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List of verbs: Difference between revisions
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m (Changed Verb:YELL link after page move) |
MOD-GSMOTTE (talk | contribs) m (Updated list A-G (1) to match the in-game VERB options and (2) to use the new format of verb pages.) |
Line 6: | Line 6: | ||
:[[Verb:ACKNOWLEDGE|acknowledge]] |
:[[Verb:ACKNOWLEDGE|acknowledge]] |
:[[Verb:ACTION|action]] |
:[[Verb:ACTION|action]] |
:[[Verb:ADD|add]] |
:[[Verb:ADVICE|advice]] |
:[[Verb:ADVICE|advice]] |
:[[Verb:AGE|age]] |
:[[Verb:AGE|age]] |
Line 21: | Line 22: | ||
:[[Verb:ARREST|arrest]] |
:[[Verb:ARREST|arrest]] |
:[[Verb:ARTISAN|artisan]] |
:[[Verb:ARTISAN|artisan]] |
:[[Verb:ASCENSI|ascensi]] |
:[[Verb:ASK|ask]] |
:[[Verb:ASK|ask]] |
:[[Verb:ASSESS|assess]] |
:[[Verb:ASSESS|assess]] |
Line 28: | Line 30: | ||
:[[Verb:ATTEND|attend]] |
:[[Verb:ATTEND|attend]] |
:[[Verb:ATTUNE|attune]] |
:[[Verb:ATTUNE|attune]] |
:[[Verb:AUCTION|auction]] |
==B== |
==B== |
Line 39: | Line 42: | ||
:[[Verb:BBS|bbs]] |
:[[Verb:BBS|bbs]] |
:[[Verb:BEAM|beam]] |
:[[Verb:BEAM|beam]] |
:[[Verb:BEAST|beast]] |
:[[Verb:BEFRIEND|befriend]] |
:[[Verb:BEFRIEND|befriend]] |
:[[Verb:BEG|beg]] |
:[[Verb:BEG|beg]] |
Line 51: | Line 55: | ||
:[[Verb:BLUSH|blush]] |
:[[Verb:BLUSH|blush]] |
:[[Verb:BOB|bob]] |
:[[Verb:BOB|bob]] |
:[[Verb:BOOST| |
:[[Verb:BOOST|boosts]] |
:[[Verb:BORROW|borrow]] |
:[[Verb:BORROW|borrow]] |
:[[Verb:BOUNCE|bounce]] |
:[[Verb:BOUNCE|bounce]] |
Line 59: | Line 63: | ||
:[[Verb:BREATHE|breathe]] |
:[[Verb:BREATHE|breathe]] |
:[[Verb:BRISTLE|bristle]] |
:[[Verb:BRISTLE|bristle]] |
:[[Verb:BRUSH|brush]] |
:[[Verb:BUG|bug]] |
:[[Verb:BUG|bug]] |
:[[Verb:BUGITEM|bugitem]] |
:[[Verb:BUGITEM|bugitem]] |
Line 121: | Line 126: | ||
:[[Verb:DEFINE|define]] |
:[[Verb:DEFINE|define]] |
:[[Verb:DEMEANOR|demeanor]] |
:[[Verb:DEMEANOR|demeanor]] |
:[[Verb:DEMO|demo]] |
:[[Verb:DEPART|depart]] |
:[[Verb:DEPART|depart]] |
:[[Verb:DEPOSIT|deposit]] |
:[[Verb:DEPOSIT|deposit]] |
Line 165: | Line 171: | ||
:[[Verb:EXPRESS|express]] |
:[[Verb:EXPRESS|express]] |
:[[Verb:EXTINGUISH|extinguish]] |
:[[Verb:EXTINGUISH|extinguish]] |
:[[Verb:EXTRACT|extract]] |
==F== |
==F== |
:[[FALL |
:[[Verb:FALL|fall]] |
:[[FAME |
:[[Verb:FAME|fame]] |
:[[Verb:FEAT|feat]] |
:[[Verb:FEAT|feat]] |
:[[FEED |
:[[Verb:FEED|feed]] |
:[[Verb:FESTIVAL|festival]] |
:[[Verb:FIDGET|fidget]] |
:[[FIND |
:[[Verb:FIND|find]] |
:[[FIRE |
:[[Verb:FIRE|fire]] |
:[[ |
:[[Verb:FISHING|fishing]] |
:[[Verb:FIX|fix]] |
:[[FIXSKILLS (verb)|fixskills]] |
:[[ |
:[[Verb:FIXSKILLS|fixskills]] |
:[[ |
:[[Verb:FLAGS|flags]] |
:[[ |
:[[Verb:FLAIL|flail]] |
:[[ |
:[[Verb:FLAP|flap]] |
:[[Verb:FLICK|flick]] |
:[[Verb:FLINCH|flinch]] |
:[[Verb:FLINCH|flinch]] |
:[[FLIP |
:[[Verb:FLIP|flip]] |
:[[FLIRT |
:[[Verb:FLIRT|flirt]] |
:[[Verb:FLUSTER|fluster]] |
:[[Verb:FLUTTER|flutter]] |
:[[FLY |
:[[Verb:FLY|fly]] |
:[[FOLD |
:[[Verb:FOLD|fold]] |
:[[Verb:FORAGE|forage]] |
:[[FRET |
:[[Verb:FRET|fret]] |
:[[FROWN |
:[[Verb:FROWN|frown]] |
:[[Verb:FURROW|furrow]] |
==G== |
==G== |
:[[GAG |
:[[Verb:GAG|gag]] |
:[[Verb:GARROTE|garrote]] |
:[[GASP |
:[[Verb:GASP|gasp]] |
:[[Verb:GATHER|gather]] |
:[[GAWK |
:[[Verb:GAWK|gawk]] |
:[[GAZE |
:[[Verb:GAZE|gaze]] |
:[[GEM |
:[[Verb:GEM|gem]] |
:[[GEN |
:[[Verb:GEN|gen]] |
:[[GET |
:[[Verb:GET|get]] |
:[[SPEAK |
:[[Verb:SPEAK|giantman]] |
:[[Verb:GIBBER|gibber]] |
:[[ |
:[[Verb:GIFTBOX|giftbox]] |
:[[ |
:[[Verb:GIGGLE|giggle]] |
:[[ |
:[[Verb:GIRD|gird]] |
:[[ |
:[[Verb:GIVE|give]] |
:[[ |
:[[Verb:GLANCE|glance]] |
:[[ |
:[[Verb:GLARE|glare]] |
:[[ |
:[[Verb:GLD|gld]] |
:[[ |
:[[Verb:GLOWER|glower]] |
:[[ |
:[[Verb:GNASH|gnash]] |
:[[ |
:[[Verb:GO|go]] |
:[[ |
:[[Verb:GOALS|goals]] |
:[[ |
:[[Verb:GOBBLE|gobble]] |
:[[ |
:[[Verb:GRAPPLE|grapple]] |
:[[ |
:[[Verb:GREET|greet]] |
:[[ |
:[[Verb:GRIEVE|grieve]] |
:[[ |
:[[Verb:GRIMACE|grimace]] |
:[[ |
:[[Verb:GRIN|grin]] |
:[[ |
:[[Verb:GRIND|grind]] |
:[[ |
:[[Verb:GRIP|grip]] |
:[[ |
:[[Verb:GROAN|groan]] |
:[[ |
:[[Verb:GROUP|group]] |
:[[ |
:[[Verb:GROVEL|grovel]] |
:[[ |
:[[Verb:GROWL|growl]] |
:[[ |
:[[Verb:GRUMBLE|grumble]] |
:[[ |
:[[Verb:GRUNT|grunt]] |
:[[ |
:[[Verb:GUARD|guard]] |
:[[ |
:[[Verb:SPEAK|guildspeak]] |
:[[Verb:GULP|gulp]] |
==H== |
==H== |
:[[SPEAK (verb)|halfelf]] |
:[[SPEAK (verb)|halfelf]] |
Revision as of 14:28, 2 July 2023
Contents: Top - 0–9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- abandon
- accept
- accuse
- acknowledge
- action
- add
- advice
- age
- agree
- aim
- alchemy
- alter
- ambush
- analyze
- answer
- applaud
- appraise
- approve
- armor
- arrest
- artisan
- ascensi
- ask
- assess
- assist
- assume
- attack
- attend
- attune
- auction
- babble
- back
- backroom
- badname
- bank
- bark
- batter
- bbs
- beam
- beast
- befriend
- beg
- belch
- berserk
- beseech
- bet
- bid
- blanch
- bless
- blink
- blush
- bob
- boosts
- borrow
- bounce
- bounty
- bow
- break
- breathe
- bristle
- brush
- bug
- bugitem
- bundle
- bury
- buy
- cackle
- calendar
- cancel
- carve
- cash
- cast
- challenge
- channel
- chant
- cheapshot
- check
- cheer
- chortle
- chuckle
- citizen
- clean
- clear
- clench
- climb
- close
- clutch
- cman
- cock
- collect
- combatant
- common
- commune
- concussion
- consider
- continue
- convert
- cough
- cover
- cower
- crack
- crawl
- cringe
- cry
- cuddle
- cure
- curse
- curtsy
- customize
- cut
- dance
- darkelf
- daub
- daydream
- deal
- decline
- define
- demeanor
- demo
- depart
- deposit
- describe
- detect
- diagnose
- dig
- dip
- direction
- disarm
- disband
- discard
- disdain
- dismiss
- dismount
- done
- drag
- draw
- dress
- drink
- drool
- drop
- duck
- dues
- duskruin
- dust
- dwarven
- eat
- elven
- empty
- encumbrance
- endow
- engrave
- esp
- event
- evoke
- exchange
- exhale
- expel
- experience
- express
- extinguish
- extract
- fall
- fame
- feat
- feed
- festival
- fidget
- find
- fire
- fishing
- fix
- fixskills
- flags
- flail
- flap
- flick
- flinch
- flip
- flirt
- fluster
- flutter
- fly
- fold
- forage
- fret
- frown
- furrow
- gag
- garrote
- gasp
- gather
- gawk
- gaze
- gem
- gen
- get
- giantman
- gibber
- giftbox
- giggle
- gird
- give
- glance
- glare
- gld
- glower
- gnash
- go
- goals
- gobble
- grapple
- greet
- grieve
- grimace
- grin
- grind
- grip
- groan
- group
- grovel
- growl
- grumble
- grunt
- guard
- guildspeak
- gulp
- halfelf
- halfling
- hall
- hands
- hang
- harvest
- health
- help
- helpme
- hiccup
- hide
- hiss
- hold
- home
- hoot
- house
- howl
- hug
- hum
- hurl
- ignore
- illusion
- imbed
- imitate
- impose
- imprint
- incant
- incarnate
- info
- infuse
- initiate
- inquire
- inspect
- inventory
- invest
- invite
- invoke
- lace
- land
- latch
- laugh
- lean
- leave
- leer
- left
- lick
- lie
- light
- limp
- listen
- lmaster
- load
- location
- lock
- locker
- look
- loot
- loresing
- lower
- lumnis
- march
- mark
- measure
- meditate
- mentor
- menu
- merchant
- message
- metal
- moan
- mock
- more
- mount
- movement
- mstrike
- mumble
- mutter
- mychar
- pace
- paint
- panic
- pant
- parlay
- pat
- pay
- pcalc
- pedal
- peer
- pennant
- picklock
- pierce
- pin
- pinch
- place
- plant
- play
- pluck
- point
- poke
- policy
- polish
- ponder
- portrait
- pose
- posture
- pound
- pour
- pout
- power
- praise
- pray
- preen
- premium
- prepare
- prepay
- present
- procrastinate
- prod
- profile
- prompt
- protect
- prune
- pry
- pucker
- puff
- pull
- punch
- punish
- purr
- push
- puzzle
- raise
- raspberry
- raze
- reach
- read
- ready
- recall
- recite
- redeem
- referral
- refuse
- regenerate
- register
- release
- remove
- rename
- renew
- rep
- reply
- report
- repuation
- request
- resign
- rest
- restore
- retire
- return
- review
- rgambit
- right
- ring
- roar
- rock
- roleplay
- roll
- roshambo
- row
- rub
- rummage
- rune
- sacrifice
- salute
- sashay
- say
- scoff
- scold
- scowl
- scratch
- scream
- scry
- sculpt
- search
- select
- sell
- send
- sense
- service
- set
- shake
- share
- sheathe
- shield
- shiver
- shop
- shout
- show
- shriek
- shrug
- shudder
- shuffle
- shun
- shush
- sigh
- sigil
- sign
- signal
- signature
- simper
- simucoin
- simucon
- sing
- sit
- skills
- skin
- skip
- slap
- sleep
- slide
- smell
- smile
- smirk
- smite
- smooch
- snap
- snarl
- sneak
- sneer
- sneeze
- snicker
- snore
- snort
- snuggle
- soak
- sob
- society*
- song
- sort
- speak
- speech
- spell
- spin
- spirit
- splash
- splutter
- spread
- sprinkle
- squeal
- squint
- squirm
- stab
- stack
- stalk
- stamina
- stance
- stand
- stare
- status
- steal
- steeple
- stock
- stoke
- stomp
- stop
- store
- stow
- stretch
- stride
- strike
- strut
- stuck
- stumble
- stunman
- subdue
- submit
- subtract
- sulk
- summon
- surrender
- survey
- swap
- sway
- swear
- sweat
- sweep
- swim
- swoon
- sylvankind
- symbol
- tackle
- talisman
- talk
- tap
- target
- teach
- tear
- tell
- tend
- think
- throw
- thump
- ticket
- tickle
- tilt
- time
- tinker
- title
- tone
- toss
- touch
- tour
- track
- transfer
- tremble
- trip
- trudge
- tune
- tunnel
- turn
- twiddle
- twist
- twitch
- typo
- waggle
- wail
- wait
- wake
- warble
- warcry
- warn
- warsalute
- watch
- water
- wave
- wealth
- weapon
- wear
- weave
- wedding
- weight
- wheeze
- whimper
- whine
- whisper
- whistle
- who
- wiggle
- wince
- wink
- wish
- withdraw
- wobble
- wrap
- write
- wtricks