Leafiara (prime)

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Leafiara Autumnwind, or Leafi to her friends, born on a Tilamaires on Jastatos 6, 5092, is a half-sylvan cleric of Tilamaire and citizen of Wehnimer's Landing. Though typically cheerful, she can become ferocious if her friends or her home are at risk and will use anything at her disposal--warding magic, bolt spells, [[::Edged Weapons|edged weapons]], her own hands and feet, spying with the help of [[::Magic_Item_Creation_(420)|friends]], skills learned at the Order of Voln, or simply distributing information as a TownCrier reporter--to protect her loved ones.

Despite her youth, she possesses incredible abilities both on the battlefield and as an artisan. In her spare time she's a master [[::cobbling|cobbler]], master [[::Artist%27s_Easel|painter]], master with darts, master of forging [[::Brawling_weapons|brawling weapons]], [[::Edged_Weapons|edged weapons]], and polearms, has developed the greatest talent with various instruments that one can without being a bard, became a Guild Master of the Cleric Guild as nominated by Guild Masters Rohese Bayvel-Timsh'l and Mikalmas, and bakes top quality manna bread after being inspired by Cruxophim.

Leafiara Autumnwind
Race Half-elf
Culture Sylvankind
Profession Cleric
Religion Follower of Tilamaire, Admirer of Cholen
In-a-Word Energetic
Disposition Adventurous, cheerful, lively
Demeanor Friendly
Flaw Struggling with vengeful tendencies
Greatest Strength Fearlessness
Greatest Weakness Impatience, recklessness
Habits Ringing bells, shooting friends with her water cannon, throwing [[::Snowball_satchel|snowballs]]
Hobbies Cobbling, singing, snuggling, tickling
Soft Spots Chocolate, sweets
Loyalties Conscience
Best Friend Severine Veneuve
Loved One Saranja, Lyrna, Eyona Ghianna, Saraphenia

5121 Landing Town Council Campaign: "All Together Now!"

Leafi in a Nutshell

I believe the future has endless potential and so do we. I've had many slogans these past years, all essentially the same: I believe in fighting for everything we are, and when we face conflicting values, then may the best vision for the future win. My personal ideals are truth, freedom, courage, redemption, and change, in about that order. For those values, I've fought thousands of foes, heard out thousands of voices, and will continue to do just that!

Campaign Platform

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We can accomplish almost anything if we do it side by side. I believe in the Landing's citizens and allies, and I believe that we're better together not despite our differences, but because of them. That's why I've worked tirelessly to bring our people information as the TownCrier's frontier reporter, engage and rally the community as Twilight Hall's Event Planner, and teach novices and veterans alike as a Lorekeeper at Silverwood Manor.

I've defended our town for years and eventually began to formally serve in our militia, but am currently on leave of absence for the sake of taking the less traveled road to grow our town, first as the mayor and now making efforts toward a councilwoman. Serving on the town council is a perfect fit for what I've always done, which is inspire and mobilize those I know to discover, develop, and use their talents for the good of us all while remaining true to who they are.

In more specific terms, I have many ideas for improvements around town, but first I'll touch on town defenses. Marshal Stormyrain is finally where she should be after the past three years of many town defenders, including myself, advocating for her promotion to that spot. I have no doubt she'll serve the town as well as she always has, and I hope to coordinate with her and the new mayor. Ideas I have in planning stages include better sanctuaries for civilian shelter, militia ships to intercept enemies before they get here, more reinforcing weaponry or traps at chokepoints including the gates and tunnels, potentially a guard at the north gate, and a stronger focus on town defense intel.

Most importantly, I hope that we can permit our people to stand up and defend our own town, even if they aren't members of the militia, without the powers that be denouncing them over vigilantism. I'm talking about Casiphia's time as Rone, of course. If a single person can't fight for her town against even the likes of Raznel without being pursued by guards for the crime of not wearing a badge, then it's no wonder that we also have the Rooks operating as an entire shadow army of citizens, thinking they have to resort to thievery to defend town.

Let's end the thievery and let's end the hostility at the same time, to stand together. Perhaps Steward Alendrial can mediate on finding a new path, given her history. Perhaps I can. Perhaps any number of other council candidates can, win or lose. Regardless, for all of our sakes, it's time to move forward.

Along with stabilizing town defenses, we can set other projects in motion. I'd like to see new cultural items in shops to showcase our diversity and the fact that the Landing welcomes all. More involved trade with our neighbors in Icemule would be a boon and I have good relationships with nearly all of their council members.

We can revamp restaurants with better accommodations and new food items to appeal to travelers we're currently not reaching, and ideally improve the safety of the road to our famous Hanging Inn. Our local orphans have displayed numerous talents in arts and crafts and I'm certain that even they have their role in creating a better future.

While we do face immediate problems, we also need to build toward the road further ahead. Thankfully, together, we're up to the task. We already have everything we need as long as we're willing to bring our visions to the table to discuss and refine them into what the Landing needs.

Town Council Application

[OOC note: the following is intended as an IC letter presented to town officials when a character applies for the role.]

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1. What does Wehnimer's Landing mean to you?

The Landing is a place--no, rather, it's *the* place of hope for proving that civilization can actually work. The sylvans I grew up among isolate themselves, the Faendryl in their city isolate themselves, the Vaalorian elves isolate themselves, the Imperials isolate themselves, and all of this in the claimed interest of stability when it's nothing more than a blend of fear and hunger for power. We are Wehnimer's. We are the brave and bold. We face clashes of blades, but more crucially we face clashes of words, values, cultures, and ideals. No matter how complicated the angles, we're a community willing to work together toward a better future that serves us all.

2. What do you feel you can bring to Wehnimer's Landing, if serving on the town council?

I have connections to nearly every organization that has a base in town and several outside the Landing too, so I'm a fantastic community organizer with myriad connections, capable of representing numerous perspectives. I'm also one of very few candidates who's capable of working with the mayor while having a firsthand perspective of being in that position. I have good relationships with every member of the town council in neighboring Icemule if the new mayor wants to work more with them, and I'd work well with every possible council candidate in the Landing I can imagine.

(In full disclosure, I don't believe I would work well with Alosaka if he runs and am uncertain how well I could work with Commander Shinann if she runs, but I don't foresee either as candidates when one is a member of the non-political Gryphons and the other is newly promoted with her own important work to do.)

3. What are the goals you would like to accomplish for Wehnimer's Landing? How would you do this?

Each time I ran for mayor, I added new ideas on top of old ones. These included a cultural bazaar with rotating inventory to showcase our diversity, more involved trade with our neighbors in Icemule, revamped restaurants with better accommodations or new styles to appeal to travelers we're currently not reaching, improved facilities for holding prisoners, working to improve town defense intel, gainful employment for orphans as messengers, museum displays honoring past political candidates and encouraging the people that they can have a voice, and more.

But it's become apparent after several years that we'll never make progress on anything of this sort as long as the town and its officials keep breaking from their duties to run scrambling over every new threat the Landing faces. So, instead, let's start with improved defenses that ensure town officials can feel confident in their safety and focus on the things only they can do. Better sanctuaries for civilians to take shelter in, militia ships to intercept enemies before they get here, more reinforcing weaponry or perhaps traps at key chokepoints other than the gates--such as entries through the tunnels--and maybe at last posting an actual guard or two at the north gate. Then, after that baseline is established, we can move on to other needed improvements in town.

4. Describe your connection to Wehnimer's Landing, your history with the town and its people, and why this makes you the best choice for town council?

I have no self-interest nor pride in this. If anything, I have self-interest against running for office since I'm not much for paperwork, politicking, or pleasantries. However, the Landing has given me boundless kindness, grace, love, and support from the moment I moved here, and I in turn have thrown myself into fires and arrows for the town with no regrets. Even as I grow and become better on the battlefield, so too do dozens of others, so maybe the town doesn't so much need the front line fighter Leafiara at the moment and we'd all be better off if I threw myself back into the far more painful realm of paperwork.

This, of course, will be their decision to make. Ultimately, the best choices for the town council are whoever the people vote in--though my recognition of that fact is what makes me a great choice. At the end of the day, I'm a citizen like any other, no better nor worse, but willing to tackle challenges that not all can or will.

5. Do you belong to any organizations, inside or outside of Wehnimer's Landing?

I belong to the Cleric Guild in which I'm a guild master, Fenog's Regulars in Icemule, Hand of the Arkati, the Lorekeepers of Silverwood Manor, Ord an Dragan, the Order of Voln in which I'm a master, The TownCrier in which I'm an officer, and Twilight Hall in which I'm the Event Planner.

I'm a registered Navigator with the Kraken's Fall Office of Employment, although their clerk doesn't exactly inspire me with confidence in that organization's legitimacy.

I've been a member of the Landing militia. I went on leave of absence during my mayoral term and haven't returned to active duty due to recent political upheaval, militia reorganization, and of course the fact that I'm applying for the town council. If the voters select candidates other than me, I'll consider whether to seek a return to the militia at that time.

Lastly, despite rampant rumors, I'm not actually a Rook. No reason to deny it if I were, considering that one of you reading this (editor's note: one of the town officials reading the application) is an openly acknowledged former leader and the town is perfectly alright with it.

Town Council Questionnaire

[OOC note: the following is intended as an IC questionnaire publicly posted with answers from characters whose candidacy was approved.]

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1. What are your thoughts on the Brotherhood of Rooks and what are your plans in dealing with or against them?

I've argued relentlessly for almost five years that we should seek a diplomatic path forward with the Rooks. It's happened before when former Marshals Thrayzar and Thadston arranged temporary truces to combat threats like Chaston and Raznel, but our goal should be more permanent. I believe the first step is for Rooks and lawmakers each to tear down one major barrier.

To the Rooks, cease any ongoing activities involving theft or extortion. Use your skills for legal transportation services and bodyguard services, ending conflicts with the law. Your funding might take a hit in the short term, but I have suggestions to fill that void, which I'd be happy to discuss with you and possibly your former leader Lady Alendrial. Over the long term, I think your resources would actually improve since becoming a redemption story always goes over well in this town of second chances.

To lawmakers, clarify the line between permissible defense of the town and vigilantism. Rooks have rejected past offers that had requirements of militia enrollment, but most town defenders who follow Sir Cryheart haven't enrolled either and some aren't even citizens. And what's the difference between these town defenders and Rone, where the latter gets treated as a criminal? Let's delineate coherent laws on who can legally defend the Landing under what circumstances, as a necessary step toward serious and overdue negotiations.

I'll add that I don't believe it's necessary that the Rooks "come out of the shadows." Even Thadston's operations over the past few months have proven the value of spy work, so it's enough to ask for an end to crime. Let's bolster our forces with a few hundred more eyes, ears, blades, and bows.

2. What are your thoughts on the Darkstone Bay Consortium and what are your plans in dealing with or against them?

Again the true enemy is inconsistent laws creating inconsistent treatment of citizens. Controversy has surrounded the Consortium over baffling moves including:

  • Dunigan's apparent deputization of the non-citizen armigers
  • The armigers' funding not going through the proper channel of town coffers
  • Dakris' nephew Manard's "placement" as Judge through unexplained means
  • The town council decision to favor the Consortium over other citizens by upholding the "votes" of Amos, Dakris, Kilron, and Walward to delay elections until Cordarius made concessions of law changes and Steward appointments to their liking

I'm willing to overlook these things and set aside the past since it's true the laws were vague and were only recently clarified, but the Consortium must stop pushing for favorable treatment. I'll gladly hear out the Consortium members as much as I'd hear out any other citizen. No more, no less.

Communication must go in both directions. The Consortium didn't help itself when its spokesman Amos relayed that the members didn't want to share their concerns for fear of criticism. Still, the offer for earnest conversation remains open. If face to face discussions are too much, that's perfectly alright and we'll consider written concerns. Let's find solutions together.

3. What are your opinions on the presence of imperial soldiers and mages in the Outpost near town?

I have no particular opinion on the soldiers. More important is my opinion of their commander, Lady Larsya. She's doing a fantastic job by largely leaving us alone and only stepping in where necessary. For a twelve-year-old girl, she has a sometimes shocking level of insight and is a prodigy with a bow, moving in the shadows, and bonding with her animal companion. I hope for ongoing great relationships with her and, to be blunt, I think she's incomparably better at her job than her brother Breshon was.

Imperial mages are a different story. Almost every one of them who's come to this area since the start of 5117 has gone rogue and created disastrous situations with a maddening number of citizens killed by Grand Magister Dennet Kestrel, the Black Shaman Quinshon, Naimorai Kestrel, Grand Magister Octaven, and former Adjudicator Vlashandra. Not only do they attack us, but usually they even turn on and attack each other. I do hope that Octaven's finally come around in willingness to deal with us, but I'll believe it when it happens.

I hope Cordarius' push for an internal investigation of the Hall of Mages comes to fruition. Until then, I absolutely do not want to see more Imperial mages near here unless they already have a positive history with our town.

4. What are some of your ideas to improve the quality of life for citizens of Wehnimer's Landing?

Shelters for civilians, above ground or even below ground if we can negotiate something with the Rooks. Ships for the militia to intercept or scout for naval enemies. Revamped or new restaurants with better accommodations that create environments to encourage conversations over a meal. Helga's will always be a staple and I appreciate the Abandoned Inn more than almost anyone I know, but they're not for everybody.

Use the nearby forest to produce and sell more paper, improving communications around town. Make that paper available to even the poor. Likewise, more widespread teaching of basic reading and writing skills; I often encourage the Wellington Home orphans to study when I visit. Speaking of the orphans, they have impressive talents in arts, crafts, plays, and more. I'd like to see early employment opportunities for them and other young citizens as messengers and other hands-on jobs.

I could go on, but even above improving our citizens' quality of life, we have to improve on protecting our citizens' lives in the first place. That might sound like common sense, but "Safety and Prosperity" was Hapenlok's platform in 5117 and only got about a tenth of the vote. Hopefully the public has come around to understanding the need.

5. What do you feel is the role of the Town Council?

The town council members are intermediaries between everyday citizens and the mayor, working to serve both. For the citizens, the town council ensures that even the most overlooked among them have a route to make their thoughts heard at the highest level. For the mayor, the town council acts as delegated authority that keeps him or her connected to the citizens' voices while being spared of the time constraints that that would usually require.

When the mayor and the citizens find themselves in disagreement, I feel that it's the town council's duty to favor the citizens by advocating and reasoning on their behalf. There are four council members so that they can more thoroughly consider and present different angles.

6. What will you bring to both the town council and the townspeople of Wehnimer's Landing?

An earnest, selfless love of our freedoms, our ideals, our people, and carrying out their will. I look to equip our people and our organizations to be the best versions of themselves because I believe in discovering the most worthwhile ideas through open, honest dialogue. It's well known that I shine when I'm challenged on the battlefield, but less known that I also shine when I'm challenged in philosophical discussions. We come out stronger from either type of clash.

In that vein, to challenge myself and aim to equip every candidate to be at their best, I'll say a brief word of supportive opinion for each one.

  • Bekke: Connected, practical. Likely able to rebuild shaky bridges to groups like the Hall.
  • Berost: Reliable, no-nonsense. Steadfast and forthright with strong convictions.
  • Chamorr: Community pillar. Natural leader with history of championing free ideals.
  • Chandrellia: Creative, energetic. Sheer love of the people second to none, including mine.
  • Faerinn: Passionate, pragmatic. Strong specialization in legal and foreign affairs.
  • Fahlo: Relationship builder. Tirelessly finds and involves the quiet yet opinionated.
  • Urpy: Charisma personified. Stellar with engagement and community event organization.
  • Vaemyr: Philosophical powerhouse. Considers countless angles in pursuit of solutions.

We have a fantastic selection of candidates from a fantastic town and I look forward to working with all of them. If I'm among the four council members, I'll lend my ear to the other five candidates any time, and if I'm not among the four council members, I'll lend my thoughts to them any time.

7. What is your closing argument on why you should be elected to the town council?

Since the town council members are intermediaries, the most important talents they could have are the abilities to thoughtfully consider the matters laid before them and to involve the public on a wide scale, a deep level, or both.

I'm sure that most candidates spend countless hours reflecting on situations. Whether they can articulate that is a different story, and on that point Vaemyr and I are the candidates who talk the most exhaustively--and with the most similar philosophies--while campaigning or even standing in the town square. I'll continue to bring that same level of consideration to office if elected.

Public engagement is where I excel the most, though. I'm a widely known community organizer from my work as Twilight Hall's Event Planner, the TownCrier's Landing reporter, a Lorekeeper at Silverwood Manor, and a regular sight at events held by Chamorr's organization, Ord an Dragan. I'm an open book with my beliefs and I'm an open door with my communication either face to face or through missives, whichever the person I'm speaking with would prefer.

In summary, I have a large network of connections across organizations and relationships as diverse as the Landing itself and am also willing to dig deep into philosophical conversations. You can trust, through my history, that I'll work through honest, challenging discussions and difficult decisions with any citizen.

Yardie's Campaign Debate

Expand to read!

Question 1: Trials and Tribulations


Our first question of the evening: Over the past year, the Landing has dealt with considerable threats, trials, and tribulations that have had a profound effect on its constituents and the overall structure of its government. The fact that we now have an election for Council Members before a Mayoral Election is telling of that concern. So the question posed to all candidates is...where did things go wrong? Was it failed leadership? Was it a difference of opinions? Lack of unity?


The opening statements building to the question and the question itself seem to conflate two things. I'll talk first about trials, tribulations, and 'things that went wrong,' then the separate matter of restructuring the government.

The biggest thing that went wrong was Marshal Thadston being possessed by a spirit and not asking anyone for help getting rid of it for half a year. It began to consume him and make him erratic, and we literally had to force his hand by putting him to a hearing, but by then we were left working on inventing entirely new magical procedures to save him while simultaneously staving off enemy attacks day and night.

Here's a series of smaller things that went wrong: Judge Renpaw rejected my recommendation of appointing Stormyrain as the Marshal following Thadston's removal. Then he rejected her point that we could wait for Thadston's reinstatement without filling in a temporary marshal. Renpaw's case was that we needed a marshal at all times...

...but apparently he only felt that way for two weeks. The Knave killed Khylon, but Renpaw didn't call for the appointment of another marshal, as he inexplicably neither approved new candidates nor presented me with the three remaining ones from before.

Speaking of inexplicable things, let's not forget Renpaw insisting I make a decision between appointing either Stephos DeArchon or Amos to the Steward of the Guilds position during a time when the other candidates had been attacked and the remaining two were under criminal investigation for having the means and motives to be behind said attacks.

By the way, out of Stephos and Amos... One is a smuggler with connections to the Jantalarian underworld who's sold arms to krolvin slavers for his own profits, and the other is a smuggler with connections to the Jantalarian underworld who deals in pit fighting slave trading rings for his own sport.

I could go on, but let me move on to restructuring the government. That came about by lack of clarity in the laws. I'll illustrate just a few.

We have yet to hear a satisfactory explanation for why a Grand Magister has authority to order a trial of Pylasar in our court. Or why she could do so when the accused wasn't present. Or why the Consortium could 'place' a Judge. Or why the town council would uphold a vote from four citizens--Amos, Dakris, Kilron, and Walward--to cancel elections for all citizens until their demands were met.

Again, the list goes on, not only from last year but every year I've lived here. Not all of these are directly related, but it speaks to the poor legal definitions. Because of the Landing's myriad voices and cultures, there are some cases where it makes sense to have loosely defined laws with room for interpretation. That encourages philosophical discussions, like the one we're having right now, about the higher moral ideals that guide the creation of laws in the first place.

However, if we're to have those discussions and encourage more voices, then the new town council structure is better suited for that goal.

That said, I wish Cordarius would stop claiming credit for it. Sir Cryheart proposed a similar town council expansion at one of my town meetings over a year ago, which I passed along to Cordarius in its original form along with a slightly altered expansion proposal of my own. It's my understanding that Faerinn also proposed a similar plan.

Question 2: Tempered or Preemptive


Moving on to the next question, Let's discuss some of the uses of force in the Landing. Despite being a fraction of the size of, say, Ta'Vaalor, the Landing has some of the fiercest fighters in the world. Yet, there is often this perception of attack first, ask questions later. This was evident in the attack on refugees arriving for the Temple of Ivas, who were killed while seeking asylum. Should you get elected, will you operate with a more tempered approach or eliminate threats before they can manifest?


I seek to avoid risking others' lives if I can help it. Throughout the past year I aimed to make carefully measured responses to situations as they arose, with a tendency to focus on the short term ramifications of whether a conflict can be defused to spare some bloodshed.

So I find it curious that Chandy would say I got overzealous at times and wish she would have named examples.

When faced with Vlashandra's ultimatum to help her finish the portal or risk hundreds more lives to her reapers by battling her, I turned down the battle to spare people. When faced with potential riots and blood in the streets over letting Malluch out of prison, I turned down the battle and pardoned him to spare people. When faced with Barnom Slim asking for help returning to Lich's Landing in exchange for him not warring against us, I turned down the battle to spare people.

Frankly, I think Alosaka's criticism at one of my events that I wasn't zealous enough rings more true than that I was overzealous.

I'd caution against too heavily glorifying either option of "tempered approaches" or "eliminating threats before they can manifest."

During the Gryphons' escort to the Temple of Ivas, it was the Knave, not the town, who attacked refugees, by hurling exploding prisms which became a staple of the group for most of the following year. The Knave's first attacks within Landing gates were likewise against Murdos Burdos' shop and other buildings thought to be associated with the Blood Son.

The question could be referring to other incidents of attacks against the refugee, which also weren't sanctioned by the town, so let's review those. A few Landing adventurers and Rooks killed refugees after they'd come back from the Temple of Ivas to join Grishom Stone. There was also an incident where they were attacked at the gates.

However, the attackers were in the minority and I'd recommend looking at the timing. Before either of those attacks, "asking questions first" is exactly the approach the town tried with Malluch, namely the question of why he had come here.

That answer was rallying followers to his side by preaching from Stone's memoir and drawing attention to the hundreds of women Stone killed years earlier and a vow to destroy the Landing one day. It's not at all unreasonable that some took Malluch's sermon as a declaration of current intent and tried to preemptively stop him.

I say this even though I didn't make such moves myself. I largely stayed neutral, as I wasn't willing to send town guards to help with the Gryphons' escort, but also tried to deter Thadston from interrupting it.

As Vaemyr illustrated before, let's consider what-ifs. What might have happened if I didn't give Malluch a pardon and we instead started killing citizens in the streets over their Grishom Stone sympathizing? What might have happened if, even before that, we all listened to Thadston and attacked the camps?

There's no clear answer. If we'd taken such drastic actions, maybe the later blood cult that took over the Brass Tower and unleashed fire elementals in town would have never risen up. In other words, maybe our decisions to spare the lives of dozens of refugees and stop a riot only cost the lives of hundreds of Landing citizens later.

So was it honorable to focus on the situations that stood in front of us based on what we knew, or does the advantage of hindsight vindicate those who attacked preemptively? We'll never know unless we can find Pylasar and have him tell us what occurs in alternate timelines.

And that's why my approach was and is largely a short-term focus on the immediate situation. I hope this will be counterbalanced by other council members who focus more on the long-term implications. But there is no magic solution to solve every problem without negative repercussions for anyone.

Question 3: Consortium Concerns


Okay, so let's move on to the next question: Let's discuss the Darkstone Bay Consortium. According to Amos, a person who I know you're all familiar with, the group manifested due to the fatigue from constant fighting without consideration to the repercussions of the merchants and everyday citizens. Do you think they have merit to their complaints? Would you work with them? Why or why not?


Not just the Consortium's concerns, but any citizens' concerns need to be voiced to town officials since they aren't mind readers. The militia, town guards, and other town defenders are doing all we can think of as we think of it, and will do more if ideas are brought to us.

That's why, just like Chandy mentioned, I and many others did ask for a sit down meeting with all Consortium members shortly after it formed, to hear out what more should be done. At that time, Amos rejected such a meeting.

Nonetheless, the offer stands. Yes, I will hear the Consortium out.

More importantly, I'll hear out any other citizen. What can't stand is the ongoing favorable treatment of Consortium members in demanding changes to the laws as they wish. No citizen is more important than any other, so let's hear from Aznell, Quaeta, Edwina, Tykel, Lute, Krythussa, Pherantyr, Iron Jack, and the list goes on. Perhaps they feel differently than the Consortium and that's why they're not members of it.

No matter how open the offer to listen, the onus is on people to speak or, at least, send letters detailing their troubles and concerns. Share your voice and we will make progress together.

Question 4: Militia Strengths and Weaknesses


And now, Darcena's question which I will break into two parts.

What do you feel are the current strengths and weaknesses of the Wehnimer's Landing Militia and how do you plan to boost their strengths and shore up weaknesses? How do you plan to develop and maintain the relationship between the Council and the Wehnimer's Landing Militia if you are elected? What do you envision as the relationship between the Wehnimer's Landing Town Guard and the Wehnimer's Landing Militia?

If you don't know much about these topics, how do you plan to change that? What is your thought on other community organizations that may be misunderstood or under utilized, as well, and how do you plan to showcase their strengths and collaboratively work with them to give everyone a chance to be heard?

It's a long question, admittedly, but as she IS the Captain, and will be working with you, it deserved to be answered.


The militia's primary strength, now under Marshal Stormy who's finally where she should have been since three years ago when Thrayzar was abducted, is a measured, caring, thoughtful, and devoted leader at the top, paired with unbridled passion and dedication from members at the bottom.

The militia's primary weakness is that it's unclear what, if anything, militia members are currently able to contribute in defense of the town that any other citizen isn't able to contribute. This leads to many dedicated town defenders who would be good fits not joining. Like Vaemyr pointed out in an earlier question tonight, whenever we face threats, we welcome help from all citizens and even non-citizens.

I would like to persuade the next mayor and Steward Alendrial to fund shipbuilding, improve scouting and other intel, and enable more consistent training regimens by improving militia supplies and offering anything else the militia need in that regard. Giving militia members more resources will answer the question of how they're better able to defend the town. Creating new roles like a militia navy or re-emphasizing older ones like scouts will funnel the lower ranks of the militia into positions best suited for their talents.

Vaemyr already mentioned some of my points earlier tonight as well... So I can skip many things... But suffice it to say I'm absolutely in agreement that we need a consistent definition of what does and doesn't constitute vigilantism. Right now it's unclear what Rone did differently than the myriad other adventurers who happened to be in the area that same night and followed Sir Cryheart to help put an end to the abduction and attempted sacrifice of citizens by the blood cult.

That night being the controversial arrest of the then-Captains.

Room for interpretation is good in some laws, but defending the town is a matter of life and death in which we can't afford unclear laws.

Question 5 (bonus): Tolerance

(note: this question wasn't covered live at the debate, in the interest of time)


I've heard many of the candidates discuss the tolerance of the Landing, but that seems to be contradictory at times. For starters, we have merchants who set prices based on race. There have been previous talks of concerns for Vaalor, even willing to wage war. There's even been accounts of the Dhe'nar and slavery in the Landing. As Town Councilperson, do you think these are matters of concerns and if so, how would you address them?


Change usually isn't as quick as I'd like.

A bit over three years ago, part of Lylia's campaign was the "One Landing, One Price" movement, which received a good measure of support from many townspeople. However, the merchants disagreed and made no moves to change their pricing. One might say that conflicts with merchants who acted on their own accord to make legally permissible but morally questionable moves is one thing that my term and her first term had in common.

Regardless, that push from 5118 might finally be bearing fruit since Larton recently relayed that the Consortium is now in talks about pricing in town. I'll encourage that along.

The concern about Vaalor is also rooted in 5118. That year, Ta'Vaalor surprised the West when it made simultaneous demands for free use of the air space over Icemule and for constructing an outpost near the Vipershroud. Many did recoil and brace for the worst. However, tensions mostly dissolved after the Turamzzyrian Empire permitted the outpost while drawing a line in the sand that Vaalor was to go no further.

Still, some have concerns to this day, especially since witnesses saw King Qalinor Vaalor at the Valley of Gold in 5119 frowning as Imperial nobles and Elven Nations nobles signed a peace treaty that he called an unnecessary formality. So I'd simply say to prepare for any possibility, but will make no hasty or preemptive moves.

As for the Dhe'nar and slaves, my understanding is that slavery is already illegal in the Landing, but like I mentioned earlier, the laws here often range from fuzzy to incoherent. If the slaves are kept outside of the gates, that's outside of town jurisdiction. If inside the gates, we'll have to look into that.

I'll conclude with this... No one gets into the realm of public service, nor even tries for it, without wanting to make dramatic changes and hoping that we can. However, the example of merchant pricing mentioned in this question is a good reminder that no matter how earnest our intent, it's not always possible for change to happen instantly.

All that I or any of us can promise is that we'll hear you out, we'll initiate talks with the necessary officials and other citizens, we'll draft proposals, and we'll present them. Whether they become reality or how long that takes is another matter.

Question 6: Mayor and Council


Considering that this is a new role, and with consideration to a possible election for Mayor, what do you think the role of Councilperson should entail and how will you operate with a future Mayor? If someone like Thadston or Amos were elected or appointed to the position, would you be able to work with them and possibly fall in line to a decision you may find unfavorable?


The town council role isn't truly as new as it might seem, merely reversed. In the previous system, the mayor collected ideas from the people and proposed laws to the town council for them to approve or deny. In this one, the town council collects ideas from the people and proposes laws to the mayor.

The phrasing about "falling in line"... If that's asking whether I'd cease opposing a decision I disagree with, the answer is no. The law is not the end-all, be-all. They're superseded by the moral values that we use to guide the creation of laws in the first place, and we can't and won't stand for unjust laws.

If we find ourselves in a situation where the town elects Amos as the mayor after electing me or any number of other council candidates who clearly have opposed philosophies, I think the most reasonable interpretation would be that the citizens want a hard clash between council and mayor keeping each other in check.

As for Thadston, I like him a great deal, though sometimes I get the impression he doesn't realize that. We have a lot in common and I completely understand his unending struggle to quell the worst of his instincts. He did err in not asking for help with the bleakwalker sooner, but that aside, he pulls through for us in the end almost every time. I hope he runs and there are very few in town who I'd rather see win.

Question 7 (bonus): Council Coordination

(note: this question wasn't covered live at the debate, in the interest of time)


As the Council will consist of four members, the lot of you will be forced to work together. It is a familiar talking point for many of the campaigns to state that they would work with anyone and have no preferences, but there's a bit of contradiction. In fact, to her credit, Chandrellia has been the only person to admit that people have favorites. In fact, Team Cha-Cha is a slogan clamoring for BOTH individuals to be elected based on what THEY can bring. And of course, individuals like Faerinn and Leafiara are not without their polarized images. Set the record, would you be able to work with anyone or do you have a preference or who to work with? If so, who and why?


The council is forced to work with the mayor, but actually not necessarily each other. Depending on who the town votes for, the town council might operate as a unit, as four separate individuals, or something in between. They might or might not convene over decisions. They might hold public meetings as a group, as individuals, or not at all.

To the question, there's a false dichotomy. Yes, I'd be able to work with anyone. Yes, I have personal preferences. There is no "or." There's also a third unasked question that's even more important, since who I'd personally like to work with isn't necessarily the same as who I'll vote for, nor the same as who I think is best for the Landing.

Who I'd like to work with, personally, is Chamorr, Vaemyr, and Chandrellia. All three have challenged me in various ways. Chamorr with his strength of conviction and championing the Landing against Imperial nobles or trial officiators. Vaemyr with hours of philosophical back-and-forth during and before this campaign season. Chandrellia with her unmatched love of the community. I think Chamorr is the most natural leader among candidates, Vaemyr the most eloquent, and Chandy the best able to source ideas from people around her.

That said, just working with my personal preferences might not serve the town well. Is it better to have a council that's in near-perfect harmony with similar talents and perspectives, or better to have a diverse one that pools the widest array of strengths? In the latter case, then maybe Magister Bekke and Fahlo would be better, for example. They have great talents at digging into corners of the community and forming deep connections, and both are pragmatic to contrast my idealism.

I could truly argue for anyone, but the choice belongs to the town: vote for synchronicity, diversity, or meet in the middle. Ultimately, I can work with anything.

Question 8: Unique Traits


Finally, I will give each of you the opportunity to tell the public as to why you should be elected as Councilperson and the uniqueness you have to offer. What do you bring that no other candidate can bring?


Among the candidates this year, my ability to assemble people as a community organizer is unparalleled.

My work is widely known as an officer of Twilight Hall, an officer of the TownCrier, and a Lorekeeper at Silverwood Manor. My presence is felt even at events held by Ord an Dragan, in which I'm not an officer, and the Drakes Vanguard, in which I'm not even a member. I have longstanding relationships with the majority of the town council in neighboring Icemule.

I have the widest array of connections of any candidate, across organizations and relationships as diverse as the Landing itself. That's why you can trust, through my history, that I'm the candidate most able to meet with any citizen or council member alike and work through honest, challenging discussions and difficult decisions.


You see Event Planner Leafiara Autumnwind the Scion of Shaundara.
She appears to be a Half-Sylvan.
She is bathed in a golden sheen of sunlight that mutes the light of Tilaok, causing her aura to shimmer with orange light.
She is moderately tall and has a well-toned frame.  She appears to be youthful.  She has sparkling green eyes and pristine fair skin.  She has shoulder length, tousled cherry red hair framing her face in a disheveled, carefree style.  She has a well-defined, heart-shaped face and slightly pointed ears.  She has alternating cherry and vanilla polish brushed onto her neatly rounded fingernails.
A myriad of ethereal confections appear to be following her every move.
Miniature yellow treble clefs spiral outward from her before fading away.
Her hands are covered in a light dusting of sugar.
Colorful, wispy threads shimmer in and out of existence, twining and dancing freely around a white imflass manacle encircling her left wrist.  Its empty keyway is outlined in a bold red glow that pulsates rhythmically.
She is wearing a shimmering cherry red cloak, a leaf-spangled imflass scabbard slung over her shoulder, some shiny red zelnorn chain mail emblazoned with a large white leaf, a ribbon-laced white silk blouse, a pure white imflass manacle painted with a bold red leaf, a side-slit knee-length red silk skirt adorned with a dozen white bells, a silk-lined imflass thigh-sheath, and some showy red silk sandals laced with leaf-patterned silk ribbon.

Her "Adventurer Casual" outfit, which is everyday attire suitable for flipping between battle and chatter on a whim. I'm in the camp of picturing torso chain mail as just chain mail, so most of her body is unprotected by armor as I envision her, but that doesn't matter since she's a cleric well defended by spells; her wearing heavier armor is more a symbolic gesture about having a powerful core, or something like that. Speaking of symbolic, her manacle is a mysterious item whose backstory I haven't delved into yet, but it notably lacks a chain.

The shimmering cherry red cloak has a script that makes it unalterable, so to make it not stand out as her only short description clothing, I gave her a very simple blouse and included her FancySheaths (normally hidden in other trinket sets), since those also can't have long descriptions. It's an interesting contrast, I think.

See other outfits on the subpage here!


Please see each individual subpage for more detail! Subpages marked with a * are official Landing storylines while those without are the more laid-back pace of occasional events between big stories.

Background (prior to moving to the Landing)

Eyes of the Dawn* (mid-late 5116)

Keeping Up with the Kestrels* (all 5117)

Rise of Rone* (early 5118)

A Period of Tenuous Peace (mid-5118)

The Rone Resurgence* (mid-late 5118)

Autumnwind of Change (late 5118 to early 5119)

Witchful Thinking* (mid-late 5119)

(still to update: All That Remains, Blood Son, A Knight to Remember)


Logs, Talks, and Interviews

Leafiara's Tales (Character Vignettes)

(These are stories, mostly posted to the official forums, surrounding events from Leafi's life in the Landing.)

During Eyes of the Dawn

4 vignettes!

Crisis of Conscience and Clash of Character (October 17, 2016)

Leafi, having recently learned of her friend Crux's past misdeeds, grapples with his history and its implications for her. She concludes that as long as the Landing is widely aware and hasn't exiled him, then perhaps he's changed and her conscience is clear.

The Only Recognition... (October 25, 2016)

Haunted by dreams of a deep-rooted desire to kill Chaston Griffin, Leafi fights to remember her friends and resist the urge of losing herself in being consumed by vengeance.

Proudly Introducing... (October 29, 2016)

As she reaches a benchmark in her training, the overly optimistic Leafiara registers her High Lady title!

A Letter Forever Undelivered (November 16, 2016)

After having seen Landing defenders kill an army of children under Chaston's control during the final battle to prevent the activation of the obelisk, Leafi struggles with the question of what was right.

During Keeping Up with the Kestrels

2 vignettes!

A Trio of Letters (March 29, 2017)

Leafi congratulates new Mayor Crux and thanks her own supporters from the recent campaign season with a message of unity and optimism.

In Tilamaire's Sanctuary (December 24, 2017)

With most of the Kestrel family now dead, Leafi sorts through her feelings and fallout from their year near the Landing. Although her stance on Rysus had shifted when he threatened Reannah, as she had thought he should have focused his efforts on Dennet where they belonged, she can't shake a lingering feeling that the town would have been better off if an arrow had flown through Dennet's skull.

Between Rise of Rone and The Rone Resurgence

3 vignettes!

Morning Musings (May 4, 2018)

Leafi considers whether to attempt to join the militia or the Rooks, but settles on neither and refocuses on finding her own path forward toward killing Raznel.

A Coraesine Carol (May 11, 2018)

After a night of singing to herself alone, Leafi in her dreams has visions of past conversations with friends about the meaning and philosophy behind heroism and justice--and a warning about being consumed by vengeance in her future.

A Very Bloodriven Vacation (June 14, 2018)

While slaying bandits on a routine patrol, Leafi considers what, if anything, is the moral difference between her and the vigilante Rone, Malluch Burdos. Her concerns grow as she considers her love of the Duskruin Arena.

During The Rone Resurgence

3 vignettes!

To the Brotherhood (September 2, 2018)

Leafi posts notice to the Rooks expressing sorrow that the second Rone vigilante has attacked them, but asks them to cease catching innocents in the crossfire of retaliation and leave the fight to others.

The Second Rone Bounty (September 7, 2018)

Leafi notices that the town council has issued a bounty on capturing the second Rone, but recalls their failure to pay her and others who aided with their bounty on capturing the first Rone.

Rook Remorse (October 6-7, 2018)

After having been tricked by Praxopius into playing a role in Rysus' demise, Leafi attempts to get word to the Rooks that she won't rest easy until the Alchemist is dead.

Between The Rone Resurgence and Witchful Thinking

4 vignettes!

Money Money Money (December 2, 2018)

Leafi continues seeking money from Solhaven's Adventurer's Guild to fund her ongoing mission to grow stronger for the eventual battle against Raznel.

Mother and Mother (February 14, 2019)

By instinct, Leafi doubts new Rook leader Mother's words as too good to be true, but remembers her own mother's words of caution against oversimplifying the world as if it were one of the morality plays she acted in.

Ashes to Ashes (April 4, 2019)

Leafi passes by Goblyn's burned-down Pie Shop and ponders with a music shop apprentice, Kanona, what that might mean in the context of Ta'Vaalor building a nearby outpost.

Militia Surprise (April 9, 2019)

A surprised Leafi wonders why Marshal Thadston has accepted her militia application so quickly despite her history with the Rooks.

During Witchful Thinking

10 vignettes!

No Matter the Situation (July 25, 2019)

After noticing how others are losing their cool as struggles against the witch Raznel escalate, Leafi contemplates the importance of her many friends who can smile through troubled times and keep the town whole.

In Noise, Melody; in Chaos, Choreography (August 22, 2019)

Wearing a memento gown and sandals of the Princess Mynalari who Raznel had slain, Leafi lures out bandits by presenting herself as a helpless noble. She attempts to find answers about Raznel's goals by drawing upon Tilamaire's power to attune to the connecting sounds of all things as her magic strikes them down.

A Matter of Will (September 25, 2019)

Leafi registers a living will at Moot Hall to pass down her valuables in case she doesn't survive the ongoing battles with Raznel.

Cleric of Life, Angel of Death (October 4, 2019)

Leafi continues to reflect on what Raznel's goals could be and how to get a step ahead of her, this time seeking answers in past patterns of Raznel and Naimorai among others. She lands on an unsettling conclusion that it's possible Raznel had been operating any number of machinations through others, potentially even using her to eliminate Rysus.

Change of Plans (November 2, 2019)

A tearful Leafi receives a timely reminder from her fiancee Saranja, convincing her not to lose herself in ugliness and the pursuit of vengeance against Raznel, but to save lives and protect as she's always done.

Anything But Neutral (November 26, 2019)

Faced with Marshal Thadston's orders to evacuate Landing citizens, even the unwilling, in advance of a possible Raznel attack, Leafi finds herself unable to maintain neutrality as a TownCrier reporter and gives the task to her mother Florania for the night.

Who Are You People? (November 26, 2019)

While evacuating townspeople, Leafi finds herself confronting stinging backlash, both physical and verbal, from those who don't wish to leave--and she will not tell them to go.

Balancing Act (November 27, 2019)

The day after Leafi, Maags, Puptilian, Wolfloner, the Rooks, and the citizens themselves had stopped Marshal Thadston from evacuating people against their will, Leafi quickly takes to training new recruits and at last feels her decision to join the militia was right.

Return to Form (November 29, 2019)

Leafi talks with a new militia recruit on the importance of determination and the inner fire.

Awaiting Orders (December 2, 2019)

With Pylasar having taken his possible final trip into the past and Marshal Thadston now lost in the Bleaklands, Leafi reflects on who the two men were or are.

Between Witchful Thinking and All That Remains

5 vignettes!

The Light of Hope, Death, and Chaos (January 17, 2020)

Leafi considers the opposing views of Grishom Stone and Raznel and rejects both, making peace with death being intertwined as a part of life, but is interrupted by a mysterious figure appearing to be a Rook.

Last Dream Standing (February 1, 2020)

The mysterious figure, now appearing to be a Rone and calling itself "Echo," confronts Leafi again and seems to know her inner thoughts as it even presents her with a memento of her past that shouldn't be in its possession. As she faces an existential crisis, she prepares for her return to Duskruin Arena and realizes its true significance to her.

The Chaos Ahead (April 1, 2020)

Newly elected Mayor Leafi pens a letter to the Landing thanking everyone and laying out plans for the future.

A letter from Sir Cryheart (April 18, 2020)

Mayor Leafi sends a letter from Sir Cryheart to Earl Jovery, formalizing town approval of its contents, which warn of the potential dangers of Grand Magister Octaven.

An Exercise in Futility (April 22, 2020)

After a confrontation with the militia leads Grand Magister Octaven to finally make good on her overdue reparations for destroying the Landing's defense towers two and a half years earlier, Mayor Leafi attempts to pen a letter quelling townspeople's fears about the Hall of Mages, but soon learns that politicking isn't her style.

During All That Remains

4 vignettes!

Planning Essentials (May 5, 2020)

Mayor Leafi considers whether to ally with the Rooks or Empire against the Fist, but dismisses both as unnecessary and supplies town defenders with information on their foes.

For Your Consideration (May 11, 2020)

Mayor Leafi further rallies town defenders with possible moves against the Fist's forces.

Factions and Factors: Last Mission Standing (May 15, 2020)

Mayor Leafi writes to Marshal Thadston, Lady Vlashandra, and Mist Harbor's Administrator Ilsola with information on the efforts to rescue Aralyte and the identity of the Fist.

A Series of Second Thoughts (May 16, 2020)

Mayor Leafi questions her intuition about Vlashandra being evil, but concludes that even if she is, the one thing that must be honored is the people's free decisions to aid her.

Between All That Remains and Blood Son

1 vignette!

Shadows of the Past (June 11, 2020)

As Mayor Leafi rids herself of shadow energy from entering the shadow valence, she uses Crux's ritual to draw it out by focusing on dark thoughts--and her darkest go to the manipulator Vlashandra.

During Blood Son

6 vignettes!

Time and Opportunity (July 8, 2020)

While Mayor Leafi is considering the motives of the Blood Son, Malluch Burdos, and whether he's truly aligned with Grishom Stone, a concerned citizen confronts her about the matter and urges preemptive action.

Everybody Dies and (Almost) Everybody Lies (July 19, 2020)

After a caravan coming for Malluch's healing is burned by unknown attackers, Mayor Leafi searches for evidence on their identities and requests Guard Captain Khylon's aid.

Final considerations (August 3, 2020)

After Malluch asks for a pardon due to Praxopius' influence over his days as the vigilante Rone, hoping that it will deter Marshal Thadston from attacking his camp containing civilians, Mayor Leafi raises the idea that it could result in the Rooks or the new Rone pursuing him instead.

To the Marshal (August 6, 2020)

Mayor Leafi attempts to dissuade Marshal Thadston from issuing a bounty on Malluch. Thadston refrains from the bounty, but persists in rejecting the camp and threatens insubordinate militia members with expulsion, leaving Leafi to sharpen her blades and prepare for the worst.

Rendering Judgment (August 7, 2020)

After a meeting with Thadston sees him exhibiting strange behavior and seizing Captain Stormyrain's arm, Mayor Leafi petitions Judge Renpaw for his removal until a magical phenomenon afflicting him can be resolved.

A two-fold matter of propriety (August 10, 2020)

Mayor Leafi writes Judge Renpaw once more, adding Thadston's Operation Stonewall and his secrecy from his own militia captains to the list of reasons to seek removal. However, in recognition of the conflict of interest in a mayor removing a council member whose seat she can then replace, she further writes to the town council, proposing amended laws for citizen voting to fill expelled seats instead.

During A Knight to Remember

22 vignettes!

A letter to Casiphia (September 7, 2020)

Mayor Leafi writes to Lady Casiphia about the possibility of contacting the erithians who are curing Disean to work on curing the now-former Marshal Thadston of possession by the bleakwalker.

Echoes of Mayors Past (September 10, 2020)

After new citizen Amos offers to fill in the now-vacant role of militia marshal, Mayor Leafi presents the idea to the militia captains and asks their opinion while arguing that he's not the right fit. Afterward, she reflects on parallels between her dilemmas and those of past mayors.

A Rolling Rone Gathers No Moss, or, Re-Outmaneuvering Oneself (September 10, 2020, later that day)

After Judge Renpaw rules that Marshal Thadston was within his rights to exclude the militia captains from his Operation Stonewall and doesn't need to be transparent, Mayor Leafi wonders if Mother will try to seize on the opportunity. Leafi decides to preempt her by being transparent anyway in seeking an alliance... not with her, but with the vigilante Rone!

A series of letters (September 19, 2020)

Mayor Leafi writes to Judge Renpaw to delay the Steward of the Guilds appointment due to ongoing attacks against the candidates, to Guard Captain Khylon to tighten security until her militia marshal appointment is formalized, and to Mother about whether her recent attacks against Thadston and Amos are signs of the Rooks reverting to their old ways or if there's upheaval within the Brotherhood.

A Second Second Chance (September 23, 2020)

At Captain Stormyrain's suggestion, Mayor Leafi writes to Mother seeking a meeting between her, town defenders, and militia leadership.

Notes on Thadston (November 1, 2020)

Mayor Leafi is surprised to discover that, during a sleep-induced burst of inspiration the night before, she'd written down countless theories on how to remove the bleakwalker from Thadston.

Problems and Profits (November 12, 2020)

As Mayor Leafi's shop profits from chrisms while the Landing faces war, she chats with her shop clerk about the unexpectedly high number of citizens who seem to be Rooks.

Knavesayer (November 21, 2020)

Mayor Leafi inquires with Alendrial about the veracity of Amos' claims of working with the Scions of Shaundara.

Don't Again, Dunigan (November 22, 2020)

Mayor Leafi requests that new Guard Captain Dunigan rescind the bounty on Rone in an effort to protect civilians.

Coreful Consideration (December 4, 2020)

Mayor Leafi considers whether Amos is leading town defenders into a trap to rescue Thrayzar.

Another trio of letters (January 22, 2021)

Mayor Leafi writes three letters to Councilwoman Alendrial, Judge Renpaw, and Guard Captain Dunigan in attempts to defuse a situation after Dunigan's armigers had arrested militia Captains Shinann and Stormyrain, then She reflects on her own role in attacking the armigers over said arrest--both why she did it and what it entails for her future.

Winter Chills (January 23, 2021)

As Mayor Leafi faces the mystery of the newly formed Darkstone Bay Consortium, she seeks a meeting with Lady Larsya, who's likely the richest of them and certainly the only one not a Landing citizen.

Offshore Banking, Offstore Flanking (January 25, 2021)

Operating on the suspicion that Amos is behind the Knave and the Darkstone Bay Consortium, Mayor Leafi moves her silvers away from the Landing to distant towns.

Margin of Error (January 30, 2021)

Faced with Mother having offered an unusually straightforward deal to retrieve the bleakstone statue for Thadston in exchange for help with an attack against the Knave, Mayor Leafi ponders the possibility of a trap.

The Inner Fire (February 9, 2021)

After the Darkstone Bay Consortium's replacement judge Manard removes Mayor Leafi from power and the Consortium votes among itself to suspend elections, she writes to the Scions of Shaundara for aid with intel and unraveling Amos' schemes.

*SNAP* (February 10, 2021)

Music shop apprentice Kanona visits her friend Leafi, acting undercover as a spy for the armigers, but Leafi puts on a show of going mad, having already assumed she was a spy, and counter-spies on her with a familiar.

Behind the Curtain (February 18, 2021)

An unknown, invisible messenger warns the Raging Thrak to protect Newsby as she operates out of his inn and calls for boycotts of the Consortium's shops.

Call to Action (February 19, 2021)

Leafiara, announcing herself as "Mayor of the People," says she'll honor the people's vote for a one year term and continue until the regularly scheduled end time, then calls the Landing to action in saving the town.

Don't Go Overboard Now (April 1, 2021)

A mysterious man claiming to be a recent Rook recruit begins a dialogue with Leafi and urges her to listen to her instincts and temptations, stop holding back out of deference to the law, and become the dark hero the Landing needs. However, the longer she hears him out, the more she pushes back.

To Serve and Reject "To Impose and Protect" (May 3, 2021)

After Cordarius appoints Amos the Steward of the Guilds and Dunigan the Steward of the Guard in order to convince the Consortium to unsuspend elections, Leafi considers the ramifications. She writes to Thadston and town defenders that it would be wrong for them to continue to defend the town after Amos said their help was unnecessary and the government has sided with him, and says that while she expects them to fight on anyway, she'll stand down to honor the people's choice.

Perception and Reality (May 6, 2021)

Having been unable to persuade Mother that the Rooks should forge a formal alliance with the militia, Leafi moves on to instead suggest that the Rooks unmask to prove that they're the Landing citizens they claim they are, changing perceptions and therefore the tide of battle.

Purity and Clarity (May 14, 2021)

As Leafi finds her body unable to recover from the battles against the Knave, the mysterious entity Echo appears before her again to elucidate her dilemma: turning away from the battlefield will betray her mission to save lives, but continuing to take the battlefield will perpetuate the people's mistaken notion that they've been saved by heroes who defeated the Knave, and she finds neither acceptable.

Non-Canonical Vignettes

[OOC note: These are vignettes I wrote (or, more often, started writing) that never happened and aren't in Leafi's canon, for reasons explained in the pages themselves. Even though they didn't happen, I'm sharing anyway just because... well, I wrote them, so I might as well, right?]

Song Parodies

(still to find and post: Social Norms (Let It Go) from March 2020, Pure and True (Let It Go (yes, again)) from May 29 2021, Plucky from June 18 2021)



  • Adventure
  • Chocolate and all sweets
  • Dance
  • Fighting competitions such as the Festival of the Fallen or events held at the Icemule Trace Brawling Tavern
  • Ladies, especially elven and half-elven ones (including sylvans and dark elves)
  • Music
  • Rescuing
  • Shoes, especially sandals
  • The Brotherhood of Rooks (at least in theory)
  • Theater
  • Top three forms of good in her eyes: 1) self-sacrifice, 2) speaking truth to power, 3) giving the benefit of the doubt
  • Wehnimer's Landing


  • Bureaucracy
  • Cowardice
  • High heels
  • Prejudice
  • Slavers
  • Stoics
  • Stuffy clothing or armor
  • Ta'Vaalor
  • The Turamzzyrian Empire (mostly)
  • Top three forms of evil in her eyes: 1) taking away others' freedoms systemically, 2) lying, 3) stealing


  • Acceptance despite being half-sylvan
  • Being a great resurrection-specializing cleric
  • Excitement in everyday life
  • Recognition of heroic deeds
  • Staying young at heart--and in body


  • Boredom
  • Giving in to vengeful feelings, in case her friends are right that there's no turning back on that road
  • Hurting loved ones
  • Inability to save a life
  • Learning of some great power that could tempt or corrupt her
  • Maturing
  • Mind control
  • Normalcy
  • Pain
  • Rejection
  • Slavery

Other Quirks

...she has a lot of quirks. Click here.
  • A natural auditory learner who can remember tones, cadences, and inflections well; between that and Tilamaire's blessing (see further below), she can easily remember and transcribe conversations for The TownCrier after the fact
  • Can be as greedy with money as she is generous with time and energy
  • Can have a conspiracy theorist bent at times; a [[::Deity_messaging#Divine_Wrath_.28335.29|Divine Wrath using Tilamaire's power]] gives her a brief window of hearing a "greater harmony" and connection between the sounds of all things ("CASTER begins to hum softly, a sweet, soft melody that somehow manages to harmonize with every random noise and tiny sound of your surroundings."), which she ordinarily can't hear on her own, so she assumes there must be other harmonies and connections normally imperceptible to her
  • Dashes about in a hurry a lot of the time
  • Doesn't ever lie consciously (though she might deflect)
  • Doesn't ever swear even mildly
  • Extremely naive about romance, even after being engaged to five fiancees
  • Fairly desensitized to most death, since as a cleric she's surrounded by it all the time (but she can get very upset over a death she thinks she could have prevented; see fears)
  • Feels uncomfortable and out of harmony with nature if she wears long sleeves, pants, or fully enclosed shoes (like boots) longer than a couple hours
  • Has a somewhat limited vocabulary, despite her more eloquent mother Florania's best efforts to teach her
  • Places such an extreme value on freedom that she can border on seeking anarchy, but tends to be law-abiding anyway by happenstance since most of her moral compass lines up with the laws
  • Rather detached about the Arkati and lesser spirits, as clerics go, except for Tilamaire and Cholen due to the story of how the former ascended by acquiring power from the latter; however, she has passing respect for Cholen, Kai, V'tull, Onar, Imaera, Tonis, and Leya just going by baseline knowledge that most anyone would have about them, along with an ongoing simultaneous fascination with The Huntress and a fear that one day she might follow that path
  • Romanticizes the heroism of knights as they're presented in plays, but pragmatically thinks spies are more important for protecting the innocent
  • Tends to brush off praise and criticism alike
  • Too impatient and full of energy to study magic and magical items in a traditional academic way, but is blessed by Tilamaire with an ability to hear and adapt to the inner musical harmony of magic around her, essentially allowing her to develop her talent and magical strength in a passive and subconscious way; her always-ongoing learning has led her to great magical power for her young age, giving off the impression of a prodigy
  • Willing and eager to throw herself into nearly any dangerous plan that poses risk of her being killed or seriously hurt, but straight-laced about refusing to do anything that will definitely hurt even slightly, like getting a piercing or tattoo


Mechanical Tidbits

Project Weapons

See here to read about all sorts of fancy stuff that probably has wildly outdated information by now!

Artisan skills

In the skill of forging - crafting, you are a master with 500 ranks.
In the skill of forging - one handed edged, you are a master with 500 ranks.
In the skill of forging - pole arms, you are a master with 500 ranks.
In the skill of forging - brawling weapons, you are a master with 500 ranks.
In the skill of cobbling, you are a master with 500 ranks.


Your current skill level in woodwind instruments is Apprentice.
Your current skill level in necked stringed instruments is Apprentice.
Your current skill level in stringed instruments is Apprentice.
Your current skill level in percussion instruments is Apprentice.
Your current skill level in horn-type instruments is Apprentice.

Guild skills

You are Guild Master of the Cleric Guild.
You are a Master of General Alchemy.
You are a Master of Alchemic Potions.
You are a Master of Alchemic Trinkets.