Scroll/list of eligible spells

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Major Spiritual (200s)

Spell Name and Number Description
Calm (201) Under the influence of the Calm spell, the target is soothed and calmed, inhibiting them from engaging in aggressive behavior. Actions involving combat or the casting of attack spells are not possible while in the calmed state. If the target is attacked, they will come out of their calmed state.

Calm is a warding spell. The duration of the effect is 5 seconds per warding failure unless interrupted by a hostile action.

Spirit Shield (202) Spirit Shield provides a base bonus of +10 to physical defensive strength.
Manna (203) Through the use of this spell, the caster calls into being special food with potent qualities. Persons who partake of the magically created food (via EAT) will experience accelerated mana and spirit recovery. The effect will fade immediately upon entering combat (attacking, casting a spell of war, or being attacked).

The mana regeneration rate is based on the bread maker's Major Spiritual spell ranks.

Unpresence (204) Helps the target remain in hiding and avoid detection via the Locate Person (116) spell and other spells or abilities that allow detection of characters.
Light (205) Harnesses the spiritual forces to control the level of illumination in the immediate area where the spell is cast. Additional illumination or darkness may enhance or hinder combat-related actions.
Tend Lore (206) A utility spell that gives the caster +20 ranks of the First Aid skill to TEND wounds or to DIAGNOSE someone. It also reduces the roundtime incurred from tending by 25%. This spell costs six mana to cast, lasts 60 seconds, and gains a benefit from training in Spiritual Lore, Blessings.
Purify Air (207) Protects generally against any gaseous effect or maneuver.
Living Spell (208) Attempts to steal a prepared spell from another character or creature.
Untrammel (209) Allows the caster to dispel webs. Also, when used directly on webbing spiders, it prevents them from spinning more webs, subject to a warding roll.
Silence (210) A single or multi-target warding spell that inflicts the silenced status. While silenced, the target will be unable to speak, sing, or prepare or cast a spell.
Bravery (211) Bravery provides a base bonus of +15 to both physical attack strength, and bolt attack strength. The caster also gains 3 phantom levels against sheer fear attacks.
Interference (212) Causes the lesser spirits in the area to interfere with the target's offensive and defensive abilities.
Minor Sanctuary (213) Draws upon the spiritual forces of Elanthia to produce a "sense of peace and calm" in the area which prevents any aggressive activity.
Bind (214) A warding spell that calls spirits to hold a victim in place for a long period of time.
Heroism (215) Heroism provides a base bonus of +25 to both physical attack strength, and bolt attack strength and +1 regeneration to both mana (MP) and health point (HP) every minute. The caster also gains 3 phantom levels against sheer fear attacks and an increase to the user's defense against a standard maneuver roll if the maneuver is able to be evaded.
Frenzy (216) A warding spell that forces the target into offensive stance.
Mass Interference (217) A multi-target version of Interference (212).
Spell Shield (219) Spell Shield provides a bonus of +30 to bolt spell defensive strength and spiritual target defense.

Cleric (300s)

Spell Name and Number Description
Prayer of Holding (301) A warding spell that allows clerics to interfere with the power controlling undead creatures.
Smite/Bane (302) Depending on the deity a cleric worships, the cleric will receive either the spell Smite or the spell Bane. Both spells inflict damage on a host's body, with plasma flares that induce further harm.
Prayer of Protection (303) Prayer of Protection provides a base bonus of +10 to physical, ranged and bolt spell defensive strength.
Bless (304) Undead creatures are resistant to many forms of attack, and can shrug off blows that would fell most living creatures. Normal weapons have a -25% damage reduction against undead, and combat maneuvers have a -25 roll penalty. A Cleric can use the Bless spell, however, to give an ordinary weapon the ability to harm the undead.
Preservation (305) Strengthens the bond tethering the soul to the corpse after death, preventing an adventurer from decaying or departing normally.
Holy Bolt (306) Hurls a stream of holy water at a target, causing acid damage against corporeal undead and impact damage against the living.
Benediction (307) Benediction provides a base bonus of +5 to physical attack strength, bolt attack strength and defensive strength. Group members also gain the AS/DS benefits.
Well of Life (308) Well of Life has two different uses. The first, used on a live target, transfers spirit from the caster to the target. The caster cannot over transfer spirit points and will always be left with at least one. The ability to transfer spirit to a live target is based on Spirit Mana Control skill, much like the Resurrection spell.

The second use is to create a spiritual link to a dead adventurer as the first step in resurrecting them.

Condemn (309) Makes a standard maneuver roll that uses the caster's Cleric Base spell ranks and Spell Aiming ranks.
Warding Sphere (310) Warding Sphere provides a base bonus of +10 to defensive strength and target defense. Group members also gain the DS/TD benefits.
Blind (311) A warding spell that causes the image of the cleric's deity to be superimposed over him/herself.

This vision will apply the Blinded and Stunned effects on the target for a duration calculated using the standard negative duration formula.

Fervent Reproach (312) A warding spell that does pure hitpoint damage, with no criticals of any type.
Prayer (313) Prayer provides a base bonus of +10 to spiritual target defense and increases protection against maneuver attacks.
Relieve Burden (314) Negates the encumbrance associated with silvers in the pockets and chests of the target.
Remove Curse (315) Allows the caster to remove a curse placed on an item.
Censure (316)
Divine Fury (317) A warding spell for which a cleric calls upon their chosen deity to unleash severe damage upon the target.
Soul Ward (319) A powerful defensive spell that enshrouds the cleric in an evanescent shield which can potentially absorb or buffer an opponent's (creature or PC's) initial physical, spell or maneuver attack, thereby completely negating the attack's effect.

Major Elemental (500s)

Spell Name and Number Description
Sleep (501) A warding spell that causes the target to become overwhelmed with relaxation, possibly to the point that the creature falls unconscious. Creatures that do not sleep naturally, such as constructs and undead, are not affected by this spell.
Chromatic Circle (502) A warding spell that surrounds its target with a circle of elemental magic.
Thurfel's Ward (503) Thurfel's Ward provides a base bonus of +20 to defensive strength.
Slow (504) A warding spell that makes the air around a victim denser, slowing down the target's actions and causing up to 3 seconds of immediate roundtime (RT).
Hand of Tonis (505) Hand of Tonis is named after Tonis, the Arkati of speed, travel and thieves. There are two versions of this spell: an SMR attack which attempts to stun a target by stealing its breath, and bolt spell, which uses the Spell Aiming skill and becomes available with 20 ranks Elemental Lore, Air training. This second version, commonly referred to as Tonis Bolt, hurls a churning bolt of air at the target and is activated using EVOKE.
Celerity (506) Reduces the stamina cost, possibly to zero, for all Quickstrike actions that reduce combat roundtimes (see QUICKSTRIKE for a full listing). It has a non-stackable 60 second duration. If not natively self-cast, there is a four minute period starting at the time of first application during which Celerity may not be re-applied to the same target. There is no such delay when the spell is natively self-cast.
Elemental Deflection (507) Elemental Deflection provides a bonus of +20 to defensive strength.
Elemental Bias (508) Elemental Bias provides a bonus of +20 to elemental target defense.
Strength (509) Strength provides a base bonus of +15 to melee attack strength by enhancing Strength Bonus (but does not directly enhance the Strength stat.)
Hurl Boulder (510) Shoots a small boulder from the palm of the caster and slams into an opponent with devastating force.
Floating Disk (511) Floating Disk can hold objects for a character and will follow the character as he travels.
Cold Snap (512) An open cast warding spell that causes targets to become rooted. The root status effect causes a target to have -50 attack strength (AS) to melee attacks, -25 AS to ranged attacks, and -25 defensive strength (DS) (but does not stack with the DS penalties from other status conditions such as being knocked down). Most importantly, rooted creatures cannot perform maneuvers.
Elemental Focus (513) Elemental Focus provides a base bonus of +20 to bolt spell attack strength.
Stone Fist (514) A warding spell that uses the earth element to conjure a massive stone fist. This fist will grab on to the enemy, leaving it rooted where it stands, thus hampering combat by imposing a penalty of -50 AS to melee attacks, -25 AS to ranged attacks, and -25 DS, and preventing maneuvers; the target may still be able to perform actions, such as attacking and spell prepping/casting.
Mana Leech (516) A warding spell that creates a dull grey ray between the caster and its target to steal mana from the target and transfer it back to the caster.
Cone of Elements (518) Causes a bolt of elemental energy to arc to a large number of enemies in the room, multi-casting a variety or any one of eight bolt spells based on the caster's attunement or Elemental Lore training on multiple targets.
Immolation (519) This spell releases incredible destruction by fire when the target fails a warding roll. Affected targets are set on fire and take recurring damage.

Ranger (600s)

Spell Name and Number Description
Natural Colors (601) Natural Colors provides a bonus of +10 to defensive strength and provides a bonus to hiding in natural terrain.
Resist Elements (602) Resist Elements provides a bonus of +15 to fire, ice, steam and lightning bolt spell defensive strength and resistance to climate damage.
Wild Entropy (603) In casting Wild Entropy, the Ranger draws upon their affinity to Nature and its inevitable cycle to cause damage and diminish the target's resistance to attacks that deal Nature damage (such as Sun Burst (609), Moonbeam (611), and Spike Thorn (616)).
Nature's Bounty (604) Enhances the ranger's abilities relating to foraging and skinning.
Barkskin (605) Allows the Ranger to surround themselves with a thick layer of bark, which will absorb the next instance of a physical attack, SMRv2 maneuver, bolt spell, or warding spell that would have otherwise successfully struck them.
Phoen's Strength (606) Phoen's Strength provides a base bonus of +10 to melee attack strength by boosting Strength Bonus (but does not directly enhance the Strength stat.) It also reduces encumbrance and ranged weapon roundtime.
Sounds (607) Creates a variety of distracting sounds around a target making it less able to defend itself and imparting a -20 penalty to its defensive strength (DS).
Camouflage (608) Blends the caster into the surroundings, placing them into hiding and adding +30 to attack strength (AS) on the next melee attack or bolt spell, or +18 Spiritual casting strength (CS) to the next warding spell.
Sunburst (609) When CAST open, Sun Burst emits a great pulse of light from the caster's hand, causing all creatures, characters and objects hidden in the room to become unhidden. When focused on a single target, it inflicts moderate Fire damage in addition to the debuff effects applied by the open version.
Tangle Weed (610) A stance-based maneuver spell that will cause a vine to animate (or grow) in a particular area and begin to lash about at creatures present.
Moonbeam (611) When casting Moonbeam, a ranger chooses to stop a target's movement for up to sixty seconds (SMRv2) or injure it with cold nature damage with a beam of light (bolt).
Breeze (612) When self-cast (INCANTed or CAST without a target), the spell bestows the Ranger’s physical attacks with a standard flare chance to inflict roundtime on the target (random 2-4 seconds). When CAST at a target or EVOKEd, the spell is a maneuver that summons a strong breeze which can inflict cycles of 3-6 seconds of roundtime on enemies in the room, with success modified by Spiritual Lore, Summoning.
Self Control (613) Self Control provides a bonus of +20 to defensive strength and spiritual target defense. It also increases trap spotting and disarming, resistance to sheer fear-based attacks and aiming with a ranged weapon.
Call Swarm (615) Using his/her innate ability to interact with nature, the ranger summons insects from the surrounding area to swarm against a foe.
Spike Thorn (616) Causes large, spiked thorns to grow underneath the target and very likely cause damage.
Sneaking (617) Increases the caster's ability to hide by controlling the sound emanated from their body while sneaking through outdoor areas.
Mobility (618) Mobility increases ability to react to many maneuver attacks, providing the equivalent of 20 Dodge ranks, and also providing rangers a bonus to STEALing.
Mass Calm (619) An open cast spell that attempts to calm every creature within the room with a warding that is very difficult to resist. It will skip targets that are already calmed.

Sorcerer (700s)

Spell Name and Number Description
Blood Burst (701) Causes the victim's jugular to burst, applying Major Bleed to the target. The amount of bleed damage scaling with the warding margin.  Like other applications of Major Bleed, applications of Blood Burst can stack Major Bleed on a target. Targets that do not bleed (undead, elemental, golem/construct, etc.) will not be affected. This spell is modified by training in Sorcerous Lore, Necromancy.
Mana Disruption (702) The most universal Sorcerer Base warding attack spell. It inflicts damage by causing the mana in and around the target to be violently disturbed. There are two damage cycles inflicted: the first is a hitpoint loss, and the other is an injury with additional blood loss.
Corrupt Essence (703) Causes a "blood red haze" to surround the target, leaving them unable to cast a spell for fifteen seconds.
Phase (704) Please look up spell for additional information.
Disintegrate (705) A core warding attack spell which causes portions of a target's body to melt away.
Mind Jolt (706) Shows the target a glimpse of a demonic valence, stunning them.
Eye Spy (707) With Eye Spy, a caster can pluck their eye from its socket, and it grows bat-like wings.
Limb Disruption (708) Targets a limb of the victim, attempting to make it explode.
Grasp of the Grave (709) When CAST, Grasp of the Grave causes 5-6 arms to emerge and immediately attempt to pull all non-flying targets to the ground. Most arms appear as a singular "arm," but there is a 25% chance to get a "pair of arms," which is beneficial to those with Sorcerous Lore, Necromancy training.
Energy Maelstrom (710) Has two versions that create either a "raging tempest" in the area or a "tightly focused tempest" on a single target.
Pain (711) A warding attack spell that will cause the target extreme amounts of pain resulting in (1) a minimum health loss of 20% of the target's maximum health, and (2) the potential to placing the target in 3 to 7 seconds of roundtime (RT), temporarily incapacitating it.
Cloak of Shadows (712) Cloak of Shadows provides a bonus of +25 to defensive strength and +20 to target defense.
Balefire (713) A powerful attack strength (AS)-based ball spell that hurls a flaming plasma ball at a target when cast.
Curse (715) Imparts one of eight dangerous curses upon a target.
Pestilence (716) May be cast as a reactive defensive spell, or as an offensive warding spell. In both cases the target is infected and follow-up Damage Over Time (DoT) cycles occur. Due to sorcery being a hybrid of elemental and spiritual magic, the disease from either version can affect undead.
Evil Eye (717) Gives the caster a deadly stare, instilling intense fear into the target(s). Depending upon the severity of the warding failure, the terrified target may freeze, run away, or outright die.
Torment (718) Temporarily summons a demonic force to do battle with the caster's target.
Dark Catalyst (719) Converts the mana of the target into elemental energy, causing mana loss and massive critical damage.

Bard (1000s)

Spell Name and Number Description
Holding Song (1001) Allows a Bard to lower a single target's defense by 10%.
Vibration Chant (1002) Directs a bard's voice at an object that a player character or creature is holding in order to attempt to vibrate the item out of the wielder's hand.
Purification Song (1004) Removes blemishes and other impurities from gems, thereby increasing the quality and value of them. Each successful cast on a gem increases the value by about 5% of the gem's maximum value.
Lullabye (1005) Uses the powerful persuasion of a bards singing voice in an attempt to lull a single target, usually a creature, to sleep.
Stunning Shout (1008) A spellsong that, on a successful warding roll, first deals HP damage, followed by impact or unbalance critical damage, then stuns or disorients the target.
Song of Unravelling (1013) Dispels a targeted spell or random spell on a target, if available.
Song of Depression (1015) An open cast warding spellsong that will attempt to cause all not joined to the singer to become depressed, decreasing their ability to ward against magic and attack. All affected will suffer -20 to target defense (TD) and additional roundtime (RT) when performing actions.
Song of Rage (1016) Stimulates memories of anger in the target, causing it to become enraged and attack with full force.

Empath (1100s)

Spell Name and Number Description
Heal/Harm (1101) Through a feat of pure mental concentration, an Empath is able to heal their wounds, ranging from minor scratches to complete limb regeneration. This skill set begins with Heal, which restores lost blood.
Limb Repair (1102) Reduces the severity of one of the caster's limb wounds. Limb wounds are considered to be the right and left hand, the right and left arm, and the right and left leg. Limb Repair leaves a scar in place of the healed wound, with severity equal to that of the original wound.
System Repair (1103) Reduces the severity of the caster's nervous system injuries.
Head Repair (1104) Reduces the severity of the caster's head or neck wounds.
Organ Repair (1105) Reduces the severity of one of the caster's organ injuries. Organ injuries are considered to be the back, the chest, the abdomen, and the right and left eyes.
Bone Shatter (1106) Study of anatomy reveals the importance of bone structure. By utilizing this knowledge and the perceived state of need from such a mechanism for a number of living beings, empaths manipulate the bones in their target causing them to instantly, and painfully, shatter.
Adrenal Surge (1107) Causes the target to experience a short surge of adrenaline, increasing the target's strength for a moment, causing them leap to their feet (i.e. stand up from prone).
Empathy (1108) Stimulates a target to induce a panic reaction.
Empathic Assault (1110) A bolt spell that hurls plasma at a single target. If successful, the target will be subject to additional warding cycles over time that deal non-critical HP damage.
Limb Scar Repair (1111) The purpose of Limb Scar Repair is for healing scars on the arms, legs, and hands, and, like all other healing spells, is selfcast only.
System Scar Repair (1112) The purpose of System Scar Repair is for healing scarring of the nervous system, and, like all other healing spells, is selfcast only.
Head Scar Repair (1113) The purpose of Head Scar Repair is for healing head and neck scars, and, like all other healing spells, is selfcast only.
Organ Scar Repair (1114) The purpose of Organ Scar Repair is for healing chest, abdomen, back and eye scars, and, like all other healing spells, is selfcast only.
Wither (1115) A warding attack spell that draws upon an empath's spiritual connection to summon the stray spirits within an area.
Rapid Healing (1116) Rapid Healing lasts for 60 seconds, and has a 30 minute cooldown.
Herb Production (1118) Causes a random herb to grow in the current room. The spell must be cast outdoors.
Strength of Will (1119) Strength of Will provides a bonus of +12 to defensive strength and spiritual target defense.

Minor Mental (1200s)

Spell Name and Number Description
Soothing Word (1201) Immediately removes a detrimental emotional effect from the target (fear, rage, etc.).
Iron Skin (1202) Iron Skin provides a bonus to AsG when wearing robes (AsG 2).
Powersink (1203) Increases the time needed for the target to prepare a spell. This spell is difficult to defend against. It lasts 120 seconds vs. creature targets, and 60 seconds vs. character targets.
Foresight (1204) Bestows upon the target the ability to see visions of the future, thereby, enabling him/her to anticipate incoming attacks. This special ability translates into a bonus of +10 to physical Defensive Strength (DS).
Glamour (1205) Allows the caster to enchant their appearance in order to become particularly appealing to other people. This results in a boost of +20 Trading ranks.
Telekinesis (1206) Levitates and hurls a specified or random object at a target to inflict damage. This is a bolt spell attack and uses the caster's Spell Aiming skill.
Force Projection (1207) A single target knockdown spell that uses the standard maneuver roll, but is difficult to resist.
Mindward (1208) Mindward provides a bonus of +20 to mental target defense.
Dragonclaw (1209) While under the effects of the Dragonclaw spell, the caster's hands will grow hard and scaly, much like the skin of a dragon. This added toughness is manifested by a +10 increase to the caster's Unarmed Attack Factor (UAF).
Thought Lash (1210) Creates a crackling whip of psychic energy that strikes the target for damage and leaves a residue energy that increases subsequent critical damage on the target. This effectively gives the target negative critical padding. The residual energy will last for a duration of 30 seconds.
Confusion (1211) When under the affects of Confusion, the target stumbles about in a daze and may attack either his allies or foes.
Shroud of Deception (1212) Allows the caster to disguise their appearance in an illusion. This gives them the ability to visually change their race, profession, or gender, as well as their physical features to match. The SHROUD verb may be used to customize to your appearance and you can set up to 3 different profiles to use. In addition, the spell can also mimic the functionality of Shimmer Trinkets to also allow the caster to customize their inventory listing. The SHROUD verb is only accessible if you know the spell or while the spell is active.
Brace (1214) Causes thick plates of bone to grow on the caster's forearms. If not using a shield or weapon, these plates grant the chance to parry melee and ranged attacks. Brace allows two chances to outright parry an attack for double open handed combatants trained in Two Weapon Combat.
Blink (1215) gives the caster a chance to avoid physical or bolt attacks that would otherwise hit caster.
Vision (1217) Allows the caster to remotely watch a target for a short time.
Mental Dispel (1218) When cast on a character or creature, this spell will eithercause the target to lose any prepared spell, along with the appropriate number of mana points for that spell, cause> a magical effect in force on the target to be canceled, or cause the target to lose a portion, or all, of their mana.
Vertigo (1219) Allows the caster to attempt to put all non-grouped characters and creatures in the caster's room into vertigo.

Major Mental (1300s)

Spell Name and Number Description
Comprehend Languages (1315) Allows the caster to understand, but not speak, any racial languages that characters can normally learn. This also allows the caster to read text in other languages.
Clarity of Thought (1319) Provides the caster with additional clarity for a brief period of time and imparts a +30 Mental Casting Strength (CS) bonus for the spell's target to their next spell. If an attack is not made within 120 seconds, the spell will expire.

Savant Base (1400s)

Spell Name and Number Description
Astral Spear (1408) Projects a spear from the astral plane that pierces the target and has a chance to dispel a spell and inflict a puncture critical. This is a bolt spell that uses Spell Aiming to increase Attack Strength. The base dispel chance is 15% + 1% per 5 ranks of Mental Mana Control.
Displace (1409) Allows the caster to teleport an object to or from another character. The spell works across vast distances within the caster's current teleportation zone, but also outside of it, once they have 25 ranks of Mental Lore - Transference. The recipient is prompted to ACCEPT or DECLINE sending or receiving the item. Not all items are eligible and only one item may be sent (no containers with other items inside).
Mana Burst (1414) Primary single-target damage spell that excites the mana weave around a target and causes it to flare with multiple cycles of energy criticals. Each cycle of damage, the damage flavor is randomly chosen from several energy types. Training in Mental Lore - Manipulation provides a chance to cause a fourth damage cycle. The chance is ( Mental Lore - Manipulation ranks / 1.5) percent. The potential critical types are: Disintegration, Disruption, Electrical, Grapple, Plasma, Vacuum.
Astral Vault (1417) Allows the caster to open an extradimensional pocket to the astral plane to store items. Base storage is up to 50 lbs with +1 lb per 2 ranks of Mental Lore - Transference.

Paladin (1600s)

Spell Name and Number Description
Mantle of Faith (1601) Mantle of Faith provides a bonus of +5 to defensive strength and spiritual target defense.
Pious Trial (1602) Immediatedly inflicts 3 seconds of Roundtime (RT), adds a +2 second Slow effect to the target for 60 seconds, and also stops Celerity (506) if it is active on the target.
Templar's Verdict (1603) When cast, the target of Templar's Verdict is subject to a warding roll. If the target fails to ward off the spell, they will take minor/moderate plasma damage and receive a 30 second debuff of -5 DS/-3 TD/-5 SMRv2.
Consecrate (1604) When cast upon a holy weapon, shield, or piece of armor, the Paladin may channel her spiritual energy into the item, causing it to randomly flare with plasma criticals against a foe.
Arm of the Arkati (1605) Arm of the Arkati provides the Paladin and everyone in his group gains an increase of +10% to their weapon's Damage Factor (DF) for physical attacks (melee and thrown only). Note that this does not increase the DF of UCS attacks, regardless if a UCS compatible weapon is held.
Rejuvenation (1607) By focusing spiritual magic through the Rejuvenation spell, the Paladin is able to restore health and stamina. This spell is self-cast only.
Defense of the Faithful (1608) Bolsters weaknesses in the paladin's armor, granting +20 enhancive ranks of Armor Use.
Aura of the Arkati (1614) This spell causes 10% generic Defensive Strength (DS) decrease calculated from the target's current stance. In addition, affected targets will suffer a 5% penalty to their Evade, Block, and Parry chances (E/B/P).

Aura of the Arkati may be cast at a single target or open cast against a group for a flat 5 mana.

Repentance (1615) When successfully cast, the target is surrounded by a damaging sacred force and will be forced to kneel. The spell also forces the target to be Staggered.
Vigor (1616) Endows the Paladin with great vitality, allowing him to last longer in battle by increasing Constitution by +4. Training in additional Paladin spell ranks yields an additional +1 bonus for every 4 Paladin spells known above 16, to a maximum of +10 at 40 spell ranks.

This spell also provides a bonus to Maximum Health Points (HP) equal to twice the Constitution bonus beginning at +8, with a maximum of +20 at 40 spell ranks.

This spell is selfcast only.

Faith Shield (1619) Upon casting Faith Shield, a stalwart faith in her patron grants the paladin a powerful spiritual defense, aiding in warding off spells by providing a base benefit of +50 to Spiritual Target Defense (TD) for 30 seconds. The duration is extended +1 second for every two Paladin Base spell ranks known above rank 19. The maximum duration is 70 seconds at 99 Paladin Base spell ranks. Faith Shield has a 210 second cooldown.

Arcane (1700s)

Spell Name and Number Description
Arcane Blast (1700) Arcane Blast is an attack spell designed specifically to ease mana constraints early on in the careers of pure professions: cleric, empath, sorcerer, and wizard. Arcane Blast is unique among spells as it requires no mana to cast and it is known innately (without training Spell Research). It can be cast as both a warding spell and a bolt spell. In trade for these advantages, unlike other spells, it will induce five (5) seconds of hard roundtime (RT) for the caster (which is ordinarily three (3) seconds of cast roundtime for most spells). Furthermore, it cannot be used with or gains no advantage by coupling with a host of other spells where its zero mana cost would be overly powerful.
Arcane Decoy (1701) Arcane Decoy is a spell that will always be the first spell dispelled versus magical dispels. This includes, but is not limited to, the effects of the Spirit Dispel (119), Elemental Dispel (417), Spiritual Abolition (230), and Elemental Disjunction (530) spells.
Stun Cloud (1704) Creates a small cloud of charged gas particles, which discharge bolts of electricity. It drifts in the wind and affects all targets not grouped with the caster on a random basis. The cloud takes one round to form. When the cloud nears a combatant, an automatic roll is made to determine if he/she/it avoids the lightning bolt.
Martial Prowess (1705) Adds +10 to offense and defense rolls within the Combat Maneuvers List (CML). It gives no benefit to non-CML maneuvers.
Flaming Aura (1706) Generates an aura of flames which surrounds the caster and periodically lashes out at random creature targets.
Minor Steam (1707) A bolt spell that sends a seething blast of steam from the palm of the caster or tip of a wand. This is an elemental attack spell and uses the Spell Aiming skill.
Mystic Impedance (1708) Impedes the target's ability to cast high-level spells. The total number of spell levels restricted in this manner is based on the caster's Arcane Symbols or Magic Item Use skill, depending on the method of activation. The top-level restriction is calculated according to (20 - summation seed 1 of (caster's ranks/2)). For example, a caster with 50 Magic Item Use ranks waving a smooth amber wand at a target will cause it to be unable to cast spells of level 14 or higher.
Minor Cold (1709) Sends a chunk of ice from the palm of the caster or tip of a wand to slam into an opponent with powerful force. In addition to the initial concussive damage, either impact or cold critical injuries may also occur with a successful attack.
Major Acid (1710) Sends a bubbling ball of acid shooting from the palm of the caster or the tip of a wand. The ball of acid will explode on impact. If the cast successfully hits the target, the target will experience damage from the initial hit as well as elemental critical damage as a result of the explosion. The explosion may splash on up to 8 additional targets.
Spirit Guard (1712) Creates a faint silvery glow around the caster, increasing their melee, ranged and bolt DS +25.
Death Cloud (1713) Delivers the most severe of injuries in its early stages that can kill most anything outright if it connects; use with extreme caution! The cloud is unpredictable and can move into an adjacent area at anytime.
Quake (1714) Creates an earthquake in the location of the caster, in addition to every adjacent room. The earthquake can cause anyone in these rooms to potentially fall prone and suffer roundtime. The earthquake created by this spell is not real, and is actually a hallucination suffered by everyone in the area of effect, except for the caster and his or her group.
Firestorm (1715) Causes a rain of fire to fall in the area for the duration of the spell. Each combatant in the room who is not grouped with the caster must make a roll to avoid being struck by one of the fire balls.
Neutralize Curse (1716) Nullifies the effect of Curse (715) for a brief period of time, allowing the target to remove and/or drop the cursed item. Unlike Remove Curse (315) there is no level comparison between the sorcerer casting the curse and the individual removing it.
V'tull's Fury (1718) Sends the caster into a rage, resulting in +30 Attack Strength and forcing them to instantly melee attack all targets in the room. Due to the exhausting effect it can have upon a person, this spell can only be activated every 30 seconds. Only creatures will be attacked when this spell is cast/activated by a player.
Arcane Barrier (1720) Surrounds its caster in an anti-magic barrier that grants them immunity to targeted low level offensive spells.