Landing Events (KST)

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Between GM Kenstrom's major storylines for Wehnimer's Landing comes the buildup to and fallout from those stories. Below are chronicles of these interim events in recent years from 2017 on.

NPCs Present in the Landing

  • Alendrial DeArchon - Town Councilwoman appointed by Cruxophim, wife of the wealthy merchant Stephos, and former leader of the [[::Brotherhood of Rooks|Rooks]], then known as "The Mother."
  • Beldrin - Town Councilman appointed by Puptilian. A gambling hall owner with connections to the Rooks.
  • Breshon Caulfield - Current commander of the [[::Kingdom of Hendor|Hendoran]] outpost. Son of the Baron of Bourth.
  • Casiphia Malatina - A relatively new militia member who was a companion of Thadston. Was once romantically involved with Disean.
  • Cordarius Hodges - Magister of the Hall of Mages, working with Magister [[::Raelee_Svala|Raelee]] to undo Raznel's blight.
  • Glethad - Museum curator who was abducted to the Ithzir plane and mysteriously fell from the sky years later, saying he has much to record.
  • Granthem - A man with few memories who mysteriously washed up in 5115 and is the spitting image of Grishom Stone.
  • Khylon Oakspear - Marshal of the Landing town guard, who's gone through trials such as Raznel's curse and torture from Drangell's Rooks.
  • Larsya Caulfield - A mischievous, pirate-loving little girl. Daughter of the Baron of Bourth.
  • Malluch Burdos - Jastevian seer. Currently insane after an attack while imprisoned for crimes as a Rone vigilante influenced by the Alchemist Praxopius.
  • Mother - The current leader of the Rooks, who possesses a powerful soulstone ring and says that the violent ways of past leaders Rysus and Drangell are over. Might or might not have any relation to Alendrial, the previous "Mother."
  • Renpaw - The lifetime-appointed judge in Wehnimer's Landing.
  • Rodnay - A former orphan and sole survivor of experiments performed by the Ithzir, possessed of immense magical prowess and mentalist abilities. Currently inside a cocoon in Melgorehn's Reach, feeding on magical energy and evolving into another stage of life.
  • Rone? - A masked vigilante with magical gauntlets, named after town founder Rone Wehnimer. Though the previous two Rones were led by Praxopius, the third appeared months after his death.
  • Stephos DeArchon - Wealthy merchant with connections throughout Idolone and a shady history of selling arms to the krolvin.

NPCs of Unknown Whereabouts

  • Ambrus - Paladin formerly working under Chaston Griffin. Married Thadston's ex-wife Saraphene after she left him, and accordingly raised Disean.
  • Aralyte Halanori Faendryl - Faendryl Palestra Blade who led against Althedeus, but was left behind in the shadow valence. Spotted when Teuriz brought adventurers into a shadow valence to rescue Acorn, but couldn't be rescued at that time.
  • Ayred - Also known as the ivory mage, a specialist in creating portals. Often works with the DeArchons.
  • [[::Brieson|Brieson Cassle]] - A member of the Hall of Mages whose magic is so powerful that it eats away at his very lifespan and makes him sick. Aid to the Landing in the past.
  • Cayde - A trader dealing in bleakstone, a new material discovered at the Bleaklands. Seen around the Landing only once.
  • Chrysamber Epoch - A Chronomage. No association with the Landing, but aided against Raznel and departed after her death.
  • Disean Andrews - Thadston's son and a former member of the Blameless. Previously under the control of Chaston Griffin, then Raznel. Thadston had him sent off with the Eloth Dai.
  • Falzcrow - Half-krolvin son of Kragnack, who aided in his downfall and then moved on to River's Rest.
  • Grishom Stone - An exceedingly strong magic user who possesses the Star of Khar'ta and seeks to surpass the power of the Arkati. Last seen entering the Deadfall forest; largely regarded as one of the lands' greatest threats.
  • Lheren Hochstib - Prelate in the Church of Koar, who aided against Chaston Griffin and executed Davard. Rarely around the Landing since church matters keep him elsewhere.
  • Madelyne Cross - Daughter of Elithain Cross. Her human body was killed, but her spirit inhabited an urnon golem. The golem went dormant and was destroyed to prevent a takeover from Althedeus, but whether her spirit remains is unknown.
  • Octaven - Grand Magister of the Hall of Mages. A mysterious figure seen only by a few, who's attacked the Landing once but offered aid ever since.
  • Osment the Augment - A knight of the [[::Orders_of_the_Turamzzyrian_Empire#The_Red_Brigade|Red Brigade]]. Attempted to aid against Dennet and Naimorai Kestrel but was driven mad. Under care in an unknown location, having given his kroderine gauntlets to Thadston before degenerating.
  • Pylasar - Landing Councilman, former Grand Magister at the Hall of Mages, and time traveler. Tried to investigate Kezmon Isle as a debt to Chrysamber, but might be as lost as the isle itself.
  • Quinshon - A Tehir nicknamed the Dissembler, formerly from the Hall of Mages, and the blood father of Naimorai--though he later aided against her, striking a deal with Pylasar before departing.
  • Redding - A member of the Order of the Night's Blade, serving Ronan. Ostensibly burned alive by Chaston after a trial, but Falvicar has claimed to see him or his spirit since then.
  • Spensor Caulfield - The Baron of Bourth. Hasn't been seen near the Landing since Larsya was poisoned--not even after she was cured. Presumably in Bourth.
  • Teuriz - A Tehiri shaman who's aided against Raznel and Quinshon, though also claims that one day he'll work with the latter against Grishom Stone. He wanders, coming and going.
  • Thadston Andrews - Landing militia interim marshal appointed by Lylia. Former knight. Former commander of the Hendoran outpost. Trapped himself in the Bleaklands to seal a portal that would have let the Landing get overrun; whether he lives is unknown.
  • [[::Thrayzar|Thrayzar Necksnapper]] - Former Landing militia marshal, cursed by Raznel into the body of an orc. She completed the curse to transform his mind many years later and it's unknown if he's dead or wanders the wilderness as an orc.

Deceased NPCs

  • Abygail Wellington - Mayor Walkar's sister.
  • Althedeus - An extremely powerful entity of shadow and darkness.
  • Barnom Slim - Corrupt Town Council member who eventually became the Lich King and created the underground town of Lich's Landing.
  • Carenos - Mularosian who tortured Cyph Kestrel, then pursued vengeance against him after Cyph murdered his daughters in retaliation.
  • Chaston Griffin - Prelate of the Church of Koar, who led the Blameless on a crusade in 5116 while manipulated by Raznel.
  • [[::Cosima|Cosima Chisholm]] - Taladorian noble who was held hostage in an effort to get Davard to stop his war, then killed when it failed.
  • Cyph Kestrel - Naimorai's brother, a fire elementalist who often lost control of his power.
  • [[::Davard|Davard Priot]] - Taladorian knight who warred against the Landing and forged an alliance with Raznel.
  • Dennet Kestrel - Grand Magister who illegitimately took over the Hendoran outpost for nearly a year.
  • Deylan - Shapeshifter who had posed as Baron Kuligar.
  • Drandea - Dennet's mother-in-law, a frisky old woman with an attitude.
  • Drangell - Former Rook leader, an unstable man cursed by Raznel into the body of a troll.
  • Elithain Cross - Magic user and founder of the [[::Orders_of_the_Turamzzyrian_Empire#The_Arcane_Eyes|Arcane Eyes]]. Aided Stephos DeArchon in funding the earliest incarnation of the Rooks. Attempted to destroy the Turamzzyrian Empire with Althedeus.
  • Kragnack - Krolvin Czag Dubra, who raided the Landing.
  • [[::Praxopius|Praxopius Fortney]] - Also known as "The Alchemist," who created the Rone vigilantes and automated pylons.
  • Raznel - The blood magic witch, formerly known as Naimorai Kestrel before an incident trapped her centuries in the past.
  • Reannah Kestrel - Dennet's wife, afflicted with an uncurable magical disease.
  • Rysus - Former Rook leader, a crafty anti-Imperial.
  • Saraphene - Thadston's ex-wife, with whom he had Disean.
  • Sevynne - Disciple of Althedeus, carrying out rituals for him.
  • Stiletto the goblin - One of Thrayzar's pupils.
  • Walkar Wellington - Former Landing mayor and hero, who fought on behalf of the town but also had a period of warring against it after being overtaken by cursed armor.


[Note: These are highly abbreviated summaries of events largely intended as refreshers or teasers. For more details and logs, please click each one. Editing standards and formatting will vary from one interim story period to the next, and occasionally even within the same interim story period depending on when the log was reformatted from its original forum post to the wiki.]

After "Keeping Up with the Kestrels"

This period covers December 19, 2017 to December 28, 2017.

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12/28/17 - [[::Landing_Events_-_5117-12-28_-_Octaven_and_the_Promising_Future|Octaven and the Promising Future]]

The son of Baron Caulfield will come in the new year to take command over the outpost, but in the meantime, Grand Magister Octaven contacts the Landing to extend gratitude for thwarting Dennet Kestrel. She says the conflict between them and the Hall of Mages need not continue, as they'll allow Rodnay to remain within the region and offer financial reparations for damages caused by either of the two Grand Magisters.

After "Rise of Rone"

This period covers April 7, 2018 to August 3, 2018.

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4/13/18 - [[::Landing_Events_-_5118-04-13_-_Breshon_and_Larsya:_Understanding_the_Situation|Breshon and Larsya: Understanding the Situation]]

Breshon collects theories and recollections of how his sister Larsya Caulfield was aged, as well as why Raznel would have left behind alchemy recipes offering the cure to the very same black blood curse she created.

4/17/18 - [[::Landing_Events_-_5118-04-17_-_Sketch_and_the_Missing_Thrayzar|Sketch and the Missing Thrayzar]]

After arriving on a ship from Estoria, a one-eyed man named Sketch brings a bloodstained neckerchief to Stormyrain. Her loresong reveals Thrayzar, seemingly in pursuit of someone using the scent of a doll in his hand, but eventually being abducted by what look to be [[::Orders_of_the_Turamzzyrian_Empire#The_White_Sparrows|White Sparrows]]--who claim they have need of him.

4/23/18 - [[::Landing_Events_-_5118-04-23_-_The_Return_of_Thadston..._and_Casiphia|The Return of Thadston... and Casiphia]]

Thadston and Casiphia return to town from pursuing Thadston's son Disean, having confronted him but unable to subdue nor end him as he was under the witch Raznel's control. Thadston reports that the witch has gone to the Bleaklands and he's here to prepare to pursue her--and his preparations include some new kroderine gauntlets given to him by Osment, who had shared theories with him and Casiphia before declining and going mad.

4/24/18 - [[::Landing_Events_-_5118-04-24_-_A_Sketchy_Mystery|A Sketchy Mystery]]

Sketch, who had passed along news of Thrayzar's capture, is found dead of poison in the Upper Trollfang, but a loresong reveals that he buried a sack before dying. Adventurers dig it up and find a white gear-covered prism similar to Malluch's, along with a sketch of an imperial ship with dozens of mana pylons and a "plinite charge."

4/25/18 - [[::Landing_Events_-_5118-04-25_-_A_Stone_Sacrifice|A Stone Sacrifice]]

Evician is taken by a pillar of shadows, then later reappears as a corpse, saying that Grishom Stone used him to restore Cruxphim's abiity to use magic. He describes it as a blood tithe and says that he kept his oath to take the pain of other aelotoi, but also that he feels betrayed.

5/1/18 - [[::Landing_Events_-_5118-05-01_-_The_Jailed_Jastevian%27s_Request|The Jailed Jastevian's Request]]

Malluch seeks an audience with Captains Stormyrain and Shinann, as well as Leafiara, who also request the presence of Cryheart and Chaoswynd--and Mayor Lylia sends Kipara too. Malluch says he recalls some form of "conditioning" done to him with injections by a figure known only as "the Alchemist" and asks for the return of his Jastevian symbol, given to him by Lana. The information about the Alchemist is not divulged publicly.

5/4/18 - [[::Landing_Events_-_5118-05-04_-_Balley%27s_Visions:_The_Silver-Haired_Woman_and_Naimorai|The Silver-Haired Woman and Naimorai]]

Balley--and Balley alone--sees a grey-robed, silver-haired figure speaking to her in sylvan and revealing a vision of Naimorai trapped in the past and encountering Peter, likely the same who would become Pylasar later, and seeking his help as she looks toward a tower with a red glow thought to be emitted by the Talon of Toullaire.

5/5/18 - [[::Landing_Events_-_5118-05-05_-_A_Symbolic_Inspection|A Symbolic Inspection]]

Xorus, Magister Raelee, Captain Stormyrain, and Cruxophim inspect Lana's symbol of Jastev and find nothing particularly special about it aside from a loresong revealing some of Malluch's conditioning. Nonetheless, Mayor Lylia denies Malluch's request for it and offers an alternate instead.

5/19/18 - [[::Landing_Events_-_5118-05-19_-_A_Shipment_of_Stones|A Shipment of Stones]]

Malluch says a dangerous ship is at the dock and needs to be destroyed; adventurers investigate and find crates filled with clones of Grishom Stone, which attack everyone gathered and march on the town as well. Town defenders slay them and the ship explodes, but the mysteries of what they were and how Malluch knew about them from prison remain.

5/26/18 - [[::Landing_Events_-_5118-05-26_-_Citizen_Thadston_and_the_Interim_Marshal_Candidates|Citizen Thadston and the Interim Marshal Candidates]]

In light of Thrayzar being missing, the Town Council announces four candidates for interim marshal of the militia: Casiphia, Khylon, [[::History of Kilron|Kilron]], and brand new Landing citizen Thadston.

After "The Rone Resurgence"

This period covers October 15, 2018 to June 28, 2019.

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10/29/18 - [[::Landing_Events_-_5118-10-29_-_Delivery_for_Thrayzar|Delivery for Thrayzar]]

Captains Stormyrain and Shinann receive Praxopius' potion to undo the Rone treatment of Thrayzar. Xorus inspects it and the militia administers the potion; Thrayzar recovers, but experiences some temporal issues from overuse of the gauntlets.

11/27/18 - [[::Landing_Events_-_5118-11-27_-_Fall_of_Glethad|Fall of Glethad]]

Museum curator Glethad falls from the sky, not having been seen since the time the Ithzir took the Hendoran outpost onto their plane. He says there's much to record and asks for tomes to do it; Interim Marshal Thadston, having also been taken to the Ithzir plane previously, takes him into militia custody.

11/30/18 - [[::Landing_Events_-_5118-11-30_-_Marshal_Proceedings|Marshal Proceedings]]

Thadston reports on intentions to improve Shanty Town and says that the mayor and captains are stuck with him since Marshal Thrayzar's still unstable. He has a hunch that the Empire's taken notice of Grishom Stone's strike on the Wyrdeep Forest, but for now he intends to plan for a strike against the witch Raznel.

1/9/19 - [[::Landing_Events_-_5119-01-09_-_Rook_Rebirth|Rook Rebirth]]

Bodies with slit throats are found at the boatyard. Archales' loresong reveals a woman with a soulstone ring and a featureless mask declaring the Brotherhood of Rooks to be reborn, demanding loyalty and killing those who refuse. She calls herself... "Mother."

1/18/19 - [[::Landing_Events_-_5119-01-18_-_Motherhood_and_Brotherhood|Motherhood and Brotherhood]]

Mother passes out food in Shanty Town and says the days of Rysus and Drangell are over, using children as pawns, and that the Rooks will heal the heart of the people and protect the town. She invites all militia personnel to a meeting, along with Mayor Lylia and Leafiara, saying that the Brotherhood and militia seek the same cause.

1/21/19 - [[::Landing_Events_-_5119-01-21_-_Art_Dis-Sway|Art Dis-Sway]]

Loose wagons and stray bandits run wild on the streets, some appearing to be knocked out by an invisible force, until one is thrown out the Moot Hall window and hung from a rope by his leg--while a figure in a white mask and white body armor looks on. The dangling man says it had cold gauntlets...

2/1/19 - [[::Landing_Events_-_5119-02-01_-_Reprise,_not_Reprisal|Reprise, not Reprisal]]

Mother says she's been rooting out the remnants of Drangell's and Rysus' Rooks--including Councilman Beldrin, whose coming resignation she's orchestrated. The Rooks have heard of Imperial eyes turning attention toward the presence of Grishom Stone, and Mother hopes to bring information to the militia and meet with them again.

4/6/19 - [[::Landing_Events_-_5119-04-06_-_An-time-ony,_An-time-pathy|An-time-ony, An-time-pathy]]

The time traveler Pylasar, as usual, loses track of what time he's currently in. He has some interesting comments for Falvicar, recognizing his father's eyes in him, and Balley, who he refers to as "the sacrificer," but isn't lucid enough to clarify further. He goes fishing with everyone, summoning purple scorpion sculpins to attack Roblar along the way, and then swims away after realizing someone can find "the hidden ones."

4/17/19 - [[::Landing_Events_-_5119-04-17_-_Oldest_Trick_in_the_Plaguebook|Oldest Trick in the Plaguebook]]

The future Stormyrain reaches out and, through her past self and Balley, reveals visions of a destroyed Landing. Stormy, Balley, Larsya, Disean, and the maggot abomination from the Bleaklands appear to be survivors, though the future Balley is kept in enruned chains, Larsya is underground, and Disean wields a sword squirming with maggots.

4/18/19 - [[::Landing_Events_-_5119-04-18_-_Black-maggot-mail|Black-maggot-mail]]

Raznel returns in the guise of Naimorai, then takes on the appearance of Silvean Rashere as she threatens Lylia Rashere to keep herself and the Landing out of the witch's business--then imbeds a ruby and silver scarab into her arm.

4/19/19 - [[::Landing_Events_-_5119-04-19_-_Thadston%27s_Preparations|Thadston's Preparations]]

Marshal Thadston seeks meetings with Magister Raelee and the militia, saying the town needs to prepare to hunt for Raznel in Lumnea. He shares speculations on the nature of Raznel's transformations, updates on Thrayzar, and welcomes in new militia recruits Neopuron, Leafiara, Lyrna, and Claede.

5/25/19 and 5/27/19 - [[::Landing_Events_-_5119-05-25_and_5119-05-27_-_Thrayz_of_Hope|Thrayz of Hope]]

Raznel moves through town as Saraphene, Thadston's dead wife, then is later spotted withdrawing from the office of a stunned Mayor Lylia. Two nights later, Thrayzar explains some of the urgency of pursuing Raznel--and some of the history when he and Drangell attacked her as the [[::Landing_Events_-_5119-05-25_and_5119-05-27_-_Thrayz_of_Hope|Ivory Thorns]].

6/15/19 - [[::Landing_Events_-_5119-06-15_-_Dear_Aby|Dear Aby]]

Larsya plays with the crowd and relays that she read one of her older brother Breshon's letters--and it was about Abygail Walkar, who was supposed to come to the Landing earlier in the year but never returned. Nor has anyone seen her!

After "Witchful Thinking"

12/1/19 - [[::Landing_Events_-_5119-12-01_-_Time%27s_Gate|Time's Gate]]

As part of his deal with Chrysamber, Pylasar must investigate Kezmon Isle, which mysteriously disappeared in 4873... along with her former love interest. Though Pylasar and Chrysamber agree that he has one minute to return, he gives away his hat, saying he'll be back for it one day--and adventurers bear witness as visions of his travel to the isle suddenly go black. No time to consider what might have happened to him in the past, however, as another vision from the Future Stormyrain comes in. A chained Balley serving Grishom Stone locates Future Stormy and Stone praises Stormy for her contributions ending Raznel's world of death, right before stabbing her in the heart. With her dying breaths, she releases a song that uncovers four shadowy figures accompanying Stone: Cruxophim, Raelee, Rekarth, and Xorus. Having seen Pylasar seemingly fail to safely investigate the past, adventurers contemplate the possibility of changing the future.