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TownCrier is the rolling news feed with all the news that's fit to share about GemStone IV. The TownCrier channel went live on LNet on March 11, 2016. Hosted by your friendly news anchor, Newsby, the TownCrier is published with ongoing updates by a dedicated team of creatives.

The project came to be because who wants to have to choose between roleplaying or looking in multiple places for what's going on in GS? It was named after the first magazine of Elanthia, The TownCrier of GemStone II from 1988-1989.


  • The newscast is available via Lich on LNet, because it is primarily an out of character resource, you can access it with the command line:
    ;tune TownCrier
    We don't promise 24/7 newscasting, but we're able to do so more often than not.
  • Via a daily email at 1pm (Eastern) starting Jan 1, 2017. Register for this email service (handled by MailChimp) at:
  • News headlines/links are scrunched down to 140 characters and also echoed at our Twitter Account:
    The Twitter feed will also contain live events or things clipped right out of GemStone.


Name Responsibility
Newsby runs the TownCrier news ticker
Irar news correspondent in the Landing
Lylia news correspondent
Rovvigen news correspondent for Solhaven
Ylandra proofreader for the TownCrier
Tresavian news correspondent at large, code support
Kaldonis news correspondent for River's Rest
Leafiara news correspondent in and around the Landing
Dergoatean news and tips resource
vacant Calendar Editor
Oubar TownCrier Interview Sessions Editor
Macillus TownCrier Interview Sessions Special Project Editor
Your Name could be here *name your dream assignment
Luxelle Publisher and chief bottle washer

Please contact Newsby or Luxelle if you want to join our team. Technical or creative, there's something you can do!


The TownCrier channel news headlines are aggregated from a variety of in-character and out-of-character sources about GemStone.

TownCrier Interviews

  1. August 5, 2017 - Nuadjha
  2. August 12, 2017 - Roblar
  3. August 19, 2017 - Leafiara
  4. August 26, 2017 - Japhrimel

Archives and Projects

Pages in category "TownCrier"

The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 561 total.

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