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Protectorates of the Turamzzyrian Empire are non-sovereign dependent territories under the protection of a feudal overlord. Protectorates are either in the form of an unincorporated territory, or incorporated lands temporarily without a vested ruler such as a Baron or higher lord. There is considerable range in how much local autonomy is allowed by the overlord, but even in the loosest cases this autonomy does not extend to acting against the will of the Empire. Protectorates may exist as unilateral decrees that require no consent. However, the protectorate is guaranteed that no foreign power may claim or annex it, being regarded as belonging to the sphere of influence of the Turamzzyrian Empire. This does not imply that the lands under protection may not in the future become incorporated, with the formation of a new Barony or transferring the lands to another ruler as expanded borders for their existing territory.
Protectorates are distinct from Free Ports such as Solhaven, or merely ignored backwaters such as River's Rest, which are also granted a degree of local autonomy. These remain part of the territory of vested feudal lords, such as Baron Malwind and Count Claybourne. Protectorates are also not colonies, which are possessions of imported foreigners, governed by a home territory. Protectorates will usually, but not always, be mostly governed by local rulers. They are not vassal states in their own right or protected states with their own sovereignty, but instead suzerainties without the right to deny the presence of imperial forces. While protectorates may be allowed to conduct their own trade relations, they will be intervened upon if they act contrary to the will of the Empire, especially in military or foreign affairs.
Turamzzyrian Protectorates
The following are examples of Turamzzyrian Protectorates in recent decades. By its nature these have been evolving political statuses. The protectorate of Talador involved significantly deeper commitment of resources and intervention than the protectorate of Wehnimer's Landing, which the Empire has long deemed its sphere of influence but has not felt (with the notable exception of Baron Hochstib) worth the trouble of annexing its environs until recently.
The Barony of Talador had been seized in 5087 Modern Era by Baron Lerep Hochstib of Jantalar, who also annexed the Barony of Mestanir in 5092 Modern Era, and was ruled by him until he was killed in 5103 Modern Era. His sister Delphinuria Hochstib was invested as Baroness of Jantalar in 5107 Modern Era by Emperor Aurmont Anodheles. The first act of Baroness Hochstib was a writ of relinquishment that renounced the claims of Jantalar upon Mestanir, which was followed by the Emperor investing his old friend Seurdyn Chydenar as Baron of Mestanir. However, Talador remained under the control of Jantalar for years longer than Mestanir, until the transition around 5113 Modern Era.
While the term "protectorate" has not been seen used for Jantalar in the period between 5103 and 5107 Modern Era, and Jantalar was de jure a Barony, it could be plausibly argued that it was an incorporated territory and de facto protectorate until the restoration of its Barony. Similarly, one might argue the Barony of Darkstone is more truly an incorporated territory being carved out of the protectorate of Wehnimer's Landing, until Lord Elidal Dhenin is coronated Baron. But the word "protectorate" has not been used in these ways. In contrast the Barony of Talador was reduced in status de jure (though this term is also not used) to a protectorate of North Hendor in 5115 Modern Era.
Talador had a Dwarven population which significantly reduced over a few decades with the decline of the silver mine, which left the human population in control of much of the business and politics. Fear of humanoid attacks (such as orcs) led Talador in 5030 Modern Era to accept offers of protection from the Turamzzyrian Empire, but the Merchant Council of Talador went further and requested annexation. (This is a misuse of the word annexation, such an agreement should be called a cession. But this depends on the characterization of Deinirius Antroydes, who writes with sympathetic bias toward Jantalar.) The Empire established an imperial garrison in Talador to defend it from the orcs of Doggoroth Keep. The head of the Merchant Council at that time, Ciaran Donnebrugh, was invested as Baron of Talador. However, this title had no importance within Talador, which remained effectively ruled by the Merchant Council. Thus, Talador was a Barony in name only, though the baronial title remained with the Donnebrugh family. However, the Donnebrugh line did not remain in leadership of the barony, and were not regarded as nobles by the other nobles in the north.
Baron Lerep Hochstib of Jantalar exploited this lack of noble leadership, asserting Talador as a land without nobility, and so in 5087 invaded and seized control of the silver mine. Without significant representation in royal courts or noble leadership, the Merchant Council was unable to gain support to withstand invasion by Jantalar. The Northern Sentinel in that period, Earl Kurdin V Weirlund of South Hendor, expressed disapproval but allowed the incident to slide as it was a territory with no nobility. However, he ruled that any actions against lords in good standing with the empire would not be tolerated, which left Baron Hochstib only with control over Talador.
Within a month of Earl Weirlund's death in 5092, which was shortly followed by the death of Emperor Hannelas Anodheles, Baron Hochstib took advantage of the power vacuum to invade its other neighboring Barony of Mestanir. Emperor Hannelas had not appointed a Northern Sentinel prior to his death, and the newly ascended Empress Mynal'lyanna Anodheles used this state of warfare to delay appointing a replacement, which is required within four years under the Rysus Codex unless the Empire is in a state of war. Consequently, Baron Hochstib then declared war on the Barony of Vornavis in 5096, which extended this delay further.
Baron Hochstib and Empress Mynal'lyanna have both been associated with Luukosian forces. It is worth noting that Sir Davard Priot of Talador at his trial believed the witch Raznel's dark magic was involved in the Jantalar aggression into Talador, and Raznel is known to have been involved with the Luukosians in the death of Mynal'lyanna's siblings in 5092. Raznel was ultimately responsible for the annihilation of Talador in 5116 Modern Era with the formation of the Bleaklands. When Earl Eddric Jovery of North Hendor was made the Northern Sentinel by Emperor Aurmont in 5103 after the assassination of Empress Mynal'lyanna, Jantalar was intervened upon, and "the mad baron" Hochstib was ultimately killed while pressing his attempted annexation of Wehnimer's Landing. Mestanir remained under the annexation of Jantalar until 5107, while Talador was annexed by Jantalar through the end of 5113.
Restoration of Barony:
The Northern Sentinel of the Empire, Earl Eddric Jovery of North Hendor, was tasked in 5113 Modern Era with traveling to Talador to oversee the transition of power from Jantalar back to Talador's own people. Earl Jovery declared Talador's Merchant Council to become a Noble Council, granted with more lands, influence and the ability to appoint their trusted mercenaries and warriors into Knights. The Northern Sentinel and the new Noble Council worked together to select Lord Kuligar Gardane to become the new Baron of Talador, set to occur during a month long festival in Talador.
However, Kuligar was killed when thrown from his horse, and was replaced by the shapeshifter Deylan from Wehnimer's Landing. Deylan impersonated Kuligar up until the baronial coronation, seeking to use Talador to aid in the War of Shadows, when he was assassinated by the urnon golem Madelyne. This revelation of a failed usurpation resulted in a war between Talador and Wehnimer's Landing, with the Taladorian Guard sent by Interim Potentate of Talador, Lord Thermon Chisholm, the father of Kuligar's betrothed Cosima. Lord Thermon committed suicide when it was discovered he was in league with the witch Raznel. Sir Davard Priot, Commander of the Taladorian Guard, was similarly corrupted. Davard was tried in Wehnimer's Landing and executed by a Second Watcher of the Church of Koar for his crimes. In this state of affairs Talador was bereft of military forces and once again relied upon Jantalar.
Following the war between Talador and Wehnimer's Landing in 5114 Modern Era, the Northern Sentinel in early 5115 declared Talador to be a protectorate of the Earldom of North Hendor, with the laws of Talador becoming the laws of North Hendor. In this way the nobles of North Hendor were to rule over the peoples of Talador, granted dominion over it and its lands. This was to remain until the Earl of North Hendor felt Talador was mature enough to be self-governing, and would then nominate a Baron of Talador pending the acceptance of that nomination by the Emperor. This is illustrative of a protectorate that is incorporated territory in possession of the Empire and without local autonomy, though it borders on making Talador into a Hendoran colony. It is an unusual situation in that Talador was legally a Barony, but in practice was effectively only a protectorate with an imperial garrison as it had no Baron or other nobility.
However, Prelate Chaston Griffin of the Church of Koar would take over Talador in the year 5116 Modern Era, his forces slaying the governing Lords of Hendor. This was under the false pretense of Hendor trying to rebel and break away from the Empire. He installed a Council of the Upright to rule Talador, which was endorsed by Baron Spensor Caulfield of Bourth. The Prelate declared a crusade, and his crusaders were made invincible with Everblood. His Blameless crusaders then invaded the city of Lolle in North Hendor, and arrested Earl Jovery, who was eventually rescued by adventurers from Wehnimer's Landing.
When Chaston Griffin ultimately fell in Talador, he was able to detonate an obelisk made of blood marble, which was infused with cursed blood (by the witch Raznel) from an unnatural plague affecting half-elves and half-krolvin. The magical explosion transformed most of Talador into a wasteland known as the Bleaklands, though there are refugees from its outlying regions and pockets of preserved land known as the Tears of Koar. (Illistim aid for these refugees resulted in the Valley of Gold treaty of friendly relations between Emperor Aurmont and Argent Mirror Myasara in 5119 Modern Era.) Talador is presumably still, technically and now indefinitely, a protectorate under Earl Jovery. Though the Hendoran lords governing it are all dead and most of the region is a demonic wasteland. Refugees from Talador are among the settlers being sent from 5122 Modern Era onward to populate the newly annexed Barony of Darkstone.
Wehnimer's Landing
Wehnimer's Landing was founded in the untamed wilderness by Rone Wehnimer in 4892 Modern Era. Imperial expedition scouts of the northern seas discovered the krolvin holding of Glaoveln, and the Empire sent three emissaries to the krolvin as a sovereign nation to propose peace and trade in 4926 Modern Era. These emissaries passed through Wehnimer's Landing. The krolvin returned the three emissaries in six sacks, along with a war party that laid siege on the Landing, as well as the northern coasts including Solhaven and Brisker's Cove. The krolvin forces broke apart after their war leader was slain by Talbot Dabbings, and they were driven back off the mainland of the continent in general.
Wehnimer's Landing was founded to be a trade center for the Darkstone Bay region on the road to the heart of the Turamzzyrian Empire. It is located on the edge of the lands outside the northern marches of the Empire. Around the year 5095 Modern Era, Baron Lerep Hochstib held designs on turning his annexations north, seeking to take Wehnimer's Landing as an unclaimed territory without its own nobility. Sir Maldon Wellesbourne of Jantalar founded the Order of the Silver Gryphon, thus establishing a minor nobility of knighthood, in the vicinity of Wehnimer's Landing to thwart and delay the legal claims of Baron Hochstib.
Early Protectorate:
This conflict would eventually culminate in the use of Mandis Crystals in the north by Baron Hochstib during the War of Nations in 5103 Modern Era. Requests for aid from Wehnimer's Landing were made to Baron Dunrith Malwind of Vornavis. The newly appointed Northern Sentinel, Earl Eddric Jovery of North Hendor, sent Hendoran soldiers to intervene in protection of Wehnimer's Landing. Though there were locals who slew hundreds of the assisting forces, regarding them as foreign invaders themselves. While Earl Jovery at that time asserted in the court of Vornavis that he regarded Wehnimer's Landing as a region beyond the boundaries of the Empire and "largely" to be left to its own devices and own defense, and a future amiable neighbor to the northern marches, these events were the seeds of the Empire recognizing in force of arms that the environs of Darkstone Bay are a protectorate of it.
Formal Protectorate:
Within a decade of the War of Nations, the Turamzzyrian Empire began formally declaring Wehnimer's Landing to be a Turamzzyrian Protectorate, holding a "unique status" of local autonomy due to its distance from the Empire. When the Interim Mayor of Wehnimer's Landing in 5111 Modern Era, Barnom Slim, was abusing imperial knights the word of it reached back to Earl Jovery. He issued a decree at the time asserting that as a protectorate of the Empire, Wehnimer's Landing is obligated to govern itself in accordance with the will of the Empire, which is the condition of its internal governance being suffered. Its independence would be ended if it acts in direct defiance of the Empire and imperial Orders, resulting in a swift reprisal and great increase in imperial presence in the region. This may have been the first explicit statement that the de facto "independence" of Wehnimer's Landing is only tolerated on condition of good behavior.
In the year 5114 Modern Era under Mayor Walkar Wellington, the shapeshifter Deylan impersonated Lord Kuligar Gardane, attempting to usurp the throne of the Barony of Talador. This resulted in a war between Talador and Wehnimer's Landing. Earl Jovery would not assist either side in the conflict, though he strongly urged Talador to seek some other redress, and ordered the Order of the Silver Gryphon to stand down (which they disobeyed.) The Earldom of Estoria was also sending forces north to the Landing over its own grievances, but the Emperor redirected most of them against the krolvin armada of Kragnack. Earl Jovery directed Vornavis to fight the krolvin, while Hendor and Jantalar would focus on aiding Mestanir from monsters.
Reduced Autonomy:
Following the end of the War of Shadows, Earl Jovery declared Talador to be a protectorate of the Earldom of North Hendor, while Wehnimer's Landing as a protectorate of Tamzyrr was to be kept on a shorter leash. This was in no small part due to the causes of the Talador war, and various residents of the region having been involved in the assassination of the Earl of Chastonia. There were also many other recent incidents such as the murders of Grand Magister Tayeros and inquisitor Rinhale Hurrst of Estoria, Councilman Stephos DeArchon selling weapons to the krolvin at war with the Empire, harboring Elithain Cross supporters involved with the chimera in Mestanir, and the crimes of the Brotherhood of Rooks including the death of Cosima. Grishom Stone had also very recently escaped from his imprisonment in Wehnimer's Landing through alchemical trickery.
Sir Thadston Andrews was tasked with constructing a Hendoran fortress outpost next to Wehnimer's Landing, which had originally been planned to only be an embassy. As Commander of the Hendoran outpost, Sir Thadston would on his own authority send raids into the tunnels under the Landing to go after the Brotherhood of Rooks. Mayor Puptilian unsuccessfully sought to unilaterally increase the legal jurisdiction to wider surrounding lands. While the Empire refers to Wehnimer's Landing as the protectorate, and that it is allowed to govern itself, in practice it treats the "environs" as part of its claim and denies that Wehnimer's Landing has any ultimate authority over those lands.
Though it is called the Hendoran outpost, and Sir Thadston was a knight of Hendor, as a protectorate of Tamzyrr it was possible for high station nobles from other regions of the Empire to use their influence to become Commander of the outpost. In the year 5117 Modern Era the outpost was governed by Grand Magister Dennet Kestrel of the Hall of Mages, a member of the ruling family of Chastonia, but not in the ruling line of the Earldom. Following the death of Dennet, the commander from 5118 Modern Era was Lord Breshon Caulfield, the son of Baron Spensor Caulfield of Bourth. (Neither Chastonia nor Bourth are under the overlordship of the Northern Sentinel, but Hendoran knights remain and the outpost is ultimately under the authority of the Northern Sentinel.)
In the year 5118 Modern Era, while House Vaalor was suffering from the effects of a magical winter, the Mayors of Wehnimer's Landing and Icemule Trace offered material aid. While this was declined, High Lord Chamberlain Retassal er'Anlan Vaalor called the Mayors to meet, seeking formal apologies and recompense for past grievances. This resulted in unlimited and perpetual freedom of military access in the region of Icemule Trace, though this is not being exercised de facto as of Fashanos 5123. With Wehnimer's Landing the Chamberlain demanded the "return" of the wrongfully held Elven village settlement next to the Red Forest. This was implicitly a direct challenge to the status of Wehnimer's Landing and its environs as a Turamzzyrian protectorate, as it was treating Wehnimer's Landing as the ruler of a sovereign nation. The historical basis of this demand was dubious at best. While the town council of Wehnimer's Landing would ultimately not allow Mayor Lylia Rashere to give that settlement to House Vaalor, and conversely would not assert any right to refuse it to House Vaalor (instead asserting it has no claims on that land), the Empire through Breshon Caulfield of Bourth gave that one parcel of land to the Elven Nations and reasserted its imperial protectorate claim on the region along with a warning against any further encroachment. When Breshon eventually returned to Bourth for his ill father, his younger sister Lady Larsya Caulfield of Bourth (having been cured of her own illness in late 5118) was left in "command" of the Outpost, though largely because she has repeatedly refused to return to Bourth.
Later in 5118 Modern Era than the Elven village dispute, the lords of Idolone in Estoria sent warships to the Landing for Praxopius Fortney, as well as funding warship construction in Wehnimer's Landing for an assault on Glaoveln. In the subsequent year, Wehnimer's Landing was struggling to end Raznel, and then the blight she left behind. Following the destruction of Raznel, Earl Jovery in early 5120 Modern Era installed Cordarius as Regional Envoy of Wehnimer's Landing, unilaterally imposing a voting member of the local government and the town's foreign ambassador. This was announced by Lord Breshon Caulfield, who was at that time still present as the Commander of the imperial outpost.
Wehnimer's Landing was engulfed in a civil war of violent factions in the following year, ultimately leading to the propertied interests in town overthrowing Mayor Leafiara under the leadership of Amos. In this period it was decided that most of the environs of Wehnimer's Landing south of the Locksmehr River were to be annexed to form the Barony of Darkstone. Lord Elidal Dhenin was chosen to be invested as Baron, having come from a highly wealthy and connected family in Riverwood, and as a childhood friend of the ruling family of Bourth (who control the imperial outpost by Darkstone Bay.) Though this would not be announced until almost two years later in late 5122 Modern Era. Responding to a letter from Lord Elidal on behalf of the town council in early 5123 Modern Era, Earl Jovery refused to revoke the protectorate, and explicitly stated a list of rights and limitations and responsibilities for Wehnimer's Landing as a protectorate of the Empire. Part of this was removing Cordarius as Regional Envoy, allowing the town to choose its own envoys again, but with explicit restrictions on what they may do with foreign governments. Elidal had previously stated that the Hendoran outpost served a unique purpose for its time, but that it will be repurposed for the Barony of Darkstone.
Legal Status
The legal status of a "protectorate" is inbetween that of a sovereign nation and a fully vested feudal realm of the Empire. Feudal realms have a limited form of sovereignty in that their feudal lords are largely allowed to govern their own territories as they wish and have rights under the Rysus Codex. The terminology of "incorporated" and "unincorporated" territory has not been used, but they are useful for clarifying the meaning of the concept. Incorporated dependent territories are subject to the laws of the Empire, such as when Hendor replaced the nobles of Talador with its own lords, and supplanted its own laws with the laws of Hendor. In spite of not being fully vested subdivisions of the Empire.
Unincorporated territories in contrast have some limited degree of independence from imperial law. Their residents are not considered citizens of the Empire (though such a protectorate could theoretically exist with partial citizenship), but the residents may become deemed criminals of the Empire depending on their actions. The feudal overlord will assert the right to rendition committers of imperial crimes, such as when Earl Jovery sent Hendoran soldiers in 5114 Modern Era to take possession of Stephos DeArchon, which was not resisted by the town government of Wehnimer's Landing. Though they might allow the imperial criminal to be tried locally in individual cases.
While the word "protectorate" has been used and has historical meaning, there is other terminology for characterizing dependent territory that has not been explicitly used. Other kinds of dependent territory, such as "Crown dependencies", could exist but have not been defined. These terms are being used here to keep concepts distinct, but should be treated with caution having not been used (or in some cases not necessarily used carefully) by NPCs:
- unincorporated: Unincorporated territory is a way of designating land in the possession of a power that is not an integral part or subdivision of that power's territorial integrity, and which is only partially subject to the laws of the possessing power. Residents may or may not have a limited form of citizenship as subjects of the possessor.
- incorporated: Incorporated territory is similar to the concept of unincorporated territory, except the non-integral territory is subject to the laws of the possessor. Residents are likely to have some degree of citizenship as subjects of the possessor. Loosely, it might also be used to characterize integral territory that is temporarily not fully vested.
- dependent: Territory that "belongs to" to some other sovereign power which it is not "part of."
- integral: The land which is "part of" a sovereign power and regarded as its own territorial integrity.
- de facto: What is true "in fact" and in practice, regardless of legal status or formal recognition.
- de jure: What is claimed in legal status or formal recognition, regardless of whether it is true in practice or fact.
- annexation: The compulsory acquisition of land into the territorial integrity of a possessing power, either expanding the borders of an existing authority or making a new integral subdivision. Annexation is a word for involuntary actions, often illegal and violent. It may be acting upon a recognized sovereign state, or it may involve asserting a territory was unclaimed.
- unclaimed: Unclaimed territory or "nobody's land" means the land is not claimed by anyone with legal standing (e.g. imperial nobility) or a recognized sovereign power and thus may be acquired by occupation. It is not the same thing as uninhabited land or land with no "claims" on it, and might even refer to a territory that is a sovereignty dispute between imperial powers. The indigenous population of unclaimed land, if such exist, are not recognized as sovereign by imperial powers. The land may be characterized as having no "civilized" inhabitants or having no meaningful state or insufficiently self-governed or otherwise bereft of lordship.
- colony: Colonies are lands dominated by foreign immigrants, usually referring to dependent territories who owe allegiance to another ruling state (the colonizing power), which are neither incorporated territories of that state nor are vassal states in their own right.
- dominion: Internally governed states where the head of state is the ruler of another country.
- cession: The voluntary incorporation of a territory into the rule of a possessing power, whether as a dependent territory or integration as a subdivision of that power. Though this may happen under duress as a de facto annexation.
- secession: Separation by a territory from its possessor, most likely regarded as illegal by the possessor. Secession may be used as a de jure smokescreen for annexation.
- sovereignty: The ultimate legal authority over a territory within recognized borders. Sovereignty has essentially no meaning if it is not recognized both de facto and de jure by other powers. Sovereignty of a territory might also be recognized by one imperial power as a useful fiction for subverting the sovereignty or sphere of influence of another imperial power over that territory without fully committing its own resources and claims to it.
- autonomy: Some degree of self-governance and local legislative authority of a territory, which is conceptually distinct from the power of sovereignty. Domestic law jurisdiction might only be held within the walls of a city-state, for example, while a claim of sovereignty by that city-state might mean being the ultimate authority over surrounding territory, where those local laws are not enforced. Autonomous regions may be either integral or dependent territories.
- devolution: Delegation of legislative authority to territories that increases their autonomy, but may be temporary or rescinded by the sovereign power, whereas federal subdivisions of a state or their ruling nobility may have inherent powers and rights that cannot be revoked. Devolved powers retain the unitary authority of the sovereign.
- sphere of influence: The influence, sway, or even dominance over another territory or even sovereign state by a greater power, up to the most extreme case of de facto control of that state, possibly in spite of nominal recognition of sovereignty as a useful fiction. Formal alliances by themselves do not imply being part of a sphere of influence. Spheres of influence of sovereign powers are generally to the exclusion of the influence of other sovereign powers.
- suzerainty: The de facto condition of foreign policy control of a territory by a greater power, with only technical independence and self-rule by the local government, whether or not this is the result of a treaty or a de jure assertion of protectorate status. Suzerains may only be interested in their sphere of influence, or they may have more possessing interest. Suzerainties may be vassal states with nominal sovereignty.
- alliance: Formal alliances (de jure) between two military powers are either mutual defense pacts (binding each other to aid when the other is at war), non-aggression pacts (agreeing by treaty to not attack each other), and ententes (relatively informal treaties of friendly relations with an agreement to consult and cooperate with each other especially during crisis.) The word "alliance" may be used by a possessing power to characterize its suzerainty over a vassal state or dependent territory or its dominance over states in its sphere of influence.
- vested: Invested feudal lords have been granted title and lands by a higher imperial authority and have special legal status as nobility. Investiture is the transferring of a fief by an overlord to a vassal. Integral territories may temporarily be not fully vested if there is not a coronated ruler for those lands, and the absence of nobility in a realm may open the way to claims by nobles in other territory.
There is no allowed distinction between the enemies of a protectorate and the enemies of the Turamzzyrian Empire. In this sense the protectorate is not allowed to conduct its own foreign policy, except for trade agreements that do not subvert the security or interests of the Empire. Protectorates are also not at liberty to have the tail wag the dog, so to speak, by causing conflicts with other governments and hiding behind the protection of the overlord. The Northern Sentinel declined to protect Wehnimer's Landing or aid Talador in their war of 5114 Modern Era. With a foreign power the Empire would intervene on behalf of the protectorate, but forcing the Empire into such a conflict would likely result in increased imperial intervention, and the reduction or outright revocation of independence. Generally speaking, the "independence" granted to a protectorate is conditional, and may be revoked.
Though the non-imperial government is allowed its own defenses, and may be assisted in conflicts by imperial orders, this does not imply recognition as a sovereign military. While the residents of a protectorate may not be imperial citizens by default, they might be permitted to enlist in the imperial military. This has been seen in Lord Elidal Dhenin's suggestion that some citizens of Wehnimer's Landing may one day be members of the army of the Barony of Darkstone. The history of the Order of the Silver Gryphon is notable as well, founded as men-at-arms by Sir Maldon in the unclaimed territory, and later invested as Knights Errant by Baron Malwind or Knights of the Empire by Earl Jovery.
The protectorate is not in general allowed to secede or deny its protectorate status, especially if it is the result of a unilateral imposition of imperial writ. In principle a territory might become a protectorate by relinquishing any claim to sovereignty through a cession treaty with agreed upon rights, which may have essentially been what the Empire was offering Talador in 5030 Modern Era, but its merchant council chose instead to become the Barony of Talador.
The Empire is unlikely to recognize the surrounding lands of an unincorporated territory as belonging to the (non-imperial) local government, or falling under its legal jurisdiction, as the lands of a protectorate are not permitted to be claimed by any non-imperial entity. This is a distinction between the way the government of Wehnimer's Landing is treated, for example, and the way the merchant council of Talador had imperial granted authority over that territory until it was removed from power by the Northern Sentinel in 5115 Modern Era. In his decree of 5123 Modern Era, for instance, Earl Jovery asserted he had never sent troops to occupy the lands or garnish the resources of Wehnimer's Landing, while just three months prior he had annexed most of the land immediately to the south. By its very nature this implies the Empire does not regard Wehnimer's Landing as possessing the lands in its vicinity. Thus, the guarantee that Wehnimer's Landing has "the right to not be absorbed into imperial territory" refers only to the town itself, with all of the surrounding land potentially subject to future incorporation or annexation.
Explicit Rules
While this only refers to the protectorate of Wehnimer's Landing, the decree of Earl Jovery in 5123 Modern Era explicitly illustrates the legal meaning of the word protectorate:
- The protectorate status of Wehnimer's Landing remains unchanged and shall not be revoked.
- Non-imperial entities or governments are disallowed from laying claim to any territory within or around Wehnimer's Landing. This includes the presence of any foreign military, such as outposts or armies. Such advances will be viewed as an act of war.
- The formation of the Barony of Darkstone shall never result in the future annexation of Wehnimer's Landing, affording the town the right to not be absorbed into imperial territory.
- The town of Wehnimer's Landing will be officially recognized to govern itself independently, in both the creation and management of their laws and leadership, without any interference or influence from imperial entities, so long as said regulations do not run contradictory to the established laws, well-being and interests of the Turamzzyrian Empire.
- Threats, dangers, and enemies of Wehnimer's Landing shall also be designated at the same status level within the Turamzzyrian Empire. Furthermore, the Empire shall defer to Wehnimer's local laws and defense measures first but will respond accordingly in relation to the severity of the threat to imperial interests.
- Likewise, adversarial organizations, armies, or governments officially identified as threats to the Turamzzyrian Empire will also be subject to the same status level within Wehnimer's Landing, affording the Empire the right to extradite imperial criminals to face trial and justice within their borders.
- Imperial citizens found guilty of crimes or corruption operating within the walls of Wehnimer's Landing shall be subject to imperial justice and will no longer be provided safe haven for abusive or criminal behavior. Crimes of imperial citizens within Wehnimer's Landing, at the discretion of the Northern Sentinel, may be tried and punished within the jurisdiction of Wehnimer's Landing's courts.
- Additionally, Wehnimer's Landing shall be free to conduct trade as an independent government, allowing them autonomy in their economic matters, so long as said contracts do not negatively harm or undermine the interests and well-being of the Turamzzyrian Empire, or are entered into agreement with imperial-designated adversarial organizations or governments.
- The imperial position of Regional Envoy of Wehnimer's Landing shall be vacated at the end of Charlatos, 5123, and at the prior approval of the mayor shall henceforth be doubled in capacity, serving for terms of two-year cycles. It is now established that no official governing or advisory position within Wehnimer's Landing shall be held by any non-citizen of the town.
The following are statements or imperial writ on the subject of the protectorates. There is no actual quote here for it from 2003, but the Empire is supposed to have declared Wehnimer's Landing its protectorate in 5103 Modern Era.
Prior to the death of Baron Hochstib, Earl Jovery explained his expectation of Wehnimer's Landing being left to be "largely" independent, and remaining outside the Empire's northern borders as an amiable neighbor. This is significantly short of any ceding of future claims to the north or of the Landing having sovereignty. In the surrounding context Vornavian and Hendoran forces had just intervened on behalf of Wehnimer's Landing, and some of them had been killed as invaders by some people (including Cemb who was about to get banished) in the Landing. This was on 08/03/5103 in Vornavis court shortly after the destruction of the Mandis crystals.
Cemb asks, "Earl Jovery, given the recent changes and such, and your appointing of knights sworn to you and the empire, I would ask how you view the Landing at this time, still wilds or as your territory, and or how you would see it in the future?" Eddric nods to Cemb. Eddric stands up. Eddric says, "I view the town of Wehnimer's Landing and it's environs as a region beyond the boundaries of the Empire and largely left to its own devices and its own defence. I expect to see it in the future as an amiable neighbor to the Northern Marches of the Empire." Cemb asks, "That is a change from what I have heard in the past and it is refreshing if it is truelly ment. My second question would be related to that, when do you forsee Solhaven being freed once again from your rule and put back into the rightful merchant hands it has always been trusted in?" Eddric says, "That is up to the Emperor to decide. The Freeport status of the town was revoked in reaction to the Empress' assassination. It rests with the Emperor to change that status when he sees fit."
This is from Earl Jovery on 11/17/5111 concerning no tolerance for abuses on imperial knights, and asserting the conditionality of the Landing's self-governance:
From His Excellency, Earl Eddric Jovery, Regarding the Protectorate of Wehnimer's Landing Recent and disconcerting rumors have spread through the Empire regarding the Turamzzyrian Protectorate of Wehnimer's Landing. These rumors have centered around the expulsion of the Order of the Silver Gryphon from the aforementioned town. While We fully expect that these rumors are nothing more than the product of overactive imaginations and careless tongues, We find the very thought of such an act intellectually offensive as well as contrary to the good order and discipline of a Turamzzyrian Protectorate. Therefore, let us make ourselves scintillatingly clear: the town of Wehnimer's Landing is an interest of the Empire with unique status due to its distance from the civilized heart of the Empire. As such, it has been suffered to maintain its own internal governance, with the expectation that said governance make decisions in accordance with the will of the Empire. Should We determine that the town of Wehnimer's Landing has acted in direct defiance of the Empire or any Imperial Order, reprisal shall be swift and terrible. However, as We remain certain that there is little truth to this rumor, We shall not bestir our august personage to travel northward at this time. We expect confirmation within fourteen days that the source of these rumors has been squelched. Should this confirmation not arrive promptly and with ample verification, the independence of Wehnimer's Landing shall be promptly reconsidered, and a greater Imperial presence will be dispatched to the area. His Excellency Eddric Jovery Defender of the Faith Earl of North Hendor Northern Sentinel of the Turamzzyrian Empire
There was an inquisition led by Lord Rinhale Hurrst of Estoria, also known as "The Bluecoat", in Wehnimer's Landing beginning in late 5113 Modern Era. There had been reports of krolvin assaulting imperial ships while avoiding others, and it was thought the krolvin were being funded or even commanded by a powerful interest in the town. Rinhale was thus focused on investigating the leadership of Wehnimer's Landing. It would turn out Councilman Stephos DeArchon, an exile from Estoria and an old enemy of Rinhale's, was arming the krolvin with weapons. Rinhale questioned a large number of people in Wehnimer's Landing, and stated that it was expected they would comply with him.
Mayor Walkar Wellington eventually demanded the town militia must be present for questioning of town citizens, while Rinhale would maintain that the town leaders were prolonging his investigation by delaying their meetings with him. Rinhale then disappeared and turned out to have been murdered by a shadowy figure while having a secret lover's tryst with Alendrial DeArchon. It was discovered by studying his black coral amulet that he was murdered by Madelyne the urnon golem, and that he was making a skewed report to some higher imperial authority. Black coral amulets are warped scrying talismans made with demonic blood magic and forbidden under Turamzzyrian law.
Earl Jovery mentioned the allowance of self-governance of the Landing when addressing the inquisition by Rinhale of Estoria on 01/08/5114:
Earl Jovery Addresses Inquisition Recent word has been received regarding the formal imperial inquisition underway in the Turamzzyrian Protectorate of Wehnimer's Landing regarding ties to a substantially increased threat from krolvin fleets. In recent years, there has been much troubling news originating out of Wehnimer's Landing, who has been afforded a unique position to govern themselves due to the distance from our borders, and the good will of the Empire. Given the delicate situation, We strongly recommend Lord Rinhale Hurrst to speed along his research and return home so that any findings of his investigation can be weighed in on. Likewise, We encourage the local authorities of Wehnimer's Landing to willingly comply with their imperial guest, while still undertaking lawful matters to protect their citizens. We remind all parties involved that a threat to the Turamzzyrian Empire is a threat to the world. His Excellency Eddric Jovery Defender of the Faith Earl of North Hendor Northern Sentinel of the Turamzzyrian Empire
Following Rinhale's death, and Talador seeking vengeance over Kuligar, Earl Jovery issued an imperial decree on 03/19/5114 on the protectorate of Wehnimer's Landing and his intent to bring its leadership in better alignment with the interests of the Turamzzyrian Empire:
Earl Jovery Addresses the North We are not without pause or great concern in regards to the Tragedy of Talador and the role the leaders of Wehnimer's Landing have played in it. It is of no surprise that We receive more and more news from Wehnimer's Landing, none of which bring any good light to the town beyond our borders. Actions that We cannot allow to be ignored. Estoria sails under a call to arms for justice, and We will not act to deter their resolve. We will not however support unnecessary war in the north, when our greater enemies grow more dangerous and bold during our squabbles. By imperial decree, We command Vornavis to set its sights to the seas and prepare for escalating krolvin conflicts. We hereby command Talador to reconsider its quest for revenge, yet offer our sympathy for their loss. More blood will not wash out the stains of tragedy. We will not act to prevent, but nor will we support any crusade, and instead will seek future measures to bring the leadership of the protectorate of Wehnimer's Landing into better alignment with the interests of the Turamzzyrian Empire. In addition, We have dispersed Hendoran resources to aid Mestanir in its troubles along its border. Regardless of what is to come, We command the knights of the Order of the Silver Gryphons to stand down, deeming their involvement in any conflict as additional complications in an already fragile situation. Signed, His Excellency Eddric Jovery Defender of the Faith Earl of North Hendor Northern Sentinel of the Turamzzyrian Empire
Then on 08/13/5114 there was an OOC post from GM Kenstrom referring to a letter sent by Earl Jovery to Wehnimer's Landing, which was received by the town marshal, informing the protectorate that Hendoran soldiers led by Sir Thadston were being dispatched to take possession of Stephos DeArchon for trial in Tamzyrr. This would have been extraordinary rendition if the Landing were sovereign, or at least coerced rendition, but only extradition if it is a protectorate of the Empire. Judge Renpaw was presented with the letter and put up no resistance to the imperial decree:
This morning it was learned that a letter had arrived a few days ago from Earl Jovery, the Northern Sentinel at the desk of the town marshal Khylon in Wehnimer's Landing. The letter originally went unnoticed as Khylon is still nearly incapacitated from a disease he was stricken with at the end of the Talador war, and Thrayzar has been serving in his role, but quite preoccupied in training and recruiting the local militia. Councilman Juramis and Thrayzar became aware of the letter this morning and shared the details of its contents. The letter held the seal of the Earl Eddric Jovery of Hendor, the Northern Sentinel and informed the protectorate of Wehnimer's Landing that days ago a small detachment of Hendoran soldiers had set out for the town in order to provide a secured escort of the criminal Stephos DeArchon to the capital of Tamzzyr to face charges and a trial for his involvement in funding and arming the krolvin threat menacing the Empire. The Hendoran soldiers are being led by Sir Thadston, a high ranking official in the Hendoran Guard. They are expected to arrive as early as this evening. After Judge Renpaw was presented with the Earl's message, he offered up no resistance to releasing Stephos to the fate of an imperial trial, having seen enough of imperial justice in the last few months.
Slightly earlier in Lumnea 5114 following the climax of the violence between Talador and the Landing, Sir Davard Priot was captured outside the orphanage in Wehnimer's Landing. Davard had come into league with the witch Raznel after the murder of Cosima by Drangell, and would reveal her father Thermon's involvement with Raznel during his trial. Judge Renpaw petitioned Earl Jovery to hold the trial of Davard in Wehnimer's Landing, where he was being charged with imperial crimes of necromancy and blood rituals in aiding the witch. Earl Jovery allowed the trial to be held in the Landing, but required two other judges to be appointed by himself.
One of these was Grand Magister Pylasar of the Hall of Mages, who it would later be understood was involved with his own crimes with Raznel. At the suggestion of Baroness Delphinuria Hochstib of Jantalar, the third judge was the bastard son of Baron Lerep Hochstib, her nephew Lheren Hochstib who was a Second Watcher of the Church of Koar. This was a case of an imperial citizen being allowed to be tried in the Landing for breaking imperial laws. The trial of Davard took place over several nights with many witnesses. Davard was declared guilty and then burned at the stake by Lheren Hochstib.
Lheren Hochstib: Sir Davard Priot you are hereby accused of association with forbidden magic, specifically for your involvement with the witch Raznel and her necromancy and blood rituals. These deplorable acts are seen as grave affronts to both the Church of Koar and the Turamzzyrian Empire. Such crimes can be punishable by death. You have bared witness to three evenings of your trial, as many were brought before the court to testify for, or against you. You have heard the allegations, and now you will be presented with your chance to refute those claims, or admit your guilt. Are you prepared to speak then to the charges? Bear in mind, that Koar above watches and will judge your words, should you speak anything but the truth.
Earl Jovery ordered the construction of a Hendoran fortress outpost next to Wehnimer's Landing on 01/13/5115, partly due to the town harboring many of the assassins of Earl Kestrel of Chastonia from 08/02/5114:
Thadston removes a sealed scroll from his cloak, breaking the seal, and slowly rolling it open. Thadston clears his throat. Thadston says, "By Decree of the Lord Sentinel of the North, Earl of North Hendor, and Lord Protector of the Broken Kingdom and by grant of his Imperial Majesty, Emperor Aurmont Chandrennin Anodheles, Lord Jovery hereby orders the following:" Thadston says, "That, the Barony of Talador, immature in its nobility and inexperienced in its pride, shall be deemed a protectorate of the Earldom of North Hendor. So as the laws of North Hendor, so shall be the laws of Talador, so as the good nobles of North Hendor rule wisely with approval of the Sun Throne, so shall they now rule wisely over Talador and her people, and all this shall remain until the time arrives when the Earl of North Hendor nominates the barony as adequately prepared to rule herself to His Majesty, and His Majesty grants such nomination." Thadston says, "That, among the principled Lords of Hendor who shall be granted dominion over Talador and her lands, Sir Thadston, raised to the Order of Llaestal's Guard, shall forthwith be sent to the northern lands under the claim of the Sun Throne, and there build and command, an outpost in the Landing of Wehnimer, protectorate of Tamzyrr, gateway of the North, and so shall remain at said outpost until a time deemed proper by the Sentinel Jovery, Earl of North Hendor." Thadston says, "That, in augment to the soldiers of Hendor, who shall be under the command of Sir Thadston at said outpost, there shall be the knights of the order formerly recognized by the Sun Throne, now stricken from the tomes of Immuron, the Order of the Silver Gryphon." Thadston says, "By command of his Imperial Majesty, all oaths and services of such knights as made previous to the Baron Dunrith Malwind, the Swan Lord, shall be as if they were made to Lord Jovery, Earl of North Hendor. So proclaimed by His Majesty, so it was and now shall be." Thadston says, "In recognition for prior chivalry and noble sacrifice, of misplaced obedience in the orders of chastened parties, these knights will be granted the right to pay homage to the Northern Sentinel or to such representative as the Earl selects." Thadston says, "At such time as the Lord Sentinel of the North chooses, Earl Jovery of Hendor may nominate said knights to be released of their obligations, that the Order of the Silver Gryphon shall be written anew in the tomes of Immuron, and trusted once again as loyal servants of the Sun Throne." Thadston says, "So it is ordered, so it is decreed, and so it shall be." Thadston rolls up his parchment, stuffing it into his cloak.
In Phoenatos 5114 Modern Era, Grand Magister Tayeros of the Hall of Mages arrived in Wehnimer's Landing to apprehend and interrogate suspects in the murder of Earl Berniah Kestrel of Estoria, with Tayeros being a mentalist and a brutal torturer. Tayeros was murdered. His mind was destroyed in a raid led by Nysina and others. Later in 5115 Modern Era, Lord Brieson Cassle of the Hall of Mages tracked down many of the assassins of Earl Kestrel, and had their flesh burned with the Pariah's Brand. He also ascertained the demise of Tayeros. His report on 05/23/5115 recommended increasing tariffs on the protectorate of Wehnimer's Landing to recover expenses for the damages caused in Chastonia:
Late this evening, Lord Brieson and his sister Lady Soffeia returned to Wehnimer's Landing after traveling to the coast of Tamzzyr to conclude their research of Earl Kestrel, by visiting the ruins of Kestrel Keep. His full report was kept in secrecy and sent back to the Hall of Mages, but he was able to share some statements about his findings and consequences to those determined to be guilty in the assassination of Earl Kestrel. "On the eve of the 2nd of Phoenatos, in the year 5114, a Nalfein airship carried a number of anti-imperial criminals who successfully carried out an assassination plot against Earl Berniah Kestrel of Chastonia. This mission was orchestrated by Elithain Cross, and commanded by the Nalfein mercenary Nysina. Many of these assassins have scattered to far reaches of Elanthia, while others still operate beyond imperial jurisdiction." "Since my assignment to this task, I have questioned many people that our organization was informed of who might have been involved, and many denied their deeds, while others accepted responsibility. I have interrogated countless citizens and adventurers in and around Wehnimer's Landing, and through the course of my inquiries the information slowly narrowed, eventually cutting through the manipulated deceptions and failed attempts to escape justice. To further solidify my work, and in turn conclude the investigation, my sister and I traveled to the ruins of Kestrel Keep, where the Earl himself was murdered and many of his staff and guards were killed in the onslaught from both assassins and powerful golems." "Using what skills and magic I have at my disposal, I have gleaned all of the identities and actions of those involved in this crime. These pariahs of the Turamzzyrian Empire are forever disparaged in the eyes of the Sun Throne, viewed as the harshest of outlaws, banished from imperial borders and subject to persecution and death should they find themselves within the Empire's jurisdiction again." "Those known as the disdained are as follows; Turinrond, Drektor, Aeavenne, Malik, Bellaja, Sareja, Songar, Masrath, Shimmerain, Maiehia, Rhayveign, Mystiq, Rinswynd, Qistra, Aureate, Fealoke, Kuthar, Raidmeyn, Anyauma, Lehna, Varsric, Daiyon, Madmountan, Rekarth, Darcthundar, Varucca, Ridic, Deckits, Archales and Altheorn." "As noted, many of these names have gone underground or otherwise fled, hoping to escape the might of Turamzzyrian justice, while many others find sanctuary among shadows in the town of Wehnimer's Landing. In the coming days and weeks, under my orders, the Disdained shall be hunted down, their flesh marked with the Pariah's Brand of the Turamzzyrian Empire. There shall be bounties upon their heads within the Empire, and their presence within imperial provinces will subject them to imperial justice. "Many will ask, even among my own peers, why these outlaws are not dragged from their homes and hiding to be made to suffer for their crimes. To which I will answer now and again when needed, that the circumstances surrounding their involvement were questionable. It was now of my understanding that before their sins against the Sun Throne, these pariahs were misguided into offering a blood oath to Elithain Cross, a powerful sorcerer and enemy of the Empire before his demise. In the honor of reasonable justice, control might not have always been their luxury." "But regardless, their actions do not excuse them from justice. Their flesh shall bear the mark of their deeds, and should their feet tread upon imperial soil again, their deaths will be swift, which is more mercy than they deserve for such a folly." "While we do not wish to strain relationships with Wehnimer's Landing at this time, I am making a recommendation to those provinces that do business with the frontier town, that tariffs be increased in order to collect financial compensation from the imperial protectorate to fund both repairs and reconstruction of Kestrel Keep, and obligatory donations to the families of those who lost loved ones in the attack. Furthermore, I recommend to the fair leaders and upstanding citizens of Wehnimer's Landing, that these imperial criminals within your midst be judged in your eyes as well, may the doors of your Great Houses turn them away and may your merchants extract justified costs for their offenses." "While this concludes my investigation into the murder of Earl Kestrel, my work in Wehnimer's Landing is far from finished, as I turn all of my focus into the events, and those involved, in the escape of Grishom Stone." Signed this Feastday, the 23rd of Ivaestaen in the year 5115, Lord Brieson Cassle Hall Adjudicator
This is an OOC recap of the Atonement purge of the Hendoran nobles on 08/28/5116, who were ruling the protectorate of Talador, and their replacement by Taladorians loyal to Prelate Chaston Griffin:
Church bells rang out from the High Temple of Koar in Talador. Just days ago, a new era of leadership and a revival of faith were forever crystallized into history in the Barony of Talador. Many citizens of Talador, and those of faith, witnessed a spectacular event known as the Atonement. Upon the high perch of the Temple, Drangell was brought before a host of Blameless crusaders. Drangell was once a mercenary in the employ of the Turamzzyrian Empire, and then went on become one of the most notorious criminals the imperial provinces had known. For a time, he was seen as one of Talador's greatest enemies for his involvement in the murder of Cosima. Because of such, Drangell had been captured and encapsulated inside of one of the Hall of Mages' bane coffins, where he was kept safe and unable to harm others. The coffin, with Drangell inside, was transported to Talador as a peace offering from Wehnimer's Landing, handing over Cosima's killer to the people who deserved justice. As it turned out, Prelate Chaston Griffin and his disciples often visited the confined Drangell, offering daily prayers and vigils before the coffin, hoping in good time that the light of Koar would reach out to the madman's heart. Weeks ago, Prelate Chaston had Drangell released, and he was greeted with mixed emotions by the people of Talador, but many fears were quieted when the Prelate revealed that Drangell had converted to Koar and was now a devout follower, and in time would make amends for his sins by offering up his atonement. Such an atonement did in fact take place, when priests of Koar issued up a mass prayer before Drangell spilled his own everlasting blood, over and over, filling anointed chalices with his life's fluid. In turn, these cups of blood were passed among the ranks of the Blameless, bestowing Koar's gift of immortality upon his most fervent and righteous followers. Drangell then took his new place as an appointed Commander of the Blameless, taking on the title of Wrathbringer. Shortly after the Atonement, the faithful of Talador rose up and wrestled power away from the Lords of Hendor. For almost two years, Hendor has ruled over Talador in the aftermath of the War of Shadows, until a time when Talador could prove themselves and rule once more. After recent revelations (or rumors) of Hendor trying to break free from the Turamzzyrian Empire, and undermine many of their supposed allies in the process, Talador sought to put an end to such attempts and regain control of their lands. Official reports out of Talador claim that the Lords of Hendor were offered a chance to surrender or leave, but instead chose violence, and so they were dealt with accordingly. In the wake of Talador's new rise to power over its own lands, there were seven nobles of Talador who aligned themselves as a measure of interim leadership, calling themselves the Council of the Upright. They have declared Talador free of Hendoran rule and have renewed their pledges to the God-King, declaring the worship of Koar as prominent in the region, and that followers of Lornon shall be put to death. Furthermore, the Council has, with the backing of Prelate Chaston Griffin, reintroduced the imperial laws of Chaston's Edict, even declaring half-elves and half-krolvin as abominations and would face justice as such. The following day, Baron Spensor Caulfield of Bourth, who currently resides in the Hendoran Outpost near Wehnimer's Landing, also dispatched a series of letters. One letter expressed open support of Prelate Chaston and the Council of the Upright in Talador, publically offering the Barony of Bourth's support in Talador's latest actions. A second letter was dispatched to Emperor Aurmont in Tamzzyr, requested an impartial investigation into the evidence and claims of Hendor trying to break free of the Empire, and undermine Bourth in the process. The Baron stressed the importance of Bourthian wood to the Empire's capital as a main supply of lumber for their shipwrights and demanded an escalated response. Adding to the war of words, Earl Jovery released a public statement denying the allegations of Hendor trying to rebel against the Sun Throne and blamed overzealous politics and faith for the recent influx of rumors. The Earl of North Hendor went on to explain that he would gladly travel to Tamzzyr to address any questions or concerns and reinforce his loyalty to the Sun Throne. The Earl has also requested consequences to be dealt out for what he described as Talador's slaughter of their Hendoran brothers. Meanwhile, reports have already circulated about multitudes of Blameless already on the march in various directions, prepared to carry out the work of the God-King.
The Town Council of Wehnimer's Landing issued a declaration that it denies having a territorial claim to the Elven Village, which House Vaalor demanded the Landing return as compensation for their being assaulted by Barnom Slim and for the death of Illistim scholars due to krolvin after being arrested by Mayor Walkar Wellington. These events were half a decade earlier. At the time of this declaration, Thadston was no longer a knight, and was the Marshal of Wehnimer's Landing which was a member of the Town Council:
The following documents are on thicker stock, one of them a rough parchment and the other thick vellum. They bear writing in two distinctive hands. The recent demand disguised as a request by House Ta'Vaalor for Wehnimer's Landing to surrender any claims to the Elven Village by the Red Forest, in recognition of the development of a new elven outpost has been considered and debated at length among the Town Council. At this time, the Town Council has voted and declared that the town of Wehnimer's Landing has no territorial claim to the Elven Village. We do however have a distinct duty to protect the lives of noble and innocent allies in the region. To that end, Wehnimer's Landing supports Ta'Vaalor and its cousins in their construction of an elven outpost near or in the village. Furthermore, Wehnimer's Landing hopes that this mutual agreement of the importance of such an undertaking helps to further solidify open and abundant trade between the west and east. While we do not control the land in question, we are concerned with the wellbeing of the red elves who call it home. As such, should the red elves agree to Ta'Vaalor's request, then we will honor it with no disagreement. Should the red elves not wish to be among a new outpost, then we politely request an appropriate time frame to help move the red elves to a more suitable location acceptable to them and the life and protections they've experienced thus far. We look forward to the presence of a considerable ally in the region and welcome the trade and enrichment that both cultures can bring to one another. Lord Thadston. Marshal of the Landing Militia
Simultaneous with this declaration by the town council on 08/16/5118, Lord Breshon Caulfield of Bourth (then the Outpost commander and before becoming Baron of Bourth) issued a decree on behalf of the Empire, granting the Elven Village to the Elven Nations but reasserting the protectorate claim on Wehnimer's Landing and its environs:
As a son of Bourth, I am no stranger to the culture and heart of the elves. I have grown up with the sun in my face, and the lush stretch of Wyrdeep at my back. I have seen firsthand the struggles that intolerance bring, and the tragedy of hatred festering in the hearts of both man and elf. In contrast, I have seen the overwhelming beauty when those things do not exist. Our future is ours to decide. Unity and trust are ours to take, casting aside war and fear. When corners of the Empire heard of Ta'Vaalor's plan to erect an outpost at the elven village on the western side of the spines, it was met with a range of responses as one can imagine. I have been given full authority to speak as the prominent noble in the area, and who better to judge such actions and reactions than a child of Bourth. A Caulfield. But while we have an eye to the future, we can never lose sight of the past. Compassion is not the absence of caution. As acting commander of the imperial outpost in the protectorate of the Turamzzyrian Empire, I officially declare recognition of the Elven Nations right to construct an outpost at the Elven Village in the shadow of the Red Forest. We welcome the chance for trade and camaraderie not to be broken by an expanse of ice and rock. But make no mistake. While this development is agreeable, any further encroachment or advancement of influence in the region of Wehnimer's Landing and its environs, widely known as a protectorate of the Empire, will be considered an act of aggression and dealt with appropriately. By my hand, Lord Breshon Caulfield of the Barony of Bourth
Around this same time and later into that year, "The Alchemist" Praxopius Fortney involved significant naval forces from Estoria along with Wehnimer's Landing, pursuing an assault on Glaoveln and the krolvin warlord Kragnack. Praxopius had been brought in by Lord Breshon Caulfield to help cure his sister Larsya, but Praxopius had long-standing ulterior motives and was mainly interested in weaponizing the poison in her blood. This was done by Wehnimer's Landing without consulting the Northern Sentinel, and it is unclear what permissions were sought by Praxopius. Lord Breshon was very upset when he learned how his sister's blood was really being used by Praxopius.
In the following year there was a cursed blight left over from the witch Raznel (who was slain in late 5119), and Magister Cordarius Hodges was brought in to help suppress it. But the Northern Sentinel in early 5120 had the Hall of Mages install a Magister, which turned out to be Cordarius, as the Regional Envoy of Wehnimer's Landing now that Pylasar had gone missing. Pylasar had been revealed to have been involved in serious historical crimes against the Empire with Raznel in their youth, but the town had largely continued to pursue Raznel on its own without imperial involvement. This decision was a reduction of local autonomy by invoking the Earl's authority over the protectorate.
The Regional Envoy at that time was not only the Landing's foreign ambassador, but a voting member of the town council, and would legally have to be appointed by the Mayor of Wehnimer's Landing. Earl Jovery unilaterally installed the Regional Envoy. Breshon at the time said he felt the Earl just wants to feel closer and more involved. Nominally it was about better aligning both sides against rogue actors. The most immediate context was that the previous Regional Envoy, former Grand Magister Pylasar, was soon to be tried for aiding Raznel in her dark magic in their youth.
Breshon says, "I am pleased to say tonight will see no one banished or spurs removed or crown scars burned into necks." Breshon says, "...I was not here for that, but I've heard stories." Breshon says, "But there is something that..." Breshon rubs his chin thoughtfully. Breshon says, "An adjustment, if you will. A measure of..." Breshon rubs his chin thoughtfully. Breshon places his coffee aside, not finishing it. Breshon pours himself a mug of ginger mead. Breshon takes a drink from his ginger mead. Breshon takes a drink from his ginger mead. Breshon slowly empties his lungs. Breshon says, "It is my understanding there exists some vacancies within the town council. One in particular is the role once served by former imperial Pylasar. The position was a regional envoy that represented the Landing and its interests in various matters with other locations." Breshon says, "While the danger of Raznel has passed, at least with the ending of her life, the last several years have not been kind to the Landing and Empire." Breshon says, "Grishom Stone brews in the southern Trollfang beyond a living forest of darkness..." Breshon says, "An Ithzir-human boy dwells in a mountain of immense power that has been a focus point for many..." Breshon says, "Danger exists, it always will." Breshon says, "The Empire and the Landing have had their issues, primarily caused by rogue elements, on both sides. A shame, really. We both have so much to offer each other." Breshon says, "I think it's time the latter take shape more than the past." Breshon says, "Since Wehnimer's Landing is in fact a protectorate of the Empire, and will remain operating with its freedoms, the Northern Sentinel Earl Jovery has spoken with the Hall of Mages and an agreement has been made that someone from the Hall will be placed as the newest councilman on the Landing Town Council to fill the spot left by Pylasar, of Regional Envoy." Breshon says, "He or she will serve as a direct connection to the Empire, a voice, a champion, for both sides. To better build our relationship and not let our future be defined or controlled by rogue actors." Breshon says, "In addition, while I know there will be further discussions and collaboration on working to attack this blight, the appointment of the Regional Envoy will also bring aid from the Empire." Nehor idly inquires, "And how much of this aid will come in the form of increased military presence?" Breshon says, "To help the Landing, to help those hungry, those still suffering, those needing homes, whatever may be needed." Breshon says, "No increased military presence outside of what exists here within the Outpost." Breshon says, "The other vacant council spots will remain appointed by the Mayor. I believe an election is coming soon." Lylia smoothly counters, "I prefer to think of it as an exchange of goods and services than as 'aid.' The Landing has prospered, until Raznel decided to afflict it as she has." Breshon says, "Exchange is a fair term." Breshon nods at Lylia. Breshon says, "I'm optimistic. I know there's been challenges and concerns in the past." Breshon says, "Hopefully this can help change some of that."
Though Pylasar was tried in absentia, his trial for imperial crimes in assisting the witch Raznel was held in Wehnimer's Landing, arranged under Grand Magister Octaven of the Hall of Mages. The trial was held on 04/19/5120 with testimony under the direction of Magister Cordarius Hodges and Adjudicator Vlashandra, though in the subsequent month Vlashandra would turn out to be a zealous disciple of the lich Barnom Slim. The ruling on the trial was to be made by Judge Renpaw and the Town Council of Wehnimer's Landing, with recommendations by Cordarius and Vlashandra. Grand Magister Octaven was required to repay the damages to the Landing towers she destroyed in late 5117 Modern Era as a necessary condition for cooperation with the trial. While a guilty verdict would be binding on Pylasar, being made by the local authorities, there was the option for the Empire to hold a second trial in an imperial court.
This illustrates the conditionality of ruling by non-imperial judges in matters of double jeopardy. The powers that be in Wehnimer's Landing ultimately ruled on 04/22/5120 to declare Pylasar innocent. There was the potential of a second trial to be held in the Empire, which was the recommendation of Vlashandra at the request of Octaven. However, as the appointed Regional Envoy of Wehnimer's Landing by Earl Jovery seeking to foster stronger ties with the town, the final decision on whether the trial in Wehnimer's Landing would be binding and the final word was solely that of Cordarius. Cordarius decided with his imperial authority that there would be no second trial of Pylasar in an imperial court. This was a blow to Octaven, who had a history of literally being in bed with both Cordarius and Vlashandra, which was intended to make the trial significantly rigged. Pylasar was never present for it, having had gone into the past to Kezmon Isle.
On 11/04/5122 Earl Jovery announced through his appointed Regional Envoy (Cordarius) the Barony of Darkstone to the people of Wehnimer's Landing. Though the nomination had been decided and made almost two years earlier. This is annexing most of the land between Vornavis and the Locksmehr River, which is a very large chunk of the land that is the source of the economy of Wehnimer's Landing:
Cordarius recites: "To the free people of Wehnimer's Landing...." Cordarius recites: "There is no better ally to you than your brothers and sisters who call the Turamzzyrian Empire their home. As Sir Thadston Andrews once so famously declared, the Empire has come not as occupiers, but as liberators and protectors. He went on to say that for too long Wehnimer's Landing and its environs have been crushed under the heavy boot of darkness and chaos, and that our combined efforts helped raise the town out of depravity and disaster. Our years of cooperation and steadfast alliance were but only steps forward, but the journey was not yet over." Cordarius recites: "We have faced countless enemies together. From the shadows of Grishom Stone and Elithain Cross, to the wild machinations of Drangell and the bloody crusade of Chaston. We have equally shared in our triumphs, and our losses. But never should the accord between Wehnimer's Landing and the Turamzzyrian Empire ever have been doubted, nor should it ever be still. As a protectorate of the Empire, our people are forever entwined both in prosperity and in promise." Cordarius recites: "Danger still permeates in the far north. Age old sites such as Melgorehn's Reach and Darkstone Castle provide both chaos, temptation, and threats from our enemies. We have seen what devastation such evil or power can bring forth. There have been heavy casualties in the last few years. The entire region of Talador was reduced to a barren wasteland, with hundreds of imperial citizens still displaced, many still longing for a new land to call their home. In our combined efforts for good fortune and lasting unity, we must ensure that we all rise as one, standing as both a stalwart defense against our enemies and as a haven for our citizens." Cordarius gazes in wonder at his surroundings. Cordarius recites: "It is time for the Empire to grow." Cordarius recites: "It is time to stretch our borders to allow progress for our people and strength for our collaboration. But it is equally important to value relationships and freedom. With the explicit blessing of the Sun Throne, and by my own decree, the borders of the Turamzyrrian Empire will expand to the north and northwest." Cordarius recites: "The new lands will reach to many edges of the Locksmehr River, and far west to Darkstone Bay. Such landmarks included within the new region will be the Graendlor Pasture, the mountainous ranges of Wehntoph, Sentoph, Zelatoph, and Thanatoph along with Melgorehn's Reach and Darkstone Castle. In the coming days, an imperial caravan will be arriving to Wehnimer's Landing on a diplomatic mission to announce the new ruler of the declared Barony of Darkstone and begin the anticipated cooperation and transition as our people go forward not only as allies, but as neighbors." Cordarius recites: "By my Hand, Earl Eddric Jovery, The Northern Sentinel of the Turamzzyrian Empire." Cordarius put a crisp scroll in his ashen-hued robe.
Vaemyr on the Town Council of Wehnimer's Landing had a letter sent to Earl Jovery by Lord Elidal, in the same period as the Black Thorn Resistance was calling for a referendum to reject the protectorate, asking about the possibility of revoking the protectorate or clarifying in detail what it means. This was taken as an insult by the Earl. But he responded by explicitly spelling out the legal status of Wehnimer's Landing as far as the Turamzzyrian Empire is concerned:
Cordarius clears his throat. Cordarius recites: "I have heard you, citizens and alike of Wehnimer's Landing. I have always heard you." Cordarius recites: "When the demon Hochstib came to steal your freedom and peace in 5103, I heard you. The banners of the north rose to the sky while our brothers and sisters took to the field to rescue Wehnimer's Landing from the mad Baron. Our sons and daughters fought and bled beside you. We understand the value and promise of a free Wehnimer's Landing as much then as we do now." Cordarius recites: "When Barnon Slim usurped the government of Wehnimer's Landing in 5111 and ordered the Silver Gryphons executed, we went on to dispatch the might of the imperial north and crush any oppression of the town's people and their protectors." Cordarius recites: "In 5112 we joined forces in eliminating perhaps the single greatest threat of our lifetimes, when we rid the world of Althedeus during the War of Shadows. We did not do such as men standing in opposing corners. We did so as a united people who embraced life, freedom, and family above all else." Cordarius recites: "In 5115, I issued the command to construct the Hendoran Outpost within the grasslands near Wehnimer's Landing, to be commanded by Sir Thadston at the time. It was not an act of war, it was not the preamble of an invasion. It was to serve as a staunch reminder to our shared enemies beyond the walls that we have fought and stood together, and we will continue to do so. It was to remind those threats lurking in the shadows of the world that together we have always known nothing less than victory." Cordarius recites: "In 5116, your great citizens braved it all to save my life, when the wickedness of Chaston Griffin had put it in peril. We have faced countless enemies and have seen years of turmoil, but from each conflict we have risen stronger. But that has not come without its scars." Cordarius recites: "It is at times difficult to forget our wounds. Even if the flesh has long since healed, the memory of its pain can linger. It is that anguish that can forge a man into a weapon for good, or for evil. When do we admit wrongs, and what do we do to end their cycle? When does a man swallow his pride, face his sin, and deliver grace?" Cordarius recites: "It is why writing this letter has pained me so. There has never been a time when I looked upon Wehnimer's Landing as anything but a trusted ally and neighbor to the north. Never once have I sent troops to occupy your lands, or garnish your resources, or impose upon your freedoms." Cordarius recites: "I am an old man, and with age has come wisdom, but perhaps I had been a fool to believe my actions were somehow more valued in comparison to inked words. Had I known letters and not blood was more critical in proving my intentions, then there might be thousands of imperial mothers who did not have to bury their sons or husbands." Cordarius recites: "I refuse to accept that we have entered a world and time where actions are meaningless. You, Wehnimer's Landing, above all should know the danger of silvered tongues in the mouths of corrupt and depraved imperials. Those who have sinned against you were as much our enemy as they were yours." Cordarius recites: "If it is words you are desiring, then so be it. I hope the action in that alone speaks louder than the ink on this parchment. It is my genuine fear that for those in such need of these things will still find themselves unsated. Will words provide true comfort, and quiet the fears that actions alone did not? Time will tell." Cordarius recites: "Twenty years ago, Wehnimer's Landing was declared a protectorate of the Turamzzyrian Empire. That has not changed, nor will it. Within that status, Wehnimer's Landing exists under the protective eye of the Empire. Your enemies are our enemies. Your interests are our interests. Your freedom and existence are equally important to the Empire, which is why your town remains beyond imperial borders, but can still benefit from our resources and might." Cordarius recites: "But our two people can surely benefit from further clarification. I have received Lord Elidal Dhenin's requests, and recommendations, and I have ruled a response accordingly." Cordarius recites: "By decree of the Lord Sentinel of the North, Earl of North Hendor, and Lord Protector of the Broken Kingdom, and by grant of his Imperial Majesty, Emperor Aurmont Chandrennin Anodheles, I have hereby ordered the following:" Cordarius recites: "The protectorate status of Wehnimer's Landing remains unchanged and shall not be revoked." Cordarius recites: "Non-imperial entities or governments are disallowed from laying claim to any territory within or around Wehnimer's Landing. This includes the presence of any foreign military, such as outposts or armies. Such advances will be viewed as an act of war." Cordarius recites: "The formation of the Barony of Darkstone shall never result in the future annexation of Wehnimer's Landing, affording the town the right to not be absorbed into imperial territory." Cordarius recites: "The town of Wehnimer's Landing will be officially recognized to govern itself independently, in both the creation and management of their laws and leadership, without any interference or influence from imperial entities, so long as said regulations do not run contradictory to the established laws, well-being and interests of the Turamzzyrian Empire." Cordarius recites: "Threats, dangers, and enemies of Wehnimer's Landing shall also be designated at the same status level within the Turamzzyrian Empire. Furthermore, the Empire shall defer to Wehnimer's local laws and defense measures first but will respond accordingly in relation to the severity of the threat to imperial interests." Cordarius recites: "Likewise, adversarial organizations, armies, or governments officially identified as threats to the Turamzzyrian Empire will also be subject to the same status level within Wehnimer's Landing, affording the Empire the right to extradite imperial criminals to face trial and justice within their borders." Cordarius recites: "Imperial citizens found guilty of crimes or corruption operating within the walls of Wehnimer's Landing shall be subject to imperial justice and will no longer be provided safe haven for abusive or criminal behavior. Crimes of imperial citizens within Wehnimer's Landing, at the discretion of the Northern Sentinel, may be tried and punished within the jurisdiction of Wehnimer's Landing's courts." Cordarius recites: "Additionally, Wehnimer's Landing shall be free to conduct trade as an independent government, allowing them autonomy in their economic matters, so long as said contracts do not negatively harm or undermine the interests and well-being of the Turamzzyrian Empire, or are entered into agreement with imperial-designated adversarial organizations or governments." Cordarius recites: "The imperial position of Regional Envoy of Wehnimer's Landing shall be vacated at the end of Charlatos, 5123, and at the prior approval of the mayor shall henceforth be doubled in capacity, serving for terms of two-year cycles. It is now established that no official governing or advisory position within Wehnimer's Landing shall be held by any non-citizen of the town." Cordarius blinks. Cordarius asks, "Wait..what?" Cordarius looks back at the scroll. Cordarius recites: "It is my hope, that as I have always heard you, that you will now hear me. May the future of Wehnimer's Landing, and the neighboring Barony of Darkstone be one of shared benefit, cooperation, and peace. May we agree that those who would wish or work against such an outcome are mutually our enemies and will be responded to in kind. May we never lessen the weight of actions and tarnish the good deeds of our truest heroes."" Cordarius recites: "By my hand," Cordarius recites: "Earl Eddric Jovery. The Northern Sentinel. Earl of North Hendor. Lord Protector of the Broken Kingdom. " Cordarius says, "Etc....etc..."
Additional Information
- Saved posts - OOC posts by GMs on the meaning of the protectorate concept and how it developed over years of events.
- Northern Sentinel's Decree on the Imperial Protection of Wehnimer's Landing