script to an existing piece of armor at Tier 1/OTS with no additional unlocks.
REDUCED - an ivory castle miniature < 1 lb

Service: Elven Armor Script Add

An ivory castle miniature will grant the ability to add the Elven Armor script to eligible (unscripted) armor at Tier 1 with no unlocks.
an ink black armor knickknack < 1 lb

Service: Ethereal Armor Add

An ink black armor knickknack entitles the redeemer to add the Ethereal Armor script to an existing armor piece at Tier 1/OTS with no additional unlocks.
a faded leaf-imprinted voucher < 1 lb

Service: Forest Armor Add

A faded leaf-imprinted voucher grants the ability to add the Forest Armor script to an eligible set of armor at Tier 1.  Items cannot already be enhancive.
REDUCED - a green Ithzir Armor sheet < 1 lb

Service: Ithzir Armor Add

A green Ithzir Armor sheet grants the ability to add the Ithzir Armor script to an eligible set of armor at Tier 1.
an Ithzir unlock letter < 1 lb

Service: Ithzir Unlock

An Ithzir unlock letter grants an unlock to one (1) of four (4) trees on a set of Ithzir Armor.  Total tree unlocks cannot exceed 9.  You must specify which tree to unlock: Flare, Status, Healing, Escape.
a yellowed Ithzir paper < 1 lb

Service: Ithzir Reconfiguration

A yellowed Ithzir paper will grant the user the ability to move a single unlock to a different tree.
REMOVED - a colorful cocoon curio < 1 lb

Service: Morphing Armor Script Add

A colorful cocoon curio grants the ability to add the Morphing Armor script to an existing piece of armor at base tier with no additional unlocks.  Fusion armor is compatible for subscripting with this.
REMOVED - a lunar moth trifle < 1 lb

Service: Morphing Armor Unlock

A lunar moth trifle will grant the ability to unlock 1 tier (up to Tier 3) on an item already scripted with the Morphing Armor script.
REMOVED - a monarch butterfly bagatelle < 1 lb

Service: Morphing Armor Unlock AQ

A monarch butterfly bagatelle will grant the ability to unlock Morphing Armor to Tier 4 (Auction Quality).  Item must already be Tier 3.
REDUCED - a parasitic barnacle < 1 lb

Service: Parasite Armor Add

A parasitic barnacle grants the ability to add the Parasite Armor script at OTS tier with no unlocks to an eligible piece of armor.)
REDUCED - a mana-infused crystal < 1 lb

Service: Mana-Infused Armor

A mana-infused crystal will grant the ability to add the Mana-Infused script to eligible (unscripted) armor at Tier 0 with no unlocks.
REDUCED - a sprite-shaped effigy < 1 lb

Service: Sprite Armor Add

A sprite-shaped effigy grants the ability to add the Sprite Armor script at OTS tier with no unlocks to an eligible piece of armor.)
REDUCED - an ebonwood miniature verlok < 1 lb

Service: Valence Armor Script Add

A rune-etched miniature imp will grant the ability to add the Valence Armor script to eligible (unscripted) armor at Tier 1 with no unlocks.

Script (Shield):

Item Type Info Details Price

REDUCED - a diminutive pangolin figurine < 1 lb

Service: Animalistic Spirit Shield Script Add

A diminutive pangolin figurine grants the ability to add the Animalistic Spirit script to an eligible weapon or shield at Tier 1/OTS.
REDUCED - a lightning bolt charm < 1 lb

Service: Energy Shield Add

A lightning bolt charm entitles the redeemer to add the Energy Shield script to an existing shield at Tier 1/OTS with no additional unlocks.
a simple energy shield certificate < 1 lb

Service: Energy Shield Simple Flare

A simple energy shield certificate grants the ability to change the damage type of the flare on an Energy Shield to a COMMON flare.  (Earth, Fire, Lightning, Ice)  Item must already have the Energy Shield script.
an exotic energy shield certificate < 1 lb

Service: Energy Shield Exotic Flare

An exotic energy shield certificate grants the ability to change the damage type of the flare on an Energy Shield to an EXOTIC flare.  (Disintegrate, Disruption, Unbalance, Grapple, Acid, Void, Plasma)  Item must already have the Energy Shield script.
a copper shield-shaped ornament < 1 lb

Service: Shield Bracer Script Add

A copper shield-shaped ornament grants the ability to add the Shield Bracer (Grobey) script to a shield at base tier with no additional unlocks.

* Grobey subscripts to fusion only, otherwise it uses the Script slot.
a maoral shield-shaped carving < 1 lb

Service: Shield Bracer Unlock

A maoral shield-shaped carving will grant the ability to unlock the shield bracer (aka Grobey) up to Tier 2; unlocks are handled one step at a time.
a gold shield-shaped sculpture < 1 lb

Service: Shield Bracer AQ Unlock

A gold shield-shaped sculpture will grant the ability to unlock the shield bracer (aka Grobey) to the Auction Tier.

Script (Weapon):

Item Type Info Details Price
REDUCED - a diminutive pangolin figurine < 1 lb

Service: Animalistic Spirit Weapon Script Add

A diminutive pangolin figurine grants the ability to add the Animalistic Spirit script to an eligible weapon or shield at Tier 1/OTS.
a burned bastard axe paper < 1 lb

Service: Bastard Axe Script Add

A burned bastard axe paper will grant the ability to have an eligible handaxe or battle axe converted to a Bastard Axe.
REDUCED - a thorn-laden sphere < 1 lb

Service: Briar Flares Script Add

A thorn-laden sphere will grant the ability to add the Briar Flares script at the OTS tier with no unlocks.
an opaque bubble flare debenture < 1 lb

Service: Bubble Flares Script Add (+10)

An opaque bubble flare debenture will grant the ability to add bubble flares to an eligible weapon.
a bubble-shaped contract < 1 lb

Service: Minor Bubble Flare Potency Boost (+1)

A bubble-shaped contract will grant +1 (cap of +50) to an existing bubble-flared weapon.
an opalescent bubble-shaped document < 1 lb

Service: Bubble Flare Boost (+2)

An opalescent bubble-shaped document will grant +2 (cap of +50) to an existing bubble-flared weapon.
NEW - UPSTAIRS - a grey-swirled coraesine relic < 1 lb

Service: Coraesine Relic Add


The relic has the following verbs:

  PUT/DROP             - Attach the relic to an unscripted weapon to gain QuickFlares.
                         Once placed on a weapon, it cannot be undone.
  WEAR/REMOVE          - Not sure what weapon to place it on?  Show it off until you do!
  LORESONG             - The story of coraesine.
a long chainspear spiral < 1 lb

Service: Chainspear Script Add

A long chainspear spiral will grant the ability to turn a spear, javelin, or pilum into a chainspear.  Scripted items are ineligible.
REDUCED - a sunburst-shaped bead < 1 lb

Service: Daybringer Script Add

A sunburst-shaped bead entitles the redeemer to add the Daybringer script to an existing weapon at Tier 1/OTS with no additional unlocks.
REDUCED - a multicolored sphere of swirling energy < 1 lb

Service: Energy Staff Script Add

A multicolored sphere of swirling energy will grant the ability to add the Energy Staff script to an eligible (unscripted) runestaff or lance at Tier 1 with no unlocks.
an exotic energy weapon certificate < 1 lb

Service: Energy Weapon Exotic Flare

An exotic energy weapon certificate grants the ability to change the damage type of the flare on an Energy Weapon to an EXOTIC flare.  (Disintegrate, Disruption, Unbalance, Grapple, Acid, Void, Plasma)  Item must already have the Energy Weapon script.
an ink black sword gaud < 1 lb

Service: Ethereal Weapon Script Add

An ink black sword gaud entitles the redeemer to add the Ethereal Weapon script to an existing weapon at Tier 1/OTS with no additional unlocks.
REDUCED - a tiny knife-embossed medallion < 1 lb

Service: Fighting Knives Script Add

A tiny knife-embossed medallion entitles the redeemer to add the Fighting Knives script to an existing dagger-based weapon at Tier 1/OTS with no additional unlocks.
NEW - a tiny rhimar shovel < 1 lb

Service: Greater Rhimar Script Add

A tiny rhimar shovel will grant the ability to add the Greater Rhimar script to an eligible weapon at OTS/Tier 0 with no additional unlocks.
a multicolored greater element envelope < 1 lb

Service: Greater Elemental Flares Script Add

A multicolored greater element envelope grants the addition of Greater Elemental Flares to an already-flared weapon.  If the item is already flared, then it must have one of the following flares: fire, cold, lightning, impact, vacuum, or steam.  Otherwise, we can add one of the flares for a 15k surcharge.  If we are adding the flare, designate the preferred flare in your whisper details.
a maroon knockout flare debenture < 1 lb

Service: Knockout Flares Script Add

A maroon knockout flare debenture will grant the ability to add knockout flares to an eligible weapon.
REDUCED - a miniature clockwork crossbow < 1 lb

Service: Mechanical Xbow Script Add

A miniature clockwork crossbow will grant the ability to add the Mechanical Crossbow script to eligible, unscripted mechanical crossbows at Tier 1 with no additional unlocks.  Hand crossbows are ineligible.
REDUCED - a pristine Nervestave contract < 1 lb

Service: NerveStave Script Add

A pristine Nervestave contract will grant the ability to add the Nervestave script to an eligible runestaff.  (Please note: there may need to be some minor alteration done at the time of redemption to keep the item's description/appearance in accordance with the script requirements.
a Tier 2 Nervestave note < 1 lb

Service: NerveStave - Tier 2 Unlock

A Tier 2 Nervestave note will grant the ability to unlock an existing Tier 1 NerveStave scripted runestaff to Tier 2.
a Tier 3 Nervestave book < 1 lb

Service: NerveStave - Tier 3 Unlock

A Tier 3 Nervestave book will grant the ability to unlock an existing Tier 2 NerveStave scripted runestaff to Tier 3.
a Tier 4 Nervestave flyer < 1 lb

Service: NerveStave - Tier 4 Unlock

A Tier 4 Nervestave flyer will grant the ability to unlock an existing Tier 3 NerveStave scripted runestaff to Tier 4.
a cyan polearm flare debenture < 1 lb

Service: Polearm Flare Script Add

A cyan polearm flare debenture will grant the ability to add polearm flares to an eligible weapon (any two-handed polearm or quarterstaff); Spear/Trident are okay, but only when gripped with two hands.
REDUCED - an engorged and fleshy parasite < 1 lb

Service: Parasite Weapon Script Add

An engorged and fleshy parasite will grant the ability to add the Parasite Weapon script to an eligible (unscripted) weapon at Tier 0 with no unlocks.
a simple parasite certificate < 1 lb

Service: Parasite Weapon Common Flare

A simple parasite certificate grants the ability to change the damage type of the flare on a Parasite Weapon to a COMMON flare.  (Earth, Fire, Lightning, Ice)  Item must already have the Parasite Weapon script.
an exotic parasite flare certificate < 1 lb
Service: Parasitic Weapon Exotic Flare
An exotic parasite flare certificate grants the ability to change the damage type of the flare on a Parasite Weapon to an EXOTIC flare.  (Disintegrate, Disruption, Unbalance, Grapple, Acid, Void, Plasma)  Item must already have the Parasite Weapon script.
REDUCED - a simple sigil staff label < 1 lb

Service: Sigil Staff Script Add (Tier 1)

A simple sigil staff label will grant the ability to add the Sigil Staff script to an eligible (unscripted) runestaff at Tier 1 with no unlocks.
NEW UPSTAIRS - a dented ingot < 1 lb
Service: Add Splitter Script
A dented ingot will allow the redeemer to add the Splitter script (once) to an existing weapon.  The weapon must be unscripted
REDUCED - a sprite-shaped statuette < 1 lb

Service: Sprite Weapon Script Add

A sprite-shaped statuette will grant the ability to add the Sprite Weapon script to an eligible (unscripted) weapon at Tier 0 with no unlocks.
a simple sprite flare certificate < 1 lb

Service: Sprite Weapon Simple Flare

A simple sprite flare certificate grants the ability to change the damage type of the flare on a Sprite Weapon to a COMMON flare.  (Earth, Fire, Lightning, Ice)  Item must already have the Sprite Weapon script.
an exotic sprite flare certificate < 1 lb

Service: Sprite Weapon Exotic Flare

An exotic sprite flare certificate grants the ability to change the damage type of the flare on a Sprite Weapon to an EXOTIC flare.  (Disintegrate, Disruption, Unbalance, Grapple, Acid, Void, Plasma)  Item must already have the Sprite Weapon script.
a sprite bow flare certificate < 1 lb

Service: Sprite Bow Flare

A sprite bow flare certificate grants the ability to a Sprite Weapon to be able to unlock the flaring effect for arrows shot from the bow.  The arrows cannot have flares, scripts, or be above 5x enchanted.
NEW - UPSTAIRS - an ethereal string < 1 lb

Service: Ethereal String Add

a tarnished twin weapon miniature < 1 lb

Service: Twin Weapon Script Add

A tarnished twin weapon miniature will grant the ability to add the Twin Weapon script at the OTS tier with no unlocks to two eligible items.  Claidhmores, katanas, naginatas, USCEquipment, and ranged weapons are ineligible.  Other restrictions may apply.
an exotic twin weapon certificate < 1 lb

Service: Twin Weapons Exotic Flare

An exotic twin weapon certificate grants the ability to change the damage type of the flare on a Twin Weapon to an EXOTIC flare.  (Disintegrate, Disruption, Unbalance, Grapple, Acid, Void, Plasma)  Item must already have the Twin Weapon script.
REDUCED - a rune-etched miniature imp < 1 lb

Service: Valence Weapon Script Add

A rune-etched miniature imp will grant the ability to add the Valence Weapon script to an eligible (unscripted) weapon at Tier 1 with no unlocks.  Runestaves, bows, blunt weapons, and UCSE are ineligible.
REDUCED - a crystalline wand trinket < 1 lb

Service: Wand Bow Script Add

A crystalline wand trinket will grant the ability to add the Wand Bow script to eligible, unscripted Elemental Bows at Tier 1 with no additional unlocks.  Hand crossbows are ineligible.

Script (Clothing):

Item Type Info Details Price

a faceted crystal icicle < 1 lb

Service: Climatewear Script Add

A faceted crystal icicle will grant the ability to add the Climatewear script to an eligible worn container at Tier 1 with no additional unlocks.
REDUCED - a garish fuchsia fabric bolt < 1 lb

Service: Dramatic Drapery Add

A garish fuchsia fabric bolt entitles the redeemer to add the Dramatic Drapery script an existing unscripted cloak at Tier 1/OTS with no additional unlocks.
REDUCED - a nacreous shield-embossed manacle < 1 lb

Service: Shield Cape Script Add

A nacreous shield-embossed manacle will grant the ability to add the Shield Cape script to an unscripted cloak at OTS/Tier 1 with no additional unlocks.  This script is intended to be on a cloak-worn cloak or cape-like item that is not currently scripted.  No jackets, longcoats, or lapel-buttoned items.


Item Type Info Details Price
UPSTAIRS - an ivory dancer figurine < 1 lb

Service: Add Second Active Combat Flourish

Service: An ivory dancer figurine will grant the ability to add a second active combat flourish (Martial Knowledge) to weapons, including bows, runestaves, and UCS equipment.
UPSTAIRS - a golden document unlock certificate

Service: Flare Affinity Add - This document will add the "Flare Affinity" Flourish to a weapon, runestaff, shield, armor, gloves, or boots.

UPSTAIRS - a multihued paper unlock certificate
Service: This paper will add the "Lore Flares" Flourish to a weapon. 400,000*
UPSTAIRS - a blood red certificate unlock certificate
Service: This certificate will add the "Rage Armor" Flourish to torso-covering armor. 400,000*

Tattoo Stuff:

Item Type Info Details Price
NEW - UPSTAIRS - a shield-inked paper < 1 lb
Service: Add MK Attack to Tattoo
A shield-inked paper will allow the redeemer to add a Martial Knowledge (MK) setup to an existing tattoo.  This flourish will begin at Rank 1.  Beserk is not eligible for selection.
NEW - UPSTAIRS - a dagger-inked pell < 1 lb
Service: Add MK Setup to Tattoo
A dagger-inked pell will allow the redeemer to add a Martial Knowledge (MK) setup to an existing tattoo.  This flourish will begin at Rank 1.
NEW - UPSTAIRS - a sword-inked receipt < 1 lb
Service: MK Tattoo Boost
A sword-inked receipt will allow the redeemer to boost an existing MK tattoo.  The rank can only be increased up to the maximum rank that can be learned through the PSM (some abilities are only 3 ranks, some are 5, etc.)
NEW - a miniature obsidian inkpot < 1 lb
Service: Convert SK Item to SK Tattoo
A miniature obsidian inkpot will grant the ability to convert an SK (self-knowledge) Item to an existing SK Tattoo.  Source item will be deleted.
an ink-stained napkin < 1 lb

Service: X-Day Item to Tattoo

An ink-stained napkin will grant the ability to convert an x-day item into an x-day tattoo.  The tattoo must already exist and be unscripted.  This service does not include application of a tattoo.  This will also switch the activation from Magic Item Use to Arcane Symbols.  Note that while multi-wands are eligible, spells will lose the multi-cast benefit.
NEW - an inked combiner parchment < 1 lb

Service: X/Day Tattoo Combiner

An inked combiner parchment will grant the ability to combine the charges of existing x/day tattoos.  Redeem this parchment and include the tattoo details in your WHISPER details.  One certificate will combine TWO tattoos only.  Purchase more certificates for additional combines.
a twisted hawthorn branch < 1 lb

Service: Rune Tattoo Spell Move

A twisted hawthorn branch will grant the user the ability to move a single spell from one rune tattoo to another rune tattoo.
a small chunk of pumice < 1 lb

Service: Rune Tattoo Spell Removal

A small chunk of pumice will grant the user removal of a single spell from a rune tattoo.


Item Type Info Details Price
a lesser transmutation message < 1 lb

Service: Lesser Transmutation

A lesser transmutation message will grant the ability to have one item transmuted to another item's material.  The two items must be of the same material type (metal to metal, wood to wood, etc.) and the transmuted material cannot have any innate properties (ie: no sephwir, coraesine, etc.)  This will NOT affect enchant, flares, or any other properties that either item may or may not have.
an ingot of obskruul < 1 lb

Service: Transmute to Obskruul

An ingot of obskruul will grant the user the ability to transmute a valid metal weapon or armor to obskruul.  The item must meet all applicable restrictions of that material to be valid for the service.  Some items may be ineligible and might not be assessed until after redemption.  All final transmutes will be at the highest tier of the end material, if applicable.  There is a 25% surcharge for katanas and naginatas and a 50% surcharge for claidhmores.  The item weight is reset to the base weight of the new material.  This material change may result in updates to reflect the new material, but a full alteration is not included in this service.  Some items could be ineligible due to existing scripts or properties.  WHISPER details to the obskruul about the specifics for your service and your availability.  GAZE at the obskruul to review your request.
an ingot of adamantine < 1 lb

Service: Transmute to Adamantine

An ingot of adamantine will grant the user the ability to transmute a valid armament to adamantine.  Runestaves, bows, and UCS gear (boots/gloves) are ineligible.  The item must meet all applicable restrictions of that material to be valid for the service.  Some items may be ineligible and might not be assessed until after redemption.  All final transmutes will be at the highest tier of the end material, if applicable.
a scrap of aganjira < 1 lb

Service: Transmute to Aganjira

A scrap of aganjira will grant the user the ability to transmute eligible robes (AsG 2) to aganjira.  The item must meet all applicable restrictions of that material to be valid for the service.  Some items may be ineligible and might not be assessed until after redemption.  All final transmutes will be at the highest tier of the end material, if applicable.
an ingot of ghezyte < 1 lb

Service: Transmute to Ghezyte

An ingot of ghezyte will grant the user the ability to transmute a valid item to ghezyte.  The item must meet all applicable restrictions of that material to be valid for the service.  Some items may be ineligible and might not be assessed until after redemption.  All final transmutes will be at the highest tier of the end material, if applicable.  There is a 25% surcharge for katanas and naginatas and a 50% surcharge for claidhmores.
an ingot of kroderine < 1 lb

Service: Transmute to Kroderine

An ingot of kroderine will grant the user the ability to transmute a valid armament to kroderine.  Runestaves, bows, and UCS gear (boots/gloves) are ineligible.  Any special abilities such as ensorcel, sanctification, etc., will be replaced with dispel flares (3 for weapons and shields, and 5 for armor).  The enchant is set to 22.  The item must meet all applicable restrictions of that material to be valid for the service.  Some items may be ineligible and might not be assessed until after redemption.  All final transmutes will be at the highest tier of the end material, if applicable.
NEW - a scrap of lathonian leather < 1 lb

Service: Transmute to Lathonian

A scrap of lathonian leather will allow armor transmutation to lathonian leather.  The item must meet all applicable restrictions of the transmuted material to be valid for the service.  Some items may be ineligible and might not be assessed until after redemption.  All final transmutes will be at the highest tier of the end material, if applicable.
a scrap of shadarl < 1 lb

Service: Transmute to Shadarl

A scrap of shadarl will grant the user the ability to transmute eligible armor to shadarl.  Only armor from light leather to brigandine (AsG 5 - 12) is eligible.  The item must meet all applicable restrictions of that material to be valid for the service.  Some items may be ineligible and might not be assessed until after redemption.  All final transmutes will be at the highest tier of the end material, if applicable.

a somnis sliver < 1 lb

Service: Transmute Armor/Accessories to Lesser Somnis

A somnis sliver will grant the user the ability to transmute valid armor to somnis.  The item must meet all applicable restrictions of that material to be valid for the service.  Some items may be ineligible and might not be assessed until after redemption.  All final transmutes will be at the lesser tier of the material and cannot be upgraded to the greater version at this time.  The item weight will be reset to the base weight of the new material.  This material change may result in updates to reflect the new material, but a full alteration is not included in this service.  Some items could be ineligible due to existing scripts or properties.  Some items could be ineligible due to existing scripts or properties.  WHISPER details to the sliver about the specifics for your service and your availability.  GAZE at the sliver to review your request.

an ingot of somnis < 1 lb

Service: Transmute to Greater Somnis

An ingot of somnis will grant the user the ability to transmute a valid weapon to somnis.  The item must meet all applicable restrictions of that material to be valid for the service.  Some items may be ineligible and might not be assessed until after redemption.  All final transmutes will be at the highest tier of the end material, if applicable.  There is a 25% surcharge for katanas and naginatas and a 50% surcharge for claidhmores.
a twig of surita < 1 lb

Service: Transmute to Surita

A twig of surita will grant the user the ability to transmute a runestave (only) to surita.  The item must meet all applicable restrictions of that material to be valid for the service.  Some items may be ineligible and might not be assessed until after redemption.  All final transmutes will be at the highest tier of the end material, if applicable.
an ingot of vethinye < 1 lb

Service: Transmute to Vethinye

An ingot of vethinye will grant the user the ability to transmute a valid weapon to vethinye.  The item must meet all applicable restrictions of that material to be valid for the service.  Some items may be ineligible and might not be assessed until after redemption.  All final transmutes will be at the highest tier of the end material, if applicable.  There is a 25% surcharge for katanas and naginatas and a 50% surcharge for claidhmores.
an ingot of white alloy < 1 lb

Service: Transmute to White Alloy

An ingot of white alloy will grant the user the ability to transmute a valid armament to white alloy.  Armor accessories, runestaves, bows, and UCS gear (boots/gloves) are ineligible.  The item must meet all applicable restrictions of that material to be valid for the service.  Some items may be ineligible and might not be assessed until after redemption.  All final transmutes will be at the highest tier of the end material, if applicable.
an ingot of zelnorn < 1 lb

Service: Transmute to Zelnorn

An ingot of zelnorn will grant the user the ability to transmute a valid armament (no greater than 10x) to zelnorn.  Armor accessories, runestaves, bows, and UCS gear (boots/gloves) are ineligible.  The existing enchant bonus is split between the AS/DS bonus, and any special ability will be lost.  The item must meet all applicable restrictions of that material to be valid for the service.  Some items may be ineligible and might not be assessed until after redemption.  All final transmutes will be at the highest tier of the end material, if applicable.  Some items could be ineligible due to existing scripts or properties.

X/day Stuff:

Item Type Info Details Price

a translucent combiner vellum < 1 lb

Service: X/Day Combiner

A translucent combiner vellum will grant the ability to combine the charges of existing x/day items to a max of 40 charges.  The combined items' spells must match exactly in order to be combined.  Redeem this vellum holding the item you intend to merge other items into, but include in your WHISPER details, the name of the item to be merged into this one.  One certificate will combine TWO items, only.  Purchase more certificates for additional combines.
a faded activator receipt < 1 lb

Service: MIU Activator Change

A faded activator receipt will grant the ability to change the activation verb (tap/rub/wave/raise) on an item.  Requested activator must be eligible for the spell.  Please note that items with the "multi-wand" script are ineligible for this service.
a polished maoral acorn < 1 lb

Service: Utility to Ranger Trinket

A polished maoral acorn will grant the user the ability to add a utility spell to a ranger trinket.
a dog-eared leather primer < 1 lb

Service: Skill Booster Enhancive

A dog-eared leather primer will grant the user a 1x/day enhancive that grants +5 to any SKILL RANK for 10 minutes.  Subsequent purchases can be made to stack either the bonus (up to +20 total) or the uses per day.

Uncategorized Offerings:

Item Type Info Details Price
an enruned urglaes band < 1 lb
finger-worn (functional)

Item: 5 setting Teleporter


This urglaes band is a multiple-location teleport device with 5 settings.  Commands to use the band include:
   TAP   - Shows the room names of all stored destinations.
   PEER  - Shows the current destination.
   RUB   - Teleport to the current destination.
   PULL  - Turns to the next stored destination.
   PUSH  - Turns back to the previous stored destination.
   TURN  - Sets the current room to a stored destination.
   TWIST - Allows you to specify a desired numerical destination.

Normal alteration guidelines apply.
an enruned veniom band < 1 lb
finger-worn (functional)

Item: 12 setting Teleporter


This veniom band is a multiple-location teleport device with 12 settings.  Commands to use the band include:
   TAP   - Shows the room names of all stored destinations.
   PEER  - Shows the current destination.
   RUB   - Teleport to the current destination.
   PULL  - Turns to the next stored destination.
   PUSH  - Turns back to the previous stored destination.
   TURN  - Sets the current room to a stored destination.
   TWIST - Allows you to specify a desired numerical destination.

Normal alteration guidelines apply.
a miniature iron padlock < 1 lb

Service: Non-Enhancive No-Crumble

A miniature iron padlock will grant the user the ability to make a crumbly non-enhancive magic item not crumble.
a miniature golden hourglass < 1 lb

Service: Mage Empowerable Conversion

A miniature golden hourglass will grant the user the ability to convert a mage empowerable item to a mage rechargeable item.
a small capyxita postcard < 1 lb

Service: Prop Spell Circle Change

A small capyxita postcard will grant the ability to change the spell circle on an existing spell prep prop to another spell circle.

Zelnorn Gear:

Item Type Info Details Price
NEW - UPSTAIRS - a zelnorn shoulder guard metal aventail 2 lbs
Material: zelnorn
shoulder-slung (functional)
Enchant: +2
Modifies AS by 1
NEW - UPSTAIRS - a zelnorn bracer metal aventail 2 lbs
Material: zelnorn
wrist-worn (functional)
Enchant: +2
Modifies AS by 1
NEW - UPSTAIRS - a zelnorn gorget metal aventail 3 lbs
Material: zelnorn
neck-worn (functional)
Enchant: +2
Modifies AS by 1
NEW - UPSTAIRS - some zelnorn leg greaves leg greaves 5 lbs
Material: zelnorn
leg-attached (functional)
Enchant: +2
Modifies AS by 1
NEW - UPSTAIRS - some zelnorn arm greaves arm greaves 5 lbs
Material: zelnorn
arm-attached (functional)
Enchant: +2
Modifies AS by 1

Scrip Shop, Upstairs

[Scrip Shop, Upstairs - 8212997]
The tall metal-framed windows enclosing the room have been boarded shut, the iron nails sticking out in irregular angles to create makeshift hooks. Heavy, hole-ridden sheets of green velvet loosely cover a series of pristine wooden crates, the fabric pooling across the knitted rugs covering the dusty planks. A pair of driftwood-carved sculptures flank a gilt-painted curio in the far corner, the open doors draped in a fine layer of brittle cobwebs.
Obvious exits: down

Some items sold in this shop may be purchased with account attunement for a discounted price (Prime only). Attunement is permanent and cannot be removed.

Attunement Discount Legend
* Account attunement available for a 25% discount.

In the gilt-painted curio you see: a grey-swirled coraesine relic, a shield-inked paper, a dagger-inked pell, a sword-inked receipt, a brass one marker, a brass two marker, a brass three marker, a brass four marker, a brass five marker, a brass six marker, a brass seven marker, a brass eight marker, an ethereal string, and a dented ingot.

Item Type Info Details Price
a brass one marker < 1 lb
Service: SK Enhance Tattoo, Tier 1
A brass one marker will grant the ability to enhance a tattoo with an SK spell from Tier 1.
a brass two marker < 1 lb
Service: SK Enhance Tattoo, Tier 2
A brass two marker will grant the ability to enhance a tattoo with an SK spell from Tier 2.
a brass three marker < 1 lb
Service: SK Enhance Tattoo, Tier 3
A brass three marker will grant the ability to enhance a tattoo with an SK spell from Tier 3.
a brass four marker < 1 lb
Service: SK Enhance Tattoo, Tier 4
A brass four marker will grant the ability to enhance a tattoo with an SK spell from Tier 4.
a brass five marker < 1 lb
Service: SK Enhance Tattoo, Tier 5
A brass five marker will grant the ability to enhance a tattoo with an SK spell from Tier 5.
a brass six marker < 1 lb
Service: SK Enhance Tattoo, Tier 6
A brass six marker will grant the ability to enhance a tattoo with an SK spell from Tier 6.
a brass seven marker < 1 lb
Service: SK Enhance Tattoo, Tier 7
A brass seven marker will grant the ability to enhance a tattoo with an SK spell from Tier 7.
a brass eight marker < 1 lb
Service: SK Enhance Tattoo, Tier 8
A brass eight marker will grant the ability to enhance a tattoo with an SK spell from Tier 8.

In the wooden crate you see: an ivory dancer figurine, a miniature oak wagon, a copper one emblem, a copper two emblem, a copper three emblem, a copper four emblem, a copper five emblem, a copper six emblem, a copper seven emblem, a copper eight emblem, a golden document, a blood red certificate, a multihued paper, a chartreuse acuity stub, a major enchant contract, a zelnorn shoulder guard, a zelnorn bracer, a zelnorn gorget, some zelnorn leg greaves, and some zelnorn arm greaves.

Item Type Info Details Price
a copper one emblem < 1 lb
Service: SM Item, Tier 1
A copper one emblem will grant the ability to create an SM item with a spell from Tier 1.
a copper two emblem < 1 lb
Service: SM Item, Tier 2
A copper two emblem will grant the ability to create an SM item with a spell from Tier 2.
a copper three emblem < 1 lb
Service: SM Item, Tier 3
A copper three emblem will grant the ability to create an SM item with a spell from Tier 3.
a copper four emblem < 1 lb
Service: SM Item, Tier 4
A copper four emblem will grant the ability to create an SM item with a spell from Tier 4.
a copper five emblem < 1 lb
Service: SM Item, Tier 5
A copper five emblem will grant the ability to create an SM item with a spell from Tier 5.
a copper six emblem < 1 lb
Service: SM Item, Tier 6
A copper six emblem will grant the ability to create an SM item with a spell from Tier 6.
a copper seven emblem < 1 lb
Service: SM Item, Tier 7
A copper seven emblem will grant the ability to create an SM item with a spell from Tier 7.
a copper eight emblem < 1 lb
Service: SM Item, Tier 8
A copper eight emblem will grant the ability to create an SM item with a spell from Tier 8.

Tiers for SM/SK spells

Tier 1 Spells:

Spell Number Spell Name Tier Cost
506 Celerity 1 1,000,000
515 Rapid Fire 1 1,000,000


Spell Number Spell Name Bonus Tier Cost
211 Bravery (all) +15 AS 4 575,000 143,750
215 Heroism (all) +25 AS (L) 3 675,000 168,750
307 Benediction (all) +5 AS, +5 DS 6 400,000 100,000
509 Strength (melee) +15 AS (L) 4 575,000 143,750
606 Phoen's Strength (melee) +10 AS 4 575,000 143,750
1109 Empathic Focus (melee) +15 AS +25 DS +15 sTD 2 750,000 187,500
1606 Dauntless (all) +10 AS 4 575,000 143,750
Spell Number Spell Name Bonus Tier Cost
117 Spirit Strike +75 AS 6 400,000
513 Elemental Focus +20 bAS 4 575,000
608 Camouflage +30 AS 6 400,000
902 Minor Elemental Edge +10 Enhancive 6 400,000
1209 Dragonclaw +10 UAF 6 400,000
1605 Arm of the Arkati +10% DF 3 675,000
1611 Patron's Blessing +10 Combat Maneuvers Bonus 5 500,000
1705 Martial Prowess +10 CML 6 400,000
1711 Mystic Focus +10 CS 4 575,000
1718 V'Tull's Fury +30 AS 6 400,000


Spell Number Spell Name Bonus Tier Cost
102 Spirit Barrier +20 DS 6 400,000
103 Spirit Defense +10 DS 6 400,000
202 Spirit Shield +10 DS 6 400,000
303 Prayer of Protection +10 DS 6 400,000
310 Warding Sphere +10 DS, +10 sTD 6 400,000
401 Elemental Def 1 +5 DS, +5 eTD 8 300,000
406 Elemental Def 2 +10 DS, +10 eTD 6 400,000
414 Elemental Def 3 +20 DS, +15 eTD 4 575,000
503 Thurfel's Ward +20 DS 6 400,000
507 Elemental Deflection +20 DS 6 400,000
601 Natural Colors +10 DS 6 400,000
602 Resist Elements +15 bDS 6 400,000
613 Self Control +20 DS, +20 sTD 4 575,000
618 Mobility +20 Dodge Ranks 4 575,000
712 Cloak of Shadows +25 DS, +20 TD 4 575,000
905 Prismatic Guard +5 DS, +20 bDS 6 400,000
913 Melgorehn's Aura +10 DS, +20 eTD 4 575,000
1119 Strength of Will +12 DS, +12 sTD 6 400,000
1204 Foresight +10 DS 7 300,000
1601 Mantle of Faith +5 DS, +5 sTD 6 400,000
1712 Spirit Guard +25 DS 6 400,000
Spell Number Spell Name Bonus Tier Cost
605 Barkskin Blocks Attack 4 575,000
1202 Iron Skin AsG Bonus 3 675,000
1214 Brace Unarmed Parry/Disarm 6 400,000
1215 Blink (115) for CS/TD 6 400,000


Spell Number Spell Name Bonus Tier Cost
101 Spirit Warding 1 +10 sTD, +10 bDS 8 300,000
107 Spirit Warding 2 +15 sTD, +25 bDS 6 400,000
219 Spell Shield +30 sTD, +30 bDS 3 675,000
310 Warding Sphere +10 sTD, +10 DS 6 400,000
313 Prayer +10 sTD, Maneuver Protection 6 400,000
401 Elemental Def 1 +5 eTD, +5 DS 8 300,000
406 Elemental Def 2 +10 eTD, +10 DS 6 400,000
414 Elemental Def 3 +15 eTD, +20 DS 4 575,000
508 Elemental Bias +20 eTD 6 400,000
613 Self Control +20 sTD, +20 DS 4 575,000
712 Cloak of Shadows +20 TD, +25 DS 4 575,000
913 Melgorehn's Aura +20 eTD, +10 DS 4 575,000
1119 Strength of Will +12 sTD, +12 DS 6 400,000
1208 Mindward +20 mTD 6 400,000
1601 Mantle of Faith +5 sTD, +5 DS 6 400,000

Attack Spells:

Spell Number Spell Name Tier Cost
110 Unbalance 7 300,000
111 Fire Spirit 7 300,000
118 Web 6 400,000
409 Elemental Blast 7 300,000
415 Elemental Strike 7 300,000
502 Chromatic Circle 7 300,000
505 Hand of Tonis 7 300,000
510 Hurl Boulder 7 300,000
514 Stone Fist 6 400,000
915 Weapon Fire 6 400,000
1704 Stun Cloud 8 300,000
1713 Death Cloud 7 300,000
1715 Firestorm 7 300,000

Disabler Spells:

Spell Number Spell Name Tier Cost
210 Silence 7 300,000
212 Interference 7 300,000
214 Bind 7 300,000
216 Frenzy 7 300,000
217 Mass Interference 6 400,000
301 Prayer of Holding 6 400,000
311 Blind 6 400,000
410 Elemental Wave 6 400,000
412 Weapon Deflection 7 300,000
413 Elemental Saturation 7 300,000
501 Sleep 7 300,000
504 Slow 7 300,000
512 Cold Snap 6 400,000
607 Sounds 6 400,000
709 Grasp of the Grave 6 400,000
912 Call Wind 6 400,000
1708 Mystic Impedance 6 400,000
1714 Quake 8 300,000

Misc. Spells:

Spell Number Spell Name Tier Cost
104 Disease Resist 8 300,000
105 Poison Resist 8 300,000
106 Spirit Fog 7 300,000
108 Stun Relief 6 400,000
109 Dispel Invisibility 8 300,000
112 Water Walking 7 300,000
113 Undisease 7 300,000
114 Unpoison 7 300,000
115 Fasthr's Reward 7 300,000
116 Locate Person 7 300,000
119 Spirit Dispel 6 400,000
Spell Number Spell Name Tier Cost
203 Manna 8 300,000
204 Unpresence 8 300,000
205 Light 6 400,000
206 Tend Lore 8 300,000
207 Purify Air 8 300,000
209 Untrammel 8 300,000
213 Minor Sanctuary 6 400,000
218 Spirit Servant 6 400,000
Spell Number Spell Name Tier Cost
304 Bless 6 400,000
305 Preservation 6 400,000
314 Relieve Burden 5 500,000
315 Remove Curse 6 400,000
Spell Number Spell Name Tier Cost
402 Presence 7 300,000
403 Lock Pick Enh 7 300,000
404 Disarm Enh 7 300,000
405 Elemental Detection 7 300,000
407 Unlock 7 300,000
408 Disarm 7 300,000
411 Elemental Blade 7 300,000
416 Piercing Gaze 7 300,000
417 Elemental Dispel 6 400,000
418 Mana Focus 6 400,000
Spell Number Spell Name Tier Cost
511 Floating Disk 6 400,000
Spell Number Spell Name Tier Cost
604 Nature's Bounty 7 500,000
612 Breeze 6 400,000
617 Sneaking 6 400,000
Spell Number Spell Name Tier Cost
704 Phase 6 400,000
707 Eye Spy 6 400,000
Spell Number Spell Name Tier Cost
916 Invisibility 6 400,000
Spell Number Spell Name Tier Cost
1107 Adrenal Surge 6 400,000
1118 Herb Production 8 300,000
Spell Number Spell Name Tier Cost
1201 Soothing Word 6 400,000
1205 Glamour 8 300,000
1212 Shroud of Deception 7 300,000
1218 Mental Dispel 6 400,000
Spell Number Spell Name Tier Cost
1604 Consecrate 6 400,000
1607 Rejuvenation 7 300,000
Spell Number Spell Name Tier Cost
1701 Arcane Decoy 7 300,000
1706 Flaming Aura 6 400,000
1716 Neutralize Curse 8 300,000

Additional Information

Refund Policy

Posted by GM Thandiwe on the official Discord.

Below is a list of the rules for refunds that were given to the players:

We are updating the refund policy on item and service purchases at Duskruin.

Our refund fee will be 10% flat from now on. We're also tightening the timelines here. HESS purchases can only be refunded within 24 hours of the service being applied.

Here is a list of other refunds.

No refunds beyond 24 hours after general purchases. No fee on purchases made within 24-hours that are a mistake.
No refunds on items purchased during previous runs. This has always been the policy, just repeating it.
No refunds on Mania items. This includes refunds on other items because of your Mania win.
No refunds on WPS services. If you make a mistake on type, please ASSIST.
As long as you ASSIST with the refund request before the 24-hour mark, it is considered within that window.