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(Added new materials from Evashir document. Updated note about rarity for alter fodder requirements and metal chart for items that do NOT need alter fodder based on that rarity note, confirmed with GM Xeraphina)
m (Added boldmono around game commands)
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Some materials are disallowed because they reference real world locations historical figures. This includes but is not limited to:
Some materials are disallowed because they reference real world locations historical figures. This includes but is not limited to:
* Cashmere
* Cashmere

==Restricted Materials==
As detailed in {{boldmono|ALTER 44}}, some materials are restricted use. To use these restricted materials as accents for item alterations specifically requires alter fodder that {{boldmono|INSPECTs}} as being mainly crafted out of the source material. Various additional limitations and restrictions for use may apply depending on the material. Known examples of restricted materials include: krodera, black ora, white ora, black alloy, white alloy, urglaes, and coraesine.

==See Also==
==See Also==

Latest revision as of 10:44, 12 November 2024

Alter fodder is a colloquial term for items of various rare materials kept by players primarily for use in alterations. Alteration guidelines 40-45 focus on materials and outline the requirement to provide a merchant with alter fodder when making certain modifications to items. Items noted as Rarity 8 ("very rare") or higher always require alter fodder to be provided. This information can be viewed on the Material Rarity and Use Tables. The quantity of alter fodder needed may depend on the particular item being worked on.

Items made of rare materials may be found in the treasure system or rarely purchased in certain shops and kept or traded between players for use as alter fodder. "Pure" alter fodder items, that have no other use except to be provided for alteration, may be purchased at Ebon Gate, however they have been available as prizes from various games in the past. The Antiquarian found at Ebon Gate in Antiquarian Manor, will allow for the conversion of items into pure alter fodder, while the Antiquarian's Apparatus, found at same can be used to store alter fodder efficiently.

Alteration scrolls (Sadie scrolls) are not capable of accepting alter fodder.

Material List


The below list is incomplete. Rift Gemstones and Hinterwild Gemstones must be supplied. Please check Alteration guidelines regarding rift gemstones. Any material that has a rarity rating of 7 or higher must be provided.

Fabrics, Leathers & Pelts

Material Name Material Type Alter Fodder Needed? Definition of Item
Aldoran wool Fabric N Wool spun from the sea-horned goat.
Aqilorn Fabric Y Aqilorn is a unique blend of silk and thread-of-vaalorn that is highly prized by the nobility of House Vaalor for its shimmering appearance and supple, yet rigid texture.
Ataela Fabric Y Ataela, or cloudsilk, is a sylvan textile made from raw silk (typically silk from silkworms, but sylvans also enjoy using bee silk and spider silk) and the ultra-fine wool of the cavelta rolton. Next, it is dyed using a wax-resist dyeing application process
Auroralaen Fabric Y Auroralaen is as light as chainsil and as comfortable as silk. Soft and smoothly woven, the fabric is airy and breathable. However, it does not take to the dyeing process at all and instead maintains the pattern and semblance of the skies of Naidem. Indeed, the aurora-kissed fabric can even be different depending on where in Naidem it was produced. If the weaver was from the Winterbriar neighborhoods, then the fabric could have more of the cool cerulean and teal hues, while if they were from the Orchard it could have more fuchsia, violet, or coral hues.
Bresuna Fabric N Lightweight wool
Cameline Fabric N Often called camel hair, cameline is lightweight and typically tends towards beige and tans.
Captiql Fabric N Wool from the long-haired capybaras of Atan Irith. Captiql is a luxuriously soft, light brown wool that dyes well and is sturdy enough for everyday use.
Cavela Pelt N The hide of the cavelta rolton produces cavela, a thin and supple leather popular for clothing and containers.
Cloudsilk Fabric Y See Ataela
Elesine Fabric Y In composition, it is made of sea silk (which is produced from a secretion of the pen shell clam) that can be dyed to any hue, but has a natural dark golden sheen that never fades. The sea silk is then interwoven with hair-thin strands of electrum in a triaxial pattern to create depth and a subtly metallic-sheened fabric.
Flyrsilk Fabric N Soft, nacreous silk that often has foliage-inspired patterns.
Forest silk Fabric Y See Wyrsilk
Fraelhan Fabric N Wool made from the stoutfoot rolton.
Iron boar hide Pelt Y While prized for their meat and the multiple purposes their tusks can be crafted for, the mountain razorback is most often hunted for its hide. Colloquially known as iron boar hide, the thick hide actually offers no more defense than any other leather material, but is often incorporated into giantkin clothing for its capacity to help retain heat in the coldest months and for its appearance of the quills that proliferate along the ridge of the back of the beast. The color of the hide is iron grey, hence the name given to the hide by its wearers and merchants.
Kish'dal hide/leather Pelt N Leather product from the Kish'dal goat.
Kish'enda fur Pelt Y Dhe'nar. Rare fur.
Krinklevelt Fabric N Krinklevelt is a densely woven, almost felt-like material. In its natural state, it is a lustrous ecru with a copper red sheen, and while it takes a dye well, many choose to leave it undyed.
Lotus silk Fabric N Fabric crafted from lotus fibers
Lambilen Fabric N -highly sought after.
Maedatha Fabric N Wool-based fabric made from the maedat goat. The wool is soft.
Mervaer Fabric Y Mervaer is a type of soft, light linen. While most linen wrinkles in the flutter of a wing, mervaer does not, making it an excellent choice for travelers.
Myssamere Fabric N Myssamere is a blend of blackish-brown wool, often collected from the thorny brambles along the coastline and woven to create soft, durable garments.
Naiquard Fabric Y Naiquard has all the luxury and grace of silk jacquard with all the iridescence of pearl organza. Light and silky, it too is patterned in aurora hues, though these are named by type. Naiquard is often heavily embroidered in singular metallic designs, allowing the swirling hues of the fabric to be elegantly enhanced by the glittering threads. Review the source material for the types, which include orchard naiquard, river naiquard, sunrise naiquard, and sunset naiquard.
Naraina Fabric Y The term naraina is only used for lotus silk woven from the saltwater lotus found on the Lotus Sea in Atan Irith, and its exportation has been strictly forbidden.
Nhil'mon skin Pelt Y Dhe'nar. Rare skin from the great hunt.
Oiremere Fabric N Oiremere wool is popular for being both lightweight, yet dense enough to cushion the body from heavier full plates and suits of chainmail, its properties a boon for knights on foot as well as horseback.
Orchard naiquard Fabric Y Orchard naiquard has gradients that transition from dark pewter to aubergine to dusky violet to blue-green and finally light pistachio green. See Naiquard.
Oxilen Fabric N Obtained by taking the downy soft underwool of arctic oxen, oxilen in its natural form is fluffy, light, and almost has a lint-like quality to it. Once woven into string, its hue is very dark and added dyes typically produce deep, rich colors but never light ones.
Paeline Fabric N Paeladri goats are very compact and stocky in structure and produce high-quality fibers that can be spun or woven into the fabric known as paeline.
Plumille Fabric N Plumille is a lightweight fabric, and the barbs used in weaving are typically left in their natural color. Crafters who are more familiar with dyeing will often dye the barbs in a range of light to dark hues of a single color, ending in a gradiated effect on the final garment.
Qiviut Fabric Y Wool from the Mhoragian muskox.
Rackhal Fabric N Wool from the rakka rolton. Their wool, also known as rackhal, is spun to create soft, breathable fabrics suitable for the scorching heat and cooler climes (although for the latter, the garments are often layered to retain warmth).
Rakkein Pelt N Leather product from the Rakka rolton
River naiquard Fabric Y River naiquard has gradients that transition from dark antique blue to dark grey-green to medium teal green and finally luminous teal. See Naiquard.
Roltalen Fabric N Obtained from the common rolton, roltalen is versatile and is able to hold color very well.
Rosesilk Fabric Y See Taessaet
Ruhani wool Fabric N Woven into a soft, yet sturdy fabric known as ruhani wool, the wool provides natural protection from the elements and outdoor environment. The strong fibers are dyed and woven into shades and patterns and used in the creation of the traditional elven ruhan.
Rusalkita Fabric Y Rusalkan Family: Rusalkita is cloth that has been woven from thin threads of rusalkoren. It is suitable for crafting into cloth armor.
Rusalkysk Leather Y Rusalkysk is the result of rusalkoren being heated until liquid and then infused into salt water-softened leather. It is suitable for crafting into leather armor.
Rusylka Fabric Y Rusalkan Family: Rusylka is a silk-like cloth also woven from rusalkoren threads but not without any special properties. It is suitable for clothing. It cannot hold a dye, but the beauty of it is in its natural coloring, mist-like swirls of azure across inky blank just like rusalkoren.
Saenira Fabric Y Saenira originates with locally sourced fibers, including bee and cricket silk. It is a naturally pure white silk that is light enough for layers and wraps and manipulations needed for clothing that must take into account wings.
Sailcloth Fabric N Wool from the steelhorn rolton.
Sakaii fur Pelt N Pelt from the sakaii of Evashir. While parts of the small rodent can be used in alterations freely, Duskruin sewer rats are prohibited from being altered into sakaii.
Seagoat hide Pelt N Leather product from the sea-horned goat.
Sha'rom scale Pelt Y The keratin scales of a subterranean mammal that lives in the caves around Sharath.
Shadarl Leather Y Black as pitch, shadarl has the unusual property of absorbing both light and sound.
Shadowsilk Fabric Y See Wyrsilk
Steelhorn hide/pelt/leather Pelt N Leather product from the steelhorn rolton. Should include hide, pelt, or leather.
Stoutfoot wool Fabric N See Fraelhan
Stouthide Pelt N Leather product from the stoutfoot rolton.
Su'chao silk Fabric Y A silk produced from caterpillars in the rainforest of Eh'lah that have a natural shimmer to them, making garments seem as if they are changing color as the wearer moves.
Sunrise naiquard Fabric Y Sunrise naiquard has gradients that transition from dark mauve to dark lavender to light plum to light orange and finally canary yellow. See Naiquard.
Sunset naiquard Fabric Y Sunset naiquard has gradients that transition from dark cocoa brown to dark violet to terra cotta orange and finally ending in a warm apricot hue. See Naiquard.
Taessaet Fabric Y Rare silk fashioned from fibers of the taerethil bush and spider silk. Light, airy, excellent for lacing patterns.
Vaslavilen Fabric N Wool from the vaslavia rolton. Their fleece is admired for its luster, silkiness, color, and durability. The Krethuum prefer the natural golds and reds for their own wool clothing and rugs, but the white fleece takes dyes made from the local flora exceptionally well to make a variety of colors used in trade.
Vicuna Fabric N Obtained from alpacas, this wool-like fiber is luxurious and also expensive as very few alpacas can be found outside of a few elven families in the northeast of Elanith.
Wynelen Fabric N Thick, durable, and often described as being difficult to work with, this wool is obtained from mountain goats outside of Temple Wyneb.
Wylten Fabric N Naturally waterproof, this wool is obtained by sheep outside of Temple Wyneb.
Wyrsilk Fabric Y Also known as shadowsilk or forest silk, wyrsilk is a somewhat rare fabric originating with the inhabitants of the Wyrdeep Forest. Its exact composition is unknown and unable to be replicated, but master weavers believe it to be created from special alchemically or magically enhanced preparation that includes fibers from merrywood and wyrwood leaves strengthened with spider silk from a Wyrdeep spider. Wyrsilk looks and feels delicate and soft to the touch, holds a dye well, but will always have a deeply shadowed look to it. Folklore states the shadow comes from the soul of the forest itself, which is why wyrsilk shrouds are used for their dead.
Yierka wool Fabric N See Yierkale
Yierkale Fabric N The kish'dal goat's fur is a mottled grey and white, like marble splattered with ash, and is surprisingly popular in some of the northern regions for the thickness of their wool. It is suspected that kish'dal wool is what is often used to swindle townsfolk when they are believed to be purchasing yierka wool.

Flora & Woods

Material Name Material Type Alter Fodder Needed? Definition of Item
Acistira Flora N Herbaceous plant, poisonous but also its own antidote. Ta'Nalfein native. For Foraged Item Props, the flowers should be poisonous.
Aelerine Flora N A type of flower that grows in Ta'Nalfein. White flowers, light floral, spicy leaves that are delicate.
Aeunarad Wood N A type of willow specific to Ta'Loenthra, the aeunarad grows tall and branches out frequently, making it perfect for climbing. An ancient myth claims that any sitting in an aeunarad tree will be compelled to tell the truth, leading to the custom in some rural areas of lovers climbing the tree to exchange promises of love -- a custom called the aeunael. The tree itself has smooth white bark and silver-backed viridian leaves, with bright yellow catkins.
Drakewood Wood Y Drakewood tree is known for its beautiful cross-cut patterns and grain, as well as the initial visual of the ebon, scale-like bark formations reminiscent of the hide of a dragon.
Ekata Wood Y While yew is common across most of Elanthia, yew trees growing near the eastern coast of Atan Irith grow slightly taller than average, and their wood is a distinct purplish shade known as vekalu. No advantage between common Elanthian yews and ekata yew woods exists. (Can be ekata or ekata yew.)
Evirissia Wood N A type of tree similar to a hemlock native to Evashir with needles that are vibrant green on top and silver-green beneath, reddish brown cones, purplish bark, and lustrous red-gold wood. Evirissia wood and parts of the tree can be used in alterations freely, however live trees are prohibited.
Firewheel Wood Y Weapons and instruments carved from these firewheel trees, imbued with the fire of the sky, contain a piece of the heart of the Isle. Instruments carved from this rare wood are of the highest possible quality, and weapons contain both the innate fire of the tree and the might of the storm.
Ghostwood leaves Flora Y Rare leaves from the ghostwood tree of Atan Irith.
Glowbark Wood Y Highly magical tree native to the Elven Nations. Tiny phosphorescent organisms grow in its bark, causing it to glow when very dark.
Heartleaf Flora N See Nalfein ivy
Illthorn Wood Y Tree native to the Elven Nations with grey bark covered in poisoned thorns.
Ipantor Wood Y Tree native to the western Dragonspine frequently used for bow.
Irikaen Flora N - Hothouse flower versions
Y - Wild Flowers
Type of nightbell. Hothouse nightbells/irikaen do not require fodder and are bright blue or dark violet only. Other irikaen (aka wild ones) require alter fodder.
Iriswood Wood N See Evirissia
Jadewood Wood N Modwir grown in Atan Irith. Dark jade green with a silvery cast in the grain.
Klysmar Wood Y The tree boasts a multitude of branches that spread out from the trunk like a layered wooden canopy. The most distinguishable characteristic are the pale bluish green leaves. In addition to the unique color, the large rubbery leaves grow in groups of three. Softwood projects, mostly instruments.
Ko'nag Wood Y Both its rough bark and long needles are dark grey to black in color, and combined with its irregular, bulbous shape, causing the ko'nag to resemble a boulder from afar. The wood is rough-grained and very pale, but takes a dye or stain well. The ko'nag has no magical properties.
Lasimor Wood Y Ranging in height from twenty to eighty feet, the lasimor tree has smooth, slate grey bark with barely discernible darker swirls. Thick, sanguine sap seeps from sporadic areas of the trunk and has a faint scent of tar. The deep red leaves are long and narrow, reminiscent of sword blades. The trunk is an amalgamation of a minimum of three trees grown together, the largest documented being seven.
Lor Wood Y Tree with silver bark that is grown by the Faendryl.
Mana iris Flora N See Meviriel
Meviriel Flora N A type of iris native to Evashir that bears a faint luminescent glow and which can stay fresh after cut for weeks or months. Cut meviriel blossoms can be used in alterations freely, however living plants are prohibited.
Nalfein ivy Flora N Part of the creeping fig family, found in Ta'Nalfein, has heart-shaped leaves. Also known as heartleaf
Resaeun Wood N Part of the pine family, found in Ta'Nalfein. Popular for wine barrels due to the flavor it adds.
Rosegrass Flora N Seagrass out of Ta'Nalfein.
Sephwir Wood Y Tree native to Yuriquen which has silver-hued wood.
Star sedge Flora Y Star sedge blossoms at twilight and has a natural iridescence on the bright green sepals cupping the pink-white blossoms. The healing properties are what draw the Inyexat – it brings back that which is needed to read the stars, their eyes. It grows only in the Undermere, but it grows in abundance. Out of all the celestial sedges, it is the one most sacred to the Inyexat. Cultivation is difficult but not impossible, and with Inyexat permission, some erithi towns do cultivate their own xia'saj.
Star-seeking toadstool Flora N - Most colors
Y - Akutet colored
The star-seeking toadstool is another bioluminescent fungi that grows only within the protected valley of the Inyexat. Like ghostlight mushrooms, it is used in several of their rituals. No bigger than a forest gnome's pinky, the star-seeking toadstools come in a variety of luminous hues, with the rarest being a glowing blue the color of twilight. Under the right alchemical processes, a special dye can be made in this color, known as akutet.
Taqitzka Flora N - Most colors
Y - Turquoise
Taqitzka is a type of mountain paintbrush flower available in reds, yellows, and whites, and more rarely, a bright turquoise. A favorite flower of many Inyexat. Turquoise taqitzka needs to be supplied.
Twisted-fan Flora N Seagrass out of Ta'Nalfein.
Vathor club Flora Y Bright green shrub with dark red berries, used for charcoal, paint, and as a ranger spell customization for Tangle Weed.
Widowwood Wood Y Blue-black wood that can have a rose, purple, or crimson sheen to it depending on how it is cut and polished, the widowwood is a rare shrub. Decorative only. No weapons, etc.
Witchwood Wood Y Tree related to the mistwood, with dark bark and black leaves with silver undersides. It only grows in graveyards.
Wrotwood Wood Y Hard, vividly red wood that is very difficult to work.
Wyrwood Wood Y Tree native to the Wyrdeep Forest, related to the willow.
Xan'ayra Flora Y The xan'ayra is a rare saltwater lotus.
Zydris Wood Y The wood can be readily dyed through many techniques, but varies naturally in color from a dark royal purple that develops in a winter growing season to a muted copper-gold when grown in the spring and summer. Rich black grain lines are infused into the surface, frequently depicting captivating patterns of cloudbursts, swirled marbling, and lacelike webwork. The heartwood matches the same matte kohl black as the diverse grain accents and is often best enhanced by a glassy, lacquered finish.

Gemstones & Minerals

Material Name Material Type Alter Fodder Needed? Definition of Item
Agita Crytallized sap Y Due to its inability to be reshaped, drilled, pierced, carved, or bored, the agita is typically used for ornamentation by creating a cage of either wire, metal, or stitching. Lattice-stitching with metallic threads has grown in popularity in Atan Irith and is used to bind the material to the cloth as either neckline ornaments or buttons, while single pieces are usually showcased upon the toes of slippers or yatanes. Smaller specimens have been fashioned into a variety of jewelry. Earbobs are fused to metal and pendants are encased in cages. The most famous of the cage varieties is the basket-weave cage made of fine wire.
Baystone Gemstone Y Its surface is a dark cerulean that is blended with a lighter shade of blue.
Beetle agate Gemstone Y Beetle agate is a black stone that displays a fiery, metallic green iridescence when held in the light.
Bleakstone Stone Y It was first discovered in narrow fissures within the Bleaklands, occasionally found embedded in the blackened walls of underground caverns. The stone is primarily black, like polished slate, and it is covered in dark golden splotches that resemble gilt-hued ink blots. The gemstone's origin remains a mystery, save for the fact it did not surface until the devastation of Talador. There is no known magical properties to the stone.
Blood agate Gemstone Y Blood agate is a deep crimson stone streaked with salmon pink.
Blood marble Stone Y Bright white marble with dark red veins twisting through its surface.
Celestial agate Gemstone Y Celestial agate is a translucent black stone shot with slender, silvery-white lines that create star-like patterns.
Charl's-scale Shell Y In the southernmost coastal reaches of Allace, there is a very pretty limpet that can be found in tidepools. Called Charl's-scale, collecting these prismatic limpet shells and weaving them into bracelets (often with dried seaweed or seagrass) is a popular pastime, and these villages adorn their dead with this jewelry prior to either a seaside pyre or a deep sea burial. Fortunately, Charl's-scales are quite common in this area, and it serves as a nice export for jewelry aficionados as well.
Dawn agate Gemstone Y Dawn agate is a dark grey color banded with pastel pink, yellow, and green. When touched by sunlight, it shimmers with an intense gold hue.
Dream agate Gemstone Y Dream agate is a pale grey agate with bands that appear opaque and snow white beneath sunlight. Beneath moonlight, the bands become both transparent and opalescent, threading the translucent grey stone with softly shimmering rainbows.
Drought agate Gemstone Y Drought agate typically displays several shades of brown, varying from light tan to a dark, almost black color, and slender lines of pale green framed in dark gold run through its substance.
Forest jade Gemstone Y Uncommon variety of chrysoprase found near Yuriqen. Translucent and luminously green.
Iris agate Gemstone Y Iris agate contains extraordinarily thin bands of translucent stone, each shifted only slightly in hue from the others, creating delicate rainbows that repeat multiple times through its substance. Iris agates typically have a predominant color, which may be white, black, or a pastel shade of the rainbow.
Nathala agate Gemstone Y Nathala agate is predominantly an intense turquoise hue, banded with another shade of blue as well as one or more of the colors black, white, green, and gold.
Owleye agate Gemstone Y Owleye agate refers not to a type of agate so much as a formation of banded agate. In owleye agate, the bands create one or more concentric patterns upon the surface of the stone.
Panther agate Gemstone Y Panther agate bears a strong resemblance to tigereye. However, instead of showing shimmering bands of gold upon a surface of brown, panther agate contains shimmering bands of pale silvery-grey upon a surface of midnight black.
Spectral agate Gemstone Y Spectral agate is a transparent stone, typically pale grey or pale blue, banded with opaque, faintly shimmering white.
Snake agate Gemstone Y Snake agate is a variant of mottled agate. It may be grey, green, brown, black, or white in its primary hue, but its distinguishing trait is that its markings bear a strong resemblance to the scales of a snake.
Storm agate Gemstone Y Storm agate is typically dark blue shading to black, shot with zigzagging streaks of silver and white.
Summer agate Gemstone Y Summer agate is a bright, sunny yellow color adorned with tiny bands of sky blue and cloud white.
Ur-barath Stone Y Loosely translated to red rivulet stone, it was mistranslated to blood ravine stone after the dwarves that discovered it fled back into the mountains. The word continued to be bastardized into bloodriven, the location of its origin endorsing the village of the same name.
Veil pearl Pearl Y Teardrop-shaped pearls with iridescent hues, with lavender ones being especially rare.


Material Name Material Type Alter Fodder Needed? Definition of Item
Amethyren Glass N Amethyst-tinted glass
Aragless Glass Y Comes in a variety of shades but glimmers with an ambient light that is always either gold, silver, or copper. Often used within lamps to produce the glow of a single candle but can be clustered for brighter lighting. Anything larger than a small palm-sized trinket loses its color over time.
Arathiel Glass Y Flame-like iridescent sparks are trapped within each piece of glass. The glass is typically dark, holds a lavendar hue with a violet flame, though sometimes it comes in other glass and is tinted by bright green luminescence. Beads, trinkets, charms.
Baleglass Glass N See Vaelfyren
Firefly glass Glass Y See Arathiel
Glaesineth Glass N Transparent glass with an ivy green tinge, frequently mistaken for glaesine. Takes dyes well, but the color is always underscored by the traditional green. Excellent for windows, tables, ceiling tiles, etc.
Glimaergless Glass N Tranlucency with a pale glow with lots of tiny bubbles in the glass. Tends towards vibrant colors and used for jewelry, though vases, bowls, and other practical items can be made with larger pieces.
Ithaenil Glass Y Subsest of Lyshaelyn, colors depend on the constellations and moons present at the time of viewing.
Lyshaelyn Glass N Dichroic glass, especially used for glasses and gloggles. Small pieces only.
Seaglass Glass N Broken bits of glass that wash up on the shore. Seaglass and sea glass are both okay. (Sea glass would have the noun of glass.)
Sirenglass Glass Y Cannot be replicated at this time. It is a unique glass to Naidem.
Skyglass Glass Y Treated glass inlaid with slivers of jadewood.
Vaelfyren Glass N Can be used to create small pieces of jewelry to large window pieces. The glass contains a swirl from the process of liquefying the glass with balefire. It comes in all colors.
Vergless Glass N - If small
Y - If Large Piece
Knitted glass used to create artwork and small pieces. It can have dyed colors.
Zhiqietz Glass N Zhiqietz naturally is a bit rough and cloudy with a citrine hue to the glass. It polishes up readily, and when heated, the cloudiness dissipates and dyes can be injected into the mix. It may come as no surprise, but ahmdir blue is a favorite shade for zhiqietz trinkets.


Material Name Material Type Alter Fodder Needed? Definition of Item
Adamantine Metal Y Blackish-brown, dyeable.
Alexandrite Metal N Changes color under different types of light. In daylight it is a medium green to bluish green color and when illuminated by torchlight it will appear a violet-red color.
Aranthium Metal Y Lusterless natural cream color similar in appearance to ivory.
Balenite Metal Y Balenite is a rare, blended metal that only master halfling smiths have been able to successfully create. It involves the addition of smelted rhimar into a base of mithglin; the product of combined mithril and vultite. Balenite maintains the darkened blue-black coloring of mithglin, but is shot through with arcing pale icy blue ringlets that resemble twisted icicles
Black alloy Metal Y Steel grey to black.
Black ora Metal Y Naturally black. Canno be dyed.
Coraesine Metal Y Misty white with grey swirls.
Drakar Metal N Brilliant white with crimson speckles. Cannot be dyed.
Eahnor Metal Y Crimson red, dyeable.
Electrum Metal N Alloy of gold and silver with trace ammounts of copper and other metals. Pale to bright yellow.
Eonake Metal Y Ranges from brilliant white to silvery-grey, with a perfect, lustrous shine when polished. Cannot be dyed.
Faenor Metal N Light verdant green with darker greens or deep grey veins running throughout. Dyeable, but will always have darker veins.
Ghezyte Metal Y A very dark indigo that is almost black, with an irridescence that gives it visual depth.
Glaes Metal N Commonly black or dark colored, dyeable.
Golvern Metal Y Rich golden color that is sometimes reddish tinged with a golden luster, dyeable.
Gornar Metal N Ruddy brown.
High steel Metal Y
Kelyn Metal Y Naturally matte black, mottled red, or dark green in color. Cannot be dyed.
Krodera Metal Y Silver hued and capable of casting distorted reflections when polished.
Kroderine Metal Y Steel-hued, dyeable.
Low steel Metal Y
Mithglin Metal N Alloy of mithril and vultite, it is usually bluish swirled with black, dyeable.
Platinum Metal N Pale greyish-white or silvery metal.
Razern Metal Y Blue-streaked black, dyeable.
Rhimar Metal N Ranges from blue-white to a deep steel blue.
Rolaren Metal Y Alloy made with mithril and other trace metals, typically deep blue-grey to black. Able to be dyed with some difficulty.
Rusalkoren Metal Y Rusalkan Family: Rusalkoren is a metal suitable for weapons and armor. It can and will lash out at its wielder unless the spirit within is tamed. It has misty-like swirls of azure across an inky black surface.
Urglaes Metal Y Deep black. Cannot be dyed.
Urnon Metal Y The hue of urnon can range through the full spectrum of color, often changing as much as its ever-shifting shapes. At times it can pulse as if it were a living rainbow, but this is quite a rare event. Like all metals, there are less-pure forms of it, and these are most often uniformly dark in color, and cannot change shape.
Vaalin Metal N Pearlescent white, dyeable.
Vaalorn Metal N Most common colors are white, blue, red, and gold. Only the Vaalor elves know the secrets to dying it.
Veil iron Metal Y Mostly black or charcoal grey, with white or blue streaks or speckles.
Veniom Metal Y Naturally blue and streaked with silver, dyeable.
White alloy Metal Y Bright white metal that can not be dyed.
White ora Metal Y White metal.
Xazkruvrixis Metal Y
Zelnorn Metal Y Golden in color, dyeable.
Zorchar Metal N Naturally bright white or dark blue.

Miscellaneous Items

Material Name Material Type Alter Fodder Needed? Definition of Item
Akutet Color Y This requires either an akutet dye be supplied or a like item that is already akutet offered up as fodder. For tattooing, only the dye would work. See Star-seeking mushroom.
Geldithe Item N This is type of ring using seaglass. See Seaglass (elven).
Irijveil Item N This is a type of anklet that uses seaglass. See Seaglass (erithi).
Rusalkan Material Y Rusalkan is an overall category of armament material that consists of the metal rusalkoren, the leather rusalkysk, and the fabrics rusalkita and rusylka.

Disallowed Materials

Some materials are disallowed because they reference real world locations historical figures. This includes but is not limited to:

  • Cashmere

Restricted Materials

As detailed in ALTER 44, some materials are restricted use. To use these restricted materials as accents for item alterations specifically requires alter fodder that INSPECTs as being mainly crafted out of the source material. Various additional limitations and restrictions for use may apply depending on the material. Known examples of restricted materials include: krodera, black ora, white ora, black alloy, white alloy, urglaes, and coraesine.

See Also