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Any articles involving details about any materials found in GemStone IV should be included in this category.

Table Key for Material Type, Rarity, and Use Table
Table Column Options
Type Cloth, Gem, Metal, Other, Wood
Rarity Very Common, Common, Uncommon, Infrequent, Rare, Very Rare, Extremely Rare, Varies (see specific page)
Combat Y = Yes, this can be used in alterations
N = No, this cannot be used in alterations
A = Can be found on armor
M = Can be found on melee weapons
Ra = Can be found on ranged weapons
Ru = Can be found on runestaves
S = Can be found on shields
Adornment Y = Yes, this can be used in alterations
N = No, this cannot be used in alterations
Other I = Typically found in instruments
L = Typically found in lockpicks
Material Type, Rarity, and Use Table
Material Name Material Type Bonus Material Rarity Combat Adornment Other Special Properties
Acacia Wood
Adamantine Metal +7 Extremely Rare Y N Y
Aetherstone Gem Varies
Agate Gem Varies
Agita Gem Y
Alder Wood
Alexandrite Metal -19 Rare Y
Alum Metal L
Amber Gem Varies
Amethyst Gem Varies
Apple Wood
Aqilorn Cloth Y
Ash Wood
Aspen Wood
Auboraline Gem Varies
Azurite Gem Varies
Baldachin Cloth Y
Balenite Metal Y
Batiste Cloth Y
Beech Wood
Beryl Gem Varies
Birch Wood
Bismuth Gem Varies
Black alloy Metal +0 Extremely Rare Y
Black ora Metal +10 Very Rare Y N Y
Black willow Wood
Blazestar Gem Varies
Bleakstone Gem Rare Y
Bloodjewel Gem Varies
Bloodstone Gem Varies
Bluerock Gem Varies
Bone Other Y Y
Bourde Cloth Y
Brass Metal Y L
Broadcloth Cloth Y
Brocade Cloth Y
Brocatelle Cloth Y
Bronze Metal -5 Common Y Y N
Bucksin Cloth Y
Burlap Cloth Y
Cameline Cloth Y
Canvas Cloth Y
Canver Wood
Carbuncle Gem Varies
Carmiln Uncommon +6 Uncommon Y
Cedar Wood
Chainsil Cloth Y
Chalcedony Gem Varies
Chambray Cloth Y
Chamois Cloth Y
Charmeuse Cloth Y
Cherry Wood
Chiffon Cloth Y
Cinderstone Gem Varies
Cocoboa Wood
Copper Metal Y L
Coral Gem Varies
Cordierite Gem Varies
Cordetum Cloth Y
Cordovan Cloth Y
Corestone Gem Varies
Cotton Cloth Y
Cottonwood Wood
Coraesine Metal +15 Extremely Rare Y N Y
Crystal Gem Varies
Cube Gem Varies
Damask Cloth Y
Deathstone Gem Varies
Deringo Uncommon +8 Uncommon Y
Despanal Gem Varies
Diamond Gem Varies
Diopside Gem Varies
Doeskin Y
Dogwood Wood
Doomstone Gem Varies N Y
Drakar Metal +5 Rare Y N Y
Dreamstone Gem Varies
Dupioni silk Cloth Y
Dust Gem Varies
Eahnor Metal +18 Extremely Rare Y
Ebonwood Wood
Egg Gem Varies
Electrum Metal Y
Elesine Cloth Y
Elm Wood
Emerald Gem Varies
Eonake Metal +20 Very Rare Y Y
Eostone Gem Varies
Eye Gem Varies
Faenor Metal +8 Rare Y
Faenor-bloom Gem Varies
Faewood Wood +20 Infrequent Y
Faille Cloth Y
Fang Gem Varies
Fel Wood
Feldspar Gem Varies
Feystone Gem Varies
Fig Wood
Fir Wood
Fireleaf Wood +22 Very Rare Y
Firestone Gem Varies
Flannel Cloth Y
Fluorite Gem Varies
Flyrsilk Cloth Y
Frieze Cloth Y
Fur Y
Fustian Cloth Y
Galena Gem Varies
Garnet Gem Varies
Gauze Cloth Y
Gem Gem Varies
Geode Gem Varies
Ghezyte Metal +25 Extremely Rare Y Y
Gingham Cloth Y
Glaes/Mein Metal +15 Rare Y L N
Glass Other
Glimaerstone Gem Varies
Glowbark Wood +22 Very Rare Y
Gold Metal Y L
Goldstone Gem Varies
Golvern Metal +25 Extremely Rare Y L
Gornar Metal +5 Rare Y N Y
Grosgain Cloth Y
Gypsum Gem Varies
Haon Wood Y N
Haon, petrified Gem Varies
Hawthorn Wood Y I
Hazelwood/Hazel Wood
Heliodor Gem Varies
Hematite Gem Varies
Hide Y
High steel Metal +30 Extremely Rare Y Y
Hoarbeam Wood +12 Infrequent Y
Hyacinth Gem Varies
Idocrase Gem Varies
Illthorn Wood +25 Extremely Rare Y
Imflass Metal +12 Uncommon Y N
Invar Metal +2 Infrequent Y L Y
Ipantor Wood +17 Very Rare Y
Iron Metal +0 Common Y Y N
Iron boar hide Other
Ironwood Wood +0 Infrequent Y
Ivory Gem Varies Y L
Jacinth Gem Varies
Jacquard Cloth Y
Jade Gem Varies
Jasper Gem Varies
Kakore Wood +10 Uncommon Y
Kelyn Metal +10 Very Rare Y L
Kidskin Y
Klysmar Wood N I Y
Ko'nag Wood Very Rare N
Krodera Metal +25 Extremely Rare Y N Y
Kroderine Metal +22 Extremely Rare Y N Y
Lace Cloth Y
Laje Metal Uncommon L
Lapis lazuli Gem Varies
Lasimor Wood Rare
Leather Other +0 Y Y
Lemon Wood
Lime Wood
Linden Wood
Linen Cloth Y
Lor Wood +25 Very Rare Y
Low steel Metal +30 Extremely Rare Y Y
Lyraigne Cloth Y
Magnolia Wood
Mahogany Wood
Maple Wood
Maoral Wood N
Maoral, petrified Gem Varies
Marble Gem Varies
Marbrinus Cloth Y
Marcasite Gem Varies
Mekret Gem Varies
Mesille Wood +15 Infrequent Y
Mica Gem Varies
Mink Y
Mistwood Wood N Y
Mithglin Metal +15 Rare Y N
Mithril Metal +5 Uncommon Y L N
Mithril-bloom Gem Varies
Modwir Wood -10 Common Y N
Moire silk Cloth Y
Monir Wood
Moonstone Gem Varies
Mossbark Wood +15 Uncommon Y
Muslin Cloth Y
Nephrite Gem Varies
Nubuck Cloth Y
Nugget Gem Varies
Oak Wood
Obsidian Gem Infrequent Y Y
Oilcloth Cloth Y
Olive Wood
Onyx Gem Varies
Opal Gem Varies
Ora Metal +10 Common Y L N
Ora-bloom Gem Varies
Orange Wood
Orase Wood +20 Uncommon Y
Orb Gem Varies
Organdy Cloth Y
Organza Cloth Y
Paeline Cloth Y
Paisley Cloth Y
Pashmina Cloth Y
Peach Wood
Pear Wood
Pearl Gem Varies
Pecan Wood
Peridot Gem Varies
Pine Wood
Plum Wood
Plumille Cloth Y
Platinum Metal
Pumice Gem Varies
Pyrite Gem Varies
Quartz Gem Varies
Ramie Linen Cloth Y
Ramie Silk Cloth Y
Razern Metal +10 Very Rare Y Y
Rhimar Metal +5 Rare Y N Y
Rhimar-bloom Gem Varies
Riftshard Gem Varies
Riftstone Gem Varies
Rivertear Gem Varies
Rock Gem Varies
Roestone Gem Varies
Rolaren Metal +20 Very Rare Y L N
Rosespar Gem Varies
Rosewood Wood
Rowan Wood +5 Uncommon Y
Ruby Gem Varies Y
Ruic Wood +20 Uncommon Y
Saewehna Gem Varies
Samite Cloth Y
Sandsilver Gem Varies
Sapphire Gem Varies
Sard Gem Varies
Sardonyx Gem Varies
Scarab Gem Varies
Sea glass Gem Varies
Sephwir Wood +25 Extremely Rare Y
Shard Gem Varies
Shell Gem Varies
Silk Cloth Y
Silk Gauze Cloth
Silk Linen Cloth
Silver Metal Y L
Smoldereye Gem Varies
Soulstone Gem Varies
Sphene Gem Varies
Spherine Gem Varies
Spidersilk Cloth Y
Spinel Gem Varies
Spinewood Wood
Spur Gem Varies
Spruce Wood
Starstone Gem Varies
Steel Metal +0 Very Common Y L N
Stone Gem Varies
Suede Cloth Y
Sunstone Gem Varies
Surita Wood +15 Extremely Rare Y Y
Sycamore Wood
Taffeta Cloth Y
Talon Gem Varies
Tanik Wood
Tanzanite Gem Varies
Tartan Cloth Y
Thanot Wood
Thanot, petrified Gem Varies
Thunderstone Gem Varies
Toadstool Gem Varies
Tooth Gem Varies
Topaz Gem Varies
Tourmaline Gem Varies
Tulle Cloth Y
Turquoise Gem Varies
Tusk Gem Varies
Tweed Cloth Y
Twill Cloth Y
Ur-barath Y N
Urglaes Metal +12 Extremely Rare Y N Y
Urnon Metal +20 Extremely Rare Y N Y
Vaalin Metal Very Rare L
Vaalorn Metal +18 Rare Y N
Veil iron Metal +25 Extremely Rare Y Y
Velour Cloth Y
Velvet Cloth Y
Velveteen Cloth Y
Veniom Metal Rare N Y L Y
Villswood Wood +18 Infrequent Y
Vultite Metal +20 Uncommon Y L N
Vultite-bloom Gem Varies
Walnut Wood
Waterweb Gem Varies
Wheel Gem Varies
White alloy Metal +20 Extremely Rare Y
White ora Metal +10 Very Rare Y N Y
Widowwood Wood Very Rare N Y
Willow Wood
Witchwood Wood +17 Very Rare Y
Wool Cloth Y
Wraithaline Gem Varies
Wrotwood Wood
Wyrdshard Gem Varies
Wyrwood Wood +24 Very Rare Y
Xazkruvrixis Metal +25 Extremely Rare Y Y
Yew Wood +2 Uncommon Y
Zelnorn Metal +10 Extremely Rare Y N Y
Zircon Gem Varies
Zorchar Metal +5 Rare Y N Y
Zydris Wood


This category has the following 4 subcategories, out of 4 total.




  • Gems(3 C, 147 P)


Pages in category "Materials"

The following 161 pages are in this category, out of 161 total.