Category:Materials: Difference between revisions

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m (→‎Cloth Rarity and Use Table: Replaced table with template)
m (→‎Metal Rarity and Use Table: added updates from GM Xeraphina's updates to material pages.)
Line 325: Line 325:
<!-- DEF !Material Name !!Bonus !!Material Rarity !!Combat !!Adornment !!Other !!Special Properties -->
<!-- DEF !Material Name !!Bonus !!Material Rarity !!Combat !!Adornment !!Other !!Special Properties -->
|[[Drakar]] ||+5 ||Rare ||M ||N || ||Y
|[[Drakar]] ||+5 ||Rare ||A M ||N || ||Y
|[[Drake weapon|Drake]] || ||Rare || || || ||
|[[Drake weapon|Drake]] || ||Rare || || || ||
Line 348: Line 348:
|[[Golvern]] ||+25 ||Very Rare ||Y M A ||Y ||L ||
|[[Golvern]] ||+25 ||Very Rare ||Y M A ||Y ||L ||
|[[Gornar]] ||+5 ||Rare ||Y M ||N || ||Y
|[[Gornar]] ||+5 ||Rare ||Y A M ||N || ||Y
|[[High steel]] ||+30 ||Extremely Rare ||N A M S ||N || ||Y
|[[High steel]] ||+30 ||Extremely Rare ||N A M S ||N || ||Y
Line 391: Line 391:
|Red gold || ||Infrequent || || || ||
|Red gold || ||Infrequent || || || ||
|[[Rhimar]] ||+5 ||Rare || ||N M || ||Y
|[[Rhimar]] ||+5 ||Rare || ||N A M || ||Y
|[[Rolaren]]||+20 ||Very Rare ||Y A M S||Y ||L ||N
|[[Rolaren]]||+20 ||Very Rare ||Y A M S||Y ||L ||N
Line 434: Line 434:
|Zinc || ||Very Common || || || ||
|Zinc || ||Very Common || || || ||
|[[Zorchar]] ||+5 ||Rare ||N M ||N || ||Y
|[[Zorchar]] ||+5 ||Rare ||N A M ||N || ||Y

==Wood Rarity and Use Table==
==Wood Rarity and Use Table==
''See more about [[:Category:Trees|trees here]].''
''See more about [[:Category:Trees|trees here]].''

Revision as of 22:44, 10 July 2022

Any articles involving details about any materials found in GemStone IV should be included in this category.

Table Key

Table Key for Material Rarity and Use Tables
Table Column Options
Rarity Extremely Common, Very Common, Common, Uncommon, Infrequent, Unusual, Rare, Very Rare, Extraordinarily Rare, Extremely Rare, Varies (see specific page)
Combat Y = Yes, this can be used in alterations subject to all ALTER rules
N = No, this cannot be used in alterations unless the item is already made from that material
A = Armor can be made from this material
Arr = Arrows can be made from this material
M = Melee weapons can be made from this material
Ra = Ranged weapons can be made from this material
Ru = Runestaves can be made from this material
S = Shields can be made from this material
Adornment Y = Yes, this can be used in alterations subject to all ALTER rules
N = No, this cannot be used in alterations unless the item is already made from that material
V = Whether or not this item can be used in an alteration varies dependent upon type
Other I = Instruments may be made of this
L = Lockpicks may be made of this

Cloth Rarity and Use Table

See more about cloth and fabrics here.

Cloth Rarity and Use Table
Material Name Material Type Bonus Material Rarity Combat Adornment Other Special Properties
Aganjira ? +20 Extremely Rare N A N N Reduces the d100 against warding and bolt spells by 1d10 for the wearer, and (2d10)% chance to gain 1d10 mana or stamina, -60 material penalty
Aqilorn Silk Extremely Rare N Y N
Auroralaen Requires fodder Y
Baldachin ? Y
Batiste Linen Y
Bourde Silk Y
Broadcloth Cotton Y
Brocade Silk Y
Brocatelle Silk Y
Buckskin Leather Y
Burlap Jute Y
Cameline Wool Y
Canvas Cotton Y
Chainsil Linen Y
Chambray Cotton Y
Chamois ? Y
Charmeuse Silk Y
Chiffon Silk Y
Cloth, generic - Very Common
Cordetum - Y
Cordovan ? Y
Cotton Cotton Y
Damask ? Y
Dupioni silk Silk Y
Elesine Silk
Faille ? Y
Felt ?
Flannel ? Y
Flyrsilk Silk Y
Frieze ? Y
Fustian ? Y
Gauze ? Y
Gingham ? Y
Grosgrain ? Y
Jacquard ? Y
Lace ? Y
Lathonium Lathonium +20 Extremely Rare N A N N Flares have a chance to banish attacker either pre-attack (greater) or post-attack (lesser). -100 material penalty.
Linen Linen Y
Lotus silk Silk
Lyraigne ? Y
Marbrinus Silk Y
Mervaer Linen Y
Mink Fur and feather
Moire silk Silk Y
Muslin Cotton Y
Naiquard Requires fodder Y
Naraina Silk
Nubuck ? Y
Oilcloth ? Y
Organdy ? Y
Organza Silk Y
Paeline Wool Y
Paisley ? Y
Pashmina ? Y
Plumille Fur and feather Y
Ramie Linen Ramie Y
Ramie Silk Ramie Y
Saenira Silk Y
Samite ? Y
Shadarl Leather +20 Extremely Rare N A N N Innate Properties: +40 Stalking and Hiding enhancive ranks. +1% base spell hindrance. Cannot be dyed. -100 material penalty.
Silk Silk Y
Silk Gauze Silk
Silk Linen Silk
Spidersilk Silk Y
Suede ? Y
Taffeta Silk Y
Tartan ? Y
Tulle ? Y
Tweed ? Y
Twill ? Y
Velour ? Y
Velvet Silk Y
Velveteen ? Y
Watered silk Silk
Wool Wool Y
X'aganjira ? +20 Extremely Rare N A N N Reduces the d100 against warding and bolt spells by 1d25 for the wearer, and (2d25)% chance to gain 1d25 mana or stamina, -150 material penalty

Gem Rarity and Use Table

See more about gems here.

Gem Rarity and Use Table
Material Name Bonus Material Rarity Combat Adornment Other Special Properties
Aetherstone Varies
Agate Varies
Amber Varies
Amethyst Varies
Auboraline Varies
Azurite Varies
Baystone Rare
Beryl Varies
Bismuth Varies
Blazestar Varies
Bleakstone Rare Y
Bloodjewel Varies
Bloodstone Varies
Bluerock Varies
Carbuncle Varies
Chalcedony Varies
Cinderstone Varies
Coral Varies
Cordierite Varies
Corestone Varies
Crystal Varies
Cube Varies
Deathstone Varies
Despanal Varies
Diamond Varies
Diopside Varies
Doomstone Varies N Y
Dreamstone Varies
Dust Varies
Egg Varies
Emerald Varies V
Eostone Varies
Eye Varies
Faenor-bloom Varies
Fang Varies
Feldspar Varies
Feystone Varies
Firestone Varies
Fluorite Varies
Galena Varies
Garnet Varies
Gem Varies
Gemstone Very Common
Geode Varies
Glimaerstone Varies
Goldstone Varies
Gypsum Varies
Haon, petrified Varies
Heliodor Varies
Hematite Varies
Hyacinth Varies
Idocrase Varies
Ivory Varies Y L
Jacinth Varies
Jade Varies
Jasper Varies
Lapis lazuli Varies
Maoral, petrified Varies
Marble Varies
Marcasite Varies
Mekret Varies
Mica Varies
Mithril-bloom Varies
Modwir, petrified
Moonstone Varies
Nephrite Varies
Nugget Varies
Obsidian Infrequent Y Y
Onyx Varies
Opal Varies
Ora-bloom Varies
Orb Varies V
Pearl Varies
Peridot Varies
Pumice Varies
Pyrite Varies
Quartz Varies V
Rhimar-bloom Varies
Riftshard Varies
Riftstone Varies N
Rivertear Varies
Rock Varies
Roestone Varies
Rosespar Varies
Ruby Uncommon Y
Saewehna Varies
Sandsilver Varies
Sapphire Varies
Sard Varies
Sardonyx Varies
Scarab Varies
Sea glass Varies
Shard Varies
Shell Varies
Smoldereye Varies
Soulstone Varies
Sphene Varies
Spherine Varies
Spinel Varies
Spur Varies
Starstone Varies
Stone Very Common
Sunstone Varies
Talon Varies
Tanzanite Varies
Thanot, petrified Varies
Thunderstone Varies
Toadstool Varies
Tooth Varies
Topaz Varies
Tourmaline Varies
Turquoise Varies
Tusk Varies
Vultite-bloom Varies
Waterweb Varies
Wheel Varies
Wraithaline Varies
Wyrdshard Varies
Zircon Varies

Metal Rarity and Use Table

See more about metals here.

Metal Rarity and Use Table
Material Name Bonus Material Rarity Combat Adornment Other Special Properties
Adamantine +7 Extremely Rare N A M S N Y
Alexandrite -19 Rare Y M
Alum Infrequent Y L
Black alloy +0 Very Rare N A M S
Black ora +10 Very Rare Y M Y Y
Brass Common Y L
Bronze -5 Common Y A M Y N
Copper Very Common Y L
Coraesine +15 Extremely Rare N M N Y
Drakar +5 Rare A M N Y
Drake Rare
Eahnor +18 Very Rare Y A M Y
Electrum Rare Y
Eonake +20 Very Rare Y M S Y
Faenor +8 Rare Y M
Feras Common
Ghezyte +25 Extremely Rare N M N Y
Glaes/Mein +15 Rare Y A M L N
Gold Uncommon Y L
Golvern +25 Very Rare Y M A Y L
Gornar +5 Rare Y A M N Y
High steel +30 Extremely Rare N A M S N Y
Imflass +12 Uncommon Y A M N
Invar +2 Infrequent Y A M L Y
Iron +0 Very Common Y A M Y N
Kelyn +10 Very Rare Y M L
Krodera +25 Very Rare Y M Y Y
Kroderine +22 Extremely Rare Y A M S N Y
Laje Infrequent Y L
Lead Very Common
Low steel +30 Extremely Rare N M S N Y
Metal, generic Very Common
Mithglin +15 Rare Y A M N
Mithril +5 Uncommon Y A M L N
Ora +10 Uncommon Y A M L N
Pewter Infrequent
Pink gold Infrequent
Platinum Rare
Razern +10 Very Rare Y M Y
Red gold Infrequent
Rhimar +5 Rare N A M Y
Rolaren +20 Very Rare Y A M S Y L N
Rose gold Infrequent
Silver Very Common Y L
Steel +0 Very Common Y A M L N
Sterling silver Infrequent
Tin Very Common
Urglaes +12 Very Rare Y A M Y Y
Urnon +20 Extremely Rare Y M N Y
Vaalin Rare Y L
Vaalorn +18 Rare Y A M N
Veil iron +25 Very Rare Y A M Y Y
Veniom Very Rare N A M Y L Y
Vultite +20 Uncommon Y A M L N
White alloy +20 Extremely Rare Y A M S
White gold Infrequent
White ora +10 Very Rare Y M Y Y
Xazkruvrixis +25 Extremely Rare N M N Y
Zelnorn +10 Extremely Rare N A M S N Y
Zinc Very Common
Zorchar +5 Rare N A M N Y

Wood Rarity and Use Table

See more about trees here.

Wood Rarity and Use Table
Material Name Bonus Rarity Adornment Combat Arr M Ra Ru S I Other
Ash Y Y Y Varied colors
Black willow
Bloodwood Bloodwood heartwood varies from gray-red to a deep rich red. Grain varies from straight to variable. It's texture is fine and smooth. The wood is lustrous and sometimes has variegated yellow and red stripes.
Carmiln +6 Uncommon Y Y Y Y Y

Variegated tones of red and orange with darker contrasting grain lines. Grain often swirly and tight.

Deringo +8 Uncommon Y Y Y Y Y
Elm Y Y Y Varied colors, pores visible amid grain
Faewood +20 Unusual Y Y Y Y Smooth brown to grey bark. Imaera favored.
Fel +0 Y Y Y Near black, fine-grained hardwood.
Fireleaf +22 Very Rare Y Y Y Ridged, grey-green bark.
Firewheel Flares fire, electricity, or both. Instruments are always master quality.
Ghostwood Unknown Unknown Y Y Y Y Unknown
Glowbark +22 Extraordinarily Rare Y Y Y Y Bears phosphorescent organisms in bark.
Haon +0 Y Y Y Y Purplish-smoky grey bark, pale blue-grey heartwood
Hawthorn Y
Hazelwood/Hazel +0 Y Y Y Varied colors.
Hoarbeam +12 Unusual Y Y Y Y Silver-grey wood with irregular grain.
Illthorn +25 Extremely Rare Y Y Y Scaled and ridged grey bark.
Ipantor +17 Extraordinarily Rare Y Y Y Sighted.
Iriswood Evirissia is a type of evergreen tree similar to a hemlock. Its fragrant, flat needle-like leaves are a vibrant green on the topside and a silver-green beneath, and the tree has tiny reddish brown cones. The purplish bark is a shade reminiscent of mana irises, and the wood itself is lustrous red-blonde with a fine iridescent grain that creates intricate patterns when cut and polished by Evashiran woodworkers.
Ironwood +0 Infrequent Y Y Y Y Very dense wood, also suitable for weapons.
Jadewood +0 Common N N N N N N A type of modwir found in Atan Irith. See Glassworking document for details.
Kakore +10 Uncommon Y Y Y Y
Klysmar +0 Extremely Rare N Y Dark silvery green wood with darker grain from Ta'Loenthra. For instruments. Only Loenthra elven merchants can use.
Ko'nag +0 Very Rare Y Y Very pale wood with rough grain.
Lasimor +0 Very Rare Fine grained with narrow striations in varying shades, ranging from grey to yellow to reddish brown. From Ta'Vaalor. Only specific elven merchants may use this.
Linden Also known as Lime and Basswood
Lor +25 Extraordinarily Rare Y Y
Maoral +0 Y Y Y Strikingly grained reddish wood.
Marri Marri's yellow to pale brown heartwood and paler to white sapwood contrast beautifully with the dark red gum that features on the tree's trunk. It has a coarse but even texture with slightly interlocked grain. The finished timber is honey-coloured with a distinctive vein structure.
Mesille +15 Unusual Y Y Y Y Y Dense, golden brown wood.
Mistwood Y N Pale blond hue, decorative usage.
Modwir -10 Common Y Y Y Scaly grey bark with irregular grooves, suitable for weapons. Pale silvery heartwood.
Mopane Heartwood is medium to dark reddish brown, with black stripes. Color tends to darken with age.
Mossbark +15 Uncommon Y Y Y Y Y Light-hued wood, similar to pine.
Oak +0 Y Y Y Varied colors.
Orase +20 Uncommon Y Y Y Dense wood with highly defined grain.
Rowan +5 Uncommon Y Y Y
Ruic +20 Uncommon Y Y Reddish-gold wood.
Sephwir +25 Extremely Rare Y Y Silver-hued wood. Sighted.
Surita +15 Extremely Rare N N Y Storm cloud grey, white, and ebon. Changes d100 to d110 or d125.
Teak Heartwood tends to be a golden or medium brown, with color darkening with age.
Villswood +18 Infrequent Y Y Y Y Y Saw-blade grain.
Walnut Light brown to dark chocolate, with some blonde or yellow as well
Widowwood +0 Very Rare Y N Blue-black wood with reddish sheen.
Willow Heartwood is tan to pinkish brown.
Witchwood +17 Very Rare Y Y Y Twisted and ridged tree, dark grey-brown bark.
Wood, Mundane Extremely Common
Wrotwood +0 Red wood with flaky black bark from Feywrot Mire.
Wyrwood +24 Extraordinarily Rare Y Y
Yew +2 Uncommon Y Y Y Y Varied colors. Sighted.
Zebrawood Golden brown with pronounced dark brown streaks.
Zitan Heartwood ranges from a dark orange to a deeper reddish purple, often with darker streaks throughout. Colors tend to darken significantly over time to deep reddish purple to nearly black.
Zydris +0 Silvered purple wood with silvery gold bark transplanted from Bre'Naere.

Unknown/Other Rarity and Use Table

Unknown/Other Rarity and Use Table
Material Name Material Type Bonus Material Rarity Combat Adornment Other Special Properties
Air Other Very Common
Bone Other Very Common Y A M S Y
Doeskin Y
Fur Y
Glass Other Very Common
Hide Y
Iron boar hide Other
Kidskin Y
Leather Other +0 Very Common Y A Y
Mink Other Y
Organic Other Very Common
Salmon skin Other
Sealskin Other
Trout skin Other
Ur-barath Y N


This category has the following 4 subcategories, out of 4 total.




  • Gems(3 C, 147 P)


Pages in category "Materials"

The following 161 pages are in this category, out of 161 total.