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Andrew Sage is the player of Divid, but he doesn't really play other characters. He works with a company called Air Liquide, and makes his life pretty much his job and his games. No, no women are involved. Ah, it's a simple life. Krakiipedia editing is a hobby done in his spare time when he's bored of playing GemStone IV, which has been happening often, lately. He has a wealth of knowledge and is overly willing to write the articles required to share that knowledge. Research, however, seems to be one of his other favored hobbies.

I need to start being less critical of prejudism within GemStone as a roleplaying tool...

Interests within Elanthia

To do list




Long term projects

These are topics that have been of interest to me for quite a while, and I've done some research, sometimes extensively, on these things. Additionally, I have had records of these things on my PC's HDD for quite a while, but a lot of the data I've collected through the years was lost in a harddrive crash. I've recollected much of it, and much of my data is correct due to research with the trading skill, involving the values of the Gems that I've collected.

Unresolved questions

The List

Alexandrite Bronze Coraesine Drakar
Carmiln Eonake Faenor Kakore
Faewood Gornar Mesille Mossbark
Iron Kelyn Krodera Mithglin
Ipantor Illthorn Ora, Black Ora, White
Razern Rhimar Rolaren Deringo
Urglaes Urnon Vaalorn Veil iron
Veniom Glowbark Hoarbeam Fireleaf
Lor Alum Laje Vaalin
Orase Rowan Ruic Sephwir
Villswood Witchwood Wyrwood Yew
Agate Amethyst Blazestar Coral
Crystal Diamond Dreamstone Emerald
Fang Garnet Ivory Jade
Lapis lazuli Moonstone Nugget Onyx
Pearl Peridot Quartz Ruby
Scarab Sunstone Talon Topaz
Tourmaline Turquiose Wyrdshard Zircon
Aetherstone Amber Azurite Beryl
Bloodstone Bluerock Carbuncle Chalcedony
Cordierite Corestone Cube Deathstone
Diopside Doomstone Dust More...

Interests outside of Elanthia